Embossed Tea Kettle (Selections) - Hakuin Zenji Yasen Kanna



Selections from Hakuin Zenji's Yasen Kanna, or Chat on a Boat in the Evening where he reveals the secret of the elxer of life that retstored him to health from Zen sickness and that contains the secrets of the Taoist immortals.Hakuin was one of the great Zen masters of Japan and he reveals these teachings that he learned as a sickly young zen monk to his students who are withering under the intense cultivation of Zen. Hakuin speaks directly to us as a greatgrandfather would, conveying timeless ancient wisdom right into our ears.And he reveals them to all of us so that we can truly laugh and have great energy throughout our life. This incredibly lovely volume,was originally published in R.D.M. Shaw's The Embossed Tea Kettle. Crompton rightly republished these selections that we are so fortunate to have.

Transcript of Embossed Tea Kettle (Selections) - Hakuin Zenji Yasen Kanna