Email Review - Design & Creati ve Checklist

Email Review - Design & Creave Checklist


This actionable checklist is a compilation of Marketo best practices around deliverability and email marketing.This comprehensive pre-flight check maximizes the probability of the email reaching the intended inbox, all before the marketer hits send. Using this checklist will ensure that all deliverability best practices are implemented before any marketing campaign launches.

Transcript of Email Review - Design & Creati ve Checklist

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Email Review - Design & Creati ve Checklist

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Introducti on

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Message & Creati ve Offerandcontentmatchsubjectline Yes NoOfferexplainswhat’sinitforme(WIIFM) Yes NoHeadlinesarecalls-to-action Yes NoScanablecontentblocks Yes NoBulletpoints Yes NoImagessupportcopy Yes NoImagesdon’treplacecopy Yes NoImage-basedcalls-to-action Yes NoAllimagesareclickable Yes NoFullimagesclickable(Noimagemaps) Yes NoTextbasedcalls-to-action Yes NoActionwordsclickable(mostverbsclickable) Yes NoSenseofurgency Yes NoObviouspricing(i.e.Sale) Yes NoReaderreviews/Testimonials Yes No

Brand & Design – Conversion Opti mizati on

Brand Recogniti on Elements

Recognizablebrandnameandmessagepurpose Yes NoClearmessagepurpose Yes No •Operational •Marketing

Brand is included in

Friendlyfromaddress(Displayname) Yes NoEmailalias Yes NoSubjectline Yes No

Design Impact Elements

Goodvaluestatement/snippettext Yes NoViewableonlinelink Yes NoAlttagsonimages Yes NoCompanylogoincluded Yes NoBrandnameintextcopy Yes No


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Preview Pane Elements

Wheretheviewerdecidestoreadtheemail: •Howdoesthepreviewpanelookwithimagesturnedoff/on? •Howdoesthekeyareaof2-3inchesofscreenlook? •Isthesnippettextcompelling?

Valuestatementortableofcontents(TOC)present Yes NoViewableonlinelink Yes NoViewmobilelink Yes NoLogo(withalttext) Yes NoClearcall-to-actionabovethefold Yes No


Standardscreenresolution(1024x768):MastheadpixelsWidth(550-650ideal) Height(200-400ideal) Coloruse

Tablesbasedplacement Yes NoBulletedtext Yes NoAlttextbulletimages Yes No

Trust Center

Unsubscribelanguage Yes NoCompanyname Yes NoCompanyaddress/Phone Yes NoCompanyURL Yes NoPrivacypolicyURL Yes NoCopyrights/Trademarks Yes No“Youhavereceivedthisemailbecause” Yes No“Thisemailwassentto” Yes No“Addtoaddressbook” Yes NoChangeemailpreferences Yes No

Viral Growth & User Generated ContentItems to experiment with in your emails.

Forward-to-friend Yes NoSubscribe Yes NoComments Yes NoMembershipprograms Yes NoFeedback Yes NoSurvey Yes No

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Under550 550-600 600-650 Over650Under200 200-300 300-400 Over400Fonts Links Borders Cells


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Blog Yes NoVideolinks Yes NoSearch Yes NoEditorials` Yes No

Common Spam Signatures to AvoidAvoidthesetoavoidcontentbasedfiltering: •FontSize(8pt<>14pt) Yes No •Repetitiveuseofkeywords Yes No •Flashorrichmedia Yes No •Misspelledwords Yes No •Invisiblefonts(whiteonwhite) Yes No •Fullcapitalizationofwords Yes No •Lightgrey/redfonts Yes No •Non-ASCIIcharacters Yes No •Missing<title>tag Yes No •PhishingURL Yes No •Javascript Yes No •Attachments Yes No •Forms Yes No •Embeddedimages Yes No

For more best practices and tools on email deliverability, visit Marketo’s Resource Center:
