Elvi Yarni (a1c112039) Flame Colors of Some Alkali Metals

FLAME COLORS OF SOME ALKALI METALS AND ALKALI EARTH Alkali metals Litium Natrium Rubidium Alkali Earth Magnesium Calsium Stronsium Flame colors The group of 1A or alkali metals are have melting point and boiling point low from Litium (Li) until Skandium (Fr).And then ionization energies are low,electron configuration of alkali metals are (He) 2s 1 , (Ne)3s 1 , (Ar) 4s 1 ,( Kr)5s 1 , ( Xe)6s 1 .On this picture are flame colors of


flame colors

Transcript of Elvi Yarni (a1c112039) Flame Colors of Some Alkali Metals


Alkali metalsLitium Natrium Rubidium Alkali EarthMagnesium Calsium Stronsium Flame colorsThe group of 1A or alkali metals are have melting point and boiling point low from Litium (Li) until Skandium (Fr).And then ionization energies are low,electron configuration of alkali metals are (He) 2s1 , (Ne)3s1, (Ar) 4s1,( Kr)5s1,( Xe)6s1.On this picture are flame colors of Litiium,Natrium,and Rubidium.Three of alkali metals are for example strongly emit visible light when the elements or the campound ae heated in a gas flame.The flame takes on a distinctive color determind by the particular element,and the color flame is referred to as a flame test for the element.The flame can using some procedure are: The first prepare some tools as bunsen,reaktion tube,nikrom wire,and reaktion tube rack,And material to using are Alcohol,NaCl solution,LiCl solution, and Barium solution.After all prepare,take nikrom wire and burn on bunsen fire,after that dip on the NaCl solution in reaktion tube,finally burn again to bunsen fire,see flame color of Nacl,the color of NaCl is yellow.And see flame colors of Rubidium and LiCl with same procedur,the color LiCl is red,and Rubidium is RedThe group of 2 A Or alkali earth metals have the lowest ionization energies,and all these elements exhibit flame colors.Elektron konfiguration of alkali earth are (He) 2s2, (Ne) 3s2, (Ar) 4s2, (Kr) 5s2, (Ba) 6s2.Trellis of atom are increase and ,amphoteric.Flame colors of alkali earth are identification Magnesium (Mg), Calsium (Ca) and Stronsium (Sr). Color of Magnesium is white, Kalsium is orange and Stronsium is green.The procedure to see colors of alkali earth same with alkali metals.First time, nikrom wire burn on fire of bunsen,and then dip on CaCl solution in reaktion tube and finally see calor of SrCl,and BaCl.