Elluminate Live training advanced

Welcome to the Advanced eLive session Facilitator: Susie Macfarlane



Transcript of Elluminate Live training advanced

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Welcome to the AdvancedeLive session

Facilitator: Susie Macfarlane

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• Sharing documents • Using multimedia and quiz library• Managing screens• Troubleshooting in eLive• Session planning

Learning outcomes

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Orienting participants• Tools > Audio > Audio Setup Wizard• Explain Emoticons and whiteboard• Explain use of raise hand tool

During• Provide structure and clarity• Welcome everyone• Check for understanding frequently

Reminder: Supporting participants

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1. Click icon at the top of the Participant list to turn off all participants permission to chat for example.

* However in general the best strategy is to discuss and encourage eLive etiquette rather than control students

Assigning Permissions – All

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1. Click individual Participant’s icon to give or remove their permission to use that function.

• This can be useful if student has left mike on. Turn it off, then turn it on again to allow them to use it.

Assigning Permission - individual

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• Share applications (e.g. Word, excel, pdf) or• Share desktop

• This allows all participants to view (and one to contribute) to document

• Tip: have the document you wish to share open before you enter eLive so it appears in the list of programs you can share

Share applications

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Sharing applications allows you to:• Show unit guide• Demonstrate searching• Demonstrate calculations or programming• Critique a paper or document

• Students authoring document– Only one participant at once can edit a document– Right click on student’s name and choose “Give document


Teaching approaches

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Photograph of facilitator• Personalise - especially good for off-campus students

Options:• Screencapture of webcam• Insert image – picture of you

Using Multimedia: Social presence

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Video cam• Turn on your Web cam: • To enable 6 webcams: Tools > Video > max sim cameras

• Advantages: social connection• Disadvantages: bandwidth issues

Using Multimedia: Social presence

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• Window > Multimedia Library• Participants must have

appropriate file viewer to view files

• Upload files• Upload a URL• Delete file• Play file

Using Multimedia

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• Window > Multimedia Library• Participants must have

appropriate file viewer to view files

• Upload files• Upload a URL• Delete file• Play file

Using Multimedia

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• Window > Multimedia Library• Participants must have

appropriate file viewer to view files

• Upload files• Upload a URL• Delete file• Play file

Using Multimedia

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• Window > Multimedia Library• Participants must have

appropriate file viewer to view files

• Upload files• Upload a URL• Delete file• Play file

Using Multimedia

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You can• Create quiz questions and store as a quiz• Hand out quiz with timer• Go through answers with participants• Save results

Quiz Library

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• To re-order, delete or copy screens:– Tools > Whiteboard > Explore Screens– Keyboard shortcut is CTL Shift S

Commands:To delete a screen: Click on a slide > press Del on keyboardTo delete several screen: CTRL click each slide > Press DelTo re-order a screen: Click and drag it to new positionTo copy a screen: CTRL drag the slide to new position

Managing your Screens

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• To save a whole set of Screens

Click File > Save > Whiteboard

You can choose all screens, or select particular screens to save.This whiteboard can then be uploaded into a new eLive session.

Managing your Screens

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A. Web tourB. Breakout roomsC. Document sharingD. PollingE. Sending files

What is the best feature of eLive?

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Have you had any technical issues using eLive?


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Issue Solution

PowerPoint doesn’t load Prevent: close PowerPoint files prior to uploading

Try again

[fix] Use another browser

Student wants to load Ppt [fix] Make them moderator (right click on their name)

Can’t select files to share [Prevent]: Open files prior to launching eLive

[Prevent]: Keep files on same monitor as eLive

Web tour doesn’t launch [Work around]: Paste URL in chat box so participants can open website on their own computer

Troubleshooting solutions

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Issue Solution

Audio cuts out [f] Reduce audio channels to 1: Tools > Audio > Max sim speakers

Headset not working

[P] Plug in headset before launching eLive

[f] Audio check: Tools > Audio > Audio setup wizard

[f] Audio check: Tools > Audio > Select Input/Output Device

[f] Control panel: Set headset as default device

Your mike locked off (as channel unavailable)

[f] Increase number mikes: Tools > Audio > max sim speakers

[f] Turn off students mike in Participant Permissions window, then turn permission back on

Student speaker feedback

[P] Ask student to turn off mike when not talking

[P] Suggest students use headset next time

Student audio delay

[f] Suggest student reduce connection speed setting: Tools > Preferences > Connection > Connection Speed

Troubleshooting Audio

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Issue Solution

Student unable to access session

Check they are in the right place

Check they have downloaded Java files

Ask them to try another browser

Ask them to contact ITSD

Student ejected Continue session, welcome them when they return, at end of session cover areas they missed

You are ejected Return to session

Use another browser to enter session

Restart computer and re-enter session

Troubleshooting Access

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• Planning– Define learning objectives – Develop session plan outlining each activity and eLive tools and

commands– Design experiential activities, polling questions and discussions to

ensure LOs are attained– Develop resources and review with colleague– Give access and tech support instructions to students on DSO or

Unit Guide (in eLive guide)

Session Planning

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• Session preparation– Open webpages for web tour– Open documents to share and check you can– Create breakout rooms if required (easier to distribute ppts)– Upload PowerPoint including orientation instructions– Be in eLive room 10 mins early to greet students

• During session - Create social presence- Ask about and respond to needs of participants- Get feedback about students’ learning and confidence re concepts or skills

Session Planning

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• Breakout rooms – Provide activity, questionnaire, topic– Group discussion and report back (import whiteboards)

• Web tour– Activities: find information, use tools, report on findings

• Student presentations– Can work together in eLive during week to prepare– Resources: students can either email their Powerpoints to you to upload, or you can give

them moderator privilege

• Students facilitate whole eLive session

• Other ideas?

Session Planning: Student generated learning

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• What have you done that worked well?

• What are you doing next in eLive?

• What would you like to explore further?

Sharing ideas and best practice

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• Challenge yourself to do more student-centred and active learning in eLive– What is the topic– What do you want students to do by the end– What can you get students to do to learn or practice this?

• Discuss your eLive work in your school• Support colleagues to implement teaching activities in

eLive• Mentor your colleagues in eLive sessions

What next?

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ITL eLive help guideshttp://www.deakin.edu.au/itl/dso/guides/guide-list.php

Elluminate Live documentationhttp://www.elluminate.com/support/docs/9.5/moderator.jsp

eLive Interface guideStaff: http://www.deakin.edu.au/itl/dso/guides/qg-elive-use-interface.pdfStudents: http://www.deakin.edu.au/itl/dso/guides/qg-elive-participants.pdf

Low bandwidth best practice guidehttp://www.elluminate.com/support/docs/Best_Practices_for_Low_Bandwidth_Connections.pdf

eLive 9.5 upgrade – new featureshttp://www.deakin.edu.au/itl/dso/guides/qg-elive-new-features.pdf


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Thanks everyone!

[email protected] 7790