
How Customer Experiences Drive Business Growth in 2023


How Customer Experiences Drive Business Growth in 2023 Embracing a customer-centric mindset in 2023 is crucial in the B2B landscape, as customer experience solutions will be the most significant brand differentiator.  B2B organizations must take up the ante against B2B counterparts when creating a tailored customer experience.  According to a study, B2B customer-experience index ratings are significantly less than B2C.  Business-to-business companies average less than 50% on the customer experience index, whereas business-to-customer companies range between 65-85%. It is high time to shift gears from focusing on enhancing the CX during the persona’s journey to anticipating loyalty-building and customer retention. An exceptional CX begins before a buyer’s data is entered into the CRM. Understanding The B2B Customer Experience Customer experience is the impression that a company leaves with its buyers. The ‘intensity’ of the impression will decide your brand’s reputation, creating an algorithmic ripple effect on the mindset and customer journey. In a nutshell, Customer experience solutions and brand value are directly proportional and intrinsically connected. Customer Experience and Customer Loyalty: The Next Evolution of The Brand There’s no brainer that customer experience solution is becoming synonymous with brand value. Hyper-focus on Customer experience is a critical component of brand evolution. This single element reminds B2B organizations that customer loyalty and CX are symbiotic. Creating a foundation, maintaining, and scaling the B2B customer relationships that foster higher levels of customer loyalty will require the firms to integrate the following strategic action plan. Credible Content People want to consume minimal content. Customers want content that addresses their pain points, informs them, and answer their questions. Your content must include thought leadership that nurtures the customer-brand relationship. Strategic content backed with newly found insights will help nurture an intimate and deep understanding of your target personas. Subsequently, it will result in a positive response from customers to your content through an increase in purchase frequency and brand advocacy. The Power of Progressive Profiling Progressive profiling will help you gather crucial insights about your buyer personas. It consists of a form with dynamic fields, which can be used to respond on the fly to gain customer retention and collate anonymous data to broaden the knowledge about your personas. These forms add a layer of personalization when coupled with dynamic content answers to their queries and play a vital role in the final purchase decision. Once you dig deep into your customer's psyche with the right tools and insights, you can craft specific journeys mapped to the wants, needs, and goals. Thus, avoiding any inadvertent U-turns during a buyer’s journey. Social Proof The universal truth about human psychology is that they tend to behave in a particular manner, and once a specific code of conduct becomes socially acceptable, there’s no going back. To put things from a marketing perspective, positive reviews, testimonials, awards, accolades, recognitions, partnerships, and case studies are all examples of social proof. They are bonafide social proof of credible good customer experiences. Thus, you can add this subtle yet effective marketing tactic to your landing pages, product pages, blog posts, and social media posts. Bottom Line: CX Solutions and Customer Loyalty Go Hand-in-Hand B2B organizations must treat customer experience and loyalty like two peas in a pod. If they are treated as siloed entities, the repercussion will negatively impact overall business growth. In 2023, measuring customer experiences via marketing metrics, creating an omnichannel content strategy, consistent customer interaction, and integrating social proof at every touchpoint will help you to have an overall market advantage in the long run.  All the efforts will result in engaging customer experiences and an increase in customer loyalty.  ContactPoint360 can help you discover and create new ways for your organization to channel your marketing approach in 2023. Contact us today to make meaningful and personalized CX solutions for your brand.