Elitmus Guide

MUST READ FOR ALL ELITMUS TEST TAKERS.. First of all if any one of you have given eLitmus exam you very well know that its not that easy to score well.... Sooooooo How come i can help you??? I can not teach you tricks over here... BUT i will share the Strategy to score 90+ in eLitmus. Trust me.... Jusstttt follow the rules and... you wont be disappointed. WHAT ARE BASIC RULES??? Divide the time as: 45-50 minutes for Quantitative, 45-50 minutes for Reasoning and Last 25-30 Minutes for English(not even a single second Exrta for English) Start solving paper from either Quantitative or Reasoning as according to your preference and command over the subject/topics. Most of you, will be tempted to start the paper from English coz its the easiest one, but trust me... That ain't gonna help you. Then go to the next section remaining among Quantitative and Reasoning And at last in Last 25-30 minutes go for English. HOW TO SOLVE EACH SECTION??? REASONING: Don't even look at the first questions... just turn the page and come to the last question i.e Data Interpretation. It will be a lengthy question BUT it will have FOUR questions associated with it. So TAKE YOUR TIME(even 15-20 minutes) and solve it. Don't get panicked that "I am taking too much time to solve this??? What about other questions??? Should i try other ones???" NO!!! FOCUS AND SOLVE THE QUESTIONS... AND ALL FOUR OF THEM. Now Don't look at 4th question until unless you are quite( i mean QUITE) good at Crypt-Arithmetic, you will jussttt waste your Precious time in analyzing it... for those who have no idea about What is Crypt-arithmetic??? "SEND+MORE=MONEY" type questions, where you have to find the value of the Alphabets used in the given equations. After you have completed Data interpretation, Skip 4th one(Crypt-arithmetic) and come to 3rd question i.e. Data Sufficiency(ek se answer aa jayega...dono se aajegaa...dono se ni ayegaa type). There are four questions... among them if you try... will be easily able to solve 2-3 questions(20-25 minutes). Now you have Solved 4+2(atleast questions), what it means.... It means you have secured 50+ marks in Reasoning section i.e. 80+ Percentile in Reasoning. Quite easy na???? Don't waste time in looking at other questions in reasoning section.....


guidance of elitmus

Transcript of Elitmus Guide

Page 1: Elitmus Guide


First of all if any one of you have given eLitmus exam you very well know that its not that easy to score well.... Sooooooo How come i can help you??? I can not teach you tricks over here... BUT i will share the Strategy to score 90+ in eLitmus.

Trust me.... Jusstttt follow the rules and... you wont be disappointed. WHAT ARE BASIC RULES???

Divide the time as: 45-50 minutes for Quantitative, 45-50 minutes for Reasoning and Last 25-30 Minutes for English(not even a single second Exrta for English)

Start solving paper from either Quantitative or Reasoning as according to your preference and command over the subject/topics. 

Most of you, will be tempted to start the paper from English coz its the easiest one, but trust me... That ain't gonna help you.

Then go to the next section remaining among Quantitative and ReasoningAnd at last in Last 25-30 minutes go for English.



Don't even look at the first questions... just turn the page and come to the last question i.e Data Interpretation. It will be a lengthy question BUT it will have FOUR questions associated with it. So TAKE YOUR TIME(even 15-20 minutes) and solve it. Don't get panicked that "I am taking too much time to solve this??? What about other questions??? Should i try other ones???" NO!!! FOCUS AND SOLVE THE QUESTIONS... AND ALL FOUR OF THEM.

Now Don't look at 4th question until unless you are quite( i mean QUITE) good at Crypt-Arithmetic, you will jussttt waste your Precious time in analyzing it... for those who have no idea about What is Crypt-arithmetic??? "SEND+MORE=MONEY" type questions, where you have to find the value of the Alphabets used in the given equations.

After you have completed Data interpretation, Skip 4th one(Crypt-arithmetic) and come to 3rd question i.e. Data Sufficiency(ek se answer aa jayega...dono se aajegaa...dono se ni ayegaa type). There are four questions... among them if you try... will be easily able to solve 2-3 questions(20-25 minutes).Now you have Solved 4+2(atleast questions), what it means.... It means you have secured 50+ marks in Reasoning section i.e. 80+ Percentile in Reasoning. Quite easy na???? Don't waste time in looking at other questions in reasoning section.....


So till now you have completed 5+ question in Reasoning in 40-50 minutes... now its turn for Quantitative.

Start from beginning:Read the question and decide weather you are able to solve it Right Now(coz its from the part in which you have stronghold, or from the topic which you have studied Previous Night :P) OR it will take some time you to solve it OR it is from the topic you have skipped/ no idea about the question. 

If it is First case-->> SOLVE IT AT THE MOMENT(Dont worry about time even if you take 8-10

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minutes to solve a single question as long as you are sure that you are solving it Correctly)... and Tick mark the question.

If it is Second case -->> Mark the circle on the question no. and move on to next question.... so that you can look at it in next round.

And if it is Third case-->> Cross mark the question.. so that you do not waste(each second counts) your time in going through that again.

By solving this way.... If you are able to solve 2-5 questions..... That is sufficient ... Trust me it is even more than juss sufficient... 

If You have solved 2+ questions(atleast) your score will be 20+ i.e. 60+ Percentile in Quants. Quite easy na??? 

CAUTION: Dont get Tempted to solve More then 8-10 questions(if you are too good in quants) else 5-7 questions are Enough.

ENGLISH:Hmm... Done with quants and reasoning and time now remaining is around 25-30 minutes..... So get going... English is easiest part in elitmus. Start from first question...... and when you reach Paragraph based questions, SELECT TWO FROM THE GIVEN THREE WHICH ARE SMALLER IN CONTENT.That's the only key in English part... choose wisely coz you wont have that much time to solve the third one, in case you manage to get some extra time go for the third Para too.So around 12-16 questions in will be enough.

With 12+ questions you will have 100+ score i.e. 90+ or 93+ percentile in English section .

So All in all you have got now:5+ question in quantitative5+ in reasoning 10+ in English

Means you got 80+ and 60+ and 90+ percentile SO YOUR OVERALL ELITMUS PERCENTILE IS 90+ AS PROMISED 

Also do chek this link where u will find a complete set of materials which will be vry helpful for u'r preparation:


CAUTION: I repeat Don't get Tempted to solve More questions, coz negative marking will impact your percentile very badly.

#COPIED BUT Very Helpful info so I thought of sharing wid u all... All d best Guyzzz.....