ELF2011 Prof Paul Dalziel - Strengthening Education - Employment linkages

AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research www.eel.org.nz RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON EDUCATION EMPLOYMENT LINKAGES ee l Aligning the Talent Quest Professor Paul Dalziel AERU, Lincoln University

Transcript of ELF2011 Prof Paul Dalziel - Strengthening Education - Employment linkages

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


lAligning the Talent Quest

Professor Paul Dalziel AERU, Lincoln University

Page 2: ELF2011 Prof Paul Dalziel - Strengthening Education - Employment linkages

AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research



E ngā tumuaki, e tau nei, tēnā koutou katoa.

Ka tino nui āku mihi o aroha ki a koutou i tēnei rā.

Kei te mihi ahau hoki ki ngā taonga o ngā tāngata whenua o Aotearoa.

Ka tino nui o tātou mahi; no reira, me āwhina tātou ki a tātou.

Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.

Tēnā koutou. Tēnā koutou. Kia ora tātou katoa.

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research



Education leaders gathered here, greetings to you all. Many are my warm greetings to you today.

I acknowledge also the treasures of the tāngata whenua of New Zealand.

We have a lot of work to do, so let us help each other. From your food basket and my food basket, the people will be kept well.

Greetings, greetings, may we all enjoy good health.

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research



• This is a facilitated session based on my work as science leader for the Education Employment Linkages research programme.

• The focus of the session is: What does it mean to exercise education leadership (in the context of a specific issue)?

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


Where in education are we leading?

• Early childhood education (including kōhanga reo)

• Primary/intermediate (including kura kaupapa)

• Secondary

• Tertiary (including wānanga)

• Business/policy

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


Introducing the Issue

In July the New Zealand Institute published a well-received discussion paper on “two proposals to reduce youth disadvantage”.

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


‘More ladders, fewer snakes’ proposes that accelerated roll-out of e-learning to low decile schools and improving the school-to-work transition will materially reduce youth unemployment and resulting social issues.

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One Symptom of the Issue

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Another Distressing Symptom

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Summary by the NZ Institute

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An Insider’s Perspective

• Ernie Buutveld is Immediate Past President of the New Zealand Principals’ Federation.

• He is Principal of Havelock School in the Marlborough Sounds.

• While he was President of NZPF, he made the following observation about students in New Zealand primary schools.

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


An Insider’s Perspective

“There is a small number of children in our schools who are struggling – for all sorts of reasons. The number varies. The Minister of Education believes the number is one in five. This is still just less than the OECD average of 21%, but significantly higher than the numbers cited by educators and leading academics, who agree the reality in our primary schools is more like 15-16%.”

- Ernie Buutveld (2010).

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


An Insider’s Perspective

“There is a small number of children in our schools who are struggling – for all sorts of reasons. The number varies. The Minister of Education believes the number is one in five. This is still just less than the OECD average of 21%, but significantly higher than the numbers cited by educators and leading academics, who agree the reality in our primary schools is more like 15-16%.”

- Ernie Buutveld (2010).

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


There are about 400,000 primary school students in New Zealand, so that the figure of 15% suggests there are 60,000 young people struggling in our primary schools.

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


The Question

• What does it mean to exercise education leadership in the context of 60,000 young people struggling at primary school?

• I am NOT asking you for solutions.

• What does it take to be an education leader in this context?

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


The Question

• What does it mean to exercise education leadership in the context of 60,000 young people struggling at primary school?

• Brainstorm ideas for 6 minutes.

• Write/Draw/Prepare something creative in 6 minutes.

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


The Question

• What does it mean to exercise education leadership in the context of 60,000 young people struggling at primary school?


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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


Elements I prepared earlier…

• The Big Picture

• Accountability

• Teamwork

• Organisation

• Upskilling

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


The Big Picture

• Facing up to difficult issues

• Gathering a sound evidence base

• Using best practice

• Focusing on the overall goal

• Fostering creativity

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research



• Maintaining accountability to the young people we are seeking to help learn.

• Empowering young people to measure success.

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research



• Empowering other leaders

• Supporting networks

• Communicating with other parts of the overall system

• Celebrating and rewarding success

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research



• Organising resources

• Organising people

• Organising the right sequence

• But fostering creativity!

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research



• Upskilling yourself

• Upskilling your team

• Upskilling your students

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


Education Leadership

• The Big Picture

• Accountability

• Teamwork

• Organisation

• Upskilling

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research



I want to finish this session with an exercise that in a sense we could do only in Aotearoa New Zealand.

In preparing this exercise I am indebted to the late Michael King who argued that te reo Māori is an important part of Being Pākehā.

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


Pronouns with Two Groups!!

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


Mātou and Rātou

Mātou Rātou


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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


Mātou Rātou



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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research



No word in English conveys the power of tātou in te reo Māori.

It is an example of why I agree with Michael King that te reo Māori is an important part of Being Pākehā.

“Creating tātou from mātou and rātou” is common in Māori practice.

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AERU at Lincoln University, New Zealand Council for Educational Research


Education Leadership

• The Big Picture

• Āccountability

• Teamwork

• Organisation

• Upskilling

I think education

leadership is

about creating

TĀTOU from