Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan...14 Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Romans Week 8:...


Transcript of Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan...14 Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Romans Week 8:...

Page 1: Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan...14 Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Romans Week 8: Oct. 8-12 Paul’s Reason for writing In final pages of his letter, Paul stresses


Page 2: Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan...14 Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Romans Week 8: Oct. 8-12 Paul’s Reason for writing In final pages of his letter, Paul stresses


The apostle Paul wrote letters (also called Epistles) to 13 different churches to help the people know how to live as followers of Christ. The letter he wrote to the church in Rome, simply called Romans, has become one of the most important and impactful letters he wrote because it explains the Good News about Jesus in great detail. Many people say that Romans is their favorite book of the Bible because of how it changed their hearts. We hope that by spending time reading through this letter, we all will be transformed and encouraged to share the Good News with others! During this series we will learn more about the basics of Christian faith, such as sin, law, grace, salvation, faith, righteousness, love, unity and service. We will talk about each of these with the children and explain how they play a part in the Good News. Note to parents of preschoolers: Children in the Preschool TreeHouse Lane programs will be reading and talking about other Bible stories that go along with the weekly theme in Romans as there are no stories specifically from that book in The Beginner’s Bible.


Page 3: Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan...14 Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Romans Week 8: Oct. 8-12 Paul’s Reason for writing In final pages of his letter, Paul stresses


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan

Series: Romans

Week 8: Oct. 8-12 Paul’s Reason for writing

In final pages of his letter, Paul stresses unity within the body of believers (the church). We are to get our marching orders from the Scriptures as well as use Jesus as our model on how to live, accepting one another in love. Paul reminds us that we are to be ministers of the gospel as he was — now it is our job to share it with others as he did! Day 1: Read Romans 15:1-2 What are things we should be doing in the church? What should we not be doing? Which do you do more often? Why?

Day 2: Read Romans 15:5-7 What does it mean to live in harmony with others? What does the opposite of that look like? Why is it so important?

Day 3: Read Romans 15:13 What is the result of trusting in God? With what two things does Paul pray that God will fill the Christians in Rome? What do you think it takes to have more of these in your life? Ask God for more for you and your family!

Day 4: Read Romans 15:25-27 What did the Gentiles receive from the Christians in Jerusalem? How did they want to repay them for it? Why do you think Paul told them this?

Day 5: Read Romans 16:17-20 What is Paul’s final request of the people in Rome? What does he want for them? What would you say is the most important lesson from Paul’s letter to the Romans? Why? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May the grace of our

Lord Jesus be with you.

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)


Preschool Bible Reading Plan

Series: Romans

Week 1: Aug. 20-24 Our Sinful Nature

This week read these three stories in The Beginner’s Bible with your child and use them to talk about sin, explaining that it is not doing what God wants us to do. Because we want things “our way” we tend to make wrong choices. Everyone has a sinful nature, it’s part of being a human! God knows this and because he loves us, he forgives us when we ask. The closer we grow to God, the more we will want to obey him.

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Week 2: Aug. 27-31 Righteousness through faith

This week read these three stories with your child and use them to teach that unless our sins are forgiven, we cannot be close to God, and that there is nothing we can do to get back in “right” relationship with him. We cannot “work” our way to heaven by doing lots of good things to make up for the bad. It is only by having faith in Jesus, who forgives us, and took our punishment for sin, that we can become part of God’s family and live in heaven one day with him.

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Preschool Bible Reading Plan

Series: Romans

Week 3: Sept. 3-7 The Law and Sin

This week read these three stories with your child and use them to explain how God wants us to follow Jesus and obey Him. Doing things our way instead of God’s way brings trouble and hardships into our lives. When we obey God and do the good things he wants us to do, we have more joy in our lives, and others are blessed, too. We obey God because we love him.

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Week 4: Sept. 10-14 The spirit gives life

This week read these three stories with your child and discuss how Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us to live the way God wants us to live. The Holy Spirit helps us to make good choices. When we get a bad feeling inside, like a funny feeling in our tummy, it is often the Holy Spirit nudging us to think about what we are doing or going to do. When we ask the Holy Spirit to help us make good choices, he will do it!

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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan

Series: Romans

Week 7: July 9-13 Rules to live by

Paul encourages us to “clothe” ourselves with Christ Jesus and live as His children in this world. We are to obey authorities and to pay respect where it is due. We are to wake up and serve the Lord out of love. He encourages us to consider everything we do as if we are doing it for the Lord. It is a call to do what leads to peace and unity within the body of Christ. (But remember, these obeying these rules does not make us right with God! Obeying shows we love and honor God.) Day 1: Read Romans 13:1-7 How does Paul describe authorities in verse 4? Why is it so important for us to obey or submit to the authorities in our lives? Who has authority over you? Make a list. Think about how you treat them. Pray for them often.

Day 2: Read Romans 13:8-10 What is the one thing we owe other people? What does love have to do with the commandments?

Day 3: Read Romans 13:12 What do you think Paul means by dark deeds? What are some examples of shining armor of “right living” that we are to put on? What will you put on each morning?

Day 4: Read Romans 14:1-3 People have different ways of honoring God. Paul says we should not argue about those things if we don’t agree with what they do. Paul used not eating certain foods as an example. What are things people do to show they honor God that others may think is wrong?

Day 5: Read Romans 14:7-13 What did Paul say we should live and even die to do? What will everyone have to do one day? How does that truth help you to make good choices? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you reflect the

character of Jesus.

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)

Page 5: Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan...14 Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Romans Week 8: Oct. 8-12 Paul’s Reason for writing In final pages of his letter, Paul stresses


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan

Series: Romans

Week 6: Sept. 24-28 Be Transformed

Paul encourages us to transform the way we think, which will then transform the way we act, talk, and treat others. Our actions are a result of what we think! Our transformation comes by putting God’s Word (aka the Bible or Scripture) into our hearts and minds. If what is in our heart and on our mind is Scripture, then we will act based on what the Scriptures say.

That’s why it is so important to spend time each day reading our Bibles. Reading and applying the Word of God is what transforms your life. Day 1: Read Romans 12:1-2 What does it mean to sacrifice something? How do we make our lives a sacrifice to God? What are we not supposed to do in verse 2? The word “will” here means desire or wish. How do you think we learn what God’s “will” is for us? Do you feel you have been transformed? Why?

Day 2: Read 2 Peter 1:3-4 What has God given us? How did we receive this? How do we get to know God better? What are some things you know about God? How do you know them?

Day 3: Read Romans 12:3-5 What warning does Paul have for us? Why is that important to do? What does he mean by saying we are all part of one body?

Day 4: Read Romans 12:6-8 What kinds of gifts do people have in the church, aka the Body of Christ? What would you say your gift or role is in the church? What do you like to do best in serving others?

Day 5: Read Romans 12:9-18 Paul started out talking about being transformed into new people. How does focusing on love transform our actions? What kinds of things are we to do to show our love for others? How do you show love for others?

Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you be transformed by God’s Word and know His will for you.

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)


Preschool Bible Reading Plan

Series: Romans

Week 5: Sept. 17-21 The Role of Israel

This week read these three stories with your child to show that it is important for us to tell everyone about Jesus because of how we are changed when we make him the boss of our lives. God sent Jesus to earth to show us how to live and to make a way for us to be part of God’s family. Some people have not heard that story, and God wants us to tell them! He wants everyone in his family, no one left out.

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Week 6: Sept. 24-28 Be Transformed

This week read these three stories with your child and explain that the Bible, which is God’s Word, helps us to become the kind of person God wants us to be. Reading it helps to change, or “transform” us into new people. God’s Word guides us, teaches us, and protects us. It is also good to memorize Bible verses so we can recall it when we need help or to help someone else. Consider choosing a verse or two to learn together this week.

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Page 6: Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan...14 Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Romans Week 8: Oct. 8-12 Paul’s Reason for writing In final pages of his letter, Paul stresses


Preschool Bible Reading Plan

Series: Romans

Week 7: Oct. 1-5 Rules to Live By

This week read these three stories with your child to show that Jesus gives us instructions on how to live a life that pleases God. There are many examples in the Bible on what kinds of things Jesus wants us to do and not to do. We are to help others, but we are not to worry or be afraid. We are to be generous, not greedy. Doing these things shows that we love God and others.

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Week 8: Oct. 8-12 Paul’s Reason for writing

This week read these three stories with your child and explain that Jesus wants us to live in peace and unity with each other. That means he wants us to treat others with kindness: help them, share our things with them, and put their needs before ours. It also means to forgive each other when something happens. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples to show just how important it is for us to honor and serve others.

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Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan

Series: Romans

Week 5: Sept. 17-21 The Role of Israel

In the Old Testament we see that God called Abraham and his descendants to be set apart as his special people, and they became known as the Israelites. He gave the Israelites Commandments to follow so they would live good lives, only worshipping God, so others would see the benefits and be drawn to God, too. But they were not able to follow the laws, and actually, that was God’s point. The Law just pointed out our sinfulness, it could not save us. That is why he sent Jesus. Jesus made the way for us to be right with God, not by following a bunch of rules, but by putting your faith in and following him. Day 1: Read Daniel 9:7-10 What did the Israelites do to bring shame on them? How did Daniel describe God? Why do think it is often hard to obey God?

Day 2: Read Romans 10:1-4 What is God’s way of making people right with him? What was the people of Israel’s way?

Day 3: Read Romans 10:5-13 How many of the laws did Moses say a person must obey to be right with God? (By the way, God gave 613 laws to Moses, including the Top 10!) Do you think that would be easy? Could you remember that many?! Who then will be saved?

Day 4: Read Romans 10:14-15 What do you think Paul is talking about here? Is there someone you know who needs to hear this Good News? What can you do about that?

Day 5: Read Galatians 2:16 Do you see the importance of this Good News message is?! Paul repeats it many times. How are we made right with God, again? You got it!

Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you be messenger who brings Good News to others.

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)

Page 7: Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan...14 Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Romans Week 8: Oct. 8-12 Paul’s Reason for writing In final pages of his letter, Paul stresses


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan

Series: Romans

Week 4: Sept. 10-14 The spirit gives life

Christians are to live according to and under the power of the Holy Spirit, not our own selfish desires. When we live according to the Spirit of God, our choices will be different and we will receive more of God’s blessings. He wants us to live in victory over sin by the Spirit of God (think Jesus wins, the devil loses), and have a life filled with peace and joy. The Spirit helps us when we are weak, and prays for us. He helps us understand God’s amazing love, and assures us that nothing will ever separate us from His love.

Day 1: Read Romans 8:1-4 When we belong to Jesus, what do we experience (verse 2)? Who are we to follow instead of ourselves? Why?

Day 2: Read Romans 8:5-11 Who can never please God? What is needed in order to please Him? What are some things we do that please Him? This week, pay attention to what you do and why.

Day 3: Read Romans 8:12-17 What does it take to be called children of God? What do followers of Jesus get to call God? Ask someone what Abba means. How does calling God that name make you feel?

Day 4: Read Romans 8:26-30 How does the Holy Spirit help us? How may God bring about good through troubles or confusing times? Think of something bad that might happen, and then think of how something good could come from that. Memorize 8:28.

Day 5: Read Romans 8:35-39 What can we can do to make God stop loving us? When bad things happen to us, does it mean God does not love us? Remember Romans 8:28 from yesterday! Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you rely on the

Holy Spirit and rest knowing God will always love you.

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan

Series: Romans

Week 1: Aug. 20-24 Our Sinful Nature

This week we will learn that Paul was appointed to spread the Gospel about Jesus, the Good News that tells of God’s power to save people from the consequences of their sin. Paul explains that all people are trapped in the spiral of sin and selfishness. The human heart and mind are broken, turning from God to idolatry which results in bad behavior. God rightly judges each person for what they have done, looking at what’s in their hearts. But God’s doesn’t want to just judge the world’s sin, but also to set right the sinner.

Day 1: Read Romans 1:1-7 How does Paul describe himself? To whom is he writing? How does he explain the Good News here?

Day 2: Read Romans 1:13-17 What is Paul eager to do? What does the Good News tell us? What do you think we need to be saved from? What do you think it means to live “right?”

Day 3: Read Romans 1:18-23 Why did God show anger against people? What were the people doing? Why is that sinful?

Day 4: Read Romans 2:1-4 Condemn means to criticize, disapprove of or judge someone. Have you ever acted in that way towards someone? Is there anyone who does not sin? How does Paul describe God’s attitude towards us? What is God trying to do by being this way?

Day 5: Read Romans 2:5-11 What happens if we do not turn from our sinful ways? Why? What will be given to people who do good? Does God like some people better than others— does he have “favorites”? What does that mean? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you respond to God’s love and

kindness by making good choices.

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)

Page 8: Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan...14 Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan Series: Romans Week 8: Oct. 8-12 Paul’s Reason for writing In final pages of his letter, Paul stresses


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan

Series: Romans

Week 2: Aug. 27-31 Righteousness through faith

It’s not always easy to understand that there is nothing we can do to earn God’s love, mercy and grace. We are so used to trying to do good works to “earn” things like rewards, good grades, respect and even love. The people thought that if they tried to obey all (or even most) of God’s laws (which was impossible to do) they could earn a good postion with God. Paul explained that the purpose of God’s law was to show us what sin was, not to save us from our sinfulness. Paul explains that the only way to be in right relationship with God is by faith or believing in Christ Jesus.

Day 1: Read Romans 3:21-28 What would a “wrong” relationship with God look like? What would a “right” relationship be? How are sinful people (that means everyone) made right with God? Why?

Day 2: Read Romans 4:1-5 Who was Abraham and what did he discover? What is the difference between wages and gifts? Why did Paul think this was important to mention?

Day 3: Read Romans 5:1-5 What all do we gain from being made right with God through faith? When we run into trouble, how should we respond and what is the result? What does the Holy Spirit do for us? When have you felt God’s love?

Day 4: Read Romans 5:6-11 Who is someone you would be willing to die for? Who would be willing to die for you if needed? Paul said that Jesus died for us “while were still sinners.” Why is that important? Because of Jesus, what is our new relationship with God?

Day 5: Read Romans 5:20-21 What was the purpose of God’s law? What is the final result of being in right relationship with God? This is Good News indeed! Ask a parent to describe what they think grace is all about. What are your thoughts?

Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you truly know you are a friend of God through faith in Jesus.

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)


Elementary Kids Bible Reading Plan

Series: Romans

Week 3: Sept. 3-7 The Law and Sin

Paul teaches that when we follow Jesus, sin’s power is broken in our lives. Our old sinful nature dies when we turn our lives over to Him. Now through Jesus, we have received the gift of God, which is eternal life. Paul shows us the contrast between living bound to the law and living by the Spirit of God. We are no longer in bondage as slaves to sin and law, but are now free to belong to God. We may still struggle with sin, but we are instructed to live by the Spirit and bear fruit according to our new nature.

Day 1: Read Romans 6:1-6 Since we have not really “died”, what do you think Paul means when he talks about death in this passage?

Day 2: Read Romans 6:12-18 What helps you to make good (or godly) choices? What do you think is the cause of making bad choices? Is sin more in control of your life or God? Why?

Day 3: Read Romans 6:20-23 Paul mentions wages and gifts again here. What is he saying about this? What do we “earn” for sin? What is the gift we receive by putting our faith in and living for Jesus?

Day 4: Read Romans 7:14-17 Have you ever experienced what Paul describes in this passage? Think of an example, and think about what you could have done to make the right versus wrong choice.

Day 5: Read Titus 2:11-14 What are we instructed to do here? Why? How do we do it? What would it take for you to be totally committed to doing good deeds? Weekly Faith 5 Blessing: May you be totally committed to doing

good deeds.

Recommended version of the Bible to read:

New Living Translation (NLT)