Electricity Power Point


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Transcript of Electricity Power Point

Page 1: Electricity Power Point

Geothermal power

A report aboutan alternative power source by

Hannah Sutton

Page 2: Electricity Power Point

What is geothermal power?

Geothermal power is heat from the ground. When volcanoes erupt geothermal heat rises from the ground. Geysers have geothermal heat. Power points make and help the geothermal heat.

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Where is this type of power generated in New Zealand?

• 7 power stations Ohaki power station. Hot steam comes from the ground that terns the turbines. Geothermal power is generated in Kawerau,Mokia,Ngawha,Ohaki,Poihpi Rd,Rotokawa and Wairakei.

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How does this power generator work? You could draw a diagram.

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Could we use this type of power at school?

Yes it can because the hot air mixes with the cold air and makes the ground hot.

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Conclusion i.e. why you think this power could be used at school to run our heater.

Yes we use most of hydro power but lots in New Zealand.

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