El Morya Healing System

El Morya Healing System A.k.a. El Morya reiki Lineage: eL Morya, a. curran, James McMahon. You must be Usui Reiki Master first. All healings by appointment. ElMorya healing classes for both levels are $250 Heal Thy Self First Greetings. I Am El Morya. I have a message to deliver. My messages are always short and direct, I never use words for the sake of making my message longer, just to fill an empty space on your page. To do so would contradict that which I teach. I Am here this day that is yours, to teach to you the importance of using conscious thoughts and words. many like lengthy messages with detailed information. Do you not know that this only adds to your confusion! Keep it simple my friends. Speak only that which needs to be said, do not waste energy on that which is useless to another. Let your words have an impact. There is no need for you to fill in the gaps - let them be. Now, I have a message that might be a little challenging to some. If you feel challenged then it is because I have 'pushed one of your buttons' - I can only push those buttons that you still own. 1

Transcript of El Morya Healing System

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El Morya Healing System A.k.a. El Morya reiki

Lineage: eL Morya, a. curran, James McMahon.

You must be Usui Reiki Master first.

All healings by appointment. ElMorya healing classes for both levels are $250

Heal Thy Self First

Greetings. I Am El Morya.

I have a message to deliver. My messages are always short and direct, I never use words for the sake of making my message longer, just to fill an empty space on your page. To do so would contradict that which I teach. I Am here this day that is yours, to teach to you the importance of using conscious thoughts and words. many like lengthy messages with detailed information. Do you not know that this only adds to your confusion! Keep it simple my friends. Speak only that which needs to be said, do not waste energy on that which is useless to another. Let your words have an impact.

There is no need for you to fill in the gaps - let them be.

Now, I have a message that might be a little challenging to some. If you feel challenged then it is because I have 'pushed one of your buttons' - I can only push those buttons that you still own.


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We note that there are many of you who feel it is your duty to 'save the world' by sending out energy to help heal the Planet. I say to you that many of you are sending out energy out of guilt. Your underlying emotion is one of guilt. Guilt that you may, as a collective, have 'ruined' the Planet. I ask you this 'What energy do you think guilt has attached to it?' The answer my friends is fear. This is what is attached to guilt. And so would you not say that you are sending out fear? I urge you to consider this, for there is enough fear in your world at this time. Now, I have another question for you to consider. 'What is the difference between compassion and love?'

Compassion = Allow

Love = Change

And so if you truly have compassion for your world you will allow, by allowing this compassion within you to well up it shall transform into love. Only love can heal.

You cannot send out love for another when you have very little love for self. It is like being the 'wounded healer'. The quickest way for you to move into love is through compassion - allow yourself to just be who you are in the Now.

Many of you have a lot of anger and hurt stored within, you cannot force yourselves to be loving. You would be wise to acknowledge this anger and pain and then begin to dissolve it. To dissolve it you should look at it in the face and say 'I acknowledge that I feel this way this day, but it's ok, it's ok, it's ok'. Speak gently to yourself, keep telling yourself that it is ok to feel this way, this is compassion. The compassion that you shall begin to feel for yourself shall start to bring in love, this then shall dissolve the anger.

Now remember this, if you truly wish to be of service on your plane, you have to start within. When you have moved into love then this shall mirror that love out into your world. It is your love that shall change your world not your fear.

This is the way of a Master.

Contemplate my words to you this day, let them have an impact in your life.

I salute you in love.

Farewell for now

El Morya.

El Morya is Chohan of the First Ray, the blue ray, of power, goodwill and faith. He also exemplifies the blue-ray qualities of leadership, proper use of power and speech, and ultimate surrender to the divine will. He can assist all students who desire to embody these virtues, master the throat chakra and receive the Holy Spirit’s gifts of the word of wisdom and faith in the divine will.


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El Morya is well known as the Master M who worked with the Master Koot Hoomi in the late nineteenth century to establish the Theosophical Society and to spread the knowledge of higher truths to a wider circle among mankind. After his ascension in the late 1800s, he continued working for this same purpose, most notably through Nicholas and Helena Roerich in the early 1900s and recently through The Summit Lighthouse and Mark and Elizabeth Prophet beginning in the late 1950s.

Some of El Morya’s most important teachings concern the will of God, the divine will that lies within each of us. He explains that by aligning with and embracing this will one gradually becomes reunited with his own Higher Self. Following the divine will also leads to outpicturing the inner blueprint of the soul and to fulfilling one’s unique mission in life. El Morya and the blue-ray masters always teach that if the student’s will is one with the will of God, he will succeed.

El Morya’s etheric retreat is located over Darjeeling, India.

RETREAT Darjeeling, India

VIBRATION: Blue, White

GEMSTONE: Diamond, Sapphire, Star Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli

QUALITY: Power, Goodwill Faith

GIFTS: Faith in God's Will, Word of Wisdom

DAY: Tuesday

The Ascended Master El Morya Khan is the Lord (Chohan) of the First Ray of God's Will and Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. The Master's extraordinary devotion to God's word and work is a powerful stream that runs throughout his soul's incarnations on earth as he has stood staunch in the role of advocate, teacher, and exemplar before our spirits soaring unto Love.


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El Morya was embodied as Abraham, the ancient patriarch who emerged from Ur of the Chaldees to become the prototype and progenitor of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Returning as Melchior, one of the three wise men of the East, he followed the star that portended the birth of the best of his seed who would fulfill all the promises of God unto his spiritual descendants.

As Arthur, king of the Britons, he summoned knights of the Round Table and ladies of the court of Camelot to quest the Holy Grail and to attain through initiation the inner mysteries of Christ.

Appearing again on Britain's soil as Thomas Becket as well as Thomas More, both martyred, he twice played the role of defender of the Faith and challenger of King Henry--also twice born (Henry II and VIII), and twice the oppressor.

In the sixteenth century, his soul's journey took him to the East in the person of Akbar, greatest of Mogul emperors, and in the nineteenth to Ireland to be her poet laureate Thomas Moore.

Next he appeared as El Morya Khan, perhaps the most renowned of the Tibetan mahatmas. Paradoxically, little biographical information of a traditional nature is available about El Morya Khan. It is known that he was born a Rajput prince in the Indian class of warriors and rulers esteemed for their courage and honor. The date of his birth is uncertain

What makes the life of El Morya so notable is his far-reaching work in the merging of the ancient spiritual truths of the East with the traditions of the West. This was accomplished largely through the founding of the Theosophical Society in the latterpart of the nineteenth century and the subsequent instruction released through that organization by the Master Morya and his longtime friend, the Master Koot Hoomi Lal Singh. This instruction came in part in the form of personal letters addressed to but a handful of Theosophical students, chelas of the "Mahatma of the Himavat." These letters are now on file with the British Museum in London.

Found also within the society's literature are occasional awe-filled testimonies of the few Theosophists that were visited by this Himalayan adept who, for the most part, preferred to remain unidentified by the outer world. The writings of these disciples reveal that many strove for even the slightest contact with El Morya.

In 1898, El Morya Khan ascended to the heart of God


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A beginners guide to the

Human Energy Systems

Chapter 1 - What is energy?

In our physical world, we have become well acquainted with our five senses. We use our five senses to explore the surrounding world by seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching it. Our world seems to be solid, made up out of elements and objects that are real and physical. A concrete wall definitely holds substance and it would be inadvisable for most people to attempt to walk through it. Although this seems to make sense, the scientific discoveries of the last 100 years shine a slightly different light on the subject of solid, dense matter or objects. Science has shown us that the atom, which is the building block for all solid objects (matter), is mostly space! Over 90% of an atom is 'empty' space! So all our so called solid objects are in fact not so solid after all!

How is it possible that we still perceive objects as being solid while over 90% of our concrete wall is space? It all has to do with the way our senses work. Our senses only pick up a limited range of what is available for experience. It is like a television tuner only being able to pick up one or maybe two television stations while there are hundreds or even thousands of television stations transmitting. If we are not aware that there are more television stations to watch, we won't look for a way to improve our receiver so that we can watch more stations. It is the same with our five senses. If we are not interested in what is happening in the other 90% of reality*, we will never find out.

The only way we can start exploring what lies beyond our so familiar physical reality is to become aware that their is more to life than meets the (physical) eye. Solid objects (made from matter) are forms of energy. This was examined quite a while ago by Albert Einstein** and formulated in his famous formula: E= MC^2. This means that objects, like the concrete wall in our previous example, are basically made of energy. I would like to relate to energy by calling it light. I am not just talking about the physical light that we perceive with our eyes. All things are made out of light. All objects, thoughts and emotions are light. What distinguishes one object or thought form from another is their unique pattern of light, the way they mould and 'capture' light. The entire universe can be seen as a massive pool of light. Because all things are light, all things in existence are connected. There is no real empty space between objects, although this might seem to be the case in physical life. Even a vacuum, which seems to be pretty empty, is made out of light, this is why all things are connected.

Imagine two fishes in the ocean at opposite sides of the earth. They seem to be separate, without connection. Whatever one fish does, however, eventually influences the other fish on the other side of the earth through the means of the ocean water. If one fish would eat all the local plankton, this would eventually influence the others fish's dinner. These fish might never physically meet, but they still interact in their own way. Nothing in the universe is separate. All things are connected through the big ocean of light.

*90% is only a rough figure and the actual figure is higher (more like 99.99%). **Einstein's theories have helped science a great deal in the past. Nowadays, however, certain fields of science are moving beyond his theories. In the field of quantum mechanics


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certain discoveries can no longer be explained by Einstein's work. The very basis of E=MC^2 dictates that C, the speed of light, is constant. It has now been proven scientifically that the speed of light can be changed, thereby changing the nature of Einstein's formula enormously. The speed of light has now become variable. This is of great importance to the proper understanding of the universe and is a great leap forward for science.

A beginners guide to the

Human Energy Systems

Chapter 2 - Vibration, the movement of energy

All energy moves around in a circular fashion and has a certain vibration. So what is vibration? Imagine a simple merry-go-round. The person on the merry-go-round is moving around and around. The person is passing the entrance of the merry-go-round every so often. In other words, the person is passing the entrance at a certain rate of vibration. This rate of vibration is normally called vibrational frequency. The vibrational frequency tells us how often (in this example) the person on the merry-go-round would move around the merry-go-round per unit of time (per second for example). So the faster the person would be spinning around, the higher the vibrational frequency would be.

In our physical world, objects are built out of smaller particles called atoms. An atom is very small and can't be seen with the naked eye. Objects, like the chair in the living room, are a combination of millions and millions of atoms. Lets look at this small particle called the atom. The atom is the building block for physical objects. We will take a simple atom (see picture). The atom in our example is made out of two components, an electron and the core of the atom. You can see the electron moving very fast around the core of the atom in a very wide circle.

The atom has a certain vibrational frequency. There are many different types of atoms (like oxygen, hydrogen etc.) which all have a different vibrational frequency. In our physical world pure gold has one of the highest vibrational frequencies. Iron, for example, has a vibrational frequency which is lower than the that of gold.

So why is vibrational frequency so important? This understanding is so important because it is through the raising of the vibrational frequency of your own energy systems (bodies, chakras etc.) that healing and illumination can take place. All the thoughts we have, all the emotions we feel, all the words we say and all the food we eat have a certain vibration and affect us by either lowering or raising our vibration. Lower vibrations do not benefit our health and spiritual growth. Hatred, jealousy, depression, criticism, pessimism and greed are all of a lower vibrational nature. The physical world that we perceive with our five senses is light vibrating at a very low vibrational frequency. It is of a very 'slow' nature and is very dense. The light that is 'captured' or crystallised in the world we see moves very, very slowly. This is one of the reasons why our thoughts, emotions and actions do not instantly return to us (in a circular fashion, what goes around, comes around).

We do create our own reality with our thought, feelings, words and actions, it just isn't very clear. It sometimes takes lifetimes before whatever we have done and put into motion returns to us and knocks on our front door. As you raise your vibration, things will start to speed up, so watch out! The planet is also raising her vibration and this is also speeding up the process of manifestation.


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This basically means that it is going to take less and less time for your thoughts, emotions and actions to come back to you in one way or the other. They might come back as a physical situation or as other feelings and thoughts and sensations. Whatever form of light they might take, they will return to their place of origin which is you! As mentioned before, the vibrational frequencies that we are able to perceive with our physical senses are quite low. The following picture shows some of the frequencies that science works with today. The picture, however, only shows a small part of the reality we can experience. The biggest part of the rest of reality exists on a higher vibrational frequency. This larger part of reality still remains hidden for most individuals.

The sound waves that we can hear are near the bottom of the picture and have a relatively low vibrational frequency. In the hearing range (the little area with the words "sound waves" next to it) a low thunder sound has a lower vibration than the sound of a bird. In the same way the colour red is of a lower vibration than the colour violet in the visible colour spectrum. As you can see in the picture, visible light is of a higher vibrational nature than sound. One of the highest vibrational waves that science works with at the moment are gamma rays. The higher the vibration of an energy wave, the more energy it can carry. Gamma rays are therefore able to carry quite a lot of energy. This is also true for an individual. The higher the vibration of an individual becomes, the more energy the individual will be able to carry.


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Our senses are able to pick up a small part of the entire range (the entire spectrum) of frequencies that exist around us. Imagine five persons, all with a different point of view. The first person is standing at the base of a large mountain and can only see a small path leading onto the mountain. The second person is on top of the mountain and can see the entire path, several other paths and the entire valley below. The third is in an aeroplane and has a perfect view of the entire mountain range. The fourth is on a space station around the earth and can see the earth and rest of our solar system. The fifth person is in a super space ship that can travel everywhere in the universe by the speed of thought. All of these people could be compared to having a different vibrational frequency and point of view of the same reality. The first person has the lowest and the fifth person has the highest vibration. One very important characteristic of vibration is that the higher the vibration is the more information can be carried. The fifth person from the given example has much more information about the universe than the first person. As we raise our vibration, we will be able to carry more information and have new experiences providing a higher level of wisdom. We must, however, remember that all people are just as valuable, both points of view are equally important in the universe, they are just different.

A beginners guide to the

Human Energy Systems

Chapter 3 - Our 'brothers and sisters of light'

Humanity as a whole can be compared to the first person (in the previous chapter), at the base of the mountain. We are working towards reaching a higher vibration, a higher view of our valley. Some of our ancestors or 'our older brothers and sisters' have actually reached the top of the mountain and can help us on our personal path to the next viewpoint (not very many compared to all the people that have lived on the earth). They now reside and live on the mountain top (as a matter of speaking). They reside in a reality that is on a higher vibrational frequency.

Some of our 'older brothers and sisters of light' are sometimes referred to as the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters have mastered all of their human aspects on the earth plane which enabled them to reach a higher vibration. Most importantly, they have mastered their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. Many of the Ascended Masters are still very much involved with what is going on the earth plane, although they do not physically live amongst us (some do, but normally there is not the need for them to be physically present on the earth). They work alongside the Angelic Host to help the earth and humanity evolve to the next vibrational level. Although many people are not aware of the presence of the Ascended Masters and Angelic Host, this does not mean they do not exist or work with us.

Many of us intensely work with them in our dream state and are subtly guided by them during the day. Everybody that has chosen to move forward on their spiritual path works with the Ascended Masters and Angelic Host in one way or the other. The more consciously an individual moves towards being and expressing love and light, the closer the Ascended Masters and Angelic Host can work with that individual. The Ascended Masters embody principles such as love, compassion, trust, beauty, harmony, truth, humility, unity, wisdom, and peace. By expressing and becoming these qualities in our lives, we will raise our vibrations to a higher frequency, enabling us to carry more and more light. Because most individuals are not yet able to perceive the higher vibrations (the higher realms or dimensions that exist in the 90% of reality we have not yet explored), we are mostly unaware of the presence of other races and beings living in the higher dimensions. Even if we look at the planets in our solar system, we do not look with high vibrational vision.

Just because we cannot see something, does not mean it does not exist. We cannot see radio waves, but still they exist! Most planets seem to be dead and unable to support life in any form.


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This, however, is not the complete story. All planets in our solar system contain life forms. These life forms and civilisations exist on a higher vibration and are for most people not visible. Our current technology does not yet allow us to peek into these higher vibrational realms, although science is moving close to being able to do just that (there are already devices that can detect higher vibrations). When a person is clairvoyant, clairaudiant etc., he or she is able to pick up and perceive part of the higher vibrational realities. The vibration of the person determines how 'high' the person can look or hear into these higher realms. The quality of information coming from a medium or channel is therefore greatly determined by the vibration of the medium/channel.

The more love and light a person carries, the higher the vibration will be of the information received. Many of the races of beings living in the universe are interested and involved in what is happening on the earth at the moment. Because we are going through such a rapid change in consciousness (as mentioned in most prophesies, religions etc.), we are on prime time universal television! Many of these beings help and assist us from these higher dimensions. They can come 'down' to our physical reality by lowering their vibration and sometimes we can see them as UFO's or other manifestations. Because all things in the universe are connected, whatever we do on the earth reflects to all other things in the universe. If humanity would destroy the earth, this would not only be a disaster for humanity and the earth, it would have a non-beneficial affect upon the entire universe! This is also why we are so closely watched from the higher realms.

Internal mirrors

I am the ascended master El Morya. Greetings dear friends and colleagues. I come to share my energies and some words of wisdom with you. You will find my approach to be very direct for I am very focused. I wish to lead you out of your false sense of security that many ones have built and have become trapped in.

How does one become pure unconditional love? You cannot until you have dealt with that which still remains within you. Many of you have such low self esteem you will never be able to love others unconditionally until you can love yourselves in this way. Work on your self esteem, not externally but internally. You will never truly find self esteem through money or reputation, these are not solid. Always look within. You will know what needs to be addressed by your thought patterns. When you think of others do you hold any anger, resentment or jealousy? Do you still feel hurt about any situations from the past? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then look at each issue in turn and work on it from within. 'Clean out your cupboards' until they are empty then love will fill that space. Look at the fear that surrounds these issues, what is the worst that could possibly happen? And if it did happen would it be so bad anyway? Are your fears warranted?

Many of you fear losing people. I say to you that when you have dealt with your issues within , you will view life very differently. You will find a wholeness that you have never experienced before and you will truly find that you will not need anyone and that friends and partnerships are a bonus but not a necessity to your happiness. Life is a mirror of your own creations. If you truly understand this concept then you will understand that only by going within, pulling out all of your skeletons from the cupboards, talking yourself through these issues, seeing where they first gave birth and then lovingly releasing them, only then can you love outside of self unconditionally. How many of you dear souls can truly say that you are unaffected by others criticisms? How many of you can truly say that you never enter into a good gossip about someone? Why do you think that you do this? Because you have not learnt unconditional love. I realize that life on earth is not


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easy. I too had to learn the same lessons that you are learning, so it can be done! Imagine life on earth to be like entering a giant maze, only the hedges or walls are made out of mirrors.

You are given a few clues at the beginning and then the rest is up to you. How far do you honestly think you will get? Many ones become stuck quite early on, staring at a mirror image of themselves that is a false illusion. Some may go a little further facing the dark images that look back at them, facing them and moving on. Some find themselves going round and round in circles constantly repeating old patterns. If you were to stop and look into the mirror now what image would present itself to you? What reality have you created? What would reflect back to you? Perhaps a few worry lines, a few stress wrinkles? You know, in truth, you do not need to age dear friends. When you love yourself unconditionally you can stay looking youthful. You will not find an ascended master with stress lines on his or her face. We have had to master self esteem in order to have become masters of our reality.

Many of you are not in control of your reality. You just let life throw at you what it will. You struggle on through, muddling along never really achieving what you wish to achieve. You use excuses to justify your situation - 'I am in this situation to teach someone a lesson'. I say to you that this way of thinking will not help anyone. You are not teaching anyone anything useful. These are the words of a martyr. You are taking the easy route, giving in, putting up with situations because you find it easier to do so than to take charge of your life and change its course. And so you will justify your lethargy by telling everyone, thus convincing self, that you are in service, on a mission to 'save the world'. Well my friend, it is you who needs to be saved. Again, any situation that you find yourself in is an outward reflection of your inner state of beingness.

I tell you now dear friends that no one will give you a pat on the back for 'staying behind', sacrificing yourself to others thus staying at their levels of growth. Be strong, take control, let others follow if they wish. Do not feel it is your duty to pull them along. We who are masters of our reality do not experience pain in our bodies. We do not have any resistance to change. We do not have fear, we have seen the illusion. We do not have worry frowns and lines. We live in peace and in love for we create it to be so. We can 'manipulate' energy, will energy into beingness because we have first looked within. You will be able to do the same once you stop hiding your past, keeping it buried deep within because it is easier to do so than release it. Yes, you may well feel a little battered and scarred from all the clearing, but your scars will heal my friends. Your tears will eventually dry and a radiance will be seen glowing around you. Beloveds, I humbly ask you to accept these words in love.

The path to self mastery is not an easy one. It is an inner adventure filled with wonder and surprise. You are like Alice in Wonderland! You may not always like what you find hidden deep within you. Persevere dear friends. I look forward to greeting you all warmly one day, thank you for taking the time to be with me.

I salute you in love, El Morya.

Simplicity is the Key

Beloved friends, I greet you warmly this day.


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I am Tai Ling. To many of you my name will be unfamiliar, to some, whom I have had the pleasure of knowing in previous lifetimes, a warm glow will enter your heart! It is not important

that you have all the details of me, the message that I bring is more important. If it helps to bring a sense of peace within you, then it has served its purpose.

The message that I bring is a simple one, for indeed simplicity is the key at this time. Many of you fine souls are trying to gather as much information as you can; this ultimately leading to

confusion. Try to keep things simple, indeed life on earth was never meant to be as complicated as you sometimes make it.

It is not really necessary to have all the details of 'who is who' and 'what is what' to find peace and harmony in your life. Just know that all is, that should be good enough. All things have light within

them, if they did not they could not be! See the light within all, stop focusing on the dark dear friends, it does not serve to do so. When you focus on the light in all, then you draw out that

quality helping it to increase and grow.

simple message from a simple being. Simplicity is the key! God Bless you all. I am your friend Tai Ling.

Farewell for now.

Be yourself

Salutations beloveds. I Am El Morya and I greet you warmly this day.

There are a couple of matters which I wish to focus on this day, it is my intention that these matters shall serve you in the days to come. Isn't the internet a grand method for communication? a wonderful tool for you all! I can reach many more people now than I could before! I welcome this technology.

There are two tools that I wish to remind you of this day, these are very important and so you may wish to print off this message and keep it by you as a reminder.

The first of the messages are 'Be yourself!' - what a strange statement I hear you say! but I tell you now dear ones that in truth very few have ever truly been themselves on the earth plane. Many of you probably do not even know who you are? - you who have come to 'save the world!' Please do not be offended by my boldness, for I am known for my directness, and because of my directness shall I be known!, you shall recognise my energy by this. I wish to recognise YOUR energy! Now, to 'know thyself' you have to 'be thyself' - not your mother or your father, sister, brother, or even society! Ever since you where very small children you where told how to be and so you became that which was appropriate. You where taught how to be 'good' and how not to be 'bad' you where taught to 'respect your elders' and 'not to cheek or talk back' to them. Slowly you started to become that which was desired by society, so slowly that you probably didn't even realise it. How many of you thought to yourselves 'when I grow up I promise my children that I will be different, and I will never say that to them!' and then are horrified when you hear the exact sentence coming out of your mouth that a few years previous had come out of your mothers!


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Sometimes some have been so determined that they wouldn't 'turn out' like their parents that they rebelled and deliberately became all that was not desired of them! This rebellious action is not in balance and you still are not being you! Now, let us look at who you truly are. Well, we can start by telling you a little about what you are doing here. What you ARE doing is experiencing life in a physical body for a while, just passing through like a traveller. Remember that you are just that - a traveller. Do not get caught up in the mass consciousness that screams out in fear 'I am trapped!' for indeed it is untrue. You cannot become trapped dear ones, life is forever in motion, growing and steadily moving on. You know that you are one with creation and so there is not the need to remind you of that! Unless of course you have became so engulfed in mass consciousness that you also now believe in separation? Well that is not you, that is mass consciousness. You will know when you are being you for you will feel uplifted, and you will learn to recognise when you are not being you for you will feel 'pulled down'.

Now let us use a small example to deepen our understanding of this. Let us suppose you where going to climb a tree to save a small kitten trapped at the top. You began the ascent and suddenly became fearful, where is this fear coming from? Have you got reason to fear the climb? Have you fallen off of a tree before? (incidentally, if you have then perhaps this is the perfect moment to master this fear) If you cannot rationalise the fear then perhaps you know someone who is afraid of heights? Perhaps your mother or your father? First look 'close to home' for the answer, it's usually there, if not then take the question out to mass consciousness, you will definitely find it there! Once you have found the source of your feelings you can change it around by thinking 'well this defiantly isn't me and I refuse now to make it into me!' - and then go save your kitten! Perhaps this is a rather silly example, but it may serve you to begin to recognise yourself and others in all of your actions and re-actions. There have been many ones who have grown up with prejudices passed on to them form their families - racism is one. If you find yourselves thinking or saying something to another person that is not an 'uplifting' and beneficial statement then ask yourself 'is this me?' it probably isn't.

I now wish to move onto another tool, this is one of 'protection'. Many of you are so 'protected' that you are unable to FEEL. There is a fear in showing one's emotions, so much so that you protect and guard your emotions so carefully for fear of being seen in your 'true light!'. Now, of course you understand that it is through your emotions that you grow, for you learn a great deal about yourself through your emotions, this is why you have them! You are not meant to be 'emotionless' it is by experiencing your emotions that you transcend them. How many of you can take criticism from others and just let it pass through you? - not many I suspect. The reason for this is that you 'safe guard' your emotions and when another criticises or judges you you would retaliate and probably throw it back at them. Let me tell you now that you can never 'win' by 'fighting fire with fire'.

To transform this kind of energy takes great courage from you for you will have to drop your armour and allow the other person to 'see you'. To become defence-less is the answer! Let others see your hurt or your pain from their unkindness, this will begin to changes the pattern and the consciousness of the 'attacker' (or your greatest teacher, depending on how you look at it) Our brother the Master Jesus was a good example for you, for did he not say to you to 'offer the other cheek?' The only way to transmute something is to first 'let it in' then cry, shout, scream or laugh! -whatever it takes to transmute it and release it. Be an example of a defence-less being, show others your feelings, do not hide them. There is a saying that I am very fond of that I shall leave you with this day. 'Change yourself and change the world'.

I bid you farewell and I wish for you all a peaceful and loving new year!

From your brother El Morya.


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The Source of all illness and suffering: Your own thoughts and actions. Consider the following readings in relation to your own illnesses:

Service to Others

Service or charity to other human beings is essential. Offering humane treatment to others in the form of relief, support and comfort is considered to be service to the Most High in physical form. Qabalists feel morally bound to alleviate suffering when and where it is needed. Akin to many of the world's greatest traditions, we believe that when one person suffers, everyone suffers.

Chariatable acts are seen as striking a balance between the principles of Mercy and Severity on the Tree of Life. When Mercy or generosity is unbalanced it may turn into an act of overindulgence. Severity, the force of loving correction, can check and rebalance this tyoe of action, and the lack of generosity stemming from excess Severity may be tempered by the loving kindness and compassion of Mercy. Even with the best of intentions, help given or withheld without conscious decision making has harmed many a giver and receiver.

An effective way to decide how much help is appropriate is found by turning inward. Honest self-reflection aids us in discovering our true reasons for giving or holding back assistance. It also enables us to define our personal boundaries and limitations and to become aware of and accept the pros abd cons of our potential actions

Help or Hindrance

As in so many other areas of the Qabalist's life, the Principles of Self-Regulation, Personal Responsobility and Non-Attachment are highlighted.

Qabalists become skilled at asking themselves questions such as: Am I doing this act for the recognition of others, or strictly for the satisfaction of giving? Would it be more appropriate and/or effective to give anonymously rather than to be known?

Am I helping because I want this person to behave differently - like me more, divorce divorce her abusive husband and marry me?

Can I act because I know it is the right thing to do, but then let go of the outcome?

Might giving actually be taking the course of least resistance? (Do I give my son money so that he will stop pestering me, rather than taking the time to find out why he has again overspent his budget?)

Is what I wish to give appropriate to what is needed? Could it be a more helpful gesture not to assist another by doing so encourage that person to develop the strength and abilities on themselves?


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Service to others also teaches the principles of Self-Care First. The Qabalist it required to minister to his/ her own basic needs prior to ministering to others. Therefore, one does not feed others when one's children are hungry. On the other hand, one will donate one's extra winter coat to charity before purchasing a new one.

The Principles of The Qabalah by Amber Jayanti p51-2



Always abide by the following:

Light Worker Creed

1. Because the mind can hold only one thought at a time, choose positive thoughts such as love, hope, and those of the Light. When you begin to think negative or fearful thoughts, change up quickly, and replace them with the latter. Hold the dream of the perfect world in your mind for yourself, loved ones and the world. Let no one dissuade you. Follow your dreams and never stop believing in yourself. This will make you more powerful than those who have knowledge but lack the courage to follow their dreams.

2. Never stoke the energy of those who are trying to tear you down. Do not waste your time trying to respond. Nurture only the positive and keep directing this positive energy toward your accomplishments. Negativity dilutes your energy and prevents the accomplishment of dreams.

3. Be the keeper of the Light for the World. Never underestimate the power of a kind word, deed or action. Be kinder than necessary. Be "a rock" for your integrity, even under adversity.

4. Be committed to self-improvement! See bad luck and pain as opportunities for further challenges. Show 'em who's boss! Strive to become the awesome person you were destined to be!

5. They say never compare yourself to others. But go ahead and do it! Then become even more positive than they are. If you always strive to be positive you can expect miracles in your life! 6. Get rid of the childish tendency we all have to blame others for our difficulties. Accept those challenges of pain and disappointment as further opps for growth and mastery.

7. Monitor every thought, word, action and feeling that you emit. Clean 'em up!

8. Smile and smile often! Smiles are free and people love 'em.

9. See the Light within every soul you encounter, no matter how challenging the individual. There is that word again. Challenge. Do you see? Treat others as you would be treated even if they are a pain!


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10. Never forget that a person's greatest emotional needs are to feel appreciated and loved. Never mind how irascible their nature!

11. Always forge ahead with your victory banner. Winners go where losers fear to tread. You know you have always enjoyed feeling fearless! Do it!

12. Don't give up on negative people. Their need for love is greater than ours.

13. Be willing to assist others without judgment.

14. Listen to your "still small voice" and obey your inner guidance. Listen to its wisdom. This is the path to enlightenment. Become a Master.

15. Never forget that we were born into bodies to learn to live together in harmony and love.

16. Try to remember to be prayerful and thankful in your heart throughout the day.

ElMorya has 2 levels and 2 symbols, a master attunement symbol and a master-channeling symbol. Should wait 2 weeks between each level, as the energy needs time to adjust in your body.

EL Morya Master attunement symbol: Attunement process to be revealed only when you are ready and have attained the confidence of your instructor. If you see this offered free on yahoo group or anyplace know it is not genuine but phony like many free healings out there. Symbol strengthens healing energy hundredfold, reveals guides and ascended masters to you, puts you in direct contact with ElMorya.