
EL FRENESÍ FAMILIAR. LA PRIMERA VUELTA. ¿QUÉ ROPA SE LLEVA DURANTE EL VERANO CUANDO HACE MUCHO CALOR Y SOL? . 1. 4. 2. 5. 7. 8. 3. 6. El traje de baño. Las sandalias. El pantalón corto / Los pantalones cortos. La gorra / El sombrero. El vestido. La falda. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Slide 1

Los anteojos de sol /Las gafas de sol8El pantaln corto /Los pantalones cortosEl vestidoLa gorra /El sombreroLas sandaliasLa camisetaLa faldaEl trajede bao2765431XXX

3In order to type in your answers, click on the number and right click and send to back. The answer will come up and you can type it in using word art. After your answer is typed in, right click on it and hit send to back, sending the number to the front again. In order to play as a game, please put in SHOW mode. Click the red arrow to advance to the next round.El pelo /El cabelloLa cabezaEl pechoLa barbaLa caraEl bigoteLa axila(debajo del brazo)Las piernas67245381XXX

8In order to type in your answers, click on the number and right click and send to back. The answer will come up and you can type it in using word art. After your answer is typed in, right click on it and hit send to back, sending the number to the front again. In order to play as a game, please put in SHOW mode. Click the red arrow to advance to the next round.X

5During SHOW mode, please re-click this large X to return to your game board.X

6During SHOW mode, please re-click this large X to return to your game board.QU PARTES DEL CUERPOSE AFEITAN LAS MUJERESY/O LOS HOMBRES?LA SEGUNDA VUELTA

7Click the RED ARROW when in SHOW mode to advance to the next rounds game board.FELICITACIONES!


33Click on the treasure chest to link back to slide one for your next class to start a new game!MEJOR SUERTE LA PRXIMA VEZ!

34Click on sad little girl to play with your next class!