El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to...

El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons and weather. Students will be able to hold a short conversation describing the weather around the world.

Transcript of El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to...

Page 1: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo

Sra. BrownHarrison Prep

Rm. 15

Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons and weather.

Students will be able to hold a short conversation describing the weather around the world.

Page 2: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

¡Terminos importantes!

la semana

el fin de semanalunes







Page 3: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

Información importante:

We do not capitalize the days of the week.

We always start the week on MONDAY!

Page 4: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

¡Terminos importantes!el año

enero julio el mes

febrero agosto

marzo septiembre

abril octubre

mayo noviembre

junio diciembreWe do not capitalize the months!

Page 5: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

Los númerosO cero 16 dieciséis 32 treinta y dos

1 uno 17 diecisiete 33 treinta y tres

2 dos 18 dieciocho 34 treinta y cuatro

3 tres 19 diecinueve 35 treinta y cinco

4 cuatro 20 veinte 36 treinta y seis

5 cinco 21 veintiuno 37 treinta y siete

6 seis 22 veintidós 38 treinta y ocho

7 siete 23 veintitrés 39 treinta y nueve

8 ocho 24 veinticuatro 40 cuarenta

9 nueve 25 veinticinco 50 cincuenta

10 diez 26 veintiséis 60 sesenta

11 once 27 veintisiete 70 setenta

12 doce 28 veintiocho 80 ochenta

13 trece 29 veintinueve 90 noventa

14 catorce 30 treinta 100 cien

15 quince 31 treinta y uno 1,000 mil

Page 6: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

Para terminar este dibujo deben

decir los números en voz


Page 7: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

Números Ordinales• primero• segundo• tercero• cuarto• quinto• sexto• séptimo• octavo• noveno• décimo

Page 8: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

Más vocabulario

Español Inglés

mañana tomorrow

pasado mañana the day after tomorrow

ayer yesterday

anteayer the day before yesterday

el día the day

el fin de semana the weekend

la fecha the date

hoy today

la mañana morning

la tarde afternoon

la noche night

Page 9: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

La Fecha

• ¿Cúal es la fecha de hoy?• Hoy es el ________ de _____________. (Hoy es el 24 de septiembre.)

• ¿Qué día es hoy?• Hoy es _______________. (Hoy es lunes)

Page 10: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

La Fecha• ¿Cúando es navidad?• Es el __________________

• ¿Cúando es el Día de San Valentín?• Es el __________________

• ¿Cúando es tu cumpleaños?• Es el __________________

• ¿Cúando es el Día de Independencia?• Es el __________________

Page 11: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

Las EstacionesEl verano El otoño

El invierno La primavera

Page 12: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

Las Estaciones

Do you know where the equator is located? The seasons are reverse on the other side of the equator. When it is winter in the United States it is summer in Argentina. Now, it is fall in Washington so what season are they in Buenos Aires?

Page 13: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

El Tiempo• ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace __________.

• ¿Cómo está el tiempo? Está ____________.

Hace calor Hace frío

Hace fresco Hace viento

Hace buen tiempo Hace mal tiempo

Está nublado Está lloviendo

Está nevando Está soleado

Page 14: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

Actividad de ConversaciónWith a partner describe each picture. Make sure to include the season, the months, and the weather for each one. Also, find out which season your partner likes best and why. Be prepared to present in class.

Page 15: El Calendario, Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Sra. Brown Harrison Prep Rm. 15 Students will be able to ask and respond to questions related to the date, seasons.

Actividad de Conversación Criterion A: Oral communication—message and interaction 0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors. 1-2 The student’s communication of information is incoherent; ideas are generally irrelevant

and/or repetitive; opinions are unsupported. The student has difficulty in responding, even in familiar situations. The student often needs prompting to encourage a response; conversation/dialogue does not flow.

3-4 The student has some difficulty in communicating information; ideas are sometimes irrelevant and/or repetitive; some opinions are supported. The student shows understanding through responding correctly in familiar situations. The student needs occasional prompting to encourage a response, and this contributes to some lapses in the flow of conversation.

5-6 The student communicates information clearly, though there is some difficulty with more‑complex ideas. The student’s ideas are relevant but not always developed; opinions are usually justified. The student shows understanding through responding correctly in familiar and some spontaneous situations. The student can maintain the flow of conversation, and may show some active and/or spontaneous engagement. The student needs occasional prompting but this does not disturb the flow of conversation.

7-8 The student communicates information clearly and effectively; both simple and complex ideas are relevant and developed; opinions are justified. The student shows understanding through responding correctly in familiar and spontaneous situations. The student contributes to the coherent flow of conversation; and is actively and spontaneously engaged. Any prompting is natural and does not disturb the flow.

Notes • Reading from prepared texts or the use of memorized speeches does not constitute real interaction according to language B objectives. • Teachers should bear in mind the different cultural norms and acceptable practices of the target language when engaged in conversation. • Spontaneous engagement in the conversation needs to be appropriate to the conversation and to the cultural context.