EKMA4111: Modul 7

Marketing Mix Anggriawan Sugianto EKMA 4111 Pengantar Bisnis


Modul 7: Keputusan Bauran Pemasaran EKMA 4111 Pengantar Bisnis Universitas Terbuka Korea

Transcript of EKMA4111: Modul 7

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Marketing Mix

Anggriawan Sugianto EKMA 4111 Pengantar Bisnis

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1.  Product

2.  Price

3.  Place (Distribution)

4.  Promotion

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Segmentation Targeting Positioning

Product Price

Place Promotion

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Don't find customer for your products. Find products for your customers. – Seth Godin

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Product EKMA4111 Pengantar Bisnis

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Product Level

5 5 4 3 2 1

1.  Core benefit

2.  Basic product

3.  Expected product

4.  Augmented product

5.  Potential product

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Product Classification

Consumer product

1. Convenience product

•  Milk, bread, sugar

2.  Shopping product

•  Clothing, electronics

3.  Specialty product

•  Antiques, jewelry

4. Unsought product

•  Snowshoes, fire extinguisher

Industrial product

1.  Expense items

•  Coffee bean, vegetable oil

2. Capital items

•  Computer, building

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Product Mix

1.  Width

•  Jumlah lini produk

2.  Length

•  Jumlah produk

3.  Depth

•  Variasi dalam 1 lini produk

4.  Consistency

•  Hubungan antar lini produk

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Product Identification

1.  Branding

•  Attribute, benefit, value, culture, personality, consumer perception

•  National brand, licensed brand, private brand

2.  Packaging

•  Package: Primary, Secondary, Shipping (Tertiary)

•  Customer Experience + Promotion

3.  Labelling

•  Identity, classification, information, promotion

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New Product Development

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Product ideas


Concept testing

Business analysis


Product & market test


1.  Product extension

2.  Product adaptation

3.  Reintroduction


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Product Life Cycle


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1 2 3 4

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Strategy on PLC

  Introduction Growth Maturity Decline

Product Market development

Meningkatkan pangsa pasar

Menjaga pangsa pasar

Efisiensi produksi

Price Tinggi Menengah ≤ Harga pesaing Low margin

Promotion Perkenalan produk

Mass market, fitur, brand

Brand, benefit, loyalitas Loyalitas

Place Selected outlet Membangun jaringan outlet

Memperbesar jaringan distribusi

Seleksi jaringan distribusi

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People don’t buy what they need. They buy what they want.

Good marketers tell a story.

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Price EKMA4111 Pengantar Bisnis

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Pricing Factor

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Faktor penentu harga

Target keuntungan

Volume penjualan

Kompetisi Pangsa pasar

Persepsi publik

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Break Even Point

Break-Even Analysis

•  Total Cost (TC) = Fixed Cost (FC) + Variable Cost (VC)

•  Total Revenue (TR) = Price x Volume-of-Sales

•  BEP if Volume-of-Sales = Q

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Pricing Strategy

•  Cost-based Pricing

•  Competitive Pricing

•  Penetrating Pricing

•  Demand-based Pricing

•  Price Leadership

•  Low Margin, High Volume

•  Price Skimming

•  Price Lining

•  Psychological Pricing

•  Discounting

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Pricing Strategy

Cost-based Pricing

•  Penentuan harga berdasarkan biaya produksi (markup pricing)

•  Average Cost (AC) = Average Fixed Cost (AFC) + Average Variable Cost (AVC)

•  Sale Price per Unit = Average Cost (AC) + Profit Margin

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Pricing Strategy

Competitive Pricing

•  Penentuan harga berdasarkan harga kompetitor

•  Biasanya diterapkan oleh bisnis yang menjual barang/jasa yang sama

•  Produk sudah memasuki masa Maturity atau Decline

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Pricing Strategy

Penetrating Pricing

•  Produk ada di masa Introductory – biasanya dilakukan oleh non-premium

•  Harga rendah untuk memaksimalkan Volume Penjualan

•  Goal → Market Share + Economies of Scale

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Pricing Strategy

Demand-based Pricing (Price Discrimination)

•  Penentuan harga berdasarkan jumlah permintaan

•  Yield Management → penentuan harga berdasarkan perilaku konsumen

•  Price Discrimination → harga yang berbeda untuk produk yang sama

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Pricing Strategy

Price Leadership

•  Perusahaan yang dominan (market leader) bisa mengatur harga lebih leluasa

•  Biasanya dilakukan pada industri yang sifatnya oligopoli

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Pricing Strategy

Low Margin, High Volume

•  Menjual barang dengan harga serendah-rendahnya untuk mendapatkan

volumen penjualan setinggi-tingginya

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Pricing Strategy

Price Skimming

•  Menetapkan harga tinggi untuk sementara, lalu menurunkannya seiring waktu

•  Goal → Menutup sunk cost secepat mungkin, sebelum ada kompetisi

•  Biasanya dilakukan oleh produk premium atau first-mover

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Premium /


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Pricing Strategy

Price Lining (product line pricing)

•  Penetapan harga dengan menawarkan beberapa kategori produk

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Pricing Strategy

Psychological Pricing

•  Konsumen tidak selalu berpikiran rasional ketika melakukan pembelian

•  Odd-Even Pricing → $1.99 lebih dekat ke $1-an daripada $2

•  Decoy Pricing → konsumen berubah pikiran ketika ada pilihan yang asimestris

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Pricing Strategy

Discounting (Sales Promotion)

•  Pengurangan harga untuk menstimulasi penjualan dalam jangka pendek

•  Risiko: penurunan brand image & baseline price dalam jangka panjang

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No one ever succeeds without the help of others. – Jay Abraham

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Place (Distribution) EKMA4111 Pengantar Bisnis

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Distribution Factor

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Faktor penentu distribusi

Target pasar

Sifat produk

Biaya distribusi

Jaringan penjualan

In-house distribution

Outsource distribution

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Distribution Channel

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Distribution Strategy

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Intensive Distribution •  Kanal distribusi

sebanyak mungkin

•  Ex) Consumer goods

Selective Distribution •  Wholesaler +

beberapa retailer

•  Ex) Alat-alat rumah tangga

Exclusive Distribution •  Retailer tertentu di

region tertentu

•  Ex) Premium products

Channel Leadership

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Physical Distribution

Mengapa perlu Inventory?

•  Perbedaan pola produksi & pola konsumsi

•  Pasar tersebar & permintaan besar

•  Perbedaan waktu produksi & waktu konsumsi

Dua macam Inventory:

•  Gudang produksi

•  Distribution center

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Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. – Mark Zuckerberg

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Promotion EKMA4111 Pengantar Bisnis

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Model of Communication

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Tujuan Promosi

Product Positioning

Value Added

Sales Control


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Promotion Strategy

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Pull Strategy Menarik perhatian langsung kepada konsumen à Retailer akan meminta produk kepada penjual grosir

Push Strategy Agresif memasarkan produk kepada wholesaler & retailer à Distributor membujuk konsumen untuk membeli produk

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Promotion Mix


Sales Promotion

Public Relations

Personal Selling

Direct Marketing

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•  Above-The-Line

TV, Cinema, Radio, Print, Out-of-home (Billboard, Poster, Subway, ...)

•  Below-The-Line

Direct Mail, Flyer, Telemarketing,

•  Internet

Banner, Social Media, Search, Email


•  Public Presentation

– informative & persuasive

•  Pervasiveness

– reinforcement & pencitraan

•  Expressive

•  Impersonality

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Sales Promotion


•  Consumer promotion

•  Trade promotion

•  Sales-force promotion


•  Communication

•  Insentive

•  Invitation

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Public Relations


•  Press release

•  Product publicity

•  Corporate communication

•  Lobbying

•  Counceling


•  Credibility

•  Buyer off-guard

•  Dramatization

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Personal Selling


•  Personal interaction

•  Relationship development

•  Quick response

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Direct Marketing


•  Post mail

•  Telemarketing

•  SMS

•  Email

•  Mobile & Online ads


•  Non-public

•  Customized

•  Up-to-date

•  Interactive

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Customer Engagement

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Integrated Marketing Communications

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End of Module 7