Eje Iran-Vzla

Iran’s Threat in the Western Hemisphere

Transcript of Eje Iran-Vzla

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Iran’s Threat in the Western Hemisphere

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General Context

• Relationship In just the last 5 years,

Iran and Venezuela

have created a vast

economic, political, and


relationship, which

both countries use to

advance their

asymmetric strategies

in the USA’s own


• Projects The $30 billion inventory

of joint projects and

commercial transactions

and the broad range of

cooperation (diplomatic,

military, commercial,

financial, industrial,

energy, petrochemical, and

many others) makes Iran’s

relationship with

Venezuela one of its most

important partnerships in

the world.

• Platform Iran uses Venezuela to

project its influence and

activities in the Americas,

to evade international

sanctions, and to harvest

uranium and other strategic

minerals in the region – all

with the aim of aiding its

illegal nuclear program and

challenging the USA and

international security.

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Areas of Cooperation

Area 1: 2004

Area 2: 2006

Area 3: 2005

Area 4: 2007

Area 5: 2007

Area 6: 2005

Financial Infrastructure

Industrial Infrastructure

Technical Cooperation

Nuclear Technology and Uranium Mine

Military Cooperation

Terrorism and Drug Trafficking

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1. Financial Infrastructure

2. Tractor Factory

3. Cement Plant

4. Gold Mine

5. Energy Sector

6. Chemical Plant

7. Car Assembly Plant

8. Bicycle Factory

9. Tuna Processing Plant

10. Dairy Products Plant

11. Corn Flour Plant

12. Housing Development

13. Weapon Factory

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Iran’s Significant Presence in Venezuela

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Venezuela Supports Iran’s Evasion of Sanctions

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Iranian Government

Iranian Companies (Iran

Revolutionary Guard Corps)

Iranian Subsidiaries’

Companies in Venezuela

Venezuelan Government


Venezuela Financial System

International Financial System

Evasion of International

Restrictions on Iran’s Access to Financial


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Incorporation of a Venezuelan Commercial Bank


Rahim Faramarzi, CEO

Banco Toseyeh Saderat Iran C.A.

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Industrial Sector

• VENEIRAN (Bolivar State) Tractor Factory

• Edhasse Sanat (Monagas State) Urbanización Los Tucanes NO. 22, Maturín, Estado Monagas

Cement Plant

• FANABI (Cojedes State) Bicycle Factory

• Impasco (Bolivar State) Gold Mine

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Iran’s ‘Tractor’ Factory: Venelran Military-Style Compound with Iranian Security

Building 1

Building 2

Building 3

High-Security Facility

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Iran’s ‘Tractor’ Factory: Intended Recipient of Bomb-Making Materials and Lab

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Iran’s ‘Tractor’ Factory ‘Barrels of nitrate and sulfite chemicals’

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Transportation Industry

Regular Flights

Route: Caracas – Damascus – Teheran

Aircraft: Boeing 747 SP

Tail Number: EP-IAD

Regular Flights

Route: Caracas – Damascus – Teheran

Aircraft: Airbus 340-211

Tail Number: YV 1004

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Transportation Industry

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Net loss for 3 years operations

USD $ 30,140,776.42

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CONVIASA: Cargo Facility

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Rafael D. Ramirez C. President, PDVSA

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Ilich Ramirez Sanchez AKA: Carlos ‘the Jackal’, Ramirez’ cousin

Rafael D. Ramirez C. President, PDVSA

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Iran and Venezuela’s Ministers of Defense (Mostafa Mohammed Najjar and Ramon Carrizalez), signing an agreement of military cooperation on April 30, 2009 in Caracas


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Training of the Venezuelan Armed

Forces in asymmetric war

and techniques to sabotage the

energy infrastructure.

Army, Navy and Militias

Explosive plant in Carabobo State


Overhauling for the Venezuela’s combat plane F-5 by Iranian

Air Force

Air Force

Infrastructure and machinery to build

bombs, Bolivar State.

Tractor Factory Veneiran

Unnamed Aerial Vehicles

M2 42 Planes Maracay

Aragua State


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Iranian Cooperation in ‘Nuclear Technology’

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Iranian Cooperation in ‘Nuclear Technology’

Notes: • Cooperation “in the field of

nuclear technology….”

• Accord signed Nov. 14, 2007

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Venezuela’s ‘Nuclear Power Program’

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Iranian Cooperation in ‘Nuclear Technology’

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Notes: • Internal Document

• Discloses Nuclear program years before Chavez admitted to have one

Workshop on Steps for Conducting Nuclear Power Plant Technology Assessments, Vienna, Austria, 17-20 November 2008


• The Atomic Energy Committee (CEA) is our “Nuclear

Energy Programme implementing Organization (NEPIO)1

since 2007.

• The CEA is conformed by

– Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT)

– Ministry of Energy and Petroleum (MENPET)

– Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining (MIBAM)

– Electric Companies (CORPOELEC)

– Universities (UCV, USB)

1 NEPIO is the designation used in the IAEA by the guide “Milestones in the Development of a National Infrastructure for

Nuclear Power”

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Funding Venezuela’s Nuclear Program

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Notes: • Roughly $50 Million for

“Science and Technology” Program

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Funding Venezuela’s Nuclear Program

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Notes: • “Peaceful use of

Nuclear Energy”

• Chavez personal approval

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Venezuela’s Nuclear Program

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Notes: • Russian deal signed days

after Chavez says he is only “studying” nuclear energy…

• Same firm that built Bushehr Nuclear Reactor

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Uranium in Venezuela’s Roraima Basin

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Notes: • Among the largest

deposits of uranium in the world

• Canadians are mining “uranium” in Guyana…

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Iran’s “Gold” Mine (Impasco – Minerven)

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Iran Strikes ‘Gold’ in Uranium Basin

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“Gold” Mine

Notes: • Canadians are mining

“uranium” in Guyana… Iranians mining “gold” in Venezuela

• Export of uranium to Iran would be an apparent violation of UN sanctions

• Eyewitnesses say ore processed at Iranian “cement plant” and loaded on barges on Orinoco River

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Uranium Reserves in Venezuela

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Prospección de Uranio en la

Republica Bolivariana de


Deciembre 2010

Notes: • Iran discovered

Uranium in Venezuela in 2007

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Uranium Reserves in Venezuela

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Notes: • Thousands of

samples taken throughout the country

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Uranium Reserves in Venezuela

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Ubicación de muestras geoquímicas tomadas por el Proyecto Irán – Venezuela Etapa I

Title: Location of geochemical

samples taken

Iran – Venezuela Project: Phase 1

(Uranium exploration)

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Uranium Reserves in Venezuela

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Results Iranian Study: Location of geochemical

samples taken

Regional Geoquimical Explorations in Timotes,

Merida State

(Uranium exploration)

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Uranium Reserves in Venezuela

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Title: Distribution Map of


Regional Geoquimical

Explorations in Timotes,

Merida State

September 2007

Geological Survey of Iran

Instituto Nacional de Geologia y



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Terrorism: Hezbollah in Venezuela

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Ghazi Atef Salameh Nassereddine Abu Ali

Terrorism: Hezbollah in Venezuela

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Birth Certificate Spanish Translation

Terrorism: Hezbollah in Venezuela

Ghazi Atef Salameh Nassereddine Abu Ali

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June 18, 2008hp-1036

Treasury Targets Hizballah in Venezuela

Washington - The U.S. Department of the Treasury today designated twoVenezuela-based supporters of Hizballah, Ghazi Nasr al Din and Fawzi Kan'an,along with two travel agencies owned and controlled by Kan'an.

"It is extremely troubling to see the Government of Venezuela employing andproviding safe harbor to Hizballah facilitators and fundraisers. We will continue toexpose the global nature of Hizballah's terrorist support network, and we call onresponsible governments worldwide to disrupt and dismantle this activity," saidAdam J. Szubin, Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

Today's action was taken pursuant to Executive Order 13224, which targetsterrorists, those owned or controlled by or acting for or on behalf of terrorists, andthose providing financial, technological, or material support to terrorists or acts ofterrorism. Assets the designees hold under U.S. jurisdiction are frozen and U.S.persons are prohibited from engaging in transactions in property or interests inproperty blocked under the order.

Identifying Information


Ghazi Nasr al Din is a Venezuela-based Hizballah supporter who has utilized hisposition as a Venezuelan diplomat and the president of a Caracas-based Shi'aIslamic Center to provide financial support to Hizballah. Nasr al Din served untilrecently as Charge d' Affaires at the Venezuelan Embassy in Damascus, Syria,and was subsequently appointed the Director of Political Aspects at theVenezuelan Embassy in Lebanon.

Nasr al Din has counseled Hizballah donors on fundraising efforts and hasprovided donors with specific information on bank accounts where the donors'deposits would go directly to Hizballah.

Ghazi Nasr al Din has met with senior Hizballah officials in Lebanon to discussoperational issues, as well as facilitated the travel of Hizballah members to andfrom Venezuela. In late January 2006, Nasr al Din facilitated the travel of twoHizballah representatives to the Lebanese Parliament to Caracas to solicitdonations for Hizballah and to announce the opening of a Hizballah-sponsoredcommunity center and office in Venezuela. The previous year, Nasr al Dinarranged the travel of Hizballah members to attend a training course in Iran.

AKAs: Haj Ghazi Nasseredine

Ghazi Nassereddine

Gazi Nasseridine

Gazi Nasser El-Din

Ghazil Nasser Al-Din

Haj Ghazzi Nassereddine

Ghassan Attef Salame Nasserddine

Ghassan Nasr El Din Ghassan

June 18, 2008hp-1036

Treasury Targets Hizballah in Venezuela

Washington - The U.S. Department of the Treasury today designated two

Venezuela-based supporters of Hizballah, Ghazi Nasr al Din and Fawzi Kan'an,along with two travel agencies owned and controlled by Kan'an.

"It is extremely troubling to see the Government of Venezuela employing andproviding safe harbor to Hizballah facilitators and fundraisers. We will continue toexpose the global nature of Hizballah's terrorist support network, and we call onresponsible governments worldwide to disrupt and dismantle this activity," saidAdam J. Szubin, Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

Today's action was taken pursuant to Executive Order 13224, which targetsterrorists, those owned or controlled by or acting for or on behalf of terrorists, andthose providing financial, technological, or material support to terrorists or acts ofterrorism. Assets the designees hold under U.S. jurisdiction are frozen and U.S.persons are prohibited from engaging in transactions in property or interests inproperty blocked under the order.

Identifying Information


Ghazi Nasr al Din is a Venezuela-based Hizballah supporter who has utilized hisposition as a Venezuelan diplomat and the president of a Caracas-based Shi'aIslamic Center to provide financial support to Hizballah. Nasr al Din served untilrecently as Charge d' Affaires at the Venezuelan Embassy in Damascus, Syria,and was subsequently appointed the Director of Political Aspects at theVenezuelan Embassy in Lebanon.

Nasr al Din has counseled Hizballah donors on fundraising efforts and hasprovided donors with specific information on bank accounts where the donors'deposits would go directly to Hizballah.

Ghazi Nasr al Din has met with senior Hizballah officials in Lebanon to discussoperational issues, as well as facilitated the travel of Hizballah members to andfrom Venezuela. In late January 2006, Nasr al Din facilitated the travel of two

Hizballah representatives to the Lebanese Parliament to Caracas to solicitdonations for Hizballah and to announce the opening of a Hizballah-sponsoredcommunity center and office in Venezuela. The previous year, Nasr al Dinarranged the travel of Hizballah members to attend a training course in Iran.

AKAs: Haj Ghazi Nasseredine

Ghazi Nassereddine

Gazi Nasseridine

Gazi Nasser El-Din

Ghazil Nasser Al-Din

Haj Ghazzi Nassereddine

Ghassan Attef Salame Nasserddine

Ghassan Nasr El Din Ghassan

Terrorism: Hezbollah in Venezuela

Page 38: Eje Iran-Vzla

Terrorist Training: City of Qom

11/14/2011 38

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Terrorist Training: City of Qom

11/14/2011 39

Notes: • Recruiter:

• Rouhollah Kiyaei Nejad

• Cover of Iran Air

• Network of “Islamic Centers” for proselytisms and recruitment

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Terrorist Network: Structure

Mohsen Rabbani Universidad Islámica de Irán

Ciudad de Qom, IRAN

Joao Adriano Olivera da Silva

Centro Islámico de Belo Jardim


Munir Valencia

Centro Cultural Islámico la Ciudad del Profeta


Sheij Rouhollah Kiyaei Nejad

Centro Islámico

Imán Khomeini – Simón Bolívar


Sheij Seied Abdala Medina

Mesquita Al-Imam


Shaij Mahmud Aid

Centro Chileno Islámico de Cultura de Puerto Montt


Sheij Suhail Assad

Encargado de dirigir los centros en América Latina

Gobiernos de Irán y Venezuela

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Terrorist Network: Structure

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Terrorism: Hezbollah in Venezuela

Abdul Ghani

Suleiman Wanked


Dante Rafael Rivas

Quijada (Director of


Walid Makled Garcia

Kingpin List

Imad Saab Saab

(Venezuelan Ambasador

in Syria)

Tareck Zaidan

El Aissami Maddah

(Minister of Interior)

Army General

Aref Rachani Jimenez

(CAVIM President

and PDVSA Director)

Edmundo Kabchi

Raymundo Kabchi

Caroni Group

(Bolivar State)

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Zoed Karam


Ambassador in


Terrorism: Hezbollah in Venezuela

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Venezuela Terrorism: Hezbollah

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Terrorism: Hezbollah in Venezuela

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Caracas Terrorist Summit Hezbollah – Hamas – Islamic Jihad

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Notes: • Internal Memorandum

from Venezuelan embassy in Damascus reveals plans for terror meeting

• Venezuelan and Iranian envoys met in May 2010

• Venezuelan “diplomat” sanctioned by US Treasury in 2008 for aiding Hezbollah attended

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Caracas Terrorist Summit Hezbollah – Hamas – Islamic Jihad

Notes: • Original plan called for

Chavez to meet Ahmadinejad and Nasrallah in Lebanon

• Instead, terror leaders were hosted in Caracas in August 2010

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Khaled Meshaal


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Caracas Terrorist Summit Hezbollah – Hamas – Islamic Jihad

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Arms Trafficking

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Notes: • Francop Cargo Ship

• Captured by the Israeli Navy

• 500 Tons of Weapons: November 2009

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Arms Trafficking

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Notes: • Francop Cargo Ship

• Captured by the Israeli Navy

• 500 Tons of Weapons – November 2009

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Iran’s Connections in the Region

Venezuela Main operating base in

the region

Panama Financial Sector

Brazil Financial Sector and


Ecuador Minerals Trade

Honduras Maintenance facility for

Iranian ‘tractors’

Bolivia Cement plant

Argentina Financing of Joint Projects

in Venezuela

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Iran’s Connections: Ecuador

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•Bi-national agreement with Ecuador concerning geological mining

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Iran’s Connections: Ecuador


•Ecuador Ministry of Mining and Petroleum

•Iran Ministry of Industry

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Iran’s Connections: Ecuador


•$28,973,680 payment

•Dr. José Serrano Salgalo, Under Secretary of Mines, Ecuador

•Sr. M.T. Korei, Vice-Minister and Director of Geological and Mineral Exploration of the Islamic Republic of Iran

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Iran’s Connections: Argentina


•Venezuela, Argentina and Iran

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Iran’s Connections: Argentina


•Venezuela, Argentina and Iran

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Iran’s Connections: Argentina


•Venezuela, Argentina and Iran

•From China Fund

•250 Million Dollars

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USA / Venuezuela Security Issues


•Iran’s radicalizing influence in the Americas

•Nuclear technology

•Uranium mining, source of nuclear armament production

•Missile launch capability and closeness to USA

•Hezbollah in Venezuela

•Drug trafficking

•USA southern border insecurity

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Iran, the Americas

Clear Threat:

•“The strong Iran is ready for enemy-crushing and tough response in case of any illogical and violent behavior by the US.”

•Iranian Defense

Minister, Brig. Gen.

Ahmad Vahidi, while

visiting Bolivia,

June 1, 2011

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Threat that Cannot be Exaggerated …..or Ignored ‘Street War’:

•“Iranian forces will fight with the enemies with maximum might and

power all throughout the European and U.S. soil, if Iran comes under attack.” Iranian parliamentarian, November 9, 2011

‘IAEA says foreign expertise has brought Iran to threshold of nuclear capability’

•“Intelligence provided to U.N. nuclear officials shows that Iran’s government has mastered the critical steps needed to build a nuclear weapon, receiving assistance from foreign scientists to overcome key technical hurdles….”

The Washington Post, November 8, 2011