Ej legals-complete-guide-to-twitter


Transcript of Ej legals-complete-guide-to-twitter

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Twitter for Lawyers & Law Job Seekers

Twitter has been used by Lawyers and legal professionals since its introduction for connecting with other like-minded professionals. However, job seekers are increasingly using the platform for connecting with and following firms and on the flip-side, recruiters are sourcing and screening candidates’ profiles.

In light of this, there are many things you can do to make yourself appear more employable to firms and recruiters on Twitter, and to seek out your perfect firm or role. This guide outlines the do’s and don’ts of Twitter for legal professionals...

1. Setting up your profile 2. Avatar

One of the first things you need to do is set up a professional profile. If you are likely to be using Twitter for personal use, it is recommended that a second profile is set up for professional use (ideally under your real name - not a pseudonym). Keep work and life separate on Twitter where possible.

#Note: Check with current employers about their social media policy if planning to Tweet about company news/information

Optimising Your Profile – Points 2 - 6 below can be changed in your profilesettings (click the cog icon in the top right of your profile)

Use a professional looking avatar (profile image), do not leave this out as many spammy/fake profiles use the default ‘egg’ avatar. Be real.

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Twitter for Lawyers & Law Job Seekers

Change your profile background from the default background for the same reasons as above. Twitter gives you several alternative options, or you can download a wallpaper from the internet. If you are creative, why not make your own unique wallpaper?

The header image is another image you will want to customise and is located behind your avatar/profile image. If you can get all 3 images to combine together well it shows creativity, attention to detail and professionalism.

3. Profile Background

4. Header Image

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Twitter for Lawyers & Law Job Seekers

Use your real name (use the closest possible name or nickname for your handle if it is taken) and specify your current location - it helps recruiters, colleagues and hiring managers find you.

5. Personal Details and Handle

Utilise the full 160 characters for your bio if possible. Use keywords, explain who you are and why you are worthy of note. You can include #hashtags for keywords and links to supporting content or profiles if you wish. If you mention you are employed by a legal firm you may wish to state something along the lines of “Opinions are my own.”

6. Bio

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Twitter for Lawyers & Law Job Seekers

If you have a blog or website, or publish articles anywhere, be sure to include your Twitter link or handle so people can easily find and follow you.

8. Promote Yourself

7. Follow People

One of the best ways to build up your following is to follow other interesting Twitter users and industry thought leaders and frequently “Favourite” and” Retweet” their tweets. You can get on their radar by Direct Messaging them with intriguing messages and alerting them to content they may find interesting. The types of Twitter users that you may wish to follow include:

Lawyers & law professionals (examples)Law firms & legal practicesBusinesses providing legal professionals with various services and productsLaw students and professorsLaw professorsLegal bloggers, industry experts and thought leadersLegal societiesLegal Recruiters (why not start with EJ Legal!)Work colleagues (although you may wish to be wary if you are actively searching for a job and interacting with other firms and recruiters)

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Twitter for Lawyers & Law Job Seekers

Interviews are designed, among other things, to gauge how passionate you are about working for the company and within the industry. Pre-emptively express this passion by sharing relevant news, and posting information and articles within your feed. Giving your own views on sto-ries and news helps demonstrate a strong, knowledgeable personality and keeps you up to date with the latest progressions and stories in the industry. This will also keep you informed for any topical interview questions that might come up.

Retweet and reply to their posts if you have something interesting to say. Demonstrate expertise and get on as many radars as pos-sible, you never know what it could lead to. Engage with prominent legal groups such as The Law Lounge and this may result in your tweets being retweeted by them to their large groups of legal industry followers.

In order to categorise your followers and help you view specific types of content on Twitter, create Twitter Lists e.g. one for recruiters, one for industry contacts, one for other firms; then add the people you follow into the relevant list. This enables you to only view the tweets from specific lists if you wish to. The people you add to lists will receive a notification that you have added them to a list, so it can be a good way to build relationships e.g. by adding leading recruiters to a ‘Top London Legal Recruiters’ list.

11. Twitter Lists

9. Show Passion & Interest 10. Engage with Peers, Industry Leaders & Prospective Employers

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Twitter can be a great broadcast tool for businesses and practices which is why it is such a great listening tool for individuals looking for their next legal role.

Just like with LinkedIn you need to put the best “you” out there so that when the time comes, (believe us, recruiters and employers turn to social media for information on candidates beyond their CV) you will stand out from the rest.

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