,~eIUng -Out, - Treherne · luto tho pntient if possible. Spmy room witll alltiseplics, slIch ns...

VOL. XII -Out, Remember Ihe Dale Cnkcr C W 1I1111 Grocer I *- . I will Jell your goocla and lor a wry Imall Discount you can have your cash ilay of sale. " Prien reasonable and Nllabcliaa guaranteed. '-, N. "WXLSON. X.A.A" \ , , , Every will wear alit in the course of time.; but hand· made out of the best materials obtainable will !:' () beyond the ordlllpry span of life for harness. If ) on me contemplating the pur- chase of a new llnrliess do dot close the deal before )'ou inspect our liue of hand·made goods. , , Cumbs. Brushes. Whips •• 15. In days of exactitude it's just nbout impossible ror 'a 'IlIBn to d9 witbout a watch. If you are trying it Vall know-You kno" the inconvenience and the necessity of guesalng nnd the errors. In these davs of easily bought watches whi> need go watcbless? For 12.00 we sell a guaranteed watcb- with iuaranteed service in it- A reliable and all-right wntch. Cheaper ones even tbnn that for those who want tbem, and man V that cost more. Glad to show YOll at all.Y time. 'l' F. Harness Repairs. D. S., HARVIE HARNESS , ' , Jewellery. Watch and Clock Repairl"! Broadwav. ·Treherne . , ISSUER OF IURRIAOB iilre 'leu aiJ 9rett'l 'qou :jhould .$e? -! L A womall may have beautiful features, good complexion, fine figure, uud c10lltcs of m,aterial and style sllch as' the dictates of' and ltavc all marred by a of thin , , dry, lack-lustre hair. . . ' ''I Geo. Graham . ( Druggist and Treherne, Manitoba f Railway'. Ave,. ", I Heated by Hot Air, Lighted by . Electricitv. to Commercial Trade" , ""limn'" Rooms in conmlction

Transcript of ,~eIUng -Out, - Treherne · luto tho pntient if possible. Spmy room witll alltiseplics, slIch ns...


,~eIUng -Out,

Remember Ihe Dale •

Cnkcr C W 1I1111 Grocer I •

• *-

. I will Jell your goocla and lor a wry Imall Discount you can have your cash ilay of sale. " Prien reasonable and Nllabcliaa guaranteed.

'-, N. "WXLSON. X.A.A"


, ,


Every harnes~ will wear alit in the course of time.; but harne~s hand· made out of the best materials obtainable will !:' () beyond the ordlllpry span of life for harness. If ) on me contemplating the pur­chase of a new llnrliess do dot close the deal before )'ou inspect our liue of hand·made goods.

, , Cumbs. Brushes. Whips

~O •• 15.

In ~bese days of exactitude it's just nbout impossible ror 'a 'IlIBn to d9 witbout a watch. ~ If you are trying it Vall know-You kno" the inconvenience and the necessity of guesalng nnd the errors. In these davs of easily bought watches whi> need go watcbless? For 12.00 we sell a guaranteed watcb­with iuaranteed service in it­A reliable and all-right wntch. Cheaper ones even tbnn that for those who want tbem, and man V that cost more.

Glad to show YOll at all.Y time.

'l' F. A~ MER.~E~ Harness Repairs.


, ' , Jewellery. Watch and Clock Repairl"!

Broadwav. ·Treherne . , ISSUER OF IURRIAOB LItDJI~IBII8.;!,

iilre 'leu aiJ 9rett'l as~' 'qou :jhould .$e?

-! L

A womall may have beautiful features, good complexion, fine

figure, uud c10lltcs of m,aterial and style sllch as' the dictates of'

and ye~, ltavc all marred by a be~d of thin , , dry, lack-lustre hair.

. . Herp~cide '


Geo. Graham . (

Druggist and Optici~n Treherne, Manitoba f

Railway'. Ave,. ", I

Heated by Hot Air, Lighted by . Electricitv. •

Special~attentlon to Commercial Trade" ,

""limn'" Rooms in conmlction

F. Langill, "'Xbo ~(nll.o"· • writes: .. SOllto conslClernble

ngo L -bOgllll IIslng Z.lIll·DIII, h";,i'i:':,'·I;"willh;a viow to lostlllg It thuroughly.

troublccl with eezemu, willeh .s ,'t.I"'M,'. in tho cnrly pllrt uf Will'

soams t.o leave me abollt I tried lInm·Buk immo{lintoly

'~I~.i;J{i':u'(~,~~rtu!l to brelll( out, nlld ,"11 ,I 1I111t· it checked the .no~e thllu 1 CUll SIlY

I ~n vo o~or boforo tried. We 1I0W hll\'e Zalll-Bnk ill tbo bou80 contilluously, lind r cnrry u smllll sumplo

,"ox in my Ilolllcel. OIlU e\'ellillg 1 hllp· ,l,oned to 160k ill' .. hero 1111 old"tnnn '''ad mot wiLh Ill' ncoiaont II week before, lind had lust " fillgor IIl1il. r dressed tho wonud "ith lInm·Duk nnd left the snmplo box wlLh tbom. I hnve seon tho old gontlomnll Hillee, alld Lhe illjury Is cured. '

"all IIDother ooc •• ion n fllrmor clIlIou at ''1'bo MIIIIHO.' 1l.1I1 I lIolicou n rltg on his Onger. Nuquiring .. hout tho ill' Jury, I lenrnCiI that hu hnd somehow tllkell .. ploco of tlosh olT, nnd t,ho wound h.d stnrtou to fealor. ne WRS IIfrnhl it would lurn to blood.poisoning. I !lavo hilll .. bout Il U.ird of a bolt of "nlll.Bult nlUl he applied it. A fow daya Inter J sn ~ him, nud ho said 'Thut's great Hnl\'e of yours; my /logur 19 now doing fl nc.' , I

Thnt i. exnctly the kind uf tCBtimOI1~ wo 1II0st npprccinlo. 'feRl Zltln Billd DOlI't go by hCllr8~yl You will find it gives Iho best results '" nil cnses of eczemo, ringworm, fcaturillg 811rC8, pRes {mta, Lt(rmt, inc.'c: tlOrt'8, eruptlOns, Ilil .11 sldn injuric. ali<I discnse!!. All drug gists n.n11 flturos, (jOe. box, or from Zum Bnk Co., 'roronto, for prico, hut roCusl e1leltp .11111 hnrmful substitutos 111111 imitnliolls.


DR. l\lAUIUGE DE FLEURY write. Do not stnnd or SIt in draughts. Koep out of all crowded places.

Kcep yuur feot wnrlll. Get plenty of tresh air nnd c>.:orciso. La Grippo ,is ""ught most cusily in crowds, 1001l1S, thou tros, concert llIllls, big Bol'ure cllterillg thom spray tho 1I0S0 illtorlllllly with mentbolatod oil IIncl wn· tor, twu purts to 1,000, lIud nftor oQming out lillse the 1I0S0 wiLh ~Iot snit wlltor. At the tlrst sYlllptOtJl tn1<0 II IIDt bllth IIl1d lie down "lid slJlcp for n whole dny. "prny lhe uo~e lind gllrgle the throlll WIth mOllt hulllle.1 nil 1I11c1 wntor; tako II ,10"0 of c"lolI\cl or cllstor oil, feed,oll lIIill<, b."."l, \'egetnblcB, 1111d eool(ed InOlt. Tnke hot Ilridks thnt will fI the kidlleys IInll stnrt porsplrnlion. luto tho pntient if possible. Spmy room witll alltiseplics, slIch ns OIlCU,'.)'

tol or IhvlIIOl, 111111, whnn IIll hn\'o tho 'roolll ,1IsillfootOlI witb dehytiP. ),'or the grip is 11 Hort of blood \,0.90nillg, wit h muny complicntiolls, ond IS very conlngious.

• • ••

HOW is 10ur .. iCo, John'" .Johll (tho wnitor)-"Well, J

tlnn 'L I<nnw, miss. \Vhcn tbul

tU111 don't slliue she's m.sernblo, IIncl when it ,ln~R she BIIVS it flltieB tho curpot."

todny: , . .. uno by' ouO tbo green anu hnppy·

lookillg bIlls wbeol by us until, .too snduellly, it scom8 (for 8uroly it sbeuld be prefnced hy some warnillg SCOIIO dosollltioul) the long curvod Iino the buy is boforo ono wboro onco wnH St. Piorro. 'It is men, not wull, tblll mllke II city,' tho Grcel< mnxim rnll; nlld more, It 18 living ilion. For the wnlls of St. Pierre nro tbero still; olld probably 110 fewer thnn ,10,000 bf its IUhubitants aro thero a190. But they havo bean aslcop these eight yellrs now. Alld It IS extrllordillurlly impressive, Lhia wllllo, sightless skeleton of a dOlld city. In ordorly\ rows tho hOUS08 st~nd nH Been frolll tho sell, tho 8treets rJslllg in tior upon woll graded tior bllck frolll tho Iboro to Lho h.lls., But ovorY'stroot

81lont, o\'ory bouso roofless, \ every window OIl\'ornOllS and blind. 'rho SOil is "" smooth fiS " 8heet of glllss. Be· twoen liS ""d tho sllore olle 8mnll bani contuins two boys who havo been tlsh' 109, tho SUII shining on their coppor coloro<l SKins 1111<1 au tbo" brilliuht red r",'k.fish with which the bottom of tho ho,.t ill littorod. Otherwise thero IS liLe in 1I11 tho wido roadstend,' where sovenLoen vessels, with nUlllerOU8 smnll bonts, woro 8WIIllowod up thut dny.

"0.1' tllo forlorn wreck of II jotty \Vl lilllf"n dozen almost llnqlntf threo women (tho cluerl)

the mothor of tho othm anu cripplod mllll, nlld tW(

ail thrustlllg 011 liS patboti, fro III this grnvoynrd of 1\

cit:Y~-I!:ob,lef;s;' othor gluss vessolf 'n~+in.; of tllo lira, bnlf·

Ollt shnpo; coim orUfLlncnts, UE

Chllll1; bits of I(e nil 01<1 wrou~ht.iron

Htick IIn(l nil IIII1iulI gOll In.Ben brllss-1I11 nliko benring witnes" to

nwfulnoss of thnt bour whon the liol nlr senrched tho town as " l1nmo is drl\'on ,by n forced !lrnught n furnllco; eneh poor nrticlo

monto mori. ... How could ~:~W~~:t~~,~\~~:l continuo ill nn [itmcIsp,boro i II ~ t,m t'"1 eOllslyyi; ~"t.~~r::~ 1111 wootlwork,1 8~~~ij~~I'I~~:;~cid left tho IlImIcst l! distorted, 111111 RI,lot I11llr.lIn

IIIIU grllnito n. 'wo sec 'l'licy Rlly thnt in theao IllY., In .th~ir seo'r08 I'fouchod in ono cUfI'oti,,'"

bent IIcro.s

')fy slIlllry is knocked into II eook"ca hnt tbis woek."

Dnlly-" Why'" . Dilly-" 1\ly \vlfo's clinntocler

will taka it nlL~' ;. •

llfIS'XRESa (hiring 80r"ant)­L'f.L hopo you I<no .. your placot"

Sorvnntc...." Oh, yes, mum I Tho lust throo girls y'ou had I told mo nil ubout it." ' -

• • • \

M1N1S'rER-'-"So you aro going to 'school now, are you, Bobby'"

Bobby (ngo(l Hllt)-"Yes, .ir." , Ministor-" Spell kltton for me. ". Bobby-" Oh, I'm furtber ad "LID cod

than tJmt. Tty mo on' cnt." • • •

PRETTY Miss .Tone~"As I 01<1 Illdy in thia piece, I

•• to 1111\'0 wrlnklos Illliuted round eye., ebenks, nnu moutb."

Brown-': Ah, they will bo in plensant places."

• • • V ISl'XOR: "CIID 10U rond the PlIst."

Portullo, tellor: "Cortainly; thnt's Illy business.'"

VJsitor: .. '1'holl I Wish 10u'd lell 1110

wllnJ it wno my wife told me to get fer bor.

* * •

WJlI';~ YOII lire gro,,.n up," queried the "isitor; .. will YOll be II doc· tor, \il'e YOI" fntb.r'"

"Oh, clear 1110, 1101 Why, I couldn't oven kill II rnllbit," replied tho boy with grent frankncB.~.




e.peclally f'or the Hard water of' thl. Oountry I Equally Good In Son Water




:amI! No. G15.-Hand allaeed, highly ftnisliod. Free for 125 wrn ppors.

No. 18~mall Aeoor· .1101', play. perfeet tunc, fr.,.. for 175 wrapper •. ~oetage, 8e.

- Alhrm Glock. ity of GorDlIID

Ni.:kel Alarm' Clock, with I4IcoDd hand, .111<1 stopper to .hut oO'.. .. lar",. Prt!8 for 200 wrapper.. nccipiollt to

Ipay oxpress cllnrge •. •

.OW TO nnunn TD BID. ~ • IIrI"or Ualolt: paper 10 &laM \be end. wiD __ .,

_ •• II ....... lIcllll7 .......... --S' ... 'OfUO ....... ~,. _ ... 0. 1M dIIIIrMI.' 0 U4 __ 1M --_............. '


Quauruplo }llllte, on wbite motal, for 475 Royal Crown Wrapper., or $UIO and 25 Wrappers.

a o\ltsiilo of Wiunipeg add 15c for delivery.

will brinK It

ADD .....

JU..~ }if.. ...-Plain Onl lh4tiaC .IaC. Htmlll Bual..... )'rae

tor ]!15 1fT1I,pen.

I 1 •• -""


No. 15906 - Sterling SUnr Lace Pi ..

.. ' ... I

No. 5!lIJ.-ChU. '. Brace· let with Lock ••• K"T. Free for 70 wrappers.

No. 580.-Ladlea' Brac,,· let, allme ae abo ... ", but lar· ger. Froe for 100 wrapp.r •.

RobineoD '. 11' ... _ lIoelt ef lI04era Cea.alruu; p.per enen, _WaIaa enr 1,000 1Ip"~·dC-41.., 80111ID4nP111, .... .a eseeDn' .lIterta-. Yt: .. fer 15 wnp~

·"~pS, ,~mited OR .


I '

l . { , f ,

, I' ,

, , , ,


, ,


" i

, r ~ , d

I , I


,. , " " t ,

, I


an.wered: '''1'ho letter was -certnlnly .~ulcn :My SUit ca.e was rift· .q<l the night of my Ilfrival at Bmnch· vIlle. 1'1100. gontlomen h.red a tb.ef to

• go through Illy 1'0.8C8"1011 •• " "l'vc been protcctlng my rightsl"

• tI,O old lIIan 1I118wcrc<l fiercely. "If you tluuk you cnll chont me out DC my right. ful ducy you'l\ Ond out your mistake I "

"I wouldn't hlLve tllought you could .1001' to tI,,"," ."id Dorothy. "You eDuldn't Ollpoct 10 shake my faith in

.J orol<1. ' , SIlO handed Garrisoo lhe lettor to

.how hor confidence. Gnrrison plncC!l it io hi. !,ocket. He

'taHoed oa thO Robinson. aogrlly. n,~8~~~:::r~ "You MO both it)volvod ID a prl800

olTence," he 8nl<l-' an ordina.rr·y;~':e~'~~lIrJ I burglnry I HUppOSO you foel' the filet thnt for n ... rn'fhv

do notblnf nbout you thnt 'II endure no of tiling, ill your efforts ero(lIt on Dorothy's rcllltionlBhip mol NoW' then, kindly room."

Aware thnt Garrison held hand, old Hobln80n "lUI moro th,~n .lIiii,,:;1 flnollj be ,wns furlOuo HIS t\"blt;eriID~8 evor/ wus ""potont; thore medlnt~ retncdy ut band. ;'~~t~~~~1 equally bullied, returnod to his of frwnilhn08i<.

"No hllrltl's been ilono, nod none wus intonded," ho said "There's noUllng in fILmll~ row~, anyhow. l!'ILthor,' come along. " lir. fILther on the point of '018011arl: mg ROO thor brou<1oldo of nngor, "a"tOrO(l ,blS mind lind fo11o-.. ed h is son to at I ho rollt 'ot tllO house.

Gnrrison el080d the door. Dorothy waa lookIng nt Ilion atmQIBI

wlll1ly "What ,loc,it mORn'"

a: tono barely nbo\ 0 11 w~~~J~~,i'~~'~r~~oy havon't leally fOllnd ~'

'''rlto.r: 8U81'004. tho ",r'lI,n," ho answered. "I


ne town or §ltirling is growillg by lonps aud bounds. List Juno it WI~~ Op611 pro.irio IIg town, with 1000.1111\0. long (llstancll telephono. A nowspaper, "The New Stu ling

, just bllen establishod, ~nd II tolOgtlll1l trolll the edi "'01' statos thnt the liI'St issue will l.e

this \\oek .

to $300 Each



Torrens " Title .

EllY to-day and get the benefit of thll tt"OllllllldollS lIlo\·tlllltlnt. YOllr lIloncy ill\'oHL(l·d III Now

Stirling works tWllnty-ftlLlr hOllrs 11 dtLY. Heml 1o.' lIlILp>!, plmH" bluo pUIII>! !LlIll \'IO\\H

\ :i::' ====:==;===== , following rorm nmy he used: ~ I I" 1,1'" l'uWN81 n: :;\ N IJII,;A'I b,

'rOWN81'1'~~ SYNDLeA1'~, ll'j'IHLING, AL'f.\.

Ull I ;>; Ill;>; H' ~ I, 1I1 I I.DI;>;U WIN~IP~U

Gelltlemen,-Enclosed YOll will find $. . . . . . . . . .lIelllg cm;1i payment uti lots II

the tOWlIslte of Stirling (Registercll Pilin ·l:~4i V), IIml I hel'olly IIgl'ce to PII) th balnnce at the rllte or $10 11 moutli" on I'1I1·1t lot K \I\l\l~ I\\lot 1lIt: thllst· I·IUbost lilt" I i!I'1 Ihl: plllllS \\ h\!11 1/1111 10 IIl1v~ Ihe [Illl'llt'l,l\' \1\ l'hllHl.,lillg Iu 1111.' 1111,,01" II I WIsh

KllIdly send plnll;; 1I111pS nnt! vlI"\'~nl ~\\IlhH.:h~ 1'\'\1\1111 III II II

Name", .•••. ", •............. , ,

...... , ...... "", .. .

WIlS goverllo(l I,y n \\ fltten Mvonnni v,lth t.he U\lSSlll.n Go\"crHlIlcnt, lI11fl wn~

110 wily lU(Juol1cod OUO WII~ 01 tho by Lhe hourllll:( of tho qnestlon on ienn l'0he~. But .IUplLl1 liS woil

111 hnd II sny III tho ",attor. '1'1" .Jllpnno,,, dill lIot OprO"e tho Chili Cimtl

On tho oontrnry, thoy s,!](1 thO) \lore prepnrod to parllclputo III IL I[

thoy woro 0110100.1 to come If' S.r E~l wald uij!<c,1 the Amertenn OO\'orll

t obJeotod to tillS, nnd WII.

n prod.ely oinulnr festn ai, rlnriD'; \\ h" h tho t,:rout nlln 18 to Bot)(l lIerBoao awa; ",tlt me"""t,:os to tlct.llons In,lIvld· lillIs, or m<1"'1l1I1nlo Ol1ro to bo, a\f'" j I 0111 home, lIml enJuy .L Inugh nt U10lf <118nppulUtm~nt '1'0 IInu Lhe prnetlco .. w.duly prllvnlont 0\ or tho cnrtb, noi ,,,th 90 ucnr 1\ cOlllrideDco 01 dllY, 800 .. 8 to lnUlCnto Ihut It hilS 111111 a very carly Qrigm nmongst nlll11klf!,l, '.

n'.,,,,,·o(l tlUlt the American GO\ objection. Dritish poilo\ In n recent IIrtlclo III E~erybod1 's

WIth Amerielln 1'01 MngnzlDo, untitled "l!'renzlo<l Opora," construction of tb. WillllLm Bnrr lamonts tho fnct ot Ule

n I'nrUclpnnt o\ordolDg of uJlorn III Ne" York nllil Agroement of hero IIru we I'0or We"terners lo~ging

Groy It, £01 II relurn of thnt wbich }I& hRso't IItl~It.\llle. Tile our gooll fortune to enJoy 81l1e_

llcl,w,cnr IIncl Butterfly," PUCCinI'. ilnmQ'

il~~1~fl~~l'i~'fl'.~~.~R~~!t~:1!;~~~~;1~1~~~~~~~i,!~~!1~~J~~~~~~~~~~~l; im oP,orn ... :" .. ,~b~"O .ro SQDlC. tblec "inLors agu

, cnl r~ 'rhore 1ft cortD.la hoillu('" of UlIlll(B In tbi.

fO\I,'t,bc" JS,ew rl(lm. I>TO being cg""Cll wecldy lIerform

fol' nul' dty, no lucliooil. UerQ is 1 ,

.. \


, <,


, !lLw 27, HI10,

OF THIS PAPER CAN BE at tho office of Mess"s E. & Co., 30, 31 and 32 F.Joct St.,

.:.qrluo'n .. ,Ic.nl~'! freu of chnrgc: nnd thn( I be to "cceive ncWS, sub·

,:,sc;nC,\I0n5 nndndvortiscmcnts on bchnlf Times.

:~'f;i:;;;F'a:rrnl!i;G Can Practice Consel"Vation

"n:"':1 being' n nation of fnrmenl, pay n vcry large see,\ hill

ycnr. Last year our crops for ,;,000,000 hl1shcl~ of

grain..L\\ hcnt,oat~ nnd barley, wc arc constantl\' illcren~ing ugricultllrnl acrcar;c. 'l'his he'

ng so. t he economy of sowing good ellll seer! b at once apparent. The VilnlngcH to be deril'ed f,ol11 it

'nre like thc proceed,; Df a SUI1I of h:';;;;'",Ul'Om!v bid out at compound interest

they Illt' accuillulativc ill their cf· and g'ro\\' in eVH increasing

ratio: -SOIllC years ngo U cOlllpettt­on was carried 011 ill some 1150 plnc~5

['anneln tq ~ee jnst whaL the cctual Its ,of IIsing clean, pure seed

be. I f we reusou f rOIll tbe

""""c·"results obtninecl from it, we find til!lt ou~'~raill yield last ycar would

becn increased liy 19 0 ,000,000

had cleau, vigorous seed 11 sowud 011 every acre uuder


Fresh. ahd , .

Cured Meats •



weeks only. 25 % off aU' clothirg ,in the store.


, I

Men"s Suits • r

Overcoats !)Ii Pants . ,

Suits .

20th. Century cloth-ing - - the clothing,w,ith a reputat-,ion -- ·Our present shovving oifer,s ,the discreet dresser the choicest



&' McDONAL'D , ) t· I •

T'l;'eiterne, 1llanz:toba , I



"""~"l"r. blro'''.r or 010',,,. " In ~nocl

n Inllg­nero. DnLIolf. or six )".IIlrtl

iIlchllllulI tho Ilutollt) 1I11l1

, ,



Did )'011 c~h 1l0Cce thot . ""Cllt"') BarK on ot lhe 'Botto they last liC\'crnl years longer. hest car of green cut unlll!e:!ed ~~" ....

( inches in diilllleter, we hnun

this car arc r.oming in fa~,t, ,10 c'l.IrIUg Ihe ll11tl\bcr )(oll/I!:quire. ~



Le/.igh. Cement

• • o o • .. .. • D D

" • " • .. .. III D .. • ~

Ceda,<> SI,ingles nee ...- /

, We hovc jnst Il11lon~led n car of the cel,cbraled SHINGl,.ES frolll Vaucol1\'cr-No I Cedar.


300 Bushels orOats for sale

, . Fnit'banks-).1 or~c Gasolin':l- Engincs


l\ylml1r Farm Scale M C \Vhent,picklcr

o· . \ It II

• "

M. Hf. Staples _.

cheap sboes'clnim .that they use oak.tau1Ied

If they do, it's certainlv difTercnt frolll thc oak tanned sole leal her uscd in ollr shoe5.· " ,

I' f Did yOll ever cxaminc lhe soles and heels of cheap shoes? If YOII did the color was apparently all righl. But did VOll notice the texll1lc of -lhe leather? Did you obsen'e whal a cORrse, spougy :lIId porous appearance ihe leather had? Compare it sometime with the sole leather used i1l ollr higll class shoes.

1'he sole!\ of al\ IllvictllS, Hell, Model and ClassIc shoes arc made of genlline oak tanned sole leather. 1'here's no beller \\lade­a fine-grnillcd flexible leather. H's really so fine and tough tlint YOII wonder how the soles cver wear out.


i !


Scott - Treherne ~ I Phone No. 60, -'~

))'W-l'P'tf§."J)f)~ rmJ:!~~"~®.WJ.

Corona luniber, Co. I



\Ve keep Holhing but lhe best qW\ld:; of Portland CC111C'l\t j "Her. cules ",~ h; our strongest brand.

-See Our- .


The best ready roofing on the mar· ket; Prices Right.



We have 4 5 and (j inch green·cut peeled posts, also 8 foot gate posts

7 inches in diameter.

-Kelley Island Lime, Wood Fibro Plaster nnd nil Building Material in Slock.

, .

Spring Hats ~ctJ~

All lhe Spring Walking Hats .ill the store will be for Stile on

Saturday at


I A Full Stock o( McCall's Pal terns l a150

Braid and Embroidery Designs.



ii."'" }tj)I)!¥§§~~§#~~~#~~¥~~~~~~~~~;::;;'RAILWAY AVE .. TREHERNE

, ' •• t'





l , i

. ,

... \

.. /


~ b .t 19 l!hl~tlV )t t LrlJl !H \\U~ f trl und tho monsler U1JtJll8 wid" \,;,uu" lbut.lC 18 to ctU Iy 11 t.1H V J r. over lncrcaslllg greed htt devuur

c llIille by Lurd LLU.UOWUU, wbu.u lUUW Ihe .ueUou ot cuunLry e~,uLU JolUS (Julue, Lbu tiurn. \';Ollll'UUY r."uo· ... " us tho l!Jlysluu 1 lains 18 III 4'" .IIIl vouuty IJUUlICIJ A thorougluy wIth extraordllln'rY celerity by a cu, nulc IIl1d plllIIstukllJg sceroLUIY WUH currOlit of ellormous dO[ltn A Ire 0.4,1 L uilH .. t!l1 to Jtel!l recouiM wltuu U Mull llwudous burrIer of firo surrounus tbe v, uliO ut the loudlllg turmurH \VU. Cit Seeue liuro tl c sky III IIlleli wILb Ii

"lo'ul1 IHth the uOlunl I odlng r08Y hght 1 be pooplo rush to the Ie ••• und ticmonstlUtlon!i l\lllU eurrteo.l cburchcs 'Iho follOWing IS tim desenp u4 UI U ve YClLrH, uuor Which tuno the tlOli gl I cn or tbo scellO 11.1 Lhe IHLle towa .,<,oIIiIY Illid 8clCI tlUe ll(iVlsur gUlu uf Horollo, \\Iucb was Lbreuleno I by 11. l:uUlI:ltJ8 of IccturtJs throllghu It tho COUll torrent of raging lava", "Y uu .. dlstnbutod roport. " ,\ Vllst crowd of country poople,

lllo Ulethods of £oollUlg praotlsed III e"clted und paDlc etnckon, arnvo I. the !IlStrICt reforr~d to uro fally dus llourniul procession beforo tho prott1 Clluull in another seotlOu ut l!;ugllll" little IJburch of Dorello I ho bolls nn&, Ihu ! o[ ort OXplUIIlS thut U grIO~ uuco bc out IU prolollgoli pe .. ls lI8 it IVlLh a Bol '"Ocll growers aud buy"rs WUH ovtlrCOIllO oUln call to pr11yor Before tlo porch of

lUll lors co Ol'orllLUlg III the OUguglllg tbo church " lIfloSt In IllS sllcrud vcst u g.uorul s"l.smuu IlIcnLs "ddrossoB tho crowd, "ho filII \Uor covermg In u thorough w .. y tho down on Lholr knees wltn Crl08 o( ill

VUllOUS pbllseB of the IDdus~ry III lro and desplI.ir U8 thoy heur the tbe report 1>nelly rtlVIOWB Lho of God's nUlII.tor Ibon, (roil.

In p .. rt as follows broll8ts puiPILlltlUg WIth anguIsh lbo rourm!! of SWIUO Is B starts forth tbo ugolllzod ery of 1111L"

ulUllcb of In8h ngr1"ultu~e 110ly Mary, succor usl ' throughout lhe rural dIstricts I hb 1I11uge of th18 8lUut I Madonna 10"1I1U despIse tbe pIg Ho~h tho GuartllUD' Is tnen brought Iortk IIUIllcrs and tho more humble of tile frolll tho church, bnlllnntly clad I. rt rill c1as"cs find It lIrefOrllble to rlLlSe robes alld ornalUents of eilver Md gold ut least u smull Dumbor of 1Igs ellch Ih,s 18 the patron 8Ulllt 13orello wor ) uur Ihe frugal halnts of tbo lrla" shIp. and behlud strealn Olen .. ad "" !loa"un. admIt of DO food rofuso or <1,.1\ ilion of tho couutry wearmg tho 11 t ugod crop bOlug wllstod Ibu careful uresque costume:> of Sledy lind eI1rrylllC tuedlllg of these, together wlLh II grco t ltgbtod tapers' 'I ite "flLer proeeedR or IC8s quantity of purchased food 'Suddoul~ .. wllrI shriok burets %1om

II aLorl"l1y help. to ho (r. wd, ILD 1Il1cseribablo cry. t 1 "r II UIlY Ii small boldu g '[ 110 I gmtiellll ror IlB an ellormous Illcandesc,"at J 10 ..

that plI.ys the rmt, lIIellllS much moro of rock, thrown up by tho q roam of nmongst tbo frugallrlsb folks thllu per 6.0, tnl1s to the:> rond WIth a J.llion ng haps ullY otber class or fIlco of poople efltsh only a fa.., YH.rdll frolll th3 I r I)­

rho proxlllllty of 1 rclllnd to th~ Ing crowd' 13ntish lIlarket bas for very many yeors rhe area devastutod 1>y the flow ef proved a i<oen /lllpOt"8 to pork produe I Iva IS estInlllted by the I f1buna fit 37(; tlon Iho groat lUanufnctunng ccntH S n.cros and tbn damago dOllO 80 fllr lit of Bngland requlro constllnt suppltcs of $300000 Of course subs<)rmlJonB bnve pork product. Irish packers aud Eng boen opeDed for tho beue6~ of tbo"" Itsh IIIcrchnllts hnvo 101 g sInce curno 10 whose homes, lunlls, crops, nn3 cattle regard eBcn as IIldl.peusable to tbe alL ha~ e beon dcstroyed All IlUmCIIA.

lho Illsh packer has beoll wleo III crowd of tourl8ts throng tho BCUIIO :nlll dll) and generatIon :Not ail tho bu) rehcs and 8ollvonlre of lavlI A

pork he shIps 'oears hIS most cherlsl etl clIlolllatogral'h Ins nlso been at work brnnd MI ch Irish porle Aucb liS thllt nIDong tho crowds Commenting 01 Lho nelll old breedIng stock, o\Cr fllt bogs present eluptlOu In co u[luflHon WIt. und thoso thllt aro too thIn, nro sold those of formor yenrs, Professor Duce ... WIthout ulentlHenllon, but no bUSiness Lorenzo, who holels tbe ehalf or nUllor lUall gUllrds wltb keenor Jonlousy tho ro nlogy and voleflnology 111 the Ulllvor PUtlltlOli of hiS spccml brands of bneo I of Catulllu, rOlllarks rcu""urlllgly, liS

nnd hams than tho Irtsh curer Ji'roll CntaUlu, relllllrk. rou"""rlllgly M tho I:roat mass of BUJlplteB he seleets III Osservatoro HOlllllno IDost carefully tho pIgs that 010 at tho prosent momon' the to bo cured for the best trado lho IS of 11 sulhcloutly ~erlOw. cUflng 18 ,Iolle WIth equal care ami lit charnctor no ono C'I n 9,Cel], prn.ltot the ODd or thlB stngo oulJ the firm BIdes t bl b I nnd leall plump barns rocelVe tbo first tho It Call pass I ~ aS8umo suc 1\ flrtU brand 0" thiS IClnd of comblll Itton mg proportIOns n8 thORO pro80ntel il.­Irish bacon hl18 eetnbllshed Itself III tbe eruptions of 1802 nn 1 1800 Bfltalll, an all 11. eontmunltoll of tl1l8 LI c

mOIIO"1 trnde won 18 held 'The Irish inrmor IDChnrR to fol

Iowa loader 1D whom be hRs confidonco rhlS characteristic of the peoplo IS • f grent RSslstance to the Departmont of

Ql'llr,oi/11t •• :1 AgrICulture m Its work III md <rf _S~VioIO Already thiS haK

Irlsb pIgs CO;'opllr,,­roceptlve


I N tho C081ll0pohtall 1fr I O"'~ NIXo. WrttlUg on ",[ho Cnll 0 or our "Van Ished Ships' bowllIls the Inlserable

osition of Amerlcn s II orcl111tll0 mortue and dlSOllHSOS what lI11ght 100 <1on. not exactl) to rOCOHr 108t ground but t. get Amortc"n goo18 cnrnod III Allorlca. bottoms 'I bo article 19 timely because -nnn·d:lti(lnil.-· Tbl& 18 $;:il~:;~f,.'~

of) the BIll 1>oforo Congress (or ehortl]' to como \Jefore It) nnd Bill posod to be fa\ orod b> PreBldont '111ft to re •• tnb

_,,,-' ... ;, hsb Amerlca's morcnnble mnrto. Thlfl tho HUllIphroy DIll, tho w"tor

to liS It 19 upO.




, ,


T lIE problom or tho Sll1l1mer outfit. iB renlly fnr 1II0ro hnr· rAssing lhnn the winler outfit, for not only is it 08BOII' tml for .\lIIIIIIOr gowns to look always frc,sh nml amart,

Itwt tor mero comfort's Bake mllst tberjl bo n far ll1r((or 1111111' Iter thnn is required for winter. It is impoH8ible, rur Instnnco, tn elillliullto w",,1 gown. from tho list, but thcy (10 not play all I1l1porlnnt pnrl. 'rhero 111118t be gowns of Bomo welghl,

Banda the loyer

.. ro.Hel natltllt in botlo,loeu.r j nll are i. Itylo,

ol80---0f nillg c\lotrMb! IDsl,eB .. if thnt i8 do-'rhe conservative .. till eloct the Olle tone color schCloe

':"A', ••• ,nA.to all 01 ... , but for thoBe .... ho claim Uint ito lob I·~::?~~~~~~~~ tho eOD~r.lUlt of 1:0lor nnd materia!,'p~caeot a IAoit I fleld of CbOIM. . '

D~~s ita contaIn' Alum ~

> 7, '.. ~,

.~ Canada will some (lay stop by legislation the use ~ -. ~ j ...

of alum in· bakirig 'powder. Alum' powders injure . _digestion. Great Britain 'already prohibits alum in I

, :. foods.' \ ' :;~~~~~~ ....... ~~. MAGIC is better than

any food law requires. MAGIC insures health-·

fut. wholesome food. Brintfe , success to you in baking light. f);aky biscuits •

. cake and pas­try.



a medium· priced 'bakinf powder and the only well­

'known one made in Canada th3;t does N9T contain alum.

Full Pound Cans. 25c.


, I' J- .......... r_ ..... c .. , of .... te c_ ... oaII ... .d ........ .wr. • . _ ...... c.anI • ..,. .... .. ,_~ I"d. L-" will IN ... t.d f .... 01 c ........

,NO. :jo .

ITOBA~ ----i

MANITOBA ha~ nlll'xlcl1~iI'c WRI~r Hlirfilce for c,vnpnrr'tillll.nnd , prccq.:tutioll I'lIrp'''(!s (llllvilll( 6.019.200 II or c::'), TilliS" the

grelll~l;t JlCl:I:~~lt\· (IIr crop I'llrpCJ$c~ is secured. T Ill' fl' I~ \ l'l llllllc,""prcd f!hlllll 2S.000 0110 >J

1:ht: POPllllllioll of Ihe Plo~'iJlct: III 1901 \\"H~" :!~5~7,1! nll(l \ ab,'lIt 500,00 I, which I,; more thnll Sntl~(allt"r\'. co ',~,!".',''',

lh" stllrlJlIl! "ollit. ," ... .-Thl! Wodllctio'l of .Wllcllt O.LtIi ami IMrie)' \\'1\1;. III 1<)01. 90

"1,,11,," ; ill rh· ... Vl'ar~ it IIns illcrenhed tIl 1:!9,47~ 9 f.l '!."''''/'':',.,_.,,,, Willlllpt:){ ill 1901 lind n plIplllntloll of ,p,:! 10 11\111 hilS 110

'50,000. ur ha~ nrorly nnndrnl'lo:c1 ill ei~ht yenrs. . The ",""",·,1 \'oillc of \VII1I1IPCI! 1\'11" ill 1')01 $26,405.i7n ; Iii

, $116,106 39',.nf lias triplt:d III ~t!\'1.'11 ,'cars, .. ",;( TraJl~p(lllation IllciliLi,s nfl' 1I1lO:CJllullo:d ; ill II \l'ord arc 'I

",lIIced 1I1'·lo-clale c."ldiuulI, havi11I{' fllllr, trnllsl.'onl ,rlllllV.I\!S cUlI1plete, or II11rler c011:,trtlctiu!1 cClllcrj111{

)I~I!, 'I'lte fJTOI'ince lin~ lIe~trl)' 4000 IIl1lt:s. of cnm elt:d W.IY Jil1~s. ;,

~lalli/fJi'n lin, I Itt! I{realc-l pr(,grc;;!\ II)! riC:,tI 1111 1"1 II Y :1111i"IiIlRllci 1111\' "IHllllrv ill the: wade!. 111101 I", 'thcrdure., tlte 'Ollt: til em" ... ".lIlf lIlt Wit/I, as she oITt:rs th~ hest tcturns for lahur or Rtlclul cnlJltnl. ., _

\ • '\ I

\Vrite ful' infurmntioll to :-

JAS HARTNEY, 77 Vi11k St., 'I'oronlo. Ont. ," JOSEPH BURKE, 170.Logall AI'e , \VlilltiPCI!', Man, 1 : A A, C. LARIVIERE, 2J Alliancc lluildilll::, 'Mol1lrl'nl, Q, J F. TENNANT, Or"I\I:I. l\Illllitohn ..

J, J, GOLDEN. of r\~ricllilllr" a III I l11l1lligralillll,

, nlld

of 1'rehcllle were nrnlllu i la~t Sal­IIi-Jay, Rlld disposed of their supply of tags. . .

:Al~d therc is no" rcason wIly the Canadian girls should not comply with the . c\cm~lpds of etiqllettc whcn c\;cr)'111ll1g necessary is at theil! disposal.



\ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1\1 i5S Edilh Alldcrsoll is \'I, .. ili.lg

al RCI', J. A nderS011's

. A, D, 'l'holllP"OIl ancl \V. I!ousc Were 'Villlli))eg I'I~itol's for tlte :!'Ith,

" Mrs; McKny, ("f 'Winnipeg, is Visltl1lg' her slst.:r, 1\11'5 C. A. Garner:

:VIiss McDollnl,1 \\'n~ n Wilillipeg \'h;itor fllr t!le \\'eek clld, n:lllrJIllI~ Oil the 2'ftl\.

Mr \Vilh'lIll~, who has bel'll \'i~it· 1\11' nlHl' 1\lr~ A\'lwill, ll·Lnmc<l

Ihe city 011 TlIc4llny C\'enlll~, , Thc RatlJwtdl1 jUllior bascbnll

wei c Hbllaml VISIl0r~ Oil the tillg hctOIl(1 IllOJll!V ,ill the tOUriUlIlIClit. Qllite n IIl1l1l-

slJppurtl:ls UCClllllpU!lIed the


~ : rVe Ita7JC just 1 ecez'7HHi a sltz'pmeltt I ! o.f Barb {;f7irt alld !-1og Fence and are i ~ -in a pos/I/o//' to supply your 1lecds 'i.e/zllt .• . . .... ~ ! tIle best qualtty if stock in tltis line. ~ 41 ' "-...al =-- - _ ... - - - __ ... -

j Adam Forbes '1 • . \ f. :; RAT H "'!' E. L L • -,- MAN ITO B A, "

. ......... ~ ........... ~ ... ~ ... ~~ ...... !

Chas. J. Western Eyesi6hf Special ist l\JIlples~ H,ldg. Main St" Winnipeg,

will be i It

The Ontario Hotel Parlor, Treherne

Tt1e~day, June 7 tho who nrc offiictcd with \Veok Byes, Hcadac,he, Cro~s. e)'c,

e or I/I(lisli11l:l Visioll will clo well to consult 'him olld seclIrc all , (

t modCI ale CObt, H)'~gIJlsses and spectacles filled. teed. COllsultnli6n; hours: 9 n. 111. to (j , .

• , .

roce DC ,