Egypt Bluff Review Game 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 2122232425 2627282930.

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Transcript of Egypt Bluff Review Game 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 2122232425 2627282930.

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EgyptBluff Review Game

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The Nile River flows through two important regions in Egypt called….

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Who drove the Hyksos out of Egypt to start the new Kingdom?

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Who would the people of Egypt blame if their crops did not grow or if disease struck?

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Who is Egypt’s first pharaoh?

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This was the title used by the rulers of Egypt.

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These are steep rapids along a river.

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Is the Nile the second largest river in the world?

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Explain what caused the end of the Old Kingdom

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What does the double crown symbolize?

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The southern part of ancient Egypt was called__________.

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_________ wrote and copied religious and literary texts.

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What job employed the most people in Egypt?

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Ramses the Great is best remembered for what?

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List the 3 types of pyramids we discussed in class

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Whose tomb, discovered in 1922, has taught us much about Ancient Egypt?

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The Egyptians called the kingdom to the south of Egypt________.

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Egyptians believed this left the body and became a spirit after death.

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What was good about the flooding of the Nile?

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True or False – Egyptians believed that pharaohs were also gods.

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Who were pyramids built for?

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True or False – Egypt’s geography kept it isolated from other cultures.

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Why were tombs filled with art, jewelry, and other treasures?

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This helped historians understand hieroglyphics.

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What is a dynasty?

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How was Egypt able to build pyramids and temples?

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Explain the burial practices of the Ancient Egyptians.

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Give 2 similarities and 1 difference between Mesopotamia and Egypt

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What are the five elements that make up a civilization?

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During the New Kingdom, where were pharaohs buried?

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Define delta.