EGAT - Power Plant Dispatching in Thailand 2012

Power Plant Dispatching in Thailand Warit Rattanachuen Power System Control and Operation Division Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Thailand E-mail : [email protected] 1. Abstract Thailand Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) is the single buyer model that most electricity is generated and transmitted via the main grid system which is operated by Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). The optimized dispatching is done by SCU (EGAT system control unit) who is the System Operator (SO) regulated by Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC). For the reason of transparency, SCU is treated as a ring- fencing unit, thence the optimization objective is the country’s least cost. EGAT (power plants and transmission system) capital, debt and return are earned in the based electricity tariff; whereas private power producers earn capital, debt and return in Availability/Capacity Payment, thence pass through via the adjustment tariff. Thus, only the variable cost from both EGAT power plants and private power producers that are related with the output power dispatched by EGAT, which will be considered as main variable in dispatching principal and pass through the adjustment tariff. As general power system, many constraints are taken into account in dispatching process. Transmission system constraints force some generating units to be must-run units; nevertheless the other transmission system constraints limit power output from some power stations. Gas supply and pipe line constraints limit generation from the group of plants; therefore the secondary fuel such as fuel oil or diesel oil will be the alternative in dispatching consideration. The commercial constraints both from fuel supply agreements and power purchase agreements force some power plants to be the must take generating capacity; in the same manner of irrigation requirement from reservoir in Thailand. In the operational planning phase, the commercial Linear Programming optimizer and equations are developed by universities using in long-term (1-5 years ahead) and short-term (day and week ahead) generation planning. The medium-term (1-4 months ahead) generation planning is done via the in-house worksheet. Power system simulation software is employed to simplify transmission constraints that are taken into account in generation operation


Power plant dispatch in Thailand

Transcript of EGAT - Power Plant Dispatching in Thailand 2012

  • Power Plant Dispatching in Thailand

    Warit Rattanachuen

    Power System Control and Operation Division

    Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Thailand

    E-mail : [email protected]

    1. Abstract

    Thailand Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) is the single buyer model that most electricity is

    generated and transmitted via the main grid system which is operated by Electricity

    Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). The optimized dispatching is done by SCU

    (EGAT system control unit) who is the System Operator (SO) regulated by Energy

    Regulatory Commission (ERC). For the reason of transparency, SCU is treated as a ring-

    fencing unit, thence the optimization objective is the countrys least cost. EGAT (power

    plants and transmission system) capital, debt and return are earned in the based electricity

    tariff; whereas private power producers earn capital, debt and return in Availability/Capacity

    Payment, thence pass through via the adjustment tariff. Thus, only the variable cost from both

    EGAT power plants and private power producers that are related with the output power

    dispatched by EGAT, which will be considered as main variable in dispatching principal and

    pass through the adjustment tariff. As general power system, many constraints are taken into

    account in dispatching process. Transmission system constraints force some generating units

    to be must-run units; nevertheless the other transmission system constraints limit power

    output from some power stations. Gas supply and pipe line constraints limit generation from

    the group of plants; therefore the secondary fuel such as fuel oil or diesel oil will be the

    alternative in dispatching consideration. The commercial constraints both from fuel supply

    agreements and power purchase agreements force some power plants to be the must take

    generating capacity; in the same manner of irrigation requirement from reservoir in Thailand.

    In the operational planning phase, the commercial Linear Programming optimizer and

    equations are developed by universities using in long-term (1-5 years ahead) and short-term

    (day and week ahead) generation planning. The medium-term (1-4 months ahead) generation

    planning is done via the in-house worksheet. Power system simulation software is employed

    to simplify transmission constraints that are taken into account in generation operation

  • planning. Furthermore computers at the control center support the real-time system

    management, and economic dispatching which is calculated by the software of energy

    management system. The dispatching target is sent from the control centers computer to the

    power plants control system via data communication that is a close system. Real-time

    network analysis, contingency analysis and security enhancement help operators to maintain

    standard security. Other tools outside the control centers computer such as, Wide Area

    Monitoring or fault locator also support operators to control the power system.

    2. Introduction

    Thailand Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) is the single buyer model as shown in Fig1.

    Around 90% of power consumption is generated, transmitted and distributed via the state-

    owned utility system, and the rest power is generated and supplied by Small Power Producers

    (SPPs) on their system. The power is generated by both the state-owned utility named EGAT

    and private power producers, but it is transmitted by EGAT and is distributed by the state-

    owned power distribution utilities. Because EGAT operates transmission system and most

    power is transferred on EGAT system; thus, EGAT is both the power purchaser and the

    system operator in Thailands ESI. The principal of power supply in Thailand is standardized

    power delivery with reasonable price and Thais electricity tariff is based on the pass-through

    principal. Same as general system operators, SCU dispatch generators based on economical

    objective function with security and commercial constraints; moreover, they control

    transmission main grid network that is 230 kV (kilo-Voltage) and 500 kV. The following

    topics will explain about objective function, dispatching constraints and methodology both in

    the operational planning phase and the real-time operational phase.

    Fig1 Thais Electricity Supply Industry Fig2 Generation capacity sharing

  • 3. Objective Function

    In dispatching process, the economic is treated as the objective function; same as, in the

    general power system. To understand the objective function, EGAT organization and

    electricity tariff are necessary to be described. EGAT is the state-enterprise organization, and

    was established as the power utility in 1969. Besides, EGAT take responsibilities in power

    generation and transmission for the whole country; therefore, EGAT operates system to

    minimize the total cost of electricity supply that is different from any business companies

    who try to maximize profit as their target. Because EGAT owns around 47% of the power

    capacity in EGAT system as shown in Fig2, so the public may not trust in EGAT system

    operation and dispatching. Thus, the regulatory body called Energy Regulatory Commission

    (ERC) was set in 2007 for monitoring energy system operation including the system operator,

    EGAT. Therefore, Ring-fencing system operator, account unbundling and system control

    license are mechanisms to regulate the EGAT system operator.

    Moreover, the suitable tariffs eliminate EGATs incentive to unreasonably dispatch with his

    own generators. The generators revenue from both the state owned and the private owned

    consists two parts. The first part is paid to cover equity, debt, interest and return including

    fixed operation and maintenance costs. So EGAT receives the first part tariff from customers

    directly via the base electricity tariff that is fixed around 5 years. And IPPs (Independent

    Power Producers) also receive them as the tariff; called Availability Payment (AP), which

    determines the AP rate in Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), and AP is paid when the

    generator has availability to generate power with determined characteristics. The AP is not

    related to energy generation, it results with IPP availability only; thus, EGAT dispatching

    will not affect to Availability Payment. Another part of the generation tariff is Energy

    Payment (EP) that directly relates with energy generation. EP is comprised of fuel cost and

    variable operation & maintenance costs; however, the fuel cost shares around 99% of EP.

    EGAT charges some parts of the electricity tariff to cover EP payment via the fuel adjustment

    tariff that is calculated every 4 months by ERC.

    Since EGATs dispatching target is to minimize the total cost of electricity supply, and only

    EP is effected by dispatching that 99% of EP is the fuel cost; therefore, the minimizing fuel

    cost can be treated as the objective function as well. Generally, the fuel cost of each power

    plant comes from plant efficiency or heat rate, and fuel price. According to the dispatching

    model, the heat rate curves of EGATs power plants are derived from performance testing

  • and the heat rate curves of IPPs are determined in PPAs that EGAT pays IPPs at guaranteed

    heat rate curve in the PPA. The difference of actual fuel consumption and calculated

    consumption; which is based on the guarantee heat rate curve, is the profit or loss for each


    Fig3 Generation classified by fuel Fig4 Thais natural gas consumption sharing

    Because real-time operators do not know the accurate fuel prices during operating the system,

    thence the fuel prices in dispatching model are forecasted prices. When consider energy

    generation classified by fuel as shown in Fig3, the major fuels are natural gas, coal and

    hydro. Natural gas using in Thailand is supplied from 4 sources such as pipe gas from Gulf of

    Thailand, on-shore gas, imported pipe gas from Myanmar and imported LNG (Liquefied

    Natural Gas). All pipe gases that used in Thailand are set the price structure related to

    delayed FO (Fuel Oil) price in regional market (Singapore oil market), thence the pipe gas

    price can be forecasted with high accuracy. LNG price is related to the global gas market, so

    the LNG price is forecasted with low accuracy. However, power generators in Thailand both

    EGAT and private power plants purchase natural gas at Pool2 price, that is calculated by

    weighted average natural gas from Gulf of Thailand deducted by the volume of natural gas in

    Pool1 (Gas Separation Plants : GSP), Myanmar gas and LNG. As shown in Fig4, the gas

    consumption in power sector is around 72% of natural gas in Pool2 and the Pool2 price is

    calculated by weighted average method, thence SCU do not use Pool2 price in dispatching

    model, they use different gas price based on source of natural gas that each power station

    consumes. Moreover, the demand charge in pipe tariff is also eliminated from the model,

    because it is calculated based on contracted demand without actual consumption

    consideration. The next major fuel is coal, their prices are various mechanism. Because the

  • major domestic mining for power producers is operated by EGAT, therefore the domestic

    coal price is regulated price. The imported coal using at IPPs and SPPs (Small Power

    Producer) were determined price structure in the PPA, all of them are related to delayed

    global coal market indices. The domestic hydro generation is not inputted the price to

    dispatching model due to energy limitation, the maximize water value is the domestic hydro

    operation principal, that will be described in later topic. Imported hydro power was set certain

    tariff in the PPA already, only exchange rate effect to the tariff.

    DSMs (Demand Side Management) are taken into account in the objective function. Almost

    DSMs that cannot control by SCU are mixed in load model such as energy conservation,

    TOU (Time of Use) customer that affects to daily load profile and energy storages by

    customers etc. However, the utility energy storages such as pumped storage units are

    considered in dispatching model. The different of SRMC (Short Run Marginal Cost) at each

    time is the key in consideration. If the SRMC difference is more than pumped storage unit

    efficiency losses when concern complete cycle both pumping and generating, the unit will be


    4. Constraints

    As general optimization problems, the objective function search the best result in searching

    area while constraint equations set the boundary that make searching area smaller. In

    principal, searching in smaller area gives worse result than searching in larger area. To

    expand the searching area by reducing constraints, the more infrastructure investment is

    required. However, the suitable investment and acceptable constraints were considered in

    investment planning process already, therefore only constraint reduction by operation

    methods such as rapid load or generator shedding schemes, energize or de-energize some

    transmission line etc, are employed to expand the searching area. Finally, the constraints still

    appear and constraint equations modeling are necessary in dispatching process. The

    dispatching constraints can be classified to 3 groups that are technical, commercial and policy

    constraints. The below sub-topic will describe detail of constraints in SCU dispatching


    4.1.Technical constraints

    The technical constraints mean any constraints that set to support power system operation

    with standard securities. The constraints are consisted of operating reserve standard that is

  • related to characteristics of generators, transmission system constraints that limit power

    generation from a group of plants or require a minimum generation from a group of plants,

    fuel gas supply constraints both quantities and quality issues, environmental restriction and

    the limitation of energy from reservoir.

    Operating reserve requirement

    Operation reserve is classified to spinning and standby reserve. Spinning reserve is the rest

    power that generators who synchronize to the system can be supply when the system need.

    Spinning reserve is consisted of primary response that generators will increase the power by

    themselves when detect low frequency in the system and the secondary reserve that

    generators will supply more power when system operator dispatch both by verbal or

    computer signal via AGC (Automatic Generation Control). EGAT system set standard

    spinning reserve between 750-1500 MW (Megawatt) during peak period, the lower target is

    set to cover the largest unit and the upper target is set to prevent system low efficiency due to

    part load operation of generators. Moreover, the operators monitor 5 minutes spinning reserve

    that should not lower than 500 MW for controlling spinning reserve quality. The 5 Minutes

    reserve is calculated from the summation of power that generators can increase in next 5

    minutes, they are related to loading rate and the rest power of each generator. According to

    another reserve, Standby reserve is the total available units that are not synchronized to the

    system. It can be divided to 3 groups based on start-up time. The quick-start group will

    synchronize to the system within 30 minutes, that most of them are hydro and simple cycle

    gas turbine units. The dispatchers keep quick-start reserve is not lower than 750 MW for

    replacing spinning reserve when the acceptable largest incident occurred. However, the

    almost hydro units are limited energy supply units and simple cycle gas turbines in Thailand

    use diesel oil that is very expensive, thence the operator will start CCGT (Combined Cycle

    Gas Turbine) to replace quick-start reserve units and shutdown them after CCGT

    synchronized to the system. Normally, SCU keep at least 1500 MW CCGT as standby

    reserve any time. The rest non-synchronized units are normal standby reserve units that do

    not generate power due to higher generation cost. Fig5 shows reserve requirement in EGAT


  • Fig5 Operating reserve requirement Fig6 Must run capacity in Southern

    Fig7 Must run capacity in Metropolis Fig8 Generation limitation in North-eastern

    Transmission system constraints

    Transmission system constraints have 2 types, one determines a unit or a group of generating

    units must be run and another limits upper generation from a group of generating units.

    Transmission system constraints are come from system analysis both in steady state and

    dynamic condition. In EGAT system, must run units are determined in area that generation

    capacity is lower than load requirement, because transmission lines that will import power to

    the area have limitation such as Southern area of Thailand as shown in Fig6, etc. Other cases

    of must run units are affected by reactive power demand such as Metropolis area as shown in

    Fig7, etc. On the opposite site, the upper limitations are set in the area that generation

    capacity is higher than load requirement, because transmission lines that will export power

    from the area have limitation such as North-eastern area of Thailand as shown in Fig8, etc.

    However, SCU do not determine the constraints only for normal operation but they concern

    to contingency, EGAT determined the standard that the outage must not be happen when

    single contingency occurred called N-1 criteria. Transmission system analyzers determine the

    upper limitation and the must run units that are simplified information to generation operation

  • planning model. During real-time operation, the control centers computer simulates routinely

    and announces the operators when contingency outage found. The operators will adjust the

    generation or transmission operation to mitigate the contingency outage.

    Natural gas pipe line constraints

    Similar transmission system, gas pipe system also has limitation. Natural gas in Thailand is

    supplied by PTTPLC (PTT public company limited) that is shared more than 50% by

    government. In investment planning process, the pipe system was designed to reach foreseen

    demand without contingency security standard. The GSAs (Gas Supply Agreement) between

    Fig9 Pipe line limitation Fig10 Daily gas using variation limitation

    Fig11 East gas quality variation Fig12 Myanmar gas quality

    PTTPLC and EGAT included guarantee quantity contracts for IPPs (EGAT guarantees

    natural gas minimum take at IPPs) was made based on the cabinet resolution that determined

    the power sector is the last priority of gas supply. Moreover, almost GSAs between PTTPLC

    and EGAT were made based on best effort principal since PTTPLC was a state-own

    organization but they are still effective. Thus, gas supply to power plants and pipe line

    capacity for power sector are decreased when unforeseen demands happen. The unforeseen

  • demands are industrial, transportation and GSP. Fig9 shows the example of gas pipe line

    limitation. Moreover, to maximize gas supply, the limitation of daily gas use variation is set.

    It is related to pressure control in the pipe-line such as the west gas system that gas is

    imported from Myanmar as shown in Fig10. These are quantity constraints of natural gas

    supply, but another is quality issue. New gas-fired power plants are CCGT that require

    narrow band of gas quality, while natural gas supply in Thailand has various qualities. As

    shown in the Fig11, PTTPLC will vary the DPCU (Dew Point Control Unit) gas or LNG

    sending-out when demand or supply changed and it will be effect to quality of gas supply in

    east pipe system. The west pipe system is worse than east pipe system due to various quality

    of gas production as shown in Fig12 and no any treated unit. The daily minimum and

    maximum using are set as constraints to dispatching model especially when some incidents

    occurred such as gas production shortfall, compressor outage, pipe line outage etc, that the

    constraints will be increased from normal.

    Fig13 Environmental issues Fig14 Thai water management diagram

    Environmental restriction

    Many environmental issues affect to every power plants. At least they must control

    Particulate, Sulfur-dioxide and Nitrogen-oxide emission included water temperature released

    as determined by related laws. Moreover, they must control pollutions included above

    pollutions that may control better than laws as determined in the EIA (Environmental Impact

    Analysis) or EHIA (Environmental and Health Impact Analysis). Because the EIA and EHIA

    concern to public participation both construction and operation phases and CSR (Cooperate

    Social Responsibility) is trend in Thais ESI, tri-parties committee is established for each

    power plant. It is consisted of power plant representative, related government agency and

    local communities. Many times, the committee determines additional environmental

  • restrictions, and power plants must concern during operation. The summarized environmental

    issues in Thailand are shown in the Fig13.

    Reservoir limitation energy

    Almost hydro power plants that supply power to EGAT system are reservoir type both in

    Thailand and Laos PDR. After rainy season finished, the water in reservoir is at the highest

    level of the year. It is released during dry season and the water is at the lowest level of the

    year before rainy season begin. In Thailand, the water storage in reservoirs is not for power

    generation, it is for irrigation as the first priority, power generation is only by-product.

    Therefore, reservoir management is done by RID (Royal Irrigation Department), they inform

    water requirement of each river basin to EGAT and EGAT operate the hydro power station to

    release determined water volume, the target of operation is maximizing water value. In

    operational planning phase, RID informs water requirement to EGAT routinely, the

    information is provided for coming season as weekly basis and confirms week-ahead

    requirement as daily basis. The cooperated diagram of water management in Thailand is

    shown in Fig14. Different from Thais reservoirs, the reservoirs in Laos PDR were designed

    for power generation and almost energy is exported to EGAT system, so the PPAs allow

    EGAT to manage majority water in the reservoir. The minority water is managed by Laos

    PDR government agencies or power plant due to local water management and domestic

    power generation. EGAT also plan to use water in Laos PDR reservoirs based on water value,

    almost energy is generated during high demand period or during emergency situation. EGAT

    operation planners divide the total limited energy in the reservoir to be daily energy

    generation till end of season. They review the energy generation plan of Laos PDR hydro

    plants every week. The operators dispatch hydro power plants based on daily water

    requirement for Thailand reservoir and daily energy plan for Laos PDR reservoir, and they

    will increase or decrease the generation based on updated priorities for emergency plan.

    4.2.Commercial constraints

    Commercial constraints are come from the right and characteristic in any agreements that are

    PPAs and GSAs. IPPs PPAs are designed based on fully dispatch basis, the dispatcher can

    vary power generation or start-stop generator as much as they required but not more than the

    right that determined in the PPA. The PPAs determine EGAT right with the certain number

    of loading/de-loading rate, start-stop by EGAT per year and some generators limit daily load

    variation. Moreover, EGAT must guarantee minimum natural gas or coal consumption in any

  • contract year, thence EGAT made MGSA (Master Gas Sale Agreement) with PTTPLC and

    guarantee energy purchasing from coal-fired IPP.

    SPPs PPAs are different from IPPs PPAs because SPP programs were introduced to

    improve energy efficiency of country and promote renewable energy. The SPPs receive

    higher tariff to support them and bring the programs to be successful. SPPs are separated to

    non-firm and firm PPAs. EGAT cannot dispatch non-firm SPPs who can deliver power to the

    system any time. The non-firm SPP generates power from various sources such as solar,

    wind, biomass, biogas, mini hydro, and natural gas (Co-generation). EGAT can dispatch firm

    SPPs as month-ahead schedule and guarantee to purchase energy at 80% of availability

    energy generation because they must plan to supply power and steam (in case co-generation)

    to their customers in industrial estates. The majority of firm SPPs are co-generation used gas

    or coal and the rest are biomass power plants.

    PPA of hydro power in Laos PDR is another type that the tariff has only EP. The PPAs

    determine generators to declare month-ahead expected energy generation and EGAT must

    purchase 95-100%. In case that EGAT purchase lower than minimum take volume, take or

    pay concept will be applied. However, the take or pay volume is limited especially in rainy

    season to avoid unacceptable water spill volume. The exchanged energy between EGAT and

    Laos PDRs system is similar non-firm SPP but the exchanged energy between EGAT and

    Malaysias system is based on bidding principal, both of them declare day-ahead price on

    hourly basis and the purchasing will be confirmed after price declaration.

    4.3.Policy constraints

    Because EGAT is a state enterprise, the government agencies may set some policies to

    deviate normal system operation. According to hydro power stations, people who locate on

    the river ways may be affected by water release from hydro power plants. They may call for

    problem resolution, although they located on the problems site after power plant started the

    operation or they stay into the river ways. When people face the problem, local government

    agencies or power plant management often set the water release restriction based on people

    demands. The next example of policy constraint is renewable energy, the cabinet ordered

    power utilities to purchase renewable generation as much as generators can produce.

  • According to natural gas that is the major fuel of Thais power generation, some power plants

    must be run at maximum for high using sale gas from GSPs that make GSPs produce LPG

    (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) at maximum volume, because the government aid LPG customers

    to pay lower than market price and GSP can produce LPG with lower cost than imported

    LPG because GSPs purchase gas in Pool1. On the opposite site, some on-shore gas and

    Myanmar gas are reduced supply volume to power plants because they must supply to

    transportation sector as government policy. NGV (Natural Gas for vehicle) demand grew

    highly due to low price when compare with gasoline or diesel oil price. Moreover, gas supply

    to power sector will be cut first in emergency situation as determined by the cabinet and

    replacement fuel such as fuel oil or diesel oil have supplied limitation because of special

    quality need for complying environmental law and logistics problems. Normally PTTPLC,

    who supply liquid fuel to EGAT at least 80% as determined by the cabinet, requires 30-60

    days lead time for the supply process.

    5. Methodologies

    According to methodologies that EGAT employ to operate generation system with above

    objective function and constraints, many tools are used in several steps. Maintenance

    scheduling manages availability of power plants in the first step, next long-term operation

    planners estimate power generation included fuel demand and check the limitation in both

    generation and transmission system, shorter-term operation planners make the half-hourly

    generation schedule for the next day and provide it to NCC (National Control Center) who

    operates system in real-time included dispatching in the last step. The detail of each step will

    be described in below sub-topics. Because the dispatching is demand-supply balancing

    problem, the demand description is necessary for understanding methodologies that will be

    described later.

    5.1.Electricity Demand

    The Fig15 shows daily load curve of EGAT system. It has 3 peak periods, morning and

    afternoon peak periods are influenced by business and industrial demands, and the evening

    peak period is come from residential load. The system load on weekdays increase at 10pm

    due to TOU tariff that several medium and large industrial customers applied, the tariff

    during off-peak period started at 10pm is very low. Moreover, the system load increase

    sharply at 8am 1pm and 6:30pm and decrease rapidly at noon and 5pm. Thus, the operators

    must be prepare the generation system to response both maximum power demand and

  • behavior of demand. For operational planner, the Fig16 shows monthly load profile that

    related to the temperate, the load is high in summer season (March-May), and low in winter

    season (November-February), because the air-condition loads affect to demand. EGAT past

    records show around 300 MW changed when ambient temperate changed 1 degree Celsius.

    Fig15 Daily load curve Fig16 Monthly peak demand

    5.2.Maintenance Scheduling

    Grid Code determines generators to propose 7 years maintenance schedules and operational

    planners consider the proposal based on availability reserve, fuel supply maintenance plan,

    related constraints and replacement cost before propose revised schedule back to generator.

    Both of them will finalize the schedules and review the schedules every year. Generator must

    confirm outage plan quarter-ahead, month-ahead, week-ahead and day-ahead as determined

    in the Grid Code. The planners use developed program that EGAT purchased a commercial

    optimization tool box using Linear Programming and equations developed by domestic

    universities funded by EGAT R&D (Research and Development). The program suggests the

    better schedules to operational planners that will negotiate to generators based on the

    suggestion. Normally, the system prefers outage during low demand period such as winter

    season, Sunday, holiday and off-peak period (in case short outage). To support planner

    negotiation, PPAs allow the planner set different hourly AP payment called Weight 2 years

    forward, the Weight is multiplied on AP based value. The Fig17 shows example of Weight

    for a power plant in a year. In the case that the generation outage proposals are related to

    other transmission outage proposals or may bring system to be more risk situation, the

    planner will coordinate with transmission system analyzers to find out the best outage

    schedule or determine necessary constraints as shown in Fig18.

  • Fig17 Different Weight for managing outage Fig18 Planned outage coordination

    Fig19 Long-term planning coordination Fig20 Medium-term planning coordination

    5.3.Operational planning

    The planners make the generation plan and fuel consumption routinely. The first plan in

    monthly basis is called yearly planning that the plans for next 2-4 years are made every

    quarter, for present and the next year are made every month. The planners use the same

    software that used in the maintenance scheduling process and adjusted the plan with

    additional related constraints that are not inputted to maintenance scheduling software. The

    next step is monthly planning that is made on daily basis for next 4 months and review every

    half of month. The planners use in-house worksheet to make monthly plan that estimate

    energy generation of each generator based on fuel cost and related constraints, after that the

    planners calculate fuel consumption at each power station. SCU planned to start the R&D

    program for developing software for yearly and monthly planning with a domestic university

    using the commercial optimization tool box that EGAT have license. According to

    transmission system simulation, the planners estimate power generation of each generating

    unit at afternoon peak, evening peak, light load and Sunday peak for each season since

    present year to next 4 years and update them every 6 month, that are provided to transmission

    system analyzer who will check the constraints using commercial power system simulation

    software and feed them back to the planner. Moreover, the planner make the half an hourly

  • basis unit power generation on a typical weekday and Sunday in next month for rechecking

    transmission system problem again. The month-ahead transmission system analysis will

    concern major transmission outages. The coordination between generation planners and

    transmission analyzers is shown as diagram in Fig19 and Fig20.

    The shorter-term operation planning is week-ahead planning that are made on half an hourly

    basis for typical weekday, Saturday and Sunday, and estimate energy generation included

    fuel consumption on the rest days in week on daily basis. The planners use the developed

    software by a domestic university in EGAT R&D program using the same commercial

    optimization tool box that employs Linear Programming. The weekly planners concern to

    coordination among generation, transmission and gas system. Any constraints and foreseen

    outages in all system are considered, the long-time start-up reserved units are considered to

    re-synchronize in this plan. The priorities of fuel replacement in emergency condition

    included hydro extra release are set in this step. The last plan is daily planning for next day

    that employ weekly plan as the guide and is made on half an hourly basis with the same

    software. The changed situation is taken into account in this step, the reserved CCGT are

    considered to re-synchronize in this step. The updated foreseen events in generation,

    transmission and gas systems are mitigate in daily planning. Fig21 shows the diagram of

    coordination in shorter-term planning.

    Fig21 Short-term planning coordination Fig22 AGC diagram


    Normally, NCC receives generation schedule from the short-term planners. The schedule is

    used as the guide to start/stop generating unit, to monitor water release from major reservoir

    and to control hourly gas consumption. However, the actual system always deviates from

    plan and NCC must adjust the power generation from each generator to balance demand and

  • supply with the objective function and constraints. EGAT dispatching is based on the Grid

    Code that determined unit dispatching basis, therefore any dispatched instruction will be

    made for each generating unit different from plant dispatching basis that dispatchers instruct

    to plant supervisor and they will dispatch each generating unit in their plant again. The

    communication between NCC and power plants has 2 types. One is verbal dispatching that is

    confirmed by authorized document and NCC uses verbal dispatching to start/stop generating

    units, to increase/decrease power of power stations that cannot control by using AGC, to

    change or mix fuel use and to turn on/off remote control function of power stations. Another

    is AGC that calculates the suitable power generation of each generating unit and sends the

    signal to generating unit controlling system. AGC has many modes that are suitable for

    different situation or different generator characteristics and NCC can use different mode for

    each generator on the same time. CE (Controlled Economic dispatch) is employed in normal

    situation that the major target is economic, the heat rate curve of each generating unit and

    fuel prices are inputted to the model, the target power of each unit is calculated every 5

    minutes, and the dispatch signal based on frequency deviation and target power is sent to

    generators every 6 seconds. BP (Manual Base-Point) use in high load changing period or

    emergency situation, the target power is inputted by the operators, and the dispatch signal

    based on frequency deviation and target power is sent to generators every 6 seconds as well.

    EX (External source) receive the target power from external calculation, such as another

    program that limits power generation from a group of generators due to transmission line

    constraint etc. BL (Base-point schedule) send target power to generator based on planned

    schedule such as testing unit etc. AV (Average) mode calculates the target power from high

    and low limit, it is suitable for narrow band control such as generators who limit daily load

    changing cycle. Fig22 shows the diagram of AGC.

    NCC does not consider economic only, they must control the security of power system. The

    AGVC (Automatic Generation Voltage Control) is employed to control voltage as AGC.

    NCC set the voltage target or reactive power target at their computer and the signals are sent

    to power plants control system. Real-Time Network analysis (RTNET) software scans the

    system every 3 minutes and Real-Time Contingency Analysis (RTCA) software finds the

    system weak points every 3 minutes too. When the control computer found the weak points

    from contingency checking, the Real-Time Security Enhancement (RTSENH) software will

    suggest operators to adjust power generation or power flow or other to prevent the

    contingency events. Moreover, the operators can use Study Network analysis (STNET)

  • software to capture the actual system at any time and analyze the system as lesson learning or

    to find out the detail of interested events. Fig23 and Fig24 show the real-time securities

    monitoring and NCC action when emergency outage requested. Moreover, Wide Area

    Monitoring (WAM) supports NCC to monitor and prevent instability event especially on

    regional system interconnection and Fault Locator helps NCC to analyze the incident

    especially in the transmission line.

    Because the NCC computer can control directly to generating units, therefore NCCs

    computer is designed as a close system with duplicate control center concept. Double control

    center rooms located in different provinces, double computer servers are installed and

    operated redundant all time.

    Fig23 Real-time securities monitoring Fig24 Emergency outage requested

    6. Conclusions

    The previous topics show the dispatching is a complicated optimization problem especially in

    the actual large power system. The objective function requires the corrected main variables

    that the operational planners and dispatchers must analyze the relation between each related

    variables and result. Many variables inputting may give the better results but it makes

    optimizer to take more computation time, the computation time is a very serious issues in

    operation phase especially when emergency occurred. Constraints affect the dispatching and

    must be taken into account, but the constraints equations developing is a difficult job. The

    software that creates the equation by itself is required. Moreover the helpful tools, the success

    of dispatching is required the coordination among related energy systems and the balancing

    of securities and economical objectives.