帝塚山学院泉ヶ丘高等学校 入学者選抜試験間題平成31年度...

平成3 1年度 帝塚山学院泉ヶ丘高等学校 入学者選抜試験間題 高校入試 サ圭五 n (試験時間70分) 8

Transcript of 帝塚山学院泉ヶ丘高等学校 入学者選抜試験間題平成31年度...

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平成3 1年度




サ圭五央 n ロ



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□ リスニング問題 (放送で指示がありますので、 それに従って解答しなさい。)

A (1)アYes! See you at 10 o'clock.


イI think I was a little sick.

ウReally? I can't believe it.

エHow is it?

(2)アI'm not hungry.

イDid you go there?

ウLet's have Italian.

エSee you later.

(3)アGood bye.

イThat's a good idea.

ウYou won't.

エHow about you?





20 、~

10 一



(I)ア A イ B

(2)ア 10 イ 30

. B C D

ウ C エ D

ウ 40 工 50


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C (1) Which is correct about Australia?

アAustralia is not as large as Japan.

イThere are less people in Australia than in Japan.

ウAustralia has about 12.5 million people.

エThe time difference between Australia and Japan is about 9 hours.

(2) Which is NOT correct about Australia?

アAustralia is much larger than Japan.

イEveryone thinks that Australia is too far from Japan to go sightseeing.

ウWhenKen was in Australia, many junior high school and high school students

were studying Japanese in Australia.

工 A lot of children play rugby.

(3) What sport does Ken's father like?



ゥ Swimming.

工 Tennis.

(4) Why is Tom going to come to Japan?

アTo play rugby with Ken.

イTo experience Japanese culture.

ウTo study Japanese at college.

エTo see some rugby games.

(5) Which is correct about his speech?

アWhen you come to Australia, you will feel tired because of the time difference.

イKen was in Australia for 4 years to play rugby.

ウKen's father went to Australia to teach Japanese in Sydney.

エKen has seen koalas only in the zoo.

<リスニング問題は以上です。 >

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回次の英文を読んで、後の設問に答えなさい。When he was young, Terry Smith did a very bad thing. He *broke into a big house to get

money and when the woman in the house tried to stop him, he hit her on the head with a hard

box. She *fell to the floor and never moved again. He was afraid and *ran away. Of course,

the police caught him, and he had to go to *prison for fifteen years. He was still young, just 35

when he left prison.

After he got out, he moved to another part of the country, got a job, married, and had children.

He was happy for a long time, but one day his life was changed.

When he was walking near old Mrs. Crawford's house that day, she called him from her

door. She was very old and fat. (1)He (with/ thought I to I she I her I him / help / wanted) a

*household job like carrying heavy boxes or catching a mouse. He liked to help the neighbors.

He was (2)a changed person and only wanted to do good things now. He also changed his name

to Frank. He hoped he could help her.

However, Mrs. Crawford did not want his help. She just wanted his money.

"I know all about you, Terry. Sorry, did I say Terry? I should say Frank, but don't worry,

it is easy to keep me quiet."

"What do you want, Mrs. Crawford?"

"(3)l'm glad we understand each other. Five hundred dollars. Just give me a Christmas

present every year and *trust me. I can forget all about Terry. Do you understand?"

He gave a Christmas present to Mrs. Crawford every year for seven years. Then one year,

she suddenly started to say she needed ( A ) money.

"I can't give you so much. I don't earn enough money."

"Oh, come on! I'm sure you can, Frank. You will find a ( B ). See you in


He was not rich. What could he do? He was afraid that Mrs. Crawford might say she

would need more and more money and then tell everyone about him ( C ) he did not give

her the money. He had a new life now. He had a nice family and kind friends. He thought

they would not like him *anymore if they knew about his past.

After he thought about the problem again and again, he got an idea. It was a terrible idea

but the only way to solve his problem. He decided to visit the old woman before Christmas and

kill her by throwing her down the *stairs. (4) When he visited her to give her money、she usually

asked him to come in and sta while she was countin the mone . He thought it was the chance

to kill her. He thought, "If no one sees the scene, everyone will think she fell down stairs. I

will be safe forever!"



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He waited until a week before Christmas. It was 5 pm and already dark when he *knocked

on the old woman's door. He knocked once, twice, then many times. He thought she was not

at home, so he went home.

The next afternoon, and on the next day there was still no answer. So he decided to wait

until *Christmas Eve. He thought she would be home by then.

However, when he knocked on the door on Christmas Eve, there was still no answer.

(5)Then he was afraid that she was there bad / somethin /but/ to / ha ened / her . He

entered her garden and saw Mrs. Crawford from the window. She was lying on the floor at *the

bottom of the stairs. He called an *ambulance. He really wanted to help her now. (6)It was

the right thing to do.

"I came here to give her a Christmas present. I always do that," he explained to the


"It is lucky for her to have such a kind neighbor," he said after he checked Mrs. Crawford's

heart again. "Sorry *sir. This lady's been dead for days. Was she your friend? I guess she

fell down those stairs." "We don't like Mrs. Crawford because she is a difficult and *unpleasant

person," the other neighbors said, "but (7)Frank is (he I gives / a Christmas present I that / so /

kind/ her) everv year."

Frank, his real name Terry, just smiled and *after a while forgot all about the real reason for

his visit to the old lady's house that dark afternoon.

[注] broke into ,...__, : break into ,...__, (,...__, に押し入る)の過去形

fell to the floor : fall to the floor (床に倒れる)の過去形

ran away : run away (逃げる)の過去形

prison: 刑務所

trust ,.__., : ,.__., を信用する

stairs : 階段

household: 家庭の

anymore: もはや、 これ以上

knocked : knock (ノックする)の過去形

Christmas Eve : クリスマスの前夜 the bottom of the stairs : 階段の下

ambulance: 救急車 sir: 男性に対する丁寧な呼びかけ

unpleasant : 不愉l央な after a while : しばらくすると

設問1 下線部(1)を本文の内容に合うように( )内の語を並べかえなさい。

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設問2 下線部(2)a changed personはどのような人を表していますか。 最も適切なもの

を下のア ~ エから1つ選び、 記号で答えなさい。

ア a strange person イ a bad person

ウ a kind person エ a free person

設問3 Mrs. Crawfordが下線部(3)のように言った理由として最も適切なものを下のア

~ エから1つ選び、 記号で答えなさい。

ア 彼女がTerryに手伝ってもらいたいことをTerryが察したから。

イ 彼女がTerryとFrankを間違えていることにTerryが気づいたから。

ウ 彼女が遠回しに言ったことをTerryが察したから。

エ 彼女と Terry は毎年クリスマスプレゼントを交換するほどの仲だったから。

設問4 空欄( A )"'( C )に入る語として最も適切なものを下のア ~ エから

それぞれ1つ選び、 記号で答えなさい。

(A) ア some イ any ウ many

(B) ア reason イ way ウ money

(C) ア if イ because ウ though

エ more

エ present

ェ until

設問5 下線部(4)を日本語に直しなさい。

設問 6 下線部(5)を本文の内容に合うように( )内の語を並べかえなさい。

設問 7 下線部(6)をItが指す内容を具体的にして、 日本語に直しなさい。

設問 8 下線部(7)を本文の内容に合うように( )内の語(句)を並べかえなさい。

設問9 本文の内容と 一致するものを、下のア ~ 力から2つ選び、記号で答えなさい。

ア Terry was 25 years old when he broke into a big house.

イ Soon after he killed the woman, Terry moved to another part of the country and lived


ウ Terry was not good at household jobs, and he couldn't help Mrs. Crawford.

エ Mrs.Crawford told Terry to give her money.

オ When Terry visited Mrs. Crawford before Christmas, he pushed her down the stairs.

力 WhenTerry visited her on Christmas Eve, Mrs. Crawford was already dead at home.

5 高入試

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回 次の英文を読んで、 後の設問に答えなさい。

At this moment around the world, billions oflights, computers, TVs, and fridges are turned

on. At any moment of any day, 25 million cars are driving on roads and nearly 700,000 people

are flying somewhere in planes. (1)Most of (for/ use / comes / we / these things / the energy /

that) from fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. One day soon, we will not have any more of

these fuels. Where will our energy come from in the future, and how will this change our


We have used coal for a long time. Two thousand years ago, the Roman people used it to

*heat their homes and make *metals. We still use coal for these things today, but most coal is

*burned in *power stations to make electricity. About 40 percent of the world's electricity

comes from coal. Every week, somewhere in the world, a new power station that burns coal is


To make the electricity that your fridge uses in one month, you need about 25 kilograms of

coal. The biggest coal power stations bum 10-15 million *tons of coal every year. A lot of

that coal comes in ships from thousands of kilometers away.

In some places, we get this coal from huge holes on the *surface of the earth. In other

places, the coal comes from hundreds of meters under the ground. However, there are some

problems about getting the coal from such deep places. There is not much *room to move, and

the temperature there can be 40 °C or more. ( A ) Getting the coal under the ground is

dirty, dangerous work, but millions of people do it every day. Every year, about 5,000 of them


In some places like *Saudi Arabia, there are a lot of *oil fields under the ground. To get

the oil, people *drill holes in the ground. Some holes are several kilometers deep. ( B )

There are often bad *storms at sea, so they have to be very strong. Under the water, some

machines are as tall as the world's tallest buildings.

Countries with oil fields send the oil ( あ ) other countries in long *pipes, or in huge

ships called oil *tankers. The world's biggest oil tankers can carry 440 million *liters of oil.

That is as heavy as 350,000 family cars.

Oil has many *chemicals. The tankers take it to factories and then it is heated and cooled

to get the different chemicals from it. ( C ) However, about 85 percent of the oil is used

as fuels. There are different types of fuel for *engines in cars, ships, and planes. The factories

also make fuel for heating buildings and for burning in power stations to make electricity.

Every year, we make about 60 million new cars, and thousands of ships and planes, so every year

we need more and more oil.

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About 2,000 years ago, people in China made pipes from tall bamboo plants. They used

them to drill holes and find natural gas hundreds of meters under the ground. The pipes carried

the gas to their homes, and they used it for gas lights and heating water.

Today we bum natural gas in factories and power stations. We also use it in homes for

heating and cooking. There are even cars and buses which use natural gas *instead of *petrol.

Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel: it produces less pollution than burning coal or oil.

When a person in the U.K. cooks something, the natural gas that they use may come from

*Norway, *Russia, or *Kazakhstan. How do they get the gas from these places? Often the

gas goes through pipes. One gas pipe under the sea from Norway ( あ ) Britain is 1,200

kilometers long. In other places, the gas is cooled to make *liquid from it. This liquid gas is

put in ships.

A lot of the world's natural gas is found inside a type ofrock called *shale. (2)In the past,

it was too ex ensive and difficult to et the as from the rock. Now in places like *Pennsylvania,

in the USA, people are using water to break the shale rocks under the ground and get the gas.

In the first ten weeks of 2011, three hundred new *gas wells were drilled in the USA. However,

there is a problem about getting natural gas; each well will produce millions of liters of *polluted

water. ( D )

It is always the same story. (3)Toda shale as is the newest fossil fuel to brin ood thin s

such as new·obs and mone for some eo le and bad thin s such as water ollution for others.

In rich countries, most people have been able to live a very happy life because of fossil fuels.

Will they destroy that life one day too?

[注] heat�: � を熱する metals : 金屈

burned : burn (� を燃やす)の過去分詞 power station(s) : 発電所

ton(s) : トン(重さの単位) surface : 表面 room: 空間

Saudi Arabia : サウジアラビア oil field(s) : 油田

drill hole(s) : 穴を開ける storm(s) : 嵐 pipe(s) : パイプ

tanker(s) : タンカ ー liter(s) : リットルchemical(s): 化学物質

engine(s) : エンジン

petrol : ガソリン

Russia: ロシア

instead of -: -の代わりに

Norway: ノルウェ ー

Kazakhstan : カザフスタン liquid: 液体

shale: 頁岩(けつがん)シェ ールガスやシェ ールオイルを作る元になる岩

Pennsylvania : ペンシルベニア gas well(s) : 天然ガスを得るための井戸

polluted : pollute (� を汚染する)の過去分詞



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設問1 下線部(1)を「私たちがこのようなものに使用するエネルギ ー の大部分は石炭、

石油、 天然ガスのような燃料からきている。」という意味になるように、

( )肉の語(句)を並べかえなさい。

設問2 空櫂( A )�( D )に入る英文として最も滴切なものを下のア~エか

らそれぞれ1つ選び、 記号で答えなさい。

ア Some of these chemicals are used to make things like plastic or clothes.

イ In other !)laces, huge machines drill holes under the sea.

ウ You have to clean all this water or keep it in some safe places.

エ It is difficult to get enough clean air and it is often too noisy to speak.

設問3 空罹( あ )に共通して入る語を答えなさい。

設問4 天然ガスを輸送するのにパイプを使用しない地域では、 どのようにして天然

ガスを輸送しますか。 具体的に 20 字程度の日本語で答えなさい。 ただし、 句読


設問5 下線部(2)を日本語に直しなさい。

設問6 下線部(3)を日本語に直しなさい。

設問7 次の各英文について、 本文の内容に合うものはT、 合わないものはFと答え

なさい。 ただし、 すべてを T または F と答えてはいけません。

ア Though the Roman people used coal to heat their homes and make metals,

now we don't.

イ Most of the world's electricity comes from coal.

ウ About 300 kilograms of coal is needed to make the electricity a fridge uses

in one year.

工 The world's largest oil tankers carry 350,000 family cars.

オ People in China burned bamboo to heat water about 2,000 years ago.

カ Natural gas is cleaner than any other fossil fuel.

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設問8 次の問いA·Bに答えなさい。

A 次の各組の単語のうち、下線部の発音が最初の単語の下線部と同じものをそれぞれ

ア~ エから1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。

(1) inst翌d ア br翌ak イ m型

(2)止rough ア these イ 也ought

ウ h翌vy

ウ 也en

エ 翌ch

エ 也ough

B 次の各組の単語のうち、アクセントの位置が最初の単語と同じものをそれぞれア~


(1) en-er-gy ァ un-der-stand イ de-li-cious

ウ vol-un-teer 工 char-ac-ter

(2) per-cent ア de-stroy イ da-mage

ウ e-qual 工 mes-sage

囚次の対話文が自然な流れになるように、空欄( ) ,--.., ( 3





Sayaka : Hi, Bill. How are you going to spend the next vacation?

Bill : Well, Sayaka. ( ー). How can I get there?

Sayaka : You can get there by train or by plane.

Bill :( 2 9・


Sayaka : About an hour, and it takes three hours if you take the Shinkansen.

Bill : Oh, the Shinkansen? I've never taken it.

Sayaka : Really? You should try it.

Bill : OK. I will. Thank you for your advice.

Sayaka : You're welcome. (

Bill : Thank you.




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