金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented...


Transcript of 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented...

Page 1: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and


2015発行人:金子 周一

編集者:和田 隆志,尾㟢 紀之 河㟢 洋志,長瀬 啓介

印 刷:田中昭文堂印刷株式会社 2015 年 7 月 発行

BulletinGraduate School of Medical SciencesKanazawa University 2015

Editor in Chief : KANEKO ShuichiEditors : WADA Takashi, OZAKI Noriyuki


Published in July, 2015

Page 2: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

大学院医薬保健学総合研究科,医薬保健学域医学類Graduate School of Medical Sciences, School of Medicine所在地: 石川県金沢市宝町13‐1 〒920‐8640Address: 13-1Takara-machi, Kanazawa 920-8640, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan


こ だ つ の

■宝町・鶴間キャンパス〈「小立野」バス停下車〉まで 所要約20分

金沢駅兼六園口⑦乗場→ 「東部車庫」行など 「北陸大学」行など   兼六園口⑥乗場→ 「湯谷原」行など 「田上」行など   金沢港口⑤乗場→ 「東部車庫」行など

配置図 Location

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金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科長あいさつGreetings by Dean of Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University

……… 2

金沢の歴史的,社会的背景Historical and social background of Kanazawa

…………………………………… 3


………………………………………………………………………… 4

大学院医薬保健学総合研究科Graduate School of Medical Sciences

……………………………………………… 5


………………………………………………………………………… 7

大学院博士課程長期履修制度Long term docter course     

………………………………………………… 9

メディカル・イノベーションコースMedical Innovation Course       

……………………………………… 9

北陸がんプロフェッショナル養成プログラムHokuriku Cancer Educational Program for Professional Oncologists

……………… 10

北陸認知症プロフェッショナル医養成コース(認プロ)Educational Course for Hokuriku Training Plan of Professional Physicians for Dementia (NINPRO)

…… 12

修了要件(医学博士課程)Graduation Requirements (Doctoral Course)

………………………………………… 13

入学資格(医学博士課程)Eligibility For Application (Doctoral Course)

………………………………………… 13

外国人留学生に対する奨学金制度Scholarships for International Students 

…………………………………………… 15

脳医科学専攻Division of Neuroscience

…………………………………………………………… 17

がん医科学専攻Division of Cancer Medicine

………………………………………………………… 31

循環医科学専攻Division of Cardiovascular Medicine

……………………………………………… 57

環境医科学専攻Division of Environmental Science

…………………………………………………… 71

修士課程Master's Course

……………………………………………………………………… 85

寄附講座Endowed Chair

……………………………………………………………………… 87

附属病院University Hospital

…………………………………………………………………… 94

医学図書館(金沢大学附属図書館医学図書館)Medical Library

             ……………………………………… 96

学際科学実験センター 実験動物研究施設Institute for Experimental Animals, Advanced Science Research Center

…………… 96

宝町キャンパスTakara-machi Campus

……………………………………………………………… 97

国際交流International Exchange

……………………………………………………………… 98

記念館展示Exhibition in the Memorial Hall

…………………………………………………… 102



金沢城 Kanazawa Castle

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 どこにいても最先端の情報を入手することができ,グローバルに発信できる社会となりました。こんな時代こそ,施設や人材の充実はもとより,これまで以上に教育をうける,研究を行う場所の自然環境や歴史,文化を含めた地域社会の重要性が増していると感じます。この素晴らしい環境に恵まれた金沢大学の大学院医薬保健総合研究科を紹介させていただきます。 本学の歴史は国立大学医学校としては日本で三番目に長く,その淵源は 1862 年の加賀藩彦三種痘所開設に遡ります。この間,教育面ではダーウィンの紹介,ベッドサイドティーチングの創始,研究面では高安病の発見,痛覚伝導路の解明,RNA の生物学的活性の発見,臨床面では骨髄移植,放射性同位元素を用いた治療など多くの日本初,世界初が本学で産声を上げました。  2001 年度には脳・がん・循環・環境医科学専攻という目的重点型専攻への改組が行われました。2012 年に医科学専攻(修士課程),保健学専攻(博士前・後期課程),創薬科学専攻(博士前・後期課程),薬学専攻(博士課程)が加わって医薬保健学総合研究科となり,さらに,附属病院,がん進展制御研究所,学際科学実験センター,子どものこころの発達研究センター,脳・肝インターフェースメディシン研究センター,健康増進科学センターなどの関連施設とも連携して,さまざまな基礎研究,共同研究,応用研究,橋渡し研究,臨床研究・試験が活発に推進されています。2013 年から文部科学省の未来医療研究人材養成拠点形成事業が開始されました。研究を実用化して医療革新を行える人材を増加させることを目指してメディカルイノベーションコースが設置されました。また,千葉大学,長崎大学と予防医学の共同大学院の開設が予定されています。 このように「地域と世界に開かれた教育重視の研究大学」の大学院が医薬保健総合研究科です。

As we all know, it is now possible to access and broadcast the most up-to-date information from anywhere in the world. In this era of information technology, I believe that one`s surroundings - the history and culture of where one chooses to study, in addition to the univer-sity facilities, all play a significant role in the graduate school experience. I am honored to introduce our won-derful Graduate School to you.

Kanazawa University enjoys a reputation for being the third oldest national medical school in Japan. Originally founded as the Hikoso Vaccination Center in 1862, Kanazawa University has worked tirelessly over the past 150 years to become a leader both in education - the teaching of Darwinism, bedside teaching, research, the discovery of Takayasu disease, elucidation of the pain-transducing pathway and the discovery of the biologic activity of RNA, as well as in clinical medicine - bone mar-row transplantation and therapy with radioisotopes, to name just a few.

With these academic successes, the Graduate School of Medical Science was rearranged in 2001 to con-sist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and Environmental Science. The Graduate School was restructured once again in 2012 when the Division of Pharmacy was added, with its newly estab-lished 4-year doctoral course in Pharmaceutical Science.

The present Graduate School has been further strength-ened by adding the master course Division of Medical Sciences, the Division of Health Sciences with both mas-ter and doctoral courses, the Division of Pharmaceutical Science with both master and doctoral course, and the doctoral course Division of Pharmacy. Further, the Graduate School has been endowed with several highly qualified related organizations, including Kanazawa University Hospital, the Cancer Research Institute, the Advanced Science Research Center, the Research Center for Child Mental Development, the Brain-Liver Interface Medicine Research Center, and the Wellness Promotion Science Center. These endowments are driving basic, applied, collaborative, translational and clinical research at very high levels. Our new course, entitled “medical innovation course” is open to students who will work toward the development of drugs and medical devices.

Our Graduate School continues to be dedicated to education , while opening up its doors both nationally and globally. We welcome you.

金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科医学博士・修士課程紹介Introduction to Doctoral Course, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University

医薬保健学総合研究科長・医薬保健研究域医学系長Dean, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University

金子 周一KANEKO, Shuichi M.D., Ph.D.

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 1583 年,初代藩主前田利家侯の加賀の地への入城以来,

金沢は 400 年間にわたり,平和で優雅な学術文化都市とし








 本大学院医薬保健学総合研究科は,藩政末期の 1862 年,





1862 年 彦三種痘所開設

1867 年 卯辰山養生所

1870 年 金沢藩医学館

1873 年 金沢病院

1876 年 石川県金沢医学所

1884 年 石川県甲種医学校

1887 年 第四高等中学校医学部

1894 年 第四高等学校医学部

1901 年 金沢医学専門学校

1923 年 金沢医科大学

1949 年 金沢大学医学部

1955 年 大学院医学研究科(博士課程)設置

2001 年 金沢大学大学院医学系研究科

2004 年 国立大学法人金沢大学(国立大学の法人化)

2005 年 大学院医学系研究科医科学専攻修士課程設置

2012 年 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科


Since the first Lord, MAEDA Toshiie arrived at Kaga in 1583, Kanazawa has enjoyed 400 years of peace, academism and cultural refinements. Local industries in textiles, lacquer and pottery developed and expanded; noh-musicals and tea ceremony prevailed among the citi-zens. Feudal schools were transformed into modern insti-tutes of higher learning. The city escaped being bombed during the World War Ⅱ. The people have striven to preserve the best of the old ways while accomodating the city to the modern world. Kanazawa citizens maintain a deep sense of pride in their cultural traditions, and visitors will find this feeling reflected everywhere in the city.

The roots of this Graduate School of Medicines lie in the Hikoso Shutoujo (Hikoso Vaccination Center) estab-lished in 1862, when Kanazawa was still part of the feu-dal fief of Kaga. It has gone through a great number of changes during these 150 years reflecting political, eco-nomical and cultural changes in this district. The historical process is described briefly in the following list.

1862 Hikoso Vaccination Center was established1867 Utatsuyama Yojyosho (Health Care Center)1870 Kanazawa Igakukan (Medical School)1873 Kanazawa Byouin (Kanazawa Hospital)1876 Ishikawa-ken Kanazawa Igakusho (Ishikawa

Prefectural Kanazawa Medical School)1884 Ishikawa-ken Koushu Igakkoh (Ishikawa Prefectural

First Grade Medical School)1887 The Department of Medicine of the Fourth Higher

Middle School1894 The Department of Medicine of the Fourth Higher

School1901 Kanazawa Professional School of Medicine1923 Kanazawa Medical University1949 The School of Medicine, Kanazawa University1955 The Graduate School of Medicine, Kanazawa

University (doctoral course) was established.2001 The Graduate School of Medical Science,

Kanazawa University2004 National University Corporation Kanazawa University2005 The Graduate School of Medical Science

(Master's Course, Division of Medical Sciences) was established.

2012 The Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University

History of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University

黒川良安:彦三種痘所初代頭取,本学医学部の創設者。良安は,我が国で最も古い人体解剖模型であるキンストレーキ(102 ページ参照)を長崎から金沢に導入した。

KUROKAWA Masayasu, the f irst director of Hikoso Vaccination Center, and the found-er of this medical school. He intro-duced kunstlijk (see 102 page), the most ancient anatomic model of human body in Japan, from Nagasaki to Kanazawa in 1869.

金沢の歴史的,社会的背景Historical and social background of Kanazawa

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組織図 Organization

創薬科学類School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

薬学類School of Pharmacy

医薬保健研究域Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

事務部(医薬保健系)Administration Bureau

大学院医薬保健学総合研究科Graduate School of Medical Sciences

医学博士課程Doctoral Course

がん医科学Division of Cancer Medicine

脳医科学Division of Neuroscience

(12 Departments)

(17 Departments)

(13 Departments)

(12 Departments)

循環医科学Division of Cardiovascular Medicine

環境医科学Division of Environmental Science

教育研究支援センターCenter for Biomedical Research and Education

医学教育研究センターResearch Center for Medical Education

修士課程:医科学専攻Master's Course : Division of Medical Sciences

薬学博士課程:薬学専攻Doctoral Course : Division of Pharmacy

博士前期・後期課程:保健学専攻Master's and Doctoral Courses : Division of Health Sciences

学際科学実験センターAdvanced Science Research Center

がん進展制御研究所Cancer Research Institute

附属図書館University Central Library

附属病院University Hospital

医学系分館Medical Branch Library

実験動物研究施設Institute for Experimental Animals

遺伝子研究施設Institute for Gene Research

アイソトープ総合研究施設Central Institute of Radioisotope Science

機器分析研究施設Research Institute for Instrumental Analysis

医学系Faculty of Medicine

保健学系Faculty of Health Sciences

脳・肝インターフェースメディシン研究センターBrain / Liver Interface Medicine Research Center

健康増進科学センターWellness Promotion Science Center

医薬保健学域College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

医学類School of Medicine

保健学類School of Health Sciences

薬学系Faculty of Pharmacy

博士前期・後期課程:創薬科学専攻Master's and Doctoral Course : Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences


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大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 Graduate School of Medical Sciences◦医学博士課程( 4専攻)

所在地 Address 金沢市宝町 13 番 1 号  13-1 Takara-machi, Kanazawa-shi専攻  Division 大講座  Course 研 究 分 野  Department

脳 医 科 学Division of


脳 細 胞 分 子 学Cellular, Molecular and Genetic Neuroscience

脳 細 胞 遺 伝 子 学 Biophysical Genetics神 経 分 子 標 的 学 Biotargeting (Department of Neuroanatomy)分 子 遺 伝 学 Molecular Genetics (Department of Biochemistry)

脳 情 報 回 路 学Neural Information and

Circuit Dynamics

機 能 解 剖 学 Functional Anatomy分子神経科学・統合生理学 Molecular Neuroscience and Integrative Physiology神 経 発 生 学 Developmental Neurobiology

脳 病 態 医 学Clinical Neuroscience

脳老化・神経病態学 Neurology and Neurobiology of Aging脳 情 報 病 態 学 Psychiatry and Neurobiology視 覚 科 学 Ophthalmology and Visual Science感 覚 運 動 病 態 学 Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery脳・脊髄機能制御学 Neurosurgery

【遺 伝 子 改 変 動 物 学】Transgenic Animal Science 〔遺伝子改変動物学〕 Transgenic Animal Science

が ん 医 科 学Division of Cancer


が ん 細 胞 学Cell and Tissue Biology

組 織 発 達 構 築 学 Histology and Embryology形 態 機 能 病 理 学 Human Pathology細 胞 浸 潤 学 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery分 子 細 胞 病 理 学 Molecular and Cellular Pathology

が ん 制 御 学Oncology

が ん 局 所 制 御 学 Gastroenterologic Surgery 集 学 的 治 療 学 Integrative Cancer Therapy and Urology バイオトレーサ診療学 Biotracer Medicine 国 際 が ん 治 療 学 Global Cancer Therapy and Research

機 能 再 生 学Regenerative Medicine

再 生 分 子 医 学 Stem Cell Biology分 子 移 植 学 Molecular Reproductive Biology (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology)細 胞 移 植 学 Cellular Transplantation Biology (Hematology / Oncology and Respiratory Medicine)機 能 再 建 学 Restorative Medicine of Neuro-Musculoskeletal System (Department of Orthopaedic Surgery)周 術 期 管 理 学 Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

が ん 分 子 統 御 学Molecular Tumor Biology

がん分子細胞制御学 Molecular Cancer Cell Biologyが ん 病 態 制 御 学 Cancer Biomedicineが ん 幹 細 胞 学 Cancer and Stem Cell Researchがん分子標的医療学 Molecular and Cellular Targeting Translational Oncology

循 環 医 科 学Division of

Cardiovascular Medicine

血 管 分 子 科 学Vascular Biology and


血 管 分 子 生 物 学 Biochemistry and Molecular Vascular Biology血 管 分 子 生 理 学 Molecular Vascular Physiology血管新生・結合組織代謝学 Dermatology

血 液 情 報 学Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine

血 液 情 報 統 御 学 Laboratory Medicine血 液 情 報 発 信 学 Emergency Medical Science (Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine)

血 管 病 態 制 御 学Vascular Medicine

臓 器 機 能 制 御 学 Internal Medicine血管発生発達病態学 Angiogenesis and Vascular Development (Department of Pediatrics)経 血 管 診 療 学 Radiology心 肺 病 態 制 御 学 Thoracic, Cardiovascular and General Surgery (Department of Surgery Ⅰ)

機 能 分 子 医 薬 学Biomolecules and Medical Chemistry 分 子 情 報 薬 理 学 Molecular Pharmacology

【医 薬 情 報 統 御 学】Medicinal Informatics 〔医 薬 情 報 統 御 学〕 Medicinal Informatics

【医 療 経 営 学】Healthcare Management and Medical Informatics 〔医 療 経 営 学〕 Healthcare Management and Medical Informatics

【医療開発システム構築学】Clinical Development 〔医療開発システム構築学〕 Clinical Development

環 境 医 科 学Division of

Environmental Science

感 染 症 制 御 学Infectious Diseases

細 菌 感 染 症 制 御 学 Bacteriologyウイルス感染症制御学 Viral Infection and International Health寄生虫感染症制御学 Parasitology

環 境 社 会 医 学Human Ecology and Social


環境生体分子応答学 Environmental and Molecular Bio-Informatics環境生態医学・公衆衛生学 Environmental and Preventive Medicine革 新 ゲ ノ ム 情 報 学 Bioinformatics and Genomics免 疫 生 体 防 御 学 Immunology法・社 会 環 境 医 学 Forensic and Social Environmental Medicine恒 常 性 制 御 学 Disease Control and Homeostasis包 括 的 代 謝 学 Comprehensive Metabology代 謝 生 理 学 Physiology and Metabolism細 胞 代 謝 栄 養 学 Cell Metabolism and Nutrition

寄 附 講 座Endowed Chair

臨床研究開発補完代替医療学講座 Complementary and Alternative Medicine Clinical Research and Development地域呼吸器症候学講座 Regional Respiratory Symptomatology先進運動器医療創成講座 Advanced and Innovative Musculoskeletal Medicine先進画像医学研究教育講座 Advanced medical Imaging幹 細 胞 代 謝 学 講 座 Stem Cell and Metabology先進的地域医療研究講座 Advanced Research in Community Medicine

※【 】は,協力大講座 〔 〕は,協力研究分野※ 寄附講座では,学生募集を行わない

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◦修士課程専攻  Division 研 究 分 野  Department

医科学 Division of Medical Science

脳 細 胞 遺 伝 子 学 Biophysical Genetics

神 経 分 子 標 的 学 Biotargeting (Department of Neuroanatomy)

分 子 遺 伝 学 Molecular Genetics (Department of Biochemistry)

機 能 解 剖 学 Functional Anatomy

分子神経科学・統合生理学 Molecular Neuroscience and Integrative Physiology

神 経 発 生 学 Developmental Neurobiology

脳老化・神経病態学 Neurology and Neurobiology of Aging

脳 情 報 病 態 学 Psychiatry and Neurobiology

視 覚 科 学 Ophthalmology and Visual Science

感 覚 運 動 病 態 学 Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

脳・脊髄機能制御学 Neurosurgery

遺 伝 子 改 変 動 物 学 Transgenic Animal Science

組 織 発 達 構 築 学 Histology and Embryology

形 態 機 能 病 理 学 Morpho-Functional Pathology (Department of Human Pathology)

細 胞 浸 潤 学 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

分 子 細 胞 病 理 学 Molecular and Cellular Pathology

が ん 局 所 制 御 学 Gastroenterologic Surgery

集 学 的 治 療 学 Integrative Cancer Therapy and Urology

バイオトレーサ診療学 Biotracer Medicine

トレーサー情報解析学 Tracer Kinetics

再 生 分 子 医 学 Stem Cell Biology

分 子 移 植 学 Molecular Reproductive Biology (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology)

細 胞 移 植 学 Cellular Transplantation Biology (Hematology / Oncology and Respiratory Medicine)

機 能 再 建 学 Restorative Medicine of Neuro-Musculoskeletal System (Department of Orthopaedic Surgery)

周 術 期 管 理 学 Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

分 子 病 態 Molecular Pathology

シ グ ナ ル 伝 達 Molecular Cell Signaling

細 胞 機 能 統 御 Molecular Virology & Oncology

免 疫 炎 症 制 御 Immunology and Molecular Bioloby

分 子 生 体 応 答 Molecular Bioregulation

遺伝子・染色体構築 Molecular Genetics

腫 瘍 遺 伝 学 Genetics

腫 瘍 分 子 生 物 学 Oncology and Molecular Biology

腫 瘍 制 御 Translational and Clinical Oncology

腫 瘍 動 態 制 御 Tumor Dynamics and Regulation

機 能 ゲ ノ ミ ク ス Functional Genomics

腫 瘍 内 科 Medical Oncology

血 管 分 子 生 物 学 Biochemistry and Molecular Vascular Biology

血 管 分 子 生 理 学 Molecular Vascular Physiology

血管新生・結合組織代謝学 Dermatology

血 液 情 報 統 御 学 Laboratory Medicine

血 液 情 報 発 信 学 Emergency Medical Science (Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine)

臓 器 機 能 制 御 学 Internal Medicine

血管発生発達病態学 Angiogenesis and Vascular Development (Department of Pediatrics)

経 血 管 診 療 学 Radiology

心 肺 病 態 制 御 学 Thoracic, Cardiovascular and General Surgery (Department of Surgery Ⅰ)

分 子 情 報 薬 理 学 Molecular Pharmacology

医 薬 情 報 統 御 学 Medicinal Informatics

医 療 経 営 学 Healthcare Management and Medical Informatics

医療開発システム構築学 Clinical Development

細 菌 感 染 症 制 御 学 Bacteriology

ウイルス感染症制御学 Viral Infection and International Health

寄生虫感染症制御学 Parasitology

環境生体分子応答学 Environmental and Molecular Bio-Informatics

環境生態医学・公衆衛生学 Environmental and Preventive Medicine

革 新 ゲ ノ ム 情 報 学 Bioinformatics and Genomics

免 疫 生 体 防 御 学 Immunology

法・社 会 環 境 医 学 Forensic and Social Environmental Medicine

恒 常 性 制 御 学 Disease Control and Homeostasis

包 括 的 代 謝 学 Comprehensive Metabology

代 謝 生 理 学 Physiology and Metabolism

細 胞 代 謝 栄 養 学 Cell Metabolism and Nutrition

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本コース入学の資格 従来の金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科博士課程所属




本コースの教育課程および研究テーマ 共通の教育課程として「医の倫理」,「安全管理」,「臨床研


「病気の成因」,「新しい診断 ・ 治療法の開発」,「臨床疫学」な



This course will be offered to late-term medical residents who practice at Kanazawa University Hospital or its affiliated hospitals to be qualified for medical specialist in each field. Clinical research such as "Development of new diagnostic or therapeutic method" are recommended. Basic researches performed at Departments for basic researches are also accepted as the subject of an academic degree.

Goal of this courseAn important goal of clinical medicine graduate shools is

to train superb clinical specialists who are capable of putting clinical researches into practice. This course will offer the knowledge, technique, approach concerning medicine, and medical care that are essential for medical residents to become superb clinical specialists.

QualificationLate-term medical residents belonging to Kanazawa

University Hospital or its affiliated hospitals qualify for this course. The Course for Working Members of Society is also available for late-term medical residents who are employees of each hospital.

Education courses and subjects of studyThe course will include a number of subjects, including

"Medical ethics," "Safety control," "Methodology for clinical research," etc. Clinical research, such as "Development of new diagnostic or therapeutic methods," is also recommended. Basic research performed at departments for basic research are also accepted as subjects for academic degrees.






コースの開講は4月と 10 月です。

本コース設立の目的 医系大学院は従来,研究者の養成と学術研究の遂行が主た






に必要な医療 ・ 医学に関する知識 ・ 技術 ・ 態度等を学んでい



履修コース Courses

 入学者の多様なニーズに応じて,次の 6 つの履修コースが



One of the six courses described below will be selected for each student in response to the unique needs of the individual. The courses are flexibly set up according to each individual situation.



月と 10 月です。

This course will train students to become medical science researchers and expert professionals. This course will also train students to become researchers and expert professionals who pursue interdisciplinary research in the fields of pharmacology, which deeply relates to the field of medicine. The course begins in April and October.

Course for Medical Scientists

Clinical Training • Graduate School Course



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 本コ−スの修業期間は 4 年間で成績優秀者には飛び級制度

もあります。入学時期は,4 月と 10 月です。

The course is usually 4 years, and students with excellent records can finish for 3 years. The course begins in April and October.









Clinical doctors who finished the initial (early) medical training course will enter to this course. They will have the advanced (late) medical training course in our University Hospital and simultaneously will conduct clinical and basic medical sciences. They should make an original academic paper to get M.D.

Research course with medical trainingPhysician Scientist コ−ス

 本コ−スの修業期間は 4 年間で成績優秀者には飛び級制度

もあります。入学時期は,4 月と 10 月です。

The course is usually 4 years, and students with excellent records can finish for 3 years. The course begins in April and October.






に関して学位論文(doctoral thesis)をまとめ学位を得ます。

Candidates (medical and co-medical staffs) who are working in hospital or institute will enter to this course. They will conduct clinical research (including the clinical diagnosis, laboratory investigation, therapy, rehabilitation and public health etc.) in their hospital or institute under discussion with supervisors. They should make a doctoral thesis to get M.D.

Applied course for clinical research応用臨床研究者養成コ−ス





10 月です。

This course will be offered to experienced doctors who practice at hospitals or their own clinics, or businessperson and other adults. The course is designed for the re-education and continued learning for the former, and for understanding the latest medical knowledge and practice for the latter. This course is specially scheduled to have both day and evening classes in order to accommodate the working conditions of the students.

Course for the Working Member of Society社会人コース



います。本コースの開講は 10 月です。

This course enhances international exchange while actively accepting personally supported international exchange students. Lectures, research guidance and advice are all given in English. This course starts in October.

International Course国際コース

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事業推進責任者:井関 尚一


室   長: 絹谷 清剛

特 任 教 授: アンドリュー・E・シュナイダー

特任准教授: 米田  隆

原  章規

 平成 25 年度から5年間の予定で文部科学省「未来医療研究








のある「イノベーション・コア講座(平成 27 年度は 15 講座)」


と同じく大学院修了に必要な 30 単位を修得しますが,その

30 単位の中に「メディカル・イノベーションプログラム」と名


が 10 単位含まれます。このうち講義は,研究成果を実用化









Project leader: ISEKI, ShoichiProgram Management Office

Head: KINUYA, SeigoProfessor: Andrew E SchneiderAssociate Professor: YONEDA, Takashi HARA, Akinori

This is the special medical doctoral course based on "The third way: training of doctors to make specialists in medical i n nova t i on " , a p ro j ec t t ha t ha s been adop t ed by Monbukagakusho for the academic years of 2013-2017. The aim of this course is to nurture the doctors who put the results of their latest medical research to practical use through close cooperation with researchers in other fields and with private companies, thereby sending innovative medicines, medical equipments and techniques out into the world. The number of recruits for this course is 5 per year.

The students of this medical doctoral course perform their thesis studies under the instructions of "Innovation Core Laboratories (15 labs throughout the 2015 academic year)" that have achievements in medical innovation. At the same time, these students acquire the usual 30 credits necessary for graduate school completion. These 30 credits, however, require 10 credits from the "Medical Innovation Program" -lectures, practices, and domestic as well as foreign trainings (internship). The lecture component of this program consists of three subjects: Medical Innovation Seminar -students learn how to put their research results to practical use; Regulatory Science Seminar -students learn how to evaluate medical products properly and secure their safety; Practical English -students learn practical English skills that enable them to present their research as well as engage in meaningful dialogue with fellow researchers in the world. The expenses for the internship will be supported by the project. At the end of the course, the students will be awarded a Ph.D. degree based on the standard completion requirements of the graduate school and at the same time they will be awarded the diploma from the Medical Innovation Course.








Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science has the unique course for graduate students who are involved in other works such as clinical practice, business or private issues and are expected to spend over 4 years in the completion of graduate degree. While the course for regular graduate students in this school is 4 years, the term of this new course can be determined by the students themselves. The cost for this course is, however, fixed irrespective of years which will be spent by individual students.



Long term docter course

Medical Innovation Course

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統括コーディネーター:並木 幹夫

プログラムマネージャー:泉  浩二












して積極的に ICT(information & communication tech-

nology)を利用しており,e-learning システムによる自由度


General Executive Officer : NAMIKI, MikioSenior Program Manager : IZUMI, Koji

This is a graduate school special course to train the health professionals specialized in comprehensive cancer treatment with advanced knowledge.

Five medical universities (Kanazawa University, Toyama University, Kanazawa Medical University, Fukui University, and Ishikawa prefectural nursing university) and all of the referral hospitals in the Hokuriku district collaborate on the program.

The trait of this program is the harmonized education system constructed for oncology special training with clinical practice and basic research ability.

Moreover, ICT (information & communication technology) is positively used as an educational tool.


Hokuriku Cancer Educational Program for Professional Oncologists

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This course includes comprehensive medical oncology, oncologic clinical practice and basic sciences of oncology in order to help the trainees to be highly competent clinicians with basic research minds. The point is that credits of this course are compatible with credits for Kanazawa University Graduate School.

Hokuriku Cancer Educational Program for physicians







This course encourages the education for oncologic practicing para-medicals to make united oncology teams.

Hokuriku Cancer Educational Program for pharmacists

Hokuriku Cancer Educational Program for nurses

Hokuriku Cancer Educational Program for radiologic technologists







北陸がんプロフェッショナル インテンシブ医師コース

北陸がんプロフェッショナル インテンシブコメディカルコース

This course supports practitioners to learn the latest knowledge of oncology.

(NOT compatible with graduate school credits.)

Hokuriku Cancer Educational "INTENSIVE" Program for physicians

Hokuriku Cancer Educational "INTENSIVE" Program for para-medicals

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プロジェクトリーダー:山田 正仁

プログラムマネージャー:池田 篤平


平成 26 年度から文部科学省の新規事業『課題解決型高度医療















Project Leader : YAMADA, MasahitoProgram Manager : IKEDA, Tokuhei

Educat ional Course for Hokuriku Training Plan of Professional Physicians for Dementia (NINPRO) has been started as "Problem-Solving Oriented Training Program for Advanced Medical Personnel", the new project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, from 2014.

In Japan, we are facing a super-aging society. There is a need for true professional physicians for dementia.

The project objective is the development of physicians with following capabilities: advanced medical knowledge and practical skills for dementia, ability to support the dementia of people and families in communities, and research ability to create the future practice for dementia (including prevention).

This training course is based on collaboration of 4 universities (Kanazawa University, Toyama University, Fukui University, Kanazawa Medical University), community hospitals, research institutions, and municipalities.

Graduate students in the doctoral course can attend the subjects of this educational course. If the students who do not take this educational course acquire the credits of this educational course, they can count the credits toward the requirements for completion of the doctoral course.













This course trains physicians to be the leaders of the dementia medical team, who have the highest levels of knowledge and skills for medical practice for dementia.

This course encourages physicians to acquire the abilities of dementia practice in community-based hospitals.

This course aims to train the specialist doctors to learn neuropathological basis of dementia and other intractable neurological diseases.

Educational Course for Leaders of Medical Team for Dementia(Regular course)

Educational Course for Dementia Specialists in Communities(Intensive course)

Educational Course for Clinical pathology of Dementia and Intractable Neurological Diseases (Special course)

各教育コースの概要 Overview of education courses


Educational Course for Hokuriku Training Plan of Professional Physicians for Dementia (NINPRO)

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In this course, the physicians learn epidemiology, early detection, prevention, and care of dementia in the community.

With a continuous education from undergraduate to graduate students, we train super-professional physicians for dementia who have ability of internationally outstanding research as well as clinical practice for dementia.

Educational Course for Early Detection, Prevention and Care of Dementia in Communities (Special course)

Educational Course for Super-professional Physicians for Dementia (Super course)

(1) A person who has graduated from a college (only medicine, dentistry, pharmacy (six-year course only) or veterinary medicine course) stipulated in Article 83 of the School Education Law, or who is expected to graduate from such a college by the day before admission

⑴ 学校教育法第 83 条に定める大学(医学,歯学,薬学(修

業年限が 6 年である課程に限る。(以下「6年制」という。))



Eligibility For Application (Doctoral Course)入 学 資 格(医学博士課程)

For the completion of the doctoral course and achieving the degree, the student must have taken classes in one of these courses for more than four years and have completed 30 units of required classes, in addition to receiving necessary research guidance and passing both the final examination and the review of his/her doctoral thesis. Required units basically must be acquired by the end of the second year, and students are to concentrate on research from the third year on when research guidance will be given on their selected topics and students will work on their doctoral thesis.

However, t hose who ach ieve super io r research accomplishments are allowed to complete the course with three years of schooling.

 医学博士課程の修了要件は,当該課程に 4 年以上在学し,

所定の授業科目から 30 単位を修得し,かつ,必要な研究指


とが必要です。単位は原則として,2 年次終了までに修得す

るものとし,3 年次以降は研究課題に則した研究指導を受け


しては,優れた研究業績を挙げた者には,当該課程に 3 年以


Graduation Requirements (Doctoral Course)修 了 要 件(医学博士課程)

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(2) A person who has been awarded a bachelor’s degree according to fourth paragraph of Article 104 of the School Education Law, or who is expected to be awarded such a degree by the day before admission, provided the person has completed the course of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy (six-year course) or veterinary medicine

(3) A person who has completed 18 years of school curriculum in a foreign country, provided the last course taken is medicine, dentistry, pharmacy (six-year course) or veterinary medicine, or who is expected to complete such a curriculum by the day before admission

(4) A person who has completed 18 years of school curriculum (the last course taken should be medicine, dentistry, pharmacy (six-year course) or veterinary medicine) at an educational institute established under the school education system of a foreign country in Japan, and who has completed a curriculum specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan by the day before admission

(5) A person who has completed 18 years of school curriculum (the last course taken should be medicine, dentistry, pharmacy (six-year course) or veterinary medicine) by taking a correspondence course offered by a foreign school, or who is expected to complete such a curriculum by the day before admission

(6) A person who is deemed to be eligible for admission by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan

(7) A person who entered another graduate school (the last course taken should be medicine, dentistry, pharmacy (six-year course) or veter inar y medicine) and who is recognized as having the academic ability required to be educated in our Graduate School of Medical Sciences in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 102 of the School Education Law

(8) A person who has completed 16 years of school curriculum (the last course taken should be medicine, dentistry, pharmacy (six-year course) or veterinary medicine) in a foreign country, who has completed a curriculum specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan at an educational institute established by a school education system of a foreign country in Japan, or who has competed 16 years of a school curriculum (the last course taken should be medicine, dentistr y, pharmacy (six-year course) or veterinary medicine) by taking a correspondence course offered by a foreign school in Japan, and is recognized as having completed the specified course with outstanding marks by our Graduate School of Medical Sciences with outstanding marks

(9) A person who is recognized as having academic ability equivalent to or higher than that specified in (1) and who has reached the age of 24 by the day before admission

(10) Notwithstanding the above provisions, a person who has taken the medicine, dentistry, pharmacy (six-year course) or veterinary medicine course of a college stipulated in Article 83 of the School Education Law for four years or longer, and is recognized as having completed the specified course with outstanding marks by our Graduate School of Medical Sciences, is eligible for admission.

⑵ 学校教育法第 104 条第4項の規定により学士の学位を




⑶ 外国において学校教育における 18 年の課程(最終の課



⑷ 我が国において,外国の大学における 18 年の課程(最






⑸ 外国の学校が行う通信教育における授業科目を我が国に


18 年の課程(最終の課程が医学,歯学,薬学(6年制)又は



⑹ 文部科学大臣の指定した者

⑺ 学校教育法第 102 条第2項の規定により他の大学の大





⑻ 外国において学校教育における 16 年の課程(最終の課


した者,我が国において,外国の大学における 16 年の課






により当該外国の学校教育における 16 年の課程(最終の




⑼ 本学の医薬保健学総合研究科において,個別の入学資格

審査により,第 1 号に定める者と同等以上の学力がある

と認めた者で,入学する日の前日までに 24 歳に達した者

⑽ ⑴〜⑼の規定にかかわらず,学校教育法第 83 条に定め





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外国人留学生に対する奨学金制度Scholarships for International Students

1 ) 応募資格 奨学生候補者に応募する者は,次のすべての条件を満たしていなければならない。⑴  応募時に本学に在学する私費外国人留学生(休学者

を除く。)⑵  翌年 4 月 1 日に,本学学域又は大学院に正規生と



⑶  翌年度に月額 4 万円以上の奨学金を受給することが既に決まっている者を除く。

⑷  同居家族が翌年度に月額 10 万円以上の奨学金を受給することが既に決まっている者を除く。

⑸  同居家族が 20 万円程度以上の月収のある定職に就いている者を除く。

⑹  奨学生として採用された場合,奨学生としての規則を守らない者。

2 ) 応募の方法 応募資格のある応募希望者は,次の応募書類各 1 部を所属学域・研究科の学務係を通して,翌年度在学予定の学域・研究科に提出する。 なお,応募有資格者が都合により直接応募できない場合は,指導教員が代理で申請書を提出することができるものとする。⑴  金沢大学私費外国人留学生奨学生候補者申請書⑵  成績証明書(現在学域 1 年生は不要),又は単位修得

証明書(医薬保健学総合研究科博士課程の場合)⑶  外国人登録原票記載事項証明書(写し)⑷  博士課程の場合のみ,業績一覧

3 ) 募集期間 4 月入学者  毎年 6 月 10 月入学者  毎年 10 月

4 ) 選考 選考は,書類審査により,国際委員会が行う。 ただし,国費外国人留学生候補者に内定した者については,面接を行う。

5)奨学財団等への推薦 奨学財団等の推薦候補者に選ばれたら,その奨学金の応募書類を提出する。奨学財団等の選考結果は,所属学域・研究科の学務係を通して,通知する。

1 ) Applicants QualificationsThe applicant must fulfill all of the following requirements:

(1) Applicants must be the self-supporting international students in Kanazawa University (The students who take a leave of absence from school are not accepted).

(2) Applicants will be regular undergraduate or graduate students on April 1 next year, including the students who will be admitted to college or graduate school (The students who will repeat the same grade are not accepted).

However, those who do not pass entrance examination, or do not go on to graduate school will be deprived of the requirements as a candidate for the scholarships.

(3) Applicants who will receive a scholarship of more than 40,000 yen per month in the next year can not apply.

(4) Applicants who live with a family who will receive a scholarship of more than 100,000 yen per month in the next year can not apply.

(5) Applicants who live with a family who is in regu-lar employment with income of more than about 200,000 yen per month can not apply.

(6) Applicants who won't comply with the rules as scholarship recipients.

2 ) Application ProceduresApplicants must submit the following documents

through the administration office of college or gradu-ate school to which they belong.

However, if the applicant can not submit them because of due reasons, their academic advisors may do so instead.(1) Application Form(2) Academic Transcript (If your are a freshman this year,

you don't need submit that), or Certificate of the comple-tion of the particular program in which you are enrolled (If you are registered as a doctoral-course student at the Graduate School of Medical Sciences, you must submit that).

(3) A photocopy of your Alien Registration Certificate(4) List of Publications (In case of the doctoral-course student)

3 ) Application PeriodApril EntranceThe application period is in June every year.October EntranceThe application period is in October every year.

4 ) SelectionThe International Committee, Graduate School of

Medical Sciences will make selection on the basis of the documents submitted.

However, candidates for Japanese Goverment Scholarship will be interviewed.

5 ) Recommendation to the Scholarship FoundationCandidates for the scholarship foundations should

submit requested application documents. Selection results will be notified through the administration office of their college or graduate school.

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脳医科学専攻専攻長:櫻井  武












The purpose of research in the Division of Neuroscience is to elucidate mechanisms of the brain aging and brain disorders and to develop novel preventive and therapeutic methods. The Division of Neuroscience includes 12 departments of basic and clinical neurosciences. The main themes of the Division of Neuroscience is (1) Role of neuropeptides in higher ordered brain function (2) Mechanism of cell death, neuroprotection and regeneration against neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer disease and glaucoma. (3) Disorders of social recognition and interaction such as autism in the childhood. These themes are systematically studied with genetic, cellular and behavioral approaches as a fused neuroscience.

Division of NeuroscienceDivision head ; SAKURAI, Takeshi

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脳医科学 Division of Neuroscience


脳細胞分子学 Cellular, Molecular and Genetic Neuroscience


Department ofBiophysical Genetics

■教  授:河﨑 洋志

■准 教 授:新明 洋平

Professor : KAWASAKI, Hiroshi

Associate Professor : SHINMYO, Yohei

















下さい(kawasaki-labo(at)umin.ac.jp もしくは076-265-



The brain is the most complex and sophisticated organ in our body. We are interested in the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of the brain during development. The understanding the mechanisms of brain formation contributes to regenerative medicine and uncov-ering the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases. Especially, we are focusing on the following points.

1 ) Genetic and environmental factors regulating the for-mation of the brain.

2 ) Mechanisms regulating the formation of higher brain structures that are specific to higher mammals.

3 ) Pathophysiology of neurodevelopmental disorders.

For detailed information, see our web site at http://square.umin.ac.jp/top/kawasaki.


Uncovering genetic factors and environmental factors regulating the formation of the central nervous system.

Page 21: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

脳医科学 Division of Neuroscience


脳細胞分子学 Cellular, Molecular and Genetic Neuroscience


Department of Biotargeting(Department of Neuroanatomy)

■教  授:堀   修

■准 教 授:服部 剛志

■助  教:宝田 美佳

Professor : HORI, Osamu

Associate Professor : HATTORI, Tsuyoshi

Assistant Professor : TAKARADA, Mika























Whereas the central nervous system (CNS) is formed by the heterogeneous cells, such as neurons, glias and endothe-lial cells, neurons represent a component most vulnerable to the environmental alterations. Exposure of neurons to short period of ischemic insult results in the cell death. In contrast, astroxytes, a mojor glial cells in the CNS, can survive under ischemia. We have studied the stress response in astrocytes, and found that endoplasmic reticulum (ER), an intracellular organella, is an important place for the stress response in astrocytes, and plays a critical role for the survival of astrocytes under stress conditions. We also found that the dysfunction of ER as a major source of ischemia-induced neuronal cell death. We regard the functional failure of the ER as a common pathway which plays a central role in the pathogenesis of brain ischemia and neurodegerative diseas-es, and now aim the development of novel strategy for these diseases by the maintenance of the endoplasmic reticulum.

1 ) Identification and calacterization of astrocyte-derived stress-related genes

2 ) Analysis of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) function in brain ischemia and in neurodegenerative diseases

3 ) Screening of chemical compounds which can regulate the ER-dysfunction

4 ) Role of glial cells in neuropsychiatric diseases

Page 22: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

脳医科学 Division of Neuroscience


脳細胞分子学 Cellular, Molecular and Genetic Neuroscience


Department of Molecular Genetics(Department of Biochemistry)

■教  授:村松 正道

■准 教 授:榎並 正芳

■助  教:喜多村晃一

若江 亨祥

Professor : MURAMATSU, Masamichi

Associate Professor : ENAMI, Masayoshi

Assistant Professor : KITAMURA, Koichi

WAKAE, Kosho


Ⅰ .遺伝子改編酵素群APOBECsのウイルス感染における

















Ⅱ .インフルエンザウイルスを研究対象とした次のプロジェ













Current projects are as follows:Ⅰ. Elucidation of the role of APOBEC proteins in tumor

virus infection APOBEC deaminases are a family of proteins that convert cytidine to uracil in DNA and RNA. APOBEC3s are anti-viral factors against various viruses including HIV-1 and hepatitis B virus (HBV). Additionally, AID is an essential deaminase that trig-gers immunoglobulin gene diversification, namely class switch recombination and somatic hypermuta-tion. Recent studies suggest that APOBECs have muta-tor activity in AID-expressing cells and human papil-lomavirus (HPV)-infected lesions. Our goal is to eluci-date the antiviral and pathogenic roles of APOBECs in HBV and HPV infections.

Ⅱ. Regarding influenza viruses, we have projects as fol-lows:

1 ) Development and clinical evaluation of Reverse Genetic (RG) vaccine against highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), in collaboration with Bogor Agricultural University, and Airlangga University Tropical in Indonesia.

2 ) Molecular basis of cellular response and pathogenic-ity during influenza virus infection.

Page 23: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

脳医科学 Division of Neuroscience


 痛みは生体の警告系として重要であるが,一方で,必要以上の痛みや慢性の疾患に伴った痛みは私たちを苦しめる。当研究室では,メカニズムに基づいた痛みの治療法を開発するために痛みのメカニズムの解明に取り組んでいる。内臓や筋の痛みは,頻度が高く臨床的に重要で,皮膚の痛みとはさまざまな点で異なる特徴をもつことが知られているがいまだに不明な点が多い。そこで消化管に代表される内臓や筋の痛みの受容伝達のメカニズム,疾患に伴う痛覚亢進のメカニズムを明らかにすることに特に力を入れている。 また,内蔵脂肪のほとんどない食虫目の実験動物スンクスを用いて,内臓脂肪の前駆細胞の分化のメカニズムや肥満予防の研究に取り組んでいる。 具体的な研究課題は以下のとおりである。1)各種動物疾患モデルを用いた,炎症,神経損傷,外傷,悪性腫瘍に伴う皮膚,筋骨格系,心血管系および内臓の痛みのメカニズムの解析


3)痛覚伝導系の神経解剖学的・生理学的研究4)筋筋膜性疼痛症候群患者の超音波による病態可視化の試み5)摂食,脂肪前駆細胞と抗肥満研究 いずれの研究においても,生命現象を分子から個体レベルまで理解することの重要さを踏まえ,形態,生理,分子細胞学的手法を駆使し研究を進めている。

■教  授:尾㟢 紀之

■助  教:堀 紀代美

Professor : OZAKI, Noriyuki

Assistant Professor : HORI, Kiyomi

A principal focus of our laboratory is investigation of mechanisms of acute and chronic pain sensation associ-ated with variety of diseases such as inflammation, injury, cancer, and functional pain disorders. In addition to cuta-neous pain, we especially focused on visceral and muscle pain sensations which have different characteristics from cutaneous one.

We also study differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in visceral fat tissue to elucidate underlying mecha-nisms of obesity in newly developed experimental animal "suncus murinus".

Our ongoing projects are as follows: 1 ) Mechanisms of pain sensation associated with inflam-

mation, nerve injury, tissue injury and cancer, in skin, viscera, circular system, bone muscle and joints.

2 ) Development of novel animal model of functional pain disorders such as Functional dyspepsia and myofas-cial pain syndrome.

3 ) Neuroanatomy and physiology of somatic and vis-ceral pain systems.

4 ) Visualization myofascial pain syndrome by ultrasound imaging technique.

5 ) Food intake, adipocyte progenitor cells, anti-obesity.

脳情報回路学 Neural Information and Circuit Dynamics


Department of Functional Anatomy






A. Sensory neurons in trigeminal ganglion. Double-labeled neurons shown in yellow (white arrow) were substance P expressed neurons innervating facial skin.

B. Mechanosensitive gastric afferents responded to gastric distension. High-threshold mecha-nosensitive affrents were found in greater splanchnic nerve innervating the stomach.

C. Regenerating muscle cells (arrows) after eccentric contration.D. Regenerating muscle cells expressing nerve growth factor (NGF) (arrows), which induced

persistent myofascial pain.

Page 24: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

脳医科学 Division of Neuroscience


脳情報回路学 Neural Information and Circuit Dynamics


Department of Molecular Neuroscienceand Integrative Physiology

■教  授:櫻井  武

■准 教 授:三枝 理博

■助  教:前島 隆司

Professor : SAKURAI, Takeshi

Associate Professor : MIEDA, Michihiro

Assistant Professor : MAEJIMA,Takashi














ド,オレキシン(orexin) や,NeuropeptideB/Wなどに








Aim of our studies is to identify novel neuropeptides and characterize their functions. We search for novel neuropeptides and their receptors with various biochemi-cal techniques and define their physiological functions at the whole-animal level. Our group has discovered sev-eral novel neuropeptides, including orexins, neuropeptide B/W, and QRFP. We have been characterizing the physi-ological roles of these peptides by various approaches including characterizing phenotypes of genetically-engi-neered mice, electrophysiology, histological approaches, and pharmacological characterizations. Current interests of our study are;

1 ) Identification of Novel Biologically Active Peptides Our group have identified several important peptides,

such as orexins, neuropeptide B/W and QRFP. We will further challenge to identify novel biologically active substances.

2 ) Research on Neuropeptides:Our laboratory identi-fies and characterizes the physiological functions of novel neuropeptides. We are particularly interested in neuropeptides involved in the physiological regula-tion of essential bodily functions in mammals, such as appetite, sleep-wake behavior, and emotion.

3 ) Studies on pathophysiology and therapeutic method-ology of feeding disorder and sleep disorder

Orexin-producing neurons stabilize sleep / wakefulness states by interactions with monoam-inergic / cholinergic neurons in the brain stem

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脳医科学 Division of Neuroscience


脳情報回路学 Neural Information and Circuit Dynamics

神経発生学 Department of Developmental Neurobiology

■教  授:佐藤  純 Professor : SATO, Makoto





The Drosophila optic lobe comprises a wide variety of neurons, which form laminar neuropiles with columnar units and topographic projections from the retina. The Drosophila optic lobe shares many structural character-istics with mammalian visual systems. Our previous work described the key features of the developing optic lobe and reported novel phenomena that could accelerate our understanding of the Drosophila visual system. During development, the neuronal identities are predetermined in the optic lobe primordium, which is subdivided into concentric zones characterized by the expression of conserved transcription factors. Based on this finding, we demonstrated that the birth order of neurons, transcription factor expression, neuronal identities, cell migration pat-terns, neuronal projection patterns and neuronal functions are tightly related. These results suggest that comprehen-sive study of neurogenesis and functional neurobiology is now possible using the Drosophila visual center and pow-erful tools of Drosophila genetics.

1 ) Formation of neuronal circuits in the Drosophila visual system

a) Mathematical modeling and genetic analysis of the wave of neural stem cell differentiation

b) Genetic mechanisms that produce wide variety of neurons according to their birth order

c) Molecular mechanisms that regulate neuronal migration

d) Neuronal circuit formation by axon guidance, dendritic targeting and synapse formation

2 ) Functional analysis of visual processing circuitsa) Generation of transgenic flies that enable manipu-

lation of neuronal activity at a single cell resolutionb) Computer aided behavioral experiments and cal-

cium imagingc) Identification and functional analysis of motion

detection circuits 3 ) Molecular mechanisms of neurological diseases

a) Functional analyses of genes that are respon-sible for neurological diseases such as neuronal migration disorders

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脳医科学 Division of Neuroscience


脳病態医学 Clinical Neuroscience


Department of Neurology andNeurobiology of Aging

■教  授:山田 正仁

■准 教 授:岩佐 和夫

■助  教:浜口  毅,坂井 健二,篠原もえ子

池田 篤平,小松 潤史

Professor : YAMADA, Masahito

Associate Professor : IWASA, Kazuo

Assistant Professor : HAMAGUCHI, Tsuyoshi SAKAI, Kenji



 臨床大学院コースでは在籍中に以下の3点を達成するように指導する。コースの詳細と実績についてはhttp://neurology.w3.kanazawa-u.ac.jp を参照のこと。












Purposes of our research are (1) elucidation of etiol-ogy and pathogenesis of neurological diseases, and (2) development of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods for them. Various techniques for clinical and basic investiga-tions are applied to the research, including neuropathology, neurophysiology, molecular neurobiology, immunology, neu-rochemistry, neuroepidemiology, neuropsychiatry, and neu-roimaging. Our current research subjects are shown below:

1 ) Studies on brain aging, dementia, and amyloidosis1. Molecular mechanisms and molecular epidemi-

ology of brain aging2. Molecular pathogenesis and new diagnos-

tic, preventive, and therapeutic methods for dementing illness such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies

3. New technique for the diagnosis of early stage of dementia by PET and MEG methods

4. Molecular pathogenesis of cerebral amyloid angiopathy with development of advanced tech-niques for diagnosis, prevention, and therapy

5. New diagnostic and therapeutic methods for systemic amyloidosis

2 ) Studies on neuroimmunology and infection1. Clinical studies and molecular pathogenesis of

prion diseases2. Studies on myasthenia gravis and Lambert-

Eaton myasthenic syndrome3. Study of microglia for theapeutic applications

3 ) Studies on neurodegenerative diseases1. Molecular epidemiology of spinocerebellar

degenerations2. Studies on Parkinson's disease and related disorders

4 ) Studies on cerebrovascular disorders1. Neuroimaging studies

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脳医科学 Division of Neuroscience


■教  授:三邉 義雄,棟居 俊夫(子どものこころの発達研究センター)

菊知  充(子どものこころの発達研究センター )

■准 教 授:橋本 隆紀,髙橋 哲也(子どものこころの発達研究センター)

■講  師:戸田 重誠,長澤 達也■助  教:金田 礼三,中谷 英夫,廣澤  徹 小野 靖樹,村松 朋子

Professor : MINABE, Yoshio MUNESUE, Toshio KIKUCHI, MitsuruAssociate Professor : HASHIMOTO, Takanori TAKAHASHI, TetsuyaAssociate Professor : TODA, Shigenobu NAGASAWA, TatsuyaAssistant Professor : KANEDA, Reizou NAKATANI, Hideo HIROSAWA, Tetsu ONO, Yasuki MURAMATSU, Tomoko





















Multidisciplinary research has been conducted in this department on the basis of a biological approach to the etiology and treatments of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Subjects investigated include:

1 ) Clinical and biological studies of pervasive develop-mental disorders, in collaboration with some major academic programs of Kanazawa University.

2 ) Clinical and biological studies of schizophrenia and allied psychosis

3 ) Clinical and biological studies of drug-abuse and allied psychosis

脳病態医学 Clinical Neuroscience


Department of Psychiatryand Neurobiology

Page 28: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

脳医科学 Division of Neuroscience


■教  授:杉山 和久

■講  師:高比良雅之,東出 朋巳,大久保真司

■助  教:小林  顕,奥田 徹彦,横川 英明

藤村 茂人,正木 利憲

Professor : SUGIYAMA,KazuhisaAssociate Professor : TAKAHIRA, Masayuki HIGASHIDE, Tomomi OHKUBO, ShinjiAssistant Professor : KOBAYASHI, Akira OKUDA, Tetsuhiko YOKOGAWA, Hideaki FUJIMURA, Shigeto MASAKI, Toshinori




















脳病態医学 Clinical Neuroscience


Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science

Researches by graduated students are core of "patients oriented research" in our department. Our cur-rent projects are as follows:

1 ) Structure-Function relationships in glaucoma 2 ) Diurnal variation of intraocular pressure and SNPs of

adrenergic receptors 3 ) Gene type related to the effect of latanoprost, a topi-

cal glaucoma agent 4 ) Potassium channel expressed in ciliary epithelium 5 ) In vivo evaluation of retinal damage by optical coher-

ence tomography in rat model of optic neuropathy 6 ) New treatment strategy of neovascular glaucoma with

adjunctive use of bevacizumab 7 ) The effect of wound adhesion and suppression of

avascular bleb formation after glaucoma filtration sur-gery by using a honeycomb-patterned film

8 ) In vivo confocal microscopic analysis of cytomegalovi-rus conreal endotheliitis

9 ) Clinical evaluation of non-Descemet stripping auto-mated endothelial keratoplasty

10 ) Clarify the factors leading to displacement of the retina after vitrectomy for retinal detachment and pre-vention

11 ) Genetic diagnoses of ocular lymphoid proliferative diseases

12 ) Evaluation of endophthalmitis activities in a rabbit model

Page 29: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

脳医科学 Division of Neuroscience


■教  授:吉崎 智一

■准 教 授:室野 重之

■講  師:脇坂 尚宏,杉本 寿史

■助  教:近藤  悟,遠藤 一平,辻   亮

波多野 都,中西 庸介,上野 貴雄

Professor : YOSHIZAKI, TomokazuAssociate Professor : MURONO, ShigeyukiAssociate Professor : WAKISAKA Naohiro SUGIMOTO, HisashiAssistant Professor : KONDO, Satoru ENDO Kazuhira TSUJI, Akira HATANO, Miyako NAKANISHI, Yosuke UENO, Takayoshi


ⅰ)ウイルス発癌a)上咽頭癌 上咽頭癌はEpstein-Barrウイルス(EBV)が発癌および転移機構に密接に関与する高転移性のユニークな癌である。しかし,その分子機構の解明は十分進んでいない。当教室では,EBV遺伝子LMP1による幹細胞誘導機構や転移促進機構を中心に解析を進めている。一方で核酸アナログ系抗ウイルス剤やEBVワクチンの開発などEBVを標的とした治療法の研究にも取り組んでいる。Waldayer扁桃輪における内因性免疫因子発現とこれらのウイルス感染との関連性,発癌へのexosome分泌機能の関与についても研究中である。これらの研究は海外の研究室と共同で進められている。当教室のメインテーマである。b)中咽頭癌 近年ヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV)との関連性が指摘されている中咽頭癌について,臨床疫学および細胞生物学的な解析を進めている

ⅱ)頭頸部癌の転移機構 頭頸部癌は,上述の上咽頭癌のような高転移性のものから声門癌などのように低転移性のものまで非常に異なった臨床像を有する。それは頭頸部という狭くて複雑な臓器から発生する癌がそれぞれにユニークな生物学的特徴を有するからである。これらの特徴について,遺伝子発現や遺伝子多型の側面からアプローチしている。また,センチネルリンパ節の重要性が一般的に認識される中,SeedandSoiltheoryに基づき,癌細胞が転移する以前にリンパ節に血管新生が生じるとの仮説に基づき,多施設共同研究を展開中である。

ⅲ)頭頸部癌の臓器温存治療 化学放射線治療を中心とした臓器温存療法では,腫瘍の発生部位や臨床病期に基づいた抗がん剤使用が成否のカギを握る。超選択的動注化学療法から交替療法などの新しい化学療法による治療法確立に関する研究を始め,再発癌に対する治療法の開発にも取り組んでいる。





Our department concerns important organs in the head and neck that play important roles about senses such as hearing, smelling and tasting. We do some research works about these organs in order to restore the quality of life of patients.

Our ongoing projects are as follows: 1 ) Basic and clinical research of head and neck cancer

i ) Molecular biological research of naso-pharyngeal cancer (NPC): This is the Professor Furukawa's life work and most intensively researched by talented physicians. Latent membrane protein-I (LMP-1) is an EBV oncogene which is closely associated with the metastasis as well as the carcinogenesis of NPC. The relationship between expression of EBV genes such as LMP-1 and the metastasis has been investigated in both on basic molecular biological and clinical bases. We also working on development of anti-tumor therapy by targeting EBV. Research project on the ssociation of intrinsic immunity with EBV and HPV viral infection in the Waldayer ring has recently launched.

ii ) Epidemiological and molecular analysis of HPV-related orophayn-geal carcinoma

iii ) Metastatic potential of the head and neck cancer is affected by various factors such as genotype, microenvironment, and the primary site. We have been studying the molecular mechanism of metastasis in head and neck cancer. Recently, the role of angiogenesis preceding to the sentinel lymphnode metasitasis has been examined in the multicenter study.

iv ) The efficacy of chemotherapy in the treatment of the head and neck cancer is quite important issue for successful chemoradiotherapy, which is a key for organ preservation therapy. We have been study-ing the efficacy of superselective intraarterial chemoradiotherapy against locally advanced cancer and alteenative chemoradiothera-py for highly metastatic cancer such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

2 ) Impact of allergic inflammation on carcinogenesis and tumor progression 3 ) Research about hearing loss and speech therapy 4 ) Kanazawa-method for profound deaf children 5 ) Cochlear implant for deaf patients 6 ) Research about facial nerve degeneration and regeneration after tran-

section of various parts of facial nerve

脳病態医学 Clinical Neuroscience


Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery


The expression of LMP-1 and the signal transductions from it.

Page 30: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

脳医科学 Division of Neuroscience


■教  授:中田 光俊

■講  師:内山 尚之,林  康彦

■助  教:毛利 正直,見崎 孝一

木下 雅史,宮下 勝吉

Professor : NAKADA, Mitsutoshi

Associate Professor : UCHIYAMA, Naoyuki

HAYASHI, Yasuhiko

Assistant Professor : MOHRI, Masanao MISAKI, Kouichi

KINOSHITA, Masashi MIYASHITA, Katsuyoshi























We investigate the pathogenesis of the diseases of the nervous system, and recover the functions of the nervous system mainly by surgically removing their causes. The main target diseases are brain tumors, cerebrovascular diseases, head injuries, congenital anomalies, functional diseases and spinal diseases. Research interests are directed not only to the clinical disorders, but also to the current topics of Neuroscience in "the Century of the Brain". The main research projects are as follows:

1 ) Integrated neurosurgery for malignant glioma 2 ) Innovative chemotherapy for malignant brain tumor 3 ) Exploration of biomarkers for the malignant glioma 4 ) Network of higher brain function revealed by awake surgery 5 ) Expansion of endovascular surgery for stroke 6 ) Hydromechanics of cerebral aneurysm 7 ) Carotid stent for the carotid artery stenosis 8 ) New therapy for the vertebral artery dissecting aneurysm 9 ) Basic research of pituitary lesions 10 ) Expansion of endoscopic surgery 11 ) Production and absorption mechanism of cerebrospinal fluid 12 ) Diagnosis and treatment for normal pressure hydrocephalus

脳病態医学 Clinical Neuroscience


Department of Neurosurgery


Glioblastoma, which is one of the most intractable tumors in human malignancies, is characterized by the remarkable proliferative activity and the invasive growth to the surrounding normal brain tissue. We continue to perform the basic research on molecular biology of glioblastoma to accumulate new knowledge. We are eager to engage in the translational research using our result of basic research. Based on the drug repositioning, drugs which inhibit the proliferation of glioma stem cells are screened. We are also trying to isolate specific biomarkers in serum or cerebrospinal fluid which reflect the clinical state of glioblastoma.

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脳医科学 Division of Neuroscience


■教  授:大黒多希子

■准 教 授:橋本 憲佳

■助  教:神村 栄吉

Professor : DAIKOKU, Takiko

Associate Professor : HASHIMOTO, Noriyoshi

Assistant Professor : KAMIMURA, Eikichi










Our research focuses on the molecular and genetic signaling pathways involved in human diseases. The causes of many diseases are not well understood, result-ing in limited treatment options. Using novel mouse mod-els, we are attempting to uncover the signaling networks involved in the development and maintenance of human diseases. Understanding these networks could lead to new avenues for interrupting the development and main-tenance of human diseases. Our current research projects are as follows:

1 ) Analysis of the molecular and genetic signaling path-ways involved in endometrial cancer in gene-mutated mice.

2 ) Functional analysis of carbohydrates in mammalian development and hematopoietic stem cell homing.

3 ) Collaborative research to generate gene-manipulated mice.

遺伝子改変動物学 Transgenic Animal Science


Department of TransgenicAnimal Science

胚性幹(ES)細胞から個体へ 〜遺伝子改変マウス作出の基本操作〜マウスES細胞は,受精後2.5日目の8細胞期胚と接着させて培養することによってマウス胚の一部となり,マウス個体へ発生させることができる。遺伝子操作を施して特定の遺伝子を破壊したES細胞を用いれば,遺伝子ノックアウトマウスの作出が可能である。A. GFPを発現するマウスES細胞(矢印)と透明帯を除去した8細胞期胚を接着させる。B. 一晩培養するとES細胞(矢印)は胚盤胞の内部細胞塊に取り込まれる。C. 上記の操作で作製したキメラ胚を偽妊娠雌マウスの子宮に移植して出生した新生仔。C'.4匹の産仔のうち2匹がGFP陽性で,GFP発現ES細胞が取り込まれたことを示す。

From ES cells to a mouse − manipulating the mouse embryo −Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells cultured with 8-cell-stage embryos can produce offspring which contain ES cellular material. We apply this technique for the generation of gene knockout mice.

A. GFP-expressing mouse ES cells (arrow) are aggregated with 8-cell-stage embryos whose zona pel-lucida had been removed.

B. After overnight incubation, the ES cells (arrow) are incorporated into the inner cell mass of the blastocyst. C. Offspring are produced from chimeric blastocysts that have been transferred into the uterus of pseu-

dopregnant female mice.C'. Two of 4 pups are positive for GFP, indicating the contribution of GFP-expressing ES cells.

Page 32: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and
Page 33: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学専攻専攻長:太田 哲生


Division of Cancer MedicineDivision head ; OHTA, Tetsuo

Cancer is the primary cause of death in Japan and many other countries, and finding the cure for cancer is a major topic in medicine. Due to the advancements in molecular biology, various basic researches on cancer have shown a great deal of progress. These are: (1) the discovery of many new oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes related to the development of cancer; (2) clarification of the mechanism of infiltration and me-tastasis, which are the characteristic features of cancer cells; (3) identification of gene families involved in the proliferation and differentiation of cancer cells; (4) interaction among their gene products at the molecular level; and (5) identification of cancer stem cells from various solid tumors. From these extensive re-searches, we expect the development of a method for accurate genetic diagnosis, development of gene-targeting drugs or other anticancer drugs, and gene therapy. The goals of this course are to provide an introduction to the research on the molecular biol-ogy of cancer gene families that are involved in the development and growth of cancer, and to demonstrate the application of these results towards the development of diagnostic techniques and cancer treatment in clinical medicine. In the departments of clinical medicine another goal is to train superb clinical special-ists who are capable of putting clinical researches into practice.

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がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


■教  授:井関 尚一

■助  教:山本美由紀

仲田 浩規

Professor : ISEKI, Shoichi

Assistant Professor : YAMAMOTO, Miyuki

NAKATA, Hiroki














We aim to reveal the expression, localization and regu-lation of a variety of bioactive proteins and their mRNA in various cells and tissues, and thereby to estimate the physi-ological roles of these proteins and of the cells and tissues that express them. These proteins include the enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, cell adhesion molecules, growth factors, receptors and transcription factors. For this purpose, we apply histochemical techniques at both light- and electron-microscopic levels, together with molecular biological and genetic tech-niques, to normal and genetically modified mice at various pre- and post-natal ages. Our major concern is the factors involved in development, cell growth and differentiation. The present subjects investigated in our laboratory include:

1 ) Molecular mechanisms of the cell proliferation and differentiation in mouse salivary glands

2 ) Regulatory mechanisms for mouse spermatogenesis

がん細胞学 Cell and Tissue Biology


Department of Histologyand Embryology


During postnatal development of the rodent submandibular gland, proliferation and differentiation of acinar cells undergo neuronal regulation, whereas differentiation of duct cells undergoes hormonal regulation. In these processses, expression of a variety of genes is up- or down-regulated.

Page 35: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


■教  授:原田 憲一

■准 教 授:佐々木素子

■講  師:佐藤 保則

Professor : HARADA, Kenichi

Associate Professor : SASAKI, Motoko

Associate Professor : SATO, Yasunori

 当研究分野の博士課程では,1)病理学を基盤とした研究による博士論文,2)病理専門医資格,を同時に獲得できる指導体制をとる。1)研究内容 病理学的観点から肝臓の病態生理を追求し,肝臓病に対する新しい治療への開発に寄与することを基本的目的としている。特に,肝内胆管に焦点をあて,肝内胆管癌の発癌機構,原発性胆汁性肝硬変などの原因不明な胆道系疾患の病態生理について,免疫病理学および分子病理学的解析を進めている。また,最近注目されている細胞老化の概念と肝stemcell の観点から,新しい切り口からの肝発癌機構の探求も始めている。なお,主要な研究課題は以下である。1.原発性胆汁性肝硬変,肝内結石症,特発性門脈圧亢進症の病態および病因の解明


2)病理専門医の育成 病理は病理診断業務を通して医療現場で活躍する重要な診療領域である。近年,高度先端医療の発展に伴って病理専門医の需要は益々高まっており,病理専門医は不足しているのが現状である。病理専門医資格は,一定基準以上の人体病理経験年数(5年,内1年は臨床研修でも可),病理解剖数,生検診断数などの条件を満たし,専門医試験に合格することで取得できる。当研究分野の博士課程では,博士課程修了後すぐに病理専門医試験を受験,合格できるような指導体制をとっている。

Our common purpose is to investigate the pathogen-esis of liver diseases from the aspect of pathology and to contribute the strategy of novel therapy. In particular, our research focuses on intrahepatic biliary tree. We have integrated approaches from immunopathology and molec-ular pathology to fully elucidate the carcinogenesis of cholangiocarcinoma and the pathogenesis of cryptogenic biliary diseases. In addition, we have searched the human hepatic stem cell to establish the regenerative medicine, which is one of "Millennium Project". The main research projects are as follows;

1 ) Pathogenesis of primary biliary cirrhosis, hepatolithia-sis, and idiopathic portal hypertension

2 ) Carcinogenesis of primary liver cancer 3 ) Functional analysis of cholangiocyte in physiological

and pathological conditions 4 ) Pathogenesis of congenital biliary malformation and

establishment of animal model

がん細胞学 Cell and Tissue Biology


Department of Human Pathology


Expression of p21 as a marker of cellular senescence in "large cell dys-plasia" in chronic viral hepatitis.

Page 36: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


■教  授:川尻 秀一

■准 教 授:中村 博幸

■講  師:加藤 広禄,大井 一浩

■助  教:野口 夏代

Professor : KAWASHIRI, Shuichi

Associate Professor : NAKAMURA, Hiroyuki

Associate Professor : KATO, Koroku OOI, Kazuhiro

Assistant Professor : NOGUCHI, Natsuyo






A variety of diseases occur in the oral and maxillofa-cial region. In addition to conditions that require surgery, such as trauma and jaw deformities, salivary gland dis-eases, mucosal diseases, neurological diseases and bad breath are also included. In our department, the following studies have been performed to address oral and maxil-lofacial diseases.

1 ) Analysis of the mechanism of invasion and metastasis of oral cancer: We studied the association between the mode of invasion and various genes or protein expres-sion using surgical specimens. In addition, we estab-lished an invasion and metastasis mouse model and an in vitro invasion model in which fibroblasts are incorpo-rated into a collagen gel. We investigated the effects of molecular targeted drugs and anti-cancer agents for advanced invasive cancer using these invasive models.

2 ) Analysis of the mechanism of temporomandibular joint disease (TMD) synovitis development: Synovitis is one of the causes of pain in TMD, however, the pathogenic mechanism is unknown. Our goal was to identify the biologically active molecules that induce synovitis within the synovial fluid in joint disease.

3 ) Analysis of association between TMD during the growth phase and jaw deformity: Based on statisti-cal analysis, the temporomandibular joint disease during the growth stage may induce jaw deformities in the future. However, the details of the relation-ship between these diseases are unclear. We simu-lated TMD using animals in the growth stage and then observed the morphological changes in the jaw to determine the details of this relationship.

4 ) Regeneration of Dental pulp: Dental pulp tissues can easily develop pulpitis and necrosis through pulp exposures. If infection is present, even small exposures can lead to irreversible pulpitis/necrosis. The pulp of a tooth with irreversible pulpitis/necrosis should not be left alone to heal. The tooth should be endodontically treated by removal of the pulp. Eventually, teeth without pulp tissues are going to be susceptible to fracture. In a previous study, we demonstrated that MMP expression was up-regulated in dental pulp stem cells. Regeneration of pulp tissue was also observed in the irreversible pulpitis models after MMP treatment. We aim to determine the exact mechanism underlying the regeneration of pulp tissue and to develop a new drug for pulpitis.

がん細胞学 Cell and Tissue Biology


Department of Oral andMaxillofacial Surgery

Page 37: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


■教  授:大井 章史

■助  教:尾山  武

田尻 亮輔

中村 律子

Professor : OOI, Akishi

Assistant Professor : OYAMA, Takeru

TAJIRI, Ryosuke














5)腫瘍における分泌型タンパクNell の発現機能解析

We investigate the carcinogenesis of a vaiety of human solid tumors by examiniations in macroscopic, microscopic, ultrastructural and molecular levels. We also participate in treatment of cancer patients by clarifying the molecular targets in genetically heterogenous cancers. The main research projects in progress are as follow:

1 ) Detection of gene amplifications of ERBB2, Myc, MET, FGFR2, EGFR and MDM2 in a variety of human solid carcinomas

2 ) Analysis of signal transduction of ERBB2 and EGFR in human solid carcinomas

3 ) Investigation of optimizing treatment for human solid tumors with molecular targeted therapy by array based CGH anlysis

4 ) Detections of gene amplifications of CCND1 in solid carcinoma

5 ) Analysis of Nell expression and fanction in human cancers

がん細胞学 Cell and Tissue Biology


Department of Molecular andCellular Pathology

胃癌に見られたERBB2遺伝子(緑色蛍光)とFGFR2遺伝子 (橙色蛍光 )の増幅。(2色 fluorescenceinsituhybridization)

Co-amplification of ERBB2 ( green fluorescence) and FGFR2 in a gastric cancer (Dual-color FISH)

Page 38: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


■教  授:太田 哲生■准 教 授:伏田 幸夫,二宮  致■講  師:高村 博之■助  教:田島 秀浩,宮下 智治,井口 雅史 中川原寿俊,尾山 勝信,林  泰寛 中村 慶史

Professor : OHTA, TetsuoAssociate Professor : FUSHIDA, Sachio NINOMIYA, ItasuAssociate Professor : TAKAMURA, HiroyukiAssistant Professor : TAJIMA, Hidehiro MIYASHITA, Tomoharu INOKUCHI, Masafumi NAKAGAWARA, Hisatoshi OYAMA, Katsunobu HAYASHI, Hironori NAKAMURA, Keishi

がん制御学 Oncology


Department ofGastroenterologic Surgery

















We specialize in clinical medicine, research and edu-cation of gastroenterologic, pediatric, and breast surgeries and surgical oncology. Though the curative resection is only the best therapy for malignant tumors, many other therapies such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and hormonal therapy has been successfully developed. Based on this concept, we establish rational surgery that contrib-utes to curability and less morbidity and multidisciplinary treatment for different malignancies. Additionally, the goal of our basic research is to make breakthroughs in chemoprevention, early diagnosis, and gene therapy of cancer. The main research projects are as follows:

1 ) Immunonutritional approach for perioperative man-agement in high-risk patients

2 ) Molecular pathology in cancer microenvironment of digestive disease

3 ) Development of Pathogenesis and new therapies for organ failure due to sepsis

4 ) Histopathology of liver regeneration after small graft transplantation

5 ) Pathogenesis of extravasated platelet aggregation in post chemotherapeutic liver of colon cancer

6 ) Chemoprevention for reflux induced esophageal car-cinogenesis

近年,逆流性食道炎患者の増加とともにBarrett 食道の罹患率が増加している。それとともにBarrett 腺癌(食道腺癌)が著明に増加し,死亡率の増加が懸念されている。当教室ではラットに十二指腸液単独あるいは胃液との混合液を食道に逆流させる手術を行うと発癌剤の投与なしにBarrett 食道あるいはBarrett 腺癌が発生すること,その発癌過程は Inflammation-metaplasia-adenocarcinomasequenceにより進展することを世界に先駆けて報告してきた。現在ではこのモデルを用いて,発癌に至る機序を病理学的のみならず免疫学的あるいは分子生物学的アプローチから研究し,さらに種々の薬剤を用いて発癌予防効果を検証している。

The incidence of Barrett’ metaplasia and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus (EADC) has increased substantially in recent decades. Over this same time period, gastroesophageal reflux has been identified as an important risk factor of both Barrett’s metaplasia and EADC. We proved inflammation-metaplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence with the use of an established surgi-cal rat model without carcinogen. While the relationship between reflux and esophageal carcino-ma has been explored in a number of studies, the molecular mechanisms underlying esophageal carcinogenesis are still not well understood. Unlocking the molecular mechanism of disease could provide a valuable therapeutic target. We evaluated various chemoprevention agents including cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, thioproline and proton pump inhibitor using the surgical rat model.

Page 39: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


■教  授:並木 幹夫■准 教 授:溝上  敦■講  師:小中 弘之,北川 育秀■助  教:角野 佳史,成本 一隆 野原 隆弘,飯島 将司■特任助教:田谷 正樹

Professor : NAMIKI, MikioAssociate Professor : MIZOKAMI, AtsushiAssociate Professor : KONAKA, Hiroyuki KITAGAWA, YasuhideAssistant Professor : KADONO, Yosifumi NARIMOTO, Kazutaka NOHARA, Takahiro IIJIMA, MasashiResearch Assistant Professor : TAYA, Masaki




























We investigate the function and the pathogenesis of the disease of urogenital organs. Concretely, I) to find a cure for cancer; 1) establish early diagnosis for cancer, 2) clarify mechanism of cancer invasion and metastasis, 3) create integrative cancer therapy by combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, II) to establish a treatment system for voiding dysfunction by understanding mechanism of urination in cerebral and peripheral neural networks, III) to create new treatment for male infertility by investigation on spermatogenesis candidate genes.

1 ) early diagnosis for bladder cancer: detection of new markers

2 ) identification of metastasis-related factors in urogeni-tal cancer

3 ) mechanism of hormone-refractory status in prostate cancer 4 ) molecular target in treatment for hormone refractory

prostate cancer 5 ) chemotherapy for hormone refractory prostate cancer 6 ) mechanism of drug insensitivity in prostate cancer 7 ) investigation of pathogenesis and treatment for blad-

der dysfunction in aging, neurogenic disorder 8 ) identification of spermatogenesis candidate genes

がん制御学 Oncology


Department of Integrative Cancer Therapy and Urology


Page 40: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


■教  授:絹谷 清剛

■准 教 授:中嶋 憲一

■講  師:瀧  淳一,松尾 信郎

■助  教:萱野 大樹,稲木 杏吏

虎谷 文音

Professor : KINUYA, Seigo

Associate Professor : NAKAJIMA, Kenichi

Associate Professor : TAKI, Junichi MATSUO, Shinro

Assistant Professor : KAYANO, Daiki INAKI, Anri
























Guidelines for the post-graduate course in the Department of Biotracer Medicine are as follows: 1) To obtain sufficient clinical experiences for a specialist in Nuclear Medicine, PET and Radiology 2) To understand Nuclear Medicine methodology for basic and clinical researches, and 3) To achieve research works in PhD course.

Our major concern is to develop internal radiothera-py with radiopharmaceuticals for lesional control of can-cer. For this purpose, we investigate in-vivo tracer kinetics, exploit novel biotracers, and develop a comprehensive strategy with other therapeutic modalities. Targeting mole-cules include radioiodine for thyroid cancer, radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies, peptides, nucleic acids and recep-tor ligands. Nuclear cardiology and neuroscience are other fields of interest.

1 ) Pre-clinical investigation of targeted radiotherapy and its clinical application

2 ) I-131-MIBG therapy for neuroendcrine malignancies 3 ) Pharmacokinetic modeling to analyze nuclear images 4 ) Assessment and prediction of therapeutic responses of

tumors with radiotracers 5 ) Functional assessment of the heart with multimodal images 6 ) Functional assessment of the brain with multimodal images

がん制御学 Oncology


Department ofBiotracer Medicine


Development of molecular imaging for myocardial remodeling after myocardial infarction. Myocardial remodeling after infarction involves complex process including apoptosis, necrosis, ang-iogenesis, interstitial matricellular protein synthesis & signaling etc. Combination of these imaging techniques might permit precise diagnosis of the pathophysiology of the myocardial remodeling and heart failure after MI and monitoring the effect of treatment.

Page 41: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん制御学 Oncology

国際がん治療学 Department for Global Cancer Therapy and Research

■研究分野主任,兼担(がん医科学専攻がん制御学講座集学的治療学):並木 幹夫

■兼担(がん医科学専攻がん分子統御学講座がん分子標的医療学):矢野 聖二

■兼担(がん医科学専攻機能再生学講座周術期管理学):山田 圭輔

■専任特任助教 :泉  浩二

Professor and Chairman : NAMIKI, Mikio

Professor : YANO, Seiji

Associate Professor : YAMADA, Keisuke

Project Assistant Professor : IZUMI, Kouji

教育研究領域の概要: がんに関する新たな診断・治療法などの開発研究を担う,高度な研究能力を有する研究者は不足しており,国際的研究能力を有するがん研究者の早期養成が課題になっている。また,高度化した最近のがん治療においては,総合的ながんに関する知識・技術を有するがん治療のリーダーが求められている。本研究分野では,がん治療に必須の外科治療,薬物療法,放射線療法,緩和医療の専門家を教員として配置し,総合的ながん治療の教育,研究を推進する。英語での口演や論文作成のスキルアップ,コミュニケーション能力の向上を目的とした英語講座を開設するとともに,一定期間の海外研修を推奨し,国際的視野を養う。臨床的教育,研究に関しては以下のがん医療に特化した専門的な講座(1-5)を開講し,基礎研究においては「臨床と直結する研究であること」を念頭に,下記のテーマ(6,7)で基礎と臨床の橋渡しの役割を果たすべく研究に取り組む。







The lack of the number of Japanese oncologists who can carry out advanced researches is asking for urgent development of researchers having expertise of advanced oncology with a wide global vision. As the anti-cancer treatment has been developed and complicated, oncolo-gists who can exert leadership in comprehensive cancer treatments are needed for diverse clinical situations. In this division, we will provide special educations about surgi-cal oncology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, and psyco-oncology for the development of such researchers. We will also provide English lectures for the purpose of reskilling of communication in English. Overseas training in a certain term during graduate can be provided. Five specific courses for cancer therapy and research will be opened as shown below (1-5), and we will investigate some themes (6, 7), hoping that our studies can directly contribute to the development of cancer therapy.

1 ) Advanced Course for Global Cancer Therapeutics 2 ) Advanced Surgical Medicine for Cancer Therapy 3 ) Molecular Diagnosis of Neoplasm 4 ) Advanced Photonic Therapeutics for Cancer 5 ) Psychological Care for Cancer Patients 6 ) The role of cytokines/chemokines on cancer invasion

and metastasis 7 ) The search for anti-tumor agents related to immune

system and clinical application of these agents

Figure LegendA working model of the crosstalk between macrophages and PCa cells that involve CCL2, STAT3, and EMT pathways in the androgen-deprived tumor micro-environment.

Page 42: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


■教  授:横田  崇

■准 教 授:赤木 紀之

Professor : YOKOTA, Takashi

Associate Professor : AKAGI, Tadayuki
















The goal of our research is to understand the molecu-lar mechanism of self-renewal and differentiation of stem cells. Especially, we are interested in embryonic stem (ES) cells, which are able to differentiate into all kinds of cells in our body. We are now searching for genes responsible for self-renewal and differentiation of ES cells by introducing a variety of signaling molecules. We are also interested in common characteristics between ES and cancer stem cells. Our research interests are not only lim-ited to basic research, but also directed to clinical applica-tion of stem cells in tissue regeneration, gene therapy and so on. Our current projects are as follows:

1 ) Molecular mechanism of self-renewal in ES cells 2 ) Switching mechanism from the undifferentiated state

to the differentiated state 3 ) Mechanism of ES cell differentiation into a certain lin-

eage cells 4 ) Comparison of characteristics between ES and cancer

stem cells

機能再生学 Regenerative Medicine


Department ofStem Cell Biology


LIF, a self-renewal factor for ES cells, regulates several signaling path-ways in ES cells. After stimulation of LIF, several transcription factors, including STAT3 and Oct3/4, are activated in ES cells. We have focused on several molecules, including Dax1, GAPB, Zfp57, Zfp296, Esrrb and Eed, and found that these molecules regulate self-renewal of ES cells.

Page 43: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


■教  授:藤原  浩

■准 教 授:高倉 正博

■講  師:中村 充宏

■助  教:水本 泰成,山崎 玲奈,岩垂 純平

保野由紀子,明星 須晴

Professor : FUJIWARA, HiroshiAssociate Professor : TAKAKURA, MasahiroAssociate Professor : NAKAMURA, MitsuhiroAssistant Professor : MIZUMOTO, Yasunari YAMAZAKI, Rena IWADARE, Junpei BONO, Yukiko MYOUJYO, Subaru




周産期学研究室1)ヒト胎盤形成の解析2)新規 trophoblast-specificpeptidase,laeverinの機能解析上記のテーマについて,神経/血管系類似細胞による胎盤内の新規ネットワークシステムおよびExtravillous tro-phoblast の浸潤制御機構を解析し,周産期疾患の新しい診断法や治療法を開発すること,およびLaeverinの免疫寛容誘導作用を解析し,新しい臓器移植補助療法を開発することを目指している。

Our department consists of three major divisions, gyne-cologic oncology, reproductive medicine, and perinatology. Each section clinically provides treatment for gynecologic malignant diseases such as uterine cervical, corpus and ovar-ian cancers, treatment for infertile patient using laparoscopic surgery and management for perinatal complication, respec-tively. Three research teams based on these fields coopera-tively do basic and clinical studies.

Division of gynecologic oncology1. Analysis of tumor stem cells This team investigates reversible changes of tumor stem

cells on the basis of the malignant cell society of cancer tissues, aiming to develop a novel method to prevent can-cer progression by inducing symbiotic status.

2. Analysis of circulating tumor cells This team investigates circulating tumor cells in the ascites

or blood stream by detecting high transcriptional activ-ity of h-TERT gene, aiming to develop a novel method to inhibit cancer metastasis.

Division of reproductive medicine1. Analysis of mechanisms for human embryo implantation

by the immune system This team investigates the transmitting mechanisms of

embryonic signals to the maternal immune system through sugar chains of zona pellucida and hCG, aiming to devel-op novel treatment for infertile patients with implantation failures using autologous immune cells.

2. Analysis of endometrial epithelial cell function This team investigates the mechanism for embryo implan-

tation into endometrium and the progression process of endometriosis using normal human endometrium and endometriotic lesion-derived immotile endometrial epi-thelial cell lines, aiming to develop novel treatments for implantation failures and endometriosis.

Division of perinatology1. Analysis of mechanisms for human placentation This team investigates the mechanisms of novel network

system in the human placenta by neuron/vascular lineage cells and that of extravillous trophoblast invasion into maternal arteries, aiming to develop novel methods for diagnosis and/or treatment for perinatal complication.

2. Analysis of function of novel trophoblast-specific peptidase, laeverin This team investigates the specific function of laeverin to

induce immune tolerance, aiming to develop novel meth-ods for organ transplantation.

機能再生学 Regenerative Medicine


Department of Molecular Reproductive Biology(Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology)

Page 44: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


■教  授:中尾 眞二■准 教 授:笠原 寿郎,朝倉 英策,山崎 宏人■講  師:近藤 恭夫,石山  謙■助  教:木村 英晴,原  丈介,高松 博幸 大畑 欣也,阿保 未来,青木  剛

Professor : NAKAO, ShinjiAssociate Professor : KASAHARA, Kazuo ASAKURA, Hidesaku YAMAZAKI, HirohitoAssociate Professor : KONDO, Yukio ISHIYAMA, KenAssistant Professor : KIMURA, Hideharu HARA, Jyosuke TAKAMATSU, Hiroyuki OHATA, Kinya ABO, Miki AOKI, Go



Our department focuses on hematology/oncology and respiratory medicine. The department name "Cellular Transplantation Biology" is derived from the main subject of the hematology group. We pioneered hematopoieticstem cell transplantation in Japan and lead the field in cell therapy for hematologic malignancies. Studies on immune pathophysiol-ogy of bone marrow failure including aplastic anemia and myelodysplastic syndrome are another major subject of our hematology group. Other subjects include optimization of che-motherapy for hematological malignancies and development of new treatments for acquired coagulation disorders such as disseminated intravascular coagulation and antiphospholipid syndrome. The Respiratory medicine group focuses on three different subjects described below. The allergy study group found a new disease entity named atopic cough and has established a treatment guideline for this and other coughs. We are also undertaking clinical and translational researches on lung cancer and interstitial pneumonia, particularly focusing on molecular targeting and immunopathogenesis.

Hematology/Oncology 1 ) Chemotherapy 2 ) Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 3 ) Immunotherapy 4 ) Bone marrow failure 5 ) Thrombosis and hemostasisRespiratory medicine 1 ) Allergy 2 ) Bronchial asthma and cough 3 ) Lung cancer 4 ) Interstitial pneumonia

機能再生学 Regenerative Medicine


Department of Cellular Transplantation Biology(Hematology / Oncology and Respiratory Medicine)


Minitransplant is a kind of immunotherapy for malignancies taking advantage of the anti-tumor effect by allogeneic lymphocytes from HLA-matched donors.Since this treatment uses a non-myeloablative conditioning regimen, it can be applied to elderly patients and patients with organ dysfunctions.The film (bottom left fig.) shows metastatic lesions of Hodgkin's disease relapsed after allogeneic bone marrow trans-plantation. Multiple coin lesions disappeared 2 months after donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) from the bone marrow donor (bottom right).

Page 45: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


■教  授:土屋 弘行

■准 教 授:村上 英樹,加畑 多文

■講  師:八幡徹太郎,出村  諭

■助  教:林  克洋,松原 秀憲,加藤 仁志

多田  薫,中瀨 順介,武内 章彦

Professor : TSUCHIYA, HiroyukiAssociate Professor : MURAKAMI, Hideki KABATA, TamonAssociate Professor : YAHATA, Tetsutaro DEMURA, SatoruAssistant Professor : HAYASHI, Katsuhiro MATSUBARA, Hidenori KATO, Satoshi TADA, Kaoru NAKASE, Junsuke TAKEUCHI, Akihiko


1)抗菌カスタムメイドインプラントの開発2)骨肉腫におけるがん幹細胞の同定とその特性の解析3)巨細胞性腫瘍に対するPPARγを標的とした抗腫瘍効果の解析4)脂肪幹細胞による骨・軟骨・末梢神経など筋骨格系組織の再生医療5)骨肉腫に対する新規抗体療法の開発6)肉腫に対する強化免疫療法の開発7)骨軟部肉腫に対する化学療法効果増強8)骨肉腫に対する新規プラチナ製剤の研究9)蛍光蛋白を使用した癌細胞転移のメカニズム10)骨形成を促進するメカニカルストレス11)放射線照射が脊椎骨および髄膜に及ぼす影響12)腫瘍脊椎骨全摘術における脊髄および脊椎循環動態13)脊椎再建 ・脊椎矯正のバイオメカニクス14)脊椎矯正に伴う脊髄動態15)脂肪幹細胞による骨壊死の修復16)股関節のバイオメカニクス17)ヨード担持インプラントの感染抵抗性評価18)膝前十字靭帯損傷の危険因子の検討19)腱骨移行部治癒過程の促進20)腱・半月板の再生に関する研究21)スポーツ外傷予防プログラムの研究22)手関節運動のバイオメカニクス23)末梢神経癒着防止効果の研究24)末梢神経再生に関する研究

We have been treating traumas and diseases of neuro-musculoskele-tal systems such as bones, joints, nerves, muscles and tendons. However, a lot have changed with advances in medical science. For example, limbs invaded by malignant tumors used to be amputated, but now we can salvage not only the life but also the function of such limbs. The key to success with these treatments is to know how to reconstruct both the anatomy and function. We are therefore pursuing the following research projects in an attempt to resolve these difficult and important problems.

1 ) Development of the antibacterial custom-made prosthesis 2 ) Identification and analysis of characteristics of cancer stem cell in

osteosarcoma 3 ) Analysis of anti-tumor effect PPARγ in giant cell tumor of bone and

soft tissue 4 ) Muscle-skeletal regenerative medicine with adipose-derived stem cell 5 ) Novel antibody therapy for osteosarcoma 6 ) Reinforced immunotherapy for sarcoma 7 ) Potentiation of chemotherapy for sarcoma 8 ) Novel platinum complex against osteosarcoma 9 ) Elucidation of mechanism of cancer metastasis using fluorescent

protein 10 ) Mechanical stress to accelerate bone regeneration 11 ) Adverse effects of irradiation on vertebral bone and spinal meninges 12 ) Bone regeneration in reconstructed spine 13 ) Biomechanical analysis of spinal reconstruction and correction 14 ) Analysis of spinal cord after spinal correction 15 ) Repair of bone necrosis with adipose derived stem cells 16 ) Biomechanics of the hip joint 17 ) Antibacterial activity of the iodine supported titanium implant 18 ) Risk factors for ACL injury 19 ) Facilitation of tendon-bone healing in bone tunnel 20 ) Regeneration of tendon and meniscus 21 ) Prevention program for sports injury 22 ) Biomechanics of wrist joint motion 23 ) Prevention of peripheral nerve adhesions 24 ) Regeneration of peripheral nerve

機能再生学 Regenerative Medicine


Department of Restorative Medicineof Neuro-Musculoskeletal System(Department of Orthopedic Surgery)


Page 46: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


■教  授:谷口  巧

■准 教 授:山田 圭輔,栗田 昭英

■助  教:小室 明子,加畑 千春,棚木 直人

臼倉  愛,松久 大希,山本 剛史

佐藤 寛子,須田 佳美

Professor : TANIGUCHI, TakumiAssociate Professor : YAMADA, Keisuke KURITA, AkihideAssistant Professor : KOMURO, Akiko KABATA, Chiharu TANAGI, Naoto USUKURA, Ai MATSUHISA, Daiki YAMAMOTO, Takashi SATO, Hiroko SUDA, Yoshimi
























ホームページhttp://anesth.w3.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/ を参照


The first goal of anesthetic and intensive care man-agement is perioperative safety and security of all patients. Perioperative management is made up preopera-tive (resuscitation), intraoperative (anesthetics) and post-operative (intensive care) managements. We are aiming at the improvements of quality and skill of each manage-ments. Therefore, we are studying the following,

1 ) Study of preoperative management① Study of the effects of various drugs were adminis-

tered preoperatively during operation② Study of the improvement of resuscitation skill

2 ) Study of intraoperative management① Study on the therapeutic effects of various anes-

thetics for septic shock② Study of the correspondence in the abrupt change

during operation 3 ) Study of intensive care① Development of new blood purification (sepsis,

liver failure, kidney failure and multiple organ fail-ure) in various pathological conditions

② Studies on the effect of sedatives (sepsis, liver fail-ure, kidney failure and multiple organ failure) in various pathological conditions

機能再生学 Regenerative Medicine


Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine(Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine)

Page 47: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん分子統御学 Molecular Tumor Biology


Department of Molecular Cancer Cell Biology(Division of Molecular Pathology)

■教  授:後藤 典子

■助  教:中田 飛鳥

Professor : GOTOH, Noriko

Assistant Professor : NAKATA, Asuka


1)癌幹細胞ー乳癌をモデル系として マウス癌モデルや,ヒト乳癌の臨床検体を用いた癌幹細胞の解析から,癌幹細胞内の新規分子標的や癌の診断マーカーの探索を行っている。



3)肺癌の診断マーカー及び分子標的の探索 世界的にも肺癌による死亡者数は,全癌死の一位を占めている。増殖因子受容体シグナル伝達の解析にシステム生物学的手法を取り入れ,肺癌の早期発見や個々の患者に最適な治療法を選択するための診断マーカーや新規分子標的の探索を行っている。

Our major research interest is to elucidate the molecu-lar mechanisms regulating cancer cells, stem cells and cancer stem cells. Our team has two important research directions: One is to clarify the basic principles underlying biology and the other is to apply the knowledge extract-ed from the basic principles to translational medicine. In order to achieve the goal, we take challenging approach-es of molecular biology and systems biology, in addition to conventional methods of molecular biology. 1 ) Molecular mechanisms of cancer initiation, progression

and metastasis: breast cancer stem cells as key players By analyzing the mouse cancer model or primary cancer

cells derived from human specimens, we attempt to iden-tify novel molecular targets and biomarkers for cancer.

2 ) Signal transduction mechanisms through receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) for tumorigenesis and stem cell maintenance

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) RTKs play major roles for a variety of phys-iological and pathological aspects of biology, including stem cell biology, and cancer biology. We focus on FRS2 family of adaptor/scaffolding docking proteins, as key intracellular signal regulators of these RTKs.

3 ) Identification of new biomarkers and molecular tar-gets of lung cancers by systems biology approach

Our hypothesis is that elucidation of the molecular mech-anisms of addiction of lung epithelial cells to EGF RTK signaling leads us to identify new biomarkers and molec-ular targets of lung cancer. Our approach would cer-tainly advance personalized medicine in the near future.

Page 48: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん分子統御学 Molecular Tumor Biology


Department of Molecular Cancer Cell Biology(Division of Molecular Cell Signaling)

■教  授:善岡 克次

■助  教:佐藤 時春

Professor : YOSHIOKA, Katsuji

Assistant Professor : SATO, Tokiharu











質 JSAP1,およびそのファミリメンバー JLPである。主な




2)足場タンパク質 JSAP1,JLPの遺伝子改変マウスの解析

3)発達期脳における足場タンパク質 JSAP1,JLPの機能


Abnormal activation of intracellular signaling path-ways often leads to tumors. The goal of out project is to elucidate the functions of MAP kinase (MAPK) cascades in vivo, which are major intracellular signaling pathways. Mammalian MAPK saccades play important roles in cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, migration, and so on. Scaffold proteins of the mammalian MAPK cascades are considered having critical roles in spatio-temporal regulation of MAPK pathways by organizing their signaling components into functional modules. We are particularly interested in the functions of these scaffold proteins, mainly c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK)/stress-activated protein kinase-associated protein 1 (JSAP1) and its family member JNK-associated leucine zipper protein (JLP); scaffold pro-teins that participate in JNK MAPK cascades, both in vitro and in vivo. Our current projects are as follows:

1 ) Mechanisms and roles of scaffolding proteins for mammalian MAPK cascades in the specificity of the signaling pathways

2 ) Characterization of genetically engineered mice for the scaffolding proteins JSAP1 and JLP

3 ) Functional analysis of the scaffold proteins JSAP1 and JLP in the developing brain


Mammalian MAPK signaling pathways play important roles in cell proliferation, differentia-tion, apoptosis, and so on. Scaffold proteins could contribute to the specificity determination of MAPK cascades.

Page 49: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん分子統御学 Molecular Tumor Biology


Department of Cancer Biomedicine(Division of Molecular Virology & Oncology)

■教  授:佐藤  博

■准 教 授:滝野 隆久

遠藤 良夫

Professor : SATO, Hiroshi

Associate Professor : TAKINO, Takahisa

Endo, Yoshio














Accumulation of mutation in ocogenes and tumor sup-pressor genes in normal cells results in malignant tumors. Malignant tumors invade into tissues and finally metasta-size to distant organs. The goal of our project is to elu-cidate the molecular mechanism of tumor metastasis and develop diagnostic and therapeutic application.

Tumor invasion into tissue requires degradation of tissue basement membrane. We discovered a protease which is the key enzyme for tumor metastasis, and named it as MT1-MMP (Nature, 1994). Accumulating evidences indicate that MT1-MMP plays important roles in not only tumor invasion but also regulation of tumor growth and migration. We are trying to make clear the role of MT1-MMP in tumor malignant phenotype by analyzing novel functions of MT1-MMP.


Cell Migration and MT1-MMPHT1080 cells were cultured on collagen, which express MT1-MMP, and were stained for paxillin to visualize focal adhesion and actin. Addition of MT1-MMP inhibitor BB94 altered the localization of focal adhesion, and suppressed cell migration


Induction of MT1-MMP and Invasive Growth by Ocnogenic Transformation of Normal Epithelial CellsNormal epithelial MDCK cells were transformed with oncogne (erbB2), and showed tumor phenotype including MT1-MMP expression. Normal cells grow to form cysts in collagen gel, but transformed cells which express MT1-MMP show invasive growth.

Page 50: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん分子統御学 Molecular Tumor Biology


Department of Cancer Biomedicine(Division of Immunology and Molecular Bioloby)

■教  授:須田 貴司

■助  教:木下  健

土屋 晃介

Professor : SUDA, Takashi

Assistant Professor : KINOSHITA, Takeshi





なってきた。例えば,我々はデス因子Fasリガンドが IL-1

や IL-8,IL-17,IL-23など様々な炎症性サイトカインの産





 近年は特に,NLRファミリー *1 とその関連因子に着目し




2)パイロトーシス *2 の分子機構の研究

3)PYNOD*3 の機能解析

4)インフラマソーム *4 活性化剤,阻害剤の探索と応用


*2.パイロトーシス:IL-1βや IL-18などの炎症性サイトカインの産生を伴い,ネクローシス様の形態変化を呈するカスパーゼ1依存性のプログラム細胞死


Many cells are killed in tumors for various reasons, i.e. hypoxia, immune attack, anti-cancer therapy, etc. Recently, it became apparent that dying cells and dead cells release a variety of inflammatory substances. For example, we have demonstrated that death factor Fas ligand induces various inflammatory cytokines including IL-1, IL-8, IL-17, and IL-23. These cytokines can be involved in the development of inflammatory microenvironment of tumor tissues. Thus, we are investigating proteins that play roles at the crossroad of cell death and inflammation.

In recent years, we have focused on research con-cerning the role of the NLR family*1 and related protein factors. Current major research themes are as follows.

1 ) Role of the NLR family and related proteins in tumor cells 2 ) Molecular mechanism of pyroptosis*2

3 ) Role of PYNOD*3

4 ) Search for novel activator and inhibitors for the inflammasome*4

*1. NLR family; a family of cytoplasmic proteins that play roles in induc-tion and regulation of cell death, inflammation and immune responses. There are more than 20 members in humans.

*2. Pyroptosis; caspase-1-dependent cell death with necrotic morphology and production of inflammatory cytokines including IL-1 and IL-18

*3. PYNOD; an NLR protein that we discovered*4. Inflammasome; protein complex that activates caspase-1*5. PAMPs (pathogen-associated molecular patterns); inflammatory sub-

stances of pathogens*6. DAMPs (damage-associated molecular patterns); inflammatory sub-

stances derived from injured cells or tissues*7. NLRC4, NLRP3; NLR family members that form inflammasome and acti-

vate caspase-1 in response to PAMPs and DAMPs

NLRファミリーに属するNLRC4やNLRP3は病原体や様々な内因性,外因性炎症誘導物質に応答して IL-1βなどの炎症性サイトカインの産生とパイロトーシスと呼ばれる炎症誘導性プログラム細胞死を誘導する。PYNODは我々が同定したNLR蛋白で,上記の経路を阻害する作用をもつ。

NLRC4 and NLRP3 that belong to the NLR family induce production of inflam-matory cytokines such as IL-1β and inflammatory programmed cell death called pyroptosis in response to various pathogens and a variety of endog-enous and exogenous inflammatory substances. PYNOD, another member of the NLR family inhibits this response.

Page 51: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん分子統御学 Molecular Tumor Biology


Department of Cancer Biomedicine(Division of Molecular Bioregulation)

■教  授:向田 直史

■助  教:馬場 智久


Professor : MUKAIDA, Naofumi

Assistant Professor : BABA, Tomohisa

SASAKI, Soichiro















The interaction between tumor cells and resident cells induces the production of various pro-inflammatory cyto-kines and chemokines. The produced pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines can modulate the microenviron-ment of tumor tissues, thereby affecting carcinogenic and/or metastatic processes. A major research object in our division is to elucidate the roles of these endogenously produced chemokines and pro-inflammatory cytokines in these processes. We are also investigating the patho-phyiological roles of a serine/threonine kinase, Pim-3, a proto-oncogene expressed selectively in carcinogenesis. Through these studies, we are aiming to develop a novel type of anti-cancer agents.


The interaction between tumor cells and res-ident cells induces the production of various bioactive substances, which affect tumor invasion and growth.

Page 52: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん分子統御学 Molecular Tumor Biology


Department of Cancer and Stem Cell Research(Division of Molecular Genetics)

■教  授:平尾  敦

■助  教:田所 優子,小林 昌彦

上野 将也

Professor : HIRAO, Atsushi

Assistant Professor : TADOKORO, Yuko


UENO, Masaya
















Stem cells are defined as cells that have the abil-ity to perpetuate through self-renewal, and develop into mature cells of a particular tissue through differentiation. Appropriate controls of stem cell functions are critical for maintaining tissue homeostasis. We have revealed that genes that are involved in DNA damage responses or PI3K-AKT signaling contribute to the maintenance of stem cell self-renewal capacity. Thus, signaling pathways for control of tumorigenesis or senescence may be involved in stem cell regulation.

Recent evidence has demonstrated that in tumors only a minority of cancer cells has the capacity to proliferate extensively and form new tumors. These tumor-initiating cells, which are called cancer stem cells, are thought as a novel target for cancer therapy. The investigation of distinct and parallel roles in normal stem cells and cancer stem cells will contribute to the design of cancer therapy without damaging normal tissues.

Page 53: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん分子統御学 Molecular Tumor Biology


Department of Cancer and Stem Cell Research(Division of Genetics)

■教  授:大島 正伸

■助  教:大島 浩子

中山 瑞穂

Professor : OSHIMA, Masanobu

Assistant Professor : OSHIMA, Hiroko
















The aim of Division of Genetics is to understand the molecular tumorigenesis by mouse genetics studies.

1 ) Development of novel mouse models for genetic can-cer and progression

We have constructed mouse models by transgenic expression of gastric cancer-related genes, which recapitulate human gastric cancer development.

2 ) Mechanisms of inflammation for tumor development Using mouse models, we have studied inflammatory

microenvironment on tumorigenesis. 3 ) Signaling that determine stemness or undifferentiated

status Using the 3D primary culture system, we are investi-

gating mechanisms to induce tumorigenicity and undif-ferentiated changes in epithelial cells.


Activation of Wnt signaling is one of important direct causes for gastrointes-tinal tumorigenesis. Induction of COX-2 and PGE2 pathway, which further induces inflammatory microenvironment plays a key role in tumorigenesis. Using mouse models, we have demonstrated that Wnt activation in such microenvironment causes gastric tumorigenesis (photograph: transgenic mouse stomach).

Page 54: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん分子統御学 Molecular Tumor Biology


Department of Cancer and Stem Cell Research(Division of Oncology and Molecular Biology)

■教  授:高橋 智聡

■助  教:ShammaAwad

河野  晋

Professor : TAKAHASHI, Chiaki

Assistant Professor : SHAMMA, Awad

KOHNO, Susumu

 ヒトがんにおける臨床的エビデンスが豊富ながん遺伝子・がん抑制遺伝子を中心に,シンプルで分子生物学的・遺伝学的な解析がしやすい invivo・invitroがんモデル系を組み立て,発がん・転移・薬剤耐性・がん幹細胞を克服する突破口になる新規パスウェイを探索する。

1)がん抑制遺伝子研究を切り口にがん悪性進展のメカニズムと克服法を探索する:RB蛋白質 (pRB) 不活性化は多くのヒトがんの悪性進展過程において観察される。pRBは,従来知られた細胞周期や細胞分化の制御だけでなく,細胞老化,DNA損傷応答,クロマチン構造変換,蛋白質イソプレニル化,脂肪代謝あるいはミトコンドリア機能を制御することによっても腫瘍原性や悪性度を規定することを見出してきた。

2)がん特異的な代謝異常を制御するがん化シグナルの研究:がん細胞は正常細胞と較べると代謝様式が劇的に異なる。それは,好気的解糖と脂質合成の亢進であり,前者をp53が後者をpRBが司ると考えている。その他,Ras やMyc 等のがん遺伝子も代謝制御に関わる。様々ながん化シグナルによって誘導されるメタボリック・リプログラミングががん細胞の悪性の挙動に与える影響とその機構を探索する。

3)創薬研究に応用可能な in vitro がん幹細胞モデル系の開発:発がん・悪性進展機構の深い理解に基づき,がん幹細胞が有すると想定される様々な挙動の一部を安定的に表現するモデル系を組み立て,がんの幹細胞様表現型に関連する遺伝子の探索および新しいがん標的薬の開発に応用する。


We innovate in vivo and in vitro cancer model systems that can be readily analyzed by genetic and molecular biology techniques; this aims to find pathways critical for carcinogenesis, metastasis, drug resistance and stem cell-like behaviors in cancer cells.

1 ) The RB tumor suppressor gene product has been implicated in control of cell cycle and terminal dif-ferentiation. However, we propose pRB plays many more roles during tumor progression. We focus on pRB functions in chromatin instability, DNA damage response, cellular senescence, mevalonate pathway, lipid metabolism, mitochondrial function, chromatin remodeling and stem cell-like behaviors in cancer cells.

2 ) Analysis of oncogenic signals that induce malignant behaviors in cancer cells through metabolic repro-gramming.

3 ) Development of in vivo & in vitro cancer stem cell models: this aims to develop novel drugs or chemicals that specifically target hypothetical cancer stem cells.

We welcome students from both clinical and basic research fields.

図2 がん抑制遺伝子の複合的変異によって誘導される幹細胞様のがん細胞集団の蛍光多重染色像

Figure 2 Stem cell-like cells appeared in cancers induced by the combinational suppression of tumor suppressor genes including Rb.

図1 RB蛋白質に集まる様々なシグナルとRB蛋白質から発せられる様々なシグナル。RB蛋白質の多様な働きを説明する。E2Fファミリーが最も有名な標的であるが,その他にも,多様な標的蛋白質(100種類以上)があることが知られつつある。

Figure 1 Cellular signals merged on the modula-tion of pRB functions, and effectors of pRB. This at least partially explains multi-faceted functions of pRB.

Page 55: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん分子統御学 Molecular Tumor Biology


Department of Molecular and Cellular Targeting Translational Oncology(Division of Translational and Clinical Oncology)

■教  授:源  利成

■助  教:堂本 貴寛

Professor : MINAMOTO, Toshinari

Assistant Professor : DOMOTO, Takahiro














The mission of the division centers on laboratory and clinical research to develop the novel strategies and modali-ties for diagnosis and treatment of the gastrointestinal and refractory cancers. Research projects are based on molecu-lar and cellular characteristics of individual tumor types that are relevant to metastatic potential, recurrence and out-come. Our current efforts are focused on:

(A) Molecular mechanism underlying oncogenic signaling networks (1) Deregulated Wnt/β-catenin signaling (2) Glycogen synthase kinase 3β(GSK3β)-mediated

signaling(B) Molecular basis of gastrointestinal and refractory cancers for

clinical translation(C) Establishment of tissue material resources of human

gastrointestinal cancer

図1 グリコーゲン合成酵素キナーゼ3β(GSK3β)はWntシグナルに依存しない新しいがん標的である

Glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) supports and promotes tumor cells' survival and proliferation, and protects them from apoptosis in cancers developed in the major digestive organs, the results warrant proposing this kinase as a novel target in can-cer treatment (PCT/JP 2006/300160)

図2 RNAトランス因子CRD-BPはmRNAの安定性を修飾してWnt,NF-кBと c-Myc経路をリンクする

RNA trans-factor CRD-BP is a previously unrecognized transcription target of β-catenin/Tcf complex, and stabilizes mRNA of β-TrCP (β- transducin repeats-containing protein), NF-кB and c-Myc. CRD-BP is a novel cancer target that integrates multiple oncogenic signal-ing pathways (Nature June 15, 2006)

Page 56: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん分子統御学 Molecular Tumor Biology


Department of Molecular and Cellular Targeting Translational Oncology(Division of Tumor Dynamics and Regulation)

■教  授:松本 邦夫

■助  教:酒井 克也

今村  龍

Professor : MATSUMOTO, Kunio

Assistant Professor : SAKAI, Katsuya


 私達は,1)HGFとMet/HGF受容体を介したがんの転移・薬剤耐性機構の研究,2)HGF-Met 相互作用の構造を基盤としたHGF-Met 阻害剤の創製,3)ペプチド性人工HGFによる再生医療の基礎研究,4)ポリコーム複合体機能異常によるがんの浸潤性獲得機構の研究,などを進めている。 HGF(hepatocytegrowthfactor)はMet受容体を介して,ダイナミックな3-D上皮形態形成誘導活性や生存促進活性を発揮する。これにより,肝臓・腎臓・神経系などの組織において,傷害・病態に対する組織の再生や保護を担う。一方,これらHGFのもつ生物活性は,がんの浸潤・転移といったがん細胞のダイナミックな動態,分子標的薬に対するがん細胞の生存・耐性に関与している。 最近,ペプチド性人工HGFの創製に成功した。この手法は人工サイトカイン/細胞増殖因子創製の普遍的な手法となる。HGF-Met 系を促すことは再生治療につながるアプローチとなる一方,HGF-Met 系を阻害することは,がん転移・薬剤耐性の克服につながる。


2)HGF-Met 相互作用の構造生物学に基づく阻害分子の創成研究


We focus our research on 1) significance of HGF-Met pathway in malignant progression, i.e., cancer invasion-metastasis and drug resistance, 2) structure-based drug discovery targeting HGF-Met interaction, 3) regenerative medicine by artificial small peptide HGF, and 4) aberrant regulation of 3-D invasiveness through epigenetic machin-ery in cancer cells.

HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) and its receptor Met exert biological activities, including cell proliferation, migration, survival, and morphogenesis in diverse biologi-cal processes. HGF plays critical roles in dynamic epithe-lial 3-D morphogenesis, regeneration, and protection of tissues. In cancer tissues, however, activation of Met receptor is associated with malignant behavior of cancer, i.e., invasion, metastasis, and drug resistance.

We recently discovered artificial small peptide HGF. This discovery provids general concept and method to discover artificial cytokines and growth factors. Activation of HGF-Met pathway becomes regeneration-based medi-cine, whereas selective inhibition of HGF-Met pathway becomes anticancer approach particularly to inhibit metastasis and drug resistance.

Our research 1 ) Significance of Met dynamics in invasion-metastasis

and stem cell regulation 2 ) Structure-based drug discovery targeting HGF-Met

protein-protein interaction 3 ) Discovery of artificial small HGF and its application to

regenerative medicine 4 ) Structural biology of Met activation/inhibition 5 ) Acquisition of 3-D invasiveness through aberrant epi-

genetic/PRC regulation

HGF is composed of 697 amino acids and exerts biological actions through the Met receptor. HGF plays key roles in 3-D morphogenesis, regeneration, and survival of cells and tissues. In cancer tissues, HGF plays a critical role in 3-D tumor invasion-metastasis, and drug resistance (survival even in the presence of molecular targeted drugs). We recently discovered artificial small peptide HGF. Activation of HGF-Met pathway becomes regeneration-based medicine, whereas selective inhibition of HGF-Met pathway becomes anticancer approach particularly to inhibit metastasis and drug resistance.

Page 57: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん分子統御学 Molecular Tumor Biology


Department of Molecular and Cellular Targeting Translational Oncology(Division of Functional Genomics)

■教  授:鈴木 健之

■助  教:石村 昭彦

寺島  農

Professor : SUZUKI, Takeshi

Assistant Professor : ISHIMURA, Akihiko























A detailed knowledge of the genes and signaling path-ways mutated in cancer will be required to develop the novel target-based cancer therapeutics. However, the heterogeneity and complexity of genomic alterations in most human cancers hamper straightforward identification of cancer-causing muta-tions. We use the retrovirus-infected mice as model systems for identifying new cancer genes efficiently. Retroviruses induce tumors through activation of proto-oncogenes or inactivation of tumor suppressor genes as a consequence of retroviral inte-grations into host genome. Thus the viral integration sites pro-vide powerful genetic tags for cancer gene identification. We are exploring the novel molecular targets for cancer treatment based on functional characterization of the cancer genes isolated by high-throughput screens using retroviral insertional mutagenesis. Once these genes are identified, we use gene knockout and transgenic mice to understand how these genes function in tumorigenesis, and to develop new animal models for human cancer. Our current projects are as follows.

1 ) Identification of novel cancer genes using retroviral insertional mutagenesis in mice.

2 ) Functional analysis of histone methyltransferases and demethylases in the initiation and malignant progres-sion of cancer.

3 ) The role of three families of enzymes in DNA demeth-ylation pathway on cancer development


We have identified many genes encoding histone methyltransferases and demethyl-ases as potential oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes by retroviral tagging. Among histone modifications, acetylation has been unambiguously associated with cancer, and the inhibitor of histone deacetylases has been developed as an anti-cancer drug. However, a clear correlation of histone methylation and cancer has not been conclusively demonstrated yet. Our findings provide a unique opportunity to explore the novel relationship between the regulation of histone methylation and oncogenesis.

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がん医科学 Division of Cancer Medicine


がん分子統御学 Molecular Tumor Biology


Cancer Therapeutics Development Program(Division of Medical Oncology)

■教  授:矢野 聖二■講  師:大坪公士郎,毛利 久継■助  教:山下  要,竹内 伸司,衣斐 寛倫 南條 成輝,西山 明宏,渡邉 一孝■助  手:北  賢二

Professor : YANO, SeijiAssociate Professor : OHTSUBO, Koushiro MOURI HisatsuguAssistant Professor : YAMASHITA, Kaname TAKEUCHI, Shinji EBI, Hiromichi NANJO, Shigeki NISHIYAMA, Akihiro WATANABE, KazutakaResearch Assistant : KITA, Kenji



ことがあげられる。本研究分野では,肝細胞増殖因子 (HGF)




ン脱アセチル化酵素 (HDAC)阻害薬併用で克服できることを




再現性の高い転移の invivoイメージングモデルを臓器別(多






Lung cancer is the leading cause of malignancy-related death in Japan. High mortality of lung cancer is due to low susceptibility to anti-cancer drugs and high metastatic potential.

We recently discovered a novel mechanism by which hep-atpcyte growth factor (HGF) induces resistance to gefitinib and erlotinib in lung cancer. We also reported that histone deaceth-ylase (HDAC) inhibitors overcome targeted drug-resistance due to BIM polymorphism, which is specifically found in Asian. We are now conducting the clinical trials to overcome resis-tance caused by these mechanisms.

Since clinically relevant animal models are essential for elucidating the molecular pathogenesis of cancer metastasis, we have established reproducible in vivo imaging models repre-senting multi-organ metastasis, brain metastasis, lung metasta-sis, bone metastasis, or malignant pleural effusion, using human lung cancer cell lines. We are elucidating anti-metastatic effects of several molecular targeted drugs in these models.

Furthermore, we established orthotopic implantation mod-els of malignant pleural mesothelioma and gastric cancer. The goal of our translational research with these animal models is the establishment of novel molecular targeted therapeutics for solid tumors, such as malignant pleural mesothelioma, pancre-atic cancer and gastric cancer.

図1 HGFによるゲフィチニブ耐性の分子機構

Fig 1 Molecular mechanism by which HGF induces resistance to gefitinib in EGFR mutant lung cancer

図2 HDAC阻害薬を用いたBIM遺伝子多型に起因する分子標的薬耐性克服の戦略

Fig 2 Strategy to overcome BIM polymorphism-associated tar-geted drug resistance by combined use of HDAC inhibitors

図3 多臓器転移のinvivoイメージング肝転移や骨転移の検出が可能

Fig 3 In vivo imaging of mul t iple -organ metastasis

Page 59: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and


 少子高齢化社会を迎えたわが国において,医学研究の大きな課題の1つは,小児疾患,特に遺伝的に規定される疾患の早期診断ならびに発症予防であり,もう1つは,加齢に伴い生活習慣に強く影響を受けて緩やかに発症する,多様な臓器疾患の病態解明と予防,早期診断・早期治療介入システムの開発であると考えます。臓器別に区分された多様な医学研究分野の中でも,受胎から老化に至る長いライフスパンにわたって共通の観点から教育・研究を推進できるという点で,循環医科学は特異なものがあります。 本専攻では,循環医科学に関する教育・研究を効率的に推進することを目的に,従来の基礎・臨床の壁を取り払い本分野の研究者を集中的に配置しています。本専攻では各研究分野が連携し,循環系の発生・発達機構,心臓・血管の生理生化学の分子機構,心血管作動性活性物質の生成・発信・受容・作用の分子機構,成人心・血管病発症の分子機序・遺伝学,心・血管病に対する分子標的治療薬物・経血管的治療法・超低侵襲心手術の開発,分子情報に基づいたテイラーメイド医療の実践,病院前救急医療の地域疫学研究などをテーマとした最先端水準の研究・教育に取り組み,高い評価を受けています。本専攻は国際水準以上の循環医学研究を一層推進し,心臓・血管病の克服を目指します。

Division of Cardiovascular MedicineDivision head ; YACHIE, Akihiro

Understanding the genetic basis for inherited disorders and the molecular basis for aging, and establishment of strategies for controlling the aging-associated organ dysfunction are key subjects in the current medical research. Aging-associated, progressive dysfunction of heart, brain and other organs are ascribed, at least in part, to insufficient blood supply, which, in turn, is a consequence of arteriosclerosis, i.e. aging of blood vessels. Blood vessels are diverse in terms of both structure and function. Interaction between blood vessels and humoral and mechanical stimuli gives rise to a variety of physiological and pathological phenomena. The Division of Cardiovascular Medicine covers interdisciplinary investigation and education on physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system in these aspects, and pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases.

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循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


■教  授:山本 靖彦

■助  教:棟居 聖一

原島  愛

Professor : YAMAMOTO, Yasuhiko

Assistant Professor : MUNESUE, Seiichi









Research and education in this department are direct-ed toward understanding health and disease at molecular level. Subjects investigated, with state-of-the-art techniques of molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and transgenic and gene-targeting methodology, include

1 ) Vascular biology: the molecular basis of vascular homeostasis and of vascular cell responses against various pathologic insults

2 ) Vascular medicine: the mechanisms of the development and prevention of diabetic vasculopathy, angiogen-esis diseases, and hypertensive vascular derangement

3 ) Neuroscience: the mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia

4 ) Cellular and molecular immunology: the impact of immu-nological changes and inflammation in diabetic com-plications, atherosclerosis, angiogenesis, and obesity

5 ) Stem cell biology: cellular and molecular basis of adipocyte stem cells, endothelial progenitor cells and cancer stem cells

6 ) Anti-aging medicine: the impact of genetic and envi-ronmental factors in C. elegans lifespan.

血管分子科学 Vascular Biology and Medicine


Department of Biochemistry andMolecular Vascular Biology

Possible participation of pattern-recognition receptor RAGE and its multiple ligands in innate immunity, inflammation and vari-ous diseases. AGE, advanced glycation end-products; AOPPs, advanced oxidation protein products; HMGB1, high-mobility group box protein 1; RAGE, receptor for advanced glycation end-products; esRAGE, endogenous secretory RAGE; sRAGE, soluble RAGE.

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循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


■教  授:多久和 陽

■准 教 授:杉本 直俊

岡本 安雄

■助  教:吉岡 和晃

Professor : TAKUWA, Yoh

Associate Professor : SUGIMOTO, Naotoshi


Assistant Professor : YOSHIOKA, Kazuaki


 進行中の主要研究プロジェクトは以下の二つである。1)当研究室で受容体を発見した新規脂質メディエータースフィンゴシン -1-リン酸(S1P)の血管恒常性(バリア機能など)維持の分子機構,虚血後及び腫瘍における血管新生,動脈硬化,心肥大,臓器線維化などの病態生理,癌浸潤・転移における役割の解明,心血管病に対する新規治療法の開発に関する研究を,S1P受容体やS1P代謝酵素の遺伝子改変マウスを用いて展開している。(J.AllergyClinImmunol2013,CancerRes2010)

2)当研究室で機能を解明したイノシトールリン脂質リン酸化酵素PI3-キナーゼⅡ型(PI3K-C2α)の血管を中心とした生体レベルでの機能を分子レベルにまで深く掘り下げて解明し,さらに血管バリア機能破綻,血管障害,高血圧,腫瘍血管新生などの病態における意義を探求する。これらの研究ではPI3K-C2αノックアウトマウス,トランスジェニクマウスを用いて解析している。(NatureMed2012,JBiolChem2013& 2015)

Our goal is to better understand molecular mecha-nisms of the cell to cell and the environment to cell com-munication in the body. Our current major interest is focused on the molecular mechanisms to regulate vas-cular functions and cancer cell progression. The present research topics in our laboratory are concerning the sig-naling molecules that we discovered and include:

1 ) the physiological and pathophysiological roles of the lipid mediator sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P)-Edg G protein-coupled receptor axis in vascular development and homeostasis, cardiovascular pathophysiology including angiogenesis, atherosclerosis and cardiac hypertrophy/fibrosis, and tumor biology including tumor invasion, metastasis and angiogenesis.

2 ) the physiological and pathophysiological roles in angiogenesis, vascular permeability regulation, the normal vascular tone regulation, and hypertension of the Ca2+-dependent class II phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K-C2α) that we discovered.

血管分子科学 Vascular Biology and Medicine


Department of MolecularVascular Physiology

Right; sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors-1, -2 and -3, members of G protein-coupled recep-tors, are coupled to different G proteins to stim-ulate distinct signaling pathways. Resultantly, these receptors regulate cell proliferation, motil-ity and gene expression in receptor subtype-specific manners. In vivo, S1P receptors are expressed mainly in vascular and immune cells to be involved in the regulation of vascular homeostasis and immune reactions.

Left; Class II PI3-kinase (PI3K-C2α) controls vesicular trafficking to play the essential role in vesicular transport of cargos including VE-cadherin and endosomal signaling. PI3K-C2α is essential for angiogenesis and vascular barrier integrity through these actions. Right; Edg receptors activate multitudes of the intracel-lular signaling pathways to regulate vascular homeostasis and pathophysiological conditions including atheroscrelosis and tumor invasion, metastasi and angiogenesis.

Page 62: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


■教  授:竹原 和彦

■准 教 授:濱口 儒人

■講  師:松下 貴史,小室 明人

■助  教:伊川 友香,前田進太郎,岡本 芳伸

大石 京介,岡村  愛

Professor : TAKEHARA, KazuhikoAssociate Professor : HAMAGUCHI, YasuhitoAssociate Professor : MATSUSHITA, Takashi KOMURO, AkitoAssistant Professor : IKAWA, Yuka MAEDA, Shintaro OKAMOTO, Yoshinobu OISHI,Kyosuke OKAMURA, Ai






















We investigate the pathogenesis of skin diseases to devel-op new diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The main targets of the research are systemic autoimmune diseases including systemic sclerosis, skin cancers including malignant mela-noma, atopic dermatitis, healing of cutaneous ulcer, psoriasis, and autoimmune bullous diseases. Many of the studies are designed to resolve the clinical issues in dermatology, and the results have contributed to improvement in office dermatology.

The main projects are as follows:

1 ) A Research on regulatory mechanisms of fibrosis in patients with systemic sclerosis and model mice for systemic sclerosis

2 ) Role of adhesion molecules and chemokines in patho-genesis of skin diseases

3 ) Role of growth factors in wound healing 4 ) Role of B cells and complements in pathogenesis of

inflammatory diseases 5 ) Immunological changes in patients with systemic sclerosis 6 ) A Research on autoantibodies in patients with autoim-

mune diseases 7 ) Genetic aberration in skin cancer and its clinical


血管分子科学 Vascular Biology and Medicine


Department of Dermatology


A novel myositis-specific autoantibody reactive with 155 and 140 kDa nuclear proteins is associ-ated with cancer-associated dermatomyositis.

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循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


■教  授:和田 隆志

■准 教 授:酒井 佳夫

Professor : WADA, Takashi

Associate Professor : SAKAI, Yoshio





























We are trying to identify and establish novel insight into clinical aspects based on nephrology and gastroen-terology. Further, we would apply our newly established laboratory medicine as well as rapid, reproducible and accurate methods for diagnosis to clinical settings.

Our research goals are as follows.

1 ) Establishment of novel mechanisms involved in devel-opment, progression, remission and regression of kidney diseases and diabetic complications

2 ) Application of newly developed methods for clinical nephrology and other aspects

3 ) Approach to elucidate immune status of the host with hepatocellular carcinoma using gene expression pro-file of blood cells

血液情報学 Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine


Department ofLaboratory Medicine

結節性病変に代表される特徴的な糖尿病性腎症の病態形成機序は目下のところ不明である。我々は結節性病変を誘導する新規モデルを先駆けて確立した。今後,予後改善にむけて,糖尿病性腎症に代表される生活習慣 •環境因子関連の腎 •全身疾患の機序解明とそのバイオマーカー確立を目指す。

We have established glomerular nodular-like lesion resembling to human ones followed by vascular endothelial injuries and mesangiolysis in rats.

Page 64: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


血液情報学 Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine


Department of Emergency Medical Science(Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine)

■教  授:稲葉 英夫

■准 教 授:後藤 由和

■講  師:(舟田  晃)(岡島 正樹)

■助  教:前田 哲生,(野田  透)

Professor : INABA, HideoAssociate Professor : GOTO, YoshikazuAssociate Professor : (FUNADA, Akira) (OKAJIMA, Masaki)Assistant Professor : MAEDA, Tetsuo (NODA, Toru)


















Once human bodies are exposed to various insults includ-ing trauma, surgery, infection, and ischemia/hypoxia-reper-fusion, failures of multisystems/organs may develop. The research areas of this section cover the pathophysiology of acute organ failure and the development of new therapeutic strategies against multisystem organ dysfunction syndrome. We also conduct population-based study on emergency medi-cal service system to elucidate the modifiable factors related to survival of patients. The main research projects are as follows:

1 ) Analysis of modifiable factors related to survival of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests

2 ) Medical control in emergency medical service system 3 ) Pathophysiology of ischemia-reperfusion injury 4 ) Pathophysiology of disturbance of microcirculation 5 ) Induction of ischemic preconditioning by PEEP

(Positive end-expiratory pressure) 6 ) Hemopurification for critically ill patients

Utstein Consensus Conference

国際的に病院外心停止事例の記録を統一するために,1990年に,蘇生に関係する各国の学術団体の代表が集まり,国際会議が開催された。この会議は,開催場所であるUtstein修道院の名をとって,UtsteinConsensusConferenceと呼ばれる。この会議により,Utstein style と呼ばれる院外心停止記録の国際的標準様式が定められた。写真は,ノルウェーのスタベンゲル近郊の小さな島にある史跡Utstein修道院である。

Page 65: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


■教  授:山岸 正和,武田 仁勇■准 教 授:八木 邦公,藤野  陽 川尻 剛照,米田  隆■講  師:川野 充弘,坂田 憲治■助  教:林  研至,吉牟田 剛,今野 哲雄,藤井  博 中西 千明,多田 隼人,津田 豊暢,永田 庸二 中橋 卓也,吉田 昌平,米谷 充弘

Professor : YAMAGISHI, Masakazu TAKEDA, YoshiyuAssociate Professor : YAGI, Kunimasa FUJINO, Noboru KAWASHIRI, Masaaki YONEDA, TakashiAssociate Professor : KAWANO, Mitsuhiro SAKATA, KenjiAssistant Professor : HAYASHI,Kenshi YOSHIMUTA, Tsuyoshi KONNO,Tetsuo FUJII, Hiroshi NAKANISHI, Chiaki TADA,Hayato TSUDA, Toshonobu NAGATA, Youji NAKAHASHI, Takuya YOSHIDA, Syouhei KOMETANI, Mitsuhiro

 心血管疾患,内分泌代謝疾患,腎,膠原病,消化器疾患の原因と病態を包括的に解明し,再生医療を含む新しい治療法を確立し,生活習慣病の制圧拠点を構築しています。主たる対象疾患は,冠動脈疾患,心筋症,不整脈,高血圧,高脂血症,内分泌・糖尿病疾患,メタボリック症候群,腎臓病,膠原病,肝臓病,炎症性消化管疾患などです。 主要な研究課題は以下の通りです。




血管病態制御学 Vascular Medicine


Department of Internal Medicine

We are organizing a center for treating life-style-related diseases, investigating the pathogenesis and pathophysiol-ogy of cardiovascular disorders and endocrinological & met-abolic disorders using molecular genetic methodology, and establishing novel diagnostic and therapeutic technologies including gene therapies and regeneration therapies. Our main target diseases are coronary artery disease, cardiomy-opathies, arrhythmias, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, several endocrinical & metabolic diseases, kidney diseases, collagen diseases, liver and inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases.

The main research projects are as following:

1 ) Regeneration therapy for heart failure 2 ) Diagnosis and optimal treatment of coronary artery disease 3 ) Molecular genetic research for cardiomyopathies and arrhythmias 4 ) Stent for coronary artery using EPC 5 ) Molecular genetic research for hypercholesterolemia 6 ) Clinical research for primary aldosteronism 7 ) Epigenetics of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in metabolic syndrome 8 ) Molecular genetic research for diabetes mellitus 9 ) Translational research for inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases 10 ) Molecular genetic research for immunological response in collagen disaseas 11 ) Clinical research for chronic kidney disease 12 ) Clinical study for IgG-related diseases

Our investigation is based on the viewpoint of "tissue and cell damage and their repair and regeneration" as a clinical research division in the graduate school. In addi-tion to the usual genetic approaches including DNA and RNA analysis, we are planning to realize the fundamental medical treatment such as vascular & myocardial regener-ation therapy throughout the beginning of the cell culture and animal experience and translational researches. We are also promoting the collaboration with domestic profes-sional institute to effectively accomplish our project.

間葉系幹細胞(Mesenchymalstemcell:MSC)移植による心筋梗塞に対する治療効果。(上段)ラット左前下行枝結紮心筋梗塞モデルを作成し,MSCおよびHO-1(HemeOxygenase-1)導入MSCを梗塞境界面に移植した。HO-1導入MSC移植後宿主心筋細胞へのアポトーシス効果を評価したところ,HO-1導入MSC移植群において有意な抗アポトーシス効果が確認された。(下段)MSC単独移植群はcontrol 群と比較し有意に梗塞サイズの減少,血管床の増加,心機能改善効果を認め,HO-1導入MSC移植群においてはさらにその効果が顕著になることが示された。

HO-1 expression and apoptotic cardiomyocytes in the peri-infarct area on the 4th day after MSC and MSC HO-1 transplantation. (Upper panel).Treatment with MSCHO-1 decreased apoptotic cardiomyocytes. Effect of transplantation of MSCs and MSC HO-1on infarction size (lower panel). Myocardial infarction size was improved by the transplantation of MSCs or MSC HO-1.

Page 66: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


血管病態制御学 Vascular Medicine


Department of Angiogenesis and Vascular Development(Department of Pediatrics)

■教  授:谷内江昭宏■准 教 授:太田 邦雄■講  師:和田 泰三,西村 良成,三谷 裕介■助  教:東馬 智子,斉藤 剛克,岡島 道子 清水 正樹,黒田 文人,伊川 泰広 岩崎 秀紀

Professor : YACHIE, AkihiroAssociate Professor : OHTA, KunioAssociate Professor : WADA, Taizo NISHIMURA, Ryosei : MITANI, YusukeAssistant Professor : TOMA, Tomoko SAITO, Takekatsu OKAJIMA, Michiko SHIMIZU, Masaki KURODA, Mondo IKAWA, Yasuhiro IWASAKI, Hidenori

 新生児から思春期に至る小児の疾患は,遺伝的に規定された異常と,環境因子による修飾がその病態に色濃く反映される。したがって,小児疾患の理解のためには,ヒトの遺伝学に関する豊富な知識が必要であり,遺伝子発現の調節や修飾に関わる仕組みも理解していなければならない。さらに,神経系,循環系,腎泌尿器系,内分泌系,免疫系,造血系などの広範なシステムの発達と機能について,包括的に相互の連携を理解する必要がある。われわれの研究室では,このような小児疾患の病態解析に優れ,新しい小児科学を創り出す意欲と能力を兼ね備えた人材を育てるために,基礎から臨床に至る(frombench to clinic)幅広い研究を続けている。日常の診療から得られた発見やアイデアを研ぎすまし普遍化し,学会発表や論文発表の形で発信することを奨励している。 主な研究対象は下記の通りである。









Childhood illnesses are the direct and indirect reflection of genetically determined abnormality, and at the same time the impacts of numerous environmental factors. In this aspect, we need to learn state-of-the-art knowledge of modern human genetics, including the fine mechanisms of the regulation and modification of gene expressions. Furthermore, it is necessary to understand the developmental aspects of various organ systems and grasp the mutual interactions of these complex systems, encompassing neural, circulatory, renal, endocrine, immune and hematopoietic organs. At the Department of Pediatrics, our efforts are focused on the education and train-ing of young clinical investigators who have courage and motivation to innovate novel pediatric science through their research careers. We strongly encourage them to nurture what they find in the clinic and to grow the seeds to ultimate flowers of publications. In such a way, and only by that one can authorize his/her findings through peer reviews and con-tributes to the commonwealth of children over the world.

Followings are the major research themes currently in progress with multiple exciting results.

1 ) Pathogenesis of genetically-determined diseases involving multi-organ systems.

2 ) Ontogeny of immune system and its abnormality, in particular, primary immunodeficiency diseases.

3 ) Molecular pathogenesis of vascular diseases, autoim-mune diseases and autoinflammatory illnesses.

4 ) Epidemiological and pathological analysis of food-induced allergy during infancy.

5 ) Immune dysregulation and tumor pathogenesis in association with EBV infection.

6 ) Immunological and inflammatory pathology associ-ated with HSCT.

7 ) Development of novel handling system with minimum stress for extreme premature infants.

8 ) Interactive research on pathogenesis of pervasive developmental disorders.

9 ) Molecular immunology of renal and heart diseases, with par-ticular stress on the cytoprotective effect of HO-1 and CO.


Complete defect of RAG1/RAG2 results in T-B- SCID, whereas oligoclonal expansion of autoreactive T cells cause Omenn syndrome when there is residual RAG1/RAG2 activity.

Page 67: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


Our main research field is imaging diagnosis of whole organs using computed tomography (CT), ultrasonogra-phy (US), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and angiography. To improve the diagnostic accuracy, we had been analyzing the imaging findings correlated with pathology, especialy in hepatic malignant tumors. And our department is the world top runner in the early detection and characterization of hepatocellular carcino-ma (HCC). We also specialized in therapeutic procedures under imaging guidance (interventional radiology, IVR), especially in endovascular treatment such as transcatheter arterial chemoembo-lization for HCC and stentgrafting for abdominal aneurysm. Our aims of researches are improvement of diagnostic procedures and development of devices for IVR. We also perform clinical research for improvement of treatment with radiation therapy.

The main research projects are as follow:

1 ) Diagnosis and treatment of malignancy of hepatocel-lular carcinomas

2 ) Diagnosis of hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases with CT and MRI

3 ) Diagnosis of cerebral tumor and neurovascular dis-eases with MRI

4 ) Diagnosis of IgG4-related disease with CT and MRI 5 ) Transcatheter embolization for hepatocellular carcinomas 6 ) Treatment of aortic aneurysms with stent grafts 7 ) Radiotherapy for malignant tumors

■教  授:蒲田 敏文

■准 教 授:眞田順一郎

■講  師:香田  渉,南  哲弥

■助  教:熊野 智康,小坂 一斗,髙松 繁行

北尾  梓,井上  大,米田 憲秀

Professor : GABATA, ToshifumiAssociate Professor : SANADA, JunichiroAssociate Professor : KODA, Wataru MINAMI, TetsuyaAssistant Professor : KUMANO, Tomoyasu KOZAKA, Kazuto TAKAMATSU, Shigeyuki KITAO, Azusa INOUE, Dai YONEDA, Norihide















4)CT,MRIを用いた IgG4関連疾患の診断







血管病態制御学 Vascular Medicine


Department of Radiology


In accordance with the elevation of the grade of malignancy of the hepatocellular nodules (from dysplastic nodules to early HCC and then classic overt HCC), intranodular portal supply gradually decreases and absent in moderately differentiated HCC. On the other hand, intranodular arterial supply first decreases and then increases because of newly formed abnormal arteries.

Page 68: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


血管病態制御学 Vascular Medicine


Thoracic, Cardiovascular and General Surgery(Department of SurgeryⅠ )

■教  授:竹村 博文

■准 教 授:松本  勲

■講  師:田村 昌也,飯野 賢治

■助  教:木村 圭一,角谷 慎一,加藤 寛城

高田 宗尚,山本 宜孝,吉田 周平

Professor : TAKEMURA, HirofumiAssociate Professor : MATSUMOTO, IsaoAssociate Professor : TAMURA, Masaya IINO, KenjiAssistant Professor : KIMURA, Keiichi KADOYA, Shinichi KATO, Hiroki TAKATA, Munehisa YAMAMOTO, Yoshitaka YOSHIDA, Syuhei


1)心臓血管外科研究室◦虚血性心疾患・弁膜症・先天性心疾患の病態生理学◦体外循環の血液学的な検査◦心筋保護の基礎的・臨床的研究◦低侵襲(内視鏡下,ロボット支援下)心臓外科手術◦Fasudil の動脈弛緩用の研究◦SubZero長期間心臓保存法◦弓部大動脈瘤に対するステントグラフト留置術の確立・大血管吻合器械の開発・虚血肢に対する血管新生・再生療法・深部静脈血栓症に対する集学的治療・脈波の解析




Research areas The Department of Thoracic, Cardiovascular and

General Surgery has four divisions of research areas: 1 ) Division of cardiovascular surgery; Pathophysiology of ischemic, valvular and congenital heart diseases Hematological research of extracorporeal circulation Basic and clinical research of myocardial protection Endoscopic-cardiac surgery Cardiac graft preservation Rho-kinase inhibitor Subzero heart preservation Stent-grafting for aortic arch aneurysm Development of the devices for great vessel anastomosis Therapeutic angiogenesis for ischemic limb Team therapy for deep vein thrombosis Analysis of pulse wave 2 ) Division of general thoracic surgery; Cell biology of lung cancer and analysis of factors affecting prognosis Pathophysiological study of lymph node metastasis Chemosensitivity test for adjuvant chemotherapy Minimally invasive thoracoscopic surgery Lung graft preservation 3 ) Division of Endocline and general surgery; Development of procedure of esophageal reconstruction and its clinical introduction Basic and clinical research in chemotherapy against gastrointestinal cancer Development of robotic surgery for disease of thyroid gland and digestive system. Basic research for decrease in integrity of intestinal mucosa following neoad-

juvant chemotherapy, and setting an appropriate interval until surgery.


A Novel One-Shot Circular Stapler Closure for Atrial Septal Defect in a Beating-Heart Porcine ModelIn surgical atrial septal defect (ASD) closure, there are no techniques or devices that can close the ASD accu-rately in a short time under a beating heart. We have developed a simple and automatic ASD closure technique using a circular stapler. This study assessed the feasibility and efficacy of a new circular stapler closure for ASD. Under a continuous beating heart, hand-sewn patch plasty ASD closure was performed in 6 pigs (group A) and circular stapler ASD closure was performed in 6 pigs(group B). The time to close the ASD and the effectiveness of the closure were compared. Closure was significantly faster in group B (10.5 ± 1.0 seconds) than in groupA (664 ± 10 seconds; p < 0.05). There was no leakage at the closure site, and sufficient tolerance was confirmed. A circular stapler can be used to treat ASD faster than hand-sewn patch plasty, with sufficient pressure tolerance in a beating heart porcine model.

Page 69: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


機能分子医薬学 Biomolecules and Medical Chemistry


Department ofMolecular Pharmacology

■教  授:吉本 谷博

■准 教 授:小川 和宏

■助  教:盛重 純一

Professor : YOSHIMOTO, Tanihiro

Associate Professor : OGAWA, Kazuhiro

Assistant professor : MORISHIGE, Jun-ichi

1 ) Arachidonic acid is metabolized by two main path-ways: cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase. The cyclo-oxygenase produces prostaglandins and thrombox-anes. Lipoxygenases are classified by their oxygen-ation site to arachidonic acid: 5-, 8-, 12- and15-lipoxy-genases. The 12/15-lipoxygenase is highly expressed in macrophages accumulating in atherogenic lesions. It has been proposed that the enzyme initiates the LDL oxidation by oxygenating cholesteryl linoleate in the LDL particle, and subsequent radical chain reactions bring about fully oxidized LDL. We demonstrated the essential requirement of LDL receptor-related protein (LRP), but not LDL receptor, for the cell-mediated LDL oxidation by 12/15-lipoxygenase that leads to the development of atherosclerosis.

2 ) Heme oxygenases (HOs) degrade heme, a pro-oxidant, to produce bilirubin, an antioxidant. HO-1 is the inducible isozyme of HOs and is induced by its substrate heme, oxidative stresses and other vari-ous stimuli to protect cells. We demonstrated that heme inhibits the DNA binding of the transcriptional repressor Bach1 through direct binding to the factor to enhance the transcription of target genes, including HO-1. We also found that polyamines induce HO-1 expression and that several porphyrin derivatives and iron chelating agents have antiprotozoal activity.

3 ) Lysophosphatidic acid, which is a lipid mediator, elicits various important events including morphogen-esis, reproduction, hair growth and wound healing. Thereby, it has been shown to be involved in several diseases such as cancer. Since the serum level and tissue content of lysophosphatidic acid are very low, we developed a simple and sensitive method for lysophosphatidic acid as a zinc complex using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Using this newly developed method, we found that lysophosphatidic acid plays important role in the blood vessel formation on yolk sac in chicken. Thus, it will be a useful method to elucidate physiological and/or pathological roles of lysophos-phatidic acid.

Lipoxygenase pro-duces oxidized LDL.

1)脂質メディエーターの病態生理機能 不飽和脂肪酸のアラキドン酸からシクロオキシゲナーゼおよびリポキシゲナーゼの2つの代謝経路により,脂質メディエーター (Lipidmediators)が作られて種々の細胞機能を調節している。前者のシクロオキシゲナーゼ(Cyclooxygenase)によりプロスタグランジンやトロンボキサンが合成される。後者のリポキシゲナーゼ(Lipoxygenase,LOX)には,アラキドン酸への酸素添加部位の違いによって,5-LOX,8-LOX,12-LOXおよび15-LOXがある。低比重リポ蛋白(LDL)の酸化は動脈硬化発症の引き金となることが知られている。マクロファージに高いレベルで発現している12/15-リポキシゲナーゼは,このLDLの酸化修飾に関与している。マクロファージによるLDLの酸化プロセスには,LDL受容体ではなくLDL受容体関連蛋白(LDL receptor-relatedprotein,LRP)が関与していることや,細胞内で12/15-リポキシゲナーゼが細胞膜近傍にトランスロケートして細胞外に存在するLDLの酸化することを明らかにした。

2)ヘム代謝系の調節機構の解明と疾患制御への応用 ヘム分解酵素ヘムオキシゲナーゼ(HO)の誘導性アイソザイムであるHO-1は,基質ヘム(ラジカル発生源),酸化的ストレスなどで発現が誘導され,ビリルビン(抗酸化物質)の産生を増やす生体防御タンパク質である。HO-1の発現調節機構の解析と,ヘム代謝系調節による疾患制御法の探索を行い,ヘムが転写抑制因子Bach1に結合してHO-1の転写を誘導する機構や,ポリアミンがHO-1を誘導すること,ポルフィリン誘導体や鉄キレート剤が原虫増殖を抑制することなどを見出している。

3)リゾホスファチジン酸の新たな生理機能の解明 生理活性脂質の1つであるリゾホスファチジン酸は,形態形成,生殖,育毛,血管形成,創傷治癒など生理的に重要な働きをしているが,その一方で癌などの特定の病気にも関係することが明らかとなっている。リゾホスファチジン酸の新たな生理的,あるいは病態生理的役割を解明するため,生体内では微量でしか存在しないリゾホスファチジン酸の簡便かつ高感度な分析法を開発して研究を進めており,この過程でリゾホスファチジン酸がニワトリの卵黄嚢の血管形成に重要な働きをしていることを明らかにした。

Page 70: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


■教  授:崔  吉道

■准 教 授:嶋田  努

長瀬 克彦

Professor : SAI, Yoshimichi

Associate Professor : SHIMADA, Tsutomu

NAGASE, Katsuhiko














Personalized medicine became a key issue in cre-ation and proper use of durgs. Efficacy and toxicity of durgs are affected by changes in pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacodynamic factors including concomitant medica-tion and pathophysiological state. It is also influenced by genetic variation such as SNPs and epigenetic changes in certain genes encoding membrane transporters and meta-bolic enzymes. Our research is focused on the following theme:

1 ) Molecular biopharmaceutical study on metabolic enzymes and drug transporters as a molecular deter-minant of inter-and intra-individual variability of drug efficacy, toxicity and disposition

2 ) Clinical pharmacokinetic study on monitoring and avoidance of adverse effect of drugs

3 ) Development of administration planning for proper use of drug to improve QOL of patients

4 ) Research on ensuring subject safety in clinical trials

医薬情報統御学 Medicinal Informatics


Department ofMedicinal Informatics


Inter and Intra-Individual Variability of Drug Efficacy, Toxicity and Disposition:Our research are directed to clarify mechanism(s) of inter and intra-individual variability of efficacy, toxicity and disposition of drug and to improve QOL of patients.

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循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


医療経営学 Healthcare Management and Medical Informatics


Department of Healthcare Management and Medical Informatics

■教   授:長瀬 啓介

■特任准教授:越後 純子

■特 任 助 教:山岡 紳介

Professor : NAGASE, Keisuke

Associate Professor : ECHIGO, Junko

Assistant Professor : YAMAOKA, Shinsuke






















Healthcare service is not solely composed of medi-cal science. Healthcare Management and Medical Informatics is a discipline to research into the way to match patients' needs and health service product line so that healthcare can be provided in effectively, efficiently and scientifically. This discipline research into issues such as 1) analysis of patients' needs, social resources and corporate resources and service products, 2) financial stability and operational management and 3) consider-ation for compliance. The goal of research is to develop new methodology to achieve health service efficiently and scientifically with application of marketing research, operational engineering, statistics, legal engineering and information science.

Faculty belong also Department of corporate plan-ning, University Hospital and are practical specialists in each discipline (Finance, Legal Affair, Information Technology and Hospital Operation).

Current research projects includes: 1 ) Management studies on healthcare organizations 2 ) Helathcare marketing (Modeling of patient visit pat-

tern) 3 ) Application of artificial intelligence in healthcare ser-

vices and its management 4 ) Studies on healthcare policy (International patient

referrals and service exportation) 5 ) Studies on healthcare human resources (Modeling of

healthcare human resource supply)

Page 72: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

循環医科学 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


医療開発システム構築学 Clinical Development


Department of Clinical Development

■教  授:村山 敏典 Professor : MURAYAMA, Toshinori












5)上記を支える 研究者の教育,研究支援者の人材育成,


New medical technology has recently been devel-oped not only by the pharmaceutical/medical device industry, but by the academia. We focus on the clinical development system for the advancement of investigator-initiated trials.

The main research projects are as follows: 1 ) Study management 2 ) Compensation for bodily health damage of study par-

ticipants 3 ) Management of safety information 4 ) Management of data monitoring committee of investi-

gator-initiated trials 5 ) The strategic coordination among researcher educa-

tion, research associates nurturing, and medical tech-nology excavation

Page 73: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

環境医科学専攻専攻長:塚  正彦













Division of EnvironmentalScienceDivision head ; ZUKA, Masahiko

Recently, the importance of preventive medicine has been widely noticed along with the changes in disease structure and environmental problems. The major purpose of research in the Division of Environmental Science is to scientifically explore the effect of various natural and social environmental factors on human health and to contribute to it, especially through disease prophylaxis. The Division of Environmental Science consists of two courses and twelve departments, which conduct research on pathogenesis, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis of infectious and metabolic diseases, and the interaction of extrinsic and intrinsic environmental factors on human health as well as social safety. The educational purpose of this division is to co-operatively educate and support prospective students who develop an international perspective and become able to contribute to the welfare of human society.

Page 74: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

環境医科学 Division of Environmental Science


感染症制御学 Infectious Diseases


Department of Bacteriology

■講  師:大谷  郁 Associate Professor : OHTANI, Kaori












We frequently encounter infectious diseases caused by bacteria. Bacterial infection is still one of important fields in clinical medicine. We aim to contribute to pre-vention, diagnosis, and therapy of bacterial infections through researches focusing on pathogenic organism-side. Also, we aim to train talented researchers of bacterial infections.

We have been studied on anaerobic bacteria, espe-cially Clostridia.

1 ) Genetic regulation of the toxin production in Clostridium perfringens

2 ) Whole genome sequencing of the clostridial species 3 ) Pathogenicity control in bacteria by cell-cell signalling 4 ) Induction of virulence in bacteria by host factors


Global regulation of virulence genes in Clostridium per-fringensThe two-component sensor VirS receives external signals (environment or cel-cell signal) and transmit the signal inside the cell by phosphorylation of the regulatory protein VirR. Activated VirR then directly regulates the transcription of 37 genes. One of the regulated genes, VR-RNA acts as a regulatory RNA molecule to control expression of 94 genes including many virulence genes These VirR/VirS-regulated genes are important for the pathogenicity of C. per-fringens. Moreover, another RNA regulator, virX also negatively controls the transcription of virulence genes (including hyaluronidases), plasmid-encoded genes, and sporulation-regulating genes. It is highly possible that virX regulates the expression of enterotoxin (causing food poisoning) that is produced during spore formation. Our purpose is to elucidate the mechanism how the VirR/VirS system and virX are involved in the pathogenicity of C. perfringens.

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環境医科学 Division of Environmental Science


感染症制御学 Infectious Diseases


Department of Viral Infectionand International Health

■教  授:市村  宏

■助  教:石崎有澄美

畢  袖晴

Professor : ICHIMURA, Hiroshi

Assistant Professor : ISHIZAKI, Azumi

BI, Xiuqiong













5)肝炎ウイルス共感染のHIV 感染症の病態進行に及ぼす




We have investigated the pathogenesis of viral, espe-cially HIV, infectious diseases, such as AIDS. To protect the viral infection and the disease progression we have used virological, public health and international health approaches. We have conducted international collabo-ration research projects in sub-Saharan Africa (Kenya) where HIV is prevalent, and Vietnam where HIV is less prevalent. Our main research projects are as follows:

1 ) Development of new HIV nucleic acid diagnostics 2 ) Molecular epidemiology of drug-resistant HIV 3 ) Viral and host factors associated with disease pro-

gression in HIV-infected children 4 ) Evolution of HIV and the pathogenesis of HIV infection 5 ) Role of HBV and HCV co-infections in AIDS progression 6 ) Development of HPV genotyping method 7 ) Molecular epidemiology of HPV


It is reported that HIV epidemic starts from intravenous drug users, and spreads to a general population through commercial sex workers in Asia.

Page 76: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

環境医科学 Division of Environmental Science


■講  師:所  正治 Associate Professor : TOKORO, Masaharu


研究目標I .分子疫学による寄生虫まん延実態の解明:表現型(病原性・薬剤耐性など)を規定する種内・種間の遺伝子多型とその分布を明らかにし,各多型に応じた有効な診断・治療・介入対策を確立する。


III.創薬・ワクチン開発:その多くが無視された疾患に含まれる寄生虫感染症に対する創薬・ワクチンシーズの探索を ,特に途上国でのフィールド調査による知見をベースに進める。

IV.国際医療協力:熱帯地域の寄生虫まん延に対する上記のアプローチによる調査によって ,様々な介入手法の有効性を実地評価し ,もってフィードバックによる手法の改善を継続的に実施する。

主要な研究課題 StudyTopics 参照。☞

SummaryIt has been widely accepted that intra-species

diversity of intestinal protozoan parasites, such as Cryptosporidium spp., Entamoeba spp and Giardia intestinalis, reflect their evolutionary backgrounds, and the adaptation processes as human pathogens. While advances in molecular parasitology and the subsequent progress in molecular taxonomy provide us a certain opportunity to understand the origin of their parasitism to humans.

Objectives 1 ) To establish a novel taxonomy for protozoans using

the notion of a DNA Barcoding, which could be more accessible from the evolutionary aspects of species diversification than previous morphological taxono-my, the inter- or intra-species diversity within the popu-lation of each protozoan parasite is analyzed using molecular methods.

2 ) Reveal the endemic statuses of emerging and/or reemerging protozoan infectious diseases. Especially the opportunistic infections of those protozoan spe-cies in immune-compromised patients, such as HIV/AIDS and hypo-gammaglobulinemia etc., have not been revealed, thus should be focused.

3 ) Drug and vaccine development for those neglected infectious diseases are urgently required.

4 ) We are actively engaged in international co-operations especially with under developed and tropical coun-tries. Since the vast majority of children, living under the parasitic endemicity, are waiting for the establish-ment of an effective intervention to reduce the burdens.

Study Topics 1 ) New strategy for the development of chemother-

apeutic drugs against Cryptosporidium infection: Alternative treatments using anti-cancer drugs.

2 ) Study of intra-species diversity in Giardia intestinalis: What is the driving force for the formation of various genotypes?

3 ) Genetic diversity of clinical isolated Acanthamoeba spp. from keratitis cases in Japan.

4 ) Comprehensive identification method: Utilization of molecular taxonomy for identification of pathogenic/non-pathogenic protozoan parasites.

5 ) Genetic identification of various trichomonads spe-cies isolated from humans and related mammals in Indonesia.

感染症制御学 Infectious Diseases


Department of Parasitology

Page 77: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

環境医科学 Division of Environmental Science


環境社会医学 Human Ecology and Social Science


Department of Environmentaland Molecular Bio-Informatics

■教  授:西條 淸史

■准 教 授:谷井 秀治

■助  教:東  朋美

出村 昌史

Professor : SAIJOH, Kiyofumi

Associate Professor : TANII, Hideji

Assistant Professor : HIGASHI, Tomomi

DEMURA, Masashi




















Our studies include all aspects regarding relationship between environments and organisms.

Especially we are focusing on:

1 ) Molecular mechanisms underlying adaptation to envi-ronment and regulation of signal transduction

2 ) Alteration in gene regulation according to prolifera-tion, differentiation, aging, carcinogenesis, etc.

3 ) Function of epidermis, hair and appendages as a barrier 4 ) Molecular mechanisms of intoxication/detoxication

against environmental pollutants 5 ) Alcohol and drug abuse; Molecular mechanisms

developing tolerance, addiction, etc. 6 ) Neurotoxicity of environmental pollutants including

industrial chemicals 7 ) Molecular mechanisms for regulating the Renin-

Angiotensin-Aldosterone system in the pathophysiol-ogy of cadiovascular disease

Page 78: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

環境医科学 Division of Environmental Science


環境社会医学 Human Ecology and Social Science


Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine

■教  授:中村 裕之

■講  師:神林 康弘

■助  教:日比野由利

Professor : NAKAMURA, Hiroyuki

Associate Professor : KAMBAYASHI, Yasuhiro

Assistant Professor : HIBINO, Yuri











作用やEpigenetics に関する研究,3)黄砂や環境中化学物













The Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine is a social medical science department in Kanazawa University. Our research and education are based on the preventive medicine.

By employing a wide range of approaches, such as epidemiology, environmental medicine, biochemical, molecular biological, and/or molecular environmental d preventive medical methods, we study 1) the innovative methods using new concept of “super-preventive medi-cine”, which compasses preventive methods in all levels of the 0th, 1st 2nd and 3rd dimensions, through Noto study in which we design lifelong health promotion program and perform molecular epidemiology, 2) interactions between genetic and environmental factors in etiology of lifestyle-related diseases, and allergic disorders and epigenetics, 3) the effect of environmental chemicals and Asian dust on allergic diseases, 4) epidemiology of devel-opment of health behavior and dietary habit in children, 5) molecular mechanism regulating the development and maintenance of skeletal muscle, 6) the effect of oxidative stress on antioxidative machinery in vivo, and 7) bioethi-cal issues on reproductive technology to establish better women's reproductive health and rights, 8) promotion of occupational health and safety.

Preparing for the coming unprecedented ageing society and differences in health between city and rural areas, we are performing preventive medicine which results in proposing health and medical policy. We are aiming to establish a world-wide base of innovative meth-ods of preventive medicine.

Concept of the Super-Preventive Medicine, which compasses innovative preven-tive methods in all levels of the 0th, 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions of prevention.

Page 79: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

環境医科学 Division of Environmental Science


環境社会医学 Human Ecology and Social Science

革新ゲノム情報学分野 Department of Bioinformatics and Genomics

■教  授:田嶋  敦

■准 教 授:細道 一善

Professor : TAJIMA, Atsushi

Associate Professor : HOSOMICHI, Kazuyoshi





















Most human diseases and traits arise from complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors. With the advent of massively parallel (‘next-generation’) DNA sequencing technologies that make it feasible to determine the genome sequences of many individuals, medical genomic studies have broadened our knowledge on mechanisms through which genetic variations among individuals contribute to inter-individual differences in dis-ease susceptibility and quantitative traits.

The aim of our research is to identify novel factors involved in the pathogenesis and susceptibility of various types of human diseases, when both genetic and environ-mental variables are taken into account. For this purpose, we apply an integrated ‘omics’ approach to multi-lay-ered ‘omics’ datasets including genomic information. This approach allows to investigate the disease mechanisms in the context of pathway/network of the integrated bio-logical factors, and possible links between genetic and environmental factors, and thereby disentangling the com-plex etiology of human diseases. The findings from these studies will be further examined their clinical translational potentials as novel diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive strategies, which could lead toward the realization of ‘personalized medicine’ and ‘precision medicine’.


Recent high-throughput technologies such as next-generation sequencing and the resulting large-scale and multi-dimensional ‘omics’ datasets allow us to portray comprehensive landscapes of genomic and epigenomic altera-tions associated with human diseases and traits, and further identify the disease-related genes and pathways, which could help facilitate the devel-opment of novel diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive strategies.

Page 80: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

環境医科学 Division of Environmental Science


環境社会医学 Human Ecology and Social Science

免疫生体防御学 Department of Immunology

■教  授:華山 力成 Professor : HANAYAMA, Rikinari




[学生への指導方針] 生命科学研究の基本的技術と知識を初歩から応用まで丁寧に指導致します。上記の研究課題に取り組む過程で,分子生物学や細胞生物学の種々のテクニックを覚え,日々発表される論文を的確に評価できる力を養うよう指導いたします。私達と一緒に新しい研究領域を開拓してくれる学生を歓迎します。


Our lab is aimed at clarifying the physiological functions of exosomes and their secretory mechanisms. Exosomes are secret-ed small membrane vesicles, composed of a lipid bilayer with inserted transmembrane proteins, enclosing cytosolic components derived from the exosome-producing cells. Recently, exosomes have received much attention as messengers of intercellular com-munication networks, allowing the exchange of proteins and lipids between the exosome-producing cells and target cells to trigger various cellular responses. Exosomes were also shown to carry mRNAs and microRNAs inside them, raising the possibility that exosomes transfer genetic information between cells. However, it is not clear whether these processes occur under physiological condi-tions. The only way to conclusively demonstrate the physiological roles for exosomes would be to specifically inhibit or increase their secretion in vivo, and demonstrate that this affects the physiological outcomes. Therefore, our research is currently aimed at addressing three basic questions:

1 ) What are the molecular mechanisms of exosome secretion? 2 ) What are the physiological functions of exosomes? 3 ) How do exosomes travel from secretory cells to the target cells

in vivo?

It has recently been shown that several proteins which cause neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are transported via exosomes. We hope our research on exosomes will reveal avenues towards new therapeutic approaches against these diseases.

[Education policy]We will provide students with basic to advanced techniques

and knowledge on life science research. Students will learn various techniques on molecular biology as well as cell biology by address-ing above projects. We will also teach how to evaluate scientific papers properly. We welcome anybody with high motivation.

Lab website: http://immunology.w3.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

エクソソームは多胞体と呼ばれる細胞内小胞の中で産生され ,多胞体が細胞膜と融合することにより放出されます。エクソソームは ,分泌細胞由来の蛋白質・脂質・mRNA・microRNA等を運搬し ,免疫・老化・癌・ウイルス感染などに深く関与していると考えられていますが ,その生理作用は未だにほとんど解明されていません。そこで私達は ,分子生物学 ,遺伝子改変マウス ,生体内イメージング技術などを用いてエクソソームの生理的機能と生体内動態を明らかにすることを目指しています。Exosomes are generated inside intracellular compartments, called multivesicular endosomes (MVE), and are subsequently secreted by the fusion of MVE with cell plasma membrane. Exosomes carry vari-ous proteins, lipids, mRNAs and microRNAs derived from secretory cells and may participate in many aspects of immunity, aging, cancer and viral infection. However, the physiological functions of exosomes remain largely elusive. We therefore try to clarify the physiological functions and in vivo dynamics of exosomes by using molecular biology, genetically modified mice and in vivo live imaging techniques.

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環境医科学 Division of Environmental Science


環境社会医学 Human Ecology and Social Science


Department of Forensic andSocial Environmental Medicine

■教  授:塚  正彦

■准 教 授:高安 達典

Professor : ZUKA, Masahiko

Associate Professor : TAKAYASU, Tatsunori




学,法医中毒学,法医遺伝学,医事法制など)を対象として ,















The activity of "Forensic and Social Environmental Medicine" has a close relation with both basic and applied medical science, and it is currently engaged in solving the problems in social activities. The main topics of our research are;

1 ) Evaluation of the cause of different criminal or sudden unexpected death cases by medico-legal autopsies and close examinations,

2 ) Forensic pathological investigation on the mechanism of atherosclerotic change of the intima of vessels, and its application to forensic case work,

3 ) Medico-legal expert witness of complicated criminal affairs and medical malpractice.

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環境医科学 Division of Environmental Science





環境社会医学 Human Ecology and Social Science


Department of Disease Control and Homeostasis

■教  授:金子 周一■准 教 授:水腰英四郎■講  師:高村 雅之■助  教:山下 太郎,坂井 宣彦,荒井 邦明 薄井荘一郎,北村 和哉,村井 久純 島上 哲朗,砂子阪 肇,竹下有美枝 北原 征明

Professor : KANEKO, ShuichiAssociate Professor : MIZUKOSHI, EishiroAssociate Professor : TAKAMURA, MasayukiAssistant Professor : YAMASHITA, Taro SAKAI, Norihiko ARAI, Kuniaki USUI, Soichiro KITAMURA, Kazuya MURAI, Hisayoshi SHIMAKAMI, Tetsuro SUNAKOZAKA, Hajime TAKESHITA, Yumie KITAHARA, Masaaki

Our four research groups fully cover whole basic and clinical fields of Internal Medicine. We have enthusiasti-cally developed our research by collaboration not only with each other but also with other departments, schools or institutes. Our researches are fruitful, and we publish over 30 or 40 original English papers every year.

(Research groups) 1 ) Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology 2 ) Gastroenterology 3 ) Nephrology, Hypertension and Collagen diseases 4 ) Cardiology(Main research projects) 1 ) Molecular pathology in obesity and diabetes 2 ) Clinical research for diabetes and its complications 3 ) Gene and protein expression profiling and genome

sequencing of gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases 4 ) Molecular basis of interferon treatment of chronic

hepatitis and prevention of hepatocellular carcimoma 5 ) Molecular analysis of hepatocarcinogenesis and the

pereventison research 6 ) Development of immuno-, and gene therapy for gastrointestinal cancers 7 ) Stem cell research for the development of therapy 8 ) Pathogenesis research of inflammatory bowel diseas-

es and the therapy development 9 ) Pathophysiological analysis and therapeutic

approaches of chronic kidney disease 10 ) Regeneration from injured kidney 11 ) Pathogenesis and therapeutic approaches of diabetic nephropathy 12 ) Autonomic nervous activity and cardiovascular disease and hypertension 13 ) Catheter ablation for complicated arrhythmias 14 ) Excimar-laser coronary ablation for complicated ischemic hear disease 15 ) Systemic responses to cardiac remodeling and myocardial ischemia-

reperfusion injury 16 ) Development of cell therapy for organ failure disorders

The liver metabolizes a wide variety of nutrients and releases the metabolites in systemic blood stream. Thus, the liver is closely related with metabolic diseases such as diabetes and hyper-lipidemia. We can not recognize the disease unless patients have symptoms, abnormal physical findings, elevation of liver enzymes, or morphological changes. Using advanced technologies of genomics, we can now recognize the disease even if the patients do not show such abnormalities. We constructed the biggest gene expression libraries of the liver in the world using serial gene expression analysis (SAGE), and DNA chips harboring 10,000 genes for the analysis of the liver diseases. The expression libraries include various liver diseases such as viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. We firstly reported that liver expressed genes of diabetic patients are different from those of non-diabetic patients, and the altered genes possibly responsible for systemic vascular complications. We are extending to examine the altered genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) other than the liver in a variety of systemic diseases, and trying to identify the patho-physiological interaction of liver and systemic diseases. Thus, we rebuilt the importance of the liver in recent satiation period using genomic technologies.

Page 83: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

環境医科学 Division of Environmental Science


環境社会医学 Human Ecology and Social Science

包括的代謝学 Department of Comprehensive Metabology

■教  授:篁  俊成

■准 教 授:御簾 博文

Professor : TAKAMURA, Toshinari

Associate Professor : MISU, Hirofumi

 自然は時計仕掛けのような精緻さをもってすべての生物学的システムを制御し,生存に不利益なシステムを創らない。私たちが内分泌学から学んだレッスンです。病態を形成するシステムも例外ではなく,生体の恒常性維持に向けた本来の役割を担っているはずです。 長い人類の歴史の中で近年急激に訪れた過栄養は,肝臓を司令塔とする臓器間ネットワークを劇的に変化させ,2型糖尿病,動脈硬化をはじめとする生活習慣病の病態を形成している可能性があります。私たちは生活習慣病の中心病態であるインスリン抵抗性が形成される分子機構を,細胞・個体レベルで解析することで,この仮説を検証しています。DNAChipや SAGE法を用いたヒト生検組織やモデル動物の組織サンプルの包括的発現遺伝子解析から,病態形成の鍵となる代謝経路と分子(ヘパトカイン)を世界に先駆けて同定し,機能解析を進めています。その知見に基づいて,生活習慣病に対する早期診断と先制・最適医療実現のための新しい診断・治療技術創出を目指します。






The nature ascertains a pivotal role for every biologi-cal system like clockwork and is unlikely to maintain sys-tems that are detrimental for survival. Any pathway and molecule that causes illness must also have a meaningful role. Overnutrition disrupts inter-organ networks to keep energy homeostasis governed by the liver. Our group has identified key pathways and molecules (hepatokine world) through comprehensive gene expression analyses of tissue and cell samples from humans and model ani-mals. Through functional analyses of these diagnostic/ther-apeutic targets, we aim to create medical systems for pre-clinical diagnosis and preemptive/tailor-made medicine.

Research projects 1 ) Molecular pathology and clinical research in diabe-

tes/obesity and its complications 2 ) Cross-talks among glucose-, protein-, and lipid-metab-

olism pathways to keep energy homeostasis 3 ) Hepatokine-mediated networks among insulin-target-

ing organs to make pathophysiology of diabetes/obesity and its complications

Obesity impairs proteasome function and thereby causes ER stress leading to insulin resistance. Conversely, hyperinsulinemia caused by obesity and overnutri-tion produces ER stress and UPR by enhancing protein biosynthesis and subsequent accumulation of misfolded/unfolded proteins. In addi-tion to enhanced protein bio-synthesis, proteasome and autophagy are candidate targets of insulin to induce ER stress because insulin could impair their function in the obese state. Whether UPR causes insulin resistance or relieves ER stress remains an open question.

Page 84: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

環境医科学 Division of Environmental Science


環境社会医学 Human Ecology and Social Science

代謝生理学 Department ofPhysiology and Metabolism

■教  授:井上  啓

■助  教:木村 久美

稲葉 有香

Professor : INOUE, Hiroshi

Assistant Professor : KIMURA, Kumi















Physiological homeostasis, especially energy homeo-stasis, is known to be maintained by the crosstalk between the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral organs. We actually found that the CNS regulates hepatic energy metabolism, which plays an essential role in whole body energy homeostasis. Therefore, we are investigating how the CNS can regulate liver function and how we can apply the mechanism to the medical care.

Projects 1 ) Regulation of organ interaction to maintain hepatic

energy metabolism, 2 ) Investigation of the crosstalk between the cell prolif-

eration and cell metabolism in the liver 3 ) Therapeutic development for hepatic energy disorders

by the application of mechanism of the CNS/liver crosstalk

図1 中枢神経におけるインスリン作用の末梢臓器への作用

Central insulin action and energy metabolism. Insulin acts on the hypothala-mus, especially the arcuate nucleus. Hypothalamic insulin action suppresses food intake, induces glucose uptake in the muscle, decreases hepatic glucose production, and increases thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue and lipogen-esis in white adipose tissue.

図2 中枢神経インスリン作用による肝糖産生制御メカニズム

Regulation of hepatic gluconeogenic gene expression by the CNS insulin action. Central insulin action increases IL-6 expression in non-parenchymal hepatic cells, which activates hepatic STAT3 in a paracrine manner and decreases expression of hepatic gluconeogenic enzyme genes.

Page 85: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

環境医科学 Division of Environmental Science


環境社会医学 Human Ecology and Social Science

細胞代謝栄養学 Department of Cell Metabolism and Nutrition

■准 教 授:太田 嗣人

■助  教:長田 直人

Associate Professor : OTA, Tsuguhito

Assistant Professor : NAGATA, Naoto






















Immune response, stress signal, and metabolic regu-lation are highly integrated and this interface maintains a central homeostatic system, dysfunction of which can cause obesity-associated metabolic diseases including diabetes, dyslipidemia, and nonalcoholic fatty liver dis-ease (NAFLD). Insulin resistance is an underlying basis for the pathogenesis of these metabolic diseases caused by excess energy status. We have revealed that hepatic ER stress plays a crucial role in VLDL (triglyceride/apoli-poprotein B) secretion and development of NAFLD, and excessive lipid peroxidation and insulin resistance promote hepatic inflammation and fibrosis leading to NASH, an advanced stage of NAFLD. On the other hand, a signifi-cant advance in our understanding of obesity-associated inflammation and insulin resistance has been recognition of the critical role of adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs). We recently find that chemokines and their receptors are pivotal in obesity-induced chronic inflammation and insulin resistance by regulating ATM recruitment and polarization.

Our research focuses on : 1 ) Inflammation, stress and metabolic diseases 2 ) Diabetes and immune system 3 ) Lipoprotein metabolism and NAFLD 4 ) Nutrition, nutrigenomics and nutraceuticals

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Master's Course


Page 88: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

修士課程 Master's Course


トレーサー情報解析学 Division of Tracer Kinetics, Advanced Science Research Center

トレーサー情報解析学 Division of Tracer Kinetics,Advanced Science Research Center

■教  授:柴  和弘

■准 教 授:北村 陽二

■助  教:小阪 孝史

Professor : SHIBA, Kazuhiro

Associate Professor : KITAMURA, Yoji

Assistant Professor : KOZAKA, Takashi


1)アルツハイマー病の早期診断を目指した脳神経機能変化の可視化研究 コリン作動性神経系は記銘・記憶・学習等に深く関係しており,アルツハイマー病を含む認知症で,顕著な変化が見られる神経系で,特に,シナプス前部に存在するコリンアセチルトランスフェラーゼ(ChAT)やコリントランスポーター(ChT)及びアセチルコリントランスポーター(VAChT)はアルツハイマー病の早期から変化が見られる部位とされている。これらの部位に特異的に結合する短寿命シングルフォトン核種(123I,99mTc)やポジトロン核種(11C,18F)で標識した分子イメージング剤を開発し,アルツハイマー病の早期診断・重症度診断さらには治療効果判定法の確立を目指している。

2)自閉症スペクトラムの客観的・早期診断を目指した脳神経機能変化の可視化研究 現代社会が抱える深刻な問題である「子どもの学習,社会性,行動の障害」を心が宿る脳の機能障害と捉え,そのメカニズムを解明することを目的として,遺伝子改変マウスである自閉症モデルマウスを用いて,その脳神経伝達系の神経化学的変化を調べている。特に,オキシトシン受容体やセロトニン神経系等の様々な神経伝達系の神経化学的な変化を調べる放射性分子プローブを開発して,自閉症特有の変化を視覚的に捉え,簡便に早期診断する方法を開発していくことを目指している。さらに,うつ病やパニック障害等についての研究も行っている。

3)ストレス性疾患の客観的な診断を目指した脳神経機能変化の可視化研究 1990年代に発見されたシグマ受容体は記憶・学習だけでなくストレスにも深く関係しており,抗不安作用,ストレス緩解及び神経保護作用があるとされている。我々はシグマ受容体に高い親和性を有する化合物を発見した。そこで,これらを臨床用核種で標識し,ストレスモデル動物に投与することにより,シグマ受容体の変化とストレスの関係を調べ,ストレスの原因究明や治療法の開発を目指している。

The prevalence of neurodegenerative disorders includ-ing Alzheimer's disease, depression, panic disorder and PTSD as well as autism spectrum increases in the recent years. Our research aim is to examine the neurochemical changes of various neurotransmitter systems, and finally to develop an easy method for the early diagnosis of these neuropathological changes with the introduction of a novel radioactive molecular imaging probe.

1 ) In vivo visualization of the cranial nerve metergasia, aiming for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Cholinergic nerve system is closely related with the intel-lectual abilities including memory and cognitive function. Hence, dysfunctions of the cholinergic components of CNS lead to the Alzheimer’s disease. We have developed vesicu-lar acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) imaging agents for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. We have suc-ceeded in visualizing the change of VAChT in the monkey brain by the PET imaging of (-)-[11C]-o-methylvesamicol ((-)-[11C]-OMV).

2 ) In vivo visualization of the cranial nerve metergasia aiming at the objective of early diagnosis of the autistic spectrum. We examine the neurochemical change of various neu-rotransmitter systems such as an oxytocin receptor or the serotonin nervous system and detect the changes of the autism characteristic visually. Finally our main objective is to develop an easy diagnosis method for the detection of early neurochemical changes with a novel radioactive molecular imaging probe.

3 ) In vivo visualization of the cranial nerve metergasia aiming for the diagnosis of stress diseases such as depression and PTSD. Our aim to develop an easy method for the early diag-nosis of stress diseases such as the depression and PTSD with radiolabeled sigma receptor imaging prove such as (+)-[123I]-p-iodovesamicol((+)-[123I]PIV) or (+)-[11C]-p-methylvesamicol((+)-[11C]PMV) which we already success-fully developed in our laboratory.

(-)-[11C]ortho-methylvesamicl[(-)-[11C]OMV]のPET脳イメージング画像Left:学習障害モデルサル Right:正常サル

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Endowed Chair

Page 90: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

寄附講座 Endowed Chair


臨床研究開発補完代替医療学講座 Department of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Clinical Research and Development

■特 任 教 授:鈴木 信孝

■特 任 助 教:許  鳳浩

■客 員 教 授:米田 幸雄

只野  武

Research Professor : SUZUKI, Nobutaka

Research Assistant Professor : KYO, Hoko

Visiting Professor : YONEDA, Yukio

TADANO, Takeshi












 また,本邦には米国 NIH の NCCAM(The National

Cencer for Complementary and Alternative Medicine)に





1 ) 補完代替医療の EBM の集積・解析

2 ) 我が国における補完代替医療の現状調査

3 ) 生体における活性酸素・抗酸化能の測定及び抗酸化食品・


4 ) 天然物由来の薬効物質の同定とその臨床応用

5 ) 癌の化学予防食品・薬物の研究開発

6 ) 赤色発光ダイオード光照射と NK 活性に関する研究

The sphere of modern western medicine defines comple-mentary and alternative medicine as medicine that has not yet been scientifically investigated or been put into practi-cal clinical application. Since it is not a medical field that is taught in mainstream medical schools, such treatments are not yet being put into practice in mainstream hospi-tals. Complementary and alternative medicine covers a broad area including traditional medical practices all over the world, herbal treatments, vitamins and trace element supplements, nutritional food supplements, anti-oxidant food groups, aromatherapy, diet therapy, psychiatric and psycho-therapies, hot spring treatments, and music therapy, etc.

As the needs of the society are increasingly heightened, the field of complementary and alternative medicine is just beginning to break new ground. From this original stand-point it is necessary in this country to investigate the medical and scientific efficacy of these treatments and therapies.

In Japan, we do not have a suitable public agency such as the National Cencer for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) in the United States which is part of the national Institute of health. We feel a deep responsibility to help to fill this need through our courses and research.

At present, the main subjects for our research are as follows:

1 ) The accumulation and analysis of EBM of complemen-tary and alternative medical treatments

2 ) To conduct an investigation concerning the present state of complementary and alternative medical treatment in Japan

3 ) To measure the effect of antioxidants on reactive oxy-gen in the body and to develop anti-oxidizing food supplements and medicines

4 ) To define and investigate practical clinical applica-tions for naturally-derived medicinal materials

5 ) To research and develop food products and medi-cines to chemically prevent cancer

6 ) To research light irradiation from red-radiating diode and its effect on NK cell activity

臨床研究開発補完代替医療学講座 Complementary and Alternative Medicine Clinical Research and Development

Researching CAMComplementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) domains should be studied using the scientific research methods of modern western medicine. However, the verification procedure for CAM differs somewhat from that of Western modern medicine. Fig shows a flowchart of the scientific method. Most CAM is already widely used without scientific endorsement. Therefore, the first step of CAM research should be focused on clinical testing to confirm its efficacy and usefulness. If the results of a clinical test are desirable, fundamental research to identify and elucidate the action of the substance will be needed. CAM is usually done at the user's own expense, but a part of it may be able to get the approval of the government. In the case of mod-ern western medicine, the order of these steps is reversed. The interesting feature of CAM research for the physician is to encounter new medical methods, which have high practicality, as well as high cost perform-ance and safety. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of basic medicine, CAM offers unexpected opportunities to discover a new substance or a new mechanism.

Page 91: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

寄附講座 Endowed Chair


地域呼吸器症候学講座 Regional Respiratory Symptomatology

■特任准教授:曽根  崇

■特 任 助 教:髙島伸一郎

Research Associate Professor : SONE, Takashi

Research Assistant Professor : TAKASHIMA, Shinichiro


【研究の概要】Ⅰ 地域における呼吸器疾患診療に関する支援,呼吸器疾患


Ⅱ 肺癌診療における分子標的療法の臨床応用と新たな臨床試験の実施既に用いられているか,または現在臨床試験中の分子標的薬について効果・毒性を評価し,最適な投与方法の確立を目指した臨床試験や,他の薬剤との併用効果を検討するための臨床試験を実施する。主に臨床試験に参加した患者から検体(腫瘍組織・血清など)を収集する。用いられた薬剤の標的分子やまたそれに関連した分子について,蛋白・遺伝子レベルでの検討を行う。また得られた結果と記録された効果や毒性のデータを用いて,治療効果予測因子や毒性規定因子の探索を行い,効果的な分子標的薬の使用方法を検討する。


Kanazawa University Hospital has already made it a goal to contribute to regional medical care as one of its basic policies, and it has mainly supported medical care in the Hokuriku region. There are many cases when specialized technology and facilities in the diagnostic area and treatment area are required in the field of respiratory disease (lung cancer, airway disease, interstitial pneu-monia). In order for patients to receive adequate medical care with peace of mind, it is important for Kanazawa University Hospital and the regional core hospitals to work in liaison. This course, which is focused on regional respiratory disease care, is the first of its kind in Japan, and it seems capable of serving as a model from the stand-point of improving regional medical care.

Outline of Research I. Establishment of a model regional liaison system for support and care of respi-

ratory disease. Guidance will be provided in regard to appropriate diagnostic methods and

treatment methods for patients who have been examined in regional core hos-pitals. When liaison with other regional hospitals, such as Kanazawa University Hospital or other regional core hospitals is necessary, it will be supported in a manner that will enable it to proceed smoothly. Clinical studies centered at Kanazawa University Hospital will be developed in cooperation with various specialists in the regional core hospitals.

Through these activities the current state of regional respiratory medicine care will be better understood, and problems will be identified. In addition, solu-tions will be proposed, and they will be implemented in cooperation with the regional core hospitals.

The results of this regional liaison system for respiratory disease care will be presented at meetings of societies related to respiratory medicine.

II. Clinical application of molecular targeting therapy and the conduct of new clinical studies in lung cancer field.

The efficacy and toxicity of molecular targeting drugs already in use or cur-rently in clinical studies will be evaluated. Clinical studies designed to establish optimal dosage methods and clinical studies to assess efficacy when used in combination with other drugs will be conducted.

Specimens (tumor tissue, serum, etc.) will be collected mainly from patients who have participated in clinical studies. Assessments of the molecules targeted by the drugs used or related molecules will be conducted at the protein and gene levels. The results obtained or the results or the toxicity data recorded will be used to conduct searches for factors that predict therapeutic efficacy and toxicity-related factors, and methods of using effective molecular targeting drugs will be assessed.

Setting up this course is expected to make it possible to improve the level of respiratory disease care at Kanazawa University Hospital and in the Hokuriku region, and to enable dissemination of the results of integrated research worldwide in an unprecedented manner.

地域呼吸器症候学講座 Regional Respiratory Symptomatology

Page 92: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

寄附講座 Endowed Chair


先進運動器医療創成講座 Department of Advanced and Innovative Musculoskeletal Medicine

■特 任 教 授:山本 憲男

■特 任 助 教:吉岡 克人

楫野 良知

三輪 真嗣

Research Professor : YAMAMOTO, Norio

Research Assistant Professor : YOSHIOKA, Katsuhito

KAJINO, Yoshitomo

MIWA, Shinji


増加し,人々の生活の質(Quality of life ; QOL)が非常に重




 QOL の向上に向けて,骨,関節,脊髄・末梢神経,筋肉















1 ) 運動器医療に必要な新たな生体材料の開発と臨床応用


2 ) 運動器悪性腫瘍に対する新たな免疫療法および抗がん治





In Japan, because the number of elder people has been increased, preventing a motor system disorder has been one of the major concerns to keep our better life. For maintaining quality of life, we need to preserve func-tions of bone, joint, nerve and muscle and should have alternative biomaterials such as artificial joint with higher durability or bio-affinity in case of replacement of waste part. At the same time, the number of cancer patients is increasing in our country and motor system has been involved with cancer metastasis in many patients. In the treatment of bone metastases, the development of a new effective protocol is desired.

We are therefore planning the following research projects to resolve those problems collaborate with other laboratories such as engineering, pharmacy, bacteriol-ogy, oncology, and immunology.

1 ) Development and clinical trial of a new biomaterial ◦Antibacterial biomaterial 2 ) Development and clinical trial of a new immunothera-

py for malignant bone and soft tissue tumor �◦Cryotreatment using liquid nitrogen and immuno-

logical activity ◦Dendritic cell immunotherapy ◦Cancer stem cells

先進運動器医療創成講座 Advanced and Innovative Musculoskeletal Medicine

末梢血単核細胞に granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor と interleukin-4を用いて樹状細胞を誘導する。

Autologous DCs were generated ex vivo in the presence of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interleukin-4 for peripheral blood mononuclear cells.末梢血単核細胞

Peripheral blood mononu-clear cells (PBMCs)


Mature dendritic cells

Page 93: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

寄附講座 Endowed Chair


先進画像医学研究教育講座  Advanced medical Imaging

先進画像医学研究教育講座 Department of Advanced medical Imaging

■特 任 教 授:松井  修

■特任准教授:植田 文明

Research Professor : MATSUI, Osamu

Research Associate Professor : UEDA, Fumiaki

 過去半世紀にわたる画像医学の進歩は医療に様々な革命をもたらし,各種疾患の治療成績は著しく向上した。とくに悪性腫瘍の早期診断や血管疾患の非侵襲的画像診断法の確立は,わが国の3大死因である悪性腫瘍,心血管障害や脳血管障害による死亡率を大きく改善し国民の健康に寄与している。さらに,画像映像下の非侵襲的治療(インターベンショナルラジオロジー)は心筋梗塞,脳血管障害や肝臓癌をはじめとする各種癌の治療に画期的な進歩をもたらし,低侵襲でありながら従来の外科治療にまさるとも劣らない治療手技として新しい領域を築き,今後のさらに大きな発展が期待されている。一方でこうした画像医学の急速な進歩と一般診療における広範囲の普及は,わが国の実地臨床における専門医や研究機関における画像医学研究者の深刻な不足を招来している。専門医を育成し画像医学の進歩を臨床の現場に有効に活かすこと,一般臨床医に対し必要な画像医学教育を適切に行うこと,専門医が不在の病院に対しての支援システムを構築すること,さらには薬剤や医療機器の開発・治験に対する画像医学の立場からの支援(適応や治療効果の遠隔中央判定システムの構築)などは,わが国において喫緊の課題である。 そこで,肝臓を中心とした画像診断とインターベンショナルラジオロジーの研究・教育をさらに推進することと,そのための人材育成を行うことを主たる目的とし,加えて,より有効な診療支援機能を有する画像診断読影システムや遠隔画像診断システムの研究とその普及による診療支援や薬剤・医療機器の開発治験支援を行うことを目的として本講座が設置された。主な研究・教育テーマは下記のごとくである。

1 ) 肝臓を中心とした消化器癌の早期画像診断と個別化画像診断に関する研究

2 ) 肝癌に対するインターベンショナルラジオロジー技術の開発と改良および併用療法の研究

3 ) 遠隔画像診断システムによる専門画像診断診療支援に関する研究

4 ) 肝癌に対する薬剤・医療機器開発治験における画像診断評価法に関する研究

5 ) 画像診断読影システムにおける読影支援システムの構築に関する研究

6 ) PACS システムの教育(画像解剖学)への応用に関する研究

In the past half century, the medical imaging evoked various kinds of development in many field of medicine and the treatment results of various diseases were remark-ably improved. Especially, the establishment of early detection and diagnosis of malignant tumors and non-inva-sive diagnosis of vascular diseases significantly decreased the mortality rates of three major causes of deaths in Japan, namely cancer, cardiovascular disease and cere-bro-vascular disease, and contributed to the public health remarkably. In addition, the development of less-invasive therapy under image-guidance (interventional radiology; IVR) brought revolutionary progress in the treatment of car-diac infarction, cerebrovascular accidents and cancers such as liver cancer. The treatment results of IVR are not infe-rior to those of surgery in spite of its less-invasiveness, and therefore it opened a new field in clinical medicine and fur-ther development is expected. On the other hand, because of the rapid progress and spread of the medical imaging and IVR, the shortage of radiologists and researchers spe-cialized in these fields has been becoming serious problem. To train the specialists in medical imaging for effectively taking advantages of medical imaging in clinical practice, to educate general physicians, to create the supporting sys-tems for the local hospitals in which no radiologists is avail-able and to assist the drug trials form the medical imaging points of view, so on are now urgent challenge in Japan.

The purposes of this department are to further promote the research and education in medical imaging and IVR, especially those in the liver and also to foster the research and clinical specialists in those fields. In addition, to develop the support system of medical imaging for clinical practice in local hospitals and drug trial examinations so on is also the purpose of this department. For these purposes, the research and education programs described below will be pursued.

1 ) Early diagnosis and personalized imaging diagnosis in gastrointestinal cancers, especially liver cancers.

2 ) Development of new IVR techniques in the treatment of liver cancers

3 ) Development of remote imaging diagnosis system for supporting local hospitals

4 ) Development of evaluating system for drug trials for liver cancers with remote imaging diagnosis

5 ) Development of education system for medical imaging with PACS system

Page 94: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

寄附講座 Endowed Chair


幹細胞代謝学講座 Stem Cell and Metabology

幹細胞代謝学講座 Department of Stem Cell and Metabology

■特任准教授:大石 尚毅

加藤 武史

Research Associate Professor : OISHI, Naoki

KATO, Takeshi

講座概要: 糖尿病,脂質代謝異常症,高血圧,肥満に加えてがんは過栄養が関連する症候群と考えられ,とりわけ糖尿病とがんは密接に関連していることが疫学的に示されている。しかし,両者が関連する機序は不明であり,糖尿病およびがんを克服するために解明すべき課題が多く残されている。最近,細胞生物学の進歩により疫病における幹細胞の重要性が示されてきた。糖尿病およびがんの領域においても多くの幹細胞研究が行われており,幹細胞研究は両者の関連を解明する学問として大きな期待が寄せられている。栄養代謝が幹細胞に及ぼす影響を解明し,糖尿病からの発癌およびがんの進展に及ぼす効果を研究することが重要と考えている。本寄付講座において,これらを有機的に統合し,幹細胞代謝学の教育研究を行う。 21 世紀の最大の課題のひとつである糖尿病および肥満などの過栄養状態とがんに関する新たな知見を世界に情報発信し,栄養代謝を司る肝臓の研究を進め,人類の健康に貢献する。

研究の概要: 1 ) 幹細胞とがんの研究  iPS,ES 細胞をはじめとする幹細胞は再生にとどま


2 ) 糖尿病と肝臓の研究  糖尿病の発症と進展に過栄養および運動不足が密接に


It has been recognized that hyprenutrition is associ-ated with diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obe-sity, and cancer. Above all, epidemiological research-es showed diabetes inextricably related with cancer. However, their mechanisms have not yet been resolved. In recent years, stem cells are considered as central players of many diseases. It is thought that the research of stem cell leads to the elucidation of association between diabe-tes with cancer.

We resolve the mechanism of relation between stem cell and metabolism. Moreover, we study the carcinogen-esis and cancer development associated with diabetes.

The current research themes are as follows: 1 ) Study about the relation between stem cell and can-

cer 1-1. Influence of the metabolism on the stem cell and

cancer stem cell 1-2. Identification of characteristic, diagnosis, and

therapy for cancer stem cell 1-3. Dynamic performance of stem cell in organs

2 ) Study about the association between diabetes and liver

2-1. Research of hepatokine 2-2. Identification of target cell and organ affected by

hepatokine 2-3. Identification of association between breakdown

of metabolism and cancer in liver

Page 95: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

寄附講座 Endowed Chair


先進的地域医療研究講座 Advanced Research in Community Medicine

先進的地域医療研究講座 Department of Advanced Researchin Community Medicine

■特 任 教 授:小林 武嗣

■特任准教授:山田 和徳,野原  淳

■特 任 助 教:後藤 善則,吉光 雅志

Research Professor : KOBAYASHI, Takeshi

Research Associate Professor : YAMADA, Kazunori NOHARA Atsushi

Research Assistant Professor : GOTO, Yoshinori















1 ) 急性冠症候群治療と大動脈弁狭窄症における医療連携の


2 ) リウマチ・膠原病疾患における医療連携の構築

3 ) 消化器疾患における関連施設との医療連携の構築

4 ) 糖尿病治療における医療連携の構築

5 ) 北陸地方における IgG4 関連疾患の病態の解明

6 ) 腎移植推進のための関連施設との医療連携の構築

The aim of the Department of Advanced Research in Community Medicine is to improve the quality of com-munity medicine and assist doctors in their career growth. In some local communities it is often difficult to get highly-qualified medical service due to an insufficient number of doctors and a lack of medical specialists. Moreover, we assume that for many doctors and medical person-nel it will be difficult to get access to the most advanced medical technology and equipment, as well as to pursue their future career growth. Considering this, we, together with the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Internal Medicine of Kanazawa University, will cooperate with the Cardiology, Rheumatology, Nephrology, Metabolism and Endocrinology, and Gastroenterology Departments of Kanazawa University Hospital to conduct research in following areas:

(1) Improving the patients’ access to qualified medicalservices in their local communities.

(2) Assisting doctors in local hospitals and clinics in their professional growth and career.

We will accomplish: 1 ) Research on the construction of a network for

cooperation between local community doctors and Kanazawa University specialists in the fields of acute coronary disease and aortic valve stenosis.

2 ) Research on the construction of a network for cooperation between local community doctors and Kanazawa University specialists in the fields of rheu-matoid arthritis and collagen disease.

3 ) Research on the construction of a network for cooperation between local community doctors and Kanazawa University specialists in gastroenterology.

4 ) Research on the construction of a network for coopera-tion between local community doctors and Kanazawa University specialists in the fields of diabetes mellitus.

5 ) A study on patients with IgG4 related diseases in the Hokuriku area.

6 ) Research on the construction of the cooperation net-work for local community doctors and specialists from facility for the advancement of renal transplant.

Page 96: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and


附属病院University Hospital





住  所:〒 920-8641金沢市宝町13番1号

電  話:076-265-2000


院  長:並木 幹夫


3)組織図(平成27年4月1日現在) 3 ) Organization Chart (as of April 1, 2015)

The university hospital is for clinical education of co-medical and paramedical students, postgraduate train-ing and clinical research. It has taken a leading role in advanced medical care in the Hokuriku district. 1 ) Contact Information

Address : 13-1 Takara-machi, Kanazawa, 920-8641Phone : +81-76-265-2000Fax : +81-76-234-4320Director : NAMIKI, Mikio

2 ) Number of Beds : 838

消化器内科 Gastroenterology内分泌・代謝内科 Endocrinology and Metabolismリウマチ・膠原病内科 Rheumatology呼吸器内科 Respiratory Medicine循環器内科 Cardiovascular Medicine腎臓内科 Nephrology血液内科 Hematology総合診療内科 General Internal Medicine神経内科 Neurology神経科精神科 Psychiatry

子どものこころの診療科 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry放射線科 Radiology放射線治療科 Radiation Therapy皮 膚 科 Dermatology漢方医学科 Japanese Traditional (Kampo) Medicine心臓血管外科 Cardiovascular Surgery呼吸器外科 General Thoracic Surgery胃腸外科 Gastroenterologic Surgery 肝胆膵・移植外科 Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Transplantation内分泌・総合外科 General and Endocrine Surgery

診 療 科Depar tments of Clinical Medicine


整形外科 Orthopedic Surgery脊椎・脊髄外科 Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery

乳 腺 科 Breast Oncology

小 児 科 Pediatrics

Page 97: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and


泌尿器科 Urology眼  科 Ophthalmology耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科 Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery産科婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology麻酔科蘇生科 Anesthesia and Palliative Care脳神経外科 Neurosurgery核医学診療科 Nuclear Medicine歯科口腔外科 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery救 急 科 Emergency and Critical Care Center病理診断科 Diagnostic Pathology

科 長Director



検 査 部 Clinical Laboratory手 術 部 Operation Center放射線部 Radiology Divisionリハビリテーション部 Section of Rehabilitation材 料 部 Supply Center輸 血 部 Division of Transfusion Medicine周産母子センター Perinatal Mother and Infant Care Center救 急 部 Section of Emergency Medicine高密度無菌治療部 Protected Environment Unit集中治療部 Intensive Care Unit病 理 部 Pathology Section血液浄化療法部 Division of Blood Purification光学医療診療部 Department of Endoscopy総合診療部 Department of General Medicineアイソトープ部 Division of Radioisotope麻酔部 Section of Anesthesia冠動脈疾患治療部 Coronary Care Unit電子顕微鏡センター Electron Microscopy Center

卒後臨床研修センター Graduate Medical Education Center中央診療施設等Central Medical Facilities

薬 剤 部Department of Hospital Pharmacy

看 護 部Division of Nursing

部 長Director





主 任Director


医療安全管理部 Division of Medical Safety



地域医療連携室 Care Coordination Office

部 長Director


感染制御部 Department of Infection Contlol and Prevention

栄養管理部 Department of Nutrition Management

室 長Director


ME機器管理センター Medical Engineering Center肝臓センター Liver Center北陸ハートセンター Hokuriku Heart Center炎症性腸疾患センター IBD Center外来化学療法室 Outpatient Chemotherapy Unit

疾病予防センター Disease Prevention Center

地域医療教育センター Center for Education in Community Medicine

先端医療開発センター Innovative Clinical Research Center

金大病院CPDセンター Kanazawa Univ. Hosp.CPD Center

緩和ケアセンター Palliative Care Center

救命センター Emergency Medical Center

がん高度先進治療センター Cancer Center

部 長Director




部 長Director





室 長Director




















Vice Director of University Hospital



事 務 部

Department of Clinical Development

Administration Department


病院部長Executive Director

経営企画部Department of Corporate Planning



Advisor to Director of University Hospital病院長補佐

Director ofUniversity Hospital

Trustee (Hospital)



Page 98: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and


医学図書館(金沢大学附属図書館医学図書館)Medical Library

住  所:〒 920–8640金沢市宝町13番1号

電  話:076–265–2141


創  立:1923年(増改築2013年)

職  員:分館長1名および職員5名

蔵 書 数:本;和書98,158;洋書145,311

定期刊行物; 和雑誌4,474(最新刊825)


開館時間:月−金 8:30− 22:00

 土 10:00− 16:00

日,祝日 閉 館



Address : 13-1 Takara-machi, Kanazawa, 920-8640Phone number: +81-76-265-2141Fax number : +81-76-234-4211Establishment : 1923 (extension and reconstruction 2013)Staff : Director and 5 membersTotal holdings : Books ; Japanese 98,158 volumes Foreign 145,311 volumes Periodicals ; Japanese 4,474 (current 825) titles Foreign 3,176 (current 147) titlesHours of service : Monday-Friday 8:30-22:00 Saturday 10:00-16:00 Sunday, Holiday ClosedInformation retrieval services : Medical Online, Japana Centra Revuo Medicina, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, EBMR, UpToDate

学際科学実験センター実験動物研究施設Institute for Experimental Animals, Advanced Science Research Center

住  所:〒 920-8640金沢市宝町13番1号

電  話:076-265-2461


施 設 長:浅野 雅秀

設  置:1976年(竣工:1978年,改修:2003年)

延 面 積:4,238㎡(地上5階地下1階)





Address : 13-1 Takara-machi, Kanazawa, 920-8640Phone number : +81-76-265-2461Fax number : +81-76-234-4240Director : ASANO Masahide, Ph.D.Establishment : 1976 (Completion : 1978, Improvement : 2003)Total Floor area : 4,238m2 (5 stories above ground and 1 below)Staff : Teaching staff 3 ; Technical staff 3Laboratory animal species : Mouse, Hamster, Mongolian gerbil, Rat, Guinea Pig, Rabbit, Dog, Ferret, Pig, Monkey, Fish and Amphibian

住  所:〒 920-1192金沢市角間町

電  話:076-264-6675


設  置:2010年

延 面 積:482.6㎡



Address : Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa, 920-1192Phone number : +81-76-264-6675Fax number : +81-76-234-4530Establishment : 2010Total Floor area : 482.6m2

Staff : Teaching staff 1Laboratory animal species : Mouse

学際科学実験センター 実験動物研究施設 角間分室Institute for Experimental Animals Kakuma Branch, Advanced Science Research Center

Page 99: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and



①D棟① C棟

⑭ ⑮










①医学類棟 School of Medicine

②実験動物研究施設(※) Institute for Experimental Animals

③医学類解剖標本庫 School of Medicine Pathologic Sample Storage

④医学図書館 Medical Library

⑤医学類病理標本庫 School of Medicine Anatomical Specimen Storage

⑥十全講堂 Juzen Hall

⑦医学部記念館 Memorial Hall

⑧アイソトープ総合研究施設(※) Central Institute of Radioisotope Science

⑨遺伝子研究施設(※) Institute for Gene Research

⑩医学類旧書庫 School of Medicine Old Book Storage

⑪医学類福利施設 Welfare Facilities

⑫課外活動施設 Club house

※学際科学実験センター Advanced Science Research Center

⑬アネックス棟 ANNEX Building

⑭中央診療棟 Central Consultations Building

⑮外来診療棟 Outpatient and Consultations Building

⑯病棟(西病棟/東病棟) West Ward/ East Ward

⑰MRI-CT 棟 MRI-CT Building

⑱看護師宿舎 Dormitory for Nurses

⑲北病棟 North Ward

附属病院University Hospital

宝町キャンパス Takara-machi Campus(平成27年7月1日現在)  (as of July 1, 2015)

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国際交流 International Exchange

◦大学間交流協定 Partner Universities 計 144機関( 35カ国 1地域) Total : 144 Universities (35 Countries, 1 Region)

国名Countries 協定大学名(都市名) Universities (Cities) 協定年月日

Date of Agreement


オーストラリア国立大学(キャンベラ)Australian National University (Canberra) 1998. 8. 24ロイヤル・メルボルン工科大学(メルボルン)Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Melbourne) 2000. 3. 16グリフィス大学(ブリスベン)Griffith University (Brisbane) 2000. 3. 20シドニー工科大学(シドニー)University of Technology Sydney (Sydney) 2012. 8. 15ニューイングランド大学(アーミデール)University of New England (Armidale) 2013. 4. 2マッコーリー大学(ノースライド)Macquarie University (North Ride) 2013. 5. 27チャールズ・ダーウィン大学(ダーウィン)Charles Darwin University (Darwin) 2015. 4. 22


ダッカ大学(ダッカ)The University of Dhaka (Dhaka) 2010. 4. 19チッタゴン大学(チッタゴン)University of Chittagong (Chittagong) 2014. 10. 22

ベルギーBelgium ゲント大学(ゲント)Ghent University (Ghent) 2009. 7. 21

ブルガリアBulgaria バルナ医科大学(バルナ)Medical University - Varna (Varna) 2010. 4. 7


アンコール遺跡整備公団(シェムリアプ)Authority for the Protection and Management of Angkor and the Region of Siem Reap (Siem Reap) 2010. 2. 9

カンボジア工科大学(プノンペン)Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Phnom Penh) 2010. 2. 11カンボジア国立経営大学(プノンペン)National University of Management (Phnom Penh) 2014. 2. 26


ユーコンカレッジ(ホワイトホース)Yukon College (Whitehorse) 2013. 9. 13 モントリオール大学(モントリオール)University of Montreal (Montreal) 2013. 11. 29


蘇州大学(蘇州)Soochow University (Suzhou) 1997. 1. 22

四川大学(成都)(旧華西医科大学)Sichuan University (Sichuan) 2003. 3. 5(※華西医科大学:1998. 4 . 2 )

ハルビン医科大学(ハルビン)Harbin Medical University (Harbin) 1999. 3. 20北京師範大学(北京)Beijing Normal University (Beijing) 1999. 9. 14北京工業大学(北京)Beijing University of Technology (Beijing) 2000. 8. 11大連大学(大連)Dalian University (Dalian) 2001. 3. 8大連理工大学(大連)Dalian University of Technology (Dalian) 2003. 10. 21南京大学(南京)Nanjing University (Nanjing) 2004. 3. 26延辺大学(延吉)Yanbian University (Yanji) 2007. 1. 31華東理工大学(上海)East China University of Science and Technology (Shanghai) 2008. 11. 20南開大学(天津)Nankai University (Tianjin) 2008. 12. 23浙江工業大学(杭州)Zhejiang University of Technology (Hangzhou) 2008. 12. 24北京語言大学(北京)Beijing Language and Culture University (Beijing) 2009. 3. 30西安電子科技大学(西安)Xidian University (Xi'an) 2009. 8. 24東華大学(上海)Dong Hua University (Shanghai) 2010. 11. 1中国科学院地理科学・資源研究所(北京)Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing) 2011. 5. 3

北京大学(北京)Peking University (Beijing) 2011. 10. 19上海対外経貿学院(上海)Shanghai International Business and Economic University (Shanghai) 2011. 12. 15東北師範大学(長春)Northeastern Normal University (Changchun) 2014. 11. 4青島科技大学(青島)Qingdao University of Science and Technology (Qingdao) 2014. 12. 23上海理工大学(上海)University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (Shanghai) 2015. 5. 25


カレル大学(プラハ)Charles University in Prague (Prague) 1995. 9. 4チェコ工科大学(プラハ)Czech Technical University in Prague (Prague) 2014. 10. 7

エジプトEgypt アシュート大学(アシュート)Assiut University (Assiut) 2000. 3. 24


ユバスキュラ大学(ユバスキュラ)University of Jyvaskyla (Jyvaskyla) 1998. 12. 17アールト大学(ヘルシンキ)(旧ヘルシンキ工科大学)Aalto University (Helsinki) 2000. 8. 21


ロレーヌ大学(ナンシー)University of Lorraine (Nancy)

旧ナンシー第一大学 Henri Poincare University, Nancy 1 1976. 9. 21旧ナンシー第二大学 University of Nancy 2 1976. 9. 21

オルレアン大学(オルレアン)The University of Orleans (Orleans) 2010. 7. 22トゥールーズ大学ジャン・ジョレス校(トゥールーズ)University of Toulouse-Jean Jaures (Toulouse) 2013. 9. 10ジャン・ムーラン・リヨン第 3大学(リヨン)Jean Moulin - Lyon 3 University 2015. 2. 19


ジーゲン大学(ジーゲン)University of Siegen (Siegen) 1993. 9. 14レーゲンスブルク大学(レーゲンスブルク)University of Regensburg (Regensburg) 1999. 10. 13

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国名Countries 協定大学名(都市名) Universities (Cities) 協定年月日

Date of Agreement


文化スポーツ省文化自然遺産副省(グアテマラシティ)The Vice Ministry of Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and Sport (Guatemala city) 2011. 6. 27


ホンジュラス国立人類学歴史学研究所(テグシガルパ)Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History (Tegucigalpa) 2013. 2. 8


サビットリバイ・フール・プネー大学(プネー)Savitribai Phule Pune University (Pune) 1999. 9. 1ティラク・マハラシュトラ大学(プネー)Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth (Pune) 2013. 5. 7


バンドン工科大学(バンドン)Bandung Institute of Technology (Bandung) 2008. 3. 3インドネシア教育大学(バンドン)Indonesia University of Education (Bandung) 2010. 5. 24スマラン国立大学(スマラン)Semarang State University (Semarang) 2012. 9. 24ブラウィジャヤ大学(マラン)University of Brawijaya (Malang) 2012. 9. 25インドネシア大学(デポック)University of Indonesia (Depok) 2012. 9. 25ガジャマダ大学(ジョグジャカルタ)University of Gadjah Mada (Jogjakarta) 2012. 10. 18国立マラン大学(マラン)State University of Malang (Malang) 2013. 4. 2

アイルランドIreland ダブリンシティ大学(ダブリン)Dublin City University (Dublin) 1991. 10. 14

イタリアItaly フィレンツェ大学(フィレンツェ)University of Florence (Firenze) 2011. 2. 1


ナイロビ大学(ナイロビ)The University of Nairobi (Nairobi) 2011. 10. 4ケニア中央医学研究所(ナイロビ)Kenya Medical Research Institute (Nairobi) 2011. 10. 4


東亜大学(釜山)Dong-A University (Pusan) 1998. 4. 16釜山大学(釜山)Pusan National University (Pusan) 2000. 9. 26韓国地質資源研究院(大田)Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (Daejeon) 2005. 10. 17釜慶大学(釜山)Pukyong National University (Pusan) 2007. 1. 23湖西大学(牙山)Hoseo University (Asan) 2012. 9. 25漢陽大学(ソウル)Hanyang University (Seoul) 2013. 1. 7全北大学(全州)Chonbuk National University (Jeonju) 2013. 6. 24金烏工科大学(亀尾)Kumoh National Institute of Technology (Gumi) 2014. 7. 16


ラオス国立大学(ヴィエンチャン)National University of Laos (Vientiane) 2013. 12. 26ラオス保健科学大学(ヴィエンチャン)University of Health Sciences (Vientiane) 2013. 12. 27

マレーシアMalaysia マラヤ大学(クアラルンプール)University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur) 2011. 4. 29

モンゴルMongolia モンゴル国立大学(ウランバートル)National University of Mongolia (Ulan Bator) 2012. 10. 5

メキシコMexico モンテレイ工科大学(モンテレイ)Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Monterrey) 2010. 5. 3


ルブリン工科大学(ルブリン)Lublin University of Technology (Lublin) 2000. 8. 17ワルシャワ大学(ワルシャワ)The University of Warsaw (Warsaw) 2010. 11. 22


国立カザン大学(カザン)Kazan State University (Kazan) 1998. 9. 3ロシア科学アカデミー極東支部(ウラジオストック)Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostock) 2000. 11. 22

国立アルタイ大学(バルナウル)Altai State University (Barnaul) 2014. 1. 10極東連邦大学(ウラジオストク)Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok) 2014. 4. 14

スロバキアSlovak スロバキア工科大学(ブラチスラバ)Slovak University of Technology (Bratislava) 2000. 8. 23


バルセロナ自治大学(バルセロナ)Autonomous University of Barcelona (Barcelona) 2010. 4. 14サラマンカ大学(サラマンカ)University of Salamanca (Salamanca) 2013. 3. 13サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ大学(サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ)University of Santiago de Compostela (Santiago de Compostela) 2013. 3. 15

サウジアラビアSaudi Arabia

イマーム大学(リヤド)Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University (Riyadh) 2010. 7. 8キングファイサル大学(ハサー)King Faisal University (Al-Hassa) 2012. 5. 16


国立台湾師範大学(台北)National Taiwan Normal University (Taipei) 2000. 8. 16国立台湾大学(台北)National Taiwan University (Taipei) 2011. 5. 10輔仁大学(新北)Fu Jen Catholic University (New Taipei City) 2012. 12. 11台北医学大学(台北)Taipei Medical University (Taipei) 2013. 12. 16


チュラロンコン大学(バンコク)Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok) 1999. 7. 16モンクット王工科大学トンブリ校(トンブリ)King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (Thonburi) 2000. 4. 21チェンマイ大学(チェンマイ)Chiang Mai University (Chiang Mai) 2008. 1. 8プリンスオブソンクラ大学(ハジャイ)Prince of Songkla University (Hat Yai) 2011. 3. 24コンケン大学(コンケン)Khon Kaen University (Khon Khaen) 2011. 6. 13シーナカリンウィロート大学(バンコク)Srinakharinwirot University (Bangkok) 2011. 7. 22ナレースワン大学(ピサヌローク)Naresuan University (Phisanulok) 2013. 9. 26

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国名Countries 協定大学名(都市名) Universities (Cities) 協定年月日

Date of Agreement

タイThailand カセサート大学(バンコク)Kasetsart University (Bangkok) 2015. 1. 5

トルコTurkey チャナッカレ・オンセキズ・マルト大学(チャナッカレ)Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Canakkale) 2013. 9. 19


リバプール・ジョン・モアズ大学(リバプール)Liverpool John Moores University (Liverpool) 1991. 10. 4シェフィールド大学(シェフィールド)University of Sheffield (Sheffield) 1991. 10. 8セントラル・ランカシャー大学(プレストン)University of Central Lancashire (Preston) 2014. 4. 2セインズベリー日本藝術研究所(ノリッチ)Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (Norwich) 2015. 3. 3

アラブ首長国連邦United Arab Emirates シャルジャ大学(シャルジャ)University of Sharjah (Emirate of Sharjah) 2012. 1. 29


ペンシルバニア大学(ペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィア)University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA) 1956. 1. 20ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校(ニューヨーク州バッファロー)State University of New York at Buffalo (Buffalo, NY) 1974. 6. 12

ウィリアム・アンド・メアリー大学(バージニア州ウィリアムズバーグ)College of William and Mary (Williamsburg, VA) 1991. 6. 6

タフツ大学(マサチューセッツ州メドフォード)Tufts University (Medford, MA) 1996. 12. 27ニューヨーク州立大学ニューポルツ校(ニューヨーク州ニューポルツ)State University of New York at New Paltz (New Paltz, NY) 1998. 8. 5

ネヴァダ大学リノ校(ネヴァダ州リノ)University of Nevada, Reno (Reno, NV) 2009. 11. 24イリノイカレッジ(イリノイ州ジャクソンビル)Illinois College (Jacksonville, IL) 2011. 10. 14ワグナー・カレッジ(スタテンアイランド)Wagner College (Staten Island) 2014. 3. 27


ハノイ医科大学(ハノイ)Hanoi Medical University (Hanoi) 2009. 9. 16ハノイ工科大学(ハノイ)Hanoi University of Technology (Hanoi) 2009. 9. 18ハノイ貿易大学(ハノイ)Foreign Trade University (Hanoi) 2009. 12. 4ベトナム国家大学ハノイ校(ハノイ)Vietnam National University, Hanoi (Hanoi) 2009. 12. 4ベトナム国家大学ハノイ自然科学大学(ハノイ)VNU Hanoi University of Science (Hanoi) 2009. 12. 4ハノイ国家大学ハノイ工業技術大学(ハノイ)VNV Hanoi University of Engineering and Technology (Hanoi) 2009. 12. 4ハノイ師範大学(ハノイ)Hanoi National University of Education (Hanoi) 2009. 12. 4ハノイ薬科大学(ハノイ)Hanoi University of Pharmacy (Hanoi) 2009. 12. 4ハノイ運輸通信大学(ハノイ)University of Transport and Communications (Hanoi) 2009. 12. 4ベトナム国家農業大学(ハノイ)Vietnam National University of Agriculture (Hanoi) 2009. 12. 4ハノイ大学(ハノイ)Hanoi University (Hanoi) 2009. 12. 4ハイフォン医科薬科大学(ハイフォン)Hai Phong Medical and Pharmacy University (Hai Phong) 2009. 12. 4ダナン工科大学(ダナン)Danang University of Technology (Danang) 2009. 12. 4ノンラム大学(ホーチミン)Nong Lam University (Ho Chi Minh City) 2009. 12. 4フエ大学(フエ)Hue University (Hue) 2009. 12. 4カントー大学(カントー)Can Tho University (Can Tho) 2009. 12. 4ベトナム国家大学ホーチミン市理科大学(ホーチミン)VNU HCMC University of Science (Ho Chi Minh City) 2009. 12. 4

ホーチミンシティ教育大学(ホーチミン)Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy (Ho Chi Minh City) 2009. 12. 4ホーチミンシティ薬科大学(ホーチミン)Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Ho Chi Minh City) 2009. 12. 4

ニャチャン大学(ニャチャン)Nha Trang University (Nha Trang) 2009. 12. 4タイグエン大学(タイグエン)Thai Nguyen University (Thai Nguyen) 2009. 12. 4タイグエン医科薬科大学(タイグエン)Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Thai Nguyen) 2009. 12. 4ベトナム金融アカデミー(ハノイ)Academy of Finance (Hanoi) 2009. 12. 4ラックホン大学(ビエンホア)Lac Hong University (Bien Hao) 2010. 3. 31ベトナム国家大学ホーチミン市工科大学(ホーチミン)VNU HCMC University of Technology (Ho Chi Minh City) 2010. 11. 23

ベトナム国家大学ホーチミン市人文社会科学大学 (ホーチミン)VNU HCMC University of Sciences and Humanities (Ho Chi Minh City) 2011. 12. 5

ダナン大学(ダナン)The University of Danang (Danang) 2012. 2. 27ベトナム国立建設大学(ハノイ)National University of Civil Engineering (Hanoi) 2012. 3. 9ハノイ国家大学外国語大学(ハノイ)University of Languages and International Studies - Vietnam National University, Hanoi (Hanoi) 2014. 4. 10

国際機関 東・東南アジア地球科学計画調整委員会「CCOP」(バンコク)Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia "CCOP" (Bangkok) 2011. 3. 29

※国別はアルファベット順に掲載 平成27年7月1日現在 As of July 1, 2015

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◦部局間交流協定 Partner Faculties 計 21機関( 10カ国) Total : 21 Universities (10 Countries)


本学の協定締結部局Faculties or Institute

協定大学・部局等名(都市名)Foreign Universities, Faculties, Departments or Institutes (Cities)

協定年月日Date of Agreement


医薬保健研究域薬学系Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

河南中医学院(鄭州)Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Zhengzhou) 2004. 11. 15

瀋陽薬科大学(瀋陽)Shenyang Pharmaceutical University (Shenyang) 2011. 3. 24

医学系研究科・医学部Graduate School of Medical Science and Faculty of Medicine

南方医科大学(広州)※第一軍医大学から校名変更Southern Medical University (Guangzhou) 2001. 5. 11

中国医科大学(瀋陽)China Medical University (Shenyang) 2002. 5. 7

がん研究所Cancer Research Institute

復旦大学上海がん病院(上海)Shanghai cancer center, Fudan University (Shanghai) 2010. 7. 27


医薬保健研究域Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

ハサヌディン大学医学部(マッカサル)Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University (Makassar) 2014. 2. 12


がん研究所Cancer Research Institute

韓国科学技術研究院遺伝工学研究所(大田)Genetic Engineering Research Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (Daejeon) 1993. 4. 22

医学系研究科・医学類Graduate School of Medical Science and School of Medicine

ウルサン大学医学部(ソウル)College of Medicine, University of Ulsan (Seoul) 2008. 10. 24

がん進展制御研究所Cancer Research Institute

ソウル国立大学がん研究所(ソウル)Cancer Research Institute, Seoul National University (Seoul) 2013. 7. 10


がん研究所Cancer Research Institute

モンゴル科学アカデミー生物学研究所(ウランバートル)Institute of Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences (Ulaanbaatar) 2007. 8. 6


医薬保健学総合研究科Graduate School of Medical Sciences

ヤンゴン第 2医科大学(ヤンゴン)University of Medicine 2, Yangon (Yangon) 2013. 10. 23

ニュージーランドNew Zealand

医薬保健研究域Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

オークランド工科大学(オークランド)Auckland University of Technology (Auckland)

2014. 3. 17


医学系研究科・医学部Graduate School of Medical Science and Faculty of Medicine

国立クラスノヤルスク医科大学(クラスノヤルスク)Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy (Krasnoyarsk) 1997. 6. 18

極東医科大学(ハバロフスク)The Far-Eastern State Medical University (khabarovsk) 2008. 6. 10


医薬保健研究域薬学系Faculty of Pharmacy Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

アンカラ大学薬学部(アンカラ)Faculty of Pharmacy, Ankara University (Ankara) 2010. 2. 8


医学系研究科・医学部Graduate School of Medical Science and Faculty of Medicine

ハワイ大学ジョンAバーンズ医学部(マノア)School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, John A. Burns (Manoa,HI) 2007. 12. 3

カリフォルニア大学デービス校(デービス)School of Medicine, University of California Davis (Davis,CA) 2007. 12. 13


医薬保健研究域医学系Faculty of Medicine Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

HospitalE循環器病研究センター(ハノイ)Cardionvascular center, Hospital E (Ha Noi) 2011. 6. 8

医薬保健研究域Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

ベトナム海洋医学研究所(ハイフォン)Vietnam National Institute of Maritime and Medicine (Hai Phong) 2012. 5. 31

ベトナム社会主義共和国資源環境省ベトナムで米軍が使用の有毒化学物質による被害克服の国家対策委員会(ハノイ)The Office of National Steering Committee on Overcoming Consequences of Toxic Chemicals Used by the US Army in Vietnam, Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment (Hanoi)

2013. 3. 26

ハノイ国立小児病院(ハノイ)National Hospital of Pediatrics (Hanoi) 2013. 4. 3

※国別はアルファベット順に掲載 平成27年7月1日現在 AsofJuly1,2015

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ドドネウス和蘭草木誌� 1644年,1,492ページ,39×25㎝


Dodonaeus, Rembertus Herbarivs oft Crvydt-Boeck: Antwerpen, 1644, 1492 pages, 39×25cmThis is a "Book of Dutch Herbalism" with color figures and gilt sides, which was ordered by Lord MAEDA Tsunanori in the

Enpou period (1673-1681). Waseda University and the Tokyo National Museum possess other copies of the Antwerp edition (1644). The Faculty of Science, the University of the Tokyo owns the Leiden edition (1608). This book is exactly the one that is mentioned as "Herbarivs oft Crvydt-Boeck" in "Rangaku Kaitei (Introduction to Western Studies)". It is a greatly famous origi-nal, which has been translated into some Japanese versions such as "Aran Honsouwage" (Guide to Dutch Herbalism) by NORO Mototate and "Enseisoumokuryaku" (Western Studies of Herbs and Plants) by UDAGAWA Genzui.

キンストレーキ 人体全身模型 Louis Thomas Jérôme Auzoux(フランスの解剖学者 1797~1880)作



が藩命により長崎に出張・購入し,明治2年(1869)5月金沢に持ち帰られたものである。 張子(Papier Mâché)でつくられている。Auzouxは,この模型を「分解できる模型」と名付けた。約90の部分と1,300余のラベルから構成されているという。 学生実習に人体が用いられるようになった明治後期まで医学教育に寄与した。この模型は,明治(東京,北川工作場)と平成(奈良,美術院 国宝修理所)の修理を経,わが国に現存するキンストレーキ男性体中もっとも保存状態がよく,医学部記念館で保管・展示されている。

Kunstlijk : whole human body model created by French anatomist Louis Thomas Jérôme Auzoux in 1857This is the model that KUROKAWA Masayasu purchased for the order from his gov-

ernment when he was in Nagasaki in 1868. It was brought to Kanazawa in May,1869. Kunstlijk is made of paper (Papier Mâché), and is "a resolvable model" as Auzoux named. It is composed of ~90 parts with more than 1,300 labels. This model contributed to medical education until late Meiji era when human bodies began to be used in student practice. This model received repair in Meiji at Kitagawa Kousakujo, Tokyo and in Heisei at Laboratory

for Conservation of National Treasures of Japan, Nara, and has been known as the best conserved male Kunstlijk among the three remaining in Japan, now being placed in Juzen Memorial Hall.

解體新書 日本における西洋解剖書の最初の翻訳書で,杉田玄白,中川淳庵,石川玄常,桂川甫周,前野良澤らにより,全5巻として安永3年(1774)刊行された。原典はドイツのKulmusの解剖図表のオランダ版である。図譜は秋田藩士小田野直武の筆によるが,原画の精巧さをよく伝えていると評価される。

Kaitai Shinsho"Kaitai Shinsho" is the first Japanese translation of a Western book on anatomy that was published in five volumes in 1774 through

the work of SUGITA Genpaku, NAKAGAWA Jun-an, ISHIKAWA Genjo, KATSURAGAWA Hoshu, and MAENO Ryotaku. Its original is a Dutch version of a thorough work by German anatomists called "Kulmus Anatomie". The diagrams in this book drawn by ODANO Naotake, a samurai from Akita Clan, have been highly admired for successfully copying out the elaborateness of the original ones.

解体新書 全五巻

記念館展示 Exhibition in the Memorial Hall

Page 105: 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科 - Kanazawa Usist of four mission-oriented divisions: the divisions of Neuroscience, Cancer Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, and

大学院医薬保健学総合研究科,医薬保健学域医学類Graduate School of Medical Sciences, School of Medicine所在地: 石川県金沢市宝町13‐1 〒920‐8640Address: 13-1Takara-machi, Kanazawa 920-8640, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan


こ だ つ の

■宝町・鶴間キャンパス〈「小立野」バス停下車〉まで 所要約20分

金沢駅兼六園口⑦乗場→ 「東部車庫」行など 「北陸大学」行など   兼六園口⑥乗場→ 「湯谷原」行など 「田上」行など   金沢港口⑤乗場→ 「東部車庫」行など

配置図 Location

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2015発行人:金子 周一

編集者:和田 隆志,尾㟢 紀之 河㟢 洋志,長瀬 啓介

印 刷:田中昭文堂印刷株式会社 2015 年 7 月 発行

BulletinGraduate School of Medical SciencesKanazawa University 2015

Editor in Chief : KANEKO ShuichiEditors : WADA Takashi, OZAKI Noriyuki


Published in July, 2015