新渡輪取得離島航線及港內渡輪航線經營牌照 First …...celebration of Chinese New...

新渡輪取得離島航線及港內渡輪航線經營牌照 First Ferry awarded licences to operate ferry services to Outlying Islands and in Inner Harbour 出版:新世界第一渡輪服務有限公司企業傳訊部 地址:香港九龍荔枝角興華街西71號 版權所有 不得轉載 Published by: New World First Ferry Services Limited (Corporate Communications Department) Address: 71 Hing Wah Street West, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong All Rights Reserved 33 rd Issue • 第三十三期 APR 2011 每一天 渡輪宣佈,取得中環至梅窩及港內航線(往來北角及紅磡 和往來北角及九龍城,並北角及大廟灣)之渡輪服務經營牌照。新 牌照由2011年4月1日起生效。 新牌照下,中環至梅窩航班時間表會有所改動以提供更佳服 務。於星期一至星期六(公眾假期除外)晚上10時正,會增加一班 由中環開往梅窩的高速船航班,並調整班次的時間及增加高速船 航班的數目。 另外,新渡輪亦同時取得中環至長洲及橫水渡之渡輪服務經 營牌照,新收費及新時間表將於2011年7月1日起生效。 在油價升勢急劇及營運成本不斷上漲的情況下,新渡輪的經 營環境相當困難,加上非核心票務收入在多種限制下未能有所裨 益,經加強節流並積極研究開源後,新渡輪已竭力把新牌照的票 價調整幅度壓低。 各航線在新牌照下的新時間表及收費可參考碼頭的資訊板 或與碼頭職員查詢。顧客亦可聯絡新渡輪顧客服務電話專線 2131 8181或瀏覽新渡輪網頁 www.nwff.com.hk。 First Ferry has been licenced to operate ferry services plying between Central and Mui Wo as well as between North Point and Hung Hom, North Point and Kowloon City, and North Point and Joss House Bay, with effect from 1 April 2011. Under the new licence, First Ferry will upgrade ferry services between Central and Mui Wo from Mondays to Saturdays (except Public Holidays) by introducing one additional fast-ferry sailing at 10:00 pm as well as by providing more fast-ferry sailings. In addition, First Ferry has been awarded the licences to operate ferry services between Central and Cheung Chau as well as the Inter-Islands ferry service. New fare and new sailing schedule will be effective from 1 July 2011. In the face of surging fuel costs and the sharp rise in maintenance costs, as well as the minimal contribution from now-restricted non-fare box revenues, First Ferry has taken all possible steps to limit the fare adjustments under the new licences. Please refer to the notice boards at piers for the new timetables and fare tables for each route. For enquiries, please contact our pier staff or call our Customer Service Hotline at 2131 8181, or browse our website at www.nwff.com.hk.

Transcript of 新渡輪取得離島航線及港內渡輪航線經營牌照 First …...celebration of Chinese New...

Page 1: 新渡輪取得離島航線及港內渡輪航線經營牌照 First …...celebration of Chinese New Year . 新創建集團公佈中期業績 NWS Holdings announces interim results

新渡輪取得離島航線及港內渡輪航線經營牌照First Ferry awarded licences to operate ferry services to Outlying Islands and in Inner Harbour

出 版 : 新 世 界 第 一 渡 輪 服 務 有 限 公 司 企 業 傳 訊 部

地 址 : 香 港 九 龍 荔 枝 角 興 華 街 西 7 1 號

版 權 所 有 不 得 轉 載

Published by: New World First Ferry Services Limited (Corporate Communications Department)Address: 71 Hing Wah Street West, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

All Rights Reserved

33rd Issue • 第三十三期

APR 2011
















或 與 碼 頭 職 員 查 詢 。 顧 客 亦 可 聯 絡 新 渡 輪 顧 客 服 務 電 話 專 線

2131 8181或瀏覽新渡輪網頁 www.nwff.com.hk。

First Ferry has been licenced to operate ferry services plying between Central and Mui Wo as well as between North Point and Hung Hom, North Point and Kowloon City, and North Point and Joss House Bay, with effect from 1 April 2011.

Under the new licence, First Ferry will upgrade ferry services between Central and Mui Wo from Mondays to Saturdays (except Public Holidays) by introducing one additional fast-ferry sailing at 10:00 pm as well as by providing more fast-ferry sailings.

In addition, First Ferry has been awarded the licences to operate ferry services between Central and Cheung Chau as well as the Inter-Islands ferry service. New fare and new sailing schedule will be effective from 1 July 2011.

In the face of surging fuel costs and the sharp rise in maintenance costs, as well as the minimal contribution from now-restricted non-fare box revenues, First Ferry has taken all possible steps to limit the fare adjustments under the new licences.

Please refer to the notice boards at piers for the new timetables and fare tables for each route. For enquiries, please contact our pier staff or call our Customer Service Hotline at 2131 8181, or browse our website at www.nwff.com.hk.

Page 2: 新渡輪取得離島航線及港內渡輪航線經營牌照 First …...celebration of Chinese New Year . 新創建集團公佈中期業績 NWS Holdings announces interim results

乘客提提您Tips for travelling First Ferry – Lost Property

顧客服務電話專線 Customer Service Hotline (852) 2131 8181 顧客服務傳真專線 Customer Service Hotfax (852) 2131 8877

2) 新渡輪如何處理拾獲的失物?

How does First Ferry handle lost property?





All items found will be retained by pier staff on the same day. For security reasons, all items found (except perishable food and drinks) will be sent to the Customer Service Department at our back office if the found items are not claimed on the same day they were mislaid. All found items will be kept for one month and valuables will be handed over to the police.

3) 乘客如在碼頭範圍內或船上拾獲失物,怎麼辦?

What should passengers do if they find lost property at the pier or on board?


Passengers are advised to hand in the lost property to First Ferry staff members at the pier or on board.



If you accidentally leave your belongings at the pier or on board, what should you do? In this issue, you can find out more about First Ferry’s procedures for handling lost property.

提示: 落船前,請記緊檢查隨身物品,確保帶齊所有個人物品才下船,開心愉快乘搭新渡輪!

Friendly Reminder:Check your personal belongings before leaving the vessel and have an enjoyable trip with First Ferry!

1) 乘客如在碼頭或船上遺失個人物品,怎麼辦?

What should passengers do if they mislay personal belongings at the pier or on board?



- 致電新渡輪顧客服務電話專線 (852) 2131 8181 或 (853) 2872 7676

- 發送電郵至新渡輪專用電子郵箱[email protected]

- 登入新渡輪網頁www.nwff.com.hk,填寫網上報失表格

Passengers who mislay their personal belongings at the pier or on board should contact pier staff as soon as possible on the same day, or report the loss to us through the following channels. Meanwhile, a lost-property notice (left photo), showing all lost and found items, is displayed on the notice board at the pier for passengers’ information.

- Call Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2131 8181 or (853) 2872 7676

- Email to our Service Suggestions Email Box at [email protected]

- Complete the “Online Lost Property Form” on the First Ferry website (www.nwff.com.hk)

Page 3: 新渡輪取得離島航線及港內渡輪航線經營牌照 First …...celebration of Chinese New Year . 新創建集團公佈中期業績 NWS Holdings announces interim results

中大教學酒店開幕暨鄭裕彤樓命名典禮Grand Opening of the Teaching Hotel and Naming Ceremony for the Cheng Yu Tung Building at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

新 渡 輪 網 頁 First Ferry Website www.nwff.com.hk 新 渡 輪 ( 澳 門 ) 網 上 購 票 First Ferry (Macau) Online Ticketing www.macauferry.com.hk

創建社區關懷日 2011NWS Holdings achieved volunteer service recognition






4 January 2011 saw the Grand Opening of the Teaching Hotel and Naming Ceremony for the Cheng Yu Tung Building at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Officiating guests included Dr Cheng Yu Tung, Chairman of New World Group, and Dr Henry Cheng Kar Shun, Managing Director of New World Development Company Limited, as well as representatives from the government and the university.




ln February, more than 130 staff members from the NWS Holdings’ Corporate Office and seven member companies (included First Ferry & First Ferry (Macau)) visited patients at the Caritas Jockey Club Lai King Rehabilitation Centre, presenting them with warm clothes and handmade paper cranes in celebration of Chinese New Year .

新創建集團公佈中期業績NWS Holdings announces interim results







NWS Holdings announced its record-breaking interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2010 (the “Current Period”). The Group reported an outstanding profit attributable to shareholders with an increase of 4% to HK$2,391.2 million and Attributable Operating Profit (“AOP”) rising 28% to HK$2,213.9 million. The Group’s Transport business scored a 13% increase in AOP over the six months ended 31 December 2009. This was attributed to an increase in patronage and advertising income despite increasing fuel costs during the period.

股東應佔溢利Profit attributable to shareholders每股盈利Earnings per share 每股股息Dividend per share

手頭現金:53.94億港元 (2010年6月30日:51.58億港元)Cash on hand: HK$5,394 million (30 June 2010: HK$5,158 million)

於2010年12月31日持有淨現金4.294億港元Net cash position of HK$429.4 million as at 31 December 2010

* 就2010年發行紅利股份作出調整 After adjusting for bonus issue in 2010

2,391.2 2,305.4

HK$0.73 HK$0.73*

HK$0.37 HK$0.62

截至12月31日止六個月 For the six months ended 31 December

2010百萬港元 HK$ million

2009百萬港元 HK$ million

Page 4: 新渡輪取得離島航線及港內渡輪航線經營牌照 First …...celebration of Chinese New Year . 新創建集團公佈中期業績 NWS Holdings announces interim results

乘客讚賞Passenger Compliments

新渡輪員工於「2010年度學徒獎勵計劃」脫穎而出First Ferry staff members receive“2010 Outstanding Apprentice Award”

專用電子郵箱 Service Suggestions Email [email protected] 本刊物以環保紙印製 This publication is printed on environmental-friendly paper

鄧仁慶 ─ 中環五號碼頭


Tang Yan Hing, Pier Inspector (Central Pier 5) (right)

姚德香 ─ 中港碼頭


Yiu Tak Heung, Pier Assistant (China Ferry Terminal) (right)

彭寶蓮 — 高級企業傳訊主任


Pauline Pang, Senior Corporate Communications Officer (Customer Service) (right)

羅嘉欣 — 助理企業傳訊主任


Marilyn Law, Assistant Corporate Communications Officer (Customer Service) (left)

郭桂好 ─ 長洲碼頭


Kwok Kwai Ho, Pier Inspector (Cheung Chau Pier) (right)

羅啟成 — 水手(右)

Lo Kai Shin, Sailor (right)張全仔 — 水手(右)

Cheung Chuen Chai, Sailor (right)












ln March, To Sai Ho (left photo, second left) and Wong Kwok Sing (left photo, second right) , both apprentices from the First Ferry Engineering Division, were presented with the “Outstanding Apprentice” and “Apprentice of Excellent Performance” awards respectively. The awards were presented under the Apprentice Scheme organized by the Vocational Training Council’s Committee on Apprenticeship and Trade Testing, in recognition of their excellent performance out of some 200 candidates nominated by their employers.To Sai Ho, the “Outstanding Apprentice”, had the opportunity to visit Singapore on a study tour in early March. Scholarships from First Ferry were also awarded to the two apprentices to encourage further study.





The six First Ferry and First Ferry (Macau) staff members listed here have won compliments from our passengers and been awarded a “Certificate of Outstanding Service” by the management of First Ferry and First Ferrry (Macau).

Page 5: 新渡輪取得離島航線及港內渡輪航線經營牌照 First …...celebration of Chinese New Year . 新創建集團公佈中期業績 NWS Holdings announces interim results


* 稿件內所發表的意見純粹投稿人的個人意見,並不代表新世界第一渡輪服務有限公司的立場。新世界第一渡輪服務有限公司保留刊登及修改稿件的權利。

Comments in the articles are merely the personal opinions of the contributors and do not represent the position of New World First Ferry Services Limited. New World First Ferry Services Limited reserves the right to publish or revise the articles.






人士請以「《「渡」盡古今》投稿」為題,並將稿件電郵至 [email protected] 或傳真至 (852) 2131 8877。敬請投


Macau, a UNESCO World Heritage Site redolent with rich Portuguese colonial history, has preserved a large number of traditional Portuguese buildings, not only attracting millions of visitors from around the world, but also making it a famous photo opportunity for photographers to take First Ferry (Macau)’s high-speed catamarans to there to capture the nice moments.

In this issue, through their photos, four readers share with us some beautiful moments in Macau.

Your stories related to our ferry services or the interesting culture of the outlying islands and Macau are always welcome. Submissions can be made in the form of either articles or photos. Please send them to [email protected] or fax to (852) 2131 8877, with the subject “Submission to Voyage” and your contact details, including name and contact number. First Ferry will present a souvenir to those whose contributions are published. We look forward to hearing from you.



─ 有過去的人


by My Past

「澳門市貌」 ─ 蕭沛揚

“City View of Macau” by Siu Pui Yeung

「街頭一隅」 ─ 小玲

“A Street Corner” by Ling J

unior「澳門旅遊塔之夜景」 ─ 大嶼山君子“Night Scene of Macau Tower” by Lantau Gentleman

Page 6: 新渡輪取得離島航線及港內渡輪航線經營牌照 First …...celebration of Chinese New Year . 新創建集團公佈中期業績 NWS Holdings announces interim results

選乘新渡輪 (澳門) 「貴賓房」客位, 寬敞舒適的獨立私人空間及一系列尊貴的個人化服務唯您獨享。Choose First Ferry (Macau)’s “VIP Room” to enjoy the comfortable uncrowded surroundings and a range of personalized services and facilities.  ‧優先登船和下船 Priority boarding and disembarkation  ‧免費行李托運 Free luggage-consignment service *  ‧寬敞的可調校真皮座椅及長桌 Spacious adjustable leather seat and long table  ‧免費飲品和精選美食 Complimentary food and drinks   ‧免費報紙和消閒雜誌 Complimentary newspapers and magazines

* 受有關條款約束 Terms and Conditions apply

New World First Ferry Services Limited* (“First Ferry”) operates five inner harbour and outlying island ferry routes in Hong Kong, including North Point-Hung Hom and North Point-Kowloon City, as well as Central-Cheung Chau, Central-Mui Wo and Inter Islands (between Peng Chau, Mui Wo, Chi Ma Wan and Cheung Chau). First Ferry has a daily traffic footfall up to 33,800 passengers (as of 30 June, 2010). New World First Ferry Services (Macau) Limited* (“First Ferry (Macau)”) operates cross-border ferry services between Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong and Macau, providing 60 sailings daily.

First Ferry and First Ferry (Macau) are jointly owned by Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Limited and NWS Holdings Limited. NWS Holdings Limited (“NWS Holdings”, Hong Kong stock code: 659), the infrastructure and service flagship of New World Development Company Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 17), embraces businesses in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Macau. Its Infrastructure portfolio includes Roads, Energy, Water and Ports & Logistics projects. Its Services division comprises Facilities Management (the management of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and Free Duty), Construction & Transport (Hip Hing Construction and bus and ferry services) and Strategic Investments (Tricor, Haitong and securities investments).


新世界第一渡輪服務有限公司*(「新渡輪」)在香港經營港內及離島共五條渡輪航線,分別為北角往來紅磡和北角往來九龍城,以及中環往來長洲、中環往來梅窩和橫水渡(穿梭坪洲、梅窩、芝蔴灣及長洲),每日平均載客約33,800人次 。新世界第一渡輪服務(澳門)有限公司*(「新渡輪(澳門)」) 經營香港尖沙咀至澳門的客運渡輪服務,每日提供六十班跨境渡輪服務往來港澳兩地。

新渡輪及新渡輪(澳門)由周大福企業有限公司及新創建集團有限公司共同持有。新創建集團有限公司(「新創建集團」;香港股份代號:659)乃新世界發展有限公司(香港股份代號:17)之基建及服務旗艦,業務遍及香港、中國內地及澳門。基建業務涵蓋道路、能源、水務和港口及物流四大範疇;服務則包括設施管理 、建築及交通 以及策略性投資 。



(協興建築和巴士及渡輪服務) (Tricor、海通及證券投資)

選乘「貴賓房」享受私人海上旅程Choose “VIP Room” to enjoy your private sea journey

* 於英屬處女群島註冊成立之有限公司 Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability

查詢 : (852) 2131 8181; (853) 2872 7676