
消費者對企業社會責任的知覺與品牌形象認知、品牌態度及購買意圖的關 聯模式-以星巴克為例 吳淑鶯 1 王文宣 2* 1 國立勤益科技大學企業管理系-教授(411台中市太平區坪林里中山路二段57) 2 國立勤益科技大學企業管理系-碩士班(411台中市太平區坪林里中山路二段57) * [email protected] 摘要 隨著產業發展、社會進步與企業國際化的影響,企業社會責任,(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)逐漸受到重視,消費者亦逐漸重視企業是否對社會有所貢獻。本研 究藉由文獻分析及實證研究,探討消費者對CSR的知覺、企業品牌形象認知、品牌態度、 滿意度、忠誠度與未來購買意願之關聯性。 針對消費者調查後,共回收624份有效問卷,結果發現:(1)企業負起顧客面的對於 功能性、象徵性品牌形象具顯著正面影響,但在經驗性形象則無;而企業負起員工面、 經濟面的CSR與企業負起社區面的CSR則對功能性、象徵性、經驗性品牌形象具顯著正 面影響;最後企業執行環境面的CSR,則對品牌形象無顯著影響。(2)企業功能性、象徵 性、經驗性的品牌形象則對品牌態度具顯著正面影響。 (3)消費者品牌態度對於滿意度、 忠誠度與未來購買意願具顯著正面影響。 (4)消費者滿意度對忠誠度呈正面顯著影響。 (5) 消費者忠誠度對未來購買意願具顯著正面影響。上述資訊可供相關業者進行企業社會責 任與推廣行銷策略等之決策參考。 關鍵字:企業社會責任、品牌形象、品牌態度

Transcript of 消費者對企業社會責任的知覺與品牌形象認知、品牌態度及購買意圖的關...

  • - 1 2*

    1-(41157) 2-(41157)

    *[email protected]

    (Corporate Social

    Responsibility, CSR)CSR



  • 1. 1.1

    (Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)(Esrock & Leichty, 1998)


    (Lichtenstein, Drumwright & Braig, 2004)Vogel(2005)(Kotler & Lee, 2005)(Porter & Kramer, 2006)(McWilliams & Siegel, 2001)(Fombrun & Shanley, 1990)CSR

    (Park, Jaworski & Maclnnis, 1986)(Reynolds & Gutman, 1984) CSR


    CSR (2012)



    2.1 (CSR) 1950 Bowen(1953) CSR

    Lichtenstein et al.(2004)

    (Clarkson, 1995; Freeman, 1984; Mitchell, Agle, & Wood, 1997; Waddock et al., 2002Brunk, 2010)


  • 2.(employees)





    Gardner and Levy(1955)Grewal and Krishnan(1998)


    Park, Jaworski and Maclnnis (1986)






    Garretson and

    Burton(1998) 2.4

    (Oliver, 1980)Kotler(1999)Woodside and Daly(1989)Muller(1991)

    Reichheld(1996) 2.5

    Jacoby and Kyner(1973)

    Reynolds and Gutman(1984)Farr and Hollis(1997)1.2.

  • Kotler(1996) and Stanthakopoulos(2004)

    Blatterg and Neslin(1990) 1.


    3.4. 2.6



    ()(Dodds, Monron & Grewal, 1991)(Schiffman & Kanuk, 2000)


    Maignan and Ferrell(2001) CSR (Becker-Olsen et al., 2006)(Pivato et al., 2008)(WBCSD) CSR (WBCSD, 2008)CSR (Brunk, 2010)(Park, Jaworski & Maclnnis, 1986)


    Fombrun and Shanely(1990)

    2009 Carroll(1979)

    Brown and Dacin(1997)

    CSR (Sen et al., 2006)(Sen & Bhattacharya, 2001)/

    (Sen et al., 2006) CSR

    H1a H1b H1c H2a H2b H2c

  • H3a H3b H3c H4a H4b H4c H5a H5b H5c


    Kamins and Marks(1991)Laroche et al.(1996)Park et al.(1986)Howard(1994)

    H6 H7 H8

    3.3 Woodruff, Cadotte, and Jenkins(1983)



    Jamal and Goode(2001)

    Cretu and Brodie(2007) Romaniuk and Sharp(2003)


    3.4 Arjun(1999)


    Chauduri(1999)Bennett and Rundle-Thiele(2002) Priester et al. (2004)2004



    (Dodds et al., 1991; Zeithaml, 1988)Neal(2000)

  • Kotler(2000)


    3.6 Reichheld and Sasser(1990)

    Anderson and Sullivan(1993)

    (Kotler, 2000)/Goodman(1989)

    H12 3.7


    Oliver(1999) Reichheld and Sasser(1990)



    4. 4.1



























  • 4.2

    (Likert) 1 7 1




    Park, Jaworski

    and Maclnnis(1986)

    Garretson and Burton(1998)

    Oliver(1980) Kotler(1999)

    Jacoby and Kyner(1973) Blatterg and Neslin(1990)

    Dodd,Monroe and

    Grewal(1991) Schittman and


  • 4.3



    (n)Z2P(1P)/e2(1.96) 20.5(10.5)/(0.04) 2 600 700



    100 Cronbachs 0.833 0.922 0.7 (Nunnally, 1978) 1 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5( 2)(Kerlinger, 1978; Kaiser, 1958)


    700 76 624 89.14%50.3%21-3045.8%3140 23.9% 45.7% 30.9%() 77.1% 12.7% 34% 16.2% 10,001~30,000 34%10,000 31.9%() 72.9% 21.8% 54.6% 43.1% 5.2

    Cronbachs Alpha (Composite reliabilityCR) 3 Cronbachs Alpha 0.865 Wortzel(1979) Cronbachs Alpha 0.7 0.98 0.867 Fornell (1992) 0.6

    (Construct validity)(Convergent validity)(Discriminant validity) Hair (1998)(Factor loading) 0.5 Fornell (1992) 0.6Simonin (1999) t-value 2 3 0.5 t-value 2

    GaskiNevin(1985) Cronbachs (Discriminant validity)

  • 3


    Cronbachs Alpha



    () 1. 0.787 ---

    0.866 0.869 0.625 2. 0.833 22.534 3. 0.779 20.929 4. 0.761 20.300

    () 1. 0.796 ---

    0.897 0.890 0.619 2. 0.839 27.106 3. 0.768 20.124 4. 0.823 21.984 5. 0.701 18.293

    () 1. 0.608 ---

    0.866 0.858 0.606 2. 0.810 18.315 3. 0.837 15.628 4. 0.835 15.606

    () 1. 0.738 ---

    0.861 0.853 0.593 2. 0.780 18.661 3. 0.818 19.457 4. 0.742 21.207

    () 1. 0.832 ---

    0.930 0.926 0.758 2. 0.901 35.722 3. 0.930 29.094 4. 0.814 24.259

    () 1. 0.571 ---

    0.828 0.785 0.481 2. 0.826 16.221 3. 0.683 16.921 4. 0.670 16.461

    () 1. 0.811 ---

    0.897 0.935 0.785 2. 0.832 27.906 3. 0.896 24.252 4. 0.993 18.597

    () 1. 0.804 ---

    0.891 0.899 0.691 2. 0.863 23.373 3. 0.831 22.585 4. 0.825 20.474

  • t-value

    Cronbachs Alpha



    1. 0.860 ---

    0.918 0.927 0.719 2. 0.871 27.106 3. 0.878 20.124 4. 0.817 21.984 5. 0.810 18.293

    1. 0.862 ---

    0.927 0.920 0.742 2. 0.849 33.259 3. 0.855 28.548 4. 0.879 29.988

    1. 0.889 ---

    0.900 0.919 0.741 2. 0.784 20.573 3. 0.922 35.399 4. 0.842 29.171

    1. 0.886 ---

    0.864 0.870 0.630 2. 0.906 33.425 3. 0.660 19.311 4. 0.716 21.819 2(624)=1988.519; 2/df=1.936; GFI=0.879; AGFI=0.850; CFI=0.965; NFI=0.931; RFI; =0.918; RMR=0.066; RMSEA=0.039


    AMOS 17.0 GFIAGFINFI 0.8(Forza and Filippini, 1998)CFI 0.9(Hair et al., 2006)RMSEA 0.05 (Brown and Cudeck, 1993)2/ df3(Chau and Hu, 2001)2/ df 1.746RMR 0.070GFI 0.892AGFI 0.867NFI 0.937RFI 0.926CFI 0.972RMSEA 0.035

    (SEM)23 0.001 0.01 0.05




    H1a CSR 0.167 3.017*** H1b CSR 0.217 2.239* H1c CSR 0.034 0.459 H2a CSR 0.374 6.595*** H2b CSR 0.380 3.909***

  • t-value

    H2c CSR 0.411 5.421*** H3a CSR -0.004 -0.088 H3b CSR -0.368 -3.647*** H3c CSR -0.018 -0.264 H4a CSR 0.216 5.157*** H4b CSR 0.408 5.261*** H4c CSR 0.316 5.310*** H5a CSR 0.079 3.179*** H5b CSR 0.121 2.607** H5c CSR 0.143 4.019*** H6 0.958 11.737*** H7 0.107 3.189** H8 0.217 4.754*** H9 0.938 25.991*** H10 0.505 3.151*** H11 0.246 5.318*** H12 0.486 2.910** H13 0.734 17.313***


  • Andweson and Sullivan(1993)Goodman(1989)

    ()Oliver(1999)Reichheld and Sasser(1990)(2008)







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