提摩太国际教育协会 注册截止日期 敬拜的圣经神学 …...

提摩太国际教育协会 敬拜的圣经神学 课程介绍 2018616-23教授: 丹尼尔·布洛克博士,惠敦大学旧约荣休教授 课程编号: 180664 课程学分: 3 学分 荣耀归神! 真敬拜意味着人以敬畏之心俯伏跪拜在至高神面前,以此回应神彰显他自己的恩典, 顺服神的旨意。 课程描述: 本课程将仔细查考圣经旧约和新约中的敬拜旨在确立一种符合圣经教导的基督教敬 拜神学。我们将特别关注如何将这一神学适切地应用于今日的教会。 课程目标: A. 明白敬拜的意义乃是表达宗教信仰的一种方式。 B. 了解圣经的敬拜历史体现了古代以色列和新约教会的宗教信仰。 C. 透过以色列和教会所处的文化环境理解圣经所记载的公开敬拜和个人敬拜的形式。 D. 全面把握旧约和新约时代敬拜的神学基础。 E. 敬拜将荣耀归于神,又更新改变敬拜之人,确立这样的观念并尽心尽意地敬拜指定阅读: 丹尼尓·布洛克,《荣耀归神:敬拜的圣经神学探源》。刘凝慧、古志薇译。香港: 福音证主协会,2018(Block, Daniel I. For the Glory of God: A Biblical Theology of Worship. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2016.) 卡森,“顺服真道的敬拜”,选自《合乎圣书的敬拜》。(该专文的简体中文版将提 供给学分学员)(Carson, D. A. “Worship under the Word.” In Worship by the Book. Edited by D. A, Carson. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002, pp11-63.) 注册截止日期: 2018 3 5

Transcript of 提摩太国际教育协会 注册截止日期 敬拜的圣经神学 …...

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教授: 丹尼尔·布洛克博士,惠敦大学旧约荣休教授

课程编号: 180664

课程学分: 3 学分








A. 明白敬拜的意义乃是表达宗教信仰的一种方式。

B. 了解圣经的敬拜历史体现了古代以色列和新约教会的宗教信仰。

C. 透过以色列和教会所处的文化环境理解圣经所记载的公开敬拜和个人敬拜的形式。

D. 全面把握旧约和新约时代敬拜的神学基础。

E. 敬拜将荣耀归于神,又更新改变敬拜之人,确立这样的观念并尽心尽意地敬拜。



福音证主协会,2018。(Block, Daniel I. For the Glory of God: A Biblical Theology

of Worship. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2016.)


供给学分学员)(Carson, D. A. “Worship under the Word.” In Worship by the Book.

Edited by D. A, Carson. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002, pp11-63.)


2018 年 3 月 5 日

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的简体中文版将提供给学分学员)Hughes, R. Kent. “Free Church Worship: The

Challenge of Freedom.” In Worship by the Book. Edited by D. A, Carson. Grand

Rapids: Zondervan, 2002), pp 136-72.


日期 主题 相关经文阅读

6月16日晚上 对敬拜更整全的理解

6月17日上午 敬拜的对象 出埃及记 19;诗篇 95;启示录 4-5。

6月17日下午 敬拜的主体 创世记 4;诗篇15, 24;


6月18日上午 日常生活作为敬拜 出埃及记 20;利未记19;

申命记10:12-11:1;阿摩司书 5:18-27;


雅各书 1:16-27。

6月18日下午 家庭生活和工作作为敬拜 创世记 8:20-9:17;出埃及记12-13;

申命记 6:4-9, 20-25;士师记 17;

路得记 2。

6月19日上午 仪式作为敬拜 创世记 17;出埃及记 12-13, 24;

马太福音 28:16-20;马可福音 14:22-31;

路加福音 22:14-23;罗马书 6:1-14。

6月20日上午 敬拜中的读经与祷告 申命记 31:9-13;诗篇 1;尼希米记 8;

提摩太前书 5:11-16;创世记 24:1-49;

出埃及记 32;申命记 3:23-29;但以理书

9;马太福音6:7-15;使徒行传 12:1-17。

6月20日下午 音乐作为敬拜 申命记 32:1-47;历代志上 25:1-7;

以弗所书 5:1-21;歌罗西书 3:1-17;

启示录 5。

6月21日上午 献祭与奉献作为敬拜 创世记 22;利未记4:1-6:7;以赛亚书

53;阿摩司书 5:21-24;玛拉基书3:8-15;

罗马书 12;希伯来书 8-9。

6月21日下午 敬拜的戏剧 利未记 16;申命记 5, 12, 16;

以赛亚书 1;加拉太书 4:8-10。

6月22日上午 神圣空间的设计与神学 出埃及记 25;历代志上 28;列王纪上

8;约翰福音 4:7-26;启示录 21-22。

6月22日下午 敬拜的带领者 申命记 17:14-20;以斯拉记 7:1-10;

玛拉基书 2:1-9;诗篇 23;

提摩太前书 5:17-6:21;彼得前书 5:1-11。

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日期 讨论问题


1. 中国教会的敬拜当中,旧约有多重要?

2. 中国传统宗教(道教、佛教)对基督教敬拜有怎样的影响?

3. 中国基督徒的敬拜神学是该隐式的,还是亚伯式的?


1. 将日常生活作为敬拜,这方面哪些经文对我们最有帮助?

2. 我们怎样才能防止日常生活作为敬拜变成律法主义?

3. 我们可以给予他人怎样的具体指导,以帮助他们将工作看作敬



1. 将日常生活作为敬拜时,庆祝主餐为何非常重要?

2. 我们可以通过哪些具体行动促进敬拜当中有更多的读经?

3. 我们可以通过哪些具体行动促进敬拜当中的会众歌唱?


1. 基督徒是否应当十一奉献?为什么?

2. 旧约时代的信徒怎样经历罪得赦免?

3. 中国基督徒是否应当庆祝中国的节日?其中有哪些需要警惕之




1. 线上研讨会 (10%)


第 1 次线上研讨会: 2018 年 3 月 15 日(周四) 晚上 8-9:30 (北京时间)

第 2 次线上研讨会: 2018 年 4 月 19 日 (周四) 晚上 8-9:30 (北京时间)

2. 阅读与阅读回顾 (30%)

1.1. 阅读卡森与肯特·休的专文,为每篇专文写一篇 500 字(或英文 250 字)的回

顾,于 2018 年 4 月 8 日之前提交。(每篇书评占 5% ,占总成绩 10%)

1.2. 阅读丹尼尔·布洛克所著的《荣耀归神:敬拜的圣经神学探源》。阅读需在研

讨会之前循序渐进(而非一到两日内迅速读完整本书)。写一篇 2000 字(或英文

1000 字)的阅读报告,于 2018 年 5 月 1 日前提交。(占总成绩 20%)


(1) 这次阅读让我学到什么新知识?

(2) 这次阅读提出了什么亟需解答的问题?

(3) 这次阅读在确立敬拜的圣经神学上对我有哪些具体的帮助?

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3. 读经和札记 (20%)




(英文150字)左右,标明日期(例如, 2018-3-1),并以一个词或一个短语为题,概




反思专文 (40%)



(1) 敬拜的各种要素(例如,读经、祷告、音乐、圣礼、空间时间等等)是如何安排和


(2) 这种敬拜基于怎样的圣经基础,传达了怎样的神学观念?

(3) 按照“符合圣经的敬拜”来看,这种敬拜有哪些长处,有哪些不足?

(4) 你希望怎样提升教会的敬拜?如何在你的事奉当中运用敬拜的圣经神学?





作业 日期 所占成绩之比重

第 1 次线上研讨会 2018.03.15 5%

卡森和肯特的两篇专文之阅读回顾 2018.04.08 10%

第 2 次线上研讨会 2018.04.19 5%

丹尼尔·布洛克著作之阅读报告 2018.05.01 20%

读经与札记 2018.05.31 20%

反思专文 2018.08.01 40%

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1. 作业可以用中文或英文书写。中文作业格式请参考《学术研究与写作(简体版)—


英文作业:请参考 A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertation (7th

ed. Kate L. Turabian. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2007).

2. 作业字数包括标题与注脚,但不包括参考书目。

3. 中文作业中的引文和注脚请参照《学术研究与写作》第 54-115 页“注释-书目格式”

说明与示例。请勿再使用旧文档《TTi中文专文规范》,自 2017 年 6 月起,作业评


4. 任何作业若出现抄袭,将不予批改,课程总成绩将自动评为“F”(不合格)。若


袭”,请务必参看《学术研究与写作》第 46 页和 50-53 页。

5. 作业及相关活动的日期与时间均以北京时间为准。

6. 如因健康、服事或其他特殊情况无法按时提交作业,请在该项作业截止日期前至少


天),电邮至 [email protected],申请获得批准后方可延期提交。若事先没有


7. 未交齐全部课前作业者将自动失去香港营期听课资格,视同旷课,所缴学费与膳宿



8. 如因健康、服事或其他特殊情况无法按时参加线上研讨会,请在该研讨会日期前至

少三天向教务组说明情况,电邮至 [email protected]。两次缺席线上研讨会者,


9. 请访问 https://timotai.co/DVje 并阅读《作业提交指南》和《线上研讨会参会指南》。

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1. Hustad, Donald. True Worship: Reclaiming the Wonder and the Majesty. Carol

Stream, IL: Hope, 1998.

2. Peterson, David. Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship. Downers

Grove: InterVarsity, 2002 (reprint of 1992 edition).

3. Lloyd–Jones, D. Martyn. Preaching and Preachers. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1971.

4. Dawn, Marva J. Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down: A Theology of the Turn–of–

the–Century Church. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995.

5. Hill, Andrew E. Enter His Courts with Praise: Old Testament Worship for the New

Testament Church. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993.

6. Meyers, Jeffrey J. The Lord’s Service: The Grace of Covenant Renewal. Moscow, ID:

Canon Press, 2003.

7. Witherington, Ben. We Have Seen His Glory: A Vision of Kingdom Worship. Calvin

Institute of Christian Worship Liturgical Studies Series. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,


8. Hurtado, Larry W. At the Origins of Christian Worship: The Context and Character

of Earliest Christian Devotion. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999.

9. Zahl, Paul, et al. Exploring the Worship Spectrum: 6 Views. Grand Rapids:

Zondervan, 2004.

10. Frame, John. Worship in Spirit and Truth. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & ISBN 0–

87552–242–4. Reformed, 1996.

11. Frankforter, A. Daniel. Stones for Bread: A Critique of Contemporary Worship.

Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2001.

12. Reimers, Gary. The Glory Due His Name: What God Says about Worship. Greenville,

SC: Bob Jones University Press, 2009.

13. Lucarni, Dan. Why I Left the Contemporary Christian Music Movement: Confessions

of a Former Worship Leader. Webster, NY: Evangelical Press, 2002.

14. Humphrey, Edith M. Grand Entrance, Worship on Earth as in Heaven. Grand Rapids:

Baker, 2011.

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布洛克博士现为惠敦大学(Wheaton, Illinois)Gunther H. Knoedler


Kentucky; 1995-2005)、伯特利神学院(St. Paul, Minnesota; 1983-

1995)及普罗维登斯神学院(Otterburne, Manitoba; 1973-1983)。






布洛克博士的教育经历包括:英国剑桥大学博士后研究(2002, 2010)、英国利物浦大

学闪语及古典希伯来语哲学博士(1982)、三一福音神学院(Deerfield, Illinois)圣经


弗里德里希-亚历山大大学(Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen)专门研究(1968-

1969 )、萨斯喀彻温大学教育学学士( 1968 )、伯大尼圣经学院( Hepburn,



最主要的著作包括了一系列重要的释经著作:以西结书注释(两卷本,1997, Eerdmans,

1998)、士师记与路得记注释(Broadman & Holman, 1999)、申命记注释(Zondervan,


年重印),专研申命记的《摩西福音:申命记神学伦理反思》(Cascade, 2012)和

《主,我何等爱慕你的妥拉!申命记研究》(Cascade, 2011)两卷著作,以及专研以

西结书的《迦巴鲁河边:以西结书历史、文学、神学研究》(Cascade, 2013)和《迦

巴鲁河那边:以西结书君王与终末论研究》(Cascade, 2013)两卷著作。他最新出版

的作品包括:《荣耀归神:敬拜的圣经神学探源》(Baker, 2014);《路得记:君王

将至》(Zondervan,2015);《俄巴底亚:君王职分属于雅威》 (Zondervan, 2017;


2017)。布洛克博士在圣经新普及译本(New Living Translation)问世的过程中起了










(Jason,娶 Carolyn Ratzlaff 为妻)一女(Jonelle,嫁给 Douglas Yates),均已成年,


2017年 12月

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Timothy Training International


Course Syllabus

June 16–23, 2018

Instructor: Daniel I. Block, PhD, Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College

Course Code: 180664 (This syllabus is available in Simplified Chinese.)

Course Credits: 3 semester credits


True worship involves reverential human acts of submission and homage before the divine

Sovereign in response to his gracious revelation of himself and in accord with his will.


An examination of worship in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, with a view to

developing a theology of Christian worship that is consistent with the teachings of Scripture.

Special attention will be paid to the appropriate application of this theology for the church



A. To learn the meaning of worship as a form of religious expression.

B. To gain an understanding of the biblical history of worship as an expression of religious

faith in ancient Israel and the New Testament church.

C. To gain an appreciation for the forms of biblical worship, both public and private, in the

light of the broader cultural environment in which Israel and the Church found themselves.

D. To comprehend the theological foundations upon which worship was based in Old and New

Testament times.

E. To develop an understanding of and a commitment to worship that brings glory to God and

transformation to the subject.


Block, Daniel I. For the Glory of God: A Biblical Theology of Worship. Grand Rapids: Baker

Academic, 2016. 丹尼尓·布洛克,《荣耀归神:敬拜的圣经神学探源》。刘凝


Carson, D. A. “Worship under the Word.” In Worship by the Book. Edited by D. A, Carson.

Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002). Pages 11–63. (Copyrighted Simplified Chinese

Deadline for


March 5, 2018

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translation will be provided to students requiring credits.) 卡森,“顺服真道的敬


Hughes, R. Kent. “Free Church Worship: The Challenge of Freedom.” In Worship by the Book.

Edited by D. A, Carson. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002). Pages 136–72. (Copyrighted

Simplified Chinese translation will be provided to students requiring credits.) 肯特·休,




Time Topic Collateral Biblical Readings

Jun. 16


Toward a Holistic Understanding

of Worship

Jun. 17


The Object of Worship Exodus 19; Psalm 95; Revelation 4–5

Jun. 17


The Subject of Worship Genesis 4; Psalm 15, 24; Acts 5:1–11

Jun. 18


Daily Life as Worship Exodus 20; Leviticus 19; Deuteronomy

10:12–11:1; Amos 5:18-27 Micah 6:6–8;

Matthew 5–7; James 1:16–27

Jun. 18


Family Life and Work as Worship Genesis 8:20–9:17; Exodus 12–13;

Deuteronomy 6:4–9, 20–25; Judges 17;

Ruth 2

Jun. 19


The Ordinances as Worship Genesis 17; Exodus 12–13, 24; Matthew

28:16–20; Mark 14:22–31; Luke 22:14–

23; Romans 6:1–14

Jun. 20


The Scriptures and Prayer in


Deuteronomy 31:9–13; Psalm 1;

Nehemiah 8; 1 Timothy 5:11–16

Genesis 24:1–49; Exodus 32;

Deuteronomy 3:23–29; Daniel 9;

Matthew 6:7–15; Acts 12:1–17

Jun. 20


Music as Worship Deuteronomy 32:1–47; 1 Chronicles

25:1–7; Ephesians 5:1–21; Colossians

3:1–17; Revelation 5

Jun. 21


Sacrifice and Offerings as


Genesis 22; Leviticus 4:1–6:7; Isaiah 53;

Amos 5:21–24; Malachi 3:8–15; Romans 12; Hebrew 8–9

Jun. 21


The Drama of Worship Leviticus 16; Deuteronomy 5, 12, 16;

Isaiah 1; Galatians 4:8–10

Jun. 22


The Design and Theology of

Sacred Space

Exodus 25; 1 Chronicles 28; 1 Kings 8;

John 4:7–26; Revelation 21–22

Jun. 22


Leaders in Worship Deuteronomy 17:14–20; Ezra 7:1–10;

Malachi 2:1–9; Psalm 23; 1 Timothy

5:17–6:21; 1 Peter 5:1–11

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Time Discussion Questions

Jun. 17


1. How significant is the First Testament in Chinese worship?

2. How does traditional Chinese worship (Taoist, Buddhist) influence

Christian worship?

3. Do Chinese Christians have Cain’s or Abel’s Theology of Worship?

Jun. 18


1. Which Scriptures are most helpful in thinking of daily life as


2. How can we prevent a concern for daily life as worship from

becoming legalistic?

3. What specific guidelines can we give people to look upon their work

as worship?

Jun. 20


1. Why is celebrating the Lord’s supper important for treating daily

life as worship?

2. What specific things can we do to promote the reading of more

Scripture in worship services?

3. What specific things can we do to promote congregational singing in

worship services?

Jun. 21


1. Should Christians tithe? If so, why? If not, why not?

2. How did First Testament believers experience forgiveness of sins?

3. Should Christians in China observe annual Chinese festivals. What

dangers are there in this?


Pre-course Assignments

1. Webinars (10%)

Attend two webinars scheduled as below. Tardiness for more than 10 minutes will be

considered as absence.

Webinar #1: March 15, 2018 (Thu.) 8-9:30pm (Beijing Time)

Webinar #2: April 19, 2018 (Thu.) 8-9:30pm (Beijing Time)

2. Readings and Reading Reviews (30%)

1.1. Read the articles on worship by D. A. Carson, and R. Kent Hughes. Write a reading

review of 250 English words (500中文字) for EACH of the articles and turn them in by

April 8, 2018. (5% each review, total 10% of course grade)

1.2. Read the Textbook For the Glory of God: A Biblical Theology of Worship by Daniel

Block. Spread out the reading of the commentary over the weeks and months leading up to

the seminar (as opposed to reading straight through the commentary in a day or two). Write

a reading report of 1000 English words (2000 中文字) and turn in by May 1, 2018. (20% of

course grade)

Each reading review should focus on the following questions:

(1) What did I learn that was new to me in this reading?

(2) What questions did this reading raise that need to be answered? (

(3) What specific help did this reading offer me in developing a biblical theology of


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3. Biblical Readings and Journal (20%)

Read the biblical texts (Collateral Biblical Readings) listed in the right column in the

Schedule of Lectures above. Record your personal thoughts and reflections to the biblical

texts corresponding to the lecture topic (e.g., read Exodus 19, Psalm 95 and Revelation 4-5,

and record your reflection to the topic of “The Object of Worship”.) as journal entries. Each

entry should be of 150 English words (250 中文字), dated (e.g., 2018-3-1), and identified

with a word or phrase that summarizes the focus of the entry, (e.g., “The Worship of Cain

and Abel”). Save your entries in one document and turn in by May 31, 2018.

Post-course Assignments

Reflection Paper (40%)

Observe the worship of your church and write a paper of 4000-5000 English words (8000-

10000中文字) analyzing and reflecting its character and quality according to what you

learned from this course. The paper must specify:

(1) How are the worship elements (e.g. scripture, prayer, music, sacraments, space and time,

etc.) arranged and put together?

(2) What are the biblical foundation it bases on and the theology it conveys?

(3) What are the strength and weakness of it in terms of “Christian Worship that is Biblical”?

(4) How do you hope to improve your church worship and implement a biblical theology of

Christian worship in your ministry?

This paper is not to be a summary of the content of readings or the course. However, you

have to use what you learned from the readings and the course to support your thoughts and

reflection. In other words, this paper should reveal how this course has helped you to discern

and apply Christian worship in your ministry context. This paper is due by August 1, 2018.

Assignment Schedule and Percentage of Course Grade

Assignment Date Percentage of

course grade

Webinar #1 2018.03.15 5%

Reading Reviews of the two articles by Carson & Hughes 2018.04.08 10%

Webinar #2 2018.04.19 5%

Reading Report of the textbook by Daniel Block 2018.05.01 20%

Biblical Reading & Journals 2018.05.31 20%

Reflection paper 2018.08.01 40%

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1. 作业可以用中文或英文书写。中文作业格式请参考《学术研究与写作(简体版)—


英文作业:请参考 A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertation (7th

ed. Kate L. Turabian. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2007). 2. 作业字数包括标题与注脚,但不包括参考书目。

3. 中文作业中的引文和注脚请参照《学术研究与写作》第 54-115页“注释-书目格

式”说明与示例。请勿再使用旧文档《TTi中文专文规范》,自 2017 年 6月起,


4. 任何作业若出现抄袭,将不予批改,课程总成绩将自动评为“F”(不合格)。若


袭”,请务必参看《学术研究与写作》第 46页和 50-53页。

5. 作业及相关活动的日期与时间均以北京时间为准。

6. 如因健康、服事或其他特殊情况无法按时提交作业,请在该项作业截止日期前至少


天),电邮至 [email protected],申请获得批准后方可延期提交。若事先没有


7. 未交齐全部课前作业者将自动失去香港营期听课资格,视同旷课,所缴学费与膳宿



8. 如因健康、服事或其他特殊情况无法按时参加线上研讨会,请在该研讨会日期前至

少三天向教务组说明情况,电邮至 [email protected]。两次缺席线上研讨会


9. 请访问 https://timotai.co/DVje 并阅读《作业提交指南》和《线上研讨会参会指


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Of the many books about worship available, the following have been listed in order of


1. Hustad, Donald. True Worship: Reclaiming the Wonder and the Majesty. Carol Stream,

IL: Hope, 1998.

2. Peterson, David. Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship. Downers Grove:

InterVarsity, 2002 (reprint of 1992 edition).

3. Lloyd–Jones, D. Martyn. Preaching and Preachers. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1971.

4. Dawn, Marva J. Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down: A Theology of the Turn–of–

the–Century Church. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995.

5. Hill, Andrew E. Enter His Courts with Praise: Old Testament Worship for the New

Testament Church. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993.

6. Meyers, Jeffrey J. The Lord’s Service: The Grace of Covenant Renewal. Moscow, ID:

Canon Press, 2003.

7. Witherington, Ben. We Have Seen His Glory: A Vision of Kingdom Worship. Calvin

Institute of Christian Worship Liturgical Studies Series. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,


8. Hurtado, Larry W. At the Origins of Christian Worship: The Context and Character of

Earliest Christian Devotion. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999.

9. Zahl, Paul, et al. Exploring the Worship Spectrum: 6 Views. Grand Rapids: Zondervan,


10. Frame, John. Worship in Spirit and Truth. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & ISBN 0–

87552–242–4. Reformed, 1996.

11. Frankforter, A. Daniel. Stones for Bread: A Critique of Contemporary Worship.

Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2001.

12. Reimers, Gary. The Glory Due His Name: What God Says about Worship. Greenville,

SC: Bob Jones University Press, 2009.

13. Lucarni, Dan. Why I Left the Contemporary Christian Music Movement: Confessions

of a Former Worship Leader. Webster, NY: Evangelical Press, 2002.

14. Humphrey, Edith M. Grand Entrance, Worship on Earth as in Heaven. Grand Rapids:

Baker, 2011.

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Daniel I. Block Dr. Block is the Gunther H. Knoedler Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at

Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. He has previously taught at The Southern

Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky (1995–2005), Bethel

Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota (1983–95), and Providence College and

Seminary, Otterburne, Manitoba (1973–83). In recent decades he lectured

internationally in Moscow and Samara, Russia; Athens, Greece; Copenhagen,

Denmark; Machakos, Kenya; Winnipeg, Hamilton and Vancouver, Canada;

Medellin, Colombia; Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide, Australia; Cambridge,

England; Bologna, Italy; and Qingdao and Hong Kong, China.

Dr. Block’s educational achievements include post-doctoral studies, Cambridge, University, UK (2002,

2010); D.Phil. in Semitics and Classical Hebrew, University of Liverpool, England (1982); M.A. in

Biblical Studies—Old Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois (1973); B.A.

in History, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon (1969); special studies, Friedrich Alexander

University, Erlangen, Germany (1968-69); B.Ed., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon (1968);

Diploma in Biblical Studies, Bethany Bible College, Hepburn, Saskatchewan (1965).

Dr. Block is the author of more than 120 scholarly essays and numerous popular articles on biblical

texts and subjects. He has published major commentaries on the book of Ezekiel (2 vols. 1997,

Eerdmans, 1998), Judges and Ruth (Broadman & Holman, 1999), Deuteronomy (Zondervan, 2012), as

well as several other volumes: The Gods of the Nations: A Study in Ancient Near Eastern National

Theology (2nd ed., 2000; reprinted 2013)); two special volumes on Deuteronomy, The Gospel according to Moses: Theological and Ethical Reflections on the Book of Deuteronomy (Cascade, 2012), and How

I Love Your Torah, O Lord! Studies in the Book of Deuteronomy (Cascade, 2011), and two special

volumes on Ezekiel, By the River Chebar: Historical, Literary, and Theological Studies in Ezekiel

(Cascade, 2013), and Beyond the River Chebar: Studies in Kingship and Eschatology in the Book of Ezekiel (Cascade, 2013). His most recent publications include For the Glory of God: Recovering a

Biblical Theology of Worship (Baker, 2014); Ruth: The King is Coming (Zondervan, 2015); Obadiah:

The Kingship belongs to YHWH, (Zondervan, 2017; rev. ed.); and The Triumph of Grace: Literary and Theological Studies in Deuteronomy and Deuteronomic Themes (Cascade, 2017). Dr. Block also had a

major role in the production of The New Living Translation of the Bible. He is an active member of the

Evangelical Theological Society and the Society of Biblical Literature, and served as President of the

Institute of Biblical Research for five years.

Dr. Block was nurtured in the faith in Mennonite Brethren churches in Canada. He was ordained to the

ministry by the Baptist General Conference, and has served as Interim Preaching Pastor of numerous

churches—Baptist General Conference, Evangelical Covenant, Evangelical Free, Independent,

Southern Baptist, etc. He lectures and preaches frequently at Bible conferences and spiritual retreats,

often focusing either on preaching from the Old Testament or recovering a biblical theology of worship

for the church. But his passion for the Kingdom of God is also reflected in his commitment to the local

church. He and his wife Ellen enjoy the worship and fellowship of College Church in Wheaton, where

Dr. Block currently teaches an adult Sunday class on “The Gospel According to Moses: Deuteronomy.”

Dr. Block and Ellen, his wife of fifty-one years, are both native to Saskatchewan, Canada. They have

two adult children, a daughter Jonelle (married to Douglas Yates), and a son Jason (married to Carolyn

Ratzlaff), and six grandchildren.

December 2017