論文の読み方 -...

論文の読み方 湘南藤沢徳洲会病院 肝胆膵消化器病センター 松井圭司 このスライドは、2018.7.18 院内Grand Roundの発表内容を加筆・修正したものです。 スライドの一部は、2015.5Grand RoundEBMのピットフォール』より再掲しています。

Transcript of 論文の読み方 -...


湘南藤沢徳洲会病院肝胆膵消化器病センター 松井圭司



なぜ論文を読むのか?• 臨床で生じた疑問(クリニカル・クエスチョン)が解決できるから。

• 成書に書いてあることは、古いから。

• 英語の勉強になるから。

• 夜に論文を読むと、翌朝気分が良いから。


約 388,000 件 (0.25 秒)

〔1時限〕英語の医学論文を読むために知っておきたいこと|【スマー…https://www.dtod.ne.jp › 医学生研修医募集のDtoDレジデント › スマートDr.養成講座英語の論文を読んだり、書いたり、国際学会に出席したり、はたまた診療現場で外国人の患者さんと向き合うなど、医師は英語に ... ここに書かれている情報を効率良く自分のものにしていくために、英語で記述されている医学論文の「読み方のコツ」を簡単にご ...

EBMがわかる―臨床医学論文の読み方 | Trisha Greenhalgh, 今西 二郎 ...https://www.amazon.co.jp/EBMがわかる―臨床医学論文の読み方.../4765309592AmazonでTrisha Greenhalgh, 今西 二郎, 渡邊 聡子のEBMがわかる―臨床医学論文 の読み方。アマゾンならポイント還元本が多数。Trisha Greenhalgh, 今西 二郎, 渡邊 聡子作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。またEBMがわかる―臨床 ...

すぐに役立つ! 医学英語論文読み方のコツ | 大井 静雄 |本 | 通販 | Amazonhttps://www.amazon.co.jp/すぐに役立つ-医学英語論文読み方のコツ.../4758304270Amazonで大井 静雄のすぐに役立つ! 医学英語論文読み方のコツ。アマゾンならポイント還元本が多数。大井 静雄作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。 またすぐに役立つ! 医学英語論文読み方のコツもアマゾン配送商品なら通常配送無料。

メジカルビュー社|医学英語|医学英語論文読み方のコツwww.medicalview.co.jp › 医学英語忙しい時間の中で,多数の医学英語論文を早く確実に読みこなすためには,どうすればよいか? ... 本書は,その“本物”のリーダーたちがこのような思いをもって書き上げた, これまでには例のない“医学英語論文の読み方”に関する初めてともいえる本格的な教本 ...

文献について その3(論文の読み方) | 学術情報豆知識一覧 | 医学文献 ...www.inforesta.com › インフォレスタ トップページ › 学術情報豆知識先週・先々週と、医学論文に関する基本的なマメ知識をお伝えしてきましたが、 弊社のメールを読んでいただいた方から、もっと教えて欲しいとのご要望をたくさんいただきました。 今回は医学論文をもっと身近に感じていただくために、 「論文の読み方」を紹介し ...

薬剤師のための医学論文の読み方・使い方: 書籍/南江堂www.nankodo.co.jp › 書籍 › カテゴリ別から探す › 臨床医学系 › 薬物療法本書は医学論文の読み方を解説しながら、「きちんと飲んでください」と説明している薬の効果を「EBM」と「構造主義医療論」により検証し、論文情報の活用法を学んでいく。構造主義生物学者池田清彦氏推薦!明日からの業務が変わる、新時代の薬剤師のため ...

【保存版】英語医学論文の読み方がわかる7つのステップ | 薬ゴロ(薬学…yakugoro.com/entry/2015/07/06/1553412015/07/06 - 研究室配属直後の学生の壁になるのが、英語の医学論文の読み方がわからないこと。 英語論文を読んで発表するゼミや、研究の最新情報を得るために「英語論文の読み方」 を少しでも理解してもらえたらと思って7つのステップに分解してお ...

医学英語論文の読み方を無料で効率的に学べる「MediEigo(メディエイ…https://iwadai.xsrv.jp › 医師・看護師のための医療・医学英語勉強法 › 医学英語論文2017/02/22 - 医学英語論文の読み方を学びたい方におすすめの無料サイト「MediEigo(メディエイゴ)」 「医学分野の英語論・・・

【薬剤師のための医学論文の読み方・使い方】はEBMを学ぶ薬剤師必携…https://keisyuke-blogyakkyoku.xyz › EBM › 論文を読む為の医療統計学2018/02/18 - 薬剤師のための医学論文の読み方・使い方】はEBMを学ぶ薬剤師必携の書や!今回の記事では本書についてレビューを書いていきます。具体的には3つのオススメポイントがあり、①統計用語の解説 ②構造主義科学論的検討というモノの ...

論文の読み方 - 総論 | 糖尿病情報センターdmic.ncgm.go.jp/medical/070/010/souron.htmlEBMは患者さんごとの臨床問題を解決する一手法であり、医学文献を金科玉条としてどの患者さんにも一律に適用したり押しつけたりするのではありません。EBMという名前だけが先行し、「エビデンスに基づく」ガイドラインをマニュアルのように扱うのだと誤解 ...

医学論文の読み方 Amazon | プライム会員なら通常配送料無料広告 www.amazon.co.jp/4.9 amazon.co.jp の評価コンビニ、代引き、ATM 払いも可能。忙しいあなたに合った支払い方法を多数ご用意。 一億種の品揃

名郷直樹 と青島周一による本

「きちんと飲んでください」と説明している薬の効果を「EBM」と「構造主義医療論」により検証し、論文情報の活用法を学んでいく。 Google Books

初版発行: 2017年7月著者: 名郷直樹、 青島周一




すべて ショッピング ニュース 画像 動画 もっと見る 設定 ツール

医学論文の読み方 ログイン

世間一般に広まる「論文の読み方」• 欧米誌の大規模RCTは信憑性が高いから読むようにしましょう。

• それにひきかえ「日本臨床○○学会雑誌」に載ってるコントロールのない症例集積なんて、ヒドいものです。

• 一例報告からは何も言えません。











CQ: パラシュートの使用は、死亡率を減らすか?Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge: systematic review of randomised controlled trialsGordon C S Smith, Jill P Pell BMJ 2003;327:1459–61

デザイン: ランダム化比較試験のシステマティック・レビュー結果: パラシュートを使用したRCTは1つもなかった。


Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma relatedto gravitational challenge: systematic review ofrandomised controlled trialsGordon C S Smith, Jill P Pell

AbstractObjectives To determine whether parachutes areeffective in preventing major trauma related togravitational challenge.Design Systematic review of randomised controlledtrials.Data sources: Medline, Web of Science, Embase, andthe Cochrane Library databases; appropriate internetsites and citation lists.Study selection: Studies showing the effects of usinga parachute during free fall.Main outcome measure Death or major trauma,defined as an injury severity score > 15.Results We were unable to identify any randomisedcontrolled trials of parachute intervention.Conclusions As with many interventions intended toprevent ill health, the effectiveness of parachutes hasnot been subjected to rigorous evaluation by usingrandomised controlled trials. Advocates of evidencebased medicine have criticised the adoption ofinterventions evaluated by using only observationaldata. We think that everyone might benefit if the mostradical protagonists of evidence based medicineorganised and participated in a double blind,randomised, placebo controlled, crossover trial of theparachute.

IntroductionThe parachute is used in recreational, voluntary sector,and military settings to reduce the risk of orthopaedic,head, and soft tissue injury after gravitationalchallenge, typically in the context of jumping from anaircraft. The perception that parachutes are a success-ful intervention is based largely on anecdotal evidence.Observational data have shown that their use is associ-ated with morbidity and mortality, due to both failureof the intervention1 2 and iatrogenic complications.3 Inaddition, “natural history” studies of free fall indicatethat failure to take or deploy a parachute does notinevitably result in an adverse outcome.4 We thereforeundertook a systematic review of randomised control-led trials of parachutes.

MethodsLiterature searchWe conducted the review in accordance with theQUOROM (quality of reporting of meta-analyses)guidelines.5 We searched for randomised controlledtrials of parachute use on Medline, Web of Science,Embase, the Cochrane Library, appropriate internetsites, and citation lists. Search words employed were“parachute” and “trial.” We imposed no languagerestriction and included any studies that entailedjumping from a height greater than 100 metres. The

accepted intervention was a fabric device, secured bystrings to a harness worn by the participant andreleased (either automatically or manually) during freefall with the purpose of limiting the rate of descent. Weexcluded studies that had no control group.

Definition of outcomesThe major outcomes studied were death or majortrauma, defined as an injury severity score greater than15.6

Meta-analysisOur statistical apprach was to assess outcomes in para-chute and control groups by odds ratios and quantifiedthe precision of estimates by 95% confidence intervals.We chose the Mantel-Haenszel test to assess hetero-geneity, and sensitivity and subgroup analyses andfixed effects weighted regression techniques to explorecauses of heterogeneity. We selected a funnel plot toassess publication bias visually and Egger’s and Begg’stests to test it quantitatively. Stata software, version 7.0,was the tool for all statistical analyses.

ResultsOur search strategy did not find any randomisedcontrolled trials of the parachute.

DiscussionEvidence based pride and observational prejudiceIt is a truth universally acknowledged that a medicalintervention justified by observational data must be inwant of verification through a randomised controlled

Parachutes reduce the risk of injury after gravitational challenge, but their effectiveness hasnot been proved with randomised controlled trials






Hazardous journeys

Department ofObstetrics andGynaecology,CambridgeUniversity,CambridgeCB2 2QQGordon C S Smithprofessor

Department ofPublic Health,Greater GlasgowNHS Board,Glasgow G3 8YUJill P Pellconsultant

Correspondence to:G C S [email protected]

BMJ 2003;327:1459–61

1459BMJ VOLUME 327 20–27 DECEMBER 2003 bmj.com






問い精密な statistical analysis をした


vs.Statistical analysis のない小学生の自由研究



n: サンプルサイズ

d: コントロールと介入群の効果の差

s: 標準偏差



小さな差(=弱い治療効果) → 大きなnが必要

大きな差(=強い治療効果) → nは小さくてよい

n = 16 s2

d 2



56万5786 人年(!) をフォローPPI使用者は大腿骨頸部骨折が2.02回/1000人年、非使用者は   〃    1.51回/1000人年結論:PPIは有意に大腿骨頸部骨折を増やす。




PPIは大腿骨頸部骨折を増やすか?Use of proton pump inhibitors and risk of hip fracture in relation to dietary and lifestyle factors: a prospective cohort study BMJ2012;344:e372doi:10.1136(Published31January2012

2008年 Lancet n=6985の大規模RCTの結果が、2010年 Circulation n=3851の大規模RCTで再現されなかった理由は?

答え• 大規模RCTは、極めて小さな差を検出するためのツールである。

• 2008年のLancetと2010年のCirculation論文では、患者背景が異なる。





Ann Intern Med. 2007;147:224-233.

一流雑誌のsystematic review 100篇について検証。

修正せずに済んだ期間を ”event free survival” と表現した。


→約半数のsystematic reviewは 5年のうちに新しいRCTによって内容の修正を余儀なくされた。


of results addressing the same question of interest repre-sents the norm in methodological research of this type(26–32). The notable exception was an evaluation of theaverage shelf life of clinical practice guidelines (7). Bychoosing a few guidelines (17 in total) produced by a singleagency, the investigators were able to ask the authors of theoriginal guidelines to assess changes in evidence. Usingsuch an approach was not feasible for our analysis of amuch larger sample of 100 systematic reviews. However,we chose quantitative signals of changes in evidence thatfew would question as important and used explicit criteriafor comparing the language of new findings with those ofthe original review. Moreover, we used expert sources, suchas editorials and textbooks, to confirm our assessmentswherever possible.

It is also important to note that our judgments con-cerned signals of the need to update previous systematicreviews, not definitive judgments about actual changes inevidence. If a previous review concluded that a treatmentwas effective and a trial in a high-impact journal concludedthat the treatment had no benefit, we would count the newresult as a signal for updating. We regard such a signal asreasonable for 2 reasons. First, a formal update that incor-porated the new evidence might in fact yield conclusionsthat differ substantially from those of the previous review.Second, even if a formal update would not change theconclusions, the publication of a new trial in a high-impactjournal would raise important questions for cliniciansabout the previous review. In fact, they might preferen-tially act on the trial’s conclusions precisely because it ap-peared in a high-impact journal. Thus, it would be impor-tant to reassert the findings of the original review in anupdate that explicitly addressed the new evidence.

Ideally, readily discernible features of systematic re-views would indicate whether major changes in evidencewere likely to appear within short time frames. Althoughseveral features statistically significantly predicted survival,no features adequately distinguished reviews that would

require updating within 2 years from those that would not.Our modest sample size of 100 reviews limited our abilityto test predictors of survival. However, it is unlikely thatwe would miss associations of the magnitude required toidentify reviews that will probably require updating withinshort time frames with useful positive and negative predic-tive values.

Our results have important implications for those whoproduce, publish, and use systematic reviews. Publishersprobably cannot reduce the time for the peer review andpublication processes for systematic reviews beyond thebenchmarks already attempted for submissions of all types.

Figure 2. Overall survival time (95% CI) free of signals forupdating.

The immediate decrease in survival at time zero reflects the 7 systematicreviews for which signals for updating had already occurred at the time ofpublication. The low number of reviews at risk after 10 years reflects thefact that the sample spanned 1995 to 2005 and censoring occurred on 1September 2006. Thus, only reviews published before September 1996and having no signals for updating could have more than 10 years ofobservation.

Table 3. Predictors of Signals for Updating in the Cohort of 100 Systematic Reviews

Features UnivariateHazard Ratio(95% CI)

P Value MultivariateHazard Ratio(95% CI)

P Value

Original reviewClinical topic area

Cardiovascular 2.58 (1.39–4.78) 0.003 2.70 (1.36–5.34) 0.004Neurology 1.37 (0.59–3.16) 0.47 1.08 (0.44–2.68) 0.86Gastroenterology 1.35 (0.58–3.13) 0.48 1.12 (0.47–2.67) 0.80Other Reference – Reference –

Heterogeneity present or suspected 1.64 (0.94–2.86) 0.08 2.15 (1.12–4.11) 0.02Activity in field* 1.36 (0.76–2.44) 0.30 1.31 (0.68–2.52) 0.41Included !13 trials (median) 0.79 (0.46–1.33) 0.37 0.56 (0.30–1.03) 0.06

New evidenceDoubling of total included participants 1.79 (1.03–3.10) 0.04 1.14 (0.65–2.01) 0.65

* Recent activity is defined as present if the original systematic review included at least 1 trial published within the final 12 months of the search period or identified ongoingtrials eligible for inclusion.

ArticleHow Quickly Do Systematic Reviews Go Out of Date?

www.annals.org 21 August 2007 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 147 • Number 4 231

Downloaded From: http://annals.org/ by Keiji Matsui on 06/28/2018


一方、日本臨床外科学会雑誌の症例集積(n < 10)が欧米の大規模RCTで覆されたことは、一度もない。







小さな差(=弱い治療効果) → 大きなnが必要

大きな差(=強い治療効果) → nは小さくてよい
















大規模RCT: 静かな教室 症例集積: 騒がしい教室

小人→ 拡声器






?! ** ##



外的妥当性が低い 外的妥当性が高い

大規模RCT: 静かな教室 症例集積: 騒がしい教室







大きなシグナル大きなノイズ外界ノイズ 外界ノイズ





A randomised, blinded, trial of clopidogrel versus aspirin in patients at risk of ischaemic events(CAPRIE). CAPRIE Steering Committee.

Lancet 1996 Nov 16;348(9038):1329-39. 19185人の脳梗塞、心筋梗塞、ASO既往の患者をClopidogrel(プラビックス)vs.Aspirinに割り付けた。プラビックスのイベント発生率は5.32%アスピリンのイベント発生率は5.83%でプラビックス優位の結果となった。

NNT: number needed to treatは200→200人の患者でアスピリンからプラビックスに切り替えると、1人の予後を改善できる。

有意水準5% (p<0.05)の由来・・・R A Fisher が 1925年に考案




NNT=200の時、絶対リスク減少率は1/200 = 0.5%

CAPRIE studyでは、有意水準5%(5%の危険は小さいから無視して



NNT: 200 NNT: 20 NNT: 10 NNT: 1絶対リスク改善率 0.5%

絶対リスク改善率 5%

絶対リスク改善率 10%

絶対リスク改善率 100%







・多くのRCTで絶対リスク改善率が有意水準5%の値より小さい。・NNT 1ケタの世界では倫理的に無作為割り付けはできない。








Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma relatedto gravitational challenge: systematic review ofrandomised controlled trialsGordon C S Smith, Jill P Pell

AbstractObjectives To determine whether parachutes areeffective in preventing major trauma related togravitational challenge.Design Systematic review of randomised controlledtrials.Data sources: Medline, Web of Science, Embase, andthe Cochrane Library databases; appropriate internetsites and citation lists.Study selection: Studies showing the effects of usinga parachute during free fall.Main outcome measure Death or major trauma,defined as an injury severity score > 15.Results We were unable to identify any randomisedcontrolled trials of parachute intervention.Conclusions As with many interventions intended toprevent ill health, the effectiveness of parachutes hasnot been subjected to rigorous evaluation by usingrandomised controlled trials. Advocates of evidencebased medicine have criticised the adoption ofinterventions evaluated by using only observationaldata. We think that everyone might benefit if the mostradical protagonists of evidence based medicineorganised and participated in a double blind,randomised, placebo controlled, crossover trial of theparachute.

IntroductionThe parachute is used in recreational, voluntary sector,and military settings to reduce the risk of orthopaedic,head, and soft tissue injury after gravitationalchallenge, typically in the context of jumping from anaircraft. The perception that parachutes are a success-ful intervention is based largely on anecdotal evidence.Observational data have shown that their use is associ-ated with morbidity and mortality, due to both failureof the intervention1 2 and iatrogenic complications.3 Inaddition, “natural history” studies of free fall indicatethat failure to take or deploy a parachute does notinevitably result in an adverse outcome.4 We thereforeundertook a systematic review of randomised control-led trials of parachutes.

MethodsLiterature searchWe conducted the review in accordance with theQUOROM (quality of reporting of meta-analyses)guidelines.5 We searched for randomised controlledtrials of parachute use on Medline, Web of Science,Embase, the Cochrane Library, appropriate internetsites, and citation lists. Search words employed were“parachute” and “trial.” We imposed no languagerestriction and included any studies that entailedjumping from a height greater than 100 metres. The

accepted intervention was a fabric device, secured bystrings to a harness worn by the participant andreleased (either automatically or manually) during freefall with the purpose of limiting the rate of descent. Weexcluded studies that had no control group.

Definition of outcomesThe major outcomes studied were death or majortrauma, defined as an injury severity score greater than15.6

Meta-analysisOur statistical apprach was to assess outcomes in para-chute and control groups by odds ratios and quantifiedthe precision of estimates by 95% confidence intervals.We chose the Mantel-Haenszel test to assess hetero-geneity, and sensitivity and subgroup analyses andfixed effects weighted regression techniques to explorecauses of heterogeneity. We selected a funnel plot toassess publication bias visually and Egger’s and Begg’stests to test it quantitatively. Stata software, version 7.0,was the tool for all statistical analyses.

ResultsOur search strategy did not find any randomisedcontrolled trials of the parachute.

DiscussionEvidence based pride and observational prejudiceIt is a truth universally acknowledged that a medicalintervention justified by observational data must be inwant of verification through a randomised controlled

Parachutes reduce the risk of injury after gravitational challenge, but their effectiveness hasnot been proved with randomised controlled trials






Hazardous journeys

Department ofObstetrics andGynaecology,CambridgeUniversity,CambridgeCB2 2QQGordon C S Smithprofessor

Department ofPublic Health,Greater GlasgowNHS Board,Glasgow G3 8YUJill P Pellconsultant

Correspondence to:G C S [email protected]

BMJ 2003;327:1459–61

1459BMJ VOLUME 327 20–27 DECEMBER 2003 bmj.com








小学校の部 中学校の部


イモリの研究6年目 イモリのほかく大作戦2~イモリに捧げる曲(ぼく)VSトルコ行進曲(モーツァルト)~

石川県金沢大学人間社会学域学校教育学類附属小学校6年部家 匠さん




大阪府池田市立五月丘小学校6年八田 知也さん




沖縄県北中城村立北中城小学校6年後藤 朴然さん




愛知県刈谷市立住吉小学校6年鈴木 梛爽・滝 夏摘・田中 歩・福本 大河・間瀬詩恵さん




問い精密な statistical analysis をした


vs.Statistical analysis のない小学生の自由研究


答えStatistical analysis のない小学生の自由研究






例: 降圧薬は無数の大規模RCTで優劣が比較されてきた




ALLHAT: Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial

33,357人の患者でCa拮抗薬(amlodipine),ACE阻害薬(lisinopril)が利尿薬(chlorthalidone) よりも心血管イベントを抑制するかを検討。




問いある治療をしたら、通常は10%くらいしか起こらないことが5人中3人に起こった。この変化は有意か?例) 5年生存率10%の癌に、ある手術をしたら5人中3人が5年間生存した。

起こる○ 起こらない●

○○○●● ○○●●○ ○●●○○ ●●○○○ ○○●○● ○●○●○ ●○●○○ ○●○○● ●○○●○ ●○○○●






0.13 × 1− 0.1( )2 × 5C3 = 0.0081

表1mCn 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10回中0回 10回中1回 10回中2回 10回中3回 10回中4回 10回中5回 10回中6回 10回中7回 10回中8回 10回中9回 10回中10回0% 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01% 0.90438208 0.09135172 0.00415235 0.00011185 1.9771E-06 2.3965E-08 2.0173E-10 1.1644E-12 4.4105E-15 9.9E-18 1E-202% 0.81707281 0.16674955 0.01531373 0.0008334 2.9764E-05 7.2892E-07 1.2397E-08 1.4457E-10 1.1064E-12 5.0176E-15 1.024E-173% 0.73742413 0.22806932 0.03174161 0.00261786 0.00014169 5.2585E-06 1.3553E-07 2.3952E-09 2.778E-11 1.9093E-13 5.9049E-164% 0.66483264 0.2770136 0.05194005 0.00577112 0.00042081 2.1041E-05 7.3057E-07 1.7395E-08 2.7179E-10 2.5166E-12 1.0486E-145% 0.59873694 0.3151247 0.0746348 0.01047506 0.00096481 6.0935E-05 2.6726E-06 8.0379E-08 1.5864E-09 1.8555E-11 9.7656E-146% 0.53861511 0.34379688 0.09875017 0.01680854 0.00187755 0.00014381 7.6496E-06 2.7901E-07 6.6785E-09 9.473E-11 6.0466E-137% 0.48398231 0.36428776 0.12338779 0.02476601 0.00326219 0.00029465 1.8482E-05 7.9491E-07 2.2437E-08 3.7529E-10 2.8248E-128% 0.43438845 0.37772909 0.14780704 0.0342741 0.00521562 0.00054424 3.9438E-05 1.9596E-06 6.3901E-08 1.2348E-09 1.0737E-119% 0.38941612 0.38513682 0.17140705 0.04520625 0.00782416 0.00092858 7.6531E-05 4.3252E-06 1.6041E-07 3.5255E-09 3.4868E-1110% 0.34867844 0.38742049 0.19371024 0.05739563 0.01116026 0.00148803 0.00013778 8.748E-06 3.645E-07 9E-09 1E-1011% 0.3118172 0.38539204 0.21434726 0.07064629 0.01528024 0.00226628 0.00023342 1.6485E-05 7.6407E-07 2.0986E-08 2.5937E-1012% 0.27850098 0.37977406 0.23304317 0.08474297 0.02022275 0.00330918 0.00037604 2.9302E-05 1.4984E-06 4.5406E-08 6.1917E-1013% 0.24842341 0.3712074 0.24960498 0.09945945 0.02600808 0.00466352 0.00058071 4.9584E-05 2.7784E-06 9.2259E-08 1.3786E-0914% 0.22130158 0.36025838 0.26391021 0.11456567 0.0326379 0.00637577 0.00086493 8.0459E-05 4.9117E-06 1.7769E-07 2.8925E-0915% 0.1968744 0.34742542 0.27589666 0.12983372 0.04009571 0.00849086 0.00124866 0.00012591 8.3326E-06 3.2677E-07 5.7665E-0916% 0.17490123 0.3331452 0.28555303 0.14504281 0.0483476 0.01105088 0.00175411 0.00019092 1.3637E-05 5.7724E-07 1.0995E-0817% 0.15516041 0.31779843 0.2929106 0.1599833 0.05734341 0.01409404 0.00240561 0.00028155 2.1625E-05 9.8428E-07 2.016E-0818% 0.13744803 0.30171519 0.29803574 0.17445994 0.06701815 0.01765356 0.00322931 0.00040507 3.3344E-05 1.6265E-06 3.5705E-0819% 0.12157665 0.28517981 0.30102313 0.1882943 0.07729365 0.02175673 0.00425286 0.00057005 5.0143E-05 2.6138E-06 6.1311E-0820% 0.10737418 0.26843546 0.30198989 0.20132659 0.08808038 0.02642412 0.00550502 0.00078643 7.3728E-05 4.096E-06 1.024E-0721% 0.09468276 0.25168835 0.30107024 0.21341688 0.09927937 0.03166886 0.00701525 0.00106561 0.00010622 6.2748E-06 1.668E-0722% 0.08335776 0.23511163 0.29841091 0.22444581 0.11078415 0.03749617 0.0088132 0.00142044 0.00015024 9.4167E-06 2.656E-0723% 0.0732668 0.2188489 0.29416702 0.23431486 0.12248277 0.04390291 0.01092821 0.0018653 0.00020894 1.3869E-05 4.1427E-0724% 0.06428889 0.20301755 0.28849862 0.2429462 0.13425974 0.05087738 0.01338878 0.00241602 0.00028611 2.0078E-05 6.3403E-0725% 0.05631351 0.18771172 0.28156757 0.25028229 0.145998 0.0583992 0.016222 0.0030899 0.00038624 2.861E-05 9.5367E-0726% 0.0492399 0.17300507 0.27353504 0.25628508 0.15758069 0.06643943 0.01945299 0.00390562 0.00051459 4.0178E-05 1.4117E-0627% 0.04297626 0.15895328 0.26455923 0.26093513 0.16889295 0.0749607 0.02310433 0.00488311 0.00067728 5.5667E-05 2.0589E-0628% 0.03743906 0.14559635 0.25479362 0.26423042 0.17982348 0.08391762 0.02719553 0.00604345 0.00088134 7.6165E-05 2.962E-0629% 0.03255244 0.13296065 0.24438542 0.26618506 0.19026608 0.09325718 0.03174247 0.0074087 0.00113478 0.000103 4.2071E-0630% 0.02824752 0.12106082 0.23347444 0.26682793 0.20012095 0.10291935 0.03675691 0.00900169 0.0014467 0.00013778 5.9049E-0631% 0.02446194 0.10990147 0.22219211 0.26620117 0.20929585 0.11283776 0.04224602 0.01084577 0.00182728 0.00018243 8.1963E-0632% 0.02113923 0.09947872 0.21066082 0.26435868 0.21770715 0.12294051 0.04821196 0.01296456 0.00228786 0.00023925 1.1259E-0533% 0.01822838 0.08978156 0.19899347 0.26136455 0.22528064 0.13315095 0.05465151 0.01538166 0.00284102 0.00031096 1.5316E-0534% 0.01568337 0.08079311 0.18729312 0.25729156 0.23195224 0.14338866 0.06155574 0.0181203 0.00350051 0.00040073 2.0644E-0535% 0.01346274 0.07249169 0.17565295 0.25221962 0.23766849 0.15357041 0.0689098 0.02120302 0.00428138 0.0005123 2.7585E-0536% 0.01152922 0.06485183 0.16415621 0.24623431 0.2423869 0.16361116 0.07669273 0.02465123 0.00519987 0.00064998 3.6562E-0537% 0.0098493 0.05784511 0.15287637 0.23942542 0.24607613 0.17342508 0.08487735 0.02848492 0.00627346 0.00081876 4.8086E-0538% 0.00839299 0.05144093 0.1418774 0.23188564 0.24871605 0.18292665 0.09343028 0.03272212 0.00752081 0.00102434 6.2782E-0539% 0.00713343 0.04560717 0.13121407 0.22370923 0.25029763 0.19203162 0.10231193 0.0373786 0.00896167 0.00127324 8.1404E-0540% 0.00604662 0.04031078 0.12093235 0.21499085 0.25082266 0.20065812 0.11147674 0.04246733 0.01061683 0.00157286 0.0001048641% 0.00511117 0.03551828 0.11106988 0.20582442 0.25030342 0.2087276 0.12087333 0.04799813 0.01250799 0.00193155 0.0001342342% 0.00430804 0.03119617 0.10165647 0.19630216 0.24876222 0.21616579 0.13044487 0.05397719 0.0146576 0.00235869 0.000170843% 0.00362033 0.02731129 0.09271463 0.18651364 0.24623073 0.22290361 0.14012946 0.06040668 0.01708873 0.00286478 0.0002161144% 0.00303305 0.02383115 0.08426012 0.17654502 0.2427494 0.228878 0.1498606 0.06728435 0.01982485 0.00346148 0.0002719745% 0.00253295 0.02072415 0.07630255 0.16647829 0.23836665 0.23403271 0.15956776 0.07460311 0.02288959 0.00416174 0.0003405146% 0.00210833 0.01795981 0.06884593 0.15639075 0.23313806 0.23831891 0.169177 0.08235071 0.02630648 0.00497983 0.0004242147% 0.00174887 0.01550889 0.06188925 0.14635444 0.22712552 0.24169584 0.17861171 0.09050944 0.03009866 0.00593139 0.0005259948% 0.00144555 0.01334355 0.05542705 0.13643581 0.2203963 0.24413129 0.1877933 0.09905581 0.03428855 0.00703355 0.0006492549% 0.00119042 0.01143741 0.04944998 0.12669536 0.2130221 0.24560196 0.19664209 0.10796036 0.03889748 0.00830491 0.0007979250% 0.00097656 0.00976563 0.04394531 0.1171875 0.20507813 0.24609375 0.20507813 0.1171875 0.04394531 0.00976563 0.0009765651% 0.00079792 0.00830491 0.03889748 0.10796036 0.19664209 0.24560196 0.2130221 0.12669536 0.04944998 0.01143741 0.0011904252% 0.00064925 0.00703355 0.03428855 0.09905581 0.1877933 0.24413129 0.2203963 0.13643581 0.05542705 0.01334355 0.0014455553% 0.00052599 0.00593139 0.03009866 0.09050944 0.17861171 0.24169584 0.22712552 0.14635444 0.06188925 0.01550889 0.0017488754% 0.00042421 0.00497983 0.02630648 0.08235071 0.169177 0.23831891 0.23313806 0.15639075 0.06884593 0.01795981 0.0021083355% 0.00034051 0.00416174 0.02288959 0.07460311 0.15956776 0.23403271 0.23836665 0.16647829 0.07630255 0.02072415 0.0025329556% 0.00027197 0.00346148 0.01982485 0.06728435 0.1498606 0.228878 0.2427494 0.17654502 0.08426012 0.02383115 0.0030330557% 0.00021611 0.00286478 0.01708873 0.06040668 0.14012946 0.22290361 0.24623073 0.18651364 0.09271463 0.02731129 0.0036203358% 0.0001708 0.00235869 0.0146576 0.05397719 0.13044487 0.21616579 0.24876222 0.19630216 0.10165647 0.03119617 0.0043080459% 0.00013423 0.00193155 0.01250799 0.04799813 0.12087333 0.2087276 0.25030342 0.20582442 0.11106988 0.03551828 0.0051111760% 0.00010486 0.00157286 0.01061683 0.04246733 0.11147674 0.20065812 0.25082266 0.21499085 0.12093235 0.04031078 0.0060466261% 8.1404E-05 0.00127324 0.00896167 0.0373786 0.10231193 0.19203162 0.25029763 0.22370923 0.13121407 0.04560717 0.0071334362% 6.2782E-05 0.00102434 0.00752081 0.03272212 0.09343028 0.18292665 0.24871605 0.23188564 0.1418774 0.05144093 0.0083929963% 4.8086E-05 0.00081876 0.00627346 0.02848492 0.08487735 0.17342508 0.24607613 0.23942542 0.15287637 0.05784511 0.009849364% 3.6562E-05 0.00064998 0.00519987 0.02465123 0.07669273 0.16361116 0.2423869 0.24623431 0.16415621 0.06485183 0.0115292265% 2.7585E-05 0.0005123 0.00428138 0.02120302 0.0689098 0.15357041 0.23766849 0.25221962 0.17565295 0.07249169 0.0134627466% 2.0644E-05 0.00040073 0.00350051 0.0181203 0.06155574 0.14338866 0.23195224 0.25729156 0.18729312 0.08079311 0.0156833767% 1.5316E-05 0.00031096 0.00284102 0.01538166 0.05465151 0.13315095 0.22528064 0.26136455 0.19899347 0.08978156 0.0182283868% 1.1259E-05 0.00023925 0.00228786 0.01296456 0.04821196 0.12294051 0.21770715 0.26435868 0.21066082 0.09947872 0.0211392369% 8.1963E-06 0.00018243 0.00182728 0.01084577 0.04224602 0.11283776 0.20929585 0.26620117 0.22219211 0.10990147 0.0244619470% 5.9049E-06 0.00013778 0.0014467 0.00900169 0.03675691 0.10291935 0.20012095 0.26682793 0.23347444 0.12106082 0.0282475271% 4.2071E-06 0.000103 0.00113478 0.0074087 0.03174247 0.09325718 0.19026608 0.26618506 0.24438542 0.13296065 0.0325524472% 2.962E-06 7.6165E-05 0.00088134 0.00604345 0.02719553 0.08391762 0.17982348 0.26423042 0.25479362 0.14559635 0.0374390673% 2.0589E-06 5.5667E-05 0.00067728 0.00488311 0.02310433 0.0749607 0.16889295 0.26093513 0.26455923 0.15895328 0.0429762674% 1.4117E-06 4.0178E-05 0.00051459 0.00390562 0.01945299 0.06643943 0.15758069 0.25628508 0.27353504 0.17300507 0.049239975% 9.5367E-07 2.861E-05 0.00038624 0.0030899 0.016222 0.0583992 0.145998 0.25028229 0.28156757 0.18771172 0.0563135176% 6.3403E-07 2.0078E-05 0.00028611 0.00241602 0.01338878 0.05087738 0.13425974 0.2429462 0.28849862 0.20301755 0.0642888977% 4.1427E-07 1.3869E-05 0.00020894 0.0018653 0.01092821 0.04390291 0.12248277 0.23431486 0.29416702 0.2188489 0.073266878% 2.656E-07 9.4167E-06 0.00015024 0.00142044 0.0088132 0.03749617 0.11078415 0.22444581 0.29841091 0.23511163 0.0833577679% 1.668E-07 6.2748E-06 0.00010622 0.00106561 0.00701525 0.03166886 0.09927937 0.21341688 0.30107024 0.25168835 0.0946827680% 1.024E-07 4.096E-06 7.3728E-05 0.00078643 0.00550502 0.02642412 0.08808038 0.20132659 0.30198989 0.26843546 0.1073741881% 6.1311E-08 2.6138E-06 5.0143E-05 0.00057005 0.00425286 0.02175673 0.07729365 0.1882943 0.30102313 0.28517981 0.1215766582% 3.5705E-08 1.6265E-06 3.3344E-05 0.00040507 0.00322931 0.01765356 0.06701815 0.17445994 0.29803574 0.30171519 0.1374480383% 2.016E-08 9.8428E-07 2.1625E-05 0.00028155 0.00240561 0.01409404 0.05734341 0.1599833 0.2929106 0.31779843 0.1551604184% 1.0995E-08 5.7724E-07 1.3637E-05 0.00019092 0.00175411 0.01105088 0.0483476 0.14504281 0.28555303 0.3331452 0.1749012385% 5.7665E-09 3.2677E-07 8.3326E-06 0.00012591 0.00124866 0.00849086 0.04009571 0.12983372 0.27589666 0.34742542 0.196874486% 2.8925E-09 1.7769E-07 4.9117E-06 8.0459E-05 0.00086493 0.00637577 0.0326379 0.11456567 0.26391021 0.36025838 0.2213015887% 1.3786E-09 9.2259E-08 2.7784E-06 4.9584E-05 0.00058071 0.00466352 0.02600808 0.09945945 0.24960498 0.3712074 0.2484234188% 6.1917E-10 4.5406E-08 1.4984E-06 2.9302E-05 0.00037604 0.00330918 0.02022275 0.08474297 0.23304317 0.37977406 0.2785009889% 2.5937E-10 2.0986E-08 7.6407E-07 1.6485E-05 0.00023342 0.00226628 0.01528024 0.07064629 0.21434726 0.38539204 0.311817290% 1E-10 9E-09 3.645E-07 8.748E-06 0.00013778 0.00148803 0.01116026 0.05739563 0.19371024 0.38742049 0.3486784491% 3.4868E-11 3.5255E-09 1.6041E-07 4.3252E-06 7.6531E-05 0.00092858 0.00782416 0.04520625 0.17140705 0.38513682 0.3894161292% 1.0737E-11 1.2348E-09 6.3901E-08 1.9596E-06 3.9438E-05 0.00054424 0.00521562 0.0342741 0.14780704 0.37772909 0.4343884593% 2.8248E-12 3.7529E-10 2.2437E-08 7.9491E-07 1.8482E-05 0.00029465 0.00326219 0.02476601 0.12338779 0.36428776 0.4839823194% 6.0466E-13 9.473E-11 6.6785E-09 2.7901E-07 7.6496E-06 0.00014381 0.00187755 0.01680854 0.09875017 0.34379688 0.5386151195% 9.7656E-14 1.8555E-11 1.5864E-09 8.0379E-08 2.6726E-06 6.0935E-05 0.00096481 0.01047506 0.0746348 0.3151247 0.5987369496% 1.0486E-14 2.5166E-12 2.7179E-10 1.7395E-08 7.3057E-07 2.1041E-05 0.00042081 0.00577112 0.05194005 0.2770136 0.6648326497% 5.9049E-16 1.9093E-13 2.778E-11 2.3952E-09 1.3553E-07 5.2585E-06 0.00014169 0.00261786 0.03174161 0.22806932 0.7374241398% 1.024E-17 5.0176E-15 1.1064E-12 1.4457E-10 1.2397E-08 7.2892E-07 2.9764E-05 0.0008334 0.01531373 0.16674955 0.8170728199% 1E-20 9.9E-18 4.4105E-15 1.1644E-12 2.0173E-10 2.3965E-08 1.9771E-06 0.00011185 0.00415235 0.09135172 0.90438208100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1












0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


10回中◯回、起きた場合のそれぞれの確率分布10回中0回 10回中10回

10回中1回 10回中9回

2回 8回3回 7回4回 6回5回




発生率 r (0<r<1)の事象がm回中n回おきる確率は、


r n 1− r( )m−n mCn

表1mCn 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10回中0回 10回中1回 10回中2回 10回中3回 10回中4回 10回中5回 10回中6回 10回中7回 10回中8回 10回中9回 10回中10回0% 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01% 0.90438208 0.09135172 0.00415235 0.00011185 1.9771E-06 2.3965E-08 2.0173E-10 1.1644E-12 4.4105E-15 9.9E-18 1E-202% 0.81707281 0.16674955 0.01531373 0.0008334 2.9764E-05 7.2892E-07 1.2397E-08 1.4457E-10 1.1064E-12 5.0176E-15 1.024E-173% 0.73742413 0.22806932 0.03174161 0.00261786 0.00014169 5.2585E-06 1.3553E-07 2.3952E-09 2.778E-11 1.9093E-13 5.9049E-164% 0.66483264 0.2770136 0.05194005 0.00577112 0.00042081 2.1041E-05 7.3057E-07 1.7395E-08 2.7179E-10 2.5166E-12 1.0486E-145% 0.59873694 0.3151247 0.0746348 0.01047506 0.00096481 6.0935E-05 2.6726E-06 8.0379E-08 1.5864E-09 1.8555E-11 9.7656E-146% 0.53861511 0.34379688 0.09875017 0.01680854 0.00187755 0.00014381 7.6496E-06 2.7901E-07 6.6785E-09 9.473E-11 6.0466E-137% 0.48398231 0.36428776 0.12338779 0.02476601 0.00326219 0.00029465 1.8482E-05 7.9491E-07 2.2437E-08 3.7529E-10 2.8248E-128% 0.43438845 0.37772909 0.14780704 0.0342741 0.00521562 0.00054424 3.9438E-05 1.9596E-06 6.3901E-08 1.2348E-09 1.0737E-119% 0.38941612 0.38513682 0.17140705 0.04520625 0.00782416 0.00092858 7.6531E-05 4.3252E-06 1.6041E-07 3.5255E-09 3.4868E-1110% 0.34867844 0.38742049 0.19371024 0.05739563 0.01116026 0.00148803 0.00013778 8.748E-06 3.645E-07 9E-09 1E-1011% 0.3118172 0.38539204 0.21434726 0.07064629 0.01528024 0.00226628 0.00023342 1.6485E-05 7.6407E-07 2.0986E-08 2.5937E-1012% 0.27850098 0.37977406 0.23304317 0.08474297 0.02022275 0.00330918 0.00037604 2.9302E-05 1.4984E-06 4.5406E-08 6.1917E-1013% 0.24842341 0.3712074 0.24960498 0.09945945 0.02600808 0.00466352 0.00058071 4.9584E-05 2.7784E-06 9.2259E-08 1.3786E-0914% 0.22130158 0.36025838 0.26391021 0.11456567 0.0326379 0.00637577 0.00086493 8.0459E-05 4.9117E-06 1.7769E-07 2.8925E-0915% 0.1968744 0.34742542 0.27589666 0.12983372 0.04009571 0.00849086 0.00124866 0.00012591 8.3326E-06 3.2677E-07 5.7665E-0916% 0.17490123 0.3331452 0.28555303 0.14504281 0.0483476 0.01105088 0.00175411 0.00019092 1.3637E-05 5.7724E-07 1.0995E-0817% 0.15516041 0.31779843 0.2929106 0.1599833 0.05734341 0.01409404 0.00240561 0.00028155 2.1625E-05 9.8428E-07 2.016E-0818% 0.13744803 0.30171519 0.29803574 0.17445994 0.06701815 0.01765356 0.00322931 0.00040507 3.3344E-05 1.6265E-06 3.5705E-0819% 0.12157665 0.28517981 0.30102313 0.1882943 0.07729365 0.02175673 0.00425286 0.00057005 5.0143E-05 2.6138E-06 6.1311E-0820% 0.10737418 0.26843546 0.30198989 0.20132659 0.08808038 0.02642412 0.00550502 0.00078643 7.3728E-05 4.096E-06 1.024E-0721% 0.09468276 0.25168835 0.30107024 0.21341688 0.09927937 0.03166886 0.00701525 0.00106561 0.00010622 6.2748E-06 1.668E-0722% 0.08335776 0.23511163 0.29841091 0.22444581 0.11078415 0.03749617 0.0088132 0.00142044 0.00015024 9.4167E-06 2.656E-0723% 0.0732668 0.2188489 0.29416702 0.23431486 0.12248277 0.04390291 0.01092821 0.0018653 0.00020894 1.3869E-05 4.1427E-0724% 0.06428889 0.20301755 0.28849862 0.2429462 0.13425974 0.05087738 0.01338878 0.00241602 0.00028611 2.0078E-05 6.3403E-0725% 0.05631351 0.18771172 0.28156757 0.25028229 0.145998 0.0583992 0.016222 0.0030899 0.00038624 2.861E-05 9.5367E-0726% 0.0492399 0.17300507 0.27353504 0.25628508 0.15758069 0.06643943 0.01945299 0.00390562 0.00051459 4.0178E-05 1.4117E-0627% 0.04297626 0.15895328 0.26455923 0.26093513 0.16889295 0.0749607 0.02310433 0.00488311 0.00067728 5.5667E-05 2.0589E-0628% 0.03743906 0.14559635 0.25479362 0.26423042 0.17982348 0.08391762 0.02719553 0.00604345 0.00088134 7.6165E-05 2.962E-0629% 0.03255244 0.13296065 0.24438542 0.26618506 0.19026608 0.09325718 0.03174247 0.0074087 0.00113478 0.000103 4.2071E-0630% 0.02824752 0.12106082 0.23347444 0.26682793 0.20012095 0.10291935 0.03675691 0.00900169 0.0014467 0.00013778 5.9049E-0631% 0.02446194 0.10990147 0.22219211 0.26620117 0.20929585 0.11283776 0.04224602 0.01084577 0.00182728 0.00018243 8.1963E-0632% 0.02113923 0.09947872 0.21066082 0.26435868 0.21770715 0.12294051 0.04821196 0.01296456 0.00228786 0.00023925 1.1259E-0533% 0.01822838 0.08978156 0.19899347 0.26136455 0.22528064 0.13315095 0.05465151 0.01538166 0.00284102 0.00031096 1.5316E-0534% 0.01568337 0.08079311 0.18729312 0.25729156 0.23195224 0.14338866 0.06155574 0.0181203 0.00350051 0.00040073 2.0644E-0535% 0.01346274 0.07249169 0.17565295 0.25221962 0.23766849 0.15357041 0.0689098 0.02120302 0.00428138 0.0005123 2.7585E-0536% 0.01152922 0.06485183 0.16415621 0.24623431 0.2423869 0.16361116 0.07669273 0.02465123 0.00519987 0.00064998 3.6562E-0537% 0.0098493 0.05784511 0.15287637 0.23942542 0.24607613 0.17342508 0.08487735 0.02848492 0.00627346 0.00081876 4.8086E-0538% 0.00839299 0.05144093 0.1418774 0.23188564 0.24871605 0.18292665 0.09343028 0.03272212 0.00752081 0.00102434 6.2782E-0539% 0.00713343 0.04560717 0.13121407 0.22370923 0.25029763 0.19203162 0.10231193 0.0373786 0.00896167 0.00127324 8.1404E-0540% 0.00604662 0.04031078 0.12093235 0.21499085 0.25082266 0.20065812 0.11147674 0.04246733 0.01061683 0.00157286 0.0001048641% 0.00511117 0.03551828 0.11106988 0.20582442 0.25030342 0.2087276 0.12087333 0.04799813 0.01250799 0.00193155 0.0001342342% 0.00430804 0.03119617 0.10165647 0.19630216 0.24876222 0.21616579 0.13044487 0.05397719 0.0146576 0.00235869 0.000170843% 0.00362033 0.02731129 0.09271463 0.18651364 0.24623073 0.22290361 0.14012946 0.06040668 0.01708873 0.00286478 0.0002161144% 0.00303305 0.02383115 0.08426012 0.17654502 0.2427494 0.228878 0.1498606 0.06728435 0.01982485 0.00346148 0.0002719745% 0.00253295 0.02072415 0.07630255 0.16647829 0.23836665 0.23403271 0.15956776 0.07460311 0.02288959 0.00416174 0.0003405146% 0.00210833 0.01795981 0.06884593 0.15639075 0.23313806 0.23831891 0.169177 0.08235071 0.02630648 0.00497983 0.0004242147% 0.00174887 0.01550889 0.06188925 0.14635444 0.22712552 0.24169584 0.17861171 0.09050944 0.03009866 0.00593139 0.0005259948% 0.00144555 0.01334355 0.05542705 0.13643581 0.2203963 0.24413129 0.1877933 0.09905581 0.03428855 0.00703355 0.0006492549% 0.00119042 0.01143741 0.04944998 0.12669536 0.2130221 0.24560196 0.19664209 0.10796036 0.03889748 0.00830491 0.0007979250% 0.00097656 0.00976563 0.04394531 0.1171875 0.20507813 0.24609375 0.20507813 0.1171875 0.04394531 0.00976563 0.0009765651% 0.00079792 0.00830491 0.03889748 0.10796036 0.19664209 0.24560196 0.2130221 0.12669536 0.04944998 0.01143741 0.0011904252% 0.00064925 0.00703355 0.03428855 0.09905581 0.1877933 0.24413129 0.2203963 0.13643581 0.05542705 0.01334355 0.0014455553% 0.00052599 0.00593139 0.03009866 0.09050944 0.17861171 0.24169584 0.22712552 0.14635444 0.06188925 0.01550889 0.0017488754% 0.00042421 0.00497983 0.02630648 0.08235071 0.169177 0.23831891 0.23313806 0.15639075 0.06884593 0.01795981 0.0021083355% 0.00034051 0.00416174 0.02288959 0.07460311 0.15956776 0.23403271 0.23836665 0.16647829 0.07630255 0.02072415 0.0025329556% 0.00027197 0.00346148 0.01982485 0.06728435 0.1498606 0.228878 0.2427494 0.17654502 0.08426012 0.02383115 0.0030330557% 0.00021611 0.00286478 0.01708873 0.06040668 0.14012946 0.22290361 0.24623073 0.18651364 0.09271463 0.02731129 0.0036203358% 0.0001708 0.00235869 0.0146576 0.05397719 0.13044487 0.21616579 0.24876222 0.19630216 0.10165647 0.03119617 0.0043080459% 0.00013423 0.00193155 0.01250799 0.04799813 0.12087333 0.2087276 0.25030342 0.20582442 0.11106988 0.03551828 0.0051111760% 0.00010486 0.00157286 0.01061683 0.04246733 0.11147674 0.20065812 0.25082266 0.21499085 0.12093235 0.04031078 0.0060466261% 8.1404E-05 0.00127324 0.00896167 0.0373786 0.10231193 0.19203162 0.25029763 0.22370923 0.13121407 0.04560717 0.0071334362% 6.2782E-05 0.00102434 0.00752081 0.03272212 0.09343028 0.18292665 0.24871605 0.23188564 0.1418774 0.05144093 0.0083929963% 4.8086E-05 0.00081876 0.00627346 0.02848492 0.08487735 0.17342508 0.24607613 0.23942542 0.15287637 0.05784511 0.009849364% 3.6562E-05 0.00064998 0.00519987 0.02465123 0.07669273 0.16361116 0.2423869 0.24623431 0.16415621 0.06485183 0.0115292265% 2.7585E-05 0.0005123 0.00428138 0.02120302 0.0689098 0.15357041 0.23766849 0.25221962 0.17565295 0.07249169 0.0134627466% 2.0644E-05 0.00040073 0.00350051 0.0181203 0.06155574 0.14338866 0.23195224 0.25729156 0.18729312 0.08079311 0.0156833767% 1.5316E-05 0.00031096 0.00284102 0.01538166 0.05465151 0.13315095 0.22528064 0.26136455 0.19899347 0.08978156 0.0182283868% 1.1259E-05 0.00023925 0.00228786 0.01296456 0.04821196 0.12294051 0.21770715 0.26435868 0.21066082 0.09947872 0.0211392369% 8.1963E-06 0.00018243 0.00182728 0.01084577 0.04224602 0.11283776 0.20929585 0.26620117 0.22219211 0.10990147 0.0244619470% 5.9049E-06 0.00013778 0.0014467 0.00900169 0.03675691 0.10291935 0.20012095 0.26682793 0.23347444 0.12106082 0.0282475271% 4.2071E-06 0.000103 0.00113478 0.0074087 0.03174247 0.09325718 0.19026608 0.26618506 0.24438542 0.13296065 0.0325524472% 2.962E-06 7.6165E-05 0.00088134 0.00604345 0.02719553 0.08391762 0.17982348 0.26423042 0.25479362 0.14559635 0.0374390673% 2.0589E-06 5.5667E-05 0.00067728 0.00488311 0.02310433 0.0749607 0.16889295 0.26093513 0.26455923 0.15895328 0.0429762674% 1.4117E-06 4.0178E-05 0.00051459 0.00390562 0.01945299 0.06643943 0.15758069 0.25628508 0.27353504 0.17300507 0.049239975% 9.5367E-07 2.861E-05 0.00038624 0.0030899 0.016222 0.0583992 0.145998 0.25028229 0.28156757 0.18771172 0.0563135176% 6.3403E-07 2.0078E-05 0.00028611 0.00241602 0.01338878 0.05087738 0.13425974 0.2429462 0.28849862 0.20301755 0.0642888977% 4.1427E-07 1.3869E-05 0.00020894 0.0018653 0.01092821 0.04390291 0.12248277 0.23431486 0.29416702 0.2188489 0.073266878% 2.656E-07 9.4167E-06 0.00015024 0.00142044 0.0088132 0.03749617 0.11078415 0.22444581 0.29841091 0.23511163 0.0833577679% 1.668E-07 6.2748E-06 0.00010622 0.00106561 0.00701525 0.03166886 0.09927937 0.21341688 0.30107024 0.25168835 0.0946827680% 1.024E-07 4.096E-06 7.3728E-05 0.00078643 0.00550502 0.02642412 0.08808038 0.20132659 0.30198989 0.26843546 0.1073741881% 6.1311E-08 2.6138E-06 5.0143E-05 0.00057005 0.00425286 0.02175673 0.07729365 0.1882943 0.30102313 0.28517981 0.1215766582% 3.5705E-08 1.6265E-06 3.3344E-05 0.00040507 0.00322931 0.01765356 0.06701815 0.17445994 0.29803574 0.30171519 0.1374480383% 2.016E-08 9.8428E-07 2.1625E-05 0.00028155 0.00240561 0.01409404 0.05734341 0.1599833 0.2929106 0.31779843 0.1551604184% 1.0995E-08 5.7724E-07 1.3637E-05 0.00019092 0.00175411 0.01105088 0.0483476 0.14504281 0.28555303 0.3331452 0.1749012385% 5.7665E-09 3.2677E-07 8.3326E-06 0.00012591 0.00124866 0.00849086 0.04009571 0.12983372 0.27589666 0.34742542 0.196874486% 2.8925E-09 1.7769E-07 4.9117E-06 8.0459E-05 0.00086493 0.00637577 0.0326379 0.11456567 0.26391021 0.36025838 0.2213015887% 1.3786E-09 9.2259E-08 2.7784E-06 4.9584E-05 0.00058071 0.00466352 0.02600808 0.09945945 0.24960498 0.3712074 0.2484234188% 6.1917E-10 4.5406E-08 1.4984E-06 2.9302E-05 0.00037604 0.00330918 0.02022275 0.08474297 0.23304317 0.37977406 0.2785009889% 2.5937E-10 2.0986E-08 7.6407E-07 1.6485E-05 0.00023342 0.00226628 0.01528024 0.07064629 0.21434726 0.38539204 0.311817290% 1E-10 9E-09 3.645E-07 8.748E-06 0.00013778 0.00148803 0.01116026 0.05739563 0.19371024 0.38742049 0.3486784491% 3.4868E-11 3.5255E-09 1.6041E-07 4.3252E-06 7.6531E-05 0.00092858 0.00782416 0.04520625 0.17140705 0.38513682 0.3894161292% 1.0737E-11 1.2348E-09 6.3901E-08 1.9596E-06 3.9438E-05 0.00054424 0.00521562 0.0342741 0.14780704 0.37772909 0.4343884593% 2.8248E-12 3.7529E-10 2.2437E-08 7.9491E-07 1.8482E-05 0.00029465 0.00326219 0.02476601 0.12338779 0.36428776 0.4839823194% 6.0466E-13 9.473E-11 6.6785E-09 2.7901E-07 7.6496E-06 0.00014381 0.00187755 0.01680854 0.09875017 0.34379688 0.5386151195% 9.7656E-14 1.8555E-11 1.5864E-09 8.0379E-08 2.6726E-06 6.0935E-05 0.00096481 0.01047506 0.0746348 0.3151247 0.5987369496% 1.0486E-14 2.5166E-12 2.7179E-10 1.7395E-08 7.3057E-07 2.1041E-05 0.00042081 0.00577112 0.05194005 0.2770136 0.6648326497% 5.9049E-16 1.9093E-13 2.778E-11 2.3952E-09 1.3553E-07 5.2585E-06 0.00014169 0.00261786 0.03174161 0.22806932 0.7374241398% 1.024E-17 5.0176E-15 1.1064E-12 1.4457E-10 1.2397E-08 7.2892E-07 2.9764E-05 0.0008334 0.01531373 0.16674955 0.8170728199% 1E-20 9.9E-18 4.4105E-15 1.1644E-12 2.0173E-10 2.3965E-08 1.9771E-06 0.00011185 0.00415235 0.09135172 0.90438208100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1












0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%








例) 1回あたりの発生率30%の事象が10回中7回起きる確率は0.9%





See 1 citation found using an alternative search:

Mayo Clin Proc. 1980 Jul;55(7):434-8.

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: Mayo Clinic experiences with ahitherto unnamed disease.Ludwig J, Viggiano TR, McGill DB, Oh BJ.

AbstractNonalcoholic steatohepatitis is a poorly understood and hitherto unnamed liver disease thathistologically mimics alcoholic hepatitis and that also may progress to cirrhosis. Described hereare findings in 20 patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis of unknown cause. The biopsyspecimens were characterized by the presence of striking fatty changes with evidence of lobularhepatitis, focal necroses with mixed inflammatory infiltrates, and, in most instances, Mallorybodies; Evidence of fibrosis was found in most specimens, and cirrhosis was diagnosed inbiopsy tissue from three patients. The disease was more common in women. Most patients weremoderately obese, and many had obesity-associated diseases, such as diabetes mellitus andcholelithiasis. Presence of hepatomegaly and mild abnormalities of liver function were commonclinical findings. Currently, we know of no effective therapy.

Comment inTreating NASH. [J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2006]Fatty liver disease: turning the tide. [Nature. 2017]

PMID: 7382552

[Indexed for MEDLINE]

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The Japanese Society of Allergology

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The  Japanese  Sooiety  of  Allergology

ア レ ル ギー,16 (3>

178〜222, 1967(昭 弓2)

指趾 の 特異 的落屑を伴 う小児の 急性熱性


(自験例50例 の 臨床的観 察)

口本赤十 字枇中央病 院 小 児科 (部 長 : 神 前 章雄 博 士 )

      川  崎   富  作

(受 付 : ユ月19H ,/967)

         L   緒   言

  1876年 Fu 〔hsi} の 発表 し た Herpes  iris  conjunctk ・ae

以来, 多数 の 学者 に よつ て , 眼,皮 講,粘膜を侵す一

連 の

症候群に 対 して数 多 くの 病名が与 え られて い るが,1939〜1940年 Franceschetti et X’alerio :》

, 1948年 PropPei )

等 に よ り眼皮膚粘膜症候群 に統一

され ,多形滲出性紅瑳

の 亜 型 と考 え られ る に 至 つ た ,我が 国 に 於 て も,1958年

文部省綜合研究班“ 5〕

は こ の 症候群を整理 して i

  D 多形滲出性紅斑症候群

 2) Behget 氏症候群

 3) RBIter 氏病

の 3 群に 大 別 された こ とは 衆 知の 通 りで あ る が ,私は こ

の 範中に 入 り難 い一症候群を経敦 した ,即 ち,昭和36年

1 月 よ り昭和41年11月迄 の 約 6 年間に 所謂眼皮膚粘膜症

候群 に 似て い る が ,種 々 の 相異点の あ る症候を示 す50 働

を観察した .

 そ の 特異 的症 候を 列 記 すれ ば ,次の 様で ある .

  D 種 々 な る抗生物質が 使お れて い るに も拘 らず38度

以 上 の 発 熱 が 6 目以 上 持 続 す る ,

  (大体 1〜2 週閔)・… 50例 (100繆)

  2) 両側の 眼球結膜 の 充孟1が ある・”「”49例 (98%)

 3) 皮膚の 紅斑性発疹が ,特に 両手掌,両 足蹴 に 特徴

的 に み られ、決 し て 水疱形成 をみ る こ とが ない……43例


 4) ロ 唇 の 発赤,乾燥 聚爛 , 皸裂 , 時 に 出血 ,血 癰,

口腔粘膜 の 顳 蔓性充 血 及び 苺舌 が見 られる が ,水庖 ,潰

瘍,偽膜 或 ほ ア フ タ の 形成 が 認 め られ な い ……48例 (96


 5) 急性の 頚部淋 巴腺腫脹 (橡指頭 大 以 上 )が 認め ら

れ る が,決 して 化膿 しない ……33例 (66瑠)

  6) 両 手,両 足が血 管神経性浮腫 状を呈 す る……22例


  7) 指趾先の 爪皮膚移行部 よ りの 膜様落屑 が 主 と し て

第 2 病週中に 始 ま る……49例 (98%)

  8) 過半数が 2年以下 で あ る……27例 (54%)

 9) 再発がみ られな い .

 10>自然治癒 し ,後遺症 を の こ さ い な い .

 11) 同胞感染がみ られな い .

 私は は じめ ,こ の 特徴的 な 落屑 }こ 注 目し , 本症候群を

猩紅熱 に 似 て 非な る 落屑 性疾患 , 即 ちC「eF猩 紅 熱 性 落 屑

症候群に つ い て”

と題 して , 昭和37年 10月第61回千葉地

方会に 本 症 の 7 例 に っ い て 報 告 した嚇 .

 その 後症例を重 ね る に 従い , その 眼症状,皮膚症状及

び 粘膜症状 か ら,従来報告されて きた 所謂眼皮膚粘膜

症候群 , 特 に Stevens・Johnson氏 病 や PluriO]’ificieLle

Ectodermose よ り撞 , 種 々 の 点 で 軽症 で は あ る が ,


こ の 症 繰群に 属す る もの で は な い か と考 え て ,昭 和39年

10月第15回 東 日本,第 9回 中 部 1」本連台小児科’字:会 (於

松本)に 於 い て ,L’眼 皮1斛 占膜輩候群 の 20症例

と題 と

し て ,第 2 回 目の 報告 を 行 つ た1 }.

 然 し乍 ら,そ の 後所謂眼皮膚 粘膜 症候群 (M .C,O 。S

と略 す ) に 麗 す る従 来 の 報 告 を 仔 細 に 検討 した 結果 ,我

々 の 症候群が ,今まで に 報告 されて 来 た ,:f.C .O 、S の

どの Type に も一

致 し な い ,  1 っ の Clinlcai  Entity

をなすもの で は な か ろ うか と考 え られ る に 至 つ た .

 故 に ,我 々 の 経験 した 50例に つ い て ,臨 床的分 析,検

査所見を記すと共に , 文献 的考察を行 い ,こ こ に 報告 し

て 諸賢の 御批判 を 乞 う次 第で ある ,

         2. 症  劔

 こ こ に 述 ぺ る 症例 は い ず れ も昭 和36年 1 月 よ り昭 和4ユ

N 工工一Eleotronio  Library  


(1) 川崎病の最初の論文

(2) NASHの最初の論文




一例報告の重要性『 The Cult of Statistical Significance 』

Stephen T. Ziliak and Deirdre N. McCloskey統計のプロでもある経済学者の書。「統計学的有意差」の氾濫に警鐘を鳴らした。







従来のEBM的回答 新しい回答「個人の経験より大規模RCTを重んじる」ことはEBMのキモである。従って、当然B薬を使うべきである。





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More than just a urinary catheter - Haemorrhage control by using a Foley catheter in a penetrating aorticroot injury.Elmoghrabi A, Mohamed M, Eggers A, Parmar N, McCann M.Trauma Case Rep. 2016 Sep 22;5:13-17. doi: 10.1016/j.tcr.2016.09.006. eCollection 2016 Aug.PMID: 29942849 Free PMC Article

Balloon Foley catheter compression as a treatment for intercostal vessel bleeding.Chao BF, Jian YJ, Hao HZ, Li S, Jian H, Hui P, Hai YY.Injury. 2011 Sep;42(9):958-9. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2011.05.009. Epub 2011 Jun 12. No abstract available.PMID: 21664614

Foley catheter tamponade of intercostal hemorrhage in preterm infants.McElroy SJ, Pietsch JB, Reese J.J Pediatr. 2004 Aug;145(2):241. No abstract available.PMID: 15289776

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PubMed foley intercostal bleeding

CQ: 胸腔穿刺後の肋間動脈損傷にフォーリーカテは有効か?※20年くらい前に米国ドラマ「ER」で認知症の老医が、この方法で患者を救ったシーンがあった。



Technical Note

Balloon Foley catheter compression as a treatment for intercostal vessel bleeding

Bao Fei Chao a, Ying Jian Jian a, He Zhe Hao a, Sun Li b, Hu Jian a,*, Pan Hui a, Yan Yun Hai a

a Department of Thoracic Surgery, First Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, No. 79, Qingchun Road, Hangzhou 310003, Zhejiang, Chinab School of Medicine, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310036, China


Iatrogenic and non-iatrogenic causes may contribute tointercostal vessel injury; the most common iatrogenic aetiologyis thoracostomy and thoracentesis, especially for patients havingcoagulation disorders (e.g., hepatocirrhosis, liver transplantationand haematopathy). Non-iatrogenic injuries include secondaryintercostal vessel injury, such as chest-wall sharp-instrumentinjury, autogenous haemorrhage of angioma and costal fracture.There are a variety of manoeuvres that can be used in themanagement of intercostal vessel bleeding. These include chesttube drainage, thoracotomy and endovascular embolisation.1–3

Balloon-compression technique is an effective and immediatetreatment option that can readily be implemented by clinicalpractitioners with minimal training. It can be a life-savingintervention, especially in low-resource settings where surgicalfacilities may not be available. Here, we describe and recommend anon-surgical technique of using the balloon Foley catheter tomanage intercostal vessel injury.


The first patient, a 52-year-old male, had a delayed haemor-rhage after thoracostomy. Persistent haemorrhage occurred duringthe next 48 h. We therefore decided to perform a thoracotomy tocontrol the bleeding. Unfortunately, during the general anaesthe-sia, the patient suffered a cardiac arrest. After cardiopulmonaryresuscitation, he then had a very high risk of mortality if theplanned thoracotomy was continued. Because the cause ofhaemorrhage was believed to be from the intercostal vessels,we decided to use a 20-F balloon Foley catheter to replace the chesttube (Fig. 1). When the catheter tip was positioned within thethoracic cavity, the balloon was inflated with 20 ml water andwithdrawn against the chest wall to compress the injured vessel

(Fig. 2). This technique quickly stopped the patient’s haemorrhage.Meanwhile, the Foley catheter can be used for drainage. Theprocedure was successful, and no bleeding was found and thedrainage kept unblocked. The patient was discharged in 3 days.

The second patient, a 46-year-old male, was admitted forthoracic bleeding due to sharp-instrument injury, which washighly suspected an intercostal vessel bleeding. To managebleeding, we decided to apply this new technique. Whilst placinga 24-F Foley catheter, we noticed that the amount of bleeding wasobviously reduced, suggestive of intercostal vessel bleeding. Thedrainage amount was 1500 ml in the first 3 h. After that, there wasno more drainage. The computed tomography (CT) scan showed nopleural effusion. The result of this new procedure was satisfactoryand the patient was discharged on the 4th hospital day.


The well-known technique to control bleeding is to apply directpressure to the injured vessel. Foley catheter balloon compression isa well-recognised technique employed to arrest haemorrhage frompenetrating wounds. There are other case reports of successfulcontrol of neck wounds, liver trauma and retroperitoneal haemor-rhage using balloon catheter tamponade,4–6 whereas reports ofmanagement of the intercostal vessel bleeding with balloon cathetercompression are limited. Based on the same principles, wedeveloped a new technique to manage intercostal vessel bleedingusing a balloon Foley catheter. In our case, such therapeutic effect isfound to be reliable and instant, avoiding surgical trauma. As long asdiagnosis is clear, it is practical and convenient when it is applied tomanagement of intercostal vessel bleeding. Based on our experience,this new technique has the following advantages: First, compressionwith balloon is the classical haemostatic method, which is practicaland effective, avoiding surgical trauma, making it suitable for thosepatients who cannot tolerate the operation. Meanwhile, the Foleycatheter can be used for draining gas and fluid7 to observe thehaemostatic effect directly. Second, this technique is simple andinexpensive. Patients tolerate the soft and flexible Foley cathetervery well. Hence, it is suitable to be extended in basic medical careunits and it can even be used as the preoperative haemostaticmethod. Finally, in the case of multiple rib fracture and flail chest,chest wall will be fixed by drawing with the balloon urinary catheter.However, ongoing bleeding at a rate of 200–300 ml h!1 after Foley-catheter placement is also proposed to be an indication for chestexploration.8

Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 42 (2011) 958–959


Article history:Accepted 9 May 2011

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 571 87236770; fax: +86 571 86995818.E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Jian).

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0020–1383/$ – see front matter ! 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.injury.2011.05.009

まとめ• 実臨床には、EBMとは無縁のNNT 1ケタの世界がある。

• 欧米の大規模RCTの結果が目の前の患者で再現される保証はない。

• 患者が生きるか、死ぬかというクリティカルな状況で本当に役立つのは症例集積や一例報告である。