EducoWorld - Formative learning system


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EducoWorld provides a useful platform for any person, or group of people, wanting to improve their life and achievements. Tony Quinn, originator of Educo, actively promotes a ‘formative learning system’.

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EducoWorld - Formative learning system

EducoWorld provides a useful platform for any person, or group of people, wanting to improve their life and achievements. Tony Quinn, originator of Educo, actively promotes a ‘formative learning system’, turning Rene Descartes theory of ‘I think therefore I am’ on it’s head and instead encouraging people to embrace an ‘I am therefore I think’ philosophy. Adaptation can only ever go so far, for example, if you update your mobile phone operating system technology, it may be running a more current programme, but the hardware, the phone itself, is still exactly the same, potentially allowing for user interface problems to persist. EducoWorld recognises that the only way to truly change your life in order to attain your most wanted outcomes, is to re-educate yourself. Templates are discussed by EducoWorld, as a method of identifying relevant parameters to live by in accordance with desired outcomes. In other words, if an individual craves success at work, by assessing how this can be achieved, a natural set of guidelines will be developed which can then be adhered to in all aspects of life. By committing to these templates, every action and reaction will be geared towards to acquisition of a more successful future. Of course not everybody craves success at work, in fact many people have achieved this already, but there are always areas that could be improved upon, and which will naturally impact on other parts of life. It is extremely commonplace for people to want more in terms of happiness, wealth and confidence to name a few. The only problem with these areas is that they are so tangibly subjective, that there cannot be a ‘one answer suits all’ solution. This is why EducoWorld is so forward thinking. Rather than prescribing, it opens the door to individual diagnosis and development, giving people the tools to re-learn rather than change tack. The notion to adapt learning, as appose to thinking, came about in response to research and case studies which demonstrated that this approach had far more longer lasting and positive results. When you consider it carefully, it makes perfect sense. If you want to change your life or a significant part of it, revert back to the source of your decision-making.