EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides1ETUI-REHS2007 ETUC European Trade Union Confederation The voice...

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EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides3©ETUI-REHS2007 Enlargement of ETUC 1974 Affiliation of Christian confederations 1974 Affiliation of post-communist confederations Affiliation of European Industry Federations Observer status for CEE confederations Affiliation of CEE confederations

Transcript of EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides1ETUI-REHS2007 ETUC European Trade Union Confederation The voice...

EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides1ETUI-REHS2007 ETUC European Trade Union Confederation The voice of European workers EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides2ETUI-REHS2007 Foundation:1973 Independent Unified Pluralist European Trade Union ConfederationETUC EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides3ETUI-REHS2007 Enlargement of ETUC 1974 Affiliation of Christian confederations 1974 Affiliation of post-communist confederations Affiliation of European Industry Federations Observer status for CEE confederations Affiliation of CEE confederations EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides4ETUI-REHS2007 Affiliated Organisations 82Confederations 12 European Industry Federations 36 countries + 60 Million (42 % women) EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides5ETUI-REHS Confederations EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides6ETUI-REHS European Industry Federations EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides7ETUI-REHS2007 CONGRESS Executive Committee Steering Committee General Secretary Secretariat ETUC Bodies EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides8ETUI-REHS2007 Objectives & Priorities The voice of European workers European Trade Union Confederation EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides9ETUI-REHS2007 Objectives: European Integration Commission Commission Parliament Council of Ministers Council of Ministers Economic and Social Committee Committee European Council European Council INFLUENCING EUROPEAN DECISION MAKING Court of Justice EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides10ETUI-REHS2007 EFTA Council of Europe ILO Regional Cooperation Council ACP Euro - Med OECD MERCOSUR External Relations EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides11ETUI-REHS2007 Evolution of Social Dialogue European Negotiations/co-legislation Parental leave (1996), Part-time work (1997), Fixed- term contracts (1999) Autonomous Negotiations Telework (2002), Work-related stress (2004), Violence and harassment (2007) other instruments Framework of action on life-long learning (2002), Framework of actionon gender equality (2005), Multi-annual work programme , Joint analysis of key challenges facing European labour markets (2007) Framework of action on life-long learning (2002), Framework of action on gender equality (2005), Multi-annual work programme , Joint analysis of key challenges facing European labour markets (2007) EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides12ETUI-REHS2007 Proposal in the social policy field If Community action is desirable Where appropriate Commission follow-up Commission Social Partners First stage: consultation on direction of an initiative Opinion Second stage: consultation on content of envisaged proposal Opinion or recommendation Failure of negotiations negotiations nine months, unless extended negotiations European Social Dialogue Co-legislation European Social Dialogue Co-legislation EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides13ETUI-REHS2007 European Social Dialogue - Implementation European Social Dialogue - Implementation Framework Agreements Social Partners Implementation Framework Agreements Council Directives EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides14ETUI-REHS2007 GEOPA- COPA Agriculture Vocational Training Health and Safety Social Dialogue at sectoral level (around 300 joint texts adopted) Transport Employers Working time Euro-CIETT Temporary agencies Flexicurity EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides15ETUI-REHS2007 EWC Social Dialogue at sectoral level EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides16ETUI-REHS2007 Organising campaigns and Euro-demonstrations EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides17ETUI-REHS2007 On the Offensive For a European labour market For social dialogue, collective bargaining and workers participation For a stronger European Union For more effective European economic, social and environmental governance For stronger Unions and a stronger ETUC Congress Congress EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides18ETUI-REHS2007 The ETUC Team Wanja LUNDBY- WEDIN ETUCPresident John MONKS General Secretary Maria Helena ANDRE Deputy General Secretary Reiner HOFFMANN Deputy General Secretary Walter CERFEDA Confederal Secretary Josef NIEMIEC Confederal Secretary Catelene PASSCHIER ConfederalSecretary Jol DECAILLON Confederal Secretary EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides19ETUI-REHS2007Join US EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides20ETUI-REHS2007 ETUI - REHS EDUCATION Presentation ETUC Slides21ETUI-REHS2007 The main objective of the Education Department is to provide education and training activities, programmes and exchanges that strengthen European trade union activities. The main objective of the Health and Safety Department is to provide technical support in the field of occupational health, safety and protection so as to promote a high level of health and safety protection for workers in Europe The main objective of the Research department is to conduct research, produce studies and monitor European issues of strategic importance for the world of labour while building bridges between the academic and research community and the labour movement.