Education Online

Education Online THE LATEST STATE OF RESEARCH AND NETIQUETTE 1 Halina Ostankowicz- Bazan MMVC14 1-3 August 2014


Education Online. The Latest State of Research and Netiquette. MMVC14 1-3 August 2014. Halina Ostankowicz- Bazan. Connecting Learners and Educators. “ Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning .” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Education Online

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Education Online



Halina Ostankowicz- Bazan MMVC141-3 August 2014

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2Connecting Learners and Educators

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3“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

The important thing is to not stop questioning.”

― Albert Einstein, Relativity: The Special and the General Theory

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4What? Education

1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the

powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.

2. the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.

3. a degree, level, or kind of schooling: a university education.

4. the result produced by instruction, training, or study: to show one's education. 5. the science or art of teaching; pedagogics.

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Online or not online?

Online Education:

The nonexistence of a physical classroom, flexible schedules, and reduced personal interactions

Online education is a type of distance learning---taking courses without attending a brick-and-mortar school or university. Instead, online students and teachers interact over the Internet.

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6learning undertaken on a computer by

means of the Internet


a technical structure

a human system

synchronous learning

asynchronous learning

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7Education Online

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8Types of Online Education

Distance Learning

Home Schooling

Flipped learning

Blended Learning

Online public Education (K-12)

Online Secondary Education (college and university classes)



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The phenomenal growth of online education is presenting uncharted

challenges for academic institutions. A virtual learning environment can also include students and teachers “meeting”

online through a synchronous web-based application. The teacher is able to present lessons through video, PowerPoint, or chatting. The students are able to talk with other students and the teacher, as well as collaborate with each other, answer questions, or pose questions. They can use the tools available through the application to virtually raise their hand, send messages, or answer questions on the screen given by the teacher or student presenter.



This is a look inside The Education of Tomorrow.


Online ?

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This is a look inside The Education of Tomorrow.


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13 What Is the Meaning of Online Education?

Online learning – Education in which instruction and content are delivered primarily over the Internet. (Watson & Kalmon, 2005)

Used interchangeably with Virtual learning, Cyber learning, e-learning. Virtual learning can take place synchronously or asynchronously. In synchronous systems, participants meet in “real time”, and teachers

conduct live classes in virtual classrooms. Students can communicate through a microphone, chat rights, or by writing on the board. In asynchronous learning, which is sometimes called “self-paced” learning, students are expected to complete lessons and assignments independently through the system.

Asynchronous courses have deadlines just as synchronous courses do, but each student is learning at his own pace.

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New E-Book 2014

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New e-book 2014

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New e-book

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17Advantages of online learning

Students have the chance to study for free, in their own time, own pace of study.

It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-motivation.

An access to all resource helps participants learn wherever they are, leaving them the freedom to choose the time for study.

They change from passive to active learners.

The responsibility and self-discipline of students is the MUST.

Online education is able to provide learners with a flexible learning environment from any location as long as they have a good internet connection

Students can attend the online classes from any location that is convenient.

Everyone can enroll into any online degree program offered by any universities around the world.Online degree programs cost less than campus-based degree programs as most of learning materials are in downloadable format and the credit hours required to complete an online degree program is comparatively less.

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18Where? Course Management System (CMS) – The technology platform through which

online courses are offered. Virtual Learning Environment and Learning Management System (LMS) Educational Platform; In the higher education market as of fall 2013, Blackboard was the leading provider with

41% market share, with Moodle (23%), Desire2Learn (11%) and Vclassrooming being the next three largest providers. In the corporate market, the six largest LMS providers constitute approximately 50% of the market, with SuccessFactors Learning, Saba Software, Voniz Inc and Sumtotal Systems being the four largest providers.

New challenges and aspirations such as MOOCs (massively online open courseware) and the immersive 3D Web are the basis for the next generation of learning environments.

WizIQ Social Networks  

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► A virtual learning environment can also include students and teachers “meeting” online through a synchronous web-based application. The teacher is able to present lessons through video, PowerPoint, or chatting.

► The students are able to talk with other students and the

teacher, as well as collaborate with each other, answer questions, or pose questions. They can use the tools available through the application to virtually raise their hand, send messages, or answer questions on the screen given by the teacher or student presenter.


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20 Social Networks

Social network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, pictures, posts, activities, events, interests with people in their network.

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This is the result of my short statistical research with 360 students from Wroclaw Technical University

(May 2014).There were three questions in my questionnaire:

1. What is education online?

2. Do you have any personal experience with education online?

3. Are you pro or against online education?  

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don't know know

What is education


70%What is educa-

tion online?


1. What is education online?

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don't have elarning, tests, courses




2. Any personal experience with education online?

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pro against don't know



15% 5%

Are you for or against education on-line?

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27Why? We are in the 21st century where everything is possible and

acceptable. For example, students are studying at home/work place utilizing computer which is called online schooling/learning.

Online learning is a great alternative to traditional universities, especially for people who can’t afford the time and money to take real courses.

Online method of education can be a highly effective alternative method of education for the students who are matured, self-disciplined and motivated, well organized and having high degree of time management skills.

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29How? Blended….

Virtual learning environments are the basic components of contemporary distance learning, but can also be integrated with a physical learning environment which may be referred to as blended learning.

This is where students attend traditional school on a part-time basis and complete their classes online

Blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path or pace. While still attending a “brick-and-mortar” school structure, face-to-face classroom methods are combined with computer- mediated activities.

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30 Blended…..

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32 Blended Learning

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35► As interest in flipped learning continues to grow, so does its adoption

among the educational rank and file. By moving entry-level information outside the classroom -- typically (but not exclusively) through self-paced, scored videos -- teachers can reframe learning so that students spend more instructional time engaged in deeper discussions, hands-on applications and project-based learning. With a focus on more direct contact between teachers and students, greater application of basic concepts, and increased collaboration between learners, flipped learning provides yet another outlet for 21st century teaching.

► The payoff from flipped learning is significant. Teachers will recapture instructional time that can be used to deepen learning. Student engagement will likely rise due to more personalized contact with information. And a richer culture of collaboration will emerge among students who learn to work together. Flipped learning means that teachers do less talking and more listening. Their students will flip for that.

Joe Hirsch , 4 Tips for Flipped Learning JULY 22, 2014

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37Future Learning

In a recent survey of 1,021 experts, 60% agreed that by 2020 “there

will be mass adoption of teleconferencing and distance learning…”

“On average, students in online learning conditions performed better

than those receiving face-to-face instruction” – Steve Lohr, New York

Times, 2009

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38 M - Learning

M-Learning is the way to learn the tools of communication involving

mobile wireless, which creates the premises of an area spreading

messages on a global scale.

Mobile telephoning has evolved so much that now allows connections

to computers and making consistent data transfers.

M-Learning is a new educational paradigm that creates an

environment in which pupils access to course materials, instructions

and applications anytime and anywhere.

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39Disadvantages M - Learning

Lack of personal community and connection (bad for blended learning)

Focuses on memorization over learning core competencies

Underutilized talents and facilities

Too long downloading

Mobile may create problems in itself

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40 M-Learning Advantages:

Students can study anywhere as long as there is access to an

internet connection

Can work at own pace

Can accommodate different learning styles through different


Flexibility in class time

M-Learning is relatively cost effective

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41 Advantages of Online Education 1

Students have the chance to study for free, in their own time, own pace of study.

It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-motivation.

An access to all resource helps participants learn wherever they are, leaving them the freedom to choose the time for study.

They change from passive to active learners.

The responsibility and self-discipline of students is the MUST.

Online education is able to provide learners with a flexible learning environment from any location as long as they have a good internet connection

Students can attend the online classes from any location that is convenient.

Everyone can enroll into any online degree program offered by any universities around the world.

Online degree programs cost less than campus-based degree programs as most of learning materials are in downloadable format and the credit hours required to complete an online degree program is comparatively less.

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42 Advantages of Online Education 2

It’s more efficient.

Students can direct their own pace.

Provides the flexibility for students to move at their own pace, unlike a classroom setting where

everyone must keep up with, or slow down to, the instructor’s pace. So students who need

additional time to review materials can do so at a slower rate, while faster students can breeze

through course materials more quickly.

Students can direct their own learning paths.

Provides the modularity for students to choose their order of coursework in a manner that best

suits their respective learning styles. This has been especially desired among adult learners.


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43 Advantages of Online Education 3

Cost Effective

Promotes online and computer skills

Reduces travel time

Can work around work, family and other activities

Helps to build self-knowledge and self-confidence and encourages

student responsibility

Ability to test out if interested

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44Disadvantages of Online Education

Learners with low motivation and bad study habits can easily fall behind

Students may feel isolated from classmates or instructor

Instructor may not always be available

Slow Internet connections or older computers make accessing course difficult

Hands-on or lab work is difficult to simulate in a virtual classroom

Lack of student customization

Lack of personal community and connection

Digital divide may short circuit improvement

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45 Disadvantages of Online Education

Online learning cannot offer human interaction, which gives a person

opportunity to develop properly.

Online courses cannot cope with thousands of students who try to join


Online learning can be difficult technically , if it is meant for disciplines that

involve practice.

If you are not comfortable with text format and prefer to listen to the lecture

instead of reading it.

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46Disadvantages of Online Education

Cost is still equivalent if not more than brick and mortar school Course availability Employment Working Alone Missing out on non-verbal communication Potential for less networking opportunities No facilities to use or access Exclusion of fun campus activities Commitment

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47 Conclusion

There are both pros and cons of online education.

Online learning should be seen as a complement and extension of

classical forms of learning. Not even the best online course can fully

replace the personal contact with a teacher, or the human relationships

that develop in a group.

All in all, traditional classes should not be replaced with online learning.

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Online education will continue to develop, but classroom teaching will also continue on improving at the same pace.

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49 Making the difference

Teacher’s role is to be a learning coach, mentor and a source of support as well as inspiration.

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50 What do you think…?

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51 References

Goff, Brian. Collaborative Learning: Benefits of Online Learning. Rochester Institute of technology: 2012. web. 5 October 2012. strategies/collaborative learning/benefits.cfm

McLaughlin, Mark. Online Grade Schools Becoming a Popular Alternative. 19 September 2011. web. 5 October 2012.

Borden, Jeff. The Future of Online Learning. Elearn Magazine: August 2011. web. 5 October 2012.

Baker, Jason and Woods, Robert. Social Dynamics of Online learning: Pedagogical Imperatives and Practical Applications. 18th Annual Conference on Distance Learning: 2005. web. 5 October 2012.

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52 References

Banciu, Viorica and Gordan, Mircea. The Social Benefits of E-Learning in the Study of Foreign Languages in Romanian Education.International Conference on Management and Education Innovation: Lansit Press, Singapore. 2012. web. 5 October 2012.

Schwartzman, Eric. 4 Advantages of Online Socila Media Training Over Classroom Learning. 12 September 2012. web. 5 October 2012.

Whitaker, Kari. 7 Benefits of online Education. Online Education benefits: 2 April 2007. web. 5 October 2012.

Na. Advantages and Disadvantages of eLearning. eLearner: n.d.web.5 October. 2012.

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53 References

James, Gary. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning. N.p.n.d.web.5 October 2012.

na. Challenges and Disadvantages of E-learning and Distance Learning. Compassion in politics: 26 September 2009. web. 2 October 2012.

Na. The Disadvantages of Online Learning. Elearning-Companion: Supporting the Implementation of Elearning. 2011.web. 2 October 2012.

Georevich, Don. 5 Disadvantages of E-Learning. N.p.n.d. web. 2 October 2012.

Na. 5 Disadvantages of Online Learning. Online Learning Marketplace. N.d. web. 2 October 2012.

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