Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science
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Transcript of Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Page 1: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Education 3601Principles of Curriculum and InstructionScience

Page 2: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Education 3601-Scientific Literacy

• Outline of January 15, 2007– Review of Day 2– Review of Assignments

• Web Quest• Science Teacher Assignment

– Science Literacy– Learning Cycle Activity– Program Foundations– Web Authoring Workshop –

Marlo Steed

Page 3: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

• Outcomes:• Students will:

– Identify issues with the Web Quest assignment

– Identify issues with the science teacher assignment

– Apply learning processes and the learning cycle to a lesson plan

– Describe the four foundations of Scientific Literacy as described by the Pan-Canadian Framework

Education 3601-Scientific Literacy

Page 4: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Science Teacher Assignment

Summarize in 3 – 5 points what you learned and be prepared to share with classmates

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Science Literacy

“The combination of science–related attitudes, skills, and knowledge students need to develop inquiry, problem solving skills and decision-making abilities to become lifelong learners, and to maintain a sense of wonder about the world is called scientific literacy.”

- Council of Ministers, 1997

- Roscoe, Mrazek, p. 12

Page 6: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

“To become scientifically literate, students need to develop an understanding of science concepts, based on concrete learning experiences, meaningful learning contexts, and applications to their own world.”

- Council of Ministers, 1997

- Roscoe and Mrazek, p. 34

Page 7: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Education 3601 – Learning Science: Learning Processes and the Learning Cycle

– Suppose you were a high school science teacher starting Unit D – Energy Flow in Global Systems and you proposed to your students that their first assignment would be to present an issues paper relative to climate change. (Advanced Organizer - Learning Cycle)

Page 8: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Education 3601

Science 10 P of S, p.31

4. Investigate and interpret the role of environmental factors on global energy transfer and climate


• describe and evaluate the role of science in furthering the understanding of climate and climate change through international programs (e.g., World Meteorological Organization, World Weather Watch, Global Atmosphere Watch, Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) project, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); the study of paleoclimates and models of future climate scenarios)

• describe the role of technology in measuring, modelling and interpreting climate and climate

change (e.g., computer models, devices to take measurements of greenhouse gases, satellite

imaging technology)

• describe the limitations of scientific knowledge and technology in making predictions related to

climate and weather (e.g., predicting the direct and indirect impacts on Canada’s agriculture,

forestry and oceans of climate change, or from changes in energy transfer systems, such as ocean

currents and global wind patterns)

• assess, from a variety of perspectives, the risks and benefits of human activity, and its impact on

the biosphere and the climate (e.g., compare the Gaia hypothesis with traditional Aboriginal

perspectives on the natural world; identify and analyze various perspectives on reducing the

impact of human activity on the global climate)

Page 9: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Education 3601 – Learning Science: Learning Processes and the Learning Cycle

– Small Group Activity: Following learning processes (pp. 34 – 38 Roscoe) and the learning cycle, (pp.183-189 Roscoe) what would you do in the first class on this topic?

• (Figures 2.1, p.49; 4.8, p. 109:fig. 6.4, p. 167)

Page 10: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Education 3601 – Learning Science: Learning Processes and the Learning Cycle

• Include Reference to each of the following individual learning processes:– Students’ prior knowledge– Active Learning– Social Learning– Language and social interaction– Emotions

• Also Reference the Learning Cycle by noting each phase in your lesson.

Page 11: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Education 3601-Scientific Literacy

“To support the development of science literacy, school programs must provide a foundation of learning experiences that address critical aspects of science and its application” Gr. 10, P. of S, p.3.

Let’s have a bit of fun:

Your task, should you choose to accept it is to explain one of the four foundations to the class. The class is a group of neophyte generalist teachers who have never taught science.

Page 12: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

– In presenting your Foundation, what things must be included?

• E.g. Meaning of each Foundation

• Example of the Foundation• Etc.

– Your skit must be:• Funny• Have at least one

humorous anecdote• Involve each person in the

dialogue• Must include some activity

from audience members

Education 3601-Scientific Literacy

Page 13: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Ed 3601 Foundation 1


– Nature of Science– Science and

Technology– Social and

Environmental Contexts of Science and Technology

Page 14: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Ed 3601 Foundation 2

• KNOWLEDGE– Life Science– Physical/Chemical

Science– Earth and Space


Page 15: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Ed 3601 Foundation 3

• SKILLS– Initiating and

Planning– Performing and

Recording– Analyzing and

Interpreting– Communication

and Teamwork

Page 16: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Ed 3601 Foundation 4

• ATTITUDES– Interest in

Science– Mutual

Respect– Scientific

Inquiry– Collaboration– Stewardship– Safety

Page 17: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Ed 3601

Web Authoring

Marlo Steed

Page 18: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Ed 3601 – Program Organization

• Science Focus 9 – Textbook– Seatwork Exercise

– Focus question: How does the text cover the elements of Program Foundation and Program Organization?

• Worksheet for partners

– Activities p. 93 and investigation 2-A

Page 19: Education 3601 Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Science.

Ed 3601

• Assignments:– Read pp. 23 – 31 and pp. 178 – 183 in Scientific

Literacy.– Read pp. 1 – 3 of the elementary science P. of S. and

focus on the Technology/Problem-solving emphasis.– Read the first 10 pages of one of the HS science P. of

S. again focussing on technology emphasis.– Find and print General Outcome C-6 from the ICT

Program of Studies– Be prepared to discuss the Science and

Technology emphasis.