Eduardo's Disney Trip

Eduardo's Disney Trip By Stephan B


Grade 5 created books for their reading buddies using the BookCreator App.

Transcript of Eduardo's Disney Trip

  • Eduardo's Disney Trip

    By Stephan B

  • One afternoon, right after school, the Cejas family left Miami to go to Disney World. Eduardo and Pablo were so excited to go

    to Disney World!

  • In the car, Eduardo kept on checking if Sonic was okay. They kept asking their parents the same old question, "Are we there yet?". Mommy and daddy kept on saying, "No, we are not there yet". One time their mom said, "Only one mile left." Eduardo and Pablo looked out of the window and saw traffic, a lot of traffic. When they looked forward, they saw many red lights. When they looked back, they saw a lot of white lights.

  • They finally saw the sign in the distance,"Walt Disney World". They finally passed the sign, after waiting 30 minutes in the car. They were so excited but it was getting dark out so they decided to eat at Benihana. When they left Benihana they were happy with the great food. Eduardo and Pablo slept so well. They could not wait until the next morning.

  • Eduardo was the first to wake up. He woke up his brother and they both woke up their parents. They got up and said,"Just 5 more minutes". During those 5 minutes they got ready and brushed their teeth. Eduardo put Sonic, his favorite stuffed toy in his bag. After the 5 minutes, they woke up mommy and daddy and they got ready. Then, they left the hotel and rushed to Typhoon Lagoon.

  • They got to Typhoon Lagoon faster than a cheetah would and were the first ones there. They got the best parking spot in town (very close to the entrance). Eduardo was so excited, even more excited than Pablo. After going on all the rides there (in less than 1 hour), they ate lunch. He had his favorite food, PIZZA AND CHICKEN FINGERS! After doing the tidal wave for 30 minutes, they went back to the hotel.

  • They had a very quick stop just to change and Eduardo got his favorite stuffed toy. In 10 minutes (spending more than half of the time getting to the hotel room), they were off to Magic Kingdom.


  • This time there was traffic, it took them 20 minutes just to travel one mile. In Eduardo's point of view, it felt like a whole day! Instead of getting the best parking spot, they got a not-so-good spot. There were long lines, people couldn't even walk through the roads. Since the castle lines were not as long as the other lines, Eduardo and his family went to see the castle. After they saw the castle, all the lines had gotten a million times smaller. Now people could walk through the streets without running into people. They did a couple of rides that were really fun but not as fun as Space Mountain.

  • Space Mountain always has the longest lines in Magic Kingdom and it is Eduardo and Pablo's favorite ride. It was quarter after seven and they got into the line. Ten minutes later, they were getting on. When everybody was buckled in, it said safety rules and much more and then the action started. It counted down 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, BLAST OFF and they were off!

    10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, .....BLAST OFF!

  • The roller coaster started out slow and sped up a lot. When the roller coaster got faster the fun part started. There was a lot of twists and turns. The middle section of the ride was the best part of the ride. When they were coming near the end, there was a 180 degrees turn. Eduardo's favorite stuffed toy, Sonic, slipped out of Eduardo's hand and he said,"Nooooooooooooooooo". He felt like it was the end of the world because Sonic was gone. Since Space Mountain is so fast and dark, in just a second he lost sight of Sonic. When the ride was over, it said the usual things,"Thank you for going on Space Mountain, we hope you enjoyed the ride". Eduardo asked his parents if they could ask a worker to get Sonic. The worker said,"I am very sorry but it is really hard to get it, we have to close the roller coaster, turn on all the lights, and finally search for Sonic." They left Space Mountain and they went to eat. Eduardo didn't really feel like eating even if he had his favorite food. They left the restaurant and went home.

  • When they got to the hotel. Eduardo and Pablo changed into their pajamas and brushed their teeth. Pablo started sleeping instantly because it was after ten in the night. Eduardo couldn't sleep, he just kept thinking about Sonic. What would Sonic be doing? Does Sonic miss him? Is Sonic okay? Finally his parents asked him,"What's wrong Eduardo?". Eduardo replied,"I lost my favorite stuffed toy, Sonic, and I really miss him." Mommy said,"Would you be happier if I buy you another toy." Eduardo said,"Yes."Eduardo fell asleep.

  • The next morning Pablo woke up Eduardo and they woke up mommy. Daddy was already up. He got dressed and brushed his teeth. Everybody was packing and getting ready to go back to Magic Kingdom. They packed everything in the car and left the hotel.

    PabloEduardoMom Dad

  • When they got to Magic Kingdom they went straight to the stores. In the first, second, third, and fourth store, they didn't have Sonic or anything like Sonic. Finally in the last store they had something sort of like Sonic. Eduardo said,"I like it, but not as much as Sonic." They bought it and went to have lunch. After they ate the delicious lunch, they left back to Miami. Eduardo started liking the new toy more and more as time went on.

  • After two weeks went by, he even liked the new toy more than Sonic. He realized to be thankful for what he had and the awesome time in Disney with his great family. He promised to everyone that he would appreciate everything in his life and not cry and be upset over little things anymore.