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  • 7/29/2019 edu500-assignment 1


    Alan NorrisAssignment 1

    Assignment 1

    In this paper I will present to you my opinions about some basic questions that have

    confused and dazzled the minds of every language teacher since the beginning of time.

    The summary of ideas will be in the following order:

    My core belief about the nature of language

    My core belief about the nature of learning

    My core belief about the nature of teaching

    I propose to answer these beliefs with a series of logical arguments that will make use

    of ones reasoning and historical knowledge. I will draw upon the evidence of history to

    backup my opinions, as I am a strong believer that we should learn from our mistakes. I

    believe that the my views are best summarized within this quote from a historical reading

    which says, "History is for human self-knowledge...the only clue to what man can do is

    what man has done. The value of history, then, is that it teaches us what man has done

    and thus what man is. (R.G. Collingwood, 2006). I use this quote because it best

    describes why I believe history is the best reference tool for describing the mysteries of

    mankind. Now let us proceed into the abyss of the mind and shed light upon the

    mysteries of exactly what language is.

    Firstly we will discuss the nature of language, and to do so I believe it is best to

    define what exactly language is. According to Oliver Wendell Holmes Language is the

    blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow. (T. Gustafson,

    1993). However in my opinion I believe that language is a necessary utility for survival

    and adaptability. It can be used for positive, negative, or neutral means and can

    implement all forms of communication. Language has been defined an uncountable


  • 7/29/2019 edu500-assignment 1


    Alan NorrisAssignment 1

    number of times by a large number men who are much wiser than me. So I believe it just

    goes to show that the very definition of language is complex in and of itself.

    My personal definition of language of is based on the historical tale of the tower of

    babel, which is originally documented in the historical literature of the bible. This

    particular story comes from genesis and attempts to explain why there are so many

    different languages in the world today.

    To paraphrase the text from genesis 11:1-10 all of the people at the time spoke one

    language and traveled east to the land of Shinar. The people created a great city there and

    decided to build a tower from brick and mortar so they could reach the heavens. When

    god came down and saw the city and the tower he said behold, the people is one, and

    they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained

    from them, which they have imagined to do. (Genesis 11:6) so in order to prevent them

    from building the tower god confounded their language so they couldnt understand each

    other and then scattered all of the people around the world.

    Given the historical context of language and its beginnings we can assume that

    mankind had to find a way to adapt to their environment(s). In doing so they have

    initially addressed the subject of learning. In my opinion learning is the practice of

    obtaining new information and processes. These likewise can be used to raise ones self-

    awareness and extend ones consciousness, which may bring about latent abilities or

    create anew set of skills for an individual. Learning can be done be done through several

    obvious ways

    Osmosis, observation, and inference

    Consciousness-raising and becoming aware of ones situations and needs


  • 7/29/2019 edu500-assignment 1


    Alan NorrisAssignment 1

    The art of adaptation, which commonly is the last step and most often, is used

    to interact with physical stimuli around the individual.

    I base several of my beliefs of learning from the scientific work developed by the

    biologist, Charles Darwin. One of his theories which states the young with a

    certain favorable adaptation will pass it on to the next generation and

    survive or adapt even more using the first adaptation (Encarta, 1998).

    That being said I believe my studies in science have heavily shaped my

    opinions about learning.

    As society has developed a more complex infrastructure, the

    need for teachers has likewise increased. The reasons behind this will

    become clear once we understand where we originated. Every

    generation since the beginning of human existence has passed on its

    language, social values, unique traditions, survival methods, and

    necessary job skills. This type of enculturation eventually developed

    into a type of socialization. Before writing existed the enculturation of

    the next generation was done via person to person or else visually. It

    wasnt until around 3500 B.C. that the first examples of organized

    writing were seen (Fischer, 2004), and it wasnt until 2000 B.C. that the

    first alphabet was developed in Egypt. (Fischer, 2004)

    After studying the history of education and some of the cultures

    behind it I would have to say that I believe teaching is the ability to

    pass down learned information to a target subject or group. I believe


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    Alan NorrisAssignment 1

    that once can teach through multiple pedagogies and methods, and

    that the art of teaching has been developing ever since humans

    existed. The primary differences of the civilizations back then and now

    is that we, in the computer age, seek to organize, collect, study, and

    maintain the skills that have proven effective for academia.

    As a living organism, we as humans have found it necessary to develop a

    language that would ensure clean and concise communication among our own species

    and social groups. This development has lead to the necessity to find ways to describe

    and say things, which eventually evolved into language. Likewise the evolution of

    language continued and birthed the ideas of not just learning, but teaching it as well. This

    development has lead to the necessity to find ways to teach and learn daily tasks that have

    since become more and more common. That's where our role as teachers come in, and

    where often time it gets complicated or confusing. Teaching another student our ways of

    understanding the world often goes against their own, but at the same time can hopefully

    provide our students with just a little bit of enlightenment to the world around them.


  • 7/29/2019 edu500-assignment 1


    Alan NorrisAssignment 1

    Reference List

    Collingwood, R. (2006). The Idea of History. Hesperides Press.

    Fischer, S. R. A History of Writing, 2004, Reaktion Books

    Gustafson, T. (1993). Representative Words: Politics, Literature, and the American

    Holy Bible: King James Version. Genesis 11:1-10.

    Language, 1776-1865 (ed., Vol., pp. 197). Cambridge University Press.

    "Theory of Natural Selection." Encarta 98 Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. 1998.
