Edms Technical Document

BILLACE NIGERIA RC: 709642 June 25 th , 2010 Technical Document Business Address: #20, 54 road Gwarimpa Estate, FCT, Abuja Telephone: +234(0)98706405; +234(0)8062133163; +234(0)8073638418 Our Website: www.billacenig.com Contact Email: [email protected] For the BILLACE Electronic Document Management Solution


More information about the BILLACE NIGERIA Electronic Document Management Solution

Transcript of Edms Technical Document

Page 1: Edms Technical Document


June 25th , 2010

Technical Document

Business Address: #20, 54 road Gwarimpa Estate, FCT, Abuja

Telephone: +234(0)98706405; +234(0)8062133163; +234(0)8073638418

Our Website: www.billacenig.com Contact Email: [email protected]

For the BILLACE Electronic Document Management Solution

Page 2: Edms Technical Document

Billace Nigeria….. Beyond Possibilities

This document is a property of BILLACE NIGERIA LTD  Page 2 

Table of Contents

1  Executive Summary .................................................................................................... 3 2  Current Situation ........................................................................................................ 3 3  Solution ........................................................................................................................ 4 

3.1  Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 4 3.2  Features .......................................................................................................................... 5 

3.2.1  Incoming Documents .................................................................................................... 5 

3.2.2  Outgoing Documents .................................................................................................... 5 

3.2.3  Retrieval of Stored Documents .................................................................................... 6 

3.2.4  Automated Document Link ........................................................................................... 6 

3.2.5  Workflow Facilities ........................................................................................................ 6 

3.2.6  Annotation and Comments ........................................................................................... 6 

3.2.7  Easy Connection .......................................................................................................... 7 

3.2.8  Automated Logs ........................................................................................................... 7 

3.2.9  Classification of Documents ......................................................................................... 7 

3.2.10  Document Renewal .................................................................................................. 7 

3.2.11  Documents Restore .................................................................................................. 7 

3.2.12  User Policies and Privileges ..................................................................................... 8 

3.2.13  Robust Search .......................................................................................................... 8 

3.2.14  Version Control ......................................................................................................... 8 

3.2.15  Virtual Private Network Support ............................................................................... 8 

3.2.16  Audit ......................................................................................................................... 8 3.3  Benefits ........................................................................................................................... 8 

4  Implementation Plan ................................................................................................... 9 4.1  Methodology ................................................................................................................... 9 4.2  Schedule ......................................................................................................................... 9 

5  Costs .......................................................................................................................... 10 6  Screen Shots ............................................................................................................. 11 7  Technologies ............................................................................................................. 15 8  Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 15 

Page 3: Edms Technical Document



illace Niger

his document 

Billace Nigerdependable c

Faster docaccessib

Organizaability to r

their overheincrea


greatly affgrowth oorganiza

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d Possibilities



We areproducts a

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Of this aveto impropethese doc

All these fthree milliomillion nailittle bits.

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fully dedicatare tailored t

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Customized Dion to boost and managee and be mo

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re crucial to t

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Solution assicost of documthe organiza

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be recreatedult of imprope

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Page 3 

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Page 4: Edms Technical Document



Our DoS


illace Niger

his document 

ocument ManaSolution provid

Better secur

Cost Saving


hazards and

pestilence a

Prevents po

handling an

Better and fa

indexing for


Faster acce

of documen

The need of evrganization is a s

hat satisfies its bneeds.

Increase busineprofitability

ia….. Beyond

is a property 

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d filing




very solution usiness


d Possibilities


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Vital dmust be kthem.

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Sending dof these dviews, acc

The need managema reliable

With the ethe hazardthere arisemanagem

Billace Nigcombinatioeffectively

3 So We haoperations

That is whcustomizemanagem

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By the elimincoming dof employinformatio

3.1 ObThe traditiin our way

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cannot be ment system de

at still practiceution.

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of documentexposed to d, robust and s.

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Page 4 

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o help also

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ant impact

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Page 5: Edms Technical Document








(by e









for d


illace Niger

his document 

Security for d

Document mathat suppo

he new way o

cument mana

es better sec

uments, save

tioneries and

elimination o

and filing of p

ocuments), pr

stance to haz

pestilence at

nforces prop

ective filing, p

or handling, p

er and faster

documents a

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ia….. Beyond

is a property 


anagement orts VPN

of office


curity for

es cost on

d labour

of printing



zards and


er and



r indexing

nd faster


d Possibilities


The main Solution is

The cost ogathered fmanagemservices o

The nsecurity foeliminationresistanceeffective fiindexing fo

The advanincludes

Reduc Secur Contro Track Versio Prope Faste Prese Ease Secur Bulk d

3.2 Fea Our dosatisfy entinclude:


If sc




objective of s to “assist o

of papers, fofor a few mo

ment solution of this fantast

ew way of ofor documentsn of printing e to hazards iling, preventor document

ntages of Ou

ces overheadrity of documolled accessing of changon control oner Document r and better d

ervation of doof integratingred internet adocument im

atures ocument materprise docu

.1 Incominhe incoming rchives all incf delivery, etc

the incomingcanned, com

.2 Outgoinhe outgoing

he workflow f

Documents caeed for pape

our Electronrganizations

lders, filing cnths will adeand your orgtic product fo

ffice documes, saves costand filing of and pestilents poor handts and faster

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Document M

ses profitabi

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accounting, irtual Private

olution has bgement need

ments module compument (i.e. inve of their for

is already in dexed and ar

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etrieved and ).

t Managemeost”.

other stationfor our docu

till gets to enje years to co

ment gives beries and labo

ments), provinforces propes better andy of documen




HR and ERPe Network

been developds and its fea

presses, indenvoices, emarmats.

paper form, rchived.

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printed (if th

Page 5 


neries if ument joy the


etter our (by des er and faster



P solutions

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it can be

sers via

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Page 6: Edms Technical Document



illace Niger

his document 

Track chdo

• Easier

• Multiple


• Linking


• Workflo

• Attach

• compre




• User g


ia….. Beyond

is a property 

anges made to



e retrieval of

ed document

g of related


ow facilities



s and

es all

ng documen


t document earch

d Possibilities



















.3 RetrievAuthorized usent to them (etwork by eithe particular

Documents onmanner with ohem in a use

.4 AutomaOnce a documan be linked ll the related via workflow)

he linking of ack related dvent.

owever if anhe user (via wccess that doccess to that

his is strictly

.5 WorkfloDocuments caither within thf the same o

he sending oworkflow facilihe documentworkflow (intraosition and dhe document

Authorization usiness docuuthorization tffective busin

Our workflow ocuments, densitive docuocuments.

.6 Annot

Descriptions ohe time of imocument to cocument.

val of Storsers can retri(via the workther using thdocument.

nce located, options either defined loc

ated Document has beeto that docudocuments

) or printed a

documents documents a

ny of the relatworkflow), anocument, thet document.

for security

ow Facilitan be sent tohe same deprganization.

of documentsities. These ft that they inta departmendepartment ot to the intend

can be doneument to the thus encouraness procedu

facility helpsocument theuments; and

tation and

of documentsportation. Thclearly under

red Docueve their doc

kflow) from ane search or b

can be retrier to open the

cation for futu

ument Lien archived, ment so thatwhich can e

as the case m

enables the about a speci

ted documennd his policy e user will no


ties o other uses partment or b

s is done throfacilities enatend to sendnt or inter depof the intendeded receiver

e automaticaappropriate

aging more sure.

s prevent pooeft; it protects

saves cost o

d Comme

s can be attahis is to enabrstand the na

ments cuments or dnywhere in thby browsing

eved in a sece document oure reference

nk all related dot just a click wither be retrie


users to be aific client, pro

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ot be able to

of the applicbetween dep

ough the useable users to , select the typartment), sped receiver ar.

lly be routingrecipient for

streamlined a

or handling os the privacy of transferrin


ached to docble other useature and use

Page 6 

documents he to locate

cured or to save e.

ocuments will display eved, sent

able to oject or

een sent to privilege to have

cation partments

e of our specify ype of pecify the and send

g of r and cost

of of g

cuments at rs of that e of that

Page 7: Edms Technical Document








illace Niger

his document 

Share docume



allows you to



what is ess

order to sa

conserve re

provide bette

plan and h

features in



With automa

users can




properly audit

the applic

rive productivityupward by

ia….. Beyond

is a property 

ents securely

e document

nt solution,


s document

nt needs to

sential in

ave cost,


er support

have all

a single


ated logs,

track all

to their

s and the

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t all uses of


y remarkably y 50%

d Possibilities




3.2. Al pu

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On exa fea doc


Comments caocuments th

.7 Easy CAll users can heir current mccessibility fr

.8 Automal activities wrposes. The dit, user audcessed whatd the action e document w

ese logs alsothe actions oministrator toplication and

.9 Classifocuments cancords. The wration (expiry

hile the recordrposes.

e records doeping only.

document tyorkflow.

0 Documorking docummpletion date

pired documen extendedtended and t

1 Documocuments canentionally or

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an also be attat are to be s

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and are inten

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renewed so ent completiont can still be

store m the applic

d, it can be rs before beinowners to beakenly deleti

ready archiveworkflow.

esired modulee flow and eapplication.

ogged for resist for docu

net audit: to kcument was nd from what

wners to keepsists the systusers on the s cabinets.

ents working docuatures for dobe given de

documents f

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eted before tdocuments.

that if a deaon date can

e accessed.

cation either

restored suchng deleted. Te able to accng them.

Page 7 


le from easier

cord ment know who accessed

t location

p track of tem

uments or cument

eadline for record




adline has be

h that it is This cess their

Page 8: Edms Technical Document




illace Niger

his document 

Automatic versall docu

nterprise wide loactivities on ap

Electronic DManagement

• Incoming


• Outgoing


• Stored do


• Automate


• Workflow

• Comment


• Easier co

• Automate

• Documen

• Documen

• Documen

• Defined p


• Robust se

• VPN supp

• Complete

ia….. Beyond

is a property 

sion control on uments

ogging of all plication

ocument Features




ed document


ts and



ed logs

nts classification

nt renewal

nt restore

policies &




e auditing

d Possibilities


3.2. Ea typ doc doc wh ass

Th lev

3.2.Our Esearc

The swith any c


3.2.The vedocumbeen e

All fileimport

3.2. Applthe wonetwo

3.2. All ac the d

3.3 Be The cosolution ca

Customizestreamlineessential, provides b

Other ben

Reduc Share Enforc



.12 Uach user that pe. This policcument that cuments with

hen the user signed by the

e type of polvel of privileg

.13 RobuElectronic Doch module th

search givesany meta tagcriteria.

ever only doss these doc

.14 Versiersion contro

ments to be redited.

ed documentstation are au

.15 Virtuaication usersorld in a secuork.

.16 Auditctions on thedocuments, u

nefits ountless benan be summ

ed documente all your docit save you m

better suppor

nefits to be ac

ced cost of de documentsce security v

User Policaccesses th

cy type enablthey file andhin the applicprofile is beie administrat

icy that is asges that user

ust Searchocument Mahat allows all

s all the usersg and users

cument owncuments bas

on Control feature alloretrieved eve

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t e application users and ca

nefits of a cuarized as “G

t managemecument manamore moneyrt plan.

chieved inclu

document mabetter

via policies

cies and Phe applicationles them to h

d controls all cation. The ung created ator.

ssigned to a will enjoy.

h nagement S users to sea

s complete vcan search f

ers and authsed on their p

rol ows the origien after subs

ent through thsub to the ve

e Networks the applicatthrough the u

are permaneabinets can b

stomized doGood Value fo

ent solutionsagement nee

y, it saves you



Privilegesn must have have access access to al

user policy isand these po

user, determ

olution has aarch for any

view of all dofor document

horized userspolicy type.

inal version oequent versi

he workflow ersion contro

k Supporttion from anyuse of a virtu

ently logged be audited.

cument manor Money”.

allows you toeds to what iu more resou

Page 8 

s a policy to the l

s selected licies are

mines the

a robust document.

ocuments ts using

s can

of ions have

or bulk l feature.

t ywhere in ual private

so that


o s really urces and

Page 9: Edms Technical Document




For s








illace Niger

his document 

ument restore fodocuments

User friendlieasier ada

security reasons

gure this applica

different from o

lications. This is

y security breac

event users from

anization that ar

th the applicatio

ning access to y


ia….. Beyond

is a property 

or deleted

iness and aptation

s, we must

ation to be


s to avoid

ch and to

m other

re familiar

on from

your own


d Possibilities


Mainta Reduc Faste Faste Faste Suppo Increa Easie

4 ImFrom expeapplicationnetwork.

For securidifferent frand to preapplication

This is a mcustomize

We intend

The first porganizatithe server

The seconthe use ofthey can g

The third porganizatiexcellent a

This maintstrictly on

4.1 MeAfter the sstated aboproduct onensure tha

The maintmaintenanmodules a

4.2 ScThe duratiManagem


ain existing bce Training cr and better dr and easier r and better orts Virtual Pases employer to integrate

mplemenerience, and n can be imp

ity reasons, wrom other apevent users frn from gainin

major challened solution te

d to impleme

phase is the aon or within tr and client d

nd phase is tf this solutionget the best f

phase is to con for a perioand consiste

tenance inclrequest by y

ethodologsuccessful deove, we will only. This maiat all service

tenance will bnce and coulas the case m

hedule ion for the im

ment Solution

business procost document seadaptation integration

Private Netwoee and busine into already

ntation Pdifferences

plemented as

we must conpplications. Trom other orng access to

nge in the infends to hand

nt this produ

actual deploythe specified

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continually mod of three (

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be for databad include fur


mplementatio is 10 days. W



ork ness producty existing sys

Plan in organizati

s a standalon

nfigure this apThis is to avorganization thyour own ap

formation tecle properly.

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our staffs andtages it givesduct.

aintain the p3) years. Thi

extension anation.

f our product3) years mainll be done evhis documen

ase backup, rther extensio

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tivity stem

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chnology sec


solution witheployment ination.

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Page 9 

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ctor that

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our re

of features

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months to elivered.

up and oval of

cument will be

Page 10: Edms Technical Document

Billace Nigeria….. Beyond Possibilities

This document is a property of BILLACE NIGERIA LTD  Page 11 

6 Screen Shots The Login Page

The menu module

THE LOGIN PAGE: This page allows users to gain access to the application and verifies the authenticity of their access credentials.

This page is also responsible for verifying the expiry status of the user’s access credentials.

Note: All users must be verified for authenticity and status acquisition.

THE ADMINISTRATORS VIEW: Displays all the menu items and all the module categories that the administrator (Library administrator) can access. All notification (on users documents accessed by other users of the network, password expiry reminder, workflow received notification) are also displayed in the menu module.

The document search form allows for robust search of documents using all the Meta tags provided during the document importation.

The menu items (which are in all the modules) allows for direct connection to any module without any route path. Thus giving the user a very smooth, seamless and easy connection throughout the application.

The quick side menu allows for direct connection to document items, workflow and all logs.

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Billace Nigeria….. Beyond Possibilities

This document is a property of BILLACE NIGERIA LTD  Page 12 

New Document Module

ADD NEW DOCUMENT: This module allows the user to add documents to the application by importation.

By the user filling the form and providing adequate meta tags for the new document, the user can search for any document filed from this module using any of the meta tags.

Document Owner

The user must specify the owner of the document. The document owner can be the user, his department or the organization.

Document Properties

The properties to be imposed on the document must be specified (Normal, Read only or Hidden) also the date for the document handling to be completed (this date is only needed for working documents but must be specified).


The cabinet that the document should be filed into must also be provided. These cabinets can be configured to accept documents from specific policy users

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Billace Nigeria….. Beyond Possibilities

This document is a property of BILLACE NIGERIA LTD  Page 13 

Send Document via Workflow

Received Workflow Documents

CONFIGURE DOCUMENT: This module allows the user to configure only the documents created by the user.

All the configurations done here overwrites previous configuration.

Document Edit The user can specify that the document can be editable or not. If there is no specification, the document by default is editable.

Document Delete

The document can be configured to allow delete operations or not. If no specification is made, the document by default is open for deletion only by its creator.

Document Private Private documents can only be accessed by their owners. They can be seen but cannot be retrieved except by their owners.

SEND DOCUMENT: This module allows the user to send documents to other users through the workflow facilities.

The documents are sent using the intended receiver’s position and department within the organization. The workflow facility is available to all users of the application.

Receivers’ Position

The receivers position must be specified as this will enable the occupier of that position gain access to that document within the specified department.

Receivers’ Department

The department of the receiver is also required. If omitted, the department of the sender will be used so that the document will be sent within that department.

Workflow Comments

Comments are optional. But they could be useful to inform the intended user of the actions expected from him.

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Billace Nigeria….. Beyond Possibilities

This document is a property of BILLACE NIGERIA LTD  Page 14 

View Workflow Documents

RECIEVED WORKFLOW DOCUMENTS: Users can at a glance see all the workflow documents that they have received, the date the documents were received, the sender name and comments attached (if any). From this module, users can either retrieve the documents or get a better view of the documents by using either of the two buttons available.

DETAILED VIEW OF RECEIVED DOCUMENT: Workflow documents can be viewed better when the user clicks the view button in the received workflow module. This module shows in details all the information about the workflow and the workflow document.

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Billace Nigeria….. Beyond Possibilities

This document is a property of BILLACE NIGERIA LTD  Page 15 

Larger Bulk Document Importation

7 Technologies Our Electronic Document Management Solution was developed using Adobe ColdFusion 8 which is the most recommendable choice for developing enterprise wide solutions. Adobe ColdFusion 8 supports all major databases thus making it even more flexible and more compactable for enterprise wide solution.

This product supports and can be easily integrated with many third party components that your organization already posses.

This product was developed to be a browser based solution to document management needs for easy integration with Virtual Private Networks and more flexibility.

For simplicity and cost effectiveness, NO third party component was involved in the development of this unique product so that it is powerfully platform independent and compatible with all browsers.

8 Conclusion Our customized document management system gives you great value, total relief over document security, document theft, document loss and document management it gives you control over your organization’s document management and most importantly it is guaranteed to satisfy all your document management needs while it pays for itself.