Editorial - le-jde.fr · founder and CEO of Artelittera A little while ago, the JDE went to have a...


Transcript of Editorial - le-jde.fr · founder and CEO of Artelittera A little while ago, the JDE went to have a...

Page 1: Editorial - le-jde.fr · founder and CEO of Artelittera A little while ago, the JDE went to have a chat with Chantal Vieuille, the head and founder of Artelittera, an innovative start-up
Page 2: Editorial - le-jde.fr · founder and CEO of Artelittera A little while ago, the JDE went to have a chat with Chantal Vieuille, the head and founder of Artelittera, an innovative start-up

EditorialHello everyone !

We wish you a happy new year and present you our january issue, entirely in english !Thanks to Melt’s International Week, you have now an international JDE in your hands !

Have a nice International Week !



Thanks toCaroline, Sylvain, Jasmine, Roland and Angélique

New Year’s resolutionInterview of Chantal Vieuille

How to become more french than the FrenchHoroscope

p. 2-3p. 4-5


p. 6

p. 7

Page 3: Editorial - le-jde.fr · founder and CEO of Artelittera A little while ago, the JDE went to have a chat with Chantal Vieuille, the head and founder of Artelittera, an innovative start-up

Happy new year

The right resolution : not taking resolution !

2016 has finally arrived and so have done the traditional New Year’s resolutions. A new year is seen as an opportunity for a new life, to infinity and beyond ! Ok I get carried away but you must confess that you have been too ambitious in your resolutions at least once. So here is a top 5 of unrealistic resolutions you should never take (except if you are a Shaolin monk)

1. New Year is also a sy-nonym of sales. And every year, it’s the same well-known scenario : you spend all you money in clothes. And then, you feel guilty and you have to eat pasta until the end of January. So you anticipate : “This time, I’ll save my mo-ney”. Wrong choice ! Because one day or another (= in Fe-bruary), as a frustrated per-son, you will go on a spen-ding spree but the sales will be over. So, no matter how your wallet suffers, you should just take advantage of the sales. To appease your conscience, remember that you embody the demand that allows the economic recovery of France and, this way, you are nothing


else but a responsible citizen

2. Despite the Winter break, you are still haunted by the bad memory of the revisions for your last end-of-term exams because, as always, you were in a rush. You tried to learn all your les-sons in one night. Obviously, you must have thought : “This time is the last time, I will work every day to avoid this rush”. Bullshit. Deep inside your procrastinator’s heart, you know that you will forget that resolution as soon as you go back to the ESSEC. And that’s the same for “I will stop being on Facebook during classes”,

you must be aware it’s as utopian as not drinking alcohol during parties.

3. Christmas, New Year’s Eve, lunch at your grandma’s… The fact is that you have eaten more chocolates than Augustus Gloop (yes, the horrible big gin-ger child that drowned in Willy Wonka’s chocolate river). You would like to forget it but your body doesn’t. The icing on the cake : you see all those beauti-ful creatures on Instagram with their flat stomach. That’s the mo-ment when you decide to adopt a healthy lifestyle : doing sport, eating vegetables and drinking less. But in Cergy, it’s a lost cause : on Thursdays, you will be the first at the Foy’s and you already know it. Healthy people say : “No pain, no gain” but your pre-fer “No great story ever started with someone eating a salad” so

Page 4: Editorial - le-jde.fr · founder and CEO of Artelittera A little while ago, the JDE went to have a chat with Chantal Vieuille, the head and founder of Artelittera, an innovative start-up

Happy new year



drink alcohol and eat hambur-gers (the horrible gherkin in-side is a vegetable after all).

4. A new year means a new start and speaking of “start”, you no longer want to be late. You would like to put an end to your everyday ten-minute lateness. So you think you will get up earlier by putting your alarm clock like thirty minutes in advance ? Then, you are too naive, forget it and just enjoy those precious thirty minutes for sleeping. After all, it’s im-portant to sleep well for your health. And do not forget that the legendary punctuality of RER A always provides you a good excuse for the teacher.

5. When you were in prep class, you were aware of what was happening all around the world, even in deep Patago-

nia. Le Monde, Le Figaro, The Economist, you had all the apps on your smart-

phone. Now, it’s still true but you don’t open them any-more. You were perfectly able to have a coherent po-litical debate. Now, it’s only when you are drunk at 4:00 a.m. You take the newspaper in the “GH” but you never

read it. Don’t try to, the only rea-listic thing you can do is reading your JDE every month. Yes, this is the best word of advice ever, don’t thank me.

Page 5: Editorial - le-jde.fr · founder and CEO of Artelittera A little while ago, the JDE went to have a chat with Chantal Vieuille, the head and founder of Artelittera, an innovative start-up

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Interview of Chantal Vieuille, founder and CEO of Artelittera

A little while ago, the JDE went to have a chat with Chantal Vieuille, the head and founder of Artelittera, an innovative start-up in digital publishing, and ask her a few questions. It’s fresh, it’s new and it’s for you !

Angélique : Which career path have you followed ?Chantal Vieuille : After completing a doctorate in French literature, I was meant to work at university to beco-me a researcher but instead, I got involved rather quickly in the publishing business in Pa-ris. I did quite a lot of diffe-rent things in this field and I worked on various subjects without much coherence until 1995 when I created my own publishing company called Complicités, specializing in art and literature. I worked on my own with a few university authors, which taught me to offer books that were more academic. Having my own bu-siness, I could do things I real-ly liked. That’s how I became an academic publisher. I sold this business over in 2008.I had had the inkling that the digital revolution was going to turn the publishing world upside-down and I wanted


Chantal Vieuille

to create something in this field. I made a simple assess-ment : students, rather than read entire books, always prefer to find information as precise as possible. In that way something that can’t be done in the material world suddenly becomes possible : dividing an e-book in chap-ters that can be sold as PDF files. Late 2009, the platform was born, then a few editors joined in and finally Artelit-tera was born in 2013.

Angélique : What is Arte-littera ?Chantal Vieuille : It’s a label which refers to a plat-form through which people can download chapters from digitized books in PDF for-mat for 2€.

Angélique : How do you see yourself succeed in

convincing teachers and libra-rians that it can be more useful to pick specific chapters than to read a book from cover to cover, when it goes against what they usually advise students to do ?Chantal Vieuille : Resistance will wear off as information spreads : it’s because they aren’t aware that chapters can be read seperately that librarians are reluctant to do so. We challenge the way they see their work : you have been trained to give out books, now you’re going to give

This article was written as part of a partnership with Artelittera

Page 6: Editorial - le-jde.fr · founder and CEO of Artelittera A little while ago, the JDE went to have a chat with Chantal Vieuille, the head and founder of Artelittera, an innovative start-up

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out chapters. It will be less of a problem among the teaching community because it’s a ha-bit every teacher-reseacher has already taken to. The way I see it, the reason this use still meets resistance is the lack of information.

Angélique : Why did you de-cide to build up such an exten-sive catalog ? You sell chapters from works on anthropology, law, finance, art…Chantal Vieuille : Given that we only share academic e-books, that is to say essays, symposiums or collective stu-dies, we work in a niche market. These are works of thought, reflection and knowledge, which removes from our cata-log works of fiction as well as practical and technical books. Other than that, we have to cover the greatest field pos-sible in order for the platform to work.

Angélique : Who does your service cater to ?Chantal Vieuille : We aim our service at users, rather than at professionals. We are an online store for the inter-net user to run through. On

his first purchase, a client often orders but one chap-ter. Many users are loyal to us and come back regularly. Our ideal client is one that prepares a thesis, a long-term project, a research sub-ject and comes back as he goes along.

Angélique : Have you struck partnerships with uni-versity libraries such as the ESSEC Learning Center for example ?Chantal Vieuille : We are in a partnership with Daw-son, the English company specialising in purchases for libraries. University libraries like the ESSEC Learning Center also partner with Dawson and buy material works and e-books as well as e-chapters since 2014. At Dawsons, a student is often granted free access to the e-book as a whole and in chapters.



Thank you to Mrs. Vieuille for answering my questions and for Caroline for translating our ex-change.

Page 7: Editorial - le-jde.fr · founder and CEO of Artelittera A little while ago, the JDE went to have a chat with Chantal Vieuille, the head and founder of Artelittera, an innovative start-up


How to become more French than the French

1. Don’t smile. Just don’t, es-pecially if you are on the subway. Act at all times as if an entire fa-mily of cute kittens was being mur-dered in front of you and you were tracking down the criminals who dared to do that.

2. You always have something very important to do. This implies that you don’t have time to waste when you are on the streets, in the subway. Always walk as fast as you can and sigh as loud as humanly possible if someone or something gets in your way and makes you lose 10 precious seconds.

3. Complain. About every-thing, it doesn’t really matter : the traffic jams, the price of cigarettes, the subway, the taxis...



That’s it, you live in France, near Paris. The dream has come true. But still French people keep asking you questions like « where are you from », « why did you choose to study in France » and it’s becoming quite annoying. The JDE thought about it and here is our proposal to look like a native French.NB : as chauvinism is a particularly developed trend, we want to point out the fact that Parisians are the only truly French people. The others only beneficiate from the aura of the capitale.

4. Never go to visit any monuments in Paris. That’s just a thing for tourists. Forget the Eiffel tower you’re too cool for that. If you want to go to the Louvre, that’s OK but remem-ber that the Mona Lisa is far too mainstream.

5. Speaking of tourists, you should despise them. No matter how friendly they can be, they are tourists. If you really can’t hate them, you should never go fur-ther than tolerance.

6. Food now. Don’t go into a French bistro. Just go eat some fast food. Or Indian food. Or Chinese noodles. Or American burgers. Or Italian pizzas. The only French things you are al-lowed to eat and love are : wine and cheese with bread. And don’t tell me about Beaujolais Nou-veau.

7. Alcool is your new best friend. Deal with it.8. When you are in Paris, talk about how you love the French countryside and its authenticity.

When you’re in the countryside, say how much you miss Paris, its shops, its wifi and all the activities you can have fun doing there.

9. If you don’t speak French, don’t bother to learn. That’s just how other French people behave abroad. At best, people will think you just think so highly of yourself, you don’t want to be dealing with them, who are only provinciaux (it means they don’t come from Paris and therefore are in-ferior creatures)

10. Speaking of these provin-ciaux, there is a particular hierarchy among the human beings you can meet. At the top there is the Parisian. Then there is the foreigner. Then again the provinciaux and last but not least the suburbanites. Sorry Cergy !

How do you want to survive such a rush AND be nice to other people?

You’re welcome !

Page 8: Editorial - le-jde.fr · founder and CEO of Artelittera A little while ago, the JDE went to have a chat with Chantal Vieuille, the head and founder of Artelittera, an innovative start-up

May the odds be ever in your favor

2016 new resolutions horoscope

Libra : Put that book down and get out of the Learning Center, Libra! You’ve been by yourself long enough, it’s time to start inte-racting with other people. ESSEC might look like a frightening jungle but you should make some efforts because it’s time to make new reso-lutions right?

Aries : As usual, you’re being stub-born Aries, you can’t help it, can you? However, there is a silver li-ning: despite your bad temper, you still have friends and valuable ones. So stop being that grumpy and smile a bit more, I bet people will be kinder with you.

Cancer : Even in 2016, bearing the name of a disease is not an easy thing to live with, right Can-cer? You have to deal with it and hopefully your optimism and en-thusiasm will help you get through this challenging year: ‘’Principles of Finance’’ and ‘’Final Accoun-ting & Reporting’’ won’t be easy to pass. Cheer up!

Capricorn : This is going to be a very good detail-planning year for you. Your mind is crystal clear, and 2016 will be free from any major distractions. Your timetable is al-

most perfect: you got almost all your remaining core courses. But, wait a sec, where is the fun here? You wouldn’t have forgotten, would you?

Gemini : Being bipolar might be a strength in 2016 Gemini; take advantage of your specifi-city. In fact, hosting two persons in your –twisted- head will help you attend classes on the day and party at the Foy’s at night. Don’t worry, people judging you are just envious and how could we blame them?

Leo : You have a wonderful, nur-turing nature, Leo. Those around you reap tremendous benefit from your caring soul. You are a leader, no one will contest this fact. But are you a good dancer Leo? Well, if not, get prepared because everyone waits for you at ‘’Nuit de l’ESSEC’’…

Pisces : Today, you crave a little style. Sensible shoes and practical clothes get the boot in favor of fashionable shoes and luxurious fabrics. It seems that you don’t really handle the various parties and the night fevers. Why don’t you put yourself together in or-der to have a fresh start in 2016.

Sagittarius : The year has just begun but it is already an ordeal? Well get used to this because this year is going to get worse: 2016 will suck for you, the sooner you understand this, the better. You’re really likely to retake ALL your exams, get your tissues because you’re going to burst into tears…

Scorpio : You are a venomous crea-ture Scorpio but you can’t help it. But as you met with new/other ESSEC students you may find stronger and sneakier people. So be careful, your salty temper may fire back, maybe it’s time for you to find allies, don’t you think?

Taurus : Don’t be surprised if you’re bored with ESSEC classes, you’re not alone. Your soul is looking for more stimulation and we can’t blame you for this. Maybe your way-out rests on your involvement in your associations or at the Foy’s. Or if you have a huge amount of energy, you might succeed in motivating your marketing group, who knows?

Aquarius : You’re brilliant, Aqua-rius, that’s how you entered ESSEC. But business schools aren’t only about brain so open up and share just a litt-le bit more than you might normally be comfortable with. Will 2016 be the year of sociability for you Aquarius? Make resolutions, you still have time!

Virgo : Last, but not least, Virgo, you will remain the best sign of astrology. Don’t blush, there’s no shame in being the best. So keep looking forward in 2016 and keep inspiring the others. They need it to do better. Stay perfect and humble as always, 2016 will be as smooth as 2015.
