Edition 19 21 NOVEMber 2018 Leadership Reflection€¦ · Fri 23 VCE/VCAL Commencement Week Week 8...

CCW NEWS Edition 19 21 NOVEMber 2018 Leadership Reflection Many of our Year 12 graduates will vote for the first time at the State election this Saturday. A privilege, an honour, a right. It was fought for in Australia and continues to be fought for across the world in places that are still oppressed by an unelected few. Last Sunday’s Gospel asks us once again, to be awake to the ‘signs of the times.’ Given that we all need to decide who to give preferences to, we need to be awake to the ‘signs of the times’ in our local area and State. If we don’t take our role as voters seriously, listening, reading and importantly, questioning, we are not able to watch for the ‘signs’ that indicate a particular direction. Good signs that speak of justice and dignity and bad signs that might yell loudly about selfishness and elitism. A nice simple question that I hope our first time voters ask themselves, and I will be asking myself is: ‘Who would Jesus vote for if he lived in Benambra today?’ Well maybe not that simple a question actually! If our 18 year old graduates have already voted, we trust that they genuinely looked at the policies of the candidates to make their decision. and If their first vote is on Saturday there are a couple more days to do their research if they haven’t decided who will receive their vote! Active participants in the democratic process ensure good government and hopefully, a better world for all. Tony Holt Business Manager Year 9 Camp, p6 VCAL Colour Run, p5 Kool Skools Album, p7 KEY DATES - Term 4 Week 7 19 - 23 November Thur 22 Year 12 Graduation - 5pm Catherine McAuley Arts Centre Fri 23 VCE/VCAL Commencement Week Week 8 26 - 30 November Mon 26 VCE/VCAL Commencement Week continued Tue 27 Year 11 Award Ceremony - 9am Arts Centre Thur 29 Year 11’s Final Day Fri 30 Wodonga Gold Cup Public Holiday - Pupil Free Day Week 9 3 - 7 December Mon 3 Year 10 Award Ceremony - 9am Arts Centre Year 10 Last Day and Formal - 5.30pm Arts Centre Tue 4 Year 9 RITE Journey Return Ceremony - 6pm in the Pizza Hut Wed 5 Year 9 into 10 Transition Program - Wednesday to Friday Thur 6 Year 9 Award Ceremony - 9am Arts Centre Fri 7 Year 9’s Final Day

Transcript of Edition 19 21 NOVEMber 2018 Leadership Reflection€¦ · Fri 23 VCE/VCAL Commencement Week Week 8...

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CCW NEWSEdition 19 21 NOVEMber 2018

Leadership ReflectionMany of our Year 12 graduates will vote for the first time at the State election this Saturday. A privilege, an honour, a right. It was fought for in Australia and continues to be fought for across the world in places that are still oppressed by an unelected few.

Last Sunday’s Gospel asks us once again, to be awake to the ‘signs of the times.’ Given that we all need to decide who to give preferences to, we need to be awake to the ‘signs of the times’ in our local area and State. If we don’t take our role as voters seriously, listening, reading and importantly, questioning, we are not able to watch for the ‘signs’ that indicate a particular direction. Good signs that speak of justice and dignity and bad signs that might yell loudly about selfishness and elitism.

A nice simple question that I hope our first time voters ask themselves, and I will be asking myself is:

‘Who would Jesus vote for if he lived in Benambra today?’

Well maybe not that simple a question actually!

If our 18 year old graduates have already voted, we trust that they genuinely looked at the policies of the candidates to make their decision. and If their first vote is on Saturday there are a couple more days to do their research if they haven’t decided who will receive their vote!

Active participants in the democratic process ensure good government and hopefully, a better world for all.

Tony HoltBusiness Manager

1. Pick And Choose2. Waiting3. Rearrange The Plot4. Sunday Morning5. Blind6. Missing Me7. Real Love8. He Reigns

Artwork by Sarah Herzina & Rhylie Jones

KS18-17-book.indd 1 18/10/18 5:44 pm

Year 9 Camp, p6

VCAL Colour Run, p5

Kool Skools Album, p7

KEY DATES - Term 4Week 7 19 - 23 November Thur 22 Year 12 Graduation - 5pm Catherine McAuley Arts CentreFri 23 VCE/VCAL Commencement Week

Week 8 26 - 30 November Mon 26 VCE/VCAL Commencement Week continuedTue 27 Year 11 Award Ceremony - 9am Arts Centre Thur 29 Year 11’s Final DayFri 30 Wodonga Gold Cup Public Holiday - Pupil Free Day

Week 9 3 - 7 December Mon 3 Year 10 Award Ceremony - 9am Arts Centre Year 10 Last Day and Formal - 5.30pm Arts CentreTue 4 Year 9 RITE Journey Return Ceremony - 6pm in the Pizza HutWed 5 Year 9 into 10 Transition Program - Wednesday to FridayThur 6 Year 9 Award Ceremony - 9am Arts CentreFri 7 Year 9’s Final Day

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Principal’s PulseDear Parents, carers and families,As families would be well aware, we are entering the final weeks of the 2018 school year. This week highlights this with our Year 12 graduation evening on Thursday night, which is followed by VCE commencement week for 2019 VCE, VET and VCAL students.In farewelling our 2018 Senior Students we also say goodbye to over eighty families, I thank you all for your support and friendship over your time at Catholic Education Wodonga.

Commencement WeekThis week gives the students the opportunity to understand the course content they will study and the level of commitment our staff expect from each student.All students will be expected to complete tasks whilst on holidays. I wish to make it very clear to all families that the work set for the holidays is a requirement, which helps all students to start 2019 exactly where staff need students to be.I encourage families, over the break, to discuss the work set by teachers. Explore how and when it will be done and if you have any questions please contact the relevant teacher.In 2019 our VCE Learning and Teaching Leader will be Ms. Stephanie Davis, she replaces Ms. Tess Macrae who is moving to Sacred Heart, Yarrawonga.

Corryong BusOn Tuesday morning, before 7.00am, Louise Middleton, parent of Grace and Genevieve was interviewed on ABC radio. Louise and her husband Ian have lobbied local government, state government and federal government in an attempt to gain bus services from Corryong to Tallangatta and Wodonga. This service is needed to assist families access educational providers such as Catholic College, but also Wodonga TAFE, Belvoir Special School and the Universities.I thank Louise for her work in this space and encourage any families to support her whereever possible.

Leadership TeamIn the coming weeks our Leadership Team will spend an evening and the following day reviewing the progress of our strategic plan. This day is facilitated by me and this year we will be following a process similar to that which Catholic Education Wodonga completed earlier this term. One of our parents, Chris Green from Crowe Howarth, led CEW Council through a risk mitigation workshop which focused on strategic risk. Once we have completed this activity we will share this information via our 2019 newsletter.

state fundingIf you are interested in the recent changes regarding the new State Funding for Catholic and non-Government Victorian Schools, please follow this link for more information.

Learning WalksLearning walks are designed to give prospective members of our community a real sense of what a day in the life of a Catholic College student is. They are conducted by either the Principal or a Deputy Principal. Those members of our community who choose to engage in the activity have an opportunity to see how we utilize all areas of our school site. The important part of the conversation is also around our future, and many of the new initiatives and ideas will be discussed in these walks.

The last Learning Walk will be on Thursday 29 November at 1.30pm.

If you would like to participate please email Cat Forrest [email protected]

Happy Days,Darta

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2019 School FeesThe 2019 Fee Schedule is on our website https://ccw.vic.edu.au/enrolments/finance/. Invoices and details of payment plans will be emailed in December.

2019 Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF)Families, or temporary foster parents, holding a valid means-tested concession card may be eligible to apply for funding under the Victorian Government Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF). This applies to holders of a Health Care Card, Veterans Affairs Gold Card or Pensioner Concession Card: $225 per year is payable for eligible secondary students.

If you have previously completed an application for CSEF with us, there is no need to do anything further, we will lodge on your behalf for 2019.

If you became eligible for a Health Care Card during this year, or are new to the College and have not completed an application form, please use the same link as above to access our website and download an application form. Applications can then be emailed to [email protected].

Kim BirdAccountant

Year 10 & 11 Commencement weekAs the school year rapidly draws to a close, I would like to bring to your attention to significant events that your son/daughter will be involved in over the coming weeks. Commencement Week: Friday 23 November to Thursday 29 November

Some important points to note: • Each subject has been allocated three periods in the program to commence the delivery of the content and skills of the

VCAL, VCE and VET. Attendance is compulsory. Full school uniform is to be worn each day and this includes the wearing of hats at recess and lunch.

• A holiday homework pack has been prepared for each subject and these will be distributed to the students in the last lesson of their course. Homework packs will need to be submitted to the class teacher in the first scheduled lesson of the 2019 school year. Where this requirement is not met, the Work Not Done process will be followed and students will attend a formal detention at lunchtime until the homework is submitted.

• Students who have been successful in gaining a place in an accelerated subject may forfeit their place in the subject if the homework is not completed by the due date.

• Students must come equipped for class. This includes paper and writing equipment and the text (if available) for the subject. Calculators are required for Mathematics and Numeracy classes.

• Students must attend Learning Mentor each morning throughout Commencement Week. Any room changes or additional information applicable to either programs will be delivered through Learning Mentor sessions daily, and on students SIMON page.

• Please note that the teachers your son/daughter has been allocated for the Commencement Programs are not necessarily the teachers they will have in 2019.

If, due to extraordinary circumstances, your son/daughter is unable to participate in some or all of either Commencement Program, then please email their Learning Mentor. A work pack containing the holiday homework for VCE subjects will then be electronically sent to the students, and they are expected to complete the work over the holiday break. An absence does not exclude a student from completing the program activities.

We commend the students for their continued efforts in the classroom as they finalise assessment for Unit Outcomes and prepare for the end of year exam period, and we are confident they are looking forward to the Year 11 Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, 27 November (9.15am) and Year 10 Awards Ceremony on Monday, 3 December (9.15am) and the celebrations that will formally end the 2018 school year.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at the College should you have any queries or concerns. Tess MacraeVCE Learning and Teaching Leader

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How to keep your child Cyber Safe over the Summer HolidaysThe Internet and social media are part of the lives of many people and provide them with the opportunity to meet and communicate with people from all over the world. However, online technology and new modes of communication have also been used by predators and sex offenders to exploit and harm children.

Teenagers are spending an average of 28 hours a week online these school holidays, says cyber safety company Family Zone. And as the younger generation turns away from free-to-air TV in record numbers, some estimates suggest that 60 per cent of teenage internet time is spent on YouTube.

While the Internet generally offers great opportunities for children to learn and play, there are some areas of cyberspace that are not appropriate. Parents need to ensure children are actively supervised when using the Internet, particularly time spent chatting online and this can be difficult over the holidays when students may have unmonitored internet access while family members are at work.

Steps for improving your child’s safety

• Be aware of the programs and files children use.• Consider installing filtering software on computers used by young people.• Be aware of the programs and files that are on your family’s computers.• Place the computer in a public area of the home, such as a living room.• Ensure you are able to access your child’s email and randomly check the contents.• Check your phone bill for unusual outgoing calls or consider using a ‘caller ID’ device to identify incoming calls.• Discuss online safety with your child’s school, public library or anywhere that you believe your child accesses the Internet.• Make sure children are aware of some of the issues involved with spending time on the Internet.• Show children what sites they can go to and what information they can send out.• Sit down with your children and discuss the issues.

Risk factors

The following may be signs that your child has been targeted by an online predator:• You find pornography on your child’s computer.• Your child is receiving phone calls from people you do not know or is calling numbers you do not recognise.• Your child is spending a large amount of time on the Internet.• Your child is receiving gifts or mail from people you do not know.• When you enter the room your child changes the screen or turns the computer off.• Your child is becoming withdrawn or displaying behavioural problems.

Advice for your children

It is advisable to tell your children:• Not to send a picture of themselves to someone they do not know.• Never place a full profile and picture of themselves anywhere on the Internet.• If using a Facebook page or similar, ensure your child blocks everyone’s access to the page and only allows friends to have access.• Never give out personal information including their name, home address, phone number or school.• Never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone they have chatted with on the Internet.

For more information www.thinkuknow.org.au

Endorsed by Federal Police in Partnership with State & Territory Police.

Lousie SymonsWellbeing Leader

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Student development

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Student News

vcal colour run

The VCAL Colour Run has become quite a fixture on our annual calendar. As part of their project work for Personal Development and Work Related Skills, the Year 11 VCAL students organise this tremendous event for our Year 7 students each year.

Monday 12 November saw another fantastic display of dusty arrays of pinks, yellows, greens, oranges and blues. There were fifteen stations this year complete with cargo nets, under and overs and a water slide. Students ran, danced and laughed their way five or even six times around the oval – all in the effort of good spirits and enjoying the fun that can be school!

I would like to thank the Year 7s for their enthusiasm and participation. You guys were great! Thank you to the Year 11 VCAL team and their teachers who made the course, Learning Diversity tutors and admin staff who tirelessly worked behind the scenes for the weeks prior to bring this afternoon to life. I think the photos speak for themselves!

Shinead KilroyVCAL Leader

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Year 9 girls Camp - cathedral ranges

Camp was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. Going into it I expected that it would be good. But when I got there it turned out to be way better. When we got to camp our group had solo first with the struggle of not talking, setting up a tent by yourself and trying not to eat the entire time. The next day we walked to Cooks Mill, our first hike which we completed quite speedily to avoid the rain. Wednesday we abseiled quite successfully before hiking the hardest 12km of the whole camp. Once we arrived at The Farmyard we raced to set up before the rain came in. On our last night we reflected on how it had been and we all agreed that we like we accomplished a lot and had all had fun. For our last day we finished off with rock climbing before heading back home dirty, exhausted, accomplished and a woman.

Gemma McCartyYear 9

Year 9 Boys Camp - Eildon

We had a fanastic time at our camp. It was good to be outdoors and clear your mind from anything else and just worry about what’s going on now. you also got to know a lot of the people in your group better and interacted with people you maybe wouldn’t usually talk to. It was a bit difficult being in such living conditions for almost the whole week. However some of the challenges we faced ended up helping us discover some skills we might not have had before or helped us expand pervious skills. I found we become a lot more independent on this camp as you are responsible for everything yourself, like making sure you don’t leave anything behind and having to cooking our own food and washing your own dishes. Everyone worked together as a team making it a more enjoyable experience. Some of us struggled along the hike to get up some of the big inclines or to carry our backpacks, but no one gave up or refused to carry on. After camp I realised there are a lot of things I could/should be doing at home more often to help out my family. I realised I shouldn’t let my parents do everything for me as one day I won’t have them around to do everything for me and help me out, so I need to become more independent for when that day does come. I learnt I should be helping out people more and not just my mates. Being more selfless. I realised how little can make such a big difference to people and how important being a good person is.

Joon EksteenYear 9

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Country Students’ Morning

A great turnout of Year 6 children from throughout our region today to our latest transition event. Coordinated by our Wellbeing and Catholic Identity teams, thirty-one children (58% of invitees) from Albury, Bethanga, Osbornes Flat, Rutherglen, Chiltern, Bandiana, Kiewa, Baranduda, Mt Beauty, Tallangatta, Thurgoona and North Albury spent extended LM with us. Our Diverse Learning Team were part of the welcome committee for the morning. The children sat in Chapel Anna Cardwell and Emily Cariss, played ‘icebreaker’ games with Carl Rogalski and ADF students under shady trees, pausing to eat bacon and egg muffins for morning tea. They finished with a tour of the new Science building, Wellbeing Office and the Arts Centre - reminding them where to go for Orientation Day! Thanks to the Year 8 ADF students Trent Arnold and Kynan Carter for their enthusiastic assistance, and to Hayley Paynter, Andrew McKenzie-McHarg and Louie Symons for their help. Our final transition event for the 2019 Year 7 cohort, is Orientation Day, Tuesday 11 December.Families are reminded that the Year 6s are to go straight to the Arts Centre when they arrive at 8.45am.

Jodie KensingtonCommunications & Development Coordinator

Kool Skools 2018 success

Our 2018 Album has arrived!

Introducing CCW’s new album ‘Unity’ which was recorded at Studio 52 in Collingwood as part of the 2018 Kool Skool’s program. The album features both our instrumental and vocal students, showcasing our student’s song writing skills through a diverse range of musical styles.

Award nominations

Four tracks from our album have been nominated in different categories at the Victorian Kool Skool’s Awards Night (which is run very much like the Aria awards). This is an outstanding achievement! Also a massive congratulations to our Year 11 Student, Jaide Brussen who was invited to perform at the 2018 Victorian Kool Skool’s Awards Night in Melbourne on 18 November. Congratulations to our nominees:

Best Acoustic Track (Female Vocal) Best Acoustic Track (Male Vocal)‘Waiting’ - Jaide Brussen ‘Pick And Choose’ - Harry Partington and Harry Hilf

Best Ballad Best Mainstream Rock‘Real Love’ - Evey Phillips ‘Sunday Morning’ - Coconut Disco Harry Cox, James McKenzie McHarg, Liam Williams & Bobby Jones-Davies

Best Female VocalistJaide Brussen and Evey Phillips

A massive thank you to our amazing music staff Simone Worsnop, Paul Gibbs and Ian McLeod who supported our students on the day and may have ‘snuck in on one of the tracks’. Luke Godfrey Music Director

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upcoming events

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year 7 (2019)orientation dayTuesday 11 december 2018

For sixth graders, Orientation Day confirms they are about to enter ‘high school’ - there is no turning back! It is a day full of emotions, and we respect it is an important psychological step in their transition.

By the end of the day your child will have a much better idea of what to expect when they start next year. Hopefully by the time they get home, they’ll be feeling relieved and confident.

What happens?Your child will meet with teachers and experience a variety of lessons with new classmates.

Start and finish times• arrive by 8.45am

• remind your child to go straight to the Catherine McAuley Arts Centre for an 8.55am welcome

• activities finish by 3.10pm, before the actual school day ends at 3.15pm

Travelling Bus If your child is catching the bus next year, Orientation Day is the perfect time to have a practice run! To alleviate any anxieties, our Learning Community Leaders (LCL’s) will escort children to Silva Drive in the afternoon and stay with them at the end of the day. Discuss any last minute bus related questions with Alex McSwiney on 6043 5500.Car A staff member will be at the Bowman Court carpark from 3.10pm, and will remain there until 3.30pm.

This is the last transition event before your child starts with us on Thursday 31 January 2019. Any questions? Contact Jodie on the number above, or [email protected].

Looking forward to meeting you,

Eamonn BuckleyDeputy Principal | Student Development

what to brinG

• neat, casual clothes no need to wear College uniform

• morning tea & drink bottle meat/salad roll and a Prima provided for lunch

• sunsmart hat & sunscreen

• pencil case & workbook

• outstanding forms camp, medical, parent leader, music/vocal tutoring

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MOBILE PHONE RECYCLINGWe need your help! CCW is now an official drop-off zone for the Zoos Victoria mobile phone recycling program. By bringing in your old mobile phones and tablets you are helping us to support important conservation work.

How you are helping:

One of the main components in a phone is the mineral coltan. Coltan is most commonly mined where gorillas live! It is a major threat to the species, because of deforestation from mining and other threats such as disease. By recycling phones we can reduce the demand for coltan and help raise funds for the Gorilla Doctors. They are the only organisation permitted to provide life-saving veterinary care to the endangered wild mountain and Eastern Lowland Gorillas in east Africa.

5 phones = a life-saving dose of antibiotics for a dying gorilla.

10 phones = petrol to go and monitor the gorilla’s health.

50 phones = anaesthetic to help a sick/injured gorilla.

100 phones = a full set of rain gear for the bad weather.

500 phones = a computer, helping to study health trends and predict diseases and their outbreaks.

What to do:

Step 1: Collect the old phones and tablets from around your house.

Step 2: Backup your important photos and videos.

Step 3: Wipe data by ‘restoring factory settings’.

Step 4: Drop off to the collection box at the CCW Front Office.

Caitlin Stewart (Year 7) and Lucy Jamieson (Year 10)CCW Sustainability Team

Sustainability Team

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parent teams

Formal Night Catch up 

J O I N T H E Y E A R 1 0 P A R E N T T E A M L E A D E R ' S

A t t h e c o n c l u s i o n o f t h e f o r m a lp r e s e n t a t i o n s , a l l p a r e n t s / f a m i l i e s a r e

w e l c o m e t o c o m e a n d c a t c h u p w h i l e y o uw a i t t o c o l l e c t y o u r c h i l d a t   1 0 p m

Monday  • 3 December 2018  • 8-10pmB i r a l l e e T a v e r n | N i b b l e s p r o v i d e d

R S V P W e d n e s d a y 2 8 N o v e m b e r

h a y l e y . n e v e s @ c c w . v i c . e d u . a u

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PARISH NEWSWeekend Mass Times

Saturday Sacred Heart Church Wodonga 6.00pmSunday Sacred Heart Church, Wodonga 8.30am and 10.30amEvery 2nd and 4th Sunday Our Lady Help of Christians, Tangambalanga 10.30amEvery 2nd Sunday St Francis, Bethanga 12.00noonEvery 1st and 3rd Sunday St Joseph’s, Dederang 10.30amEvery 5th Sunday St Joseph’s, Dederang (Liturgy of The Word & Communion) 10.30amEvery 1st to 4th Sunday St Joseph’s, Mt Beauty 8.30amEvery 5th Sunday St Joseph’s, Mt Beauty (Liturgy of The Word & Communion) 8.30am

Weekday Mass TimesMonday Sacred Heart Church Wodonga (Liturgy of The Word & Communion) 9.15amTuesday - Friday Sacred Heart Church Wodonga 9.15am

Reconciliation Times

Saturday Sacred Heart Church Wodonga (before Mass) 9.00am - 9.30am

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11am St Stephen's Church, Beechworth Rd

Walk to Junction Place for  free barbecue  12pm

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1 in 3 womenhave experiencedphysical violence

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Proudly supported by

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