Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

For placing advertisment, please contact: Eka Wahyuni 0361-225764 HOTLINE PAGE 6 CITY TEMPERATURE O C WEATHER FORECAST 24 - 32 24 - 32 20 - 28 23 - 31 24 - 34 DENPASAR JAKARTA BANDUNG YOGYAKARTA SURABAYA SUNNY BRIGHT/CLOUDY RAIN PAGE 8 PAGE 12 Thursday, February 11, 2010 16 Pages Number 29 2 st Year e-mail: [email protected] online: http://www.internationalbalipost.com. http://epaper.internationalbalipost.com. I N T E R N A T I O N A L Price: Rp 3.000,- Fans delighted by DeGeneres’ ‘Idol’ debut Bolivian candidate sentenced to make adobe bricks Mount Agung close for climbing activities Thousands of Hindus took part in the ceremony or “pujawali” yes- terday. The Hindus started to pray in Segara temple continued in taman temple, Ratu Gde temple, and the last in Penataran Ped. IBP/edi Hindus pray in the Penataran Ped in the pujawali ritual on Wednesday, February 10 th 2010. ‘’Pujawali” in Penataran Ped temple Semarapura (Bali Post) – The peak ceremony in Penataran Ped temple in Nusa Penida, Klungkung, was held on Wednesday, February 10 th 2010. The ceremony is being held once in every six month on Wednesday or Buda Cemeng Klawu. Ketut Sarjana, one of the commit- tee, said that the ceremony was started since February 1 st 2010. The pujawali was started by the mecaru procession to the beach at 9 o’clock local time. Two sacred dances, Jangkang and Baris dance was performed during the melasti. The ceremony will last for five days and it will end on Monday, February 15 th 2010. Sarjana said that 65 villages are in charge of the temple but in this pujawali only 23 villages involved as the committee. The weather on the sea is also very good so many people can get across to Nusa Penida Island. Free health service Similar to the previous day, Bali Post Media Group cooperated with Bounty Cruises gave free health ser- vice. The Hindus crowded in the wantilan of Kahyangan Jagat Penataran Ped temple, where the health service was given. Fifty- five people were examined on the occasion and most of them had mi- nor desease such as cold. Doctors and paramedic from Trijata and Manuaba hospitals took part in the service. Trijata sent three doctors and Manuaba sent seven doctors.(08) Associated Press Writer PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – The tale seems dubious: that a rice vendor survived 27 days trapped under the rubble of a flea market fol- lowing Haiti’s devastating earthquake. Skeptical health workers said no one could live that long without water and the last con- firmed survivor found was a 16-year-old girl removed from rubble 15 days after the Jan. 12 quake. The only sources for the story were the two Haitian men who showed up at a clinic carrying the vendor, dehydrated and malnour- ished with rail-thin legs. But then the patient became lucid enough to tell his tale Tuesday. And while his account has not been independently verified, doctors now say the 28-year-old man could have survived on water and possibly some fruit beneath the rubble. Doctor says vendor may have been in rubble 27 days The man — identified as Evans Monsigrace — told doctors he had just finished selling rice for the day at a downtown Port-au-Prince flea market when the quake hit. He said he didn’t suffer any major injuries and was trapped on his side in an area where food and drink ven- dors were selling their goods. “Based on that (his story), we believe him,” said Dr. Dushyantha Jayaweera, a physician at the University of Miami Medishare field hospital where hundreds of patients have been treated since the quake. The story began when two men first took the vendor to a Salvation Army medical cen- ter in Port-au-Prince on Monday, saying he had been trapped since the earthquake. He was later moved to the University of Miami hospi- tal because of his critical condition. Continued on page 6 REUTERS/Ben Barkay via Reuters TV A young earthquake survivor gestures af- ter being pulled out of the rubble by res- cuers in Port-au-Prince in this January 19, 2010 video grab.


Headline : "Pujawali" in penataran ped temple

Transcript of Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Page 1: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

16 Pages Number 292st Year

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Price: Rp 3.000,-

Fans delighted byDeGeneres’ ‘Idol’debut

Bolivian candidatesentenced to makeadobe bricks

Mount Agungclose for climbingactivities

Thousands of Hindus took partin the ceremony or “pujawali” yes-terday. The Hindus started to prayin Segara temple continued in tamantemple, Ratu Gde temple, and thelast in Penataran Ped.


Hindus pray in the Penataran Ped in the pujawali ritual on Wednesday, February 10th 2010.

‘’Pujawali” in Penataran Ped templeSemarapura (Bali Post) –

The peak ceremony in Penataran Ped temple in NusaPenida, Klungkung, was held on Wednesday, February 10th

2010. The ceremony is being held once in every six month onWednesday or Buda Cemeng Klawu.

Ketut Sarjana, one of the commit-tee, said that the ceremony was startedsince February 1st 2010. The pujawaliwas started by the mecaru processionto the beach at 9 o’clock local time.Two sacred dances, Jangkang and

Baris dance was performed during themelasti. The ceremony will last forfive days and it will end on Monday,February 15th 2010.

Sarjana said that 65 villages are incharge of the temple but in thispujawali only 23 villages involved asthe committee. The weather on thesea is also very good so many peoplecan get across to Nusa Penida Island.

Free health serviceSimilar to the previous day, Bali

Post Media Group cooperated withBounty Cruises gave free health ser-vice. The Hindus crowded in thewantilan of Kahyangan

Jagat Penataran Ped temple, wherethe health service was given. Fifty-five people were examined on theoccasion and most of them had mi-nor desease such as cold. Doctorsand paramedic from Trijata andManuaba hospitals took part in theservice. Trijata sent three doctors andManuaba sent seven doctors.(08)

Associated Press Writer

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – The tale seemsdubious: that a rice vendor survived 27 daystrapped under the rubble of a flea market fol-lowing Haiti’s devastating earthquake.

Skeptical health workers said no one couldlive that long without water and the last con-firmed survivor found was a 16-year-old girlremoved from rubble 15 days after the Jan. 12quake. The only sources for the story were thetwo Haitian men who showed up at a cliniccarrying the vendor, dehydrated and malnour-ished with rail-thin legs.

But then the patient became lucid enough totell his tale Tuesday. And while his account hasnot been independently verified, doctors now saythe 28-year-old man could have survived onwater and possibly some fruit beneath the rubble.

Doctor says vendor may have been in rubble 27 daysThe man — identified as Evans Monsigrace

— told doctors he had just finished selling ricefor the day at a downtown Port-au-Prince fleamarket when the quake hit. He said he didn’tsuffer any major injuries and was trapped onhis side in an area where food and drink ven-dors were selling their goods.

“Based on that (his story), we believe him,”said Dr. Dushyantha Jayaweera, a physicianat the University of Miami Medishare fieldhospital where hundreds of patients have beentreated since the quake.

The story began when two men first tookthe vendor to a Salvation Army medical cen-ter in Port-au-Prince on Monday, saying hehad been trapped since the earthquake. He waslater moved to the University of Miami hospi-tal because of his critical condition.Continued on page 6

REUTERS/Ben Barkay via Reuters TV

A young earthquake survivor gestures af-ter being pulled out of the rubble by res-cuers in Port-au-Prince in this January 19,2010 video grab.

Page 2: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

InternationalThursday, February 11, 20102

Founder : K.Nadha, Chief Editor: ABG Satria Naradha Managing Editor: Wirata,Palgunadi Editors: Alit Purnata, Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Darmasunu, Daniel Fajry, Diah Dewi, Martinaya, Mawa, Sri Hartini,

Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Sutiawan, Wirya, Yudi Winanto Denpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subagiadnya, Subrata, Suentra, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung

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Jalam Bangau No. 15 Cakranegara Telp. (0370) 639543, Facsimile: (0370) 628257. Publiser: PT Bali Post

Bali News

Renon (Denpost)—The outpatients of Sanglah Hospi-

tal before the Bali Mandara Health In-surance (JKBM) came into effect werehard to use the JKBM facility. Althoughones already had a recommendationletter indicating not to have any healthinsurance, they could not enjoy thebenefits of JKBM program touted tohelp people having Bali ID card. Letalone ID card of Bali, a native Balinesewho undertook outpatient treatmentshould struggle to collect all require-ments of JKBM.

Such experience was encounteredby Nyoman Dagong, apatient of na-tive to Bali who was born at BanjarDukuh Sari, Kerobokan, Badung.Dagong has received outpatient treat-ment far before the presence of JKBMprograms effective since the beginningof last January. His illness was severeenough namely a disorder on heart andlungs. When he would like to get freeservice through JKBM facilty, the pro-cedure was very difficult. Although hehas been already in the hospital, he wasrequired to seek the referral letter tocommunity health center, and then itwas forwarded to the regency hospi-tal. Meanwhile, he himself was in thehospital having the original Bali’s IDcard and the recommendation letterissued by the head of Dukuh Sari Ham-let, Kerobokan.

”We can not obtain JKBM services.

Chief of South Kuta Sector Po-lice, Nanang Prihasmoko, whenasked for his confirmation lastTuesday justified the incident.His party remained to commitmore profound investigation re-lated to the cause of victim’sdeath. ”Based on provisional re-sults, the victim’s death was al-leged to have been caused bydrinking too much alcohol. How-ever, for the exact cause, we arestill waiting for the results of theforensic medical report from hos-pital,” he explained.

Regarding to the chronologyof the discovery of the body,Chief Nanang said, it was first

Denpasar (Bali Post)—Snatching action experienced by

foreign citizen remains to happenpersistently. Almost every day, thereare always foreigners who claim tohave been snatched. Recent case wasundergone by Eva Etiro Tur, a citi-zen of Spain. Victim claimed to havebeen mugged in the east of Kawanminimarket, Seminyak Kuta,Badung, last Sunday (Feb 7) at 8:00pm Local Time.

In a statement of the victim, a bagthat was within her grasp couldbeseized by the perpetrator. Perpetra-tor acted quickly, so the victim couldnot identify the character. Moreover,the situation at the time was a littledark. ”The victim claimed to besnatched by strangers,” said one of theofficers of Denpasar Metro Police, lastTuesday (Feb 9).

Given, before the incident occured,the victim was walking around thescene. Well, as soon as she arrived atthe scene, the victim stopped for a

Denpasar (Bali Post)—During the period of this year

2010, some major events will beheld in Indonesia, especially inBali. The tourism of meeting, in-centive, convention and exhibition(MICE) in Bali stays to be basedon cultural tourism expected togive direct contribution to localcommunities.

Thus was affirmed by Chairmanof Society of Indonesian Profes-sional Convention Organizers(SIPCO), last Tuesday (Feb 9). Ofseveral important events scheduledto beorganized along this year,some of which could have beenensured that they would be held inIndonesia.

”We can not say in detail becausethey arestill in the bidding process,”said Juarez replacing John Panca tolead SIPCO Bali. Last year, manyof MICE events were held in Indo-nesia (Bali and Jakarta). ”However,not all of them were exposed to themass media,” he said.

Tourists belonging to this cat-egory, he added, had higher spend-ing power than those comingmerely for leisure purposes. He alsodenied that such MICE tourists, es-pecially incentive has given less

Alleged to be Drunk byAlleged to be Drunk byAlleged to be Drunk byAlleged to be Drunk byAlleged to be Drunk byArrack, Poland Tourist DiesArrack, Poland Tourist DiesArrack, Poland Tourist DiesArrack, Poland Tourist DiesArrack, Poland Tourist DiesDenpasar (Bali Post)—

Guests and employees of Ramada Resort, Tanjung Benoa, South Kuta, Badung, last Tuesday(Feb 9) morning, were in an uproar. One of the in-house guests of the hotel, Miroslaw Andrzej,48, from Poland, was found dead. Allegedly, the victim’s death was due to drinking too mucharrack, so he was severely drunk.

discovered by his wife, DanotaGromelska at 09.00 am Localtime. The wife saw her husbandwas dead. Even, the victim’smouth looked to discharge foam.”His wife reported the incidentdirectly to the hotel reception andthen reported to us (South KutaSector Police-ed),” explainedChief Nanang.

Well, from the crime scene, itwas found no signs of violence onthe victim’s body. However, po-lice found the victim’s mouth dis-charged foam. Not only that, po-lice also secured a bottle of arrackthat allegedly belonged to the vic-tim. ”We suspect, the arrack was

drunk by victim. Thus, it causedhim severely drunk and eventu-ally died,” he explained to themedia crew last Tuesday.

Chief Nanang also explained,before the victim died, there wasa witness seeing that the victimwent into the hotel room (room204-ed) in a state of staggering.He walked zigzagly and the vic-tim was allegedly drunk. ”Westill go into the investigation.Meanwhile, we allege he hasdrunk too much alcoholic drink.Now, the victim’s body had beentaken to Sanglah Hospital for fo-rensic medical examinaiton,” headded. (kmb21)

MICE Tourism Expected To ContributeMore to Local Communities

contribution directly to local com-munities. This minor problem arosebecause these tourists had their owncharacteristic living at prestigiousarea and were considered to have ashort time for getting in touch withthe local community they visited.

”Do not misjudge, in the excur-sion they also make a visit to tradi-tional craft centers. On that occa-sion, there must be economic inter-action that could not be underesti-mated,” he said while describingsome large electronics companyfrom Japan that provided incentivesof vacation to their employees toBali recently.

For that purpose, he needed animprovement in competencies ofSIPCO’s members that have nowreached 150 people. In the age oftwenty years (1990-2010), he sawseveral improvement in the capabil-ity of handling MICE tourism.”Convention tourism, for instance,its organization is not only enoughto know how to turn on sound sys-tem, lighting and so forth. It is notso simple as that,” he said. A pro-fessional convention organizershould also have complete compe-tence in the field of ticketing, im-migration, licensing and so on.

On that account, SIPCO Baliwill organize a course in the upcom-ing April. It is this kind of modelused to improve the knowledgeheldfor several times in the contextof basic and advanced competen-cies. Even, it had been done inSingapore and Hong Kong.

In the current development, Balican be said to have not been idealenough for large conventions ac-commodating more than 200 partici-pants. ”Since we have a conventioncenter facility as it is, so if organiz-ing the bigger one, it must be dis-seminated,” he explained. In Indo-nesia, only Jakarta and Bali that havehad such facilities. Bali, of course,remained to use the paradigm ofcultural tourism as its basic, whileits bidding process was undertakenoverseas.

If at the current time there is im-pression that most big events werehandled by a number of companiesfrom Jakarta, Juarez did not argueit. PCO companies of local Bali in-deed looked weaker in terms of fi-nancial aspect. However, in termsof competence, he admitted that hismembers were credible enough toorganize a major internationalevent. (055)

Spanish Citizen Snatched,IDR 22 Million Vanishes

moment. At the same time, the perpe-trator came by riding a motorbike androbbed the victim’s bag. ”How sur-prised the victim was when her bagwas grabbed,” the officer said whileasking his name not to be published.

On knowing she was grabbed , thevictims living temporarily at TunHouse Room 17 on Jalan Nakula,Seminyak, Kuta, Badung, then criedfor help. Unfortunately, the perpetra-tor hurried away and his footsteps dis-appeared. ”Victim admitted to lose aleather bag containing a wallet,handphone, digital camera, gold ringand two credit cards,” he said.

Against this case, the victimclaimed to suffer a loss worth IDR 22.2million. This case was reported toDenpasar Metro Police to be followedup. Up to now, the Kuta Sector Policeare still investigating the snatchig case,including to make coordination withthe Badung Resort Police whether ithad something to do with the gang cap-tured earlier. (kmb21)

Outpatients FindDifficulty to Use JKBM

We were told to submit referral letter tocommunity health center and RegencyHospital. Meanwhile, my parent-in-lawand me have been in Sanglah Hospitalto get outpatient treatment before theimplementaiton of JKBM. Is there nopolicy for small people like us,” saidNyoman Arief when accompanying hisparent to Heart Policlinic, last Tuesday(Feb 9).

Because they have been already inSanglah Hospital, it was not possiblefor them to go back to the house to ob-tain the requirements starting from re-ferral letter from community health cen-ter to Badung Hospital located at Kapal,Mengwi. ”Our house is far from here,sir. Kerobokan Kelod to Badung Hos-pital is far and it is impossible for us totravel back and forth. We should coverthe expense for the treatment of ourparent-in-law. JKBM could not be en-joyed due to obstacle of complicatedprocedures,” he said.

Nyoman Arief questioned why pa-tients who have long been treated inSanglah Hospital should go back tosearch for referral letter. It is very dif-ferent from new patients and havenever been treated at Sanglah Hospi-tal. ”This incident should be made intoa learning by government in order thisdeficiency could be improved. And ifit can be facilitated why it should becompounded. We are a native Balinesenot migrant. ,” he said. (259)

Page 3: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

3Thursday, February 11, 2010International Bali News

Jakarta (Bali Post)—European Union through the

World Health Organization (WHO)provided a grant of 13.5 million eu-ros in order to prevent and controlbird flu (Avian Influenza), and spe-cifically 22 units donated two unitsof ambulances where two of themwere received by Sanglah HospitalDenpasar and Tabanan RegionalHospital . It was stated in the semi-nar entitled Preparing Indonesia forFacing Influenza Pandemic initiatedby the European Union in Jakarta,last Tuesday (Feb 9).

EU ambassador to Indonesia,Julian Wilson, said the need to co-operate against the threat of bird fluand human was very clear. EuropeanUnion itself, Wilson said, providing70 percent of global funds of theAvian and Human Influenza Facil-ity (AHIF) were intended for the pre-

Denpasar (Bali Post)—Badung poses the showcase win-

dow of Bali as a the door of culturaltourism area. On that account, itneeds a leader who can poise theneeds of tourism on the one hand,and keeping Balinese culture on theother hand. Bali tourism is culturaltourism inspired by Hinduism.Therefore, the leader must be ableto guard well the Balinese culture.Thus was revealed by a lecturerfrom the Denpasar State Institute ofHindu Dharma (IHDN) Gde RudiaAdiputra, and a lecturer from HinduUniversity of Indonesia (Unhi)Wayan Budi Utama, lastTuesday(Feb 9) when asked for their com-ments related to the Bali Post pollstating the leader of Badung has tokeep ahead the Balinese culture.

Rudia Adiputra said as tourist des-tination, especially the South Badung,it was like sugar which always attendedby urbanites from all directions. It re-quired great attention from the leaderof Badung in years to come, so thatpopulation was not until the super over-load. These conditions did not close thepossibility of social and cultural pres-sures if not controlled properly. Herewas required a leader of Badung thatcould control the negative excesses oftourism, so the Balinese culture re-mained well conserved along with thenatural environment sustainably. ”Weexpect the values of Balinese culturewould not lose because of the socio-cultural pressures.

”The tradition of pakedekpakenyung or shared happiness andconcept of harmonious life should re-main to exist,” he said. Our collecivetask, including the future leader ofBadung is to continue guarding thecultural values of Bali in order to re-main stable. If Balinese culture re-mains stable, Bali will always becomeinteresting place to visit as a regionalcultural tourism. Similarly, the resultsof this tourism activity should be able

Arista’s death was unfortunatebecause she came to the RSUP alittle late. By the time the medi-cal team recorded her tempera-ture, it was at 40 degrees, mean-ing the patient was in a very weakand critical condition. The medi-cal team then diagnosed Aristawith dengue fever stage IV,known as dengue shock syndrome(DSS). The RSUP devoted threespecialists to the patient, rangingfrom an internal disease special-ist, a cardiologist and an anesthe-siologist . Unfortunately, thepatient’s condition continued toweaken, until finally she died.Her body was taken to the funeralhome by her family.

According to DenPost monitor-ing, since the beginning of thisyear there were three patients di-agnosed with dengue fever whodied, including Arista. The firstpatient came from Gianyar,whereas the second patient is ABKthat had just finished fishing at thetime. Patients in RSUP diagnosedwith DB or DHF (dengue hemor-rhagic fever) are quite a lot.

Last Tuesday, it was noted that71 patients of DB were still hos-

Dengue Fever Patient Dies JustDengue Fever Patient Dies JustDengue Fever Patient Dies JustDengue Fever Patient Dies JustDengue Fever Patient Dies Just30 Minutes After Entering RSUP30 Minutes After Entering RSUP30 Minutes After Entering RSUP30 Minutes After Entering RSUP30 Minutes After Entering RSUPDenpasar, Bali Post

A 14-year-old girl, Gusti Putu Arista Dewi from Banjar Tegal Kelodan, Dauh Peken, Tabanan,died from an infection caused by dengue fever (DB). She was declared beyond help after undergo-ing a medical examination in the Emergency Room of Sanglah Public Hospital (RSUP) on Monday(8 / 2) at 22:00. She went limp due to her condition, precisely 30 minutes after entering the RSUP.

pitalized in RSUP, both childrenand adult patients.

The number of diagnosed pa-tients of DB in Sanglah PublicHospital since January, rankedfirst in. The data from the Medi-cal Record Section of RSUP inJanuary, noted that 338 patientsundergo DB hospitalization. Next,chemotherapy patients are in sec-ond place with a number of 129cases. Moreover, there are 77 pa-tients admitted with classical den-gue occupying the third position.Meanwhile, cases of diarrhea areoccupying the fourth position withthe number of patients in January2010 as many as 66 people.

In Wangaya hospital, last Janu-ary, there are 221 DB patients and316 diarrhea patients. Later on, inFebruary, only 7 patients of DBand 13 patients of diarrhea wererecorded.

The special children inpatientroom in RSUP Sanglah, JempiringRoom, also began to be stuffedwith dengue fever (DB) patientswhich is also known as denguehemorrhagic fever (DHF). Basedon DenPost monitoring, on Mon-day (8 / 2) there are 10 children

treated patients in JempiringRoom diagnosed with DHF, with7 of them treated in the intensiveroom because they were diag-nosed with DHF stage III, alsocalled DSS. Surprisingly, therewere four DB patients inJempiring room who live in thesame house in Jalan PulauBatanta, Banjar Seblanga.

The four children who are stillin a family environment are MadeAgus Adnyana Putra (5), KomangAlit (2.5) – Agus’s brother andtwo other cousins of his: KadekBayu Prayoga (4) and KomangAditya (2). Agus’s brother, Alit,was sent home for recovery. Aguswent to RSUP on last Wednesday(3 / 2), while Bayu’s and Aditya’sconditions, who went in on Thurs-day (4 / 2) and Friday (5 / 2) haveimproved.

Agus still looks weak as seenin room Jempiring. In the sameroom, was also treated Ni LuhSintia Wati (3), who lives on JalanPulasari, Gang Tunjung Biru,Nusa Dua, also affected by DB.She entered RSUP since Saturday(6 / 2). Agus and Sintia was con-victed of having DSS.

Required aLeader BeingAble to GuardBalinese Culture

To Prevent Influenza PandemicIndonesia Receives Grantsworth 13.5 Million EurosBali Receives Two Ambulances

to improve the quality of Balinesehuman resources.

In the meantime, Wayan BudiUtama said Badung denoted the win-dow of Bali as a cultural tourism area.Therefore, Badung required a leaderwho could poise the needs of tourismon the one hand, and keeping Balineseculture on the other hand.”Bali tour-ism is a cultural tourism inspired byHinduism. Therefore, the leader mustbe able to guard well the Balinese cul-ture,” he said.

Budi Utama who is also the Headof Postgraduate Program of Religiousand Cultural Studies at Hindu Univer-sity of Indonesia, said the future leaderof Badung must also be able to bal-ance the North Badung with the SouthBadung region. North Badung as ag-ricultural areas were expected to sup-port the activities of tourism in theSouth Badung, so that economic in-equality would not occur. Agriculturalproducts of North Badung should beused for tourism purposes. If the re-sults of the North Badung farmingcould be utilized optimally for the sakeof tourism, it would increase the farm-ers’ welfare. Likewise, agriculture de-noting the root of Balinese culturemust be well guarded.

Improvement of farmers’ welfareis important to eliminate the numberof poor households (RTM) existingin Badung. In order to produce qual-ity agricultural products, of course itwould need assistance from the gov-ernment. So, human resources offarmers needs improving in terms oftheir education and skills. Also, fu-ture leader must pay more attentionto the education of community if theywant to be a host in their own house.When the urban ites armed with theadquate education and skills flockedto Badung, while the quality of hu-man resources of local residents arenot prepared properly, they wouldlose and become spectators in theirown region. (08)

vention and control of bird flu in Indo-nesia.

He said, through the Implementa-tion of the National Strategic Plan forAvian Influenza (INSPAI) program ithas helped Indonesia substantially,such as by providing infection controltraining for 100 referral hospitals ofbird flu prevention, quality controltraining for birdflu laboratory network,and healthy food market pilot projectin 10 regions and support for researchto detect virus mutation as early aspossible.

Meanwhile, the WHO Representa-tive to Indonesia Stephan Jost praisedwhat had been done the Indonesiangovernment to prevent the threat of birdflu pandemic. Such reality, Stephansaid, put Indonesia in a good positionto face the challenge of H1N1 infec-tion pandemic. ”WHO will continue toprovide support and assistance in re-

sponding to the challenges from bothinfluenza viruses to protect the healthof the people of Indonesia,” he said.

Director General of DiseaseControl and Environmental Saniti-zation of Ministry of Health,Tjandra Yoga Aditama, said since afew years ago Indonesia hadadopted a National Strategic Planfor avian influenza control createdas an effective response to this prob-lem. He said, the virus continued tocirculate and become a threat tohuman health.

Although various theoriesemerged among scientists, Tjandrasaid that the risk factors in relationto the transfer of the virus frompoultry to humans has not beenclearly identified. ” In all scenarios,the environmental pollution is al-leged to play a role in infection tohuman,” he said. (010)


The Hindus who conduct pray in Penataran Agung Pedtemple on Wednesday, February 10th 2010 use Bounty Cruiseto get to Nusa Penida Island. The ship make easier to theHindus to take part in the ceremony but also to take thetourists to the island.

Page 4: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

International4 Thursday, February 11, 2010 News

Interior Ministry spokesmanZemeri Bashary said rescuers haverecovered the 157 bodies from theSalang Pass, a key road that con-nects the Afghan capital with thenorth, over the past two days.

At a press conference in Kabul,Bashary said 1.5 miles (2.5 kilome-ters) of road have been cleared forambulances, bulldozers and otherroad-clearing equipment to getthrough. About 2,600 people havebeen rescued so far, he said.

A series of avalanches that be-gan Monday along the 12,700-feet-high (3,800-meter) pass closed off


Snow-covered houses are seen in Kabul on February 8. Another 39 bodies have been recovered from the site

BEIJING – A 20-year-old fac-tory worker who joined a banned po-litical party because he was unhappywith one-party rule in China wassentenced to jail for 18 monthsWednesday, his mother said.

A court in southern China’sboomtown city of Shenzhen foundXue Mingkai guilty of subversion ofstate power because he joined theU.S.-based China Democracy Partylast April, Xue’s mother WangShuqing said.

Xue was the latest of severalpeople jailed in recent months forsubversion or other vaguely definedlaws that critics say are often usedto silence dissent.

“This is very wicked, our coun-try,” Wang told The Associated Pressby phone. “Chinese people have nohuman rights.”


In this undated photo provided byXue Mingkai’s mother WangShuqing, Xue Mingkai, dressed asa security

JERUSALEM (AFP) – Israeliwarplanes bombed several sites insouthern Gaza overnight in re-sponse to rocket fire from theHamas-run enclave, the army andPalestinian medics said onWednesday.

No one was wounded or killedin the strikes, which destroyed anabandoned building in Gaza’s onlyairport, according to medics.

The airport was shut down andlargely destroyed after the out- AFP/File

Israeli warplanes bombsouthern Gaza

break of the 2000 Palestinian upris-ing, or intifada, and has not beenused since.

The attacks came in response torocket fire from the impoverished en-clave over the past several days, thearmy said in a statement. The rocketfire did not cause any casualties.

Israel has repeatedly targeted thevast network of tunnels used tosmuggle food and construction ma-terials as well as weapons from Egyptinto Gaza, which has been under a

punishing blockade since Hamasseized control there in June 2007.

Gaza’s borders have been mostlyquiet since a devastating Israeli of-fensive in December 2008 andJanuary 2009. Some 1,400 Pales-tinians and 13 Israelis were killedin the 22-day war.

File photo shows Israeli sol-diers on patrol along the border

with the Gaza Strip.

Officials: AfghanOfficials: AfghanOfficials: AfghanOfficials: AfghanOfficials: Afghanavalanches killavalanches killavalanches killavalanches killavalanches kill157 people157 people157 people157 people157 people

KABUL – At least 157 people have been killed in a series of avalanchesthat blocked a mountain pass north of Kabul, trapping hundreds more intheir snowbound vehicles, Afghan officials said Wednesday.

roads and stranded hundreds ofpeople in snowbound vehicles.

Some of the victims were foundfrozen to death inside their vehicles,while in other cases, their bodieswere strewn along the road, he said.

More than two dozen avalancheshit the pass, blocking 2.1 miles (3.5kilometers) of road and burying hun-dreds of vehicles.

Some 400 police, along with 100local volunteers, have been involvedin the frantic effort to dig out survi-vors in the last 24 hours, he said.

Bashary said 135 bodies havebeen taken to Parwan province to the

north while the remainder weretaken to Baglan in the south.

Search-and-rescue teams reacheddozens more of the stranded thismorning, he said.

On Tuesday, the Defense Minis-try said that Afghan forces had man-aged to evacuate more than 400 ofthe injured, with 180 taken by coali-tion helicopters to Bagram Airbasefor medical treatment, said DefenseMinister Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak.

Some 500 Afghan soldiers werealso mobilized to join the police andothers in rescue efforts. The inter-national coalition contributed fourChinook helicopters, while the armysent two choppers, several ambu-lances and several bulldozers, theAfghan National Army said.

China jails youngman for joiningpolitical party

Human rights groups had saidXue faced up to 10 years in jailand three others he was in con-tact with had also been arrestedand tried for subversion, inLiaoning, Hunan and Hubeiprovinces. The rulings on thosecases could not immediately befound.

China allows a small numberof officially recognized parties,although they serve as advisersto, rather than competitors with,the ruling Communist Party.

Xue’s lawyers argued their cli-ent was not guilty because be-coming a member of a politicalparty did not amount to subver-sion, according to court docu-ments posted on the Web site ofthe Chinese Human Rights De-fenders group. His lawyers saidXue hoped eventually to start hisown party.

“Since I was young I did notlike the abuses of the one-partydictatorship and I wanted to es-tablish a party to participate inpolitics and change the ChineseCommunist Party’s way of gov-erning,” Xue said during interro-gation, according to a submissionby the defense.

Founded by dissidents in1998, the China DemocracyParty was uashed six months laterby the Communist Party. Dozensof founding members were ar-rested and sentenced to up to 13years in prison, most on chargesof subverting state power.

After the crackdown, some ofthe founding members fled to theUnited States.

A court Tuesday jailed for fiveyears Tan Zuoren, an activist whoinvestigated the deaths of thou-sands of children in the country’smassive 2008 earthquake, on thecharge of inciting subversion ofstate power. In December, promi-nent dissident Liu Xiaobo wasjailed 11 years on the samecharge.

Page 5: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

General Info Thursday, February 11, 2010 5International


There are 4 major hospitals usually used by foreigners -Denpasar General Hospital(RSUP Sanglah), Kasih Ibu Hospital, Rumah Sakit Wongayaand Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada.

RSUP Sanglah is the main provincial public hospital. Itsfacilities have improved since the emergency ward had beenbuilt in 1991. Difficult/critical cases would not become aproblem anymore since it has complete equipments. It islocated on Jl. KesehatanSelatan 1 Sanglah Denpasar with :Phone : 227 911 – 15Fax : 226 363

Kasih Ibu Hospital is a private hospital which caters forless serious cases such as diarrhea, intestinal disorders, ane-mia, asthma and minor accidents. Kasih Ibu is also equippedto care for pregnant women. This hospital is located on Jl.Teuku Umar 120 Denpasar.Phone : 223 036Fax : 268 690.

Rumah Sakit Wongaya (Public Hospital; Psychiatric Unit)Jl. Kartini, Denpasar.Phone : 222 142.

Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada , (Private)Jl. Sudirman No 50, DenpasarPhone : 227 560, 234 824

In relating with health, Bali also has insurance and medicalevacuation company, thatis:AEA International - SOS Assistance Bali.PT Abhaya Eka Astiti, Jl. By Pass Ngurah RaiNo. 24X, Kuta 80361.Phone : 755 768 Fax : 755 768One thing that should be noted by tourists here is that theBlood Bank in Bali normally carries no stock of Rhesus (Rh)Negative blood.


Bali Medical ClinicsThere are some medical clinics that are well known by for-eigners in Bali. Some of them are western owned and oper-ated :

Bali International Medical Center (BIMC)Bali International Medical Centre (BIMC) provides excel-lent Primary Health Care & Emeregency Medical Servicesfor tourists, traveler, and expatriate living in Bali.Emeregency Room, Ambulance, Clinic Services, Insurance& Medical Evacuations also available. Open 24 hours Phone: 761 2631. Located Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No.100X, Kuta,Bali 80361 - Indonesia. http://www.bimcbali.com

International SOS Clinic BaliOpened in 1999, offers International SOS members and visi-tors to Bali comprehensive primary health care and 24-houremergency medical service.Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai 505X, Kuta 80361, Bali - IndonesiaPhone : 720 100 Fax : 721 919E-mail : [email protected] ://www.sos-bali.com

Bali Nusa Dua Emergency ClinicJl Pratama No. 81 Phone : 771 324

Kuta ClinicJl. Raya Kuta Phone : 753 268

Dental ClinicDr Indra Guizot, Jl. Patimura 19, DenpasarPhone : 222 445, 234 375

DDS. Ritjie Rihartinah, Jl Pratama No. 81Nusa Dua Phone : 771 324

Retno W. Agung, Jln. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.4ABr. Tamansari – Sanur Phone : 288 501

Australian Consulate GeneralJalan Tantular 32 Renon DenpasarPhone: +62 361 241118Fax: +62 361 221195 (General) +62 361 241120 (Immigration)

Royal Danish & NorwegianMimpi Resort Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 070

The Czech RepublicJalan Pengembak No. 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.286 465

France Consulate AgencyJalan Merta Sari Gang II No. 8 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.285 485

The Federal Republic of GermanyJalan Pantai Karang No 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.288 535

The Republic of HungaryJalan By Pass No 219 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.287 701

Italian ConsulateJalan By Pass Ngurah Rai Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 005

Honorary Consulate of MexicoJalan Mohamad Yamin 1 A, Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.223 266

Honorary Consulate of The NetherlandsJalan Raya Kuta 127, BaliPhone +62.361.761 506

Honorary Consulate of SpainKomplek Istana Kuta Galleria Blok Vallet 2 No 11. JalanPatih Jelantik Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.769 286

USA Consulate AgencyJalan Hayam Wuruk No. 188 Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.222 426

Consulate General of JapanJalan Raya Puputan No. 170 Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.227 628

Honorary Consulate of BritishJalan Tirta Nadi No. 20 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.270 601

Swiss and Austria ConsulateJalan Patih Jelantik, Komplek Pertokoan IstanaGalleriaPhone +62.361.751 735

Honorary Consulate of BrazilJalan Legian No. 186, BaliPhone +62.361.757 775

Honorary Consulate of ThailandJalan Raya Puputan Renon 81, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.263 310

Embassy of IndiaJalan Raya Puputan Renon 42-44, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.241 978

Honorary Consulate of Sweden anf FinlandSegara Village Hotel, Jalan Segara Ayu, Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.282 223

Honorary Consulate of MalaysiaAlam Kulkul Boutique Resort, Jalan Pantai Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.752 520


Bangli General HospitalJl. Kesumayuda 27, BangliPhone : +62 366 91521


Clinic MasJl. Raya Mas, UbudPhone : +62 361 974573

Toyo ClinicJl. Pengosekan, UbudPhone : +62 361 978078

Permata Bunda ClinicJl. Patih Jelantik 50 X, GianyarPhone : +62 361 942082

Ubud ClinicJl Raya Ubud No.36 Campuhan, UbudPhone : +62 361 974911

Gianyar General HospitalJl. Ciung Wanara 2, GianyarPhone : +62 361 943049


Karangasem General HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai, KarangasemPhone : +62 363 21001


Klungkung General HospitalJl. Flamboyan 40-4, KlungkungPhone : +62 366 21371


Negara General HospitalJl. Gelar, NegaraPhone : +62 365 41006


Laboratorium ClinicJl. Gunung semeru No. 8, TabananPhone : +62 361 819260

Mengwi ClinicJl. I Gusti Ngurah Rai 46, TabananPhone : +62 361 880550

Darma Kerti HospitalJl. Teratai 16, TabananPhone : +62 361 812359

Tabanan General HospitalJl. Pahlawan 14, TabananPhone : +62 361 811027

Praja Taxi : (0361) 289090Bali Taxi : (0361) 701111Ngurah Rai Taxi : (0361) 724724Pan Wirthi Taxi : (0361) 723366Komotra Taxi : (0361) 758855


Prodia ClinicJl. RA Kartini 12, Singaraja Bali0362 - 24-516

Singaraja HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai 30, Singaraja Bali0362 - 22-573

Pet ClinicsKayumas: (0361) 226934Sayang Binatang: (0361) 483121Satwa Kertha Husada: (0361) 263018Pantai Sindhu: (0361) 287518Sidakarya: (0361) 724492Pedungan: (0361) 720026



Page 6: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Thursday, February 11, 20106 News

Felix Patzi, an Aymara Indianwho was running for governorof La Paz, made 300 bricks byTuesday afternoon.

Patzi has acknowledged hedrove drunk and he gave up his

Bolivian candidate sentencedBolivian candidate sentencedBolivian candidate sentencedBolivian candidate sentencedBolivian candidate sentencedto make adobe bricksto make adobe bricksto make adobe bricksto make adobe bricksto make adobe bricks

AP –

Felix Patzi, candidate for governor of the La Paz department, makes 1,000 bricks as his punish-ment after pleading guilty to drinking and driving in Patacamaya in Bolivia’s La Paz department,Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010. Patzi served as education minister during the first term of Bolivia’s Presi-dent Evo Morales, who asked Patzi to withdraw his candidacy after his Feb. 4 arrest. Bolivia willhold regional elections on April 4.

Bolivia – A governing party candidate in Bolivia is making 1,000 adobe bricks as part of adrunk-driving sentence handed down under the community justice system backed by the country’spro-indigenous government.

cand idacy a t t he r eques t o fPresident Evo Morales.

He apologized to Bolivia’sfirst Indian president on Mon-day. He says he would like toresume his candidacy, but will

leave that decision to his com-munity.

Bolivia’s constitution allowsfor “community justice” pun-ishments as traditionally metedout by Indian communities.

WELLINGTON, NewZealand – A New Zealand teen-ager faced legal action after hestole his own injured puppyfrom a clinic to save it from eu-thanasia when the familycouldn’t afford expensive sur-gery after it was hit by a car.

The story appears headed fora happy ending, however. Thepublic rallied to the plight ofBronson Stewart and 5-month-old puppy Buck on Wednesday,raising money to save the dogby paying the bill, local mediareported.

After Buck was hit by a cartwo weeks ago neither Stewart,19, nor his father Kevin couldafford the 2,500 New Zealanddollars ($1,730) for the puppy’sbroken leg to be pinned back to-gether or the $555 (NZ$800) forthe leg to be amputated.

The family, which lives onwelfare in the North Island cityof Wanganui, instead offered topay the veterinary clinic $3.50a week, but the clinic declined.

The veterinarian then refusedto return the pup, saying it wasbest the little dog be euthanizedbecause he was in agony.

“I just knew I had to get mydog back. He’s like my brother,”

BEIJING (AFP) – Single peoplein China have come up with an inno-vative way of pleasing their pushy par-ents during the annual Lunar New Yearholiday — they are renting fake dates.

Advertisements posted by peopleseeking to pay young men or womento come home with them for SpringFestival — China’s most importantfamily holiday that kicks off this week-end — are scattered all over popularweb portals.

“500 yuan (73 dollars) a day, youdon’t have to sleep with me, I can sleepon the floor in the same room, but youhave to be a good actress,” one mansaid Wednesday on baidu.com, underthe heading “Looking to rent a girl-friend”.

A lot of 20-something Chinese haveno siblings due to the nation’s one-childpolicy, and many come under heavypressure to marry once they hit theirlate 20s.

“I haven’t yet found a suitable girl-friend and my parents are pushing too

Chinese ‘hire’ girlfriends tofob off pushy parents

hard,” said another posting onChinaren.com under the title “desper-ately looking for a girlfriend to gohome with me for Chinese New Year”.

“I’m searching for a girl around 23years old (and not more than two yearsbelow or above that), 160 to 175centimetres high, average looking isOK,” it added.

Other people have posted advertise-ments offering their services to accom-pany desperate singletons home.

According to the state-run GlobalTimes, a female student at the presti-gious Peking University placed an adoffering 10,000 yuan a day to a manwilling to go home with her for SpringFestival.

She said in the posting that her par-ents had told her to bring a man homeor “you can forget about coming homefor the holiday”, the report said.

One organisation, called the XiaoBai Alliance, is helping bring “specialfriends” together for the holiday toplease anxious parents, the report said.

AFP/File –

File photo shows a couplekissing on the subway inBeijing.

NZ teen kidnapspuppy to save it fromeuthanasia

Stewart told TV One’s“Closeup” program Wednesday.“They can’t just kill him be-cause I haven’t got any money.”

Stewart went to the veteri-nary clinic last Friday and askedto see Buck, grabbed the littledog and ran home.

New Zealand’s Society forthe Prevention of Cruelty toAnimals (SPCA) then threat-ened the teenager with prosecu-tion for cruelty to an animal un-less he got veterinary care forthe dog, which was sufferingconsiderable pain.

A determined Stewart said hewould rather be put behind barsthan see his dog put down. “I’ll goto jail for my dog,” he told TV One.

After the story was publi-cized, local people rallied toBuck’s aid.

Wanganui SPCA manager ValWaters told New Zealand PressAssociation that people had do-nated $624 to save Buck and theoffice had fielded “hundreds” ofcalls from people offering fur-ther donations.

That should be enough to payfor the surgery to repair Buck’sleg, according to Waters.

“The dog will be just fine,”Waters said.

“He came in delirious, askingto die,” said Nery Ynclan, a Uni-versity of Miami media officer inHaiti, noting that Creole transla-tors were at the field hospital.

Ynclan said the rice vendor wasin stable condition Tuesday andbeing treated for dehydration andmalnutrition. He was nibbling onchocolate, she said.

“Someone could not survive 28 dayswithout water,” Ynclan said. “You cango nine weeks without food.”

Doctors have said that disastersurvivors may be able to sustainthemselves with a water supplyand without medical attention forup to two weeks

Jayaweera said the man origi-nally claimed he had not had anywater or food. The man, however,had normal kidney function withheart palpitations, suggesting heat least had drank something butnot enough to avoid getting dehy-drated, the doctor said.

Still, doctors at the field hos-pital and at a Salvation Armymedical center had no way to con-firm the story.

A videotape shot by MichaelAndrew, an Arizona-based


From page 1freelance photographer and a vol-unteer at the Salvation Armymedical center, shows doctors onMonday trying without success toinsert a needle into the man’s armto give him fluid. Doctors therethen referred the man to the fieldhospital at the airport, Andrewtold The Associated Press.

The Salvation Army, in a briefposting on its Web site, said thetwo men, whom it didn’t identify,found the man in the debris of themarket Monday. But Andrew saidTuesday it wasn’t clear whetherothers had provided food and wa-ter to the man and that many de-tails of the case had yet to belearned.

It also wasn’t known whyteams of international search andrescue workers were not alerted tothe man’s reported circumstancesin the wrecked market.

The man’s mother, who was atthe field hospital, told workersthat people clearing rubble down-town discovered him and alertedhis brothers.

The Haiti quake killed 230,000people, the Haitian governmentsaid Tuesday.

Page 7: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Thursday, February 11, 2010 7Indonesia TodayInternational

The bombings killed seven peopleas well as the two suicide bombers andmarked the bloody end of a four-yearhiatus in attacks attributed to Noordinand Al-Qaeda-linked regional terrornetwork Jemaah Islamiyah.

Noordin’s alleged driver, AmirAbdillah, could face multiple deathsentences if convicted on charges thatinclude carrying out an act of terror-ism, providing explosive materials andharbouring terrorist suspects.

Prosecutors said he was also partof a plot to assassinate IndonesianPresident Susilo BambangYudhoyono, and had booked a roomat the JW Marriott hotel which thebombers used to prepare their attacks.

“He assisted in an act of terrorismby way of purposely using violenceand stirring an atmosphere of terrorand widespread fear,” prosecutor TotokBambang said.

Two Islamic extremists with back-packs filled with homemade bombsblew themselves up at theneighbouring JW Marriott and RitzCarlton hotels in downtown Jakarta onJuly 17.

Three Australians, a NewZealander and a Dutch couple wereamong the dead as the bombers tar-


JAKARTA - George Soros,founder of the Open Society In-stitute, has expressed hope de-mocracy in Indonesia would be-come more lively.

After a meeting with Vice


JAKARTA - President SusiloBambang Yudhoyono at his officehere on Wednesday received Admi-ral Robert F. Willard, commander ofthe United States Pacific Command.

The head of state was accompa-nied by Coordinating Minister forPolitical, Legal and Security AffairsDjoko Suyanto, Foreign Affairs Min-ister Marty Natalegawa, and DefenseMinister Purnomo Yusgiantoro whenreceiving the US admiral.

They were believed to have talkedabout the planned visit of US Presi-dent Barrack Obama to Indonesianext March.

President Obama and his familywill make a state visit to Indonesia in


Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (R) shakes handswith Robert F. Willard, commander of the United States Pacific Com-mand (USPACOM) prior to their meeting in Jakarta on February 10,2010. Yudhoyono and Willard had the meeting in the field of defenceweeks before the US President Barack Obama visits the country wherehe lived during part of his childhood.

President receives USPacific Command Chief

the second half of March 2010, accord-ing to a White House statement re-cently.

During his visit Obama would for-mally launch the US-Indonesia Com-prehensive Partnership, an initiativethrough which the United States willbroaden and strengthen relations withIndonesia to tackle important regionaland global issues.

Admiral Robert F. Willard is a LosAngeles native and a 1973 graduate ofthe United States Naval Academy. Hehas a Master’s Degree in EngineeringManagement from Old Dominion Uni-versity and is an MIT Seminar XXIalumnus. As a Flag Officer, Willardtwice served on the Joint Staff, wasDeputy and Chief of Staff for U.S.Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,

commanded Carrier Group Fiveaboard USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63)and commanded the U.S. SeventhFleet in Yokosuka, Japan.

In March 2005, Willard becamethe 34th Vice Chief of Naval Op-erations; in May 2007, he assumedcommand of the U.S. Pacific Fleet;and on October 19, 2009, he be-came the Commander, U.S. PacificCommand, Camp H.M. Smith, Ha-waii.

Admiral Willard’s decorationsinclude the Defense DistinguishedService Medal, Distinguished Ser-vice Medal, Legion of Merit andvarious other awards, according toWillard’s biography published onthe website of the US Pacific Com-mand.

Soros hopes RI’s democracy to become livelierPresident Boediono here onWednesday, Soros said he had cometo Indonesia to review his supportto Tifa Foundation which was dedi-cated to the creation of an open so-ciety.

He met Boediono accompaniedby Tifa Foundation executive Yuli

Ismartono.Soros said Tifa Foundation had

done its tasks properly. He hoped thefoundation could more intensivelyactivate democratic processes in In-donesia.

He said the Open Society Insti-tute fully supported democracy in

Indonesia and hoped that Tifa Foun-dation could help Indonesian democ-racy become livelier.

George Soros was born on August12, 1930, in Budapest, Hungary.

In 1956, he moved to the UnitedStates, and started working as a finan-cial analyst. In 1969, he founded his

first offshore hedge fund, whichgrew immensely through specu-lation.

With a net worth estimatedas $11 billion, George Soros isthe 29th richest person in theworld, according to Forbesmagazine.

Indonesia hotel bombing suspect goes on trialIndonesia hotel bombing suspect goes on trialIndonesia hotel bombing suspect goes on trialIndonesia hotel bombing suspect goes on trialIndonesia hotel bombing suspect goes on trialNoordinMohammadTop’sallegeddriver, AmirAbdillah (L),talks to hislawyerduring histrial at aSouthJakartacourt onFebruary 10,2010.

Agence France-Presse

JAKARTA - A suspected member of late terror leader NoordinMohammad Top’s network went on trial in Indonesia Wednesdaycharged over twin suicide attacks on luxury hotels in Jakarta last year.

geted a meeting of foreign business-men and a restaurant popular withWestern guests.

Abdillah wore the white garb of adevout Muslim, joked with journal-ists and smiled during the hearing, butwas not required to enter a plea.

Asked by journalists outside thecourt whether he regretted his actions,he thought for a few seconds and re-plied: “Yes”.

Police have said his arrest shortlyafter the hotel blasts was crucial tosubsequent operations which ulti-mately led to the killing or capture ofMalaysian Islamist Noordin and sev-eral of his accomplices.

Noordin, who was killed by policein September, led a splinter faction ofJemaah Islamiyah which he dubbed“Al-Qaeda in the Malay Archipelago”.

In addition to the hotel blasts, hewas blamed for a 2003 attack on theMarriott, the 2004 bombing of theAustralian embassy in Jakarta and2005 attacks on tourist restaurants onBali, killing almost 50 people in to-tal. Jemaah Islamiyah carried out the2002 bombings of nightspots on theresort island of Bali which killed 202people, mainly Western tourists, aswell as other attacks targeting Indo-


nesian Christians.Noordin and his followers dreamt

of creating an Islamic caliphate span-ning much of Southeast Asia and ad-vocated the use of indiscriminate vio-lence to protect Muslims from per-ceived oppression around the world.

He was inspired by Al-Qaedaleader Osama bin Laden’s call for glo-bal jihad against the West and alleg-edly received funding from Al-Qaedafor the first Marriott bombing.

Police say more than a dozen of hisaccomplices have been killed and sixarrested since the July 17 blasts, includ-ing a Saudi national who allegedly pro-vided funding for the attack.

The dead suspects include a floristwho worked at one of the hotels andhelped the suicide bombers penetratethe establishments’ airport-style secu-rity and conduct extensive pre-attacksurveillance.

One of the bombers stayed for sev-

eral days as a guest at the Marriottbefore launching his suicide mission.

The prosecution alleged Abdillahhad also transported explosive ma-terials to a rented house on the out-skirts of Jakarta where extremistswere building a truck bomb to beused against the president.

“The plan was to crash the carinto the president’s convoy witheight sacks of bombs,” Bambangsaid.

Page 8: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

8 InternationaThursday, February 11, 2009

Bali Today

Nyoman Sudarsana, the member of Gunung AgungClimbing Guide (KPWKG) said “heavy rain andstrong wind often happened. It is very dangerous forclimbing activities in almost all tracks on the moun-tain.”

He said that currently there are no secure tracksto climb Mount Agung. The climbers must pass a 50centimeters wide path which is surrounded by deeptrench to get to the top of the mountain. “The trenchis hundred of meters deep so it is very dangerous ifthe climber slip and fall in it,” Sudarsana added.

In addition to the trench, some of the path alsohas more than 75 degrees of elevation so it is verydifficult especially for the beginners.

For that reason, all of the people who wantedto climb the mountain should postpone their inten-tion until the weather conditions improve. Some ofthe guides already refuse to take the climber up themountain but some of the climber keep go up themountain illegally.

Sudarsana said “it is very dangerous to climbthe mountain without the guidance of the guide. Sev-eral incidents happened when the climbers force theirway up.”

Few years ago, three climbers from Bandungwere lost in Mount Agung. From the three climbers,only one person was being able to find. He was dead.Mohamad Iqbal was found dead by the search andrescue team and Eko Saputro Sudirman and YunitaIndah Safitri were no where to be found.

They were suspected to fall into the trench.Sudarsana urged the climbers to postpone their in-tention to climb the highest mountain in Bali.


DENPASAR – Bali’s Governor, Made Mangku Pastika, stated thatBali should have special rules about tourism travel agent. “We need therules in order to give better service to the tourists visited Bali,” he added.

The governor explained that in 2009, the number of travel agentsnoted were 635 agents but not all of them operating or reported theiryearly activities.

“I hope that in the future, after the rules apply, all travel agentsmust give full report every six months,” governor added.

Meanwhile, the vice head of Bali House of Representative, GustiBagus Alit Putra, said that the rule must organize all parts of the travelagents. “The rules will also organize about the car that being use by theagents,” he added.

The tourism package also will be arranged base on the rules be-cause there are some complaints by the tourists where the tourism pack-age that they buy on the internet is different with the actual one.

Alit Putra said “the similar case should not happen in the future. Tosell the package, the travel agents must have special permit. We hopethat the rules can be applied soon. ”

Although tourist visit to Bali significantly increased, thepromotion of Bali tourism should remain and continue to do.Even, within this year 2010, Bali Government Tourism Of-fice makes a new breakthrough namely by promoting Balitourism through foreign TV station. On that account, it re-quires special allocation of sufficiently large amount of fund.Meanwhile, for the promotion of tourism events in Bali, itsparty remains to make cooperation with it Bali Travel News(BTN). As stated by Head of Bali Government Tourism Of-fice, IB Subhiksu.

Furthermore, other forms of promotion done previouslyby spreading leaflets, booklets, brochures, CDs and VCDsare still performed, likewise, direct campaign to the placesin the world potential market like ITB Berlin (March), ITBSingapore (October) and Dema in Orlando USA (Novem-ber). Promotion carried out at home is done by joining theGebyar Nusantara Jakarta (May) and the promotion inBatam (October).

Access to information about Bali tourism over the Internetwith periodical data update is performed any time in orderBali remains to become a popular tourist destination choicefor national and international tourists. In addition, his party

Mount Agung closeMount Agung closeMount Agung closeMount Agung closeMount Agung closefor climbing activitiesfor climbing activitiesfor climbing activitiesfor climbing activitiesfor climbing activities


A photo of the Mount Agung’s peak. The security officers and guides on guard on Gunung Agung climbingpost in Besakih area, Karangasem, forbid all climbing activities. This is because the poor weather conditionwhich happened throughout Bali.


DENPASAR – The security officers andguides on guard on Gunung Agung climbing postin Besakih area, Karangasem, forbid all climb-ing activities. This is because the poor weathercondition which happened throughout Bali.

Bali must havetravel agents rule

Tourism Promotion through Foreign TValso embraces tourism stakeholders such as the Bali Villagejoins in the event of ITB Berlin all the times.

Subhiksu said, according to information set out in the calen-dar of events 2010 published by Bali Government TourismOffice carries many interesting events ranging from cultural /Hindu religious ceremony to the art festivals. Bali Art Festivaland other festivals such as A Touch of Creativity, Kuta Carni-val, Bali Kite Festival, Nusa Dua Fiesta, Bali Write & RedersFestival, Sanur Village Festival and Spirit Festival. “Well, Iexpect this event to be widely disseminated by the BTN even ifneed they are packed into interesting news,” he added.

Besides, he added, the potency of rural areas will also bemade into an integrated area targeting 40 villages. This inte-grated region does not only have agricultural potential, but alsomarine, agriculture, culture, art and so on. These villages willbe explored, so that they will become new tourism potential.

To further introduce all activities existing in Bali, particu-larly those relating to tourism and culture, Bali GovernmentTourism Office will also make coordination with all existingworking units of regional apparatus (SKPD). For example,Department of Agriculture organizes orchid festival and so forththat will synergized by the Government Tourism Office. (kmb)

Page 9: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Balinese Culture

Thursday, February 11, 2009 9al


* 2 lbs.cassava

* 200 gramgranulated sugar

* ½ tsp. vanila * 1 cup

steamed fresh-grated coconut,mixed with 1 tsp.salt

* 100 cc water * food color

DirectionsPut in sugar and vanila in a large stockpot with water

and bring it to a boil.Steam cassava until soft. Peel cassava. Mash

cassava while still hot and pour the water mixture andfood color (what ever color you like) and blend well.

Use the equipment as shown on the left hand side tomold the mixture. Then put them onto a serving platter,and sprinkle with grated coconut.

Serve at room temperature, or refrigerate for an hourand serve chilled. (http://asiarecipe.com)


DENPASAR - A group of inter-religious leaders gath-ered at Al Ihsan Mosque on Tuesday night to pray for lateformer Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid.

Representing Balinese Hindus in observing the 40thanniversary of the demise of the noted leader whose popu-lar nickname was Gus Dur were Pemangku Anak AgungRai and Pemangku Anak Agung Oka.

At the prayers, Muslim and Christian communi-ties in the Indonesian island resort of Bali were respec-tively represented by KH Agus Toha Al Amnan andPriest Jimmy Hendrik.

About 300 people from various religious backgroundswere also present to remember Gus Dur as a pluralist whohad attempted to safeguard Indonesia’s unity in diversity.

Each religious leader prayed for Wahid in accor-dance with his faith.

Priest Jimmy Hendrik said the prayers were tobe maintained because it was the legacy of Gus Durwhose life was dedicated to protecting all the peoplein the country.

“Our nation is so pluralistic but the fact that we canbe one nation as fought for by our nation’s guru, Gus Dur, isindeed an excellent progress,” he said.

Sharing his views, Balinese Hindus leader, AnakAgung Rai, said Gus Dur won the Balinese people’s high-est respect.

“Through these prayers, we pay our tribute to him,”he said.

Abdurrahman “Gus Dur” Wahid, former presidentwho had once led the Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia’s largestIslamic organization, passed away on December 30, 2009at the age of 69.

He was not only respected nationally but also inter-nationally. Ingredients

* Rice Cakes 1 cup glutinous rice flour * ½ cup tapioca starch * ¾ cup water * ¼ tsp. salt

DirectionsTo make Rice Cake:

Place rice flour and tapioca starch in a deep mixingbowl and make a well in the center.

Add water and salt, mix well and knead dough until itcan be rolled and shaped. Dough should not be to dry.

Roll small rice cakes ½-inch in diameter. Cutdiagonally 1-inch in length.

Bring 8 cups of water to a oil. Put it the rice cakes,bring back to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain andset the rice cakes aside.


* Sauce 3 cups water * 1 cup coconut milk * ½ cup palm sugar syrup * 1 pandan leaf * Pinch of salt

DirectionsTo make the sauce:

Combine water, coconut milk, palm sugar, pandanleaf, and a pinch of salt in a small stockpot. Bring to aboil.

Add rice cakes and simmer for 20 minutes.Cool and serve at room temperature, topped with a

tablespoon of fresh grated coconut.Helpful hints: When preparing the rice cakes, use the

amount of water given in the recipe only as a guideline;the quality of flour varies greatly and affects the amountof liquid it absorbs. Add sufficient water to result in asoft, smooth dough. If the rice cakes are dry whenshaped, they will be very tough after cooking. (http://asiarecipe.com)

FOTO ANTARA/ Ujang Zaelani

A group of inter-religious leaders gathered topray for late former Indonesian PresidentAbdurrahman Wahid or better known as GusDur. The same procession also done at Al IhsanMosque on Tuesday night attends by a groupof inter-religious leaders in Bali.

Inter-religious leaders in Bali remember Gus Dur

In observance of the 40th anniversary of his demiseon Sunday, tens of thousands of people flocked the TebuirengIslamic boarding school to pay tribute to him.

In Jakarta, an interfaith group of people marked the40th anniversary of his death with the launching and dis-cussion of a book on the late leader written by DemienDemitra.

The book entitled “Sejuta Doa untuk Gus Dur” (AMillion Prayers for Gus Dur) was Demien’s second bookon the former president. His first book, titled “Sejuta Hatiuntuk Gus Dur” (A Million Hearts for Gus Dur) waslaunched on January 8, 2010.

In his second book Demien highlighted Gus Dur’sbackground as a pluralist while the first book chronicledGus Dur’s life since birth.

“Gus Dur was a true pluralist. He remained steadfastin his convictions but was also very tolerant about differ-ences in human life in the fields of religion, culture andgender,” he said.

Sticky Rice Cake in BrownSugar Sauce(Biji Salak)

Coconut Sweet Potato Cake(Getuk Lindri)

Page 10: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Thursday, February 11, 201010 InternationalDestinations

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... gets maximum benefits with minimum charge

NUSA Lembongan, a small islandbetween Bali and Nusa Penida inBadung Strait, is the perfect holidayhideaway with few visitors and pris-tine un-spoilt beaches. A low, pro-tected island about 11 km southeastof mainland Bali, measuring onlyfour by three km and ringed withmangrove swamps, and palms andwhite sandy beaches. Inland the ter-rain is scrubby and very dry, withvolcanic stonewalls and processionalavenues crisscrossing the small cac-tus-covered hills. OverlookingSanghiang Bay with its clear bluewaters, the Nusa Lembongan Resortoffers a panoramic view of easternBali and the majestic silhouette ofMount Agung. Known for its greatsurf, the excellent crystal-clear wa-ters also make it a perfect place forsnorkeling and diving. It’s still a ba-sic place, but interesting, and thereare some lovely places to stay.

The island is small enough to ex-plore on foot, offering pristinebeaches and coves, majestic views ofMount Agung, unique Balinese ar-chitecture, and the friendliness of asimple country folk. With a lack ofarable land and a severe shortage ofhttp://www.lysator.liu.se

Nusa Lembongan Islandtourist attractions, the island’seconomy is limited to its underwaterwealth-seaweed. A secondary occu-pation is catering to visiting surfers.Between Nusa Lembongan and theadjacent of Nusa Ceningan Island,the population is only 60,000.

There are just two villages onNusa Lembongan, the large, spreadout administrative center ofLembongan Village, and JungutBatu village. Surfers and backpack-ers hang out in the latter, about 150per month, for an average stay ofthree to five days. The only othervisitors are European, Japanese, andAustralian day-trippers on excursionboats. Jungut Batu offers the island’sbest accommodations and watersport opportunities. There’s motor-cycle traffic between the two vil-lages and it’s easy to get a lift. Bothvillages are heavily involved in thecultivation of seaweed. Before gov-ernment-supported commercial sea-food production in 1980, the peopleof the island lived on maize, cassava,tuber, beans, and peanuts. Todaymost everyone is involved in oneway or another with cultivation of“sea vegetables,” and the air is per-

meated with its smell.Visit the seaweed gardens at low

tide; they look like gigantic under-water botanical gardens. Two kindsare grown, the small red pinusan andthe large green kotoni. Almost theentire crop is exported to Hong Kongfor use in the cosmetics and foodprocessing industries. After harvest-ing, gatherers leave a floating offer-ing of rice and flowers that gentlydrifts away on the outgoing tide.

Life on Nusa Lembongan is veryrelaxing, with cool breezes, littletraffic, no big hotels, no pollution,no stress, no photocopy machines,and hardly any telephones. Best ofall, there are almost no pedagangacung (pushy vendors) and fewthieves. Jungut Batu’s charming“tree house” bungalow-style accom-modations with outdoors open-air‘mandi’, rickety wooden furniture,sand floor restaurants and offices arereminiscent of Kuta Beach 20 yearsago. Crops are meager, and the onlyfruit available is melon. All otherfood must be imported from the mar-ket in Denpasar or from the neigh-boring island of Nusa Penida. (http://www.indonesia-tourism.com)



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Page 11: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Thursday, February 11, 2010 11


Agence France-Presse

TOYOTA CITY - There isa saying in Toyota’s hometownthat when the auto giantsneezes, the whole city falls ill.But the symptoms of its recallcrisis look set to be felt far be-yond “Japan’s Detroit”.

No flashy signs or adver-tisements are necessary to re-mind visitors to the companytown in central Japan that it isthe birthplace of the world’slargest carmaker. The name —Toyota City — speaks for itself.

But the group’s influenceextends well beyond the citylimits, and concerns are mount-ing across Asia’s biggesteconomy that Toyota’s massiveglobal safety recalls will tarnishthe brand image of Japan Inc asa whole.

Japan’s biggest company— which employs more than300,000 people around theworld — has long been a sourceof pride for the nation.

Its cars dominate the roads,used by millions of Japanese in-cluding the royal family and theprime minister.

Toyota’s success mirroredthe country’s post-war eco-nomic miracle, driven by thesuccess of its carmakers andother exporters.

Nowhere are thecompany’s woes fel t morekeenly than in the eponymouscity, renamed in 1959 in recog-nition of Toyota’s growing im-portance.

The automaker’s recalls ofmore than eight million vehiclesaround the world to fix faultyaccelerator pedals and brakesare another major setback to thelocal economy, after Toyotasales slumped in last year’s eco-nomic crisis.

“When Toyota catches acold and sneezes, everyone getspneumonia here,” saidKazuhiko Yamada, president ofHonmachi Holdings, a companythat maintains machinery inToyota factories.

“The financial crisis hadhit us in the stomach, and justwhen we thought global de-mand was picking up, we gotanother blow from the recalls.This time it’s in our face,” saidYamada, himself a formerToyota employee.

Businesses large and small,from parts suppliers to restau-rants, revolve around Toyotalike satellites.

“Toyota is number one forus,” said 69-year-old Hatsue

The day-long strike comes amidreports that Germany is consideringhow to help Athens and contain anyspillover to the other 15 countries thatshare the euro.

The action — which is set tocripple the work of ministries, localadministrations, educational institu-tions and tax offices — will be anothertest of the resolve of Greece’s Socialistgovernment.

Flights across Greece were sus-pended Wednesday as air traffic con-trollers joined the protest. The two mainGreek carriers, Olympic Air andAegean, cancelled flights for the day.

The main union of public work-ers, which alone counts some 300,000members, will stage protests in Athensand the second city of Salonika againstthe “unjust and meaningless sacrifices.

The state-run railways cut servicesfollowing a nine-hour walkout an-nouncement unions but internationaltrain traffic will not be affected.

Since the government revealedlate last year that the country’s financeswere in much worse shape than hadbeen thought, the markets have pun-ished Greece as they fear unions willbeat back any cost-cutting plans.


A poster by the main civil servants union (ADEDY) calling for the nationwide strike on February10 hangs in front of the Greek parliament in Athens on February 9, 2010. Thousands of Greekcivil servants went on strike Wednesday against wage cuts, paralyzing flights and disruptingrail traffic as Athens grappled to fight a debt crisis that has shaken Europe.

Greek public workers strikeGreek public workers strikeGreek public workers strikeGreek public workers strikeGreek public workers strikeagainst austerity driveagainst austerity driveagainst austerity driveagainst austerity driveagainst austerity driveAgence France-Presse

ATHENS - Thousands of Greek civil servants went on strike Wednesday against wage cuts,paralyzing flights and disrupting rail traffic as Athens grappled to fight a debt crisis that hasshaken Europe.

Greek Prime Minister GeorgePapandreou on Monday asked civilservants to accept bonus cuts sayingthey “must be the first to set an ex-ample.”

The Greek crisis has driven upborrowing costs for governmentsacross Europe, with pressure mount-ing on a number of other heavily-in-debted eurozone members, and sent theeuro sliding against the dollar.

The European Commissionvoiced concern Tuesday that Greece’sfiscal crisis could affect other parts ofthe 16-nation eurozone.

There is a “serious risk ofspillover into other parts of the euroarea,” EU Economic Affairs Com-missioner Joaquin Almunia told theEuropean Parliament in Strasbourg.

But Alumnia ruled out the needfor help from the International Mon-etary Fund and urged European lead-ers to offer “clear support” forGreece in return for real efforts fromAthens to resolve its budget crisis.

A report in the Financial TimesDeutschland Wednesday suggestedthat Germany was preparing an aidplan for Greece, following weeks ofspeculation that eurozone nations

may need to help Athens to avoid ahumiliating turn to the IMF thatwould shatter confidence in the euro.

The newspaper said German Fi-nance Minister Wolfgang Schaeublewas working on both a bilateral basisand at the European level on puttingtogether a package to help Athens.

The Greek government Tues-day pressed on with its efforts toslash expenditure and raise revenueto narrow its 12.7 percent deficit —more than four times the eurozonelimit of three percent of gross do-mestic product.

Labour Minister AndreasLoverdos announced a two-yearhike in the average retirement ageto 63 years by 2015 while other min-isters met for a second day to finalisethe country’s new tax policy.

The European Commission lastmonth rubber-stamped a three-yearGreek crisis plan presented by thegovernment.

But the government is to faceopposition over its plans from work-ers, with Greece’s main private sec-tor union GSEE to stage a nation-wide strike on February 24 in oppo-sition to the pension reform.

Toyota crisis shakeshometown, and Japan Inc. too

Aoyama, who runs a cafe wheremany Toyota retirees gather.

“Needless to say, with thecrisis and these (recall) prob-lems, everyone is glum. We haveseen better days. It’s really sad,”she added.

It’s not just Toyota City thatis worried.

Rival Honda — itself recall-ing hundreds of thousands of carsto fix defects — has warned theproblems could damage confi-dence in all Japanese cars.

And fears are growing thatToyota’s woes will make consum-ers overseas think twice aboutbuying Japanese goods in general.

“Toyota is the representativeof Japan Inc. The issue may shakethe credibility of the whole of Ja-pan and its technology,” saidTatsuya Mizuno, an auto analystat Mizuno Credit Advisory.

Founded in the 1930s byloom-maker Kiichiro Toyoda, thecompany became the saviour of alocal economy battered by a col-lapse in silk prices due to theGreat Depression.

The company posted recordsales of 26.29 trillion yen (292 bil-lion dollars) in the year to March2008, but was hammered by thesubsequent global downturn,posting its first-ever annual losslast year.

Toyota has expanded intovarious fields such as telecom-munications, advertising, real es-tate, insurance and shipping ser-vices. It also owns a dozen ma-jor parts makers, includingDenso, itself a Fortune 500-listedcompany.

“It’s because of Toyota thatwe were able to lead stable lives.It is a source of comfort and pride,”said 62-year-old Rieko Iwai,whose father-in-law, husband andson are former or current employ-ees of the Toyota group.

“When I have a grandchild,it would be nice if he worked forToyota. Toyota has strong foun-dations so I don’t think it willtopple that easily.”

Toyota’s presence is suchthat locals are reluctant to openlycriticise the company and its cur-rent chief Akio Toyoda, thegrandson of the group’s founderand son of one of its former presi-dents, who took charge last year.

“He is what you would ex-pect of a third-generation leader.He doesn’t know the field,” saidone man who has worked withToyoda in the past and asked notto be named.

“He is like a soldier who haspractised firing shots but who hasnever been into battle.”

Page 12: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Entertainment InternationalThursday, February 11, 201012

The majority of folks posting aboutDeGeneres on Twitter praised herperformance. Some said they wereonly tuning in for DeGeneres, but noteveryone was a devotee. A denim en-semble worn by Degeneres, also hostof “The Ellen Degeneres Show,” wasmocked by a few tweeters.

When Fox announced thatDeGeneres, an Emmy winner withno formal music experience, wouldbe the new judge last September, fanswere divided over the unlikely re-placement for Paula Abdul, the sug-ary sweet pop singer who judged“Idol” since it debuted in 2002 thenleft amid contract negotiations afterthe eighth season ended last year.

“Ellen completely met my expec-tations,” said Dave Della Terza,founder of VoteForTheWorst.com,

Associated PressWriter

NEW YORK – AnneRice is giving the videobook a try. The author of“Interview With a Vam-pire,” “The VampireLestat” and many other fa-vorites has agreed to termswith the video book com-pany Vook on a multime-dia edition of “The Mas-ter of Rampling Gate,” avampire story published inRedbook magazine in1984 and set in an En-gland mansion in the 19thcentury.

“Vook represents avery exciting combinationof new technological ele-ments, that I think is longoverdo in publishing,”Rice said in a statementreleased Wednesday byVook. “I’m excited that`The Master of RamplingGate’ is going to have newlife in this form, and cannot waitto see the finished product. I’m notsure that my mind can conceive ofall the possibilities of this newform. I’m learning. And it feelsgood.”

Opinions are still mixed amongpublishers and authors about videobooks, or vooks, with some call-ing them a gimmick and others

Agence France Presse

LOS ANGELES – Oscar-win-ning British actress Rachel Weisz isto star in a thriller about a family thatmoves into a home with a gruesomehistory, entertainment industry re-ports said Tuesday.

Weisz, who won a supporting ac-tress Academy Award for her perfor-mance in the 2005 drama “The Con-stant Gardener,” will star alongsideBritish “James Bond” Daniel Craigin the film titled “Dream House,”

Vampire author Anne Riceset to release video book

saying new formats are needed forthe Internet age. The product inte-grates text, video and social network-ing.

Vook, based in Alameda, Calif.,has been producing video books forSimon & Schuster and theHarperCollins imprint HarperStudioand also making works out of publicdomain texts. Vook founder Bradley

Inman says “The SherlockHolmes Experience,”based on two stories byConan Doyle, has beendownloaded thousands oftimes.

The Rice project begins“a strategic publishing re-lationship” with Rice’s lit-erary agency, Janklow &Nesbit Associates, accord-ing to Vook. No other spe-cific writers were identi-fied, but clients at Janklow& Nesbit include DavidMcCullough, Edward P.Jones and the late MichaelCrichton.

“They (Vook) came inabout two months agoand showed us some oftheir wares. I think it’svery interesting and Ithink the publishingworld needs to reallystart looking for newways to find readers,”said Lynn Nesbit ofJanklow & Nesbit, who

said other writers at the agencyexpressed strong interest invideo books, although she de-clined to provide names.

The Rice video book, whichincludes an author interview, willbe released March 1 and can bepurchased through the iPhone,iPod touch and other digital de-vices. The list price is $6.99.

AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi,FileFILE- This Oct. 26, 2005 file photo shows authorAnne Rice speaking during an interview at herhome in San Diego.

Rachel Weisz movinginto ‘Dream House’

Daily Variety reported.Weisz and Craig play a married

couple who relocate to a quaint NewEngland town only to discover thattheir idyllic new home was the mur-der scene of a mother and her twochildren. Australian actress NaomiWatts will play a neighbour of thecouple in the film, which is to bedirected by Oscar-nominated Irishfilm-maker Jim Sheridan.

Weisz, 39, was most recentlyseen in the Peter Jackson-directeddrama “The Lovely Bones.”

AFP/Getty Images/File/Jason MerrittActress Rachel Weisz arrives at the premiere of Paramount Pictures’“The Lovely Bones” at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre on December 7, inHollywood, California. Weisz is to star in a thriller about a family thatmoves into a home with a gruesome history, entertainment industryreports said Tuesday.

AP Photo/Fox, Michael Becker

In this undated publicity image released by Fox, new ‘American Idol,’judge Ellen DeGeneres is shown.

Fans delighted byFans delighted byFans delighted byFans delighted byFans delighted byDeGeneres’ ‘Idol’ debutDeGeneres’ ‘Idol’ debutDeGeneres’ ‘Idol’ debutDeGeneres’ ‘Idol’ debutDeGeneres’ ‘Idol’ debut

Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES – Ellen DeGeneres hit the right notes with “American Idol” viewers. Fans took to the Internetto express their pleasant surprise over the 52-year-old funnylady’s debut as the singing competition’s fourth judge.DeGeneres assumed her judging panel post for Tuesday’s episode chronicling the first round of “Hollywood Week,”the cutthroat post-audition phase in which 181 contestants will be narrowed down to 24 semifinalists.

which encourages viewers to cham-pion bad — but entertaining — sing-ers. “She was trying way too hard.Her critiques weren’t funny becauseno one wants to see a standup act atthe judges’ table.”

But Andy Dehnart, editor of thepopular reality TV blogrealityblurred.com and a lecturer atStetson University, said DeGeneresseemed “more polished and on-pointthan the people who’ve been sittingat that table for eight years.”DeGeneres is on the judging panelalongside Simon Cowell, RandyJackson and Kara DioGuardi.

“Ellen DeGeneres keeps surpris-ing us,” he said. “She excels as a talkshow host, and if she keeps up whatshe did tonight, she’ll easily estab-lish herself as the best judge.”

As expected, DeGeneres’ cri-tiques were punctuated with humor,but she didn’t hold back the cruel-ties either. She joked somethingseemed wrong with a beatboxer’smicrophone — just before sendinghim home. An admittedly drowsyDeGeneres later informed one dullsinger that the performance “almostput me right out.”

DeGeneres and the other judgeswere wowed by several guitar-play-ing singers during Tuesday’s epi-sode. DioGuardi dubbed quirky 24-year-old musician Andrew Garcia’srendition of “Straight Up” fromformer judge Abdul “genius” whileDeGeneres called 24-year-old salesrepresentative Jannell Wheeler’sversion of “American Boy” byEstelle “amazing, amazing.”

Page 13: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

International Thursday, February 11, 2010 13Life Style

The numbers were announced byYin Hong, vice head of the StateForestry Administration, accordingto a spokesman at the agency whorefused to be named.

“There are close to 6,000 tigersthat have been artifically bred andraised in China,” the official ChinaNews Service quoted Yin saying.

“These tigers can breed over1,000 baby tigers every year.”

Yin’s comments came as Chinaprepares to ring in the Year of the Ti-ger, which begins February 14, amidmounting worldwide concern overdwindling numbers of the great cats.

Yin said there were just 50 to 60

A woman’s chance of havinga child with autism increase sub-stantially as she ages, but the riskmay be less for older dads thanpreviously suggested, a newstudy analyzing more than 5 mil-lion births found.

“Although fathers’ age cancontribute risk, the risk is over-whelmed by maternal age,” saidUniversity of California at Davisresearcher Janie Shelton, thestudy’s lead author.

Mothers older than 40 wereabout 50 percent more likely tohave a child with autism than


LONDON – British biotech com-pany ReNeuron and a team of doctorsin Scotland have won final approval tostart a pioneering clinical trial to as-sess whether stem cell therapy can helppatients disabled by stroke.

The treatment involves injectingneural stem cells developed from hu-man fetuses into patients’ brains in thehope they will repair areas damagedby stroke, thereby improving bothmental and physical function.

The final green light from Britain’sGene Therapy Advisory Committee(GTAC), announced on Wednesday,follows months of delays and ques-tions, reflecting the ground-breakingnature of the research. The trial is thefirst of its kind in the world.

ReNeuron received an okay from

A humanembryonic stemcell line derivedat StanfordUniversity isseen in thishandout photoreleased toReuters by theCaliforniaInstitute forRegenerativeMedicine,March 9, 2009.

Autism risks detailed inchildren of older mothers

those in their 20s; the risk for fa-thers older than 40 was 36 percenthigher than for men in their 20s.

Even at that, the study suggeststhe risk of a woman over 40 havingan autistic child was still less than4 in 1,000, one expert noted.

The new research suggests thefather’s age appears to make themost difference with young moth-ers. Among children whose moth-ers were younger than 25, autismwas twice as common when fatherswere older than 40 than when dadswere in their 20s.

The findings contrast with recent

research that suggested the father’sage played a bigger role than themother’s. Researchers and otherautism experts said the new studyis more convincing, partly becauseit’s larger. Older mothers areknown to face increased risks forhaving children with genetic dis-orders, and genes are thought toplay a role in autism.

The study was released Mondayin the February issue of the jour-nal Autism Research. MaureenDurkin, a University of Wisconsinresearcher who also has studied theinfluence of parents’ age on autism,said it’s important to note that theincreased risks are small and thatmost babies born to older mothersdo not develop autism.

Durkin said the overall low riskfor autism “may be the most im-portant take-home message,” es-pecially for prospective parents

The study was based on recordsof all 5.6 million births in Cali-fornia between Jan. 1, 1990 andDec. 31, 1999, and on cases ofautism diagnosed before age 6.That number totaled more than13,000; the study involved 12,159autistic children for whom infor-mation on both parents’ ages wasalso available.

The researchers took into ac-count factors that might affectautism diagnosis, including par-ents’ education and race.

AFP/File/Liu Jin

A boy with autism at a treament center. Women over 40 are nearlytwice as likely to give birth to an autistic child than a mother under30, researchers said in a study that found more evidence of linksbetween autism and maternal age.

REUTERS/Julie Baker

UK firm gets final greenlight for stem cell trial

Britain’s main drugs watchdog backin January 2009 but still needed a rec-ommendation from the GTAC beforeit could start the Phase I clinical trial.

Shares in the company gained 12.5percent to 7.85 pence by 0845 GMT onthe news. The first patient in the study isnow expected to receive treatmentthrough the National Health Service atthe Institute of Neurological Sciences,Southern General Hospital, Glasgow,during the second quarter of this year.

In total, 12 patients will getReNeuron’s ReN001 cell therapy be-tween six and 24 months after hav-ing an ischaemic stroke — caused bya blockage of blood flow in the brain— and their progress will be followedfor two years.

The procedure involves the directinjection of millions of cells into theaffected brain region.

A tiger cools off from summer heat in a pool at a zoo in Hefei, eastChina’s Anhui province. China said it had nearly 6,000 tigers incaptivity and could breed 1,000 more every year, amid internationalcontroversy over the benefits of farming the endangered species.


China says it hasChina says it hasChina says it hasChina says it hasChina says it has6,000 captive tigers6,000 captive tigers6,000 captive tigers6,000 captive tigers6,000 captive tigersAgence France Presse

BEIJING – China said Tuesday it had nearly 6,000 tigers in captiv-ity and could breed 1,000 more every year, amid international contro-versy over the benefits of farming the endangered species.

wild tigers left in China. Conserva-tion groups have said recently fewerthan 50 still roam the country.

There are four varieties of wildtigers in China, and one of them —the South China tiger — has not beenspotted in the wild since the late1970s. In the 1950s, there werearound 4,000 of the subspecies.

Degradation of the animal’s habitatand poaching of the tiger and its preyare blamed for its rapid disappearance.In the 1980s, China set up tiger farmsto try and preserve the big cats, intend-ing to release some into the wild.

But experts warn it will be diffi-cult for captive tigers to re-adapt to

the wild, and the sheer number of theendangered animals kept in farmsnow poses a challenge.

“The government now realises it’sa problem but they haven’t figured outhow to deal with the existing tigersyet,” Xie Yan, director of the Chinaprogramme for the Wildlife Conser-vation Society, told AFP.

The existence of tiger farms inChina and other countries has sparkedinternational controversy.

In July, Keshav Varma, leader ofthe World Bank’s Global Tiger Ini-tiative, called for tiger farming to bephased out, saying there was a dan-ger this could hasten the extinctionof the endangered species.

“Would it create new markets and aneven higher demand for wild tiger prod-ucts — for those who want a luxury good— the ‘real thing?’” he asked.

Xie said farms in China make littlemoney, apart from tourists, and some arepushing for a 1993 ban on the trade intiger parts and related products to be re-versed so they can profit from the ani-mals once they die. Experts, however,say this would encourage poaching.

Page 14: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Thursday, February 11, 201014 InternationalSport

“Roy Jones ain’t nothing to dowith Bernard Hopkins’ legacy andcareer, up to now, because therewill be a final chapter, and that’simportant to me,” Hopkins said.

To which Jones simply replied:“He didn’t win the first time andhe won’t win this time.”

Yes, it’s been 17 years sinceJones defeated Hopkins to win amiddleweight belt, and they’veboth built Hall-of-Fame-worthycareers. Jones won eight titles infour divisions and became the firstfighter to climb from middle-weight champion to heavyweightchampion in a century. Hopkins

Associated Press Writer

CLEVELAND – LeBron Jamesscored 32 points to lead the Cleve-land Cavaliers to their 12th straightwin Tuesday night, a 104-97 victoryover the New Jersey Nets.

The win gives Cleveland thelongest winning streak in the NBAthis season. The Cavaliers (42-11)also have the best record in theleague.

New Jersey (4-47) has the NBA’sworst record and has lost sevenstraight. The Nets played withoutpoint guard Devin Harris, who has asprained left shoulder. Courtney Leeled the Nets with 24 points.

James, who was named the East-ern Conference’s player of the weekfor the fifth time this season Mon-day, was 13-of-21 from the field with11 assists and three rebounds.

Jawad Willams scored a career-high 17 points while AndersonVarejao added 15 for Cleveland.

The Nets built an eight-point leadin the first quarter thanks primarilyto 11 points by Jarvis Hayes, whohit three 3-pointers. Clevelandscored the last seven points of thequarter and went ahead for goodearly in the second period.

The Cavaliers’ spurt was cappedwhen with a highlight reel play at

Agence France Presse

SAN JOSE, California –Fourth-seeded German TommyHaas needed a tiebreaker to getpast wild card Devin Britton 6-4,7-6 (7/3) in the first round of theATP Tour’s SAP Open.

“His serve was working reallywell for him - not only really hardbut with good placement and Icould not get a good read on it,”Haas said.

“Also serving and volleyingon second serve and mixing itup, that really surprised me. Iplayed good at the times Ineeded. The first match is alwaystough anyway because you neverknow how you’re going to feel.”

Sixth-seeded German Philipp

Bernard Hopkins,left, and Roy JonesJr., right, speak toreporters during anews conference,Tuesday, Feb. 9,2010, in New York, toannounce a rematchto be held April 3 inLas Vegas.

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Jones, Hopkins ready forJones, Hopkins ready forJones, Hopkins ready forJones, Hopkins ready forJones, Hopkins ready forfight 17 years in makingfight 17 years in makingfight 17 years in makingfight 17 years in makingfight 17 years in makingAssociated Press Writer

NEW YORK – After nearly two decades of bitter squabbling, Roy Jones Jr. and Bernard Hopkinsstill can’t share the same table. Instead, the former champions appeared behind separate podiumsTuesday with placards that had only their own names and likenesses. The stage inside the HardRock Cafe in Times Square was set up to resemble a debate, with each of the 40-something fightersgiven time to explain why they believe they’ll win their long-awaited April rematch.

set a record with 20 straight defensesof the middleweight crown and went12 years without a loss.

Now in the twilight of their ca-reers, two fighters who could neveragree on much of anything haveagreed to fight, perhaps finally real-izing that they need each other.

“This fight is very important tome because it’s personal,” saidHopkins, who admitted he’s watchedhis 1993 loss to Jones “about a mil-lion times.”

“A lot of fighters don’t have his-tory,” Hopkins said. “We’ve got 17-plus-year history.”

For years they talked about a

rematch, and it almost happened af-ter Hopkins knocked out FelixTrinidad to become undisputedmiddleweight champion in 2001.Hopkins remembers visiting Jones inPensacola, Fla., five or six years agoand waiting in a hotel lobby for hoursuntil they finally met — but nothingcame of it.

Executives from HBO tried to getthem to agree to terms, back when arematch would have been the biggestthing in the sport, but egos and self-interests always intervened. Theyeven wound up arguing over whowas to blame for the fight not hap-pening.

Haas advances, Roddick readiesfor San Jose ATP action

Kohlschreiber also advanced,downing American Rajeev Ram 6-7 (7/9), 6-1, 6-3, and seventh-seeded American Sam Querreybeat Russian Teimuraz Gabashvili6-3, 6-2. Germany’s Bjorn Phaubeat eighth-seeded Frenchman Jer-emy Chardy 6-3, 6-1.

American Michael Russell, whoplayed in his first professional tour-nament two years ago when he was15, beat lucky loser Im Kyu Tae ofKorea 7-6 (8/6), 6-1.

Im got his place in the draw whenAmerican Mardy Fish withdrewwith a left knee injury.

Fish, who planned to continueplaying doubles here with Querrey,had surgery on the knee in Septem-ber and was able to compete in theAustralian Open.

“For whatever reason the knee isnot where it needs to be and not 100percent,” Fish said in a statement.

Top-seeded Andy Roddick, whomeets qualifier Ryler DeHeart inhis opening match Wednesday, hasalso battled a sore knee after hewas injured in Shanghai last Octo-ber.

He also had to contend with asore shoulder in his five-set loss toMarin Cilic in the quarter-finals ofthe Australian Open.

“It was a little touch and go for awhile about playing here,” theworld number seven said. “But I gotthe clearance I needed after the Aus-tralian Open. The first match willbe telling. If I get through that one Ishould be OK. I’m going to have towork my way into this tournament.”

James leads Cavaliersto 12th straight win

both ends of the court. It began whenShaquille O’Neal blocked BrookLopez’s shot at the basket. The 7-foot-1, 325-pound center grabbedthe ball and dribbled up the floorbefore finding James on the wing.James made a perfect alley-oop passto Varejao, who finished the playwith a dunk, bringing the crowd toits feet. O’Neal then gave Varejao aresounding chest bump and the Netscalled timeout. James converted hisown dunk off a lob pass from DanielGibson moments later.

The Cavaliers led by six points athalftime and stretched the margin to10 on two occasions. The Nets cutthe lead to four late in the period,but the Cavaliers put the game awaywith away with a 13-2 run to startthe fourth quarter. Jawad Williamshit two 3-pointers while James addeda 3-pointer and a fast break dunk,which built the lead to 91-74. Lopezscored 23 points and Hayes added19 for the Nets.

The Cavaliers are a league-best23-3 at home, winning 10 straightand 21 of 22. The Nets have lost 15straight on the road and are 1-27away from home.

Cleveland hosts Orlando onThursday night in a rematch of lastseason’s Eastern Conference Finals,which the Magic won in six games.

AP Photo/Mark Duncan

Cleveland Cavaliers’ LeBron James, left, dunks on New JerseyNets’ Yi Jianlian, from China, in the fourth quarter of an NBA bas-ketball game Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010, in Cleveland. James scored32 points and had 11 assists in the Cavaliers’ 104-97 win.

Page 15: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Thursday, February 11, 2010 15International Sport

Carlos Tevez, from the penaltyspot, and Emmanuel Adebayorscored the goals that secured thethree points at Eastlands on Tues-day, but City also enjoyed terrificperformances from two fulldebutants.

England under-21 wingerAdam Johnson, 22, proved un-stoppable for long spells of thegame and won the penalty fromwhich Tevez gave City the lead.

Meanwhile, alongside him inmidfield, France internationalPatrick Vieira also made his fulldebut for the wealthy club andturned in an impressive displayincluding a superb pass that setup the second goal.

“He played very well, that’swhy I bought him,” said Manciniof Johnson, signed fromMiddlesbrough during the Janu-ary transfer window.

“When you’re a young playeryou want to play well and have achance and that’s why this gamewas important for him. He didwell for the penalty and went onfrom there.

“He can learn to play behindthe striker, on the right wing, onthe left wing, he can play in dif-ferent positions, different situa-tions and be an important playerfor us.

“I am happy for Patrick be-cause that was his first full gamein one month and he camethrough without a problem. Iknow Patrick well and I know hecan play better but for now, it wasjust important he came throughalright.

“People talk about his age but

Agence France Presse

BIRMINGHAM – Edwin van derSar believes that Manchester Unitedhave done well to stay in touch withChelsea despite the injury problemsthat have dogged the season at OldTrafford.

United go into their meeting withAston Villa on Wednesday two pointsoff Carlo Ancelotti?s side, who arein action at Everton on the sameevening.

Sir Alex Ferguson?s options at theback have been limited throughoutthe campaign, with Dutch goalkeepervan der Sar and defenders RioFerdinand, Nemanja Vidic, JohnO’Shea, Rafael and Gary Neville allenduring stints on the sidelines.

Ferdinand is still suspended andO?Shea is likely to miss the rest ofthe campaign with a thigh problem.

But even if Vidic does not returnfrom a calf injury at Villa Park, Unitedhave finally been able to benefit fromhaving increased options at the back.

Key to that has been the return ofvan der Sar, who has missed monthsof the campaign as a result of his ownfinger and knee injuries and the ill-health of his wife, who suffered abrain haemorrhage in December.

The 39-year-old has played a cen-tral role in United’s recent upturn inform and Ferguson’s side travel toVilla Park looking for a fifth straight

Roma - Roma captainFrancesco Totti has commentedon the provisioned winter breakset out for next season.

Agreeing with Inter defenderMarco Materazzi, the Giallorossistriker believes that it is unfair forforeign players, as they do not getto enjoy the entire Christmasbreak, having to rush back in or-der to be available for matches.

“I read what Materazzi pub-

Mancini salutesMancini salutesMancini salutesMancini salutesMancini salutesVieira and JohnsonVieira and JohnsonVieira and JohnsonVieira and JohnsonVieira and Johnson

AP Photo/Simon Dawson

Manchester City’s Patrick Vieira, left, competes for the ball withBolton Wanderers’ Tamir Cohen during their English PremierLeague soccer match at the City of Manchester Stadium,Manchester, England, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010.

Agence France Presse

MANCHESTER, England– Roberto Mancini paid trib-ute to two players at eitherends of their careers afterManchester City boosted theirbid for a fourth-place finish inthe Premier League with a 2-0victory over Bolton.

I played until I was 36 and Iplayed very well! When I was 36,I won the Scudetto and the ItalianCup. I hope Patrick can play thenext 15 games for me.”

Victory keeps City slightlyahead of three other clubs chasingfourth place, and the coveted finalspot in next season’s ChampionsLeague, if only by virtue of hav-

ing games in hand on their rivals.Like City, Liverpool, Aston

Villa and Tottenham have allfailed to hit real consistency andMancini concedes that once thisweekend’s FA Cup commitmentsare out of the way, his team mustfocus on stringing together a goodrun of league results, particularlyaway from Eastlands.

Man Utd returning tofull power: van der Sar

Premier League win for just the sec-ond time this season.

Van der Sar, whose current con-tract expires in the summer, said:“We’re right up there with Chelsea,just a couple of points behind so thelast three months of the season areshaping up to be very interesting.

“It’s all to play for. There are a lotof big games in a short period, withthe Champions League also startingup again soon.

“Luckily we have most of ourplayers back. We’re still missing threeor four but it’s better than the 11 or12 that were missing earlier in theseason and over Christmas.

“It feels really good to be back. It’sbeen a stop-start season for me whichhas been frustrating. “It was disap-pointing because I’m not used to be-ing out of action and not being ableto play.

“It feels great to be back in theswing of things and playing forUnited again.”

Although Martin O?Neill’s sideare chasing a place in the ChampionsLeague and won 1-0 at Old Traffordin December, United will be boostedby their impressive record at VillaPark.

Ferguson’s team were held to agoalless draw there last season but areunbeaten there in the league sincelosing 3-1 on the opening day of theseason in 1995.

Totti Agrees With MaterazziIn Winter Break Debate

Edwin van derSar (pictured)believes thatManchester

United have donewell to stay in

touch withChelsea despitethe injury prob-lems that have

dogged theseason at Old


AFP/File/Yuri Kadobnov

licly wrote on his official websiteabout next season and the winterbreak and in particular, about thescheduled matches over this pe-riod,” ‘Er Pupone’ stated toCorriere Dello Sport.

“I want to say that I totallyagree with his thoughts.

“I am also convinced that itwould be correct moving theCoppa Italia match from January6 to December 23, which would

give the possibility for the foreignplayers in our league the chance tohave some quality family time dur-ing the entire festive period.

“The players should be consultedwhen making these types of deci-sions, as we can provide some use-ful insight into how the decisionswill affect us,” summed up Totti.


Francesco Totti

Page 16: Edisi 11 Februari 2010 | International Bali Post

Thursday, February 11, 201016 SportI N T E R N A T I O N A L

Having pushed hard over the win-ter for the sport’s governing bodyto ensure that the output of differ-ent engines in F1 was rebalanced,with his Renault power-unit be-lieved to be behind the opposition,Horner fears that if the situation isleft unchecked it could result in asingle car maker dominating the sea-son.

And he believes that could be thespur for rival manufacturers to leavethe sport - in the wake of Honda,Toyota and BMW all having turnedtheir backs on it over the last twoseasons.

“The problem with the enginefreeze is that you freeze in an ad-vantage,” he said at the launch ofRed Bull Racing’s new RB6 onWednesday.

“I think the Renault has somegood aspects and Renault, when thefreeze came, took it a bit more liter-ally than some of the other manu-facturers. I think there is disparitycurrently within engine perfor-mance.

“On a fair and equitable basis, werely on the governing body to en-sure that you don’t have large dis-

RED Bull Racing has becomethe last of the current teams tounveil its new car, after pullingthe covers off its RB6 in the Jerezpitlane on Wednesday morning.

The Adrian Newey-designedmachine appears to be a logicalevolution of the 2009 RB5 thatproved to be Formula 1’s pace-setter in the second half of theseason.

Preview pictures of the car


Christian Horner

Horner warns FIAover engine freeze

RED Bull Racing boss Christian Horner has warned that moremanufacturers could leave Formula 1 if the FIA does not act onequalising engine performance.

parity between engines. Because theproblem is that as the chassis con-verge in performance, the engineswill become a key performancedifferentiator, and the idea of freez-ing the engine was largely to elimi-nate the performance differentialbetween the engines.”

He added: “I think the problemis if you don’t allow some develop-ment, then you freeze in an advan-tage for one team or a disadvantagefor another. So there has to be a bal-ancing of that, otherwise we will endup with Mercedes-powered carswinning all the races - which I thinkis not good for F1. And other manu-facturers may choose to leave F1 offof the back of that.

“The engine isn’t supposed to bea key performance differentiator andtherefore hopefully the ruling bodywill balance out somewhat the dif-ferences there at the moment.”

Horner said that he was happy toleave the matter with the FIA, whomade it clear last season that it waslooking into the relative perfor-mance of the different engines. “TheFIA has all the facts and it is for it todeal with,” stated Horner.

Red Bull unveils its new RB6were published by Red Bull shortlybefore the launch took place in theJerez pit-lane.

The car features a more extremeV-nose solution than on last year’scar, with highly-crafted sidepodsand the shark fin engine cover thathas appeared on rival competitors’machinery. The car also features anintricate front-wing design and hasbeen fully developed around thedouble-diffuser concept that had to

be incorporated onto the RB5mid-season last year.

Mark Webber will give the carits first laps during the second pre-season test at Jerez, with the out-fit looking at a full-scale worldchampionship challenge this year.

Red Bull Racing had opted toskip the first pre-season test atValencia last week in order to giveitself more development time forthe new car.


The new Red Bull Racing car