Edgefield advertiser.(Edgefield, S.C.) 1922-12-20.€¦ · rents, Ex-Gov. and Mrs. J. C. eppard. ie...

Off icc No 61 Residence, No. 17 Wednesday, DecembeV 20. _____ «?-' -¿ COCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Grace Dobson spent Monday in Augusta with her brother, Mr. 0. ii. Dobson. Robert Taylor has arrived from Randolph-Macon Preparatory school in Virginia for, the holidays. Monday night a Christmas tree will be arranged at the Baptist church for the children of the Sunday school. The Southern railroad makes a de- tailed announcement cf the. change in schedule which went into effect last Sunday. Mr. Edwin Folk, Jr., will arrive from Brunswick, Ga., and Miss Ida Polk from Walterboro to-morrow for - the holidays. Mr. S. McG. Simkins is. in Ander- son this week on professional busi- ness^-being the guest of Gen. M. L. Bor2fiam while' there. Miss Ouida Pattison is at home from Anderson for the holiday sea- son. She is a member of the faculty ?of Anderson College. Almost every incoming train brings home-coming college boys and girls who will greatly enliven the old ' home town during the holiday season Auditor J. R. Timmerman publish- es his annual notice in this issue, an- nouncing his schedule for a tour of the county to take tax returns for 1923. ?Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Nicholson will leave the latter, part of the week to. spend a portion of the holiday season in Greenville with Mrs. Nicholson's parents. Capt. William A. Woodson who makes Greenboro, N. C., his head- quarters has arrived to spend Christ- mas with his mother, Mrs. Agatha A. Woodson. Next Tuesday afternoon the Meth- odist Sunday school will have a Christmas tree at the church, with ap- propriate exercises just preceding the visit of Santa Claus. Willie McManus arrived Monday night from Furman to spend the Yuletide with the homefolk. Douglas Timmerman will reach home from Furman tomorrow night. Miss Katherine Thompson and Mas- ter Thomas Thompson will leave to- morrow for Southport, N. C., to spend Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson. Mrs. James S. Byrd and their chil- dren will leave for Columbia tomor- row to spend Christmas with her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzmaurice. Dr. Byrd will join them later. Miss Lucy Sheppard has arrived from Washintgon, D. C., where she has been attending school to spend the holiday season with her grand- rents, Ex-Gov. and Mrs. J. C. eppard. ie children of the Presbyterian day school will be made happy y a visit of Santa Claus at the church Wednesday night. A Christ- mas tree will be provided for the members of the school. Mr. L. W. Cheatham will spend his well-deserved Christmas vacation in Baltimore with Mrs. Cheatham and their three little children. The doting father will greet little James Bacon Cheatham for the first time. The members of the Edgefield chapter, U. D. C., are urged to send a package of good things to eat to the home of Mrs. J. H. Cantelou to be put in. the Christmas box which the "Daughters" will send to the County home. A. J. Renkl invites the Edgefield shoppers to visit their jewelry store when in Augusta making their holi- day purchases. They carry a large stock of jewelry, silvermare, cut- lass, watches, clocks, etc., from which to make selections* for Christ- mas tokens. The big sale at The Corner Store will continue Until Saturday night and in his large advertisement this week Mr. Turner urges the shoppers to make out their list and 'bring it to 4be Corner Store as early as possible xo as to get the pick bf the great bat-j ¿rains that are being offered. Read the. Christmas' suggestions made in this issue by the Norris Mil- linery Company of Johnston. At this popular store you can select some- thing that will be of real service as well as being beautiful. The Christmas season is a home- coming'season and it is the wish of The Advertiser that scores of homes iii Edgefield and throughout the coun- ty will have the good fortune of hav- ing a happy family reunion during the festive season. The Yonce Motor Company extends the season's greetings this week to its friends and patrons, thanking the people for the generous patronage which has made the year 1922 one of great success to them. The Yonce Motor Company will endeavor to ren- der even more satisfactory service in 1923 than it has in 1922. Although everything points at this time to this being a very wet Christ- mas yet we hope that in other re- spects it will be a very "dry" one. Nothing is more out of accord with the true .spirit of Christmas than drunkenness and rowdyism. We be- lieve however that Edgefield will'haye this year a Christmas of unusual so£ berness. May it be so! The Cafe Lorraine has an adverb tisement this week inviting the peo- ple to pay it a visit when in Augusta. Before the fire the same management conducted the New York Cafe on Jackson street and many Edgefield people took their meals at this popu- lar place when in the city. The Lor- raine is up-to-the-miiiute in every re- spect. Hon. J. 0. Shepp'ard visited Win- throp college with a legislative com- mittee last week and expressed him- self as being greatly"pleased with this great institution which easily ranks among the foremost female colleges of the south. Mrs.- Sheppard accom- panied Mr. Sheppard as far as Co- lumbia where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hope for several days. J. J. Roach who has been telephone manager for the past nine years at the Aiken, Batesburg, Edgefield. johnston, and Leesville, S. C., Ex- changes will be transferred to Cam- den as Manager. This' change came about as a result of the Company making a division of the district. At present the company is making num- bers of changes throughout the State in re-organization. No one will suc- ceed Mr. Roach. A very beautiful and thoughtful 'act was that of Mrs. jSdwin May who visited the school soon after she came to Edgefield on a visit to her parents and presented each child whom she taught last year with a big golden, orange and the children declared them to be the sweetest oranges they ever ate. Of course they enjoyed the fruit but most of all appreciated the thoughtfulness of their former teacher whom they knew and loved as Miss Margaret May. They are still talking about Mrs. May's thoughtful- ness of them.x No Paper Next Week. In order to give those who make the paper a short season of rest, The Advertiser will not be published next week. Omitting one issue of the year, that of the Christmas holidays, is a custom that has been adopted by prac- tically all weekly papers and most daily papers. The next issue of the paper will be published on January 3. Timmerman Named Dyson Postmaster. Washington, Dec. 15.-The Post Office Department announces that Ar- thur D. Timmerman, now the acting postmaster at Dyson, Gerenwood county, has been appointed postmas- ter, succeeding Daniel J. Proctor, re- moved. Jurors for Federal Court. The following citizens of Edgefield county have been drawn as petit ju- rors for the federal court which con- venes in Greenville in January, the initials being published just as they appeared in the daily papers: S. B. Marsh, R. C. Griffis, . George T. Ad- ams, J. D. Holstein, Jr., B. R. Smith, B. B. Nicholson and Luther H. Clark. Notice of Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the policy- holders of lthe Ahbeville-Greenwood Mutual Insurance Association will be held in the association's offices, Greenwood, S. C., on Jan. 2, 1923, at ll a. m. J^R. BLAKE, General Agent. DeLoach-Haigler. Mrs. Emmie DeLoaeh j has an- nounced the engagement of her dàùghter, Miss Alma DeLoach to Mr. Theodore Esterbrook Haigler, their marriage to take place the 2nd of January. The many friends, óf this popular bride-elect who is very, tal- ented and widely beloved would look with pleasant anticipations to her ap- proaching nuptials were they not, con- scious of the fact that she will be taken from us to make her. home in another part of the state. Death of Mr. Arthur Dean. Arthur R. Dean died at his home in Greenwood, November 22 after a long illness, aged 75 years. During the Confederate war he made a dis- tinguished record as V "a member of Company D, 7th, S; C; Infantry. "Sur-, viving Confederate veterans served as honorary pall bearers at. his funer- al. He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Belle Tompkins, and the f ollowing children : J. T., A. R. Jr., Yancey, and A. C. Dean of Green- wood; W. J. Dean, of Atlanta, Mrs. J. W. Thompson, Mrs. Marvin Wilson and' Miss Callie. Dean of »Greenwood. .,__-L!_' ... A New Train to Florida* -The Southern Railway System, in Connection with the Georgia & -Flor- ida" Railway, has established a new train between Augusta, Ga., ¿nd Jacksonville, Fla., known as the "Bon Air Special," leaving Augusta 7:45 p. m., arriving in Jacksonville at 8 o'clock the next morning .and.leaving Jacksonville 9:05 p. m., arming Au- gusta -8 :50 next morning. Through Pullman drawing-room, section sleeping car is operated on this train daily and affords a comfort- able and convenient overnight ifrip between Jacksonville and Augusta. This is a new sleeping car route and it is felt will give the best service be- tween these points as well as to Mid- ville ,Swainsboro, Wesley, -Vidalia, Hazelhurst, Douglas and other Geor- gia and Florida points. For sleeping car reservations or any information concerning this new service, call on nearest Ticket Agent or communicate. with R.. S^'. Brown, District Passenger, Agent, Southern Railway System> Augusta, Ga.. Death of Mrs. Arthur Branson. About seven o'clock last night the angel of death entered the home of Mr. Arthur Brunson and bore away the spirit of his beloved wife, who, before their marriage, was Miss Ber- tha Speights of Walterboro, a sister of Mrs. E. H. Folk. Mrs. Brunson had .been a great sufferer for more than a year and although Mr. Brunson had carried her to the hospitals in Augus ta several times for special treatment no relief could be found. In fact, some time ago loved ones were made to realize that it was only a matter of time before death would relieve Mrs. Brunson of her suffering, but the end was not expected at this time, consequently the announcement of her death was a great shock to her friends. Although Mrs. Brunson was not very intimately known by a large number of people, for she remained close at home finding her chief joy in making the home comfortable, at- tractive and happy, for her loved ones, yet she was genuinely 'beloved by many friends, those appreciating her superior qualities and real worth most who knew her best. Warm-hearts ed, generous and unselfish almost tel a fault, Mrs. Brunson never failed tOf win the esteem and affection of those'; with whom she came in contact. SheV was a devout Christian, a member of the First Baptist church. Besides her devoted husband, Mrs. Brunson leaves two daughters, Mrs'. Lydia Thompson, who has been with her mother for some time affection1* ately ministering to her, and Kate, a little daughter four years old, and two sons, S. A. Brunson, Jr., who jjs' in the navy, and Isaac Brunson. The Advertiser extends sincere sympathy to these bereaved friends. The funeral and interment will take place this afternoon at four, o'clock. Six Per Cent Loans. I hereby announce to the farmers^ of Edgefild County.that I am now prepared as the Attorney for The First Carolinas Joint Stock Land Bank of Columbia, S. C., to file ap- plications for loans at 6 per cent straight. No commissions, no stock taken by borrower, loans promptly made, and easy terms. Don't confuse this bank with The Federal Land Bank. J. H. CANTELOU, 'j Attorney. I Edgefield, S. C., July ll, 1922. On your Xmas ai 1 good chee: &" 3S and the The closing yes indebted to al motely, to our We have earne want to help y( advantage of g and at the end upon a period c a helping hand, We look forwa: which will aff .serve. r>.*:-jù..??:'.« .v, . We wish y( ai Letters to Santa Claus. Dear Old Santa, I heard you were on your way to Edgefield with lots of good things for the little children, so I thought I would write and tell you thlat I am not at home.I will not be ?Sf thiére Christmas Eve night. I will be ^.Grandmamma's, so you must come to^see me there. I want you to bring me' an automobile, a big doll and a lois of fruit and other things. I am gjj^ng to be sweet and look for you. I/suppose you know where Grand- mamma lives. With best wishes. Your sweet little girl, RUTH HOLLAND. 'Modoc, S. C. - Dear Santa Claus: |§ä am a little boy 2 years and eight months old and I want you to come to see me and bring me a harp, a set of marbles, lots of fruit and candies and some fireworks and a whole lot o^'other things. I am going to be a good boy. You must not forget to hiping my little brother, Fred, lots of things too. He is 7 months old. Bring Mamma and Dad something, too. Your little hoy, J. R. AGNER. ^Modoc, S. C. l;.V Hello! Hello!! 107, Please And you have Huggins' Store for your "Last minute" Xmas needs. m.: m -.- yS- Loose Muscat Raisins, a lb_20c. Grape Fruit.10c. ¿Fine Juicy Tangerines, a doz.50c. OFine Big Apples, a doz._30c. ^Yellow Sweet Oranges, a doz. ._40c. Plum Pudding, big one.85c. A jolly Xmas to you f. from HUGGINS'STORE AT THE DEPOT P. S.-Plum Pudding? Sure! Kais S.tree we hang lots of good wishes r, and a sincère hope for growth, ; best year in your history. ir has been kind to us and we are .1 who have contributed, even re- growth and success. stly tried to be helpful to you. We )U throughout 1923 by giving you genuine Ford and Fordson service, of 1923 we. want you to look back )f prosperity in which have had rd to the coming of another year ord us a further opportunity to ou, one and all, a merry. Xmas "id a happy New Year 1 MOTOR CO. "Good Eats" for Christmas We want the housewives to know that we have a large stock of everything good to eat. AU of the season's delicacies, as well as the staple fancy and heavy groceries, can be had at our store. Fresh shipment of Nuts, Raisins, Cocoanuts, Figs, Dates, Citron, Apples, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Candy and smoking goods. Come in to see us. J. D. Kemp & Company 1 EFTS MT FLE * * * * j-?-E-BgBgg f * f i t I Some of the Good Thiûgs | I At Our Store J * t f* t % Coty's L'Origan Extract Waterman's Fountain Pens * Î Coty's L'Origan Powder Parker's Gold Pencils | T T m -, x w i Parker's Silver Pencils T + Floramye Toilet Water _ .... e. .. _ T * Keith's Gift Stationery * * Djer Kiss Perfume Sets La Tausca Pearl_ | * Mary Garden Perfume Sets Scarf Pins, Cuff Buttons * J Mavis Perfume Sets General Asst. Jewelry t * Hudnut's Twin Compacts Cigars, Holiday Packages * Azurea Toilet Water Eastman Kodaks £ "y r: ?,[ High-Grade Bulk Chocolates 60c. per Pound I PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS 1 I EDGEFIELD, S, C. I . .....^ ??W 1111 l i 1 M'1 f r I lil » i IM "»?»?l l1 H l"l 1 Kl i ?.??»H fr »»fifvv

Transcript of Edgefield advertiser.(Edgefield, S.C.) 1922-12-20.€¦ · rents, Ex-Gov. and Mrs. J. C. eppard. ie...

Page 1: Edgefield advertiser.(Edgefield, S.C.) 1922-12-20.€¦ · rents, Ex-Gov. and Mrs. J. C. eppard. ie children of the Presbyterian day school will be made happy y a visit of Santa Claus

Officc No 61

Residence, No. 17

Wednesday, DecembeV 20._____

«?-' -¿


Miss Grace Dobson spent Mondayin Augusta with her brother, Mr. 0.ii. Dobson.

Robert Taylor has arrived fromRandolph-Macon Preparatory schoolin Virginia for, the holidays.Monday night a Christmas tree will

be arranged at the Baptist church forthe children of the Sunday school.

The Southern railroad makes a de-tailed announcement cf the. change inschedule which went into effect lastSunday.

Mr. Edwin Folk, Jr., will arrivefrom Brunswick, Ga., and Miss IdaPolk from Walterboro to-morrow for

- the holidays.Mr. S. McG. Simkins is. in Ander-

son this week on professional busi-ness^-being the guest of Gen. M. L.Bor2fiam while' there.

Miss Ouida Pattison is at homefrom Anderson for the holiday sea-

son. She is a member of the faculty?of Anderson College.

Almost every incoming trainbrings home-coming college boys andgirls who will greatly enliven the old

' home town during the holiday season

Auditor J. R. Timmerman publish-es his annual notice in this issue, an-

nouncing his schedule for a tour ofthe county to take tax returns for1923.

?Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Nicholson willleave the latter, part of the week to.spend a portion of the holiday season

in Greenville with Mrs. Nicholson'sparents.

Capt. William A. Woodson whomakes Greenboro, N. C., his head-quarters has arrived to spend Christ-mas with his mother, Mrs. Agatha A.Woodson.

Next Tuesday afternoon the Meth-odist Sunday school will have a

Christmas tree at the church, with ap-propriate exercises just precedingthe visit of Santa Claus.

Willie McManus arrived Mondaynight from Furman to spend theYuletide with the homefolk. DouglasTimmerman will reach home fromFurman tomorrow night.

Miss Katherine Thompson and Mas-ter Thomas Thompson will leave to-morrow for Southport, N. C., to spendChristmas with their parents, Mr.and Mrs. James Thompson.

Mrs. James S. Byrd and their chil-dren will leave for Columbia tomor-row to spend Christmas with her pa-rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzmaurice.Dr. Byrd will join them later.

Miss Lucy Sheppard has arrivedfrom Washintgon, D. C., where shehas been attending school to spendthe holiday season with her grand-

rents, Ex-Gov. and Mrs. J. C.eppard.

ie children of the Presbyterianday school will be made happy

y a visit of Santa Claus at thechurch Wednesday night. A Christ-mas tree will be provided for themembers of the school.

Mr. L. W. Cheatham will spend hiswell-deserved Christmas vacation inBaltimore with Mrs. Cheatham andtheir three little children. The dotingfather will greet little James BaconCheatham for the first time.

The members of the Edgefieldchapter, U. D. C., are urged to senda package of good things to eat tothe home of Mrs. J. H. Cantelou tobe put in. the Christmas box whichthe "Daughters" will send to theCounty home.

A. J. Renkl invites the Edgefieldshoppers to visit their jewelry storewhen in Augusta making their holi-day purchases. They carry a largestock of jewelry, silvermare, cut-lass, watches, clocks, etc., fromwhich to make selections* for Christ-mas tokens.

The big sale at The Corner Storewill continue Until Saturday nightand in his large advertisement thisweek Mr. Turner urges the shoppersto make out their list and 'bring it to4be Corner Store as early as possiblexo as to get the pick bf the great bat-j¿rains that are being offered.

Read the. Christmas' suggestionsmade in this issue by the Norris Mil-linery Company of Johnston. At thispopular store you can select some-

thing that will be of real service as

well as being beautiful.The Christmas season is a home-

coming'season and it is the wish ofThe Advertiser that scores of homesiii Edgefield and throughout the coun-

ty will have the good fortune of hav-ing a happy family reunion duringthe festive season.

The Yonce Motor Company extendsthe season's greetings this week toits friends and patrons, thanking thepeople for the generous patronagewhich has made the year 1922 one

of great success to them. The YonceMotor Company will endeavor to ren-

der even more satisfactory servicein 1923 than it has in 1922.

Although everything points at thistime to this being a very wet Christ-mas yet we hope that in other re-

spects it will be a very "dry" one.

Nothing is more out of accord withthe true .spirit of Christmas thandrunkenness and rowdyism. We be-lieve however that Edgefield will'hayethis year a Christmas of unusual so£berness. May it be so!

The Cafe Lorraine has an adverbtisement this week inviting the peo-ple to pay it a visit when in Augusta.Before the fire the same managementconducted the New York Cafe on

Jackson street and many Edgefieldpeople took their meals at this popu-lar place when in the city. The Lor-raine is up-to-the-miiiute in every re-

spect.Hon. J. 0. Shepp'ard visited Win-

throp college with a legislative com-

mittee last week and expressed him-self as being greatly"pleased with thisgreat institution which easily ranksamong the foremost female collegesof the south. Mrs.- Sheppard accom-

panied Mr. Sheppard as far as Co-lumbia where they were guests ofMr. and Mrs. J. J. Hope for severaldays.

J. J. Roach who has been telephonemanager for the past nine years atthe Aiken, Batesburg, Edgefield.johnston, and Leesville, S. C., Ex-changes will be transferred to Cam-den as Manager. This' change came

about as a result of the Companymaking a division of the district. Atpresent the company is making num-

bers of changes throughout the Statein re-organization. No one will suc-

ceed Mr. Roach.

A very beautiful and thoughtful'act was that of Mrs. jSdwin May whovisited the school soon after she came

to Edgefield on a visit to her parentsand presented each child whom shetaught last year with a big golden,orange and the children declaredthem to be the sweetest orangesthey ever ate. Of course they enjoyedthe fruit but most of all appreciatedthe thoughtfulness of their formerteacher whom they knew and lovedas Miss Margaret May. They are stilltalking about Mrs. May's thoughtful-ness of them.x

No Paper Next Week.In order to give those who make

the paper a short season of rest, TheAdvertiser will not be published nextweek. Omitting one issue of the year,that of the Christmas holidays, is a

custom that has been adopted by prac-tically all weekly papers and mostdaily papers. The next issue of thepaper will be published on January 3.

Timmerman Named DysonPostmaster.

Washington, Dec. 15.-The PostOffice Department announces that Ar-thur D. Timmerman, now the actingpostmaster at Dyson, Gerenwoodcounty, has been appointed postmas-ter, succeeding Daniel J. Proctor, re-


Jurors for Federal Court.The following citizens of Edgefield

county have been drawn as petit ju-rors for the federal court which con-

venes in Greenville in January, theinitials being published just as theyappeared in the daily papers: S. B.Marsh, R. C. Griffis, . George T. Ad-ams, J. D. Holstein, Jr., B. R. Smith,B. B. Nicholson and Luther H.Clark.

Notice of Annual Meeting.The annual meeting of the policy-

holders of lthe Ahbeville-GreenwoodMutual Insurance Association will beheld in the association's offices,Greenwood, S. C., on Jan. 2, 1923,at ll a. m.

J^R. BLAKE,General Agent.

DeLoach-Haigler.Mrs. Emmie DeLoaeh j has an-

nounced the engagement of herdàùghter, Miss Alma DeLoach to Mr.Theodore Esterbrook Haigler, theirmarriage to take place the 2nd ofJanuary. The many friends, óf thispopular bride-elect who is very, tal-ented and widely beloved would lookwith pleasant anticipations to her ap-proaching nuptials were they not, con-scious of the fact that she will betaken from us to make her. home inanother part of the state.

Death of Mr. Arthur Dean.Arthur R. Dean died at his home in

Greenwood, November 22 after a

long illness, aged 75 years. Duringthe Confederate war he made a dis-tinguished record as V "a member ofCompany D, 7th, S; C; Infantry. "Sur-,viving Confederate veterans servedas honorary pall bearers at.his funer-al. He is survived by his wife, whowas Miss Belle Tompkins, and thefollowing children : J. T., A. R. Jr.,Yancey, and A. C. Dean of Green-wood; W. J. Dean, of Atlanta, Mrs. J.W. Thompson, Mrs. Marvin Wilsonand' Miss Callie. Dean of»Greenwood.

.,__-L!_' ...

A New Train to Florida*-The Southern Railway System, inConnection with the Georgia & -Flor-ida" Railway, has established a new

train between Augusta, Ga., ¿ndJacksonville, Fla., known as the "BonAir Special," leaving Augusta 7:45p. m., arriving in Jacksonville at 8o'clock the next morning .and.leavingJacksonville 9:05 p. m., arming Au-gusta -8 :50 next morning.

Through Pullman drawing-room,section sleeping car is operated on

this train daily and affords a comfort-able and convenient overnight ifripbetween Jacksonville and Augusta.This is a new sleeping car route andit is felt will give the best service be-tween these points as well as to Mid-ville ,Swainsboro, Wesley, -Vidalia,Hazelhurst, Douglas and other Geor-gia and Florida points.For sleeping car reservations or

any information concerning this new

service, call on nearest Ticket Agentor communicate. with R.. S^'. Brown,District Passenger, Agent, SouthernRailway System> Augusta, Ga..

Death of Mrs. Arthur Branson.About seven o'clock last night the

angel of death entered the home ofMr. Arthur Brunson and bore awaythe spirit of his beloved wife, who,before their marriage, was Miss Ber-tha Speights of Walterboro, a sisterof Mrs. E. H. Folk. Mrs. Brunson had.been a great sufferer for more thana year and although Mr. Brunson hadcarried her to the hospitals in Augusta several times for special treatmentno relief could be found. In fact,some time ago loved ones were madeto realize that it was only a matterof time before death would relieveMrs. Brunson of her suffering, butthe end was not expected at this time,consequently the announcement ofher death was a great shock to herfriends.

Although Mrs. Brunson was notvery intimately known by a largenumber of people, for she remainedclose at home finding her chief joyin making the home comfortable, at-tractive and happy, for her lovedones, yet she was genuinely 'belovedby many friends, those appreciatingher superior qualities and real worthmost who knew her best. Warm-heartsed, generous and unselfish almost tela fault, Mrs. Brunson never failed tOfwin the esteem and affection of those';with whom she came in contact. SheVwas a devout Christian, a member ofthe First Baptist church.

Besides her devoted husband, Mrs.Brunson leaves two daughters, Mrs'.Lydia Thompson, who has been withher mother for some time affection1*ately ministering to her, and Kate,a little daughter four years old, andtwo sons, S. A. Brunson, Jr., who jjs'in the navy, and Isaac Brunson. TheAdvertiser extends sincere sympathyto these bereaved friends.The funeral and interment will

take place this afternoon at four,o'clock.

Six Per Cent Loans.I hereby announce to the farmers^

of Edgefild County.that I am now

prepared as the Attorney for TheFirst Carolinas Joint Stock LandBank of Columbia, S. C., to file ap-plications for loans at 6 per centstraight. No commissions, no stocktaken by borrower, loans promptlymade, and easy terms. Don't confusethis bank with The Federal LandBank.

J. H. CANTELOU, 'jAttorney. I

Edgefield, S. C.,July ll, 1922.

On your Xmasai

1 good chee:&" 3S and the

The closing yesindebted to almotely, to our

We have earnewant to help y(advantage of gand at the endupon a period ca helping hand,

We look forwa:which will aff.serve.r>.*:-jù..??:'.« .v, .

We wish y(ai

Letters to Santa Claus.Dear Old Santa, I heard you were on

your way to Edgefield with lots of

good things for the little children, so

Ithought I would write and tell youthlat I am not at home.I will not be?Sfthiére Christmas Eve night. I will be

^.Grandmamma's, so you must come

to^see me there. I want you to bringme' an automobile, a big doll and a

lois of fruit and other things. I am

gjj^ng to be sweet and look for you.I/suppose you know where Grand-mamma lives.With best wishes.

Your sweet little girl,RUTH HOLLAND.

'Modoc, S. C.-

Dear Santa Claus:

|§ä am a little boy 2 years and eightmonths old and I want you to come

to see me and bring me a harp, a setof marbles, lots of fruit and candiesand some fireworks and a whole lot

o^'other things. I am going to be a

good boy. You must not forget to

hiping my little brother, Fred, lots ofthings too. He is 7 months old. BringMamma and Dad something, too.

Your little hoy,J. R. AGNER.

^Modoc, S. C.

l;.VHello! Hello!!107, Please

And you haveHuggins' Store for your"Last minute" Xmas needs.m.:m -.-

yS-Loose Muscat Raisins, a lb_20c.Grape Fruit.10c.¿Fine Juicy Tangerines, a doz.50c.OFine Big Apples, a doz._30c.

^Yellow Sweet Oranges, a doz. ._40c.Plum Pudding, big one.85c.

A jolly Xmas to you

f. from


P. S.-Plum Pudding? Sure!


S.tree we hang lots of good wishesr, and a sincère hope for growth,; best year in your history.ir has been kind to us and we are.1 who have contributed, even re-growth and success.

stly tried to be helpful to you. We)U throughout 1923 by giving yougenuine Ford and Fordson service,of 1923 we.want you to look back)f prosperity in which wé have had

rd to the coming of another yearord us a further opportunity to

ou, one and all, a merry. Xmas"id a happy New Year

1 MOTOR CO."Good Eats" for ChristmasWe want the housewives to know that we have a

large stock of everything good to eat. AU of theseason's delicacies, as well as the staple fancy andheavy groceries, can be had at our store.

Fresh shipment of Nuts, Raisins, Cocoanuts, Figs,Dates, Citron, Apples, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Candyand smoking goods. Come in to see us.

J. D. Kemp & Company


* j-?-E-BgBgg f* fi tI Some of the Good Thiûgs |

I At Our Store J* tf* t% Coty's L'Origan Extract Waterman's Fountain Pens *

Î Coty's L'Origan Powder Parker's Gold Pencils |T T m -, x w i Parker's Silver Pencils T+ Floramye Toilet Water _ .... e. ..


* Keith's Gift Stationery ** Djer Kiss Perfume Sets La Tausca Pearl_|* Mary Garden Perfume Sets Scarf Pins, Cuff Buttons *

J Mavis Perfume Sets General Asst. Jewelry t* Hudnut's Twin Compacts Cigars, Holiday Packages *

Azurea Toilet Water Eastman Kodaks £"y r: ?,[

High-Grade Bulk Chocolates 60c. per Pound


I . .....^??W 1111 l i 1 M'1 f r I lil » i IM "»?»?l l1H l"l 1 Kl i?.??»H fr »»fifvv