Edgar Cayce - The Oil That Heals

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Transcript of Edgar Cayce - The Oil That Heals

  • 8/13/2019 Edgar Cayce - The Oil That Heals


    Copyright 1993 by William A.McGarey

    10th Printing, December 2004 Printed in the


    All rights resered. !o part o" this boo# may be reprod$ced ortransmitted in any "orm or by any means% electronic ormechanical% incl$ding photocopying% recording% or by anyin"ormation storage and retrieal system% &itho$t permissionin &riting "rom the p$blisher.

    A.'.(. Press)1* +,th Street-irginia each% -A )3/*1 0)+1

    2ibrary o" Congress Cataloging0in0P$blication ata McGarey%William A.% 191904he oil that heals5 a physician6s s$ccesses &ith castor oil treatments 7 byWilliam A. McGarey. p. cm.

    (8panded and re. ed. o"5 (dgar Cayce and the Palma Christi.ncl$des bibliographical re"erences.S! 0:,+/03:0)1. Castor oil;4herape$tic $se. ). Cayce% (dgar% 1:,,0

    19/*. . McGarey% William A. (dgar Cayce and the PalmaChristi. . 4itle.'M+++.C3,*M3: 1993

    +1*6.3)39*;dc) 930)+1:*(dgar Cayce 'eadings 19,1% 1993% 199/%

    199*% 199+ by the (dgar Cayce

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  • 8/13/2019 Edgar Cayce - The Oil That Heals



    4here is no Bealot li#e the nonbelieer &hohas seen thelight. s$ppose "it that description &hen it comes to castoroil. As a child% had too many distaste"$l enco$nters &ith aconcoction my mother made by adding a liberal dose o"castor oil to my orange $ice and ma#ing s$re that "orced itdo&n. hated the taste% and "or years a"ter&ard aoided or0ange $ice beca$se o" the $npleasant association.

    4oday% than#s to haing been enlightened by r. WilliamA. McGarey% 6m a tr$e belieer that &e can enoy the health

    bene"its o" Dthe oil that healsD &itho$t drin#ing a drop o" it.Conse?$ently% #eep a bottle o" it close at hand and $se ito"ten. Castor oil o"ten seems mirac$lo$s% "or &ho &o$lde8pect so many bene"icial medicinal e""ects;eerything"rom preenting abdominal s$rgery to dissoling gallstonesand eliminating &arts;"rom a common% ine8pensie l$0

    bricant% $sed mostly today "or ind$strial p$rposes.n describing cases o" magical recoeries by his patients


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    &ho applied castor oil% r. ill reminds me o" a !e& (ng0land doctor &ho years ago proclaimed the health bene"itso" drin#ing &ater laced &ith honey and inegar. t is sosimple and ine8pensie% one &onders &hy all doctors don6trecommend it

    $t r. ill does m$ch more here than tell poignant s$c0cess stories o" sic# people &ho got &ell by applying the oilhe o"ten recommends. =e o""ers $s a basic ed$cation abo$tthe healing process itsel";a process mis$nderstood bythose &ho beliee that it is the doctor or the dr$g% or both%that heals $s. !ot so% says the a$thor% based on his long e80

    perience as a "amily physician. =ealing is a nat$ralGod0gien "$nction o" the body% in collaboration &ith themind and spirit. isease or a "ail$re to heal signals a dys0"$nction in one or all systems.

    r. McGarey% a tr$e medical pioneer% has sho&n greatco$rage in betting his pro"essional rep$tation on this con0

    cept% &hich he learned "rom st$dying and testing theconcepts "o$nd in the (dgar Cayce readings% beca$se it isery dist$rbing to many elements o" the health care com0m$nity. Many mainstream practitioners sco"" at thisD$nscienti"icD theory;altho$gh it is one that is m$ch more&idely accepted today than &hen r. McGarey began prac0ticing it oer t&enty years ago at the A.'.(. Clinic he"o$nded in Phoeni8% AriBona. Many patients reect this con0cept o" healing beca$se they &o$ld rather beliee they arethe ictim o" an e8ternal ca$se than ta#e personal responsi0

    bility "or their condition. And the Ddisease0care ind$stry%D as

    r. C. !orman Shealy describes the hospital0health ins$r0ance b$siness% "inds this concept threatening. t co$ldred$ce health problems i" &e learn to gie o$r body0mind0spirit all the nat$ral adantages needed to promotesel"0healing. r. ill is doing his ery best to teach $s ho&.

    While some health practitioners may regard Dthe oil thathealsD as $st another Dsna#e oilD or placebo% readers &ill

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    learn that r. McGareyEs clinical research has demonstratedthat the application o" castor oil e8ternally to the abdomencan increase signi"icantly the total lymphocyte co$nt% th$sstrengthening the body6s imm$ne system. 4he res$lts o" this

    preliminary testing at the A.'.(. Clinic% "inanced by a grant

    "rom the

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    4=('( '(A22F S!64 A M'AC2( CU'(

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    called ibratory% &hen it is $sed therape$tically.

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    ing castor oil pac#s% as yo$6ll see as yo$ "ollo& my aden0t$res thro$gh the pages o" this boo#. t has tr$ly been anamaBing o$rney "or me thro$gh this enironment &e callthe earth plane.

    My most iid memory o" one part o" the ible;the )3rd

    Psalm;has me standing &ith my portable tape recorder inthe ery center o" the Gree# theater located $st a stone6sthro& "rom the spot &here Aesc$lapi$s is said to hae hadhis temple o" sleeping and dreamingJ &here legend saysthat those &ho s$""ered &ith a diersity o" illnesses came%slept% dreamed% and;in their sleep and dreaming;they&ere healed. &as standing there% s$rro$nded by the ghostso" memories% listening to and recording the oice o" =$gh2ynn Cayce% the son o" (dgar Cayce% as he stood in the high0est ro& o" seats in this aco$stically near0per"ect theater%&hispering the &ords o" his "aorite psalm.

    4he latter portion seems especially signi"icant here5

    D4ho$ preparest a table be"ore me in the presence o" mineenemies5 tho$ anointest my head &ith oilJ my c$p r$nnethoer. S$rely goodness and mercy shall "ollo& me all the dayso" my li"e5 and &ill d&ell in the ho$se o" the 2ord "or eer.D@. *0+ Kes$s &as called the Christ% the Anointed ne% "orthe Christ means Danointed.D 4he mind o" h$manitythro$gh the cent$ries% apparently% has #no&n that oil is nec0essary "or anointing% tho$gh one cannot easily say &hy. netype o" $nion &ith God% certainly% is symboliBed by theanointing &ith oil. s this perhaps a healing o" another por0tion o" o$rselesH

    4o my mind% this is not $nli#ely "or my e8perience hasta$ght me that the greatest mystery in the $nierse is noto$ter spaceJ it is not &hat might be "o$nd in the depths o"the earthJ b$t rather it is in the innermost parts o" the h$0man being% yo$ or me% the entity% the so$l that God createdin the beginning and made in =is image as a spirit$al be0ing.


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    4hese three seemingly dierse s$bects;Aesc$lapi$s%the )3rd Psalm% and my chosen li"e pro"ession;all appearto be related5 dreaming is not only "or the health o" themind% anointing is not only o" the spirit% and healing is cer0tainly not only o" the physical body.

    Perhaps it &as% in part% this bac#gro$nd &hich led me tobegin inestigation into the $se o" an oil &hich has its ori0gins in anti?$ityJ &hich% in t$rn% has almost been discarded

    by medical practice todayJ b$t &hich% in his psychic dis0co$rses "or those &ho &ere ill% (dgar Cayce adocated "ormore than "i"ty di""erent conditions o" illness in the h$man

    body and to &hich he attrib$ted some ?$ite remar#able?$alities.

    Castor oil is still $sed in medicine as a cathartic% b$t my$se o" it in the "orm o" a pac# came abo$t beca$se o" my"amiliarity &ith the Cayce readings% beca$se o" my st$dy o"them% and beca$se sa& literally h$ndreds o" instances in

    &hich s$ch pac#s &ere adised "or conditions o" the bodythat seemed to be;in most instances;$nrelated to eachother. Fet each person &as adised to $se the same therapy.

    t &o$ld be di""ic$lt to state no& "or &hat #ind o" condi0tion "irst recommended the $se o" the castor oil pac#. Asres$lts came% ho&eer% its $tiliBation became more andmore "re?$ent. A"ter three or "o$r years% began my earlierreport% &hich eent$ally became the boo# dealing &ith mye8periences $p to that time.

    n the years that hae passed since that "irst attempt torecord the changes that occ$r &ithin the physiological

    "$nctioning o" the body "rom the $se o" castor oil% literallytho$sands o" indiid$als hae bene"ited by castor oil ap0plied as a pac# and as a s$bstance to be r$bbed onto thebody. 4here is probably no portion o" the e8ternal h$mananatomy that has not been treated &ith this remar#ables$bstance.

    4hen &hy not call it Dthe oil that healsDH


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    Chapter One

    Don't Forget to Smell the


    W=(! WAS A

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    stirred deep &ithin me% to gie me that early interest in the

    dandelion. Most people thin# it is simply a &eed% especially&hen it gets a good start on one6s la&n.$t that memory o" lying there on the grass% not "ar "rom my

    home% smelling the dandelion has made its place in my li"e eersince. t symboliBed "or me the in?$isitie spirit that m$st be inall indiid$als% i" they are to $nderstand their origin% theirdestiny% and the nat$re o" all those mysteries that are loc#ed&ithin eery created obect that becomes part o" o$r personale8perience.

    4he dandelion @Taraxacum officinale! as a matter o" "act% is ahighly respected herb% n$tritio$s in its nat$re and $sed to clearobstr$ctions "rom and to stim$late the lier to deto8i"y

    poisons in the system. t has a strong al#aliniBing e""ect tone$traliBe acids and acts as an eliminatory herb in maintaining

    body health and as a b$ilding agent 4he leaeH and the root arethe actie ingredients most commonly $sed% and dandeliontea is applied most "re?$ently in renal% bladder% and lierdi""ic$lties.1

    Perhaps the "lo&er is there to catch one6s attention and thrillall those &ho are% by nat$re% in?$isitie and inestigatie. $tthere is a al$e% too% and 6e "o$nd that most o" nat$re;gien$s thro$gh the #indness o" GooL;is here to be $sed "or aid and"or help% once its $se is determined.

    4he e8perience &ith the dandelion has proed to me that thecommonplace things one tends to neglect in traels thro$ghthe earth are o"ten $ncommon in their tr$e al$e% so let6sal&ays remember;een &hen &e are gro&n and relatielysophisticated;to smell the dandelions.

    t &as not long a"ter that that my mother died "ollo&ings$rgery"orp$lmonary t$berc$losis. &as seen% andl;li#e myt&o brothers;cried &hen "o$nd o$t that mother had le"t $s and&o$ld not be seen again. Some years later% &hen the idea o"reincarnation became part o" my belie" system% $nderstooddeath as a passage "rom one room to another%

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    4/ 4=(24=A4=(A2S

    n the silence% apart% alone%t changes not% is eer present% neer "ailing;4hin# o" it as the Mother o" the 4en 4ho$sand 4hings.

    t seems to me no& that &e need a basis "rom &hich tostart $nderstanding the mystery o" the body and that &hich

    bro$ght it into being. didn6t loo# at li"e in e8actly that &ayd$ring my "ormatie years% b$t &hat &as happening insidemy $nconscio$s mind &as the adoption o" the idea o" Godas the Creatie

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    Chapter Two

    Medical School and Early

    Practice Years

    (IP('4S AU! ! A22 M(CA2 SC=2S%A! MF classmates sa& them as the "o$ntainhead o" all#no&ledge;g$r$s% in a sense. M$ch #no&ledge% b$t little

    philosophy. Philosophers are rare indeed in medical hallso" learning. 4hey are present% b$t their oices are o$tn$m0

    bered% $nheard% or disco$nted. (8istence o" a =igher Po&er%

    a Creatie (nergy% a God% &as not ac#no&ledged in my "o$ryears o" medical schooling. (8cept% perhaps% in the "orm o"pro"anity.

    recall clearly a partic$larly &ild arg$ment had &ithKohn Miley% one o" my classmates. =e &as saying% D4hat6s&hat the e8perts say in the te8tboo#s.D &as telling him &hytheir statements did not ma#e sense to me% and ?$estion0ing &hy sho$ld accept their point o" ie&. Commonsense;philosophy;does not o"ten "ind its &ay into medi0cal literat$re.

    (arly in my practice o" medicine% a pathologist &as loo#0

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    ing at a section o" the appendi8 &hich had been remoed. =e

    told me it sho&ed appendicitis. loo#ed at the specimen andas#ed the doctor ho& many lymphocytes had to be there todesignate it as appendicitis instead o" a normal appendi8. =eshr$gged o"" the ?$estion% b$t persisted beca$se normally theappendi8 does hae lymphocytes present &hen nothing is&rong. S$ch a presence is% in "act% a part o" the imm$ne system%&hich encompasses all the lymphatic tiss$e in the body. tappeared to me that the n$mber o" lymphocytes presentsimply gae the pathologist an opport$nity to ma#e aned$cated g$ess. =is g$ess &as Dappendicitis.D My pathologist&as $nhappy &ith me% b$t he didn6t #no& that $sed to smelldandelions.

    "o$nd o$t "rom these t&o e8periences that all things are notreally as they seem. 4he e8perts are not al&ays right% as &eo"ten ass$me% and disease is not an on7o"" phenomenon% b$trather a process "o$nd actie &ithin the physiology o" theh$man body.

    Medical school did teach me% ho&eer% abo$t the str$ct$re o"the body% abo$t physiology% something abo$t the ario$sspecialties% a great deal abo$t pharmacology% m$ch abo$t

    pathology;the end point o" a disease process;b$t mostsigni"icantly &e &ere ta$ght abo$t diseases% ho& to recogniBethem &hen they appear @sometimes as i" by magic% and ho&

    to do battle &ith them. We &ere not ta$ght that the body"re?$ently has amaBing abilities to oercome the beginningstages o" a disease process% i" gien a bit o" help here and there.And &e &ere not gien any instr$ction abo$t n$trition% dietary

    practices% or the e""ect o" these $pon the health o" the body.!or &ere emotions and their direct e""ect $pon the "$nctioningo" the body gien credence.

    &as impressed by the &or# &hich 'ichard -Uter% one o" mypro"essors% had done in the "ield o" itamins% and co$ld not$nderstand &hy the $se o" itamins as an aid to the

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    the ?$ality o" iine 2oe best mani"ested% $nless it is inhelping those &ho need help% caring "or those &ho are an8io$sand insec$re% those &ho are sic# in body% mind% or spiritH

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    Chapter Three

    Chance Encounter

    !I" Chance Is Yet a #eality$

    !4=!G '(A22F =APP(!S F C=A!C(%(S 4H A4 least that &as &hat &as to "ind repeated oerand oer again in the (dgar Cayce readings. &as no& inthe practice o" medicine in Phoeni8% AriBona% haing startedoer again a"ter a stint in the air "orce as a "light s$rgeon.

    t &as 19**% and had been in to&n $st a "e& months. had started an e8ploratory adent$re into the "ield o" para0

    psychology &ith a "riend o" mine% r. ill 'ogers. We hadcome across a &onder"$l story abo$t (dgar Cayce;a man&ho co$ld lie do&n on a co$ch and enter an altered state o"conscio$sness;and really tell &hat &as happening insidethe body o" another indiid$al &ho co$ld be )% milesa&ay. t &as as i" he &ere comm$nicating &ith the $ncon0scio$s mind o" another person% &hile his o&n conscio$smind &as set aside. &as "ascinated% b$t tho$ght;DWell%that6s $st another eent in the past% "or Cayce died in19/*.D


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    4hen% one day% my receptionist came r$shing into the o"0"ice and gae me the phone n$mber o" a man &ho &asgoing to tal# abo$t (dgar Cayce. t &as Cayce6s oldest son%=$gh 2ynn Cayce% and &as e8cited.

    4hat &as the beginning o" the adent$re that &as to ta#eme thro$gh time and space% in a sense% and demand mytime and attention% my tho$ght processes% and my &ritingand spea#ing abilities "or the rest o" my li"e.

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    n this state% he &as able% $pon s$ggestion by the con 0d$ctor o" the reading% to is$aliBe% describe% and comment$pon another indiid$al &ho might be tho$sands o" milesdistant at that moment and a complete stranger to Cayceand those s$rro$nding him. =e &as able to describe physi0cal conditions &hich &ere present in that person6s body% inthe bloodstream% the nero$s system% or other parts o" the

    person6s physiologyJ and then gie s$ggestions% &hich% i""ollo&ed% tended to restore that body bac# to a more nor0mal condition o" health. (ach time Cayce D&ent to sleep%6and gae s$ch in"ormation "or an indiid$al% this% &ith the?$estions and ans&ers% became a reading.*

    Cayce6s clairoyance% &hile in this condition% &as s$b0stantiated time and again% and he s$bse?$ently became#no&n nationally as 4he Miracle Man o" -irginia each%-irginia%+&here he spent his last years. =is abilities to beacc$rate in the $nconscio$s state thro$gho$t his li"e

    bro$ght a ariety o" people to see him and as# him ?$es0tions. $ring the days o" World War % the mail bro$ghtliterally tho$sands o" letters pleading "or help "or serice0men &ho &ere embroiled in the &ar and had not beenheard "rom. =e &as indeed an $n$s$al man &ho apparentlyhad direct contact &ith a so$rce o" in"ormation "e& people

    hae had in recorded history.Cayce6s strength;in this "ield o" parapsychology;&ashis medical clairoyance. =e described the body di""erentlythan anyone else had eer met or read abo$t Certainly hedid not disc$ss it in the &ay had been ta$ght in my medi0cal school training. =e tal#ed abo$t D"orcesD in the

    body;meaning the energy in the bloodstream or the ner0o$s system;the digestie actiities% and all those actiitiesthat go on &ithin the body. =e tal#ed abo$t incoordination%abo$t Doer"lo& o" nere imp$lses%D abo$t lacteal d$cts%abo$t the Peyer6s patches in the small intestine. t &as a ne&ed$cation in ho& to help the body to become healed and to

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    ret$rn to a normal balance.t too# me ?$ite a &hile to loo# at this &onder"$l h$man

    body "rom a perspectie di""erent "rom &hat had beenta$ght

    ne o" the earliest readings in &hich castor oil pac#s &eres$ggested by Cayce &as "or a &oman &ho had applied "or areading beca$se o" a t$mor o" the $pper bo⪙diagnosed

    by 80ray as cancer% b$t stated in the reading to be an impac0tion. 4his reading &as ta#en on A$g$st 1,% 19),% andrepresented the beginning o" a type o" therapy &hich &ascontin$ed thro$gho$t the li"e o" this psychic indiid$al%

    &ho% &itho$t a medical training or degree% "o$nd himsel" inthe position o" diagnosing illnesses and giing s$ggestions"or therapy% &itho$t seeing the patient or o"ten een #no&0ing anything abo$t the person% e8cept the location o" theindiid$al.

    n another reading @1:3+01 Cayce described &hat he sa&in the "$nctioning o" a si8ty0t&o0year0old man &ho had epi0lepsy and adised &hat to do5

    As &e "ind% $nless there are meas$res ta#en the con0ditions here may become ery serio$s.

    4hese are the conditions as &e "ind them &ith thisbody% 1:3+N54here haing been a dist$rbance in the lacteal

    d$cts% there has been a dist$rbance that ca$ses an ad0hesion in this portion o" the bodyJ and at times adra&ing in the side @right $st belo& the lier and galld$ct area.

    4his disassociation ca$ses a brea#age in the coordi0nating o" the cerebrospinal and sympathetic nero$ssystem% $ntil there are the tendencies and imp$lses "oran oer"lo& o" the nere imp$lse thro$gh the cere0

    brospinal system.

    And these% $nless some meas$res are ta#en% may

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    "orm a clot or a brea# on the brain.As to the general conditions o" the body% these aregrad$ally giing a&ay to these dist$rbances% both "romthe physical reaction and "rom the an8iety in the sel"as &ell as those abo$t the body.

    4hen% as &e "ind5We &o$ld apply% consistently% "or at least ten s$ch

    applications% the castor oil pac#s;abo$t eery othereening% &hen the body is ready to retire% "or an ho$rJthe pac#s changed abo$t t&ice d$ring the ho$r pe0riod. 4hese &o$ld be applied oer the caec$m and thegall d$ct area% or the right side "rom the ribs to the

    point o" the hip% e8tending lo&er oer the abdomen inthat area% seeH Use abo$t three thic#nesses o" "lannel%&r$ng o$t o" the hot castor oil and applied% then a pad

    p$t oer same% and then the electric pad or dry heatp$t oer same to #eep it &arm or as hot as the bodycan stand it% seeH o this eery other eening "or atleast ten s$ch applications% ma#ing a period o" t&entydays% seeH

    Also% each eening% "or at least t&enty to thirty days%&e &o$ld massage the spine;do&n&ardJ beginningat the base o" the brainJ one day $sing oli$e oil! the ne8t

    day $sing cocoa b$tter. Massage all the body &ill ab0sorb. 2et this e8tend on either side o" the spinalcol$mn% "rom the base o" the brain to the end o" thespineJ gently% in a rotary motion% massaged into the

    body% seeH '$b away from the head% al&ays. 4a#e abo$tt&enty to thirty min$tes each eening to gie this mas0sage% seeH

    A"ter the massage% as also a"ter the castor oil pac#s%the body may be sponged o"";the areas o" the mas0sage and the pac#s;&ith l$#e&arm soda &ater i"desired.

    n the diet;#eep a&ay "rom "ried "oods and "rom

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    any hog meat o" any #ind;especially sa$sage or the

    li#e. @1:3+01

    Cayce &ent on to ass$re the man that i" he &ere to "ollo&the directions% he &o$ld "ind assistance in eliminating thedist$rbance in his body.

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    Chapter Four

    %ealing as an

    wa&ening in


    (GA' CAFC(% ! 4=( F(A'S P'' 4 =Sdeath in 19/*% seemed to hae an a""inity "or castor oil. nmost ?$arters% tho$gh% it has been held &ith disdain% sinceits action on the intestinal tract% &hen ta#en in large doses

    by mo$th% is sometimes e8plosie. !eertheless% Cayce ad0ocated it h$ndreds o" times in his readings% o""ering the oilas an aid in bringing the body bac# to a state o" normalcy.Most o"ten% ho&eer% it &as to be applied on the body% not init.

    ne in?$irer% see#ing help "or himsel" "rom the sleepingCayce% as#ed i" he sho$ld ta#e the oil by mo$th. 4he reply&as that i" yo$ hae a castor oil conscio$sness% ta#e castoroil. 4his &as a reelation to me. &as $st beginning to $n0derstand that Cayce% "rom his $nconscio$s mind% &asdealing &ith illnesses "rom a perspectie that had not yetenco$ntered. And it began to ma#e sense. Cayce &as ap0

    proaching things "rom the standpoint o" conscio$sness and


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    need. What does that mean in a practical senseHWhen "irst started reading the Cayce material% a patient

    came to see me &ho &as ery de"initie in his approach toremedies. =e had a sore throat and he told me that penicil0lin al&ays too# care o" his sore throats and that6s &hat he&anted. e"ore reading Cayce6s statement abo$t conscio$s0ness and castor oil% &o$ld hae been a bit dismayed by theman6s &anting penicillin. =o&eer% the idea o" conscio$s0ness gae me ne& insights. Perhaps this man had a

    penicillin conscio$snessL " so% he &o$ld respond to it. Andhe did.

    What does penicillin conscio$sness meanH Perhaps it isbetter $nderstood as a mani"estation o" "aith. Why% "or in0stance% am a PresbyterianH &as born into the "aith @bychoice% o" co$rse% i" &e tr$ly hae that po&er be"ore being

    born% and belieed the tenets learned in the ch$rch. So nat$rally &o$ld respond% in my spirit$al deelopment% tothe ideas in that ch$rch more readily than in the aptist% "orinstance% or Gree# rthodo8% or &hateer. had a Presbyte0rian conscio$sness.

    4he incident &ith the penicillin% along &ith Cayce6s state0ment% made it a lot easier "or me to $nderstand that

    eeryone has a di""erent approach% a di""erent road to traelas he or she moes thro$gh an incarnation. And needed tobe sensitie abo$t &hat &o$ld help patients most;asnearly as co$ld tell;in their search "or healing. " they haea castor oil conscio$sness% they get castor oil. " they hae as$rgical conscio$sness% they $ndo$btedly need s$rgery. rmanip$lation or radiation or chemotherapy. People need&hat they tr$ly need $ntil they change their o&n conscio$s0ness in a manner that mani"ests a di""erent need.

    As this bit o" in"ormation san# into my a&areness s$""i0ciently to p$t it into action% also became a&are o" another

    pertinent "actor in the healing process5 there is an a&a#en0

    ing o" conscio$sness;a psychic eent;&ithin the tiss$es

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    o" the body &heneer tr$e healing comes abo$t. And thetherapy that is $sed carries &ithin it an essence% a po&er thatenables that a&a#ening to come abo$t. Perhaps it is the "aithmentioned earlier that is the path&ay% b$t the po&er is thecreatie element that stim$lates the atoms and cells into a ne&a&areness. Cayce described it li#e this5

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    Chapter Fie

    Castor Oil as a

    %ealing Force

    9 =A-( A2WAFS (29(-(3 4=A4 W( CA! 4(22more abo$t the tr$th o" &hat is happening inside the h$0man body by st$dying the indiid$al &ho is ill rather thancons$lting a set o" data and getting lost in statistics. 3r. 'i0chard 2ee &rote abo$t this concept.,=e pointed o$t thatobserations o" single eents in medicine% p$blished or $n0p$blished% are today Dcondescendingly called anecdotesJstories concocted by &ell0meaning b$t scienti"ically naieclinicians.D

    3r. 2ee s$ggests that n$mbers and statistics hae ta#enthe place o" the care"$l attention to the indiid$al case andthe commonplace% preio$sly in the "ield o" medicine rec0ogniBed as the hallmar# o" the e8cellent clinician. =e as#s%D=o& many important and interesting biologic eents go$nnoticed by blin#ered academicians &or#ing single0mindedly at collecting series o" patients or diseases beingeno$gh to p$blishHD


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    n his paper% 2ee reminds $s that modern medicine%along &ith the c$lt$re that has shaped it% has noted a steadydecline in appreciation and respect "or the indiid$al andthe $ni?$e. Dne test% one patient% one problem cannot be0gin to satis"y the oracio$s appetite statistically signi"icantdoctors hae "or m$ltit$des o" n$mbers and cro&ds o" pa0tients ...

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    #no&ing o$rseles to be o$rseles% yet one &ith God% or theCreatie

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    do$ble hernia s$pport 2ater on that year% &hen his righthernia b$lged o$t rather seerely% he $nder&ent s$rgery onthat side.

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    >no& that all strength% all healing o" eery nat$re is thechanging o" the ibrations "rom &ithin;the att$ning o" theiine &ithin the liing tiss$e o" a body to Creatie(nergies. 4his alone is healing. Whether it is accomplished

    by the $se o" dr$gs% the #ni"e or &hatnot% it is theatt$ning o" the atomic str$ct$re o" the liing cell$lar"orce to its spirit$al heritage. @19+,01

    >eep this a&areness &ithin yo$r o&n inner being andyo$6ll e8perience a leap in conscio$sness eery time yo$oercome an illness o" the physical body.


    n $nderstanding the body% thin# it is important to rec0ogniBe that eery portion o" the body tends to maintain astat$s ?$o. -ery "e& people really li#e change% and change m$stta#e place i" healing is to occ$r or i" the patient is going to

    progress in conscio$sness. P$reyors o" change $s$ally arenot &elcome. " they are in the "orm o" therapies o" any #ind% thetotal body conscio$sness &ill o"ten rebel and preent positieres$lts.

    t6s some&hat li#e a comp$ter. When the comp$ter is

    programmed in a certain manner% hitting the proper se0?$ence o" #eys &ill al&ays gie the same reado$t. t6sdi""ic$lt to change the programming% and s$ch change ta#estime.

    4he h$man body responds in a similar &ay. 4he castor oilpac# might be compared to a ne& program as% oer time% it a""ectsthe cells o" the body and th$s a ne& program is in operation.

    -elma is a seenty0t&o0year0old &oman &ho had a hys0terectomy in 19+*. 4he s$rgery seemed to hae been all right%

    b$t since the operation;"or the past t&enty0three years;she has e8perienced constant gaseo$s distention%

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    constipation% abdominal Dmiseries%D edema o" the an#les%and episodes &here her g$t &o$ld "eel as i" it &ere t&istingin on itsel". 4hese periods &o$ld sometimes last "or ho$rs.

    A"ter being seen as a patient in o$r o""ice% she &as in0str$cted on ho& to $se a castor oil pac#. She &as "aith"$l in"ollo&ing instr$ctions and came bac# "or a rechec# in $stt&o &ee#s.

    She told $s that &ithin min$tes a"ter the ery "irst pac#&as placed on her abdomen% she "elt as tho$gh the g$t in0side the belly &all $nt&isted on itsel". Since that time% therehas been absol$tely no rec$rrence o" symptoms. She hasno t&isting sensations% her an#les are no longer edemato$s%

    and her abdominal Dmiseries%D constipation% and gaseo$sdistention are gone.

    Some indiid$als are $ndo$btedly more sensitie thanothers. 6e obsered those &ho are seerely reactie tosmo#e% &hile others are not. Some cannot ta#e medicines%only herbal preparations. 4here are those indiid$als &hocannot eat meat. Sensitiity also e8tends to those &ho t$nein to their $nconscio$s more than others.

    4his &oman m$st hae been one o" those &ho are sensi0tie to the healing po&ers o" castor oil.

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    a bac# operation the ne8t year and again in 19:% the latterto remoe part o" a cr$shed disc.n 19:,% he rein$red the area.

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    $nderstand better no& &hy had s$ch a ariety o" e8periencesearlier in my li"e beca$se they aided me in &riting andcomm$nicating thro$gh articles and boo#s so that co$ld behelp"$l to others% &hile at the same time aiding me in my o&na&a#ening process.

    And &hat is the a&a#ening process i" not the so$l gro&th thatcomes by $sing eery e8perience in li"e creatiely andconstr$ctiely.



    4o ma#e a castor oil pac#% yo$ &ill need the "ollo&ingmaterials5


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    ne o" the po&er"$l "actors operating in the (dgar Caycematerial is mystery. Cayce said that mystery e8cites theimagination o" those &ho "ind it in their lies;and those&ho are ready to be a&a#ened are stim$lated and moe to agreater a&areness and a higher conscio$sness.

    An $n$s$al e8perience had &ith serio$s illness and cas0tor oil pac#s also inoled intestinal obstr$ction. &ascalled to see an elderly &oman at homeJ she &as a longtime

    patient and $nable to come to the o""ice. She had deelopeda distended abdomen &hich &orsened rapidly. She had losther sense o" h$mor% had ?$it &atching her teleision pro0grams% and had gone to bed.

    When e8amined her% "o$nd that &ith her abdomen sogrossly distended% the ca$se &as obio$sly an obstr$ctionand she needed to be hospitaliBed. A gastric t$be had to beinserted in an e""ort to de"late the belly. She adamantly re0"$sed. She &as &ell oer eighty years o" age% said that she&as not going to leae her home and that i" she &as going todie% it &as right there that she &anted to do it

    4o ease her pain and discom"ort% instr$cted her da$gh0ter to place a castor oil pac# on the abdomen &itho$t heat%

    b$t to #eep it in place constantly. And the patient &as tota#e ice chips to #eep her hydrated.

    4he "ollo&ing day% she &as "eeling better and her abdo0men &as not ?$ite as distended. Also% she had started tosmile and o#e once again. 4he ne8t day she started hainga "e& li?$id stools and her distention &as nearly gone. gaeher a s$ppository and she had a large% nearly normal bo&elmoement. 4he obio$s diagnosis &as a seere intestinalobstr$ction ca$sed by a "ecal impaction.

    When isited her on the third day% she &as $p in a chair%&atching her "aorite teleision programs. All systems &ere&or#ing and she had delayed her time o" depart$re "romthis plane.

    =o& did the castor oil pac# act to ma#e s$ch a radical

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    change in direction in this &oman6s state o" healthH &o$ldsay that she had% prior to her illness% established a degree o"homeostasis;a state o" stability in her internal physiologi0cal enironment% &hich "or her spelled health.

    4hen something happened;probably haing to do &ithher n$trition% &hich ca$sed the "ecal impaction to ta#e

    place. 4hat m$ch &e can $nderstand. $t &hen she &ors0ened% &hat &as it abo$t the oil that loosened $p theimpaction and t$rned things aro$ndH id the castor oilsoa# thro$gh to the intestinal tractH Was it a ibratory acti0ity in the castor oil% a"ter soa#ing thro$gh% or did it &or# asibration &itho$t soa#ing thro$ghH

    eca$se o" the nat$re o" this dimension in &hich all o" $sreside% &e #no& that eerything is in ibration. All s$b0stances in this physical enironment are composed o"atoms or s$batomic particles. 4hese are in constant motionand are one "orm o" energy. All s$bstances% then% &hetherthey be liing or not% gie o"" ibrations &hich% gien timeand more research% &ill eent$ally be meas$red and sho&nto be $ni?$ely speci"ic in their o&n nat$re. 4h$s% castor oil&ill hae a di""erent ibratory "orce than pean$t oil% "or in0stance.

    s it really ibration% then% that carries the healing nat$re

    o" the castor oil into the body to la$nch a ne& approach% ane& sit$ation% a ne& balance inside the str$ct$re and "$nc0tioning o" the body so that healing does% in "act% comeabo$tH Whateer bro$ght abo$t the change% by the timethree days had passed the &oman octogenarian had re0gained her sense o" h$mor% &as chatting &ith her da$ghteragain% and &as &atching her teleision. And she &as eatingnormally again. She had regained that state o" homeostasisthat% "or her% added $p to health.

    t might be ill$strated% li#e most eents &hich occ$r inthis dimension% on a graph sho&ing happenings in time.@See

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    4he Cayce readings had m$ch to say abo$t ibration% andit appears "rom their perspectie that the ibratory in"l$0ence did bring abo$t the change in the instance o" theintestinal obstr$ction5

    (lectricity or ibration is that same energy% samepo&er% ye call God. !ot that God is an electric light oran electric machine% b$t that ibration that is creatieis o" that same energy as li"e itsel". @):):0/

    ... eerything in motion% eerything that has ta#enon materiality as to become e8pressie in any #ing0

    dom in the material &orld% is +y the $i+rations that arethe motions;or those positie and negatie in"l$0ences that ma#e "or that di""erentiation that man hascalled matter in its ario$s stages o" eol$tion intomaterial things.

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    a pregnant &oman started to hae any #ind o" di""ic$lty toapply a castor oil pac# to her abdomen. " there &as anysign o" threatened spontaneo$s abortion% &e &o$ld haethe mother go to bed% eleate the "oot o" the bed% and p$t a

    pac# on;&itho$t the heating pad;and o"ten she &o$ldthen carry the pregnancy on to term.

    When a pregnant &oman &ho had a history o" miscar0riages &o$ld come to the clinic% the castor oil pac# &o$ld

    be the primary and immediate therapy. 4here are teen 0agers and yo$ng ad$lts &al#ing aro$nd thro$gho$t thePhoeni8 area &ho may not hae made it to birthing had itnot been "or the $se o" the castor oil pac#s. And mothers

    &ho $sed the pac#s noted also that there &ere "e& stretchmar#s% i" indeed any appeared.

    eca$se o" my e8tensie &riting abo$t my &or# &ith theCayce material and castor oil oer the past t&enty years%many $sers o" the Cayce s$ggestions &rite me abo$t theire8periences. ne "orty0year0old man ol$nteered his storyabo$t intermittent pain that he had s$""ered since he &aseighteen. t &as irritating% b$t not disabling. A"ter readingabo$t the $se o" castor oil in other conditions% he decidedto try it 4he pain &as in the center o" each &rist. =e applieda pac# to each &rist all night long "or three consec$tie

    nights. When he &rote to me;more than three months a"0ter his treatment% he said he had had the pain Dsince &aseighteen years old% and 6m no& "orty;and the pain has notret$rned since $sed the pac#s.D =e added that he had e80

    perienced some pain in his $pper arm. Using the pac#s alsocleared $p that pain &ith no rec$rrence.

    6m s$re there &ere reasons "or the occ$rrence o" the painin this man6s case and he &o$ld need to become a&are o"&hat really lay behind his pain episode. t &as obio$s% ho&0eer% that this man had a castor oil conscio$sness.

    We hae $sed castor oil on the body in a ariety o" loca0tions% and the doctors &ho hae been on the sta"" o" the

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    Clinic hae become strong adocates "or its $se% as haemany o" o$r patients and correspondents.e"ore he retired% r. 'ay or# sent me this report5 D

    hae been seeing a man &ho complains o" tinnit$s% a ring0ing in the ears. Ac$p$nct$re has helped only mildly so "ar.$t he had a #eratotic @&art0li#e lesion on his "orearm and&anted to #no& i" he sho$ld see a s#in specialist as he &on0dered i" it might be cancero$s. told him "elt it &as benign

    b$t gae him a dermatologist6s address. e"ore he le"t theo""ice% applied a and0AidO &ith drops o" castor oil on itand told him to apply one drop t&ice a day.

    Dt ended $p that he did not go to the specialist% and the

    lesion slo$ghed o"" in $st a co$ple o" &ee#s.D

  • 8/13/2019 Edgar Cayce - The Oil That Heals


    Chapter Si(

    Therapists re )orn* +ot


    W=(! !-UA2S W4= ! M(CA24'A!!G

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    com"ortable. (mma% the chec#o$t cler#% said% DWhat in the&orld happened to yo$r legHD 4he ans&er% D-aricose einsLD4he s#in had bro#en do&n and &o$ld not heal no matter&hat she did. She had een spent three months in bed &ithno res$lts. (mma told her abo$t soa#ing a cloth in castor oiland &rapping it aro$nd her leg $nderneath the plastic. Shedidn6t tell her anything else.

    (mma sa& the lady6s h$sband abo$t a month later andas#ed ho& his &i"e &as doing. =is ans&er% DFo$ #no&% a"tert&o or three &ee#s% the leg healed $p completely% and she6shad no tro$ble &ith it since.D

    Another one o" those inestigatie therapists &as a pa0

    tient o" mine% &ho told me his story a"ter the "act. =eseerely sprained his an#le. =e &rote this acco$nt and sentit to me5 D $sed castor oil Sat$rday and S$nday nights and am amaBed at &hat it does. When tal#ed &ith yo$% had

    $st had the pac# on "or abo$t hal" an ho$r and had gone tobed to #eep my "oot $p. 4he pain &as pretty hard to ta#e%b$t a"ter &e &ere thro$gh on the telephone% &ent bac# tobed and &ithin a hal" ho$r the pain le"t almost s$ddenly%and neer had a rec$rrence.

    D slept li#e a log% p$t my "oot in any position &ished%and co$ld &al# on it the ne8t morning by $sing chairs along

    the &ay. 4&o nights be"ore co$ldn6t een step on it. had tohang on to things and sh$""le my good "oot bac# and "orthon the r$g $ntil got to the phone... !o& my an#le is "ine%discolored a bit b$t no s&elling% and bind it $p and go onmy &ay.D

    n the early days o" my association &ith the Cayce mate0rial% &as on call "or the emergency room at one o" the localhospitals. A &oman &ho had sprained her an#le at &or#had been ta#en to the emergency room. I0rays sho&ed no"ract$re. chec#ed her an#leJ it &as s&ollen and tender to

    press$re and she had di""ic$lty bearing &eight on that "oot. instr$cted her to ma#e $p a castor oil pac# and &ear it

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    constantly "or the ne8t t&o days% $sing an elastic bandageto hold it in place and to proide some press$re to #eep thes&elling do&n.

    4&o days later she appeared at o$r o""ice% &al#ing nor0mally% &ith the pac# in place. When chec#ed her an#le% shetold me that my instr$ctions &ere so strange that &hen shegot o$t o" the hospital% she tho$ght% DWhat am doingH4hat6s the craBiest thing eer heard o".D $t% she said% sinceshe didn6t hae anything else to do and her an#le &as h$rt0ing% she "ollo&ed the instr$ctions.

    She $sed an elastic bandage "or the ne8t "e& days% b$tshe &al#ed &itho$t a limp and there &as no pain. (en

    &as s$rprised at that #ind o" dramatic response. t repre0sents more eidence "or me on the amaBing al$e o" acommon s$bstance $sed to bring ne& a&areness to the"orces &ithin the h$man body.

    Many other e8periences come "rom among o$r patientpop$lation and "rom those &ho correspond &ith me% b$tthis one tells the story in a di""erent &ay5

    4his &as another instance in &hich a &oman s$""ered anasty sprain to her an#le. She #ne& abo$t $sing castor oil

    pac#s and she p$t one together at once% applying the pac#&arm% coering the an#le and the "oot% and $sing a plastic

    baggie to coer both.4he an#le h$rt Dli#e blaBes%D she said% "or abo$t t&oho$rs% b$t then the pain disappeared completely. She $sedcr$tches the "irst day% b$t discarded them a"ter that% #eep0ing the pac# on day and night "or three days% &arming itoccasionally. =er an#le &as a bit tender "or a "e& days% b$tshe &as o"" it "or $st the "irst day.

    =er h$sband had sprained his an#le years ago and &asdisabled and on cr$tches "or three &ee#s. More recently a"riend o" hers &as si8 &ee#s on cr$tches a"ter her an#le &assprained. When they tal#ed together @si8 &ee#s a"ter the in0

    $ry% the "riend6s an#le &as still s&ollen and pain"$l. She

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    too# the s$ggestion% ho&eer% abo$t $sing the pac#s andreported that she &as delighted &ith the res$lts.


    eca$se o" the as0yet0$ne8plained healing ?$alities incastor oil% &e hae $sed it e8tensiely &ith o$r patients% the

    personnel at the Clinic% and in o$r o&n lies. We hae "o$nd thatany p$nct$re &o$nd clears $p almost immediately simply byapplying castor oil oer the area gently seeral times a day.4he date palm trees in o$r bac#yard rarely got a trimming&itho$t my getting one or t&o p$nct$re &o$nds "rom the

    needle0li#e ends o" the "ronds. "o$nd o$t years ago that these&o$nds &o$ld become irritated and in"ected% i" le"t $nattended. $sed to apply antibiotic cream on them% b$t that &asn6t help"$l.When discoered the e""icacy o" castor oil% neer had anin"ected p$nct$re &o$nd again. &o$ld r$b castor oil into thearea a"ter &ashing it% repeat it again seeral ho$rs later% andthen again at bedtime. " it &as still reminding me that it &as not"eeling good in the morning% &o$ld apply the oil once again.Us$ally% this &o$ld ta#e care o" the problem.

    $r si8 children hae had castor oil applied to ario$sparts o" their anatomy so o"ten oer the years that they haereminded $s that they &ill p$t on o$r tombstones &hen &e die%D=ere they lie in spite o" castor oilLD

    4he e8perience paid o"" in o$r caring "or o$r patients and"riends% and;as mentioned earlier;it led to my &riting amonograph abo$t the $se o" castor oil pac#s in the practice o"medicine. t deeloped into a boo# and ac?$ired its name beca$sesomeone in the Middle Ages called the castor bean plant the

    Palma Christi! the palm o" Christ.:

    A patient o" o$rs% Sherri% &as traeling abo$t "orty0"iemiles per ho$r on her motorbi#e &hen she lost control andcrashed. Sherri had s#in abrasions on her elbo&s% abdo0

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    men% and le"t breast% and the palms o" both hands &erescraped ra& do&n to the dermal layer. =er therapy &as cas0tor oil% $sed liberally on all the a""ected areas. =er response&as e8cellent 4he &o$nds healed completely &itho$t scars.

    n$ries at birth sometimes come in the "orm o" bleeding$nder the s#in o" the scalp% &hich is called a hematoma @at$mor "illed &ith blood. 4his is &hat happened &hen Para6sthird son &as born. 4he t$mor &as relatiely small right a"0ter birth% b$t contin$ed to gro& in siBe $ntil the baby &ast&o months old. At that point% it &as the siBe o" a baseball%and it &as then that the mother started $sing a castor oil

    pac# on his head% #eeping it in place &ith the ingen$ity borno" motherhood.

    t rapidly decreased in siBe and% &ithin the ne8t ten days%the hematoma &as no longer present.

    We hae treated "ingernails that had been Dsmashed%D$sing a little pac# #ept in place &ith a and0AidO. " treatedearly eno$gh% the blac#ened nail grad$ally gains bac# itsnormal color and the blood is reabsorbed.


    grad$ally became a&are o" another healing concept a"0ter seeing the e""iciency o" castor oil in resoling bleeding inthe tiss$es and e8citing the reb$ilding o" tiss$es a"ter seri0o$s in$ry to the s#in. 4he concept that elimination internallyand regeneration o" the tiss$e are primary e""ects &hen castoroil is applied to the body. " this principle is e8ercised in therapy%m$ch can be accomplished in the body6s healing process.

    4oo little attention is gien to the importance o" elimina0tions in the medical &orld today. t is physiologically tr$ethat there are "o$r channels o" elimination in the body5 thes#in% the l$ngs% the #idneys% and the lier7intestinal tract.When one channel is obstr$cted% damaged% or ill and $n0able to do its ob% the other three s$""er. And the body is

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    4=('APS4SA'('!% !4MA( 7


    e8cellent health. n this instance% &e did not #no& &hat &asgoing on% b$t &e opted to ta#e steps to ret$rn the body bac#to normal. And the castor oil did it.


    4his is a rather common problem in the practice o" "am0ily medicine% b$t it is ery di""ic$lt to correct. 'emoal doesnot o"ten proide a c$re. t is "elt that a "$ng$s may be theetiology% the ca$se. t is most common in the elderly. n 19,,a &oman presented her big toe as a problem "or $s to sole.t &as the site o" a DhornyD toe nail% large% angled% and ery

    di""ic$lt to trim or #eep $nder control.She &as instr$cted to $se "oot soa#s o" (psom salt "or "i"0

    teen min$tes eery night at bedtime. 4hen she &as to &rapthe toe in a small castor oil pac#% &hich &as to be #ept on allnight long. 4his proced$re &as to be contin$ed "or t&omonths. She &as seen $st si8 months later. Upon e8amina0tion% &e "o$nd her nail to be completely normal.

    What happenedH ncreased circ$lationH etter lymphatic"lo&H

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    A &oman "rom o$lder% Colorado% &rote me abo$t here8perience5 D had a s#in cancer on my nose% near my righteye% &hich has disappeared a"ter three days o" applying cas0tor oil "irst% then sprin#ling ba#ing soda oer the spotL hadhad the cancer "or t&o years% trying eery nat$ral method had read or heard abo$t had preio$sly tried castor oil and asmall amo$nt o" ba#ing soda in a mi8t$re &ith no s$ccess.D

    ne o" my "aorite patients is ninety0three years old @his&i"e is ninety0"ie. oth hae a tremendo$s sense o" h$0mor. George had a large gro&th on his right earlobe;a#eratosis;&hich &as dis"ig$ring% altho$gh not malignant.=e had been treated by seeral other doctors be"ore sa&

    him% b$t the #eratosis persisted. instr$cted him to r$b cas0tor oil thoro$ghly on the earlobe t&ice daily% and clean it o""&ith a so"t cloth. A"ter he ret$rned ayear and a hal" later% theear &as completely normal;no #eratosis. =e &as still $s0ing the castor oil% he reported% beca$se it made his ear "eelso so"t

    An o$t0o"0to&n "riend &rote $s abo$t her e8perience&ith a similar di""ic$lty. D

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    nancy% and general care o" the s#in. ne o" o$r patientsr$bbed castor oil on her abdomen to preent stretch mar#s%and then% noticing that she &as deeloping acne% addedtreatment to those lesions to her s#in0care ro$tine. 4he acnecleared $p and her "ace &as so smooth that she told $s that

    people too# her "or being t&enty0three or t&enty0"o$r in0stead o" thirty0"ie;her real age.


    Ke"" Asher% the son o" a longtime "riend% lied &ith $s d$r0ing a good portion o" his $niersity st$dies. We became "ast

    "riends and hae shared many e8periences. =is motherKenny told me a story many years ago and then "ollo&ed it$p &ith a letter beca$se she &as so deeply inoled &iththe Cayce &or#. =er e8perience is the #ind o" thing that hap0

    pens to peop le as they come to s$dden;orgrad$al;a&areness abo$t something they #no& b$t haenot yet made real in this &orld by p$tting it into action.

    DWhen my da$ghter% Kody% &as t&ele% the children &ereplaying on the road. 4heir ball &ent do&n a se&er coeredby a manhole coer. 4he children pried $p the heay% "ilthycoer b$t it "ell do&n again on Kody# bare toes. =er big toeand the ne8t t&o &ere cr$shed.

    DWe r$shed her to UC2A emergency center. An orthope0dic s$rgeon &as called in. =e cleaned it $p as best he co$ldand instr$cted me to soa# it "o$r times a day in (psom saltsol$tions and to $se a 0tipO each time to clean aro$nd thenailbeds. She &as p$t on antibiotics.


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    man &ho dropped a dr$m o" tar on his "oot Cayce recom0mended castor oil. 4he man% beliee% &as bac# in shoesand at &or# in a matter o" &ee#s. $t it ta#es a &hole di""er0ent brand o" co$rage to de"y doctor6s orders &hen itconcerns yo$r o&n child and not yo$ yo$rsel". didn6t haethe co$rage% at "irst.

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    res$lts in deeloping happy "eet &ere so reso$nding that hetold the cloc#0shop man that he spread the &ord aro$ndand DFo$ can hear the sloshing o" castor oil "eet nearly e0ery&here in the "actory.D

    We learn abo$t simple things in many &ays% and the seedis planted "or gro&th in a&areness.


    M$ch has been &ritten abo$t this a""liction &hich alsohas the name or is associated &ith &hat is called dysle8ia%an impairment o" the ability to read. ne lesson 6e learned

    oer the years is to loo# at the deeper ca$sation o" problemsrather than the end prod$ct o" a process.

    4he deelopment o" physiological abnormalities is theprocess. n the ca$satie side o" this process are those "ac0tors that create the abnormalities. n the res$ltant side o"the same process is the mani"estation% &hich is termed adisease or syndrome. (erything in the h$man body ischanging "or the better or "or the &orse as li"e contin$es%and &e are al&ays creating at the leel o" the mind and theemotions. 4his creatie actiity impacts the physiology "or

    better or "or &orse.n this instance% hyperactiity &as the end prod$ct. 4he

    deeper problem m$st lie some&here in the relationshipamong the actiity o" the mind% the emotional nat$re% andthe ne$rological imp$lses &hich either bring in"ormationinto o$r conscio$sness or ca$se the body to act. 4his placesthe ca$se% then% directly inside the nero$s system.

    t6s tr$ly interesting to let the creatie part o" yo$rsel"loose and consider that the same application &hich helps aman stop snoring and become a cooperatie instead o" anantagonistic indiid$al might also hae a bene"icial e""ecton hyperactiity. oth conditions lie in the realm o" the a$0tonomic nero$s system.

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    4his #ind o" spec$lation does not c$rrently reside in thescienti"ic "ield% b$t it might indeed hae a reality i" &e ac0#no&ledge that most o" the nat$re o" h$manity cannot be?$anti"ied% b$t has its $ltimate meaning in a spirit$al realmabo$t &hich &e #no& ery little.

    recall one &oman% in her late "i"ties% &ho reported to methat the castor oil pac# &hich she had p$t on "or the ery"irst time &as the best tran?$iliBer she had eer $sed. th0ers hae told me that it helps them sleep% it rela8es them%and it soothes them. ne might say it helps to normaliBethe body &hen applied oer the abdomen% &here the solar

    ple8$s is to be "o$nd;the largest acc$m$lations o" a$to0

    nomic nere cells in the lo&er part o" the body.t &as in 19+ that &e had o$r "irst real enco$nter &ith

    seere hyperactiity. 4ommy6s mother told abo$t his li"e0long problem &hile she pic#ed $p torn magaBines that4ommy had &or#ed oer% p$shed dra&ers bac# in place inthe e8amining room% p$lled 4ommy "rom the tops o" "$rni0t$re time and again;trying to restore order &here he &ascreating chaos. =e &as eery&here and co$ld not be ?$i0eted do&n.

    =e &as in o$r o""ice "or a mild belly ache. 4he hyperacti0ity &as a daily occ$rrence to &hich his mother had adapted.

    Mother &as instr$cted to $se a castor oil pac# "or the ab0dominal problem and to bring 4ommy bac# i" he &as notdoing &ell.

    4he ne8t isit% three &ee#s later% &as a reelation. 4ommy&as ?$iet% sat on a chair reading a boo#% t$rning the pages&itho$t tearing them o$t% ans&ering ?$estions li#e the a0erage child% and sho&ing no signs o" hyperactiity.

    What &as happeningH (ery eening% his mother placedthe castor oil pac# on 4ommy6s abdomen &hile he &as&atching teleision. She didn6t li#e haing him &atch tele0ision b$t she #ne& he &o$ld stay ?$iet. n a "e& days% hestarted reminding his mother to p$t the pac# on beca$se it

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    "elt so good. =er li"e &as changed. 4ommy &as no longer athreat to the sanity o" his parents nor to the "$rnit$re% &all0paper% or glass&are. =e &as a normal "ie0year0old boygetting ready to go to school.

    (er since that e8perience% &e hae been treating hyper0actiity &ith a good diet and castor oil pac#s% not &ithmedication. 4ommy gre& $p% got married% and no& bringshis #ids in "or a chec#$p occasionally. 4here is no hyperac0tiity no& in that "amily.


    Part o" my a&areness o" the healing ?$alities o" s$b0stances o""ered $s by Mother !at$re came abo$t as &atched one #ind o" dist$rbance o" the body a"ter anotherrespond to the application o" a castor oil pac#. We "irst $sedthe pac#s on hepatitis beca$se o" the "re?$ency &ith &hichCayce% in his readings% s$ggested that they &o$ld be bene"i0cial. Gall bladder conditions receied m$ch the same sorto" attention in the readings.

    Consistently% thro$gh the thirty years hae &or#ed &iththe Cayce in"ormation% the $se o" castor oil pac#s "or lierand gall bladder conditions has remained o$r standard.'arely% i" eer% hae they "ailed to per"orm adantageo$sly.

    A n$rsing st$dent% recogniBing the onset o" hepatitis%too# a &ee# o""% loaded $p &ith &ater and more &ater% and&ore a castor oil pac# contin$o$sly. She also had people

    pray "or her. 4he "ollo&ing Monday she ret$rned to school&ith no sign o" the yello&ish tint to her s#in or con$nctiaeo" the eyes. 4he diagnosis had been con"irmed early in theco$rse o" her illness% so there &as no ?$estion abo$t its a0lidity. She &o$ld not hae been able to contin$e in hertraining i" she had missed more school than she did.

    n 19,:% &e began a residential seenteen0day 4empleea$ti"$l Program% "ashioned to an e8tent a"ter the ancient

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    48/ 4=(24=A4=(A2S

    4emple ea$ti"$l described in the (dgar Cayce readings.2ater on% it became an eleen0day eent% proiding patients&ith a healing e8perience% lin#ing together the body% mind%and spirit portions o" the h$man being.

    Koel $chanan% a patient o" o$rs &ho earlier had beenthro$gh one o" these programs% called me "rom 4e8as "orsome adice. =e &anted to #eep his lier in good shape.(arly in 19:,% he deeloped type hepatitis% &hich hetreated at home &ith castor oil pac#s. =e &as seeing his in0ternist b$t didn6t tell him &hat he &as doing beca$se he "eltthe pac#s &o$ld be discredited by the doctor.

    =e had% ho&eer% a rapid recoery and his internist #ept

    saying that his ret$rn to health &as Dmirac$lo$s%D consider0ing his si8ty0si8 years and the seerity o" the case. told himthat the same therapy that helped his lier bac# to health&o$ld help it maintain its health. So he contin$ed $sing the

    pac#s periodically.A correspondent% 'ichard Garcia% called me more than

    t&o years ago abo$t the gallstones that had been disco0ered in his gall bladder. =e had been doing a three0day applediet and too# olie oil by mo$th on the third day. 4his diethe had contin$ed intermittently "or many years. $t he &asstill haing episodes o" pain and discom"ort. =e #ne& abo$t

    castor oil pac#s b$t had not $sed them% and he &as disco$r0aged. told him that s$rgery &as al&ays an alternatie.=is letter came ?$ite recently letting me #no& that he

    had gone ahead and sched$led himsel" to see the s$rgeon5D$t &hen met &ith the s$rgeon he told me that there &asa nere that ran close by the gall bladder that they co$ldn6taoid c$tting. 4hat really t$rned me o""% so got really seri0o$s and started a three0month% "ie0days0on% three0days0o""series o" castor oil pac#s. n the "i"th eening a"ter each se0ries% dran# a hal"0c$p o" olie oil. 4he treatment did&onders "or me and had had no rec$rrences.D @Garcia de0cided on a hal"0c$p o" olie oil on his on. Cayce% as "ar as

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    #no&% neer recommended that m$ch oil in one dose. MorecommonlyJ it &as a tablespoon"$l.Garcia did not tell me &hether he had passed the stones

    or i" he had ta#en another 80ray o" his gall bladder% b$t hispain and discom"ort no longer gae him tro$ble% and he hascontin$ed occasionally to $se a three0day series o" pac#s tohelp DbalanceD his body.


    t is sometimes astonishing een to me;since hae $ti0liBed castor oil pac#s in a ariety o" conditions oer the last

    thirty years in my practice;to hear ho& some o" my corre0spondents hae $sed this #ind o" aid "or the body. !ot longago receied a letter "rom a man 6e #no&n "or a long time.=e6s a 4e8an% so don6t get to see him o"ten. =e &anted toto$ch base &ith me and report something that happenedto him bac# in 19,9.

    =e reports5 D &as haing problems &ith my esophag$sand &as haing it dilated abo$t eery si8 &ee#s to t&omonths. Fo$ s$ggested the castor oil pac#s% so came home"rom the con"erence and started $sing them pretty reli0gio$sly "or the rest o" that year and into the ne8t. hae not

    had to ret$rn "or a dilation since and don6t e8pect to eeragain. &ant to than# yo$LDWhere did he $se themH er the abdomen and some0

    times directly oer the chest &here the spasm &as located.4he healing process al&ays amaBes me% and am conincedoer and oer again that healing is $st abo$t li#e ma#ingthe right t$rn in a road that leads to the destination desired.


    More than a year ago% receied a letter "rom Sharon'oBni# telling me abo$t the plight o" her t&o0year0old boy%

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    &ho Dhas had "l$id trapped in his ear t$bes "or si8 months.D4hey had an appointment &ith an ear doctor &ho &as plan0ning on placing drainage t$bes in his ears. She &anted to#no& &hat (dgar Cayce &o$ld hae s$ggested% beca$se she

    belieed that there m$st be a better &ay to get "l$id o$t o"Kesse6s ears.

    y the time she receied my ans&er% she had ta#en ac0tion and had already seen the doctor. =er story in responseto my letter is proocatie5

    DG$ess &hatL $st played it by 6ear%6 giing him )* mg. o"itamin CJ castor oil drops in ears a.m. and p.m.J high0al#a0line% lo&0acid dietJ a co$ple drops o" Glyco04hymoline @see

    Appendi8 orally eery "e& daysJ castor oil soa#ed on the"ront o" his diaper at bedtimeJ $pper bac# massagesJ layingon o" hands @mine &ith &hite healing light in mind. =e&o$ldn6t tolerate Glyco04hymoline pac#s to the nec#L started this ten days be"ore he &as to see the ear specialist.y the &ay% Kesse &as going in beca$se he6s had "l$id in hisears "or si8 months straight% &itho$t any signs o" clearing$p% a"ter ta#ing ario$s antibiotics and decongestants% and

    being chec#ed reg$larly by a doctor eery three &ee#s.DWhen the ear doctor loo#ed in Kesse6s ears% my h$sband

    said there &as a loo# o" shoc# on his "ace. =is right ear &as

    completely clear and his le"t still had some "l$id remainingin it. &as so relieed and grate"$l.D4he doctor as#ed i" he6d been on any medication this

    past month and said 6no.6 don6t #no& &hy said that. !e8ttime go in @in "ie &ee#s to chec# the other ear 6ll tell him.

    D realiBe that t$bes in the ears aren6t really a serio$shealth threat% b$t $st "elt deep inside my heart that a little

    boy sho$ldn6t hae to hae t$bes p$t in his ears. 4heresho$ld be a nat$ral &ay to get "l$id o$t o" those ears.

    D4han# yo$ "or the boo#% The Edgar Cayce &emedies!,

    &here "o$nd the ans&er to this health problem. 4his is the"irst time eer tried an e8tensie remedy li#e this. 4han#s

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    "or ans&ering my letter% and than# God "or simple tr$thsLD

    6e al&ays tho$ght that simple tr$ths are the best. A"terall% i" &e are destined to be one &ith Creatie

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    A Cali"ornia &oman &rote to me abo$t her e8perience&ith a problem o" minimal hearing loss5 DAbo$t threemonths ago noticed my hearing diminishing in my le"t ear. had seeral colds% pl$s my traels ta#e me $p and do&n amo$ntain to get to &or#.

    DA month and a hal" ago &ent to an ear% nose% and throatspecialist &ho gae me some strong decongestant tabletsand a spray. 4hose dried $p my cold and sin$ses and some0&hat relieed the problem% b$t not completely. &ent bac#and he p$nct$red my eardr$m and ble& medication into itto loosen and help drain the t$be. t helped "or t&o days%

    b$t then my hearing &orsened again. decided to $se cas0

    tor oil pac#s directly on the ear% &ith heat% at night &hengoing to bed; $sed them "or one ho$r.

    DA"ter the "irst treatment% &as m$ch improed and a"terthe second night there &as ery little hearing loss.D !o long0term report on this% b$t &hen one e8periences the #ind o"

    bene"its she "elt in her o&n body% it e8cites her and opensher mind to the concept that the body indeed can be helpedto&ard a better leel o" homeostasis% a condition &e call health.


    We are all "amiliar &ith it and many o" $s do it. t is de0"ined as ro$gh% noisy breathing d$ring sleep% d$e toibration o" the $$la and so"t palate. Some h$sbands and

    perhaps more &ies s$""er insomnia &hen their spo$sessnore. $t there is a story that remember reading abo$t a&oman &ho had $st been married bac# in the epressionera. 4he ne&ly&eds too# residence in the second0"loorapartment o" a ric#ety &ood b$ilding. As her h$sband "ellasleep% she began to hear the so$nd o" rats or mice inthe&alls o" their apartment% and she &as terri"ied. 4hen herh$sband began to snore% and the rodents ceased theirmoement. As long as he &as snoring% the rats &ere ?$iet.

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    She has associated snoring eer since &ith peace and tran0?$illity% and% s$ppose to her% it &as li#e the so$nd o" the&aes &o$ld be to others &ho lie by the ocean.

    Snoring &as the s$bect o" seeral ?$estions gien thesleeping Cayce. 4hey proide another perspectie on thiscondition5

    - Is there any way of slee)ing on the +ac/ withoutsnoring0

    @A !ot that has been inented yetL @1:+101:

    - 1ay anything+e done to correct or )re$ent slee)2

    ing with mouth o)en0@A Close itL- 3hen aslee)! how may this +e done0@A Ma#e the s$ggestions to sel" as going to sleep.

    Get the system balanced. And this &ill be done. @)::0/1

    n the early 193s% (dgar Cayce and a gro$p o" deotedindiid$als &or#ed together to &rite a boo# calledA (earch

    for 4od.5 t has become the g$iding light "or tho$sands o"people since that time as they oin together in st$dy gro$ps

    once a &ee#.

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    tally and she is occasionally a&a#ened by the most so"t%&himsical giggling coming "rom the original o""ender;mydadL Mom also reports an enhanced sense o" h$mor% a erya""ectionate h$sband% and a spirit o" cooperation that $st&on6t ?$itD

    PsychotherapyH &o$ld thin# not% $nless &e &ere to de0"ine that &ord a bit di""erently. n the "ield o" endocrinology%the adrenal gland is called the D"ight7"lightD gland and issymboliBed in the te8ts by a man% cro$ched &ith his "istsready% eyes &ide% alert% and prepared "or combat or "or r$n0ningJ;i" that seems to be the best co$rse to ta#e.

    4his #ind o" response by the adrenal gland e8cited my

    &onderment once more. Why sho$ld a pac# placed on theabdomen alter the emotional nat$re @and dream patternso" an ad$lt personH id these pac#s act$ally create &ithinthe conscio$sness o" the adrenal gland and the accompa0nying sympathetic nero$s system a more peaceableibrationH Kes$s said% DPeace is my parting gi"t to yo$% myo&n peace% s$ch as the &orld cannot gie. Set yo$r tro$bledhearts at rest% and banish yo$r "ears.D11And the castor bean

    plant &as called thePalma Christi @the palm o" Christ se0eral h$ndred years ago.


    $r yo$ngest son% aid;&ho is no& a physician;lieda great deal o" his li"e in close companionship &ith his g$ard0ian angels. =e m$st hae had more than one angel. Whenisiting an old college classmate o" mine in Santa 'osa% Cali0"ornia% &e &ere enoying o$r conersation in the liingroom a"ter dinner% &hile the t&o boys @aid and Garric#&ere climbing $p and do&n the o$tside o" the stairs in thesplit0leel home. 4hey &o$ld climb $p to the landing% thendrop to the stairs belo& that led do&n to the "amily room.

    t &as getting late% and &e tho$ght it &as time "or the #ids

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    to go to bed. anno$nced this to aid% and he said% Dnemore time% adLD So $p he climbed% one more time% b$t thistime he &as holding onto the landing aboe and &as s&ing0ing bac# and "orth be"ore dropping. =e s&$ng too "ar% andhis "ingers slipped o"" the landing "loor. With a th$d% helanded on his bac# on the stairs belo&;and he let o$t ascream. &as there in no time% pic#ed him $p% and carriedhim oer to the liing room "loor &here he co$ld be chec#ed"or possible serio$s in$ry.

    =is bac# &as h$rting badly and &as ery tender to theto$ch% b$t there &as no eidence o" ne$rological in$ry. I0rays co$ld &ait till morning% and he slept on the "loor

    alongside the bed the rest o" the nightWith a castor oil pac# on his bac#% aid slept ery "it0

    "$lly $ntil abo$t "o$r in the morning% &hen he "inally "ellso$nd asleep. n the morning% he &as still asleep. (ent$0ally chec#ed him "or problems. =e said he had no pain% so palpated the in$red area t &as not tender. had him sit$p% then stand $p% bend this &ay and that% and it &as as i"nothing had happened to him. t &as then that he told $sthat he had a dream. D &as lying there &ith my bac# h$rt0ing "or a long time% and then Kes$s came and p$t =is handon my bac# and the pain stopped.D

    What #ind o" healing ibration is there in castor oil that&o$ld inspire someone to call the plant the palm o" theChrist% the Palma Chris$H 4his happened bac# in the MiddleAges.1)And ho& co$ld this relate to the dream;the sleep0ing conscio$sness;o" an eight0year0old boy so that he&o$ld recogniBe Kes$s p$tting =is palm on his bac# andhealing himH

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    Chapter Seen ,hy

    Castor Oil-

    W( S422 =A-( ! (IP2A!A4! W=F CAS04' 2 placed in the ear canal &ill be so help"$l to a child&ith a hearing problem% or &hy a pac# $sing this oil &illhelp restore normalcy to a hyperactie child% or speed $pthe healing o" hepatitis% or help to get rid o" gallstones% oreen help heal abrasions and in"ections. Perhaps it is to be"o$nd in the nat$re o" the h$man body and the secret heal0ing capabilities o" the s$bstances God gae $s here on theearth "or o$r $se and bene"it.

    n his sleeping state% Cayce sa& illness in the h$man be0ing as the end point o" mal"$nctioning physiology. 4h$s% inan attempt to correct the ailing body% the s$ggestions &ereaimed at the "$nctioning parts;the physiology;not at theend point o" a process. 4his is a ery important distinction%"or it indicates the di""erence bet&een the manner in &hichCayce loo#ed at this indiid$al created in the image o" Godand the manner in &hich &as ta$ght to search "or a diag0


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  • 8/13/2019 Edgar Cayce - The Oil That Heals



    people &ho had been diagnosed &ith a ariety o" bodilyconditions5

    a honia a endicitis arthritiscancer cholecystitis cholecystalgia

    colitis constipation epilepsy

    gallstones gastritis migraine

    he3titi hernia =odg#in6s disease

    hoo#&orm intestinal impaction sl$ggish lier

    stenosis o" strict$re o" strang$lationthe d$oden$m d$oden$m o" #idneys

    ne$ritis cirrhosis o" lier m$ltiple sclerosislymphitis cerebral palsy pelic cell$litis

    $remia sterility ring&orm


    4his list does not incl$de a m$ltit$de o" cases inde8edin the A.'.(. 2ibrary at -irginia each as5 Dlesions% inco0ordinations% intestines% to8emia% eliminations% and adhe0sions.D1/

    4his oil that heals% o" co$rse% is that &hich is e8tracted

    "rom the seed o" the&icinus communis! #no&n also;asmentioned be"ore;as the Palma Christi or more com0monly as the castor oil plant. 4his is &hat (dgar Caycerecommended "or $se so ery% ery "re?$ently in the "ormo" a pac#.

    t is probable that Cleopatra $sed castor oil as a base "orher ma#e0$p or to ma#e een more loely her eyes% $st asthis partic$lar oil is "o$nd commonly in lipstic# and ma#e0$p today% pres$mably beca$se o" its stable and soothingcharacteristics. n the (bers Papyr$s @ca. 1** .C.% castoroil &as described as being $sed as eyedrops to protect theeyes "rom irritation.1*So &e see perhaps the beginning o"

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    +H"CASTO!OIL #


    the recorded $se o" this $n$s$al oil as therapy in ancient(gypt% a land shro$ded in many mysteries.er the cent$ries% the al$e o" castor oil contin$ed to be

    recogniBed% sometimes in ne& &ays% b$t the real nat$re o"its action as described in the Cayce readings remained anenigma. An e8ha$stie search o" medical literat$re going

    bac# "orty0nine years prod$ced "e& b$t "ascinating re"er0ences.

    o$glas W. Montgomery% M..% &rote in 191: o" the oil&hich he described as coming "rom a bea$ti"$l plant &ithlarge palmate leaes% o"ten called Palma Christi% the palm o"the Christ.1+Some&hat "acetio$sly% s$spect% he said% D" as

    a child had #no&n this sonoro$s name% it might hae miti0gated the misery o"ten s$""ered in haing to ta#e the oil. Aery determined and energetic Scotch a$ntie regarded 6acr$mb o6 oil%6 as she $sed to call it% as a $niersal remedy o"e8ceeding potency in both moral and physical contingen0ciesJ and indeed% there is no do$bt o" its e""iciency as acleaner.D

    Montgomery did report in the same paper an obsera0tion &hich is o" interest and importance today to physiciansand &hich correlates &ith some o" the commentaries madein the Cayce readings abo$t the $se o" castor oil. =e ob0

    sered that in diseases o" the s#in% the $se o" castor oil is o"importance inasm$ch as a clean alimentary canal is con0d$cie to a clean c$taneo$s s$r"ace. Dt &o$ld appear thatthe medicine acts partic$larly on the ascending colon% andthis is interesting% as it is $ndo$btedly a "act that many o"the more actie s#in reactions are ca$sed by poisons gener0ated in cap$t coli% a "aorable location "or the anaerobic

    proteolytic bacteria.D =e "$rther pointed o$t that in the&or# W. . Cannon reported on%1,in &hich castor oil &asgien to an animal &ith its "ood% there &as a serial section0ing o" the "ood in the ascending colon "ollo&ed each time

    by antiperistalsis &hich s&ept the "ood bac#;a type o" ac0

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    tion &ell "itted to clear o$t the ha$stra o" the colon% Dthosepoc#ets &hich in colonic sl$ggishness m$st tend to becomeespecially dirty.D

    mportant "indings are o"ten disregarded een in o$rmost ast$te te8tboo#s. =ere is eidence o" ascending colonactiity as a direct res$lt o" the castor oil ta#en internally.Goodman and Gilman%:tell ho& the oil is hydrolyBed by the"at0splitting enBymes in the small intestine into glycerol andricinoleic acid. t is the latter s$bstance &hich is actie in

    prod$cing catharsis @a p$rging% thro$gh its mar#ed irritantactiity in stim$lating the motor actiity @parasympathetico" the intestines to promote rapid prop$lsion o" the con0

    tents o" the small intestine. 4hen the te8t states that Dthecolon is stim$lated little% "or in passage thro$gh the smallintestine the ricinoleic acid is absorbed $st as are other"atty acids.D

    4he actiity &hich Cannon reported on is most li#ely are"le80type phenomenon called irradiation @the dispersiono" a nero$s imp$lse beyond the normal path o" cond$c0tion. n s$ch an eent% it &o$ld be $nderstandable ho& thecastor oil &o$ld act as a stim$lant to the entire small intes0tine and the ascending hal" o" the transerse colon thro$ghthe spread o" imp$lses res$lting "rom the irritant actiity.

    n the a$tonomic nero$s system% irradiation is a m$chmore prono$nced phenomenon than in the central ner0o$s system.19ndeed% as regards the sympathetic system%the e""ect o" an a""erent imp$lse @to&ard an organ or part isto set the &hole sympathetic system into actiity% and itsstr$ct$re is &ell s$ited "or s$ch &idespread responses.=ence% "or e8ample% i" the central end o" the splanchnic@isceral nere is stim$lated% the e""ects reach een to the

    p$pil% &hich dilates. n the parasympathetic system there isless irradiation than in the sympathetic% b$t it still is &ellmar#ed.

    4h$s the e""ect o" the castor oil is seen in the colon be"ore

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    +H"CASTO!OIL #


    it proceeds een a small distance thro$gh the small bo&el%thro$gh the e""ect o" irradiation. t ill$strates the "act thatthere are many "$nctions happening in this &onder"$l h$0man body o" o$rs that are more delicate and moremysterio$s than &e% at o$r present stage o" #no&ledge% tr$ly$nderstand.

    Among the historical notes is a st$dy)reported in the(outhern 1edical 6ournalby a dermatologist coering hisst$dy o"ten cases o" s#in er$ption treated &ith castor oil orsodi$m ricinoleate internally. Apparently% Schoch had readCannon6s report and he p$t that in"ormation together &itha concept he shared &ith other dermatologists o" the thir0

    ties that to8ins loc$lated in the cap$t or head o" theascending colon &ere absorbed and created dermatologi0cal problems. Cannon6s obserations then led him to testthe theory that cleansing o" that part o" the colon &o$ld leadto clearing o" the s#in.

    When he tested it in the ten cases he reported% the res$lts&ere sometimes ?$ite remar#able. ne instance &as athirty0year0old grad$ate n$rse &ho had seere bath pr$ritis@itching o" "o$r years6 d$ration. She had "ailed to improe$nder generaliBed $ltraiolet light% .-. calci$m gl$conateand sodi$m iodide% elimination diets% a$tohemotherapy%

    and local therapy. She had not ris#ed a t$b or sho&er bathin seen months.r. Schoch placed her on #aolin and sodi$m ricinoleate

    by mo$th% hal" an o$nce three times daily.

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    mo$th &itho$t any other therapy. 4he pr$ritis s$bsided int&enty0"o$r ho$rs% and the rash cleared $p in one &ee#.PharmacologicallyJ castor oil is #no&n to be composed

    mostly o" ricinoleic acid% an $nsat$rated hydro8y "atty acid&ith the "orm$la C78iC76f7O7C7f79 C=CC=QC=.t6s #no&n in Goodman and Gilman)1as a bland emollientand is employed locally on the s#in "or its soothing proper0ties. Castor oil is also incorporated &ith alcohol ande8tensiely $sed as a hair tonic% in the proportions o" one

    part o" oil to ten o" alcohol.rmsby and Montgomery))describe castor oil as one o"

    the Dn$tritie and soothing oilsD &hich may be $sed by di0

    rect application or thro$gh sat$rated compresses to thes#in. 4hese are "re?$ently $sed "or the remoal o" cr$sts andscales. nterestingly% the other Dn$tritie and soothing oilsD&hich the a$thors list are cod0lier% olie% almond% linseed%and neat6s "oot% &hile the Dstim$latingD oils are those o" tar%cade% &hite birch% cashe&0n$t% and $niper.

    Chemically% castor oil is a triglyceride @ester o" "atty acids.t is $ni?$e in that appro8imately ninety percent o" this "attyacid content is ricinoleic acid% and eighteen0carbon acidhaing a do$ble bond in the nine0to0ten position and ahydro8yl gro$p on the t&el"th carbon. This relationshi) of

    hydroxyl grou) and unsaturation exists only in castor oilP4he typical composition o" castor oil "atty acids is sho&nbelo&. 4his composition is remar#ably constant

    'icinoleic acid -%5/6ihydro8ystearic acid 05$6

    Palmitic acid 1506Stearic acid 1506leic acid (506inoleic acid 4526inolenic acid 05(6(icosanoic acid 05(6

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    +H"CASTO!OIL #


    4he hydro8yl gro$ps in castor oil acco$nt "or a $ni?$ecombination o" physical properties5 relatiely high iscos0ity and speci"ic graityJ sol$bility in absol$te alcohol in any

    proportionsJ limited sol$bility in aliphatic petrole$m sol0ents. 4he $ni"ormity and reliability o" its physical

    properties are demonstrated by the longtime $se o" castoroil as an absol$te standard "or iscosity tests. t has e8cel0lent emollient and l$bricating properties.

    4he history o" this s$bstance in ind$stry is in itsel" a longand "ascinating story% too long to tell "$lly here. rie"ly% ho&0eer% it can be stated that beca$se o" the hydro8yl gro$ps%do$ble bonds% and ester lin#ages% &hich proide reaction

    sites% a n$mber o" chemical reactions in &hich castor oil iscommercially $sed hae been thoro$ghly e8plored. 4heseincl$de acetylation% al#o8ylation% amination% ca$stic "$sion%chemical dehydration% distillation% epo8idation% esteri"ica0tion% hydrogenation% o8idatie polymeriBation% pyrolysis%and saponi"ication. 4hese reactions res$lt in a m$ltit$de o"oils% salts% glycerides% esters% amides% alcohols% halogens% andhydro8y0stearates.

    Among the contrib$tions o" ind$stry as it relates to the"ields o" medical in?$iry and therape$tics is the &or# o"A.

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    ointments and cleansers. 4hese &ere to be $sed &here&or#ers in ind$stry &o$ld be s$bected to e8pos$re o" irri0tating s$bstances on the s#in. =is &as an e8tensie reporton the s$bect% and castor oil &as "o$nd rather commonlyin ointments and cleansers recommended.

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    +H"CASTO!OIL #


    n rendering these portions o" the nero$s system nor0mal% Cayce s$ggested that the di""ic$lty grad$ally can beeliminated. Al&ays% ho&eer% he co$nseled that attit$desand emotional patterns need to be loo#ed at and correctedor the changes &ill not come abo$t.

    Perhaps some o" the $nderstanding abo$t ho& castor oil&or#s can be "o$nd in the meditatie e8perience. We see#in meditation to att$ne o$r physical and mental bodies totheir So$rce% the diine energy &e call God. 4he att$nementhas to be a ibrational e8ercise. When this is per"ectly ac0complished% illnesses o" all sorts disappear.

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    o" applying a castor oil pac# appropriately% consistently% andpatiently to the body. And% thro$gh acts li#e that% the bene"itso" the castor bean plant demonstrate its right to the title it &asgien in the Middle ages5 the Palma Christi% the palm o" theChrist

    recall that Cayce once said that there6s as m$ch o" God in ateaspoon"$l o" castor oil as there is in a prayerL 4hat ma#esmeditation% prayer% change o" conscio$sness to&ard the ChristConscio$sness% and material healing elements s$ch as castoroil all one. K$st as &e are;at a deep leel; one &ith theCreatie

  • 8/13/2019 Edgar Cayce - The Oil That Heals


    Chapter Eight

    Castor Oil in Fol&


    MA!F < 4=( =A4 PA44('!S W=C= W(CA22 o$r &ay o" li"e come to $s thro$gh the medi$m o" er0

    bal instr$ction% person to person. We see the constant $seo" this method in the home% school% and ch$rch. Fet amother caring "or her child is called DinstinctieD as she ap0

    plies &isdom &hich she had neer been ta$ght. As she

    #isses her child6s "inger &here he or she has banged it on aboard% she instinctiely applies a healing to$ch. 4hro$gh0o$t the history o" h$manity on the earth% m$ch in"ormationin treating and caring "or the body has been passed onthro$gh &ord o" mo$th and thro$gh that &hich has beencalled the $nconscio$s mind.

    Castor oil as a treatment "or the body certainly has beena "actor in the habit patterns o" c$lt$res thro$gho$t the pastseeral tho$sand years% so it is not s$rprising to "ind the oilmentioned in the legends