ECS Card Employer Portal User Guide · New Card Purchase-create a new purchase for an ECS card....

ECS Card Employer Portal User Guide Contents Introduction……... …………………………………………………………………2 Quick Start-up Guide ..................................................................................... 3 1 Overview of site features and navigation ............................................... 4 1.1 Permissions ......................................................................................... 5 1.2 Understanding the Tables searching and selecting .......................... 6 1.3 Overview of Menu Items ...................................................................... 8 2 How To Guides ......................................................................................... 9 2.1 Adding an Employee............................................................................ 9 2.1.1 Adding an employee who already holds an ECS card ............................ 9 2.1.2 Adding a New Employee who doesn’t already hold an ECS card ......... 10 2.2 Leaving an Employee ........................................................................ 11 2.3 Making a new card application........................................................... 12 2.3.1 New card application:........................................................................... 12 2.3.2 Replacement Card and Renewal Cards ............................................... 18 2.4 Creating a new card purchase ........................................................... 18 2.5 Making an Advance Purchase ........................................................... 21 2.6 Adding or editing permissions for staff administering the portal ......... 22 2.6.1 Adding a new member of staff and allocating permissions ................... 22 2.6.2 Summary of permission levels available .............................................. 23 2.6.3 Editing permissions for an existing user ............................................... 25 2.7 Editing office details and main contacts ............................................. 26 Appendix A Employers with Multiple Offices additional points to note ................... 27 A.1 Office selection and screen displays ................................................. 27 A.2 Viewing and editing office details ...................................................... 28 A.3 Allocating Staff to Offices .................................................................. 29 A.4 Setting up Groups ............................................................................. 30 A.5 Allocating staff permissions against offices ....................................... 31

Transcript of ECS Card Employer Portal User Guide · New Card Purchase-create a new purchase for an ECS card....

Page 1: ECS Card Employer Portal User Guide · New Card Purchase-create a new purchase for an ECS card. This option allows a purchase order to be created separately to the application process,

ECS Card Employer Portal

User Guide


Introduction…… ... …………………………………………………………………2

Quick Start-up Guide ..................................................................................... 3

1 Overview of site features and navigation ............................................... 4

1.1 Permissions ......................................................................................... 5

1.2 Understanding the Tables – searching and selecting .......................... 6

1.3 Overview of Menu Items ...................................................................... 8

2 How To Guides ......................................................................................... 9

2.1 Adding an Employee ............................................................................ 9

2.1.1 Adding an employee who already holds an ECS card ............................ 9

2.1.2 Adding a New Employee who doesn’t already hold an ECS card ......... 10

2.2 Leaving an Employee ........................................................................ 11

2.3 Making a new card application ........................................................... 12

2.3.1 New card application: ........................................................................... 12

2.3.2 Replacement Card and Renewal Cards ............................................... 18

2.4 Creating a new card purchase ........................................................... 18

2.5 Making an Advance Purchase ........................................................... 21

2.6 Adding or editing permissions for staff administering the portal ......... 22

2.6.1 Adding a new member of staff and allocating permissions ................... 22

2.6.2 Summary of permission levels available .............................................. 23

2.6.3 Editing permissions for an existing user ............................................... 25

2.7 Editing office details and main contacts ............................................. 26

Appendix A

Employers with Multiple Offices – additional points to note ................... 27

A.1 Office selection and screen displays ................................................. 27

A.2 Viewing and editing office details ...................................................... 28

A.3 Allocating Staff to Offices .................................................................. 29

A.4 Setting up Groups ............................................................................. 30

A.5 Allocating staff permissions against offices ....................................... 31

Page 2: ECS Card Employer Portal User Guide · New Card Purchase-create a new purchase for an ECS card. This option allows a purchase order to be created separately to the application process,



The ECS Employer Portal has been designed to support companies in the management of their employees’ ECS card applications.

Via the portal you can:

View all current employees who hold ECS cards, along with their expiry date and card numbers.

Make and track card applications

Create and manage online ECS card purchases and invoices.

Monitor card applications on hold.

This guide explains how the main sections of the portal work and how you can add employees, make card applications and purchases and set permissions for who in your company can access the portal.

Page 3: ECS Card Employer Portal User Guide · New Card Purchase-create a new purchase for an ECS card. This option allows a purchase order to be created separately to the application process,


Quick Start-up Guide

When your company is first registered for the ECS Employer Portal, the primary user is sent an email with their registration details. The user’s email address must be verified before the username and password is sent to the email address.

Please see the Overview section for details to how to login.

If the primary user changes, the JIB will need a new application form filled in for the new primary user.

Once the primary user has logged in for the first time, there are two tasks they need to carry out:

1. Go to the Administer Users section to give their self the permissions needed. We recommend the primary user has full permissions across all categories. See section 2.6 of this guide for adding and editing permissions.

2. The Current Employees list needs to be reviewed and edited as necessary. The employees shown in this list are ones registered with the JIB as working for the company when an ECS card application was made. This list may not be complete or up to date. Employees must be edited (added or removed) as necessary. See sections 2.1 and 2.2 for adding and removing employees.

Once you’ve completed these two steps, we suggest that you try to do a straightforward renewal to start with. This will get you used to how the application process works in general terms before you move onto a completely new card application.

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1 Overview of site features and navigation Go to and click Login on the top right hand side. To maximise security we have developed a two-step authentication process:

1) Enter your username and password where requested 2) You’ll then be asked for a ‘Passcode’, which is sent to your registered mobile

phone once you have completed stage 1. Enter the six digit passcode where shown and submit.

Once logged on, your name should appear on the top right hand side – drop down to select Employer Portal

You’ll then be presented with the Employer Portal dashboard for your company:

The dashboard comprises a number of tiles that provide a ‘quick glance’ overview of the portal’s key areas. Each tile can be expanded, restored or minimised using the keys on the top right of each box, as shown here on the right:

Page 5: ECS Card Employer Portal User Guide · New Card Purchase-create a new purchase for an ECS card. This option allows a purchase order to be created separately to the application process,


What’s visible on the dashboard depends on the permissions that have been given to the user by the company Primary User – for instance a top level ‘Primary User’ will be able to view everything, whilst an Admin user will have access to only those areas assigned to them.

The top tile shows head office details. Depending on permissions, you can also click in this box to edit contact details (see section 2.7 for information on editing office details and named contacts).

There are then four main tiles:

Cards Expiring/Expired - an overview of registered staff who have cards that will be expiring within 3 months, or have expired within the last 12 months.

Applications on Hold - an overview of applications that are being processed, but there is an issue with the information provided.

Applications in Progress - an overview of applications that the processing team have in hand. The status of the application can be also be seen.

Applications Awaiting Purchase – a list of the applications that you have finalised and are awaiting purchase order/payment details.

1.1 Permissions Along the top menu bar and next to your name you’ll see one or more orange icons that show the permissions you have.

Full Employee Access: user can view, add and leave employees and change employee details.

Full Purchasing Access: user can view purchases, create new purchases, add to existing purchases and complete purchases.

Full Applications Access: user can view, fill in and finalise card applications.

Full Applications Endorsement Access: user can endorse change in grading and endorse qualified supervisor status.

Full User Admin Access: user can add and remove users, change user permissions and reset user passwords

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Full General Admin Access: user can create company groups and can edit employer details

Underneath full access level for each category there are different icons to signify if the user has only certain permissions, for example:

Can View Employees

Can Create New Purchases

By hovering over any of the icons you can view a description of what each one means.

1.2 Understanding the Tables – searching and selecting When in any of the sections that present rows of employee data, you can filter the results by any of the column headers to narrow down your search for a particular employee.

By clicking on the round filter icon above any column header you can specify, for instance, a name or card number and use the drop down rules as shown below to search:

An employee entry presents a number of actions you may take:

Click on the employee name – this takes you to the operative’s personal profile page and provides an overview of their card and any relevant alerts regarding expired data or application status. This is a similar screen that will be seen by the employee if they log in via MyECS but without the operatives personal contact details.

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Tick the box to the left of the employee name – this will present you with two options in red and blue to either start a card application for this employee or to remove them from the system – termed as ‘leaving’ an employee.

Click the two icons on the far right of the employee entry - by using the two icons on the right you can either quick-link to starting a new application for this employee (green icon), or remove them from the system (red icon).

You may sometimes see an entry that has two cards listed against it (as below). The grey/shaded entry will show a card that has expired but is kept on the system for your reference.

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1.3 Overview of Menu Items Here’s an overview of each item you’ll see along the top navigation on the dashboard and what you’ll find in that section:


With Cards Expiring Soon – provides information on employees registered with your company who have ECS cards that will be expiring within 3 months, or have expired within the last 12 months.

Current Employees – a full list of all the employees registered on our system as being employed by your company. This is where you add or remove members or staff before administering their card arrangements.

Add New Employee – this is a quick link to add a new member of staff without having to access the Current Employees section.


Being Filled In – an overview of all applications that have been started and are in the process of completion by your company.

Awaiting Purchase – once an application is finalised, it moves to Awaiting Purchase ready for you or your finance team to make payment.

The next four headings provide feedback on the application process…

Awaiting Payment – in cases where BACS payment is used, the ECS team is waiting for payment to clear before the application is progressed.

Being Processed – the processing team has the application in hand and the status of the application can be seen.

On Hold – applications that are being processed but there is an issue with the information provided, such as missing documentation or unacceptable photograph. You’ll be able to view and action these issues to move them forward.

Completed – applications that have been fully processed and the ECS card will shortly be dispatched. Completed applications remain visible for three months.


New Card Purchase - create a new purchase for an ECS card. This option allows a purchase order to be created separately to the application process, for instance by the accounts department. At a later date you can then allocate a pending application to a particular purchase order.

New Advance Purchase – use this option to pre-allocate money that can be drawn on in the future. This can be allocated at whole company or individual office level.

Open Purchases - shows all open purchases that are waiting for an application to be assigned to it.

Awaiting Payment - these are purchases that have been closed and are waiting for payment to be received by the JIB.

Page 9: ECS Card Employer Portal User Guide · New Card Purchase-create a new purchase for an ECS card. This option allows a purchase order to be created separately to the application process,


Being Fulfilled - shows purchases that are being processed by the ECS team.

Financial History - shows detailed financial history including all current and past purchases and payments.


Administer Groups - this is where your office structure is managed. A ‘group’ may consist of a number of offices within one region; offices may also be grouped to reflect cost centres. Basic administration such as amending office contact details can also be done here.

The default setting for the employer portal is for a single main office structure. To benefit from the multiple and sub-office structure please contact the JIB to discuss your requirements.

Administer Users - individual users at any company level can be added and managed here. Whilst the JIB/ECS gives access to the ‘super users’ for each company, at all subsequent levels and for individual employees, companies can and should maintain their own users.

2 How To Guides

2.1 Adding an Employee

2.1.1 Adding an employee who already holds an ECS card Go to ‘Add New Employee’ under the Employees menu button. The link is also available on the ‘Current Employees’ screen. You’ll then see this screen:

The NI number and DOB are compulsory, along with at least one other item of information requested. N.B. it’s recommended to type in the DOB rather than use the calendar function.

Enter the details requested and click ‘Lookup’.

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If there is an existing ECS record for the operative, this screen will appear:

In the red box, enter the date the operative joined your company and, if you have more than one office, drop down to select their office.

You will need the operative’s permission for you to act on their behalf for ECS applications.

Providing all details are correct, this employee will now be added to your list of staff and will appear on the Current Employees section.

PLEASE ENSURE THE EMPLOYEES’ DETAILS ARE CORRECT – if there are any errors in, for instance, the NI number, surname spelling or DOB, you may see the following screen:

Firstly check the details again. If you are certain that the employee holds an ECS card but the record can’t be found, please contact the ECS team.

2.1.2 Adding a New Employee who doesn’t already hold an ECS card Please make sure that the operative you are adding does not already have an ECS card and that the personal details are added correctly. The HMRC NI verification system should be used to verify that the NI number being used is correct for the operative. Errors in entering personal details for operatives may take some time to correct.

Go to ‘Add New Employee’ under the Employees menu button. The link is also available on the ‘Current Employees’ screen. You’ll then see this screen:

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The NI number and DOB are compulsory, along with at least one other item of information requested. N.B. it’s recommended to type in the DOB rather than use the calendar function.

Enter the details requested and click ‘Lookup’.

You should then see the following screen if the employee has no ECS history:

Click ‘Create New’, and then ‘Create New’ once again when the second confirmation screen appears.

You’ll see this screen below, where your original NI and DOB entries will be pre-populated. Complete the other fields required, along with the start date and office location (if relevant), and click Confirm & Continue.

This employee will now be added to your list of staff and will appear on the Current Employees section.

2.2 Leaving an Employee This is for when an employee has left the company and they need to be removed from your Employer Portal ‘Current Employees’ list.

Go to the Current Employees section and find the employee by using the search facilities.

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Once you have identified the record – tick the box to the left of their name (do not click on the name itself) and it presents red and blue option boxes. Select the red ‘Leave 1 Employees’ button.

Multiple employees can be removed from your employer portal view at one time (this action does not delete the operative’s details from the JIB database, it just removes them from your company portal view).

You’ll then see a confirmation screen where can review the entry and ensure it’s the correct employee, before entering a leaving date and clicking the yellow box to Leave the Employee.

2.3 Making a new card application There are three types of application: completely new card application for craft and managers; a renewal for a card that has expired, or a replacement for a lost card.

2.3.1 New card application: Before you start, the employee will need to be registered in your Current Employees list – as shown in section 2.1.2.

First find your employee in the Current Employees list, if necessary using the search features described in section 1.2.

Once you have identified their record, you can start a new application in two ways:

Tick the box to the left of their name and click the blue ‘Start Applications’ button

Click the green icon on the far right of the employee’s entry

You’ll then see this screen:

Drop down on the entry as shown above to choose the card type you require.

Only the card types that the person is eligible for will be shown in the drop down. For instance:

Page 13: ECS Card Employer Portal User Guide · New Card Purchase-create a new purchase for an ECS card. This option allows a purchase order to be created separately to the application process,


If the employee already holds a craft card, only the option to Renew will be shown. You will not be able to apply for an initial craft card.

The system will assume you are either maintaining or improving the current level/occupation/grade – e.g. if a craft card is already held will not be able to drop down to an unskilled card

It will give you the option of applying for a card type that isn’t already held, e.g. initial managers card.

After selecting the card type and clicking the blue ‘Create New Application Now’, this creates an entry in the ‘Applications being Filled In’ section.

Click on the Application Ref. No. and it presents a dashboard for that employee. The areas or sections shown in red require completion in order to finalise the application.

You can either click to edit each tile as shown below, or click on the ‘Step Through’ button which will take you through each stage you need to complete.

If you use the Step Through process, you’ll see a status bar overview of the application that shows the relevant parts of the application that needs to be made:

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Any box with red shading needs to be completed, or the information added/updated. However, you can also access any of the green sections to edit existing details on file, for instance to add a new photo or latest qualifications.

Complete each section as needed and click Next Step to take you through the stages.

Here’s an overview of the sections you’ll need to complete as part of the application process:

1. Applicant Details

Here you can upload the employee’s photograph. If a photograph was taken at their H&S assessment, it should already be displayed here. If you are uploading your own photo please ensure it adheres to the ECS Photo Guidance in the Policies and Documents section of the ECS website.

2. Apprenticeship

If the applicant is a JIB registered apprentice it will show the details here. If the employee is applying for an ECS gold card, they will need to complete the apprenticeship and submit the JIB409 Apprentice Completion Form.

3. Qualifications & Supporting Docs

Here is where you add all relevant qualifications. The qualifications you list here need to, as a minimum, meet the requirements of the card type you are applying for. These can be found at

To add a qualification, use the search bar and enter at least three characters of the qualification title and/or number.

Once you have selected the correct qualification, enter the date it was achieved. You then have the option of saving and either uploading the evidence/certificate now, or later. If you select Later, use the Documents & Evidence icon on the status bar to add at a later date.

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Make sure the qualification title you hold matches the drop down qualification you select – it must be a correct match in order to avoid processing delays. It’s a good idea to compare the exact qualification title on your certificate with those available on the drop downs to find the match.

For example if you search NVQ Level 3 it will bring ALL the NVQs available, therefore be sure to select the correct title:

4. Occupations & Grading

The occupations and grading that you are eligible for will be linked to the qualifications you have uploaded on the previous section. On this screen you’ll see:

1) Select the card type you want – drop down to select the relevant choice 2) Select your Occupational Definitions 3) Select your JIB Grade 4) Endorsement – this is required at initial application or re-grading*

Any red shaded boxes will provide guidance on potential errors or missing qualifications that are needed for your chosen occupation or grade.

* you either need to set someone with permission to do the grading endorsement, or you can choose to be the endorser yourself.

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Once you have made a selection from the drop downs, a red box appears (as below). This means the qualifications currently stored in the previous section need to be matched against the requirements of the card you are applying for. Click Save and Check Qualifications to continue and address this issue.

If your qualifications do not match the card requirements, you’ll be presented with the help screen below that gives advice on which qualifications are needed to achieve your chosen card/occupation/grade.

If you have evidence of the qualifications or requirements listed, please go back to the Qualifications & Supporting Docs section to amend or update the details. If you do not have the qualification required, you will need to change the occupation or grade requested, and then Save & Check again. Please refer to for full requirements for the card you are applying for.

5. Health & Safety Awareness

If the H&S assessment and successfully passed within the last two years it will be shown here. If the candidate needs to complete the assessment and/or upload a document, to prove the relevant exemption, this will need to be done before the application can be completed.

The Employer Portal is complemented by the in-company ECS H&S system which is available to JIB and ECA member companies.

The list of qualifying exemptions are provided in a drop down box and you must provide evidence for any exemption you select.

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6. Collaborations & Endorsements

This section allows you to request additional endorsements for a card. For each item you must provide additional evidence i.e. proof of membership of the IET.

7. Documents & Evidence

This section provides an overview of all the qualifications you have selected previously – any outstanding evidence that needs to be uploaded is shown in red. Tick the box to the left of each item and select ‘Upload Evidence of X Items Now’

Each item of evidence can either be copied into a single document before sending, or can be uploaded as individual documents. The employer portal will not read zipped files. It is better to upload multiple documents if needed.

The proof of qualification must be a clear scan/reproduction of the original certificate; the JIB reserves the right to request original copies as part of the verification process.

8. Finalise & Review

After clicking Finalise & Review you’ll be presented with the Applicant dashboard. If there are still missing areas you’ll see the red boxes with data for completion.

If all items are complete you’ll see a green box which allows you to Finalise and submit the application

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Once you finalise an application it moves into the Awaiting Purchase section.

2.3.2 Replacement Card and Renewal Cards For replacement and renewal cards, follow the steps as per section 2.3.1 above – the process is more or less identical to that of applying for a new card. The main difference is you’ll see most of the fields and sections pre-populated with the data we already have on file for that cardholder.

If it’s just a straight Renewal, please just ensure the applicant’s photograph and H&S assessment are up to date. You also have the opportunity to edit any of the existing information if you would like to add qualifications or change contact details for instance.

2.4 Creating a new card purchase Employers with multiple offices – please ensure you read section Appendix A so you’re aware of issues linked to allocating purchases to different offices.

This section allows you to raise a purchase order to pay for cards, and assign purchase orders against their relevant card application/s.

Select ‘New Card Purchase’ from the Purchases main menu and enter the required information in the fields/drop-downs as shown:

Your Reference/PO Number

Raised at level of: specify here if relevant which office the order should be logged against

Billing to Office: specify to which office the order should be charged

Deliver to Office: the ECS card/s this purchase relates to will be delivered to this office

Accounts Contact: the named person to contact in relation to this order. If you have entered an accounts contact under your Employer Details screen, this section will auto-populate

Delivery to the attention of: the contact the ECS cards should be addressed to

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Once all fields are complete, click Create Purchase and Leave Open.

The ‘Open Purchases’ screen will automatically open and your purchase should now appear here, either in isolation or with a list of other open purchases if you have them in hand.

When the order is complete clicking on Generate Proforma will produce a PDF will open in a new window. Depending on your browser you may be prompted to open it separately.

Now you have to assign a card application to the purchase order you have just created.

Assuming you have finalised the card application/s in question, go to the ‘Awaiting Purchase’ section under the Applications main menu

Click the green trolley icon at the far right of their entry, and you’ll be presented with a box that allows you to add the application to an existing purchase

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Drop down to select your chosen purchase order and the details of the order will appear. Check all details and select one of the three options in the coloured buttons:

Close purchase and proceed to payment

Close purchase but pay later

Add to purchase but leave open

If you select ‘Confirm Purchase and Proceed to Payment’, you’ll be given a number of options:

Pay by Credit/Debit Card (any amount can be paid when using a credit or debit card)

Pay by BACS – please ensure you use the reference shown on your BACS payment in order for the application and payment to be allocated correctly by the ECS team (there is a minimum BACS payment of £250).

Use Advance Purchase funds – if you have already allocated a batch of money via the pre-pay advance purchase system, you can draw from it here to pay for your application (once the payment has been made, any amount of card order can be made up to the balance held. In the case of a short fall for an order this can be covered by either of the payment options above).

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Once complete, the application will move into the ‘Purchases Awaiting Payment’ section – this is where the ECS team hold the applications until payment has been received at their end.

2.5 Making an Advance Purchase Rather than paying for each card on a case-by-case basis, you may wish to allocate a batch of money that can held on the system and drawn on for each card application. This can be done via the Advance Purchase section.

Go to ‘New Advance Purchase’ under the Purchases main menu

The first part of the screen follows the same format as the normal purchases. Complete the follow sections:

Your Reference/PO Number

Raised at level of: specify here if relevant which office the order should be logged against

Billing to Office: specify to which office the order should be charged

Accounts Contact: the named person to contact in relation to this order. If you have entered an accounts contact under your Employer Details screen, this section will auto-populate.

Advance purchases can be made in batches of £250, so use the Quantity drop down on the left to select how much you would like to buy, before clicking either the green or yellow buttons to purchase either via credit card or BACS.

Please follow the on screen instructions to complete your purchase.

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Once the purchase is finalised, you should be able to see your purchase under the Financial History section for your reference, where you can also generate a Proforma Invoice and view details of the order by clicking on the blue cross next to the relevant purchase.

2.6 Adding or editing permissions for staff administering the portal

2.6.1 Adding a new member of staff and allocating permissions If you’d like to add a new member of staff or edit the rights of an existing user, go to the Administer Users page under the main Administration menu button. To add a new user, click the green button:

Where requested, enter their name, email address and mobile number. It’s important the correct mobile number for that user is provided, as a passcode will be sent to their phone each time they need to log onto the portal. Click ‘Add/Create’ to save.

Mobile number formatting: please enter the mobile number with 44 instead of the initial zero, with no spaces, e.g. 447780123456 - anything outside of this format will mean the passcode will not get through to the user.

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You’ll be returned to the Users page where your new addition will be listed, with no icons yet in the ‘Roles’ field. To assign permissions to this user, click on the pencil icon in their table entry.

This presents a range of options for you to select – tick the relevant permissions you’d like to assign to this user:

Once you’ve selected your chosen permissions, click to Save Changes.

The new user will receive an email confirming their registration, along with a username and a password. They will need to click on the link in the email to activate the registration and start using the system.

Please ensure you notify the user in question to inform them about the Employer Portal, their permissions and what they need to do next.

2.6.2 Summary of permission levels available When you first receive access to the Employer Portal, the designated user will need to set up relevant permissions for other colleagues to use the system – for instance an administrator to add employers, a technical manager to endorse grading, an accounts person just to make purchase orders and pay etc.

The Portal has various permission levels to allow or limit access as needed.

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A summary of the permissions available on the portal are:

Employee Details

Can view employees

Can add employees

Can leave employees

Can change employee details


Can view purchases

Can create new purchases

Can add to existing purchases

Can complete purchases

Employee Card Applications

Can view card applications

Can fill in applications

Can finalise applications

Application Endorsement

Can endorse a change in grading

Can endorse Qualified Supervisor status

User Administration

Can add users

Can remove users

Can change user permissions

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Can reset user passwords

Other Administration

Can create company groups

Can edit employer details

2.6.3 Editing permissions for an existing user Go to the Administer Users page under the main Administration menu button. Identify the user in question and click on the pencil icon alongside the user’s existing roles.

Here you’ll be presented with the existing permissions - tick or untick each category as needed before clicking to Save Changes.

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2.7 Editing office details and main contacts To edit any office/contact details, click edit in the blue address box on the dashboard:

After clicking Edit, under the Contact Points heading there are two tabs that you can personalise – Account Contact and ECS Cards Contact. These are not mandatory but if you complete the Accounts Contact it will auto populate the relevant field during the purchasing process, therefore saving you time at that point. The ECS Cards Contact will also auto populate as part of the purchasing process and your ECS cards will be delivered to this person.

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Appendix A Employers with Multiple Offices – additional points to note A.1 Office selection and screen displays If you are an employer with multiple offices in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the ECS team will enter the offices in the admin system before you start using the portal.

Once your offices are on the system, you have the facility to allocate employees, cards and budgets to specific offices.

If you wish to do this, it’s important to remember that the data presented on your employees, applications and purchases will be specific to the office you

currently have selected.

For instance, if ‘All Offices’ is selected with no dropdown in the ‘8 offices’ field (this will display your relevant number of sites) in the top breadcrumb trail you’ll see a full list of employees:

If you drop down and select ‘London’ for instance, only the employees you have logged against London will show.

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You can hit the red cross to the right of the office name at any time to return to the All Offices view and full list.

The same applies to the Applications and Purchases screens. If you have a regional office selected as shown above, it will only display applications and/or purchases relating to that office.

So, please ensure you are have the correct office selected and/or are working on an All Office basis, otherwise you may be searching for an entry that will not display.

Should you not wish to use the office allocation facilities, you can just choose to allocate employees, cards and purchases at a top level company-wide basis by remaining in your head office at all times and not selecting an office in the drop-down.

A.2 Viewing and editing office details By expanding the blue Office dashboard strip underneath your main company details you’ll be presented with a list of your offices, main contact details and if you have any advance purchase balance allocated to each office. By clicking on the blue office title you’ll be able to edit the office details.

The blue bar above drops down to this:

After clicking on the required office name as shown above, the main edit screen will first present two fields:

Office Name: this is set by the JIB – if you would like this changing, please contact us

Known As (In Portal): you can set this as required, for however you wish it to show on your system. If you edit this field it will update the ‘Office Name’ column in the dashboard panel shown directly above and in other areas where the office name is displayed.

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Underneath this, alongside the Main Details there are two further tabs that you can personalise – Account Contact and ECS Cards Contact. These are not mandatory but if you complete the Accounts Contact it will auto populate the relevant field during the purchasing process, therefore saving you time at that point.

The ECS Cards Contact will also auto populate as part of the purchasing process and your ECS cards will be delivered to this person.

A.3 Allocating Staff to Offices When you are adding a new employee to the system (as per section 2.1.2), at the confirmation stage you’ll see a drop down list to confirm which office they should be allocated to:

If you have existing members of staff on the system and need to view/re-allocate their office, by clicking on their name in your Current Employees list you’ll be presented with their personal profile page.

The bottom left hand tile states ‘Working in Company Office’ and shows the current office they are allocated to.

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If you wish to amend this go to Add new Employee in the main menu and enter their NI number, DOB and surname.

If all details are correct you’ll see this confirmation screen. Here you can drop down at the bottom and allocate an office and start date before saving.

A.4 Setting up Groups The portal also allows you to set up Groups, where you might group particular offices together to reflect certain regions or cost centres.

Go to ‘Administer Groups’ in the Administration main menu. Click on ‘Create New’

Specify a name for your Group and click Yes to save.

You’ll then see your new group listed on the Groups page, currently with 0 offices.

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To put offices into this group, open the All Offices bar and tick the required offices. Click the green button to complete the action.

You’ll be asked which group you’d like to allocate the selected offices to – drop down to find the new group you’ve just set up.

NB: the offices will not be deleted out of the ‘All Offices’ group once you’ve ticked them, they’ll stay in place but just a copy taken for your new group.

Once you have set up a group you can allocate purchases to it if required.

A.5 Allocating staff permissions against offices For security, if you wish to allocate certain staff only to particular offices, you can do so via the Administer Users section under the Administration menu button.

Once on the page, scroll down past your top-level company wide users and you’ll see your offices and groups (if applicable) listed:

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Use the black arrow to open up your chosen office or group and click Add User

From here you can either select one of your existing users and add them to this office or group, or create a new user. Follow the steps in section 2.4.2 to create a new entry and then assign permissions to that person.