Economy ppt

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1. Trade and economy in Mlaga 2. Summary The fundation of the city of Mlaga The port of Mlaga Philloxera plague in Mlaga and its recovery Since the philloxera present Presentlly The economy of Mlaga Agriculture and ranching Fishing Industry and trade Tourism 3. The Foundation of the City of Mlaga In the eighth century BC , the Phoenicians founded Malaka , origin of the current city of Mlaga , it was founded with old people , people of Iberian blood, a 'cultural class 'below them , with whom they mixed . The Phoenicians developed trade, introduced olive oil , salting techniques , metal melting , minting of coins, etc. . 4. The Port of Mlaga The port of Mlaga appears this new century undertaking a complete up- dating of its facilities and creating new spaces to the south. 5. Phylloxera plague in Malaga and its RecoveryIn 1877 the plague reached Mlaga fields , and caused significant damage to one of the pillars of the economy in the area, the wine sector. 6. Since the phylloxera present Gradually the wine production was recovering from the plague until now , the Mlaga wines have achieved worldwide recognition again , and today we are Designation of Origin Sierra de Mlaga and Mlaga. 7. Presentlly... The economy of Mlaga Mlaga is a commercial city and has in the tourism, an increasing source of income ,fomented by the important airport, besides the tourism of cruises , cultural and urban. The port of Mlaga has been turned into a base port of cruises as well as an important place of container traffic. 8. Agriculture and ranching We mainly grow citrus fruits (orange and lemon) basically and other fruit trees such as the medlar and the avocado, and also cane of sugar and some vegetables. The main agriculture of dry land are carobs, almonds and olives . There are also vineyards. The most important cattle herds are the goatish, and the equine, this last one used mainly for escaping and sports. 9. Fishing The port of Mlaga is the base of one of five fishermen's confraternities that exist in the province. Its fishing-ground is in the Alborn sea, due to the fact that it is a zone of meeting of the Mediterranean and Atlantic waters. The most common species fished there are: anchovies, the carabineros ( a kind of big prawn), sea crabs, shrimps, mackerels, soles, hakes, octopuses and sardines. 10. Industry and trade Mlaga companies are in the head in number of franchises, some of them are Almeida Travel (tourism), Top Digital (mobile telephony) and Charanga (children's clothes), all of them based on about 200 cities in the world. The big business of the city is shown in the big number of shops that are in the city. 11. Tourism Mlaga is the principal door of entry to the Costa del Sol. the tourist activity has been increased in the last years by the improvement of the communications, the new cultural facilities and the renovation and increase of the hotel sector. The starting up of the AVE Crdoba - Mlaga and the adequacy of the port to receive big cruises ,have multiplied the arrival of tourists coming from Madrid and other Spanish cities and of international crucerists as well. 12. The hotel sector in the city is one the best valued in Spain. The cultural tourism, represents almost a 1 % of the provincial GDP, of which slightly more than the half comes from the city of Mlaga. The holy week and the film festival of Mlaga attract tourists very much.