Economic Overview - Fraser Coast (R)

Fraser Coast Regional Council Fraser Coast Opportunities [December 2012] Economic Overview – Fraser Coast (R)


An economic overview of the Fraser Coast Local Government area.

Transcript of Economic Overview - Fraser Coast (R)

Page 1: Economic Overview - Fraser Coast (R)

Fraser Coast Regional Council

Fraser Coast Opportunities 

[December 2012] 

EconomicOverview –FraserCoast(R)

Page 2: Economic Overview - Fraser Coast (R)

Page | 1 2011, ABS, Census JTW Employment Data 2008 / 2009, ABS, National Input Output Tables Docs#2334258 June 2012, ABS, Gross State Product

Table of Contents

Overview ......................................................................... 1

GRP expenditure .............................................................. 1

Output ............................................................................ 2

Employment .................................................................... 3

Wages and salaries ........................................................... 4

Local sales ...................................................................... 5

Regional exports .............................................................. 6

Local expenditure ............................................................. 7

Regional imports .............................................................. 8

Value added .................................................................... 9

Disclaimer: The industrial economic data presented in this report has been sourced by REMPLAN. All figures, data and commentary presented in this report are based on data sourced from the Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS), most of which relates to the 2011, 2006 and 2001 Censuses. This report is provided in good faith with every effort made to provide accurate data and apply comprehensive knowledge. However Council cannot guarantee the accuracy of data nor the conclusions drawn from this information. A decision to pursue any action in any way related to the figures, data and commentary presented in this report is wholly the responsibility of the party concerned. Council advises any part to conduct detailed feasibility studies and seek professional advice before proceeding with any such action and accept no responsibility for the consequences of pursuing any such action.

Page 3: Economic Overview - Fraser Coast (R)

Page | 1 2011, ABS, Census JTW Employment Data 2008 / 2009, ABS, National Input Output Tables June 2012, ABS, Gross State Product

OVERVIEW Total area is 7,116.7 km2, or 0.4% of the total area of Queensland.

Population 95,310

Projected population as at 30 June 2031 is expected to be approximately 164,143 persons

GRP EXPENDITURE The Gross Regional Product for Fraser Coast Region (R) was calculated using the Expenditure method.

GRP is the total value of final goods and services produced in the region over the period of one year. As can be seen from the table, this includes exports but subtracts imports.

GRP can be measured by adding up all forms of final expenditure:

consumption by households

consumption by governments

additions or increases to assets (minus disposals)

exports (minus imports)

This calculation does not include intermediate expenditure as this would lead to double counting (the wheat and flour in a loaf of bread).

GRP Expenditure Method $M

Household Consumption $3,378.899

Government Consumption $888.951

Private Gross Fixed Capital Expenditure $1,125.281

Public Gross Fixed Capital Expenditure $270.541

Gross Regional Expenses $5,663.673

plus Exports $1,576.263

minus Domestic Imports -$3,415.376

minus Overseas Imports -$583.764

Gross Regional Product $3,240.795

Population 95,310

Per Capita GRP ($'000) $34.003

Per Worker GRP ($'000) $121.556

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OUTPUT This shows the gross revenue generated by businesses and organisations in Fraser Coast (R). The total output estimate is $6,239.509 million.

The major contributors to output are:

Industry Sector $M %

Manufacturing $1,342.377 21.5

Rental, hiring and real estate services $725.520 11.6

Construction $598.076 9.6

Other $3,573.536 57.3

Output data represents the gross revenue generated by businesses/organisations in each of the industry sectors in a defined region. Gross revenue is also referred to as total sales or total income.

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EMPLOYMENT This shows the number of employees whose place of work is located with Fraser Coast (R). The total employment estimate is 26,661 jobs.

The major contributors to employment are:

Industry Sector Jobs %

Health care and social assistance 4,774 17.9

Retail trade 3,729 14.0

Education and training 2,691 10.1

Other 15,467 58.0

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WAGES AND SALARIES This shows the wages and salaries paid to employees who work in Fraser Coast (R). The total wages and salaries estimate is $1,596.110 million.

The major contributors to wages and salaries are:

Industry Sector $M %

Health care and social assistance $273.694 17.1

Manufacturing $212.777 13.3

Education and training $170.439 10.7

Other $939.200 58.8

The total Wages and Salaries paid by businesses/organisations in each of the industry sectors in a defined region.

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LOCAL SALES This shows the goods and services produced in Fraser Coast (R) which are sold to local industry sectors as input into production and for value-adding. The total local sales estimate is $1,843.747 million.

The major contributors to local sales are:

Industry Sector $M %

Manufacturing $362.687 19.7

Construction $207.473 11.3

Professional, scientific and technical services $193.057 10.5

Other $1,080.529 58.5

The value of goods and services produced in the region which are sold to local industry sectors as intermediate inputs into production and for further value-adding.

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Page | 6 2011, ABS, Census JTW Employment Data 2008 / 2009, ABS, National Input Output Tables Docs#2334258 June 2012, ABS, Gross State Product

REGIONAL EXPORTS This shows the goods and services produced by industry sectors in Fraser Coast (R) which are sold to consumers, businesses, and governments based outside the region’s boundaries. The total regional export estimate is $1,566.757 million.

Major contributors to regional exports are:

Industry Sector $M %

Manufacturing $768.892 49.1

Electricity, gas, water and waste services $145.691 9.3

Accommodation and food services $94.293 6.0

Other $557.881 35.7

Regional exports data represents the value ($) of goods and services exported outside of the defined region that have been generated by businesses/organisations in each of the industry sectors within the region. No distinction is made between domestic and internal exports.

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LOCAL EXPENDITURE This shows the value of intermediate goods and services purchased by industry sectors within Fraser Coast (R). The total local expenditure estimate is $1,843.747 million.

The major contributors to local expenditure are:

Industry Sector $M %

Manufacturing $350.862 19.0

Construction $309.497 16.8

Rental, hiring and real estate services $167.080 9.1

Other $1,016.308 55.1

The value of intermediate goods and services purchased by local industry sectors from other industry sectors within the region.

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Page | 8 2011, ABS, Census JTW Employment Data 2008 / 2009, ABS, National Input Output Tables Docs#2334258 June 2012, ABS, Gross State Product

REGIONAL IMPORTS This shows the intermediate goods and services which are imported into Fraser Coast (R) by industry sectors. The total regional import estimate is $1,493.127 million.

The major contributors to regional imports are:

Industry Sector $M %

Manufacturing $672.553 45.0

Construction $105.603 7.1

Accommodation and food services $100.013 6.7

Other $614.958 41.2

Regional exports data represents the value ($) of goods and services exported outside of the defined region that have been generated by businesses/organisations in each of the industry sectors within the region. No distinction is made between domestic and international exports.

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Page | 9 2011, ABS, Census JTW Employment Data 2008 / 2009, ABS, National Input Output Tables Docs#2334258 June 2012, ABS, Gross State Product

VALUE ADDED This shows the value that is added by industry sectors in Fraser Coast (R) to intermediate inputs. The total-added estimate is $2,902.635 million.

The major contributors to value added are:

Industry Sector $M %

Rental, hiring and real estate services $469.699 16.2

Health care and social assistance $326.351 11.2

Manufacturing $318.961 11.0

Other $1,787.624 61.6

Represents the marginal economic value that is added by each industry sector in a defined region. Value-added can be calculated by subtracting local expenditure and expenditure on regional imports from the output generated by an industry sector, or alternatively, by adding the wages and salaries paid to local employees, the gross operating surplus and taxes on products and production. Value-added by industry sector is the major element in the calculation of gross regional product.

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