Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation...

Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration 2003-2005
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Page 1: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and

seedlings in forest trees.

A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses

Project BRG-Regeneration 2003-2005

Page 2: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Reproduction cycle in trees


SEEDLINGSdispersal then germination




growth / mortality

Pollen Ovules


Sexual allocation

Pseudo -cycle :

Evolution in space

And in demographic and genetic composition

growth / mortality

Page 3: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Experimental « calibration » of input factors: project BRG-Reneration, 6 species

Demographic et genetic evolutions in natural regenerationFrom seed… … sapling

Impact of : sur :

A) Stand structure (seed trees density) -> mating system, seed genetic quality (in situ) [1]

B) Temporal variation in fertility, phenology -> mating system, seed genetic quality (in situ + simulation)[5]

C) Seed G.Q. in controlled conditions -> phenotypic value of des saplings (ex situ : germination test in lab, nursery) [2]

D) Seed G.Q. in natural conditions -> demography (survival, growth) : installing sapling plots in forest (in situ) [3]E) Q. G. of natural regeneration -> demography (survival, growth) : monitoring natural regeneration in forest . (in situ) [4]



[2]ex situ

[3] in situ [4]

Page 4: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Simulation model (TranspopRege, under Capsis4)

Page 5: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Input and output variables



Growth / mortality


Pollen dispersal


Pollen Ovules

Male versus female fertility

Density, spatial distributionPhenotypic diversityGenetic diversity and structure

Seed dispersal then germinationSEEDLINGS

Genetic quality:― Level of diversity (drift)― Spatial structure

Page 6: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.


•How these different processes (adult stand characteristics), mating system, survival rate) respectively affect saplings genetic quality (factor screening)•How the way each process is modeled affects the output variable

• “The study of how the variation in the output of a model (numerical or otherwise) can be apportioned (qualitatively or quantitatively) to different sources of uncertainty in the model input” Andrea Saltelli, Sensitivity Analysis

• Originally, SA focuses on uncertainty in model inputs, then by extension to the very structure of the model (hypothesis, specification)

What is sensitivity analyses ?

Page 7: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Sensitivity analyses : Morris method

Screening the factors that mostly affect the variance of output variable (Y)

Economic method in terms of computation/simulation (# evaluations = a# parameters)

Identifying factor(s) that can be fixed without significant reduction in Y variance

Page 8: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Method presentation

• k input factors X

• Each factor Xi takes p values

• Variation space = grid kp

• Elementary effect of factor Xi :


)( 111 xyxxxxxyxd kiii


=incremented ratio defined in a point x of the variation space

Property : the transformed point x+eiΔ also belongs to the variation space

Page 9: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Distribution of elementary effects associated to factor Xi = Fi

• # of elementary effects = )1(1 pppk

• Gi = distribution of absolute values of elementary effects (Campogolo et al. 2003)

k = 2p = 5Δ = 1/4



Page 10: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

How to measure the sensitivity of Y to factor Xi (Fi, Gi)

• μ = mean of distribution Fi • μ* = mean of distribution Gi

• σ = standard deviation of distribution Fi

• High μ* value & low μ value large effect of factor Xi + effects of different signs according to the point in space where it is computed

• High σ value the values of elementary effect are greatly affected by the point in space where they are computed (strong interaction with other factors)

Page 11: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

An exemple of graphical representation of Morris sensitivity measures



Page 12: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Estimation of the distribution statistics (μ*, μ and σ )

• Problem = sampling r elementary effects associated to factor Xi

• # runs needed to obtain r values of each Fi, 1≤i ≤k : n=2rk ↔ économy = rk/2rk=1/2

Morris sampling method• B* = matrix k k+1, each row = input parameter set

so that k+1 runs allow estimating k elementary effects ↔ economy = k/k+1– Choice of p and Δ:

• p uniforme entre 0 et 1• Δ = p/[2(p-1)]

Page 13: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Morris sampling method

• Randomly select an input parameter set x*; each xi drawn randomly in {0,1/p-1, 2/p-1,…, 1}

• 1rst sampling point x(1) : obtained by incrementing one or more elements in x* by Δ

• 2d sampling point x(2) : obtained < x(1) so that x(2) ≠ x(1) only at its ith component (+/- Δ), i Є {1,2,..,k}

• 3rd sampling point x(3): so that x(3) ≠ x(2) only at its jth component (+/- Δ), j Є {1,2,..,k}

• … Two consecutive points differ only for one

component, and each component iof the base vector x* is selected at least once to be increased by Δ

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Orientation matrix B*Example of trajectory for

k = 3

Page 15: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.


• For a given trajectory, k+1 evaluation of the model, and each elementary effect associated with each factor ican be computed as : :










• With r trajectories, one can estimate :


ji rd




ji rd


2 /

Page 16: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.






Triangular matrix, (k+1)k, with two consecutive rows

differing only for one column But the elementary effects produced would not

be random








' BB



1. Which orientation matrix B* ??

Page 17: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Consider a model with 2 input factors taking their values in {0, 1/3, 2/3, 1}; we have a k=2; p=4; Δ=2/3.





* ,1,1 PJDJBB kkkk


















1. Which orientation matrix B* ??






Diaginal D matrix with either 1 or -1 randomly

Page 18: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

2. Choice of p = number and value of the levels of the input factors

• If Xi follows a uniform law divide the interval of variation in equalsegments

• For any other distribution, select the levels in the quantiles of the distributions

• # of p-values ?– Linked to r : if r small, p high is of no use

– Simulation study show that p=4 and r=10 not bad


Page 19: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Conclusion on Morris method

• Elementary effect are basically local sensitivity measures

• But through μ* & μ, Morris method can be seen as global

• Do not allow to separate the effects of interaction between factors from that of non linearity of the model.

Page 20: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Simulation model (TranspopRege, under Capsis4)

Page 21: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Adult stand

Input parameters in TranspopRege

Density (1P)

Spatial distribution : Neyman Scott (1P)

Mean and sd diameter (2P)

# locus, # allèles (1P)

Spatial genetic structure (1P)

Mating system

Growth, mortality

Page 22: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Input parameters in TranspopRege

1. Density/distribution of adult trees

Poisson, 100 trees, DBH = 50 cm, σ = 7 cm Neyman Scott, 100 arbres, 10 agrégats (~ 50 m) DBH = 50 cm, σ = 7 cm

Page 23: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Poisson, 100 trees, DBH = 50 cm, σ = 7 cm Poisson, 100 trees, DBH = 50 cm, σ = 14 cm

Input parameters in TranspopRege 2. Phenotype/Genotype of adult trees

Page 24: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Adult stand

Mating system

Growth, mortality

Input parameters in TranspopRege

Pollen dispersal type (panmixy/ibd = 1TP)

Mean distance and form of pollen dispersal function (2P)

Mean distance and form of seeds dispersal function(2P)

Male fecundity = f (diameter) (1P)

Female fecundity = f(diameter, year, individual) (3P)

Page 25: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Input parameters in TranspopRege 3. Panmixy/ isolation by distance

Random pollen dispersal

Adult under considerationMaternal progenyPaternal progenySelfed progeny

Dispersal folowing a gaussian law

Page 26: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.







exp )/2(Γ π2


b = 2 Normale b = 1 ExponentielleAutres b : Exponentielle puissance

b > 1 « light-tailed »b < 1 «fat-tailed»

Input parameters in TranspopRege 4. Pollen/seed dispersal function

Page 27: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Input parameters in TranspopRege 5. Fecundity = f(diameter)

Page 28: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Input parameters in TranspopRege 5. Fecundity = f(diameter)

Depends on tree growth model

Model with year effect : cones ~ A * (cir - 100)^0.25 - (2.8 * A + 25.7)+ stochastic variability

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Ne ~ (4N-2) / (V+2)

(Krouchi et al, 2004)

Input parameters in TranspopRege 6. Stochastic variations in female fecundity

(example : cedrus atlantica)

Page 30: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Input parameters in TranspopRege 7. Male fecundity vs female fecundity

Page 31: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Adult stand

Mating system

Growth, mortality

Input parameters in TranspopRege

Mortality = f(genotype, survival rate on plot) (2P)

Page 32: Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees. A simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses Project BRG-Regeneration.

Adult stand

Mating system

Growth, mortality

Input parameters in TranspopRege




15 parametersr = 100 > 20 trajectories

1600 runs > 320 runs

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Problems…solutions ?

• Script mode OK, but within simulation, out of memory errors

• Necessity to include routine for population genetics computation