ecce Sok sokho medit

កកកកកកកកកកកកកកកកកក កកកកកកក Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Cambodia Mr. Prak Kosal, Director of ECE Dept., MoEYS E-mail: [email protected]

Transcript of ecce Sok sokho medit

Page 1: ecce Sok sokho medit

ការអប់�រ�កុ�មារតូ�ចនៅ�កុម្ពុ��ជាEarly Childhood Education (ECE) in


Mr. Prak Kosal, Director of ECE Dept., MoEYSE-mail: [email protected]

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• នៅ�កាយថ្ងៃ��រ�នៅ�� ៧ ម្ពុកុរា ១៩៧៩ ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%បានចាប់�ដំ*នៅ+, រការនៅ-,ងវ /ញដំ�ច

នៅសិវាអប់�រ�ដំ2ថ្ងៃ3នៅ34តូដែដំរ សិ6$តូនៅ�នៅ�កាម្ពុការ�7ប់��7ងរប់សិ��កុ 8ម្ពុការងារអប់�រ�ច*នៅ+�

3�នៅ:ន$ងម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%• After the Liberation day (7th January 1979), Preschool Education was established

by a technical working group of General Education and Preschool Education

• ឆ្នាំ< *១៩៨៦ បានផ្លា@ សិ�ប់!�ររចនាសិម្ពុ�BនCនៅ:ជានា.ច*នៅន�3�នៅ:ន$ងម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%

តាម្ពុរយDនៅសិចកុ!,សិនៅ�ម្ពុចនៅEខ ៦២ អរ.ចតូ ច��ថ្ងៃ��3,១២ ដែខនៅម្ពុសា ឆ្នាំ< *១៩៨៦• In 1986, the above working group changed to Department of General Education

and Preschool Education via Regulation No 62Gr>ct, 12 April 1986

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• ឆ្នាំ< *១៩៩៩ នា.ច*នៅន�3�នៅ:ន$ងម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ% បានប់*ដែប់កុជាពី,រ7I

នា.ច*នៅន�3�នៅ: ន$ង នា.ប់ឋម្ពុន$ង ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ% តាម្ពុ

�ប់កាសិនៅEខ ៣០៦អយកុ.�ប់កុ ច��ថ្ងៃ��3,០១ ដែខនៅម្ពុសា ឆ្នាំ< *

១៩៩៩ • In 1999, Department of General Education and Preschool was

divided into 2 departments: Department of General Secondary Education, and Department of Primary and Preschool Education via Regulation No 306Gyk>Rbk, 01 April 1999

សាវតា¼BACKROUND (Cont.)

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• ឆ្នាំ< *២០០២ នា.អប់�រ�កុ�មារតូ�ច �តូMវបានប់នៅងN,តូនៅ-,ង តាម្ពុ

អន��កុOតូ"នៅEខ ១០៤អន�កុ.ប់កុ ច��ថ្ងៃ��3,១៤ ដែខតូ�លា ឆ្នាំ< *


• In 2002, Early Childhood Education

Department was established via

sub-degree No 104 GnRk>bk,

14 October 2002

សាវតា¼BACKROUND (Cont.)

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ECE Update

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�កុប់ខB+U 7តូ$យ�តូ!/Regulations Framework

• ចVប់�សិ!,ពី,ការអប់�រ� ឆ្នាំ< *២០០៧: មា�តា ១៦ “រដំX�តូMវ គាំ*ពារន$ងអប់�រ�កុ�មារតូ�ច ចាប់�ពី,កុ�ម្ពុ$តូសិ�ន"ឆ្នាំ< *ម្ពុ�ន ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%ដែដំEជា3�នៅ:�ប់�ពីOតូ!នៅ�ទារកុ�X ន នៅ�សិហ7ម្ពុនB ឬនៅ�ផ្ទះ_�។ ការ អប់�រ�នៅ�ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ% �តូMវចាប់�អន�វតូ!ម្ពុ�នប់ឋម្ពុសិ$កុ% នៅដំ,ម្ពុS,

នៅ�តូ4ម្ពុEកុa+Dច�Eប់ឋម្ពុសិ$កុ%។ �កុសិbង33bEប់ន_�កុវ /សិBយ អប់�រ�ន$ង�កុសិbង សា6 ប់Bនពាកុ�ពីBនC �តូMវកុ*+តូ�ខ@Oម្ពុសារសិ!,ពី,ការ គាំ*ពារន$ងអប់�រ�កុ�មារតូ�ច។”

• Education Law in 2007: Article 16_The state shall support early childcare and childhood education from the age of zero to before kindergarten, generally provided at childcare centers, communities or at home. Kindergarten education shall commence education prior to primary education for preparation to attend primary school. The ministry in charge of education and other relevant ministries and institute shall determine the meaning of early childcare and childhood education.

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ដែផ្ទះនការយ�3Cសា�សិ!វ /សិBយអប់�រ� Education Strategic Plan (ESP)

នៅគាំEនៅdជាតូ$អប់�រ�សិ�មាប់�ទា*ងអសិ�គាំ< ន$ងនៅគាំEនៅdអភិ$វឌ្ឍgនB

សិហសិhវតូhរiកុម្ពុ��ជា Education for All (EFA) and Cambodia Millennium Development

Goals (CMDGs)

នៅគាំEននៅjបាយជាតូ$សិ!,ពី,ការគាំ*ពារ ន$ងអភិ$វឌ្ឍgនkកុ�មារតូ�ចNational Policy on Early Childhood Care and Development

កុlប់ខB+U 7តូ$យ�តូ!/Regulations Framework

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ECE Progress

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ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%រដំX/Formal Pre-School

ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%ឯកុជន¼Private Pre-School

ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%សិហ7ម្ពុន2¼Community Pre-School

កុម្ពុoវ /ធី,អប់�រ�កុ�មារតូ�ចតាម្ពុផ្ទះ_�¼Home-Based Education Program

កុម្ពុoវ /ធី,អប់�រ�មាតាប់$តា/Parental Education Program


ECE Progress

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• ៥ ៥៥៥៥៥៥៥ម្ពុតូlយ"សិ$កុ%មាន៥៨០៧សាលា/កុនlង៖

• All kind of preschool 5 807 include:• ៥ ៥៥៥ម្ពុតូlយ"សិ$កុ%រដំXមាន៣១៨៤/Formal preschool 3 184

• ៥៥៥ម្ពុតូlយ"សិ$កុ%ឯកុជនមាន៤០៣/Private preschool 403

• ៥ម្ពុតូlយ"សិ$កុ%សិហ7ម្ពុនk២ ២២០កុដែន@ង/Community preschool 2


វឌ្ឍgនភាពីនៅសិវាអប់�រ�កុ�មារតូ�ច ២០១៣-២០១៤ECE Progress in 2013-2014

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• ការអប់�រ�កុ�មារតូ�ចតាម្ពុផ្ទះ_�មាន ១៨១ សិlកុ៖

• Home Based programme 181 districts:

– មាតាប់$តាប់នៅងាs Eមាន ២ ៦០០នាកុ� / Core parents 2


– ៥៥៥៥ ៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥ ៥៥ ៥៥៥ប់lធានកុlម្ពុន$ងសិមាជ$កុមាតាប់$តាមាន៧៨៤៨៨

នាកុ� / Lead parents and parent member 78 488

វឌ្ឍgនភាពីនៅសិវាអប់�រ�កុ�មារតូ�ច ២០១៣-២០១៤ECE Progress in 2013-2014

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E3Cផ្ទះEនៅធី4ប់នOងច*+� ចនៅd ESP ឆ្នាំ< *សិ$កុ%២០១៣-១៤

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ភា7រយកុ�មារអាយ� ៥ឆ្នាំ< *33bEបានការអប់�រ� តាម្ពុរាជធាន, នៅខតូ! ឆ្នាំ< *សិ$កុ%


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ភា7រយកុ�មារអាយ�៣-៤ឆ្នាំ< * 33bEបានការអប់�រ� តាម្ពុរាជធាន, នៅខតូ! ឆ្នាំ< *សិ$កុ%


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ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%រដំXFormal Preschool (FPS)

ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%រដំX (កុ<�ងប់ឋម្ពុ ន$ង�ច�នៅ�យដែ-កុ) ដែចកុជា ៣

កុ�ម្ពុ$តូD កុ�ម្ពុ$តូទាប់ កុ�ម្ពុ$តូម្ពុធី"ម្ពុ ន$ង�ម្ពុ$តូខ�សិ� ដែដំE33bEកុ�មារអាយ�

ពី, ៣ នៅ:នៅ�កាម្ពុ ៦ឆ្នាំ< *

FPS (attach in primary school and independence) include

3 levels: Low level, Medium level, and high level to

accommodate children aged from 3 to under 6 years old.

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�7Mម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%រដំX 7Iជា�7M�កុប់ខ+U រដំX ដែដំE33bEបានការ

ប់+!� �ប់ណ្តា! EរយDនៅពីE ២ឆ្នាំ< * នៅ�សាលាម្ពុធី"ម្ពុសិ$កុ%ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"

ម្ពុជwOម្ពុ រាជធាន,ភិ<*នៅពីញ

o FPS teachers are the government officials who received 2 years pre-service training from the Preschool Teachers Training Center in Phnom Penh

ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%រដំXFormal Preschool (FPS)

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• ច*នៅពា�កុម្ពុoវ /ធី,សិ$កុ%សិ�មាប់�ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%រដំX នៅរ4ប់ច*នៅ�យ�កុសិbង

អប់�រ� យ�វជន ន$ងកុ,ឡា (នា.អកុតូ ន$ងអងsភាពីពាកុ�ពីBនC) នៅ�យ


• FPS curriculum is developed by Ministry of Education, Youth

and Sports (ECE dept. collaborate with relevance departments)

based on early learning development standard (ELDS)

ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%រដំXFormal Preschool (FPS)

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• ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%ឯកុជន មាន ២�ប់នៅភិ3៖– ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%ឯកុជន ដែដំEអន�វតូ!កុម្ពុoវ /ធី,ជាតូ$

– ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%ឯកុជន ដែដំEអន�វតូ!កុម្ពុoវ /ធី,អន!រជាតូ$

• 2 kind of private preschool:

• Private preschool that use national curriculum

• Private preschool that use international curriculum

ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%ឯកុជនPrivate Preschool

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• ការនៅចញអាជាz ប់B+U រប់សិ�ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%ឯកុជន មាន ២�ប់នៅភិ3៖– អតូ$�$ជនសិ�*នៅប់,កុដែតូម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ% �តូMវនៅចញនៅ�យ�ប់ធាន �ចកុនៅចញ-ច�Eដែតូម្ពុbយ

នៅ�តាម្ពុ�សិ 8កុ ខ+U

– អតូ$�$ជនសិ�*នៅប់,កុពី,ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%ដំE�ប់ឋម្ពុន$ងម្ពុធី"ម្ពុសិ$កុ% �តូMវនៅចញនៅ�យ


• 2 kind of License of private preschool:

• For client propose only private preschool will issued by one-window service at

districts level

• For client propose from preschool to primary school or secondary school will

issued by one-window service at MoEYS.

ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%ឯកុជនPrivate Preschool

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• បេ�សកកម្ម� ៖ ផ្ទះ!E�ជ*នាញន$ងច*នៅ+�ដំOងដំE�មាតាប់$តា សិ!,ពី,

អាហារ �ប់តូ6ម្ពុ| ការដែ�ទា*ដំ*ប់�ង ការអប់�រ�កុ�នដំ*ប់�ង ន$ងការប់lប់lសិ�នៅសិវា

សិ�ខាភិ$បាEដែដំEនៅ�ជ$តូផ្ទះ_�។ មាតាប់$តា/�7~សារ ដែដំEមានកុ�នអាយ�

នៅ�កាម្ពុ ៦ឆ្នាំ< *។

• Provide skills and knowledge to parents on

nutrition, first care, first education and using

health services near their houses. Especially the

parents who have children under 6 years old.

អប់�រ�កុ�មារតូ�ចតាម្ពុផ្ទះ_�Home Based Programme

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• បេ�លបេ៖ ៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥ ៥៥៥កុ�មារកុ<�ង7lសារទា*ងនៅន�នOងមានអាហារ �ប់តូ6ម្ពុ|33bEបាន


៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥ ៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥ ៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥ម្ពុ�E�X នដែដំEនៅ7តូlវការនៅដំ,ម្ពុS,តូlម្ពុEកុa+Dច�Eសាលានៅរ4នបានទាន�

នៅពីEនៅវលា• Number of Children in better care, nutrition, education, and

access to healthcare services and preparation before schooling.

អប់�រ�កុ�មារតូ�ចតាម្ពុផ្ទះ_�Home Based Programme

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• ទាកុ�3ងការអប់�រ�ដំ*ប់�ងD មាតាប់$តាជា7lដំ*ប់�ងឬអ<កុជbយកុ�ននៅ�យផ្លា_ E�

៥៥៥៥៥៥ ៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥ ៥៥៥៥៥៥៥តាម្ពុនៅពីEនៅវលា ន$ង3,កុនlងសិម្ពុសិlប់ដំ�ចជា៖ការអន�វតូ!សិកុម្ពុoភាពី

៥ ៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥ ៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥ ៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥៥ ៥៥៥ប់lចា*�lសិកុម្ពុoភាពីម្ពុ!ងមាN Eពីlតូ!ការពី$នៅសិសិប់នៅងN,តូប់រ /jកាសិនៅ�យ

កុ!,សិlឡាញ�ន$ងសិ�វតូ!$ភាពី• Education: Parents are their children teacher by using their available time

and suitable areas. Main topics for educating their children such as daily

life activities, periodic activities, special events, and especially to create

lovely and safety environment for their children development.

អប់�រ�កុ�មារតូ�ចតាម្ពុផ្ទះ_�Home Based Programme

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Some example of Home –based activities

អប់�រ�កុ�មារតូ�ចតាម្ពុផ្ទះ_�Home Based Programme

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ប់ញ្ហា� �ប់ឈម្ពុ

• កុង�D�7M ន$ងសិមា| ររ �ប់វន!

• កុម្ពុoវ /ធី,សិ$កុ%ម្ពុ$នទាន�នៅ�@,យតូប់ ELDS

• សិម្ពុតូ6ភាពី�7M ជាពី$នៅសិសិ�7Mប់ឋម្ពុប់នៅ�ង4ន ថ្នា< កុ�ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"


• ការគាំ*�3ន$ងការនៅE,កុ3Oកុច$តូ! សិ�មាប់��7M ម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"រដំX

ន$ងម្ពុនៅតូ!យ"សិ$កុ%សិហ7ម្ពុនk នៅ�ដែតូជាប់ញ្ហា� អា3$ភាពី

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