East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015



Students at East Palo Alto Academy publish advice for incoming students.

Transcript of East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Dear Fellow Students,

In some of the articles you may learn some new things. In the Fashion article you can learn different types of nail designs and colors .You will also learn how to remove it and apply a new color or design.The Nike Cortez is the first track shoe Nike made. The Nike Cortez was created in 1972 by Bill Bowerman. In the food section, you can learn about tongan and mexican food. Also it will show you some food you should not eat and some suggestions as to what restaurants to dine.There’s also food that people don’t know and are willing to try. In the culture section, you will learn some Low Riding and how to fix a car and also about the tongan history and the different types of dances and why we dance.

Sincerely, Fernanda, Brandon, Kathryn, Bryant

Hello sports fans, The sports section will talk to you about Soccer, Rugby, Skateboarding, Stadiums near the Bay Area, and sports gear. You will learn about teams in rugby and soccer, you will also learn about how to skate just in case you don’t know how to and wanna learn, also talk about gorgeous stadiums in the Bay Area, and learn a little bit about soccer cleats and what cleats are good for the style you play. In the rugby section we’ll talk about the “Road to the Rugby World Cup”. If you are a huge rugby fan, then you should know that there will be so much action that you do not want to miss. From rugby to football, not only speaking about the topics, but about NRL sensation Jarryd Hayne, or as we all know as the Hayne Plane making a switch from rugby league to the NFL. Read more about his switch in this sports section. We will also talk about the two best teams in Europe, FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. We will talk about the squad that the two teams have. Another thing we will talk about is about soccer cleats for people that are looking for some such as Adidas F­50, Nike Mercurial Superflys, and many more. We are also going to talk about stadiums in the Bay Area, what they include, and what teams play there. So keep reading, and learn about sports if you’re into them.

Sincerly, Alexis Dominguez and Teloma



East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Editor In Chief Juan Cordova Alexis Dominguez

Director Of Layout & Design Yarelly Ayala Jasmine Patiño

Lifestyle Editors Kathryn Fisiihoi Fernanda Rangel Sports Editors Alexis Dominguez Loma Tuamasaga Food Editors Fernanda Rangel Kathryn Fisiihoi Bryant Ortega

Authors Yarelly Ayala Jasmine Patiño Juan Cordova Jackie Chavez Kathryn Fisiihoi Fernanda Rangel Brandon Palominos Isabel Gomez

Advisor Matthew Andrews


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Table of Contents Editorials Page 1 Credits Page 2 Table of Contents Page 3

Lifestyle: Lowriding Page 5 Why do us Tongans dance? Page 6 Generation Z Page 7 How to sleep better Page 8 Transportation Methods Page 9 Music Page 10 Lightbulb Page 12 Preparing for 2020 Page 13

Food: Enchiladas Page 14 Tortas Page 14 Tongan Foods Page 15 Restaurant Page 17 Food You Shouldn’t Eat Page 17 Jack In The Box Page 18

Fashion: Nike Cortez Page 19 Nails Page 19


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Sports: 2015 RWC Page 20 The Hayne Plane Has Landed Page 21 Entertaining The World Skateboarding Page 22 Soccer Cleats Page 23 El Clasico Page 25 Stadiums from the Bay Area Page 26

Welcoming: Fresh Meat Page 27


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Lowriding By Brandon Palominos

Lowriding is not only a culture, but a way of life. Lowriding started during the

1950’s and the 60’s. It originated in Southern California. It gave Chicano’s a way to express themselves with pride and playfulness to mexican american culture. There are many crazy styles to lowriding, like installing lowered suspension or just hydraulic systems. Lowriding is still around to this day. Lowriding hasn’t only became a way to express yourself through art but it has also became a culture. There are many sideshows around the bay you can attend to see these amazing cars.

My personal favorite lowriders are the 1979 Monte Carlo,1964 Chevrolet Impala, and the 1965 Chevrolet Impala because of the strength in the motor. Lowriders have appeared in music videos and movies like the movie Straight Outta Compton. The thing I like the most about lowriders are the hydraulics and the artwork on the cars. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter if the car has artwork or not, the point is that it is a classic and it is still running which is also what I like about it. Lowriders are usually family projects because of how much it costs to build one. Lowriders can come up to cost more than 100,000 dollars or more. The most expensive parts on a lowrider are the interior, the hydraulics, the engine, and the artwork on the car. For more information on the history of lowriding, visit Bob Frost From the History Channel.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Why do Tongans Dance? By Kathryn Fisiihoi

In the tongan culture, there are about 150 islands, but the 4 major islands are Tongatapu, Vava’u, Ha’apai, and Niua. King George Tupou 1, was the first king of modern Tongan. He turned in Tongan into a modern states. Tongatapu is where the country’s capital, Nuku’alofa, is located and serves as the main entry point for foreign tourists through

the Fua’amotu International Airport. In Tongatapu and Vava’u, English is the second language. Polynesians have lived on Tonga for at least 3,000 years. The Dutch were the first to explore the islands. The government is largely controlled by the king, his nominees, and a small group of hereditary nobles. Dance was formed to show respect to the chiefs, to

commemorate life crises. A dance performed only before the king, dances performed at marriages, war dances, etc. Some dances are performed standing, and some sitting. They are usually dances which tell a story. Dance is still a big part of social and cultural life in Tonga. Among the ancient dances still performed today are 'otuhaka, a dance for the king; tau'olunga, a wedding or social function dance; and several more like lakalaka., a standing dance that can involve hundreds of people and the female and male are in opposite side also a choir that sings in the back or front sitting; and a ma’ulu’ulu, a dance sitting down usually performed by women accompanied by nafa(drum) in special occasions.

For more information, visit these sites:





East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Problems Facing Generation Z By Yarelly Ayala

Has your life been taken over by Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter?.

Our generation has . grown up with social media thanks to the creation of the most precious thing, the internet. The first social media, Six Degrees, was created in 1997 and the Internet was invented by a team at Stanford Research Institute. These advancements have made many people filthy rich. For example, Kim Kardashian became famous through this cyber world. This advancement in technology has had a big impact in our generation because so many of us seem to be addicted to our phones and social media.

We have relinquished a part of our lives to social media. We have invested most of our time using the internet. Social media has consumed our free time, free time that we can be using outside enjoying nature. Our private lives are no longer private because we just have adapted this tendency to share everything in social social media. Girls exposing their bodies to the world and it is

suddenly okay to do that. Huffington Post talks more about social media addiction and rules to live by in order to not fall into this addiction. Our teens are taking things for granted more. It’s almost as if we created these little monsters. We have let ourselves think that it’s all okay to do what we do in social media when it really isn’t.

‘’ We’re connected virtually, but we are more alone ,’’ said Sherry Turkle in one of her Ted Talk. She argues that teens think they are connected to everyone all of the time, but most of us feel so alone because we aren’t able to have that genuine connection that we have when we are speaking to face­to­face, something is missing on the internet. . You aren't able to touch the person on the other side. That is a problem facing teenagers today. 25 years ago, teenagers may


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

have been overwhelmed by television, magazines, billboards or video games, but today, teens

seem to spend most of the day consumed to social media that is like the old media on steroids.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

How to Sleep Better By Juan Cordova

Do you have trouble sleeping? Have you noticed other students too tired to work in class? Here are some tips to improve your sleep

The best time to sleep is before 10 or 9:30, Workout 2 hours before you go to bed so you

may fall asleep twice as fast. Eat 2 bananas 15 mins before you go to bed

and drink 12 fl.oz or a tall glass of warm milk. Cheese and crackers help sleep as well as bananas. Crackers have carbohydrates and bananas have tryptophan that may aid your sleep.

Hot weather can be good for cold blankets and fans or cold weather with heaters and warm fuzzy blankets will make you feel more relaxed and sleep better, but your body temp. should be under 99 degrees.

No light in your eyes or in your eyesight is good for sleeping so you won’t get stressed or angry or distracted trying to sleep.

There are different types of beds and pillows like you might prefer a cushion bed or a spring bed, what ever comforts you will help you sleep more relaxed at night.

You can listen to music to relax you or calm you down and help you sleep better. Music can relax you and get you to deep sleep.

You can try a different sleeping position and sleep better or find one that comforts you. Don’t use your phone or technology and avoid lights in the hour before you sleep.

If you want to improve your sleep, do better in school, and be happier in life, you need to create your own sleep routine to prepare yourself for a good night of sleep, every night.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Transportation Methods

If you are in need to get somewhere, but have no way of getting their,there are plenty of way for transportations, at a low cost, or no cost at all. For example, walking is one of the ways for no cost and if you are nearby to your destination it would be perfect. Samtrans is also a really great way, there's plenty of different bus stops which is even better, all at around $1.25 for each time entered. Another very good method in case of a further destination is caltrain , which would cost u around $6. All these are really good Methods of Transportation.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

¨Music By: Fernanda Rangel and Kathryn Fisiihoi

Music helps us in so many ways. It helped me how to forget things and how to

achieve my goals in life. A lot of people listen to music to do work and keep them

motivated. If there wasn't any music i don't know what would people do.

One of my favorite artist is Davina joy she is the queen of Northern cali and she is a latina artist. She also is following her grandmother's footsteps as being a singer. She puts a lot of motion and passion to it that makes her stand up as a better person and knows how to express herself through music. Another song of davina is ¨sorry¨ i

can relate to it because my life in the past wasn't the greatest with my father. it ended up not to be a good childhood. It brings me down but knowing that music helps me hustle through it is a big relief. My second song is ¨on my own¨ because i wanted to be left on from all the things i been through. it can connect with other people because maybe they been through the same thing i been


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

through. Also it helps to do things that you want to do. And last people also like it to stay away from things that can end their life a wrong way.

Music helps us stay focused from distractions and relaxes your mind when we are stressed there is a tendency to avoid actively listening

to music because it keeps you motivated in life and also helps you to become a better person.

Here’s some music quotes from famous artists/people. Some of the quotes can be useful: One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.

­Bob Marley Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.

­Martin Luther Without music, life would be a mistake.

­Friedrich Nietzsche

The world's most famous and popular language is music.



East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015


The person who invented the lightbulb was Thomas Edison. He invented the LightBulb in 1879. It took him 1000 tries before Thomas Edison made the lightbulb. The lightbulb has impacted our world by letting us see things at night that we couldn’t see back then because there was no light for the darkness. the lightbulb is a very good reliable source for when you are lost at night.

Also the light bulb has evolved over time there are light bulbs that save energy. Thomas Edison really impacted the world, because of him to this day light bulbs are still being made. Thomas Edison also created the phonograph. during his time he was also a businessman. He was very famous for creating a way to communicate through taping a machine.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Preparing for 2020 By Yarelly Ayala

Teens from 2015 should prepare for 2020 by getting an education. Having an education

and using it to get a career is very important. Having a career is way better than having a crappy job like working at a restaurant or working for somebody else when you can be your own boss. You’ll get paid better, you'll be able to own a house, or a car maybe, and you wont have to break you back for only a few

dollars. You can get an education, that'll help you to work less and get paid more. Another thing that’ll help teens prepare for 2020 is to have goals. Having goals will help

teens achieve things, rather than to say “ I want to own a house”. Saying you want something is different than actually planning it and working for it. For example, you can say you want a house but you should have a gal, like I want to own a house in two years and here’s my plan to do it. That’ll make you work faster and actually accomplish it because now you have a deadline. NOT having a deadline will just make you procrastinate or lack ambition which is what helps you reach that goal faster.

Teens need skills. Not just any type of skills but skills that you’ll need in the career or workforce that they’ll be going into. For example, being in the medical field you’ll need social skills because you'll have to deal with a lot of patients or colleagues. A very important skill that is key to being successful is independence. Being independent is important because teens will have to do things on their own and make mistakes in order to learn. Nobody is going to do the work for them, they’ll have to do it on their own.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Enchiladas Enchiladas originated in Mexico, where they first practice how to roll tortillas

around other food dates back in the maya times. What enchiladas have inside is cheese, onion, origanum. In the outside in top of the tortillas rolled up there’s cream, cabbage, cheese, chile and in the side you can have grilled meat or chicken and sometimes you can put egg. The people living in the lake region of the Valley of Mexico traditionally ate corn tortillas folded.The enchilada is similar to pupusas a traditional Mayan food. In this dish, corn tortillas are dipped in pumpkinseed and rolled around chopped boiled egg. It is then smothered in tomato sauce. This dish was primarily food for the nobles and was said to be served for special occasions. It was for special occasions because it was only when people needed it. it’s weird how some people invented this type of food and make it together with the ingredients that is provided.

Tortas Tortas are mexican sandwiches, they carry vegetables, meat, chicken, or ham. Their bread could be whole grain or whole

wheat, it could be toasted or not toasted. tortas are delicious and bring out the happiness in people. There are many types of tortas for example­ carne asada, chorizo, and vegetarian. Tortas can be found in mostly all mexican restaurants. I like tortas because they have a good flavor.Tortas are

mouth­watering and juicy.A great place to find tortas is at Three Brothers.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Tongan Food By Kathryn Fisiihoi

Some popular foods that tongans eat are Topai,

which is doughballs drop in a boiled water then served with

coconut and syrup, Ota ika which is raw fish that been

marinated and that has coconut milk, lemon, and veggies,

Lu which is Chopped meat is prepared with coconut milk

and wrapped in taro leaves which are then wrapped in

banana leaves and put in an umu (a traditional underground oven) to cook, and Feke which is grilled

octopus with coconut sauce.Food and feasting are an integral part of Tongan society, The feasts of the

Kingdom are renowned throughout the Pacific for their size and diversity.In a Tongan feast, up to 30

different dishes are served on a pola, a long tray made from plaited coconut fronds. Traditional food growing

and the gathering of seafood is still an important way of Tongan life. Tongan people are hunter and

gatherers of land and sea.

Here are 8 types of Yam (Ufi)

1. Ufi lei 2. Kaho Kaho Ufi 3. Kau meile Ufi 4. Hawaii Ufi 5. Kahokaho Ufi 6. Mahoaa Ufi 7. Voli Ufi 8. Kulo Ufi.


A lot of the sea foods can also be eaten raw with sea water for salty flavor.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Sea snail (Elili) Fish (Ika) Vegetarian lobsters (U'O) Octopus (Feke) Mussels (Kuku) Mama. Sea weed. Sea earchant.


Taro leafs (Lu) Tongan spinach (Pele)


Free range chicken (Moa Tonga)

Free range pigs (Puaka)

Horse meat. Pacific pigeon


Here are 3 types of Taro (Talo) in Tongan food, the leafs of these root crop are also used for food as well, not only the root. The Taro leaf is used to wrap other foods in as well. It works as a protective covering of the food inside it, before being lowered into a traditional underground oven, then once it is cooked you can eat the taro leaf covering and the different additional food inside. Usually the food


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

inside would be a meat of some sort example, chicken, fish, beef, sauced in with coconut cream, onions and tomatoes.

Restaurant In order to find yourself a good restaurant, you

need to know more about it. Therefore, you should look it up, and check out some reviews.

First, I would check the reviews and comments, then I would go check how many stars this place has. Other people's opinions really do matter because they have experienced going their. So if you're in the mood to check out a new place, make sure you do a little research first. Some websites you should check out for more info. about the restaurant are.. Yelp provides pictures, hours per week, small map, phone number, restaurant website and directions directions Bing provides directions, menu, lets you order online, provides pictures, restaurant hours and multiple reviews All these topics are on this website. google provides price range, restaurant hours, phone number, menu

Food You Shouldn't Eat

You shouldn't eat foods with a lot of sugar or salt food like hot cheetos and soda because they both have lots of sugar and salt.

Fast food is also bad for you for example Mcdonald's has so much grease in the food. Things you should eat are fruits and vegetables, because meat makes it hard to digest and if you eat too much meat

it can affect your heart.

Choosing In N Out is a better choice then all the other fast food restaurants because the food is naturally made and the fries are not

frozen before they are made they are freshly made. Some of the food at Mcdonald's can cause you to throw up or make

your stomach hurt.The eggs are also always recooked.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

­McDonalds.com: Home

Jack In The Box Jack in the box was founded in 1961, by a businessman named Robert O. Peterson. This first Jack In The Box was located in San Diego. By 1979 the business grew to more than 1,000

restaurants. And like McDonald's Jack used to be a clown, but it was later changed in 1980 and still up to now it’s been a human like figure with a ping pong ball head. Apparently, the new

figure was a hit, so the clown figure was eventually forgotten. Jack In The box was changed to Foodmaker but after becoming a huge success it later became its own company and regained its

name back.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015


The Nike Cortez has a lot of history. The Nike Cortez was the first track shoe ever created by Nike. It was created by Nike in 1972. It was designed by Bill Bowerman. Bill Bowerman was an olympic class track coach. He felt that every athlete should have a long lasting comfortable shoe to run in. The Nike Cortez made sales over 800,000 during the first year it came out. over the years the design of the shoe has changed because the career of the shoe. The Nike Cortez was banned once but then brought back. There are many designs of the shoe today. They are still selling more and more of these shoes till this day.

Good nails on the low

by:Fernanda Rangel Nails can be an addiction for women & girls. There’s different type of nails that

they’re are Flare, Round, Squoval, Ballerina, Edge, Stiletto, Almond, Oval, Square, and Lipstick. Also there’s different color brands like Red Carpet, Essie, RGB, Tom Ford, Nail

Lacquer, etc. When women want to change their color nails you can go back to the nail salon and get them removed. You can get them remove with a nail drill and is a faster way to take them off instead with a tweezer because it can damage your real nail and prevent it from bleeding. There’s places that you can get your nails done like mccain mall, Nancy’s nails, New park mall etc.It also depends were d you go because not in all places are cheap. If you get your nails done were it cost a lot

of money your nails last longer and they do them better.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

2015’s Rugby.World.Cup

Are you ready? RWC is just around the corner. As countries from all around the globe get their

rugby teams ready, and a their fans purchase flags,

jerseys, and other accessories, London is starting to

wrap up their preparations due to the fact that they

are hosting this years Rugby World Cup. I dont want

to biased, but this year I strongly believe in my New

Zealand All Blacks, and I believe that they will take

the cup again for second year in a row. The Road to

the World Cup has so far been a sight to see. As the stars march out of the lockers, it was no

doubt that the fans did not waste their time and money coming

out to support their national team. Samoa vs USA,to Japan vs

Canada, and also the first time rugby history, New Zealand

playing against Samoa, in the beautiful island of Samoa.

Surely the Rugby World Cup will be 10x better as more

countries show their support for their players. I know that the

RWC will be a great way for each and every team not only

show off their skills.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

The Hayne Plane has Landed

Who’s ready for football season this year? Are your sports gear season

ready? Are you ready for Kaepernick to take our Empire to the Super Bowl? Hold up, did I mention? The Hayne Plane has arrived!!! Australian NRL sensation Jarryd Hayne made a surprising decision to move from the NRL, to the NFL. Moving to the NFL has always been the Hayne Planes has always

dreamed of playing in the NFL as a young Australian kid. Jarryd Hayne caught everyone’s attention since his debut at the age of 18 in 2006. In the Hayne Planes career, he has stuck to the Parramatta Eels from 2006 ­ 2014 (when he decides to leave.) In Hayne’s speech to the press, he states “I has probably about to become the highest payed player in the NRL”. After this comment, people discriminated the Hayne Plane for his decision to leave a great amount of money to “Start all over again”. In 2015, Jarryd Hayne was named San Francisco's Running Back. San Francisco’s 2015 coach Jim Tomsula believes in Jarryd Hayne and says that Jarryd Haynes is capable of playing in the NFL and might just be a huge play maker in this years season. Jarryd Haynes fellow team mates strongly believe in him and believe that he will be a great factor in the game and also in this season. Team mates NFL star RB Reggie Bush and Starting QB Colin Kaepernick have grown very fond of Haynes and are becoming good friends with the NRL sensation. As for now, The Hayne Plane has Landed.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Entering The World of Skateboarding By:Loma T

If you are interested in boarding, you should try finding a board that best fits your comfort. There

are plenty of types to choose from that will best comfort your

choice. Some as in Penny boards, nickel boards, long boards,

and last but not least, the regular skateboards. There are plenty

of places to buy the types of skateboards that you just might be

looking for. Such as Zumiez, Tillys, and any other skate shop

around. Make sure you know what you want, and that you find

what you are looking for.

One thing that I want you to know, is make sure that you know how to skate. Let me guide you a

little bit and help you take your first step into learning how to skate. First, you need a real board.

Once you found yourself a size, you need wheels. Some suggestions of wheels would be

rubbered wheels. To find your type of wheels that you might like, you would have to feel them

out. Make sure that both your wheels, and also board

feels good. One other important thing that you might want

remember, are your bearings, and also your trucks. After

you received your board, you have to find your stance, or

how you stand when you are riding. Just like babies, you

have to learn to walk before you learn to run. So when you

look at skateboarding, you have to learn to ride, before

you learn tricks.

Sports Cleats


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

By: Alexis Dominguez Are you looking for soccer cleats and don’t know which ones are right for you? Well there are many different cleats that adjust to your style of playing and i’ll talk about the most common ones.

The first ones are the Adidas F­50, the style of playing is speed and dribbling. They are light and come with comfort pads to switch for the original ones. They also come with a chip that tells you how fast you run or how much you ran.They come in various colors. If you wanna stand out on the field I would recommend the pink and blue ones.

The second ones are the Nike Superflys, the style of playing for those is speed, control, and dribbling because they are light and they are high top that adjust to your ankle to feel more comfort and be able to control the ball more. They come in high or low top form, which ever feels more comfortable. The high tops are more comfortable because they adjust more to your feet.

The Third ones are the Adidas Predators, the style of playing for those is dribbling, passing, and shooting. They are a bit heavier than the other two cleats but they are comfortable. They have a type of material that help you dribble and shoot the ball better. Most mid­fielders use those cleats because of dribbling and passing.

The fourth ones are the Nike Magistas, the style of playing for those is passing and dribbling. They are similar to the Superflys but they are a bit heavier. They are still comfortable because the high top that adjust to your ankles. Similar as the Predators most mid­fielders use them because of the dribbling and passing that they do.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Fifth ones are the Nike Tiempos, these cleats are for players that like comfort on their feet when they are playing since they are made out of leather. These cleats are a bit heavy but the comfort is worth it. They come in various colors, if you want to stand out on the field or you don’t they have different colors for you to choose from. These cleats are for defenders and midfielders for the comfort, some goalies use them since they just

stand around sometimes during the game. The sixth cleats are the ¨Classics¨ the ¨Old Schools¨ the Adidas Copa Mundiales, these cleats are the most comfortable cleats in the game since they are light and made out of leather for comfort. They haven’t changed them at all since they made them, that’s why they are called the classics. These cleats have been around decades, even when Pele was playing. These cleats are for players that just like the comfort while they are playing. Anybody can use these cleats.

Seventh cleats are the Nike Hypervenoms, these cleats are for players that are fast and like to dribble because they are light and have the high­top for comfort and be able to control the ball and dribble through the players. The Hypervenoms have two different designs with various color, if you wanna stand out or just want to be simple they have those colors for you. These cleats are for forwards to dribble through the players as fast as you can and score a goal for your team.

The eighth cleats are the Adidas 11Pro and these cleats are comfortable and are a bit light but these cleats are mostly for defenders and goalies because of the comfort since they just stand around but they are also good for midfielders as well. They come in a few colors if you want to stand out or be simple but they don’t have that many colors.


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

El Clasico By: Alexis Dominguez

Probably the biggest rivalry between two teams “El Clásico” Barcelona vs. Real Madrid. The two teams with the greatest players in the world of football, Messi (Barcelona), and Ronaldo (Real

Madrid). The two teams have a solid squad with a great goalies in each team, tough defenders,

playmaking midfielders, and dangerous forwards. The two teams have been at it for decades, in tournaments, friendlies, and finals. In my opinion Barcelona is the better team because of

Messi. He has been at his top shape since he was small, and Ronaldo had to work hard to get

where he is right now and Messi still has a long time till his time is over.

Stadiums from the Bay

By: Alexis Dominguez

Are you looking to visit a stadium in the Bay Area? Here are some stadiums you might want to consider.

Avaya Stadium is the home of the San Jose Earthquakes, it is located in San Jose. It’s not a really big stadium but it’s a really nice stadium.

Food trucks are parked inside for you to taste their great food and unique foods as well. It has the longest outdoor bar in California. There was a game recently: Atlas VS. Leon

(Teams from Mexico) and soon the San Jose Earthquakes season is about to begin. The tickets for matches aren’t really expensive,


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

they go from 40 to 250 dollars per person but that also depends on what teams will be playing. So consider visiting the stadium because it’s a great way to spend time with family. You can buy

your tickets on http://www.sjearthquakes.com/schedule .

AT&T Park is also a great stadium to visit home of the San Francisco Giants, the stadium is located in San Francisco. There are

hot dog benders inside the stadium for you to try the mouth watering hot dogs, there is also other places to get food that taste great.

There’s also places in the stadium where they sell jerseys, hoodies, shirts, and

many other merchandise you can buy. The tickets aren’t really expensive they go from 45 to 140 dollars per person

depending where you are trying to sit. You should still consider going to a Giants game because it’s a great stadium and a

great way to make memories with your loved ones. You can buy your tickets on http://sanfrancisco.giants.mlb.com/ticketing/index.jsp?c_id=sf .

Levis Stadium home of the San Francisco 49ers located in Santa Clara is a great stadium for you to visit. Levis Stadium is the new house if the 49ers because Candlestick Park has been demolished to make a outlet mall. It’s an expensive stadium when it come to food, tickets and merchandise, but it is worth every single

minute you spend there. The tickets for the 49ers games go from suites that cost 11,000 and seats that cost around 60 the

least. You can guarantee that youŕe going to make memories there with loved ones, a upcoming event that will happen is FC

Barcelona VS. Manchester United, that event will be really expensive, price will be around 100 dollars per ticket. If you’re a big European team fan then you’re most likely to attend that event but if you can’t attend for events will come so just be on the look out.

You can buy tickets for the 49ers on http://www.stubhub.com/san­francisco­49ers­tickets/performer/199/ .


East Palo Alto Times Summer 2015

Fresh Meat By Yarelly Ayala As an incoming Freshmen you will face

a lot of challenges and I don’t expect you to succeed all the time. I do expect you to fail a couple of times, but that’s okay, because you learn from mistakes. You will have a few teachers who you will hate, but at the end of the day they are the ones who will end up failing you or passing you. Getting on their good side is important because maybe you can become their favorite student.

When it comes to grades, all you have to do is keep a C and above. Sounds easy, right? Well it’s easy if you keep up with all your work and don’t fall behind. Do not procrastinate. Procrastination will lead you to falling behind and catching up is really hard. I suggest you get the best grades you can throughout high school, because UCLA expects you to have straight A’s. Hard work pays off to go to your favorite college and straight the career of your life.

Getting involved in school clubs or activities is fun. Events like the talent show, poetry night, school dances, or rallies, are always fun. Having school spirit is fun because you get to have pride in the school you attend. EPAA will be your new family for your next 4 years of high school. You will make new friendships and new family, we are here to help one another, so enjoy your time here at East Palo Alto Academy.