East Ayrshire Performance Reportdocs.east-ayrshire.gov.uk/crpadmmin/2012 agendas... · Non- Fire...

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 0 East Ayrshire Performance Report 1 st April 2016 – 30 th June 2016

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 0

East Ayrshire Performance Report

1st April 2016 – 30th June 2016

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 1

East Ayrshire Performance Report

1st April 2016 to 30th 2016

Table of Contents

Key Points At A Glance 2

Local Fire and Rescue Service Plan Priorities 3

Reduction of Accidental Dwelling Fires by 10% each year 4

Reduction in Fire Casualties and Fire Fatalities by 5% each year 5

Reduction in Casualties From Non-Fire Emergencies by 5% each year 6

Reduction of Deliberate Fire Setting by 5% each year 7

Reduction of Fires in Non-Domestic Property by 5% each year 8

Reduction of Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals by 5% each year 9

Response and Resilience Update 10

Prevention and Protection Update 13

Glossary of Terms 14

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 2

Key Points at a glance

During the reporting period we:

Attended a total of 691 calls for assistance across East Ayrshire, which included

46 accidental dwelling fires

63 non-fire related emergencies (special services)

320 false alarms call of which 152 were found to be Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals (UFAS).

Of the 691 incidents the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service tended to 41 casualties. Of the total number

casualties recorded, 6 were fire related as a result of accidental dwelling fires.

Conducted 319 Home Fire Safety Visits, at which we fitted or replaced 178 smoke detectors within

domestic premises. Of the total number of visits conducted, 91 were to properties classed as high risk

on the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s Community Safety Engagement Toolkit (CSET) recording


Carried out 85 fire safety audits within non domestic premises to verify fire safety standards and

compliance with Part 3 of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005.

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 3

About the statistics within this report

The activity totals and other statistics quoted within this report are published in the interests of

transparency and openness. They are provisional in nature and subject to change as a result of ongoing

quality assurance and review. Because all statistics quoted are provisional there may be a difference in the

period totals quoted in our reports after local publication which result from revisions or additions to the

data in our systems. The Scottish Government publishes official statistics each year which allow for

comparisons to be made over longer periods of time.

Local Fire and Rescue Service Plan Priorities The Local Fire and Rescue Service Plan has been developed to set out the priorities and objectives within East Ayrshire for 2014 – 2017 and allows our local authority partners to scrutinise the performance outcomes of these priorities. We will continue to work closely with our partners in East Ayrshire to ensure we are all “Working Together for a Safer Scotland” through targeting risks to our communities at a local level. The plan has been developed to complement key partnership activity embedded within East Ayrshire’s Community Plan, Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) and associated thematic plans. Through partnership working we will seek to deliver continuous improvement in our performance and effective service delivery in our area of operations. The current Local Fire and Rescue Plan for East Ayrshire has identified six areas for demand reduction and is subject to regular monitoring and reporting through the Police & Fire and Rescue Committee. A summary of current activity is detailed below with further detail and analysis contained within this performance report.

RAG Status

Accidental Dwelling


Fire Casualties

& Fatalities

Casualties Non-Fire


Deliberate Fires

Non Domestic


Unwanted Fire Alarm


Ward 1 – Annick 6 1 4 12 2 4

Ward 2 – Kilmarnock North 6 0 2 20 2 6

Ward 3 – Kilmarnock West and Crosshouse 6 1 4 20 2 50

Ward 4 – Kilmarnock East and Hurlford 4 1 1 49 2 20

Ward 5 – Kilmarnock South 6 1 4 14 0 7

Ward 6 – Irvine Valley 5 0 10 13 2 12

Ward 7 – Ballochmyle 3 0 3 32 2 14

Ward 8 – Cumnock and New Cumnock 8 2 1 29 4 27

Ward 9 – Doon Valley 2 1 6 46 1 12

Total Incidents 46 6 35 235 17 152

3 Year Average 35 9 23 196 14 150

Key to Performance Summary

Activity level is achieving the required reduction target

Activity level has reduced but is currently not achieving the required reduction target

Activity level has increased and is currently not achieving the required reduction target

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 4

24 43 28


18 31 27


33 38 19


27 37 28


46 40 23






East Ayrshire North Ayrshire South Ayrshire Ayrshire

Accidental Dwelling Fires

2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Accidental Dwelling Fires By Time of Day

Reduction of Accidental Dwelling Fires by 10% each year

Year to date activity for East Ayrshire 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Ward 1 - Annick 2 0 4 2 6

Ward 2 – Kilmarnock North 1 2 3 1 6

Ward 3 – Kilmarnock West and Crosshouse 3 3 3 4 6

Ward 4 – Kilmarnock East and Hurlford 4 2 5 1 4

Ward 5 – Kilmarnock South 2 1 2 2 6

Ward 6 – Irvine Valley 3 2 6 5 5

Ward 7 - Ballochmyle 2 2 3 3 3

Ward 8 – Cumnock and New Cumnock 5 4 3 3 8

Ward 9 – Doon Valley 2 2 4 6 2

Incidents 3yr Average Annual Current Incidents 3 yr Average

2012/13 24 - 85 21 3 -

2013/14 18 - 4 -

2014/15 33 25 2 3

2015/16 27 26 3 3

2016/17 46 35 3 3

RAG Status 63.0% 34.6%

East Ayrshire Dwelling Fires

Deliberate Dwelling FiresAccidental Dwelling Fires 2016/17 Targets

Targets calculated based

on preceding three year



Accidental dwelling fires (ADFs) have

increased by 63% from last year and

increased by 34.6% on the three-year


72% of ADFs were attributed to cooking

73% of ADFs were extinguished by

smothering or removal

67% of ADFs did not result in fire damage

to properties concerned and 35% did not

sustain smoke or heat damage

91% of properties involved in fire were

fitted with automatic detection and raised

the alarm on 76% of occasions

26% of calls made to the fire and rescue

service were via a linked alarm

Distraction was the most common human

contributory factor and was attributed to

41% of ADFs

8% of ADFs identified alcohol or other

substances as a contributory factor

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 5

1 8 6


5 3 7

15 10 8 8


12 11 9


6 1

5 12




East Ayrshire North Ayrshire South Ayrshire Ayrshire

Fire Casualties and Fire Fatalities

2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Reduction in Fire Casualties and Fire Fatalities by 5% each year

Casualties 3 Yr Ave Annual Current Injuries 3 yr Average

2012/13 1 - 22 6 0 -

2013/14 5 - 5 -

2014/15 10 5 9 5

2015/16 12 9 8 7

2016/17 6 9 6 8

RAG Status -50.0% 0.0%

East Ayrshire Fire Casualties and Fatalities

ADFs Casualties & FatalsFire Casualties and Fire Fatalities 2016/17 Targets

Targets calculated based

on preceding three year


Year to date activity for East Ayrshire 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Ward 1 - Annick 0 0 0 1 1

Ward 2 – Kilmarnock North 0 1 0 1 0

Ward 3 – Kilmarnock West and Crosshouse 0 0 1 0 1

Ward 4 – Kilmarnock East and Hurlford 0 0 2 0 1

Ward 5 – Kilmarnock South 0 0 2 1 1

Ward 6 – Irvine Valley 0 2 0 5 0

Ward 7 - Ballochmyle 1 0 3 1 0

Ward 8 – Cumnock and New Cumnock 0 2 2 0 2

Ward 9 – Doon Valley 0 0 0 3 1


Fire casualties have decreased by 50%

from last year’s corresponding review

period with the three-year average

remaining unchanged. All 6 fire

casualties arose from accidental

dwelling fires

66% of persons were given first aid at

the scene with the majority (50%) of all

fire related injuries attributed to smoke


50% of non-fatal fire casualties self

evacuated and did not require to be

rescued by the Fire and Rescue Service

Kitchen fires accounted for the majority

(83%) of resultant casualties

In terms of non-fatal injuries, females

accounted for 83% of all persons

injured. Persons over the age of 59

years of age accounted for 66% of non-

fatal fire casualties

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10 16


5 8 10

23 16

27 19


18 28 29



21 15







East Ayrshire North Ayrshire South Ayrshire Ayrshire

Non- Fire Emergeny Casualties

2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Reduction in Casualties From Non-Fire Emergencies by 5% each year

Casualties 3 Yr Ave Annual Current Fatal Non-Fatal

2012/13 24 - 67 17 0 24

2013/14 5 - 3 2

2014/15 16 15 1 15

2015/16 18 13 0 18

2016/17 35 23 2 33

RAG Status 94.4% 76.9%

East Ayrshire Non-Fire Casualties and Fatalities

Injury Classification

Targets calculated based

on preceding three year


Non Fire Emergency Casualties 2016/17 Targets

Year to date activity for East Ayrshire 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Ward 1 - Annick 1 1 6 3 4

Ward 2 – Kilmarnock North 2 0 0 1 2

Ward 3 – Kilmarnock West and Crosshouse 0 4 1 2 4

Ward 4 – Kilmarnock East and Hurlford 1 3 0 0 1

Ward 5 – Kilmarnock South 1 0 0 0 4

Ward 6 – Irvine Valley 2 5 0 6 10

Ward 7 - Ballochmyle 1 3 1 2 3

Ward 8 – Cumnock and New Cumnock 4 1 2 3 1

Ward 9 – Doon Valley 12 6 6 1 6


Casualties from special service incidents

have increased by 94.4% from last

year's corresponding review period and

by 76.9% based on the 3-year average

Road Traffic Collisions (RTCs) accounted

for 83% of all special service casualties

14% of incidents which recorded

casualties were as a result of assisting

other agencies/partners, forcing entry

into premises or for medical


The 2 special service fatalities recorded

were as a result of assisting other


51% of all casualties were female, with

persons between the age of 30 and 39

being the most prevalent age group

accounting for 26% of all casualties (all

RTC injuries)

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 7

Reduction of Deliberate Fire Setting by 5% each year

All Incidents 3yr Average Annual Current Primary Secondary

2012/13 190 - 581 145 17 173

2013/14 377 - 19 358

2014/15 168 245 17 151

2015/16 185 243 13 172

2016/17 235 196 12 223

RAG Status 27.0% -19.3%

East Ayrshire Deliberate Fires

Incident ClassificationAll Deliberate Fires 2016/17 Targets

Targets calculated based

on preceding three year


Year to date activity for East Ayrshire 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Ward 1 - Annick 10 13 5 7 12

Ward 2 – Kilmarnock North 15 14 13 11 20

Ward 3 – Kilmarnock West and Crosshouse 13 19 14 13 20

Ward 4 – Kilmarnock East and Hurlford 35 25 25 25 49

Ward 5 – Kilmarnock South 17 17 4 7 14

Ward 6 – Irvine Valley 14 8 9 14 13

Ward 7 - Ballochmyle 36 70 40 34 32

Ward 8 – Cumnock and New Cumnock 33 81 22 28 29

Ward 9 – Doon Valley 17 130 36 46 46


Deliberate fire raising incidents

increased by 27% from last year's

corresponding review period, but

have decreased by 19.3% when

compared with the

corresponding 3-year average

Fires involving dwelling

properties accounted for 25% of

all deliberate primary fires

95% of all deliberate fires were

classified as secondary fires with

41% of all secondary fires

attributed to fires involving

rubbish or refuse

Secondary fire raising accounted

for just under 1 in 3 of all

operational responses across

East Ayrshire

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 8

Reduction of Fires in Non-Domestic Property by 5% each year

Incidents 3yr Average Annual Current Deliberate Accidental

2012/13 13 - 42 11 8 5

2013/14 10 - 4 6

2014/15 14 12 9 5

2015/16 12 12 2 10

2016/17 17 14 8 9

RAG Status 41.7% 16.7%

Non Domestic Fire Fires 2016/17 Targets

East Ayrshire Non Domestic Fires

Incident Classification

Targets calculated based

on preceding three year


Year to date activity for East Ayrshire 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Ward 1 - Annick 0 0 0 1 2

Ward 2 – Kilmarnock North 1 0 2 0 2

Ward 3 – Kilmarnock West and Crosshouse 1 4 3 3 2

Ward 4 – Kilmarnock East and Hurlford 2 1 2 0 2

Ward 5 – Kilmarnock South 0 0 0 0 0

Ward 6 – Irvine Valley 2 1 1 5 2

Ward 7 - Ballochmyle 3 2 3 1 2

Ward 8 – Cumnock and New Cumnock 3 1 2 1 4

Ward 9 – Doon Valley 1 1 0 1 1


Activity levels in non-domestic fires

has seen an increase of 41.7% from

last year's corresponding review

period and an increase of 16.7% in

relation the corresponding 3-year


Non-domestic fires accounted for

2.4% of all operational activity

53% of all non-domestic incidents

were accidental in origin

Private garages and sheds were the

most common type of non-domestic

fire across East Ayrshire and

accounted for 41% of incidents

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 9

Reduction of Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals by 5% each year

Incidents 3yr Average Annual Current Incidents 3yr Average

2012/13 125 - 538 135 280 -

2013/14 147 - 336 -

2014/15 151 141 340 319

2015/16 146 148 319 332

2016/17 152 150 320 326

RAG Status 4.1% 1.4%

East Ayrshire Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals

2016/17 Targets

Targets calculated based

on preceding three year


All False AlarmsUFAS

Year to date activity for East Ayrshire 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Ward 1 - Annick 4 3 4 8 4

Ward 2 – Kilmarnock North 10 16 7 8 6

Ward 3 – Kilmarnock West and Crosshouse 30 50 42 40 50

Ward 4 – Kilmarnock East and Hurlford 12 14 13 14 20

Ward 5 – Kilmarnock South 3 2 14 5 7

Ward 6 – Irvine Valley 25 16 15 24 12

Ward 7 - Ballochmyle 17 15 16 19 14

Ward 8 – Cumnock and New Cumnock 16 26 20 19 27

Ward 9 – Doon Valley 8 5 20 9 12


Unwanted fire alarm signals (UFAS)

have decreased by 1.4% on the

preceding 3-year average and increased

by 4.1% from the corresponding period

last year

In terms of total activity UFAS incidents

accounted for 22% of all operational

mobilisations across East Ayrshire

The top 5 premises types generated

50% of all UFAS incidents across East


45% of all UFAS incidents were

attributed to persons being responsible

for the false alarm signal being


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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 10

Response and Resilience Update

East Ayrshire Operational Summary

Review of operational responses across East Ayrshire at the Quarter 1 review period identified a 12.5% increase in activity levels across the local authority area from the corresponding review period 1st April 2015 to 30th June 2015 2015. In terms of the rolling three-year average, activity levels have decreased by 6.3% overall. Mobilisations to all false alarms accounted for 46% of operational activity with fires and special services accounting for 45% and 9% respectively.

Top 15 Incidents by % of total incidents attended

False Alarm (UFAS) 22.00%

Outdoor Fire 19.54%

Refuse Fire 13.60%

False Alarm (Dwelling) 11.72%

False Alarm (Good Intent) 10.27%

Dwelling Fire 7.09%

Special Service - RTC 2.89%

Other Building Fire 2.60%

False Alarm (Malicious) 2.32%

Special Service - No action (not false alarm) 1.45%

Special Service - Effecting entry/exit 1.30%

Vehicle Fire 1.01%

Special Service - Assist other agencies 0.87%

Chimney Fire 0.72%

Special Service - Animal assistance incidents 0.43%

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 11

Civil Contingencies

To support operational preparedness within East Ayrshire, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s Ayrshire Civil Contingencies team have been engaged in a range of activities which have included planning and support for the Rod Stewart concert which took place on 17th June 2016 at Rugby Park.

Table Top are also being planned for Kilmarnock Football Club and Kilmarnock Prison.

The Local Resilience Partnership met on 15th June 2016 at NHS Crosshouse at which a review took place of the annual work plan, with continued discussion regarding capacity for the partnership in relation to the scope of the schedule.

Retained Resilience


Mon - Fri (08:00 - 18:00)

Mon - Thu (18:00 - 08:00)

Weekend (Fri 18:00 - Mon 08:00)

Total Personnel Contracts

Dalmellington 93.42% 98.97% 97.89% 96.92% 11 950

New Cumnock 59.31% 99.66% 97.52% 86.86% 11 1025

Cumnock - 1 100% 100% 100% 100% 21 1750

Cumnock - 2 90.58% 99.90% 99.04% 96.81% - -

Muirkirk 42.54% 97.46% 96.06% 80.60% 10 900

Mauchline 53.15% 96.84% 87.84% 80.52% 11 825

Newmilns 58.69% 96.88% 86.85% 81.81% 8 725

Stewarton 93.38% 99.31% 98.20% 97.14% 11 975

Ayrshire 71.99% 97.27% 91.28% 87.54%

West SDA 75.24% 97.04% 90.55% 88.16%

RDS resilience levels are subject to regular monitoring. Whilst traditional establishment levels are

currently +3, the contracts in place across the 7 RDS stations in East Ayrshire currently indicates a full

time equivalent of -8 posts. Ongoing recruitment will continue across the Scottish Fire and Rescue

Service to promote these recruitment opportunities.

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 12

Training and Development Training for Operational Competence

Q1 saw the introduction of the Training for Operational Competence process which is designed to support

personnel in achieving and maintaining the skills necessary to perform all operational duties to the highest


East Ayshire Council Flood Awareness Training

The Area Training & Employee Development Team have been working in partnership with East Ayrshire

Council (Neil McCulloch: Housing Asset Programme Coordinator) to deliver flood awareness training to East

Ayrshire Council staff.

During Q1 the input was delivered to 25 staff from Housing Asset and Ayrshire Road Alliance at Kilmarnock

Fire Station. Feedback from those who attended was very positive and we have since met with Neil and

David Doran (Health and Safety Manager) to discuss further events. These are now being planned.

As a result of the positive feedback we are also in discussions with Jim Jamieson (Roads Operations Officer

East Ayrshire Ayrshire Roads Alliance) regarding a request for us to deliver 4 Flood awareness presentations

at seminars being held in the Grand Hall in Kilmarnock.

Breathing Apparatus (BA) Refresher Training

During Q1 a BA Refresher training programme that began in October 2015 was completed. This saw all RDS

personnel attend 2 practical and 2 technical events then achieving the required standards under assessment.

This training ensures that operational BA skills are updated and that the highest standards are maintained.

Road Traffic Collision (RTC) Training RTC training was delivered to all RDS and Volunteer personnel by our local Area instructors with support

from instructors from our national Training Centre. This provided the opportunity to refresh the skills and

knowledge of our operational crews and also of our local RTC instructors based within stations.

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 13

Prevention and Protection Update

Home Fire Safety Visits

During the period 1st April 2016 – 30th June 2016, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service personnel have conducted

a total of 319 Home Fire Safety Visits within East Ayrshire, with 29% of these visits provided to those

considered to be at a high risk from fire. During this reporting period we have fitted 178 battery smoke

detectors to domestic premises. As part of the home fire safety visit programme, the Service has developed

its Post Domestic Incident Response (PDIR) policy. This policy is utilised to engage with those communities

following a domestic incident to encourage the uptake of a free home fire safety visit. In the review period,

74 (23%) of the visits conducted during the review period were as a result of the PDIR approach.

Community Safety Engagement & Partnership Working

In addition to the promotion of its domestic safety programme, during the Quarter 1 review period, the Service has been progressing its ‘Summer Campaign which has a particular focus on:

Reducing the number of Primary and Secondary fires

Outdoor Safety

Working with partner agencies to reduce preventable fires and keep people safe

Working in conjunction with rural communities, businesses and landowners to support the use of ‘Fire Plans’ to prevent major fires involving heathland, moorland and forestry.

Over the month of May, SFRS participated in the multi agency programme ‘Danger Detectives’. Hosted by Dean Castle Country Park and delivered by various partner agencies, the programme involved P6 pupils across East Ayrshire and promoted various safety messages including fire safety, internet safety and road safety.

During the Quarter 1 reporting period Suicide Prevention training was delivered by East Ayrshire Council to

SFRS personnel to enable them to identify those who may be at risk of suicide and to make them aware of

referral pathways available to seek support for those persons at risk.

10 Firesetter Interventions also took place with young people to change attitudes to deliberate fire raising

and to provide fire safety education and awareness

SFRS also continued to support victims of Domestic Abuse by providing support and engineered Home Fire

Safety visit solutions for those at risk from the threat of fire.

Home Fire Safety Visits High Risk Medium


Low Risk Total Visits

Ward 1 – Annick 9 11 4 24

Ward 2 – Kilmarnock North 8 15 7 30

Ward 3 – Kilmarnock West and Crosshouse 16 24 15 55

Ward 4 – Kilmarnock East and Hurlford 9 17 12 38

Ward 5 – Kilmarnock South 11 21 9 41

Ward 6 – Irvine Valley 8 14 4 26

Ward 7 – Ballochmyle 12 24 7 43

Ward 8 – Cumnock and New Cumnock 12 17 10 39

Ward 9 – Doon Valley 6 13 4 23

East Ayrshire Totals 91 156 72 319

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0 10 20 30 40 50

Broadly Compliant

Areas of Improvement

Notice of Deficiencies

Enforcement Notice

Prohibition Notice

Outcome of Fire Safety Audits

Fire Safety Enforcement

As an enforcing authority in respect of Part 3 of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005, the Scottish Fire and

Rescue Service conducts a programme of fire safety audits to verify duty holders’ compliance with Part 3

of the Act. During the review period, fire safety enforcement and auditing officers’ conducted 85 fire

safety audits, 4 of these audits arose from a fire related incident occurring at the premises in question.

The remaining 81 audits were carried out in accordance with service policy which dictates an annual

audit for Care Homes and Hotels, and the auditing of a sample of other premises types.

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Scottish Fire and Rescue Service | Local Fire and Rescue Plan Progress Report for East Ayrshire 15

Glossary of Terms

Term What it means


Accidental Dwelling Fires

CSET Community Safety Engagement Toolkit is an internal IT system used to record home fire safety visits and community safety activities

FSET Fire Safety Experiential Training is a bespoke training programme developed by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in Ayrshire and delivered to community planning partners to raise awareness of fire safety within the domestic environment

HFSV Home Fire Safety Visit

PDIR Post Domestic Incident Response, a term used by Prevention and Protection Directorate to indicate actions taken following attendance at a fire or other incident in the home. PDIRs include amongst things the offer of a free follow-up home fire safety visit

Primary Fires These include all fires in buildings, vehicles and outdoor structures or any fire involving casualties, rescues or fires attended by five or more appliances

RDS Retained Duty System. Professional on call firefighters who may have other primary employment responsibilities outside the Fire and Rescue Service but respond to emergency calls within their local area as and when required

RTC Road Traffic Collision

Secondary Fires These are the majority of outdoor fires including grassland and refuse fires unless they involve casualties or rescues, property loss or fire or more appliances attend. They include fires in single derelict buildings

Special Service Calls to incidents which are not fires or false alarms such as RTCs, rescues, flooding, incidents involving hazardous materials or the provision of assistance to other agencies

UFAS Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals. When an automatic fire detection and alarm system is activated as a result of anything other than an actual fire, the activation is classed as a false alarm. If an attendance is made to such an event by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, then the event is recorded as an UFAS incident