East Asia under Challenge History 381: Asian Experience.

East Asia under Challenge History 381: Asian Experience

Transcript of East Asia under Challenge History 381: Asian Experience.

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East Asia under Challenge

History 381: Asian Experience

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The Qing EmpireThe Qing Empire

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Rebellions and Decline Opium and Rebellion

– British problems with China over trade limitation The opium trade Promoted by Britain not China Reactions by China restricted Opium trade

– Lin Zexu (Lin Tse-hsu; 1785-1850), 1839– Opium War (1839-1842)

Demonstrated the superiority of British firepower and military tactics

The Qing, under military pressure, agreed to British demands

Concessions to Britain (Treaty of Nanjing, 1842)– Open five coastal ports to British trade– Limit tariffs on imported British goods– Cede the island of Hong Kong– Grant extraterritorial rights to British citizens in China

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Rebellions and Decline

– Taiping (T’ai p’ing) Rebellion, 1853-1864) Qing’s failure to deal with economic problems led to a

peasant uprising which the Quig rulers suppressed in 1864.

– Under pressure from Britain, the Qing agreed to legalization of the opium trade, and the cession of the peninsula of Kowloon

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The Opium War(1839-1843)

Early in the 19th century., British merchants began smuggling opium into China in order to balance their purchases of tea for export to Britain.

In 1839, China enforced its prohibitions on the importation of opium by destroying at Guangzhou (Canton) a large quantity of opium confiscated from British merchants.

Great Britain, which had been looking to end China's restrictions on foreign trade, responded by sending gunboats to attack several Chinese coastal cities.

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The Opium War (1839-1843)

China, unable to withstand modern arms, was defeated and forced to sign the Treaty of Nanjing (1842) and the British Supplementary Treaty of the Bogue (1843). – These provided that the ports of Guangzhou, Jinmen,

Fuzhou, Ningbo, and Shanghai should be open to British trade and residence; in addition Hong Kong was ceded to the British.

Within a few years other European countries were granted similar privileges.

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The Climax of Imperialism in China

““Self-strengthening” but value systems remained unchanged

Russia, France, and Britain penetrate China Sino-Japanese War, 1894-1895

OVER Japan’s incursion into the Korean Peninsula (threatening China’s control over the area)

China dealt a major defeat– Opening the Door to China

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The Climax of Imperialism in China

– United States’ “Open Door” policy for equal economic access to the China market Guarantee the territorial and administrative integrity of

the Chinese Empire– Boxer Rebellion, 1900

Boxers (members of a secret society in northern China) Attacked foreign residents China paid heavy compensation to the foreign


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Collapse of the Old Order

Commission formed to study constitutional changes, 1905 Election for a national assembly, 1910 New provincial elite Rising rural unrest

– Reforms do little for the peasants, artisans, miners, transportation workers

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Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925)

•Formation of the ‘Revive China Society’•Revolutionary Alliance (unite radical groups from across China)•Three People’s Principles of nationalism, democracy, and people’s livelihood

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Collapse of the Old Order

– Revolt of October, 1911– Revolution or collapse of the old order?

In failing to create new institutions to change society, the revolt of 1911 contributed to the collapse of the old older

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A Rich Country and a Strong State: The Rise of Modern Japan

Isolation Emergent commercial and manufacturing center Tokugawa feudalistic system falling apart

– Factionalism and corruption plaguing the central bureaucracy

An End to Isolation Rebel armies attacked shogun’s palace at Kyoto in 1868 and

proclaimed the authority of the emperor who had agreed to end cooperation with the West

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The Meiji Restoration: A Revolution from Above

Some historians argue it was an incomplete revolution because it did not end economic and social inequalities

Others argue it did put Japan on a path of economic and political development

A “conservative revolution”

Combination of kokutai and capitalism

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Meiji Restoration

Transformation of Japanese Politics– Abolish remnants of the old order and strengthen the

executive– Abolish hereditary privileges– Development of political parties– Meiji Constitution (named after the young emperor

who had taken the name Meiji on ascending the throne in 1867) on western models

Meiji Economics– Land and tax reforms (3%)– Japan’s industrial revolution

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Meiji Restoration

Building a Modern Social structure– Military structure (abolishing the old feudal army based on

the traditional warrior class for a an imperial army based on universal conscription).

– Education– Changing culture– Civil Code, 1898– Women

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Japanese Overseas Expansion during the Meiji EraJapanese Overseas Expansion during the Meiji Era

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Joining the Imperialist Club

Conflict with China Korea opens ports to Japan

– Sino-Japanese rivalry over Korea Russo-Japanese War, 1904

– Battle of Tsushima, 1905 Admiral Togo and the Japanese fleet

– Battle of Port Arthur, 1905

Korea annexed