EarS Boardin Houses-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00134/00422.pdft I t rte pt w t S T 4 L...

t I t rte pt w t S T 4 L We are now showing one of the MOST COMPLETE STOCKS eve shown in this part of Florida It will compare favorably with any store and the prices a saving of Yb d our prices surprisingly low consider advance in all classes of goods and we are able to offer some REAL BARGAINS over last years prices- It is being on the ground floor and knowing how to buy that counts No prettier line of DRESS GOODS SILKS and TRIMMINGS will be found anywhere Some Exceptional Values will be found in this line Our ReadytoWear Department is overflowing with the Choicest Values Here you will find the NEW HOB BLE DRESSES and SKIRTS COAT SUITS SHIRT WAISTS COATS CAPES SWEATERS and UNDERWEAR Our Shoe Departmenti- s full to the brim with all the best in SHOES and HOSIERY to fit all feet and pocket books Come and look through whether NEW FALL GOODS no for Jl fi of ji jI 1J the g I 1- I l city little amount you thg ¬ = you wish to buy or not You welcome to come and 218 to 224 LEMON STREET If EARNEST Says Its So j Columbus Wagons i The Worlds Best Made by the International Harvester Company j ALSO i McCormick and Deering Mowers and Rakes I And Repairs for See the line j before you buy WILLIAM TURNAGELO- EBS OLD STAND PALATKA FLORIDA are 8 It i tf f UtMtH tt- u I same I e look- S b ti Notice of Application for Tax Deed Under Section I ot Chapter 4683 L wi of riorKU Notice II hereby given ilero Mara f aerating Co Tax C rtlfleau No itb d T tt nrti A ISM certificate and h made deacrlMtl proiwrtr altnaud In rot rum County MK BecUoo 28 Townihlp 9 B Bance- IS B 40 acre 7B said land being Uieued at tho date of thiJiinanc 01 In the t J W if cIU Uoleu Mid oertmcat hall to redeemed to law tai deed will Lau thereon oa the 28th day of Norcmbe- rVltneia official alnatnn and seal thlj- 29th day ot October A D HID Clerk Circuit Court Putnam County Jlorlda Xy B Hatohlnsos Jr D f n Mil lIoatt rrf MIDqo Old J aeowitb Sa I name of A JIENRY JlUTOnm oN i J that a taL peed w cl tee ire m V < < Mrs Annie Bodden after pleasant visit to her grandparents Mr and Mrs E Windlsb returned Wed- nesday to her home at Egmont Keys we are pleased to note that Mrs Ira a serious illness of a weeVs darationv 0 Mr LeKoni outtteria Satire qf the Rambler Automobile Co is In tho city for several days In the interests of the best car In the world for the money While here Mr LeBonx Is of A T Anderson the deservedly popular and eminently Rambler people headquarters are welcome to Pa latka I ch after 1 H improv 4 J lu J ¬ > + CURBSTONE PICKUPS Dotter that li batter at Something new at this week window For the Bert bleats ID the city Phone 08 THOS OAKXO- NPhonocrsphs tort Becords- OD essy terms at Palatka 5 of 0 doses C Twill onre any and fever ffirKje 25o I For an evening im some entertainmentat day from a brief please mm to A spool of Oat tooltp given tree with every tl dress pattern at Leo ROT W D tJpihaw Georgias die tlngnlihed prohibition orator at the I oonrt home tonight Everybody EarS Edlsen ole of Ohllls Qt I Orphenm the tLMr d1 Ii rJII P loU i1lIIe Ill I i Jaooblo s jn I r bole pptloe the to add rid f otc o i ead vlted W > Rev Jonathan Purcell and are occupying the new Preubfterlan manse on street where thor an now at home to their fritnd- sUtitlugi and Wflttera Meats Poultry Phone 08THOS CANNON MUt Beatrice Weld the efficient teacher of the Pomona bohool spent Saturday and Sunday in the at- at the guest of mends W 8 MIddleton and a party o friends came up from Pomona Toes day to attend Graustarlc present- ed at the Hovf ell Theatre that nlgbt Remember when in needof Florida and Western Meats Pork and Poultry BO to Wm Green Kiiby s Eqd A Mr George Wilkinson of om highly esteemed friends Federal Point was numbered visitors who spent Saturday the City Mr A E Wilson after spending the summer months at various points In the North on combined and recu- peration bent returned home Sunday- If want to sea a Lulu the latest toe In snow look in Currys dls window Remember la for the latest and best in shoes Remember that Garrys Shoe Store is headquarters for footwear for the school- children big line of shoes for the little folks Just received Robt Arant after spending a few with his turned Monday to Alexandersvllle Ga to resume duties with the big lumber company there- J D Osteen an enterprising young an of the Hollltter section Tuesday Be reports that there have D the roads on the low lands In West tamp and and Went Of play tamil was n among Le e f < ¬ Call at Gurrys Shoe Store and set measured for that fall and winter snit Prices reasonable and the quality the best Nothing better brand of clothing you know I IV 0 Norton the well known hotel proprietor of Crescent City and now a candidate for county commissioner from the first was in town Tuesday greeting old friends and forming new acquaintances- Be sore to attend the prohibition rally at the court house to night D Vpsbaw one of the most temperance orators In the South will a which wilt be well worth hearing and heeding V FOR nice and colt sound and gentle j weight about 900 not Florida Mrs H y tram Chicago the greater of the TiSt daugh- ter Irene and son remain there in order to the ex- cellent educational advantages offered Women who wish to retain their youth should use Parisian Sage It makes the hair grow thick and Cures danruff or money beak 60 cents at Drug Companys Mrs E 0 Buell a season spent at Sweetwater Tenn was In the city Wednesday passing through- en route to her winter home at Fair view where she will remain during the cold months The family of Mr L 0 Uanova on Friday moved Into their handsome new home on River street in the West End This residence Is one of the most attrac- tive in the city and located in a desirable neighborhood an ideal home tor this most family If you belch gas have heartburn or sour stomach you If your stomach feels jr lJlous after belongs 50 ate Her F Bate the en il6 city arrangements the openingof the orange season which to a prosperous one despite reports to the contrary He the recent storm did very llttl damage on the finltland Peninsula Every amounting to Coats cotton thread free BALEA mare o ds train or John Motes RF D No2 Box itka upday where she t after a night of loclab1t1 l tablets wm hold Ibllo Auk lItort guarantees I J- f n tee Sa llralr be statue tloo Leo one spool i 1- 1I automobile Apply summer lus- trous Aokerman Stewart n ona tirgerelt Drag Co o- t young was ln ilia Jacobson MI ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < Good milkdeltd- ous with pure sweet losing its Its guaranteed to COFFEE cream vor I LUZ ANNE of presntvihuug ca Nlw OaltaNeaQA PALATKA HEIGHTS Correspondence Times Herald The Heights sustained very lutl damage from the effects of the storm The wood yard of Messrs Punter Thornton Is proving to be quite a con- venience as dry wood had become a momentous proposition N T Mortis of the Heights and Miss Mane Block of street were quietly married on Sunday afternoon the 2d inst ReV P Q Canon offic- iating The Heights was represented at tbt Penlel Baptist on Sunday Joseph Hines and family Wilbur and Miss Mrs Frank Davidson and children have returned to their home on the Heights from an extended visit to rela- tives in Tennessee much to the delight- of Mr Davidson and numerous friends The Baptists and friends gave their dew pastor and wife the Rev And Mr P Q Oason a considerable pounding on Tuesday evening We hope Bro Oaion will retaliate by giv careless and indifferent mem- bers an occasional pounding though of rather a different nature Mr and Mrs Morris arrived on the Heights Tuesday evening safe and sound from their tour While their trip was ot short duration they pleasant time May this be the begin of a long life fraught with peace happiness and plenty Reason and persuasion are always more effective votes than abuse Men can be led but very fow driven We dan in some Instances af- ford to abuse business but when it homes to personalities we must use dis- cretion and courtesy rather than abuse We can never a mans vote or In- fluence by comparing him to some specimens degradation Men are all supposed to be human and should be treated from a human standpoint to popularity G N V FOR SALE One Organ new at lees than coat Kowtons Palatka Fla Hastings Pore Pork Sausage fresh every Phone 98 Taos CANNON The regular monthly meeting of Patton Anderson Ohapter U D 0 be held at the residence of Mrs J N Walton Thursday NOT ember 8d at 8 p m The many friends of Dr WH Gyros regret to of his illness at his home in the West End We wish him a speedy and a complete restoration to his N both to have had an u not a safe way Alt T Mnd slinging ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Hon 8 J HUborn has accepted the invitation extended by 88 Davis Lodge Knights of Jackson- ville to deliver an address at a banquet- to be given on Hilburn Is grand vice chancellor and will make this in his official capacity It would be well for the voters In the approaching election to remem- ber that the for County Oommlsslonera will be voted on throughout the County The vote Is to districts only In the elections but In the general elections the entire county partici- pates J F Tenny Federal Points best known citizen spent Thursday In the city seeing after inter- ests Mr Mrs Tenny have Just returned from an extended to the North the greater part of the season haying been spent In the New England states Hyorael oared my catarrh In few weeks M P Burke North Momfret Vt It will cure any case of catarrh colds or sore throat or money back Ask Aoker manStewart Co Complete outfit 1100 Extra bottle cents Mrs Jos Mestmer and Mr and Mrs Harry Meesmer after a delight fal season spent at points to the North have returned They spent the early part of the summer at other places In tho mountains of North Carolina but later went to St Louis and remained there until ready to some home Sunday morning the pulpit of Bt James M E Church was occupied by Rev Howard Dntlll for the first time In several weeks he haying been to his home for some time pat on account of illness A large oongrega lion greeted him and were treated to B sermon force and interest At the evening hour another excellent discourse was by a large num- ber of attentive hewers at Castle Hall vl lt ate pri- ma y a con- fined ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Housekeepers Hotels AND Boardin Houses- Here IRON BEDS 398H- O Inch B fllleri Illuitrntlon our white enamel bed No Here are four Items whIch will Interest If you buy from us will save money All goods to bo represented your order todaY It be shipped I J 60 The greatest bargaIn ever offered In thIs clue of FinIsh Is of the bet and polished Cannot be duplicated at the I you and rest as will IRON REDS 8i1S0 2 In posts 7 flllrrr Illustration represents our enamel bed No 80 Notes the This bed wa especially for us and le a piece of Finish and workmanship are The price le the 45 lb Layer Felt Mattresses j We guarantee these Mattresses be one of the greatest bargains ever offered the public A layer felt mattress aVery Rood quality of and Is one of the mot comfortable on the market II I and In every particular Is a hIgh grade article Is 698 GENUINE SPRINGS j- z K K I II- I a rj N I jl- ii In order to Introduce our Bedding to the people of the State J we are making a I eolnl offer In constructed everY IS heavily coppered tad loaded which prevents rusting SpecIal Price 299 M i tt goods lowest l NATIONAL i i t a tin It < < < < Foridas Largest Furniture Stores 523533 West Forsyth Street Cor Bridge JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA JOHN A CUNNINCHAM n BECKER LACYS Oyster and Quick Lunch Is prepared to SERVE Ttffs OF PALATKA In VPLEABINO MANNER LUNCHES served at all hours OYSTEIjafb order or In Bulk BPEOf AL DINNERS or LUNCHES prepared for parties on short notice dive us a trial Boyd Block PalatkQ Fla LadiesAN- D Childrens Onyx Hosiery In all sizes grades and at MISS Millinery Emporium- Gents Hats ol all kinds straws soft felts Panamas etc new on short notice All orders given careful and prompt atten MISS KATE LUCAS oleane roblookod in fact made if PEO- PLE L ¬ < P J DECKS BAMDAU WllLt Becks Wells Real Estate and Insurance and Country Properties Orange Farms Potato Farms Hoagies and Lots Winter Homes Stores Hotels and Un- improved Lands of all Hardwood Timber and Turpentine Locations a specialty TELL US YOUR WANTS WE HAVE IT Do you own Florida property that would like to sell so lt with ns We havon buyer for it Of floe opposite court Nonce P O Jlor 161 Fla NOTICE Palatka Ohap tdr No 83 Or der E as t r Star wilt holds day Temple MRS II H WELLS Associate Matron NOTICE- State and County License will duo October 1st 1910 Please be governed accordingly Tax Collector t D be t droves r smeettnTaes evenly I r ¬ +

Transcript of EarS Boardin Houses-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00134/00422.pdft I t rte pt w t S T 4 L...

Page 1: EarS Boardin Houses-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00134/00422.pdft I t rte pt w t S T 4 L We are now showing one of the MOST COMPLETE STOCKS eve shown in this part of Florida



rte pt w





We are now showing one of theMOST COMPLETE STOCKS eve

shown in this part of Florida It will

compare favorably with anystore and the prices a saving of

Yb dour prices surprisingly low consider

advance in all classes of goods

and we are able to offer some REALBARGAINS over last years prices-

It is being on the ground floor and

knowing how to buy that counts

No prettier line of DRESS GOODS


found anywhere Some ExceptionalValues will be found in this line

Our ReadytoWear Department is

overflowing with the Choicest Values



Our Shoe Departmenti-s full to the brim with all the best

in SHOES and HOSIERY to fit allfeet and pocket books

Come and look through whether



for Jl fiof

ji jI1J






l city

little amount you




you wish to buy or not Youwelcome to come and

218 to 224 LEMON STREET

If EARNEST Says Its So

j Columbus Wagonsi The Worlds Best

Made by the International Harvester Companyj ALSO

i McCormick and Deering Mowers and Rakes

I And Repairs for See the linej before you buy





f UtMtH tt-uI







Notice of Application for Tax DeedUnder Section I ot Chapter 4683 L wi ofriorKU

Notice II hereby given ilero Marafaerating Co Tax C rtlfleau No

itb d T tt nrti A ISMcertificate and h made

deacrlMtl proiwrtr altnaud In rotrum County

MK BecUoo 28 Townihlp 9 B Bance-IS B 40 acre

7B said land being Uieued at tho date ofthiJiinanc 01 In the

t J W ifcIU Uoleu Mid oertmcat hallto redeemed to law tai deed willLau thereon oa the 28th day of Norcmbe-

rVltneia official alnatnn and seal thlj-29th day ot October A D HID

Clerk Circuit CourtPutnam County Jlorlda

Xy B Hatohlnsos Jr D


MillIoatt rrf MIDqo Old

J aeowitb SaI

name of






taL peedw cl tee






Mrs Annie Bodden after pleasantvisit to her grandparents Mr and MrsE Windlsb returned Wed-nesday to her home at Egmont Keys

we are pleased to note that Mrs Iraa serious

illness of a weeVs darationv

0 Mr LeKoni outtteriaSatire qf the Rambler AutomobileCo is In tho city for several days Inthe interests of the best car In theworld for the money While hereMr LeBonx Is of A TAnderson the deservedly popularand eminentlyRambler people headquartersare welcome to Palatka I






4J lu J





Dotter that li batter at

Something new at this weekwindow

For the Bert bleats ID the cityPhone 08 THOS OAKXO-

NPhonocrsphs tort Becords-OD essy terms at Palatka

5 of 0 doses C Twill onre anyand fever ffirKje 25o

I For an evening imsome entertainmentat

day from a brief please



A spool of Oat tooltpgiven tree with every tl dress patternat Leo

ROT W D tJpihaw Georgias dietlngnlihed prohibition orator at the I

oonrt home tonight Everybody



ole of Ohllls


Orphenm the

tLMr d1 IirJII P loU

i1lIIe IllI


Jaooblo s



r bolepptloe

the to


f otco

i ead

vlted W


Rev Jonathan Purcell andare occupying the new Preubfterlanmanse on street where thor annow at home to their fritnd-

sUtitlugi and Wflttera MeatsPoultry Phone 08THOS


MUt Beatrice Weld the efficientteacher of the Pomona bohool

spent Saturday and Sunday in the at-at the guest of mends

W 8 MIddleton and a party o

friends came up from Pomona Toesday to attend Graustarlc present-ed at the Hovf ell Theatre that nlgbt

Remember when in needof Floridaand Western Meats Pork and PoultryBO to Wm Green Kiiby sEqd A

Mr George Wilkinson of omhighly esteemed friends FederalPoint was numbered visitorswho spent Saturday the City

Mr A E Wilson after spending thesummer months at various points In theNorth on combined and recu-peration bent returned home Sunday-

If want to sea a Lulu thelatest toe In snow look in Currys dls

window Remember lafor the latest and best in


Remember that Garrys Shoe Store isheadquarters for footwear for the school-children big line of shoes for thelittle folks Just received

Robt Arant after spending a fewwith his

turned Monday to AlexandersvllleGa to resume duties with the biglumber company there-

J D Osteen an enterprising youngan of the Hollltter section

Tuesday Be reports that therehave

D the roads on the low lands In West








was n

among Lee




Call at Gurrys Shoe Store and setmeasured for that fall and winter snitPrices reasonable and the quality thebest Nothing betterbrand of clothing you know I

IV 0 Norton the well known hotelproprietor of Crescent City and now acandidate for county commissioner fromthe first was in town Tuesdaygreeting old friends and forming newacquaintances-

Be sore to attend the prohibitionrally at the court house to nightD Vpsbaw one of the mosttemperance orators In the South will

a which wilt be wellworth hearing and heeding


FOR niceand colt sound and gentle j weightabout 900 not


Mrs H ytram Chicago thegreater of the TiSt daugh-ter Irene and sonremain there in order to the ex-cellent educational advantages offered

Women who wish to retain theiryouth should use Parisian Sage Itmakes the hair grow thick and

Cures danruff or money beak60 cents at DrugCompanys

Mrs E 0 Buell a seasonspent at Sweetwater Tenn was Inthe city Wednesday passing through-en route to her winter home at Fairview where she will remain duringthe cold months

The family of Mr L 0 Uanova onFriday moved Into their handsome newhome on River street in the West EndThis residence Is one of the most attrac-tive in the city and located in adesirable neighborhood an idealhome tor this most family

If you belch gas have heartburnor sour stomach youIf your stomach feels jr lJlous after

belongs 50 ate

Her F Bate the en

il6 cityarrangements the openingof theorange season which to aprosperous one despite reports to thecontrary He the recentstorm did very llttl damage on thefinltland Peninsula

Every amounting to

Coats cotton thread free

BALEA mare

o dstrain or JohnMotes RF D No2 Box itka

updaywhere she t


a night of loclab1t1 ltablets wm hold Ibllo

Auk lItortguarantees I J-


n teeSa

llralr be


tloo Leo one spool

i 1-


automobile Apply



Aokerman Stewart

n onatirgerelt

Drag Co o-

t young

was ln ilia









Good milkdeltd-ous with pure sweet


Its guaranteed to







presntvihuug caNlw OaltaNeaQA


Correspondence Times Herald

The Heights sustained very lutldamage from the effects of the storm

The wood yard of Messrs PunterThornton Is proving to be quite a con-venience as dry wood had become amomentous proposition

N T Mortis of the Heights andMiss Mane Block of street werequietly married on Sunday afternoonthe 2d inst ReV P Q Canon offic-iating

The Heights was represented at tbtPenlel Baptist on SundayJoseph Hines and family Wilbur

and MissMrs Frank Davidson and children

have returned to their home on theHeights from an extended visit to rela-tives in Tennessee much to the delight-of Mr Davidson and numerous friends

The Baptists and friends gave theirdew pastor and wife the Rev AndMr P Q Oason a considerablepounding on Tuesday evening Wehope Bro Oaion will retaliate by giv

careless and indifferent mem-bers an occasional pounding though ofrather a different nature

Mr and Mrs Morris arrived onthe Heights Tuesday evening safe andsound from their tour Whiletheir trip was ot short duration they

pleasant time May this be the beginof a long life fraught with peace

happiness and plentyReason and persuasion are always

more effective votes thanabuse Men can be led but very fowdriven We dan in some Instances af-ford to abuse business but when ithomes to personalities we must use dis-

cretion and courtesy rather than abuseWe can never a mans vote or In-

fluence by comparing him to somespecimens degradation Men are allsupposed to be human and should betreated from a human standpoint

topopularity G N V

FOR SALE One Organ new atlees than coat Kowtons PalatkaFla

Hastings Pore Pork Sausage freshevery Phone 98


The regular monthly meeting ofPatton Anderson Ohapter U D 0be held at the residence of Mrs J NWalton Thursday NOT ember 8d at 8p m

The many friends of Dr W H Gyrosregret to of his illness at his homein the West End We wish him aspeedy and a complete restoration to



both to have had an

u not a safe way



Mnd slinging








Hon 8 J HUborn has accepted theinvitation extended by 8 8 DavisLodge Knights of Jackson-ville to deliver an address at a banquet-to be given on

Hilburn Is grand vicechancellor and will make this inhis official capacity

It would be well for the voters Inthe approaching election to remem-ber that the for CountyOommlsslonera will be voted onthroughout the County The vote Is

to districts only In theelections but In the general

elections the entire county partici-pates

J F Tenny Federal Points bestknown citizen spent Thursday Inthe city seeing after inter-ests Mr Mrs Tenny have Justreturned from an extended tothe North the greater part of theseason haying been spent In the NewEngland states

Hyorael oared my catarrh Infew weeks M P Burke NorthMomfret Vt It will cure any caseof catarrh colds or sorethroat or money back Ask AokermanStewart Co Completeoutfit 1100 Extra bottle cents

Mrs Jos Mestmer and Mr andMrs Harry Meesmer after a delightfal season spent at points to theNorth have returned Theyspent the early part of the summerat other places In thomountains of North Carolina butlater went to St Louis and remainedthere until ready to some home

Sunday morning the pulpit of BtJames M E Church was occupied byRev Howard Dntlll for the first timeIn several weeks he haying been

to his home for some time pat onaccount of illness A large oongregalion greeted him and were treated to Bsermon force and interestAt the evening hour another excellentdiscourse was by a large num-ber of attentive hewers

at Castle Hall

vl lt


pri-ma y










Housekeepers HotelsAND

Boardin Houses-



O Inch B fllleri Illuitrntlon our white enamel bed No

Here are four Items whIch will Interest If you buy from uswill save money All goods to bo representedyour order todaY It be shipped


60 The greatest bargaIn ever offered In thIs clue of FinIsh Is of thebet and polished Cannot be duplicated at the


you and restas




2 In posts 7 flllrrr Illustration represents our enamel bed No 80 Notesthe This bed wa especially for us and le apiece of Finish and workmanship are The price le the

45 lb Layer Felt Mattressesj

We guarantee these Mattresses be one of the greatest bargains everoffered the public A layer felt mattress aVery Roodquality of and Is one of the mot comfortable on the market II

Iand In every particular Is a hIgh grade article Is






N I jl-


In order to Introduce our Bedding to the people of the State

Jwe are making a I eolnl offer In constructedeverY IS heavily coppered tad loaded which prevents rustingSpecIal Price













Foridas Largest Furniture Stores523533 West Forsyth Street Cor Bridge





Oyster and

Quick LunchIs prepared to SERVE Ttffs


LUNCHES served at all hoursOYSTEIjafb order or In BulkBPEOf AL DINNERS or LUNCHES

prepared for parties on short notice

dive us a trial

Boyd Block PalatkQ Fla


Childrens Onyx Hosiery

In all sizes grades and atMISS MillineryEmporium-

Gents Hats ol all kindsstraws soft felts Panamas etc

new on short notice All ordersgiven careful and prompt atten


oleane roblookod in fact made








Becks WellsReal Estate and

Insuranceand Country Properties Orange

Farms Potato Farms Hoagies and LotsWinter Homes Stores Hotels and Un-improved Lands of all

Hardwood Timber andTurpentine Locations a specialty


Do you own Florida property thatwould like to sell so lt

with ns We havon buyer for it Offloe opposite court Nonce P O Jlor161 Fla


Palatka Ohap

tdr No 83 Or

der E as t rStar wilt holds



MRS II H WELLSAssociate Matron

NOTICE-State and County License will

duo October 1st 1910 Please begoverned accordingly

Tax Collector






r smeettnTaesevenly



