E15Apr3 - The Complete Religion That is Islam

Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura Friday Sermon 3 April 2015 / 13 Jamadilakhir 1436 The Complete Religion that is Islam Blessed Jemaah, Let us increase our takwa to Allah with the truest of takwa. Carry out His commands, and distance ourselves from what He has prohibited. Hopefully, Allah s.w.t. may deem us worthy to be among the guided ones. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin. Beloved Jemaah, 1


Khutbah from MUIS

Transcript of E15Apr3 - The Complete Religion That is Islam

Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura

Friday Sermon

3 April 2015 / 13 Jamadilakhir 1436

The Complete Religion that is Islam

Blessed Jemaah,

Let us increase our takwa to Allah with the truest of takwa. Carry out His commands, and distance ourselves from what He has prohibited. Hopefully, Allah s.w.t. may deem us worthy to be among the guided ones. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin. Beloved Jemaah,

As Muslims, we believe that Islam is a religion that has been perfected by Allah s.w.t.. This is mentioned in Surah al-Maidah verse 3, which is among the final verses revealed to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. from the Holy Quran.

Which means: This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.

My Brothers,

This religion of Allah s.w.t. is complete in numerous aspects. Islam is complete in terms of its foundations and principles, its rulings and its creed, as well as the virtues and manners that it imparts. The completeness of the teachings of Islam allows it to become a religion that brings benefit to humankind, and rejects all harm that may afflict the life of humans, whether the benefit is for this world or in the hereafter.Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah wrote in his book Ilam Al-Muwaqqiein: The Syariah is just in its entirety, it is all compassion, all wisdom, and all beneficial.At times, humans are prone to look at the short term benefits that he can obtain in his personal life, or a gain that he can attain only during his lifetime. Whereas, believers are guided by his religion to also give attention to his long term needs, which is his supplies for the hereafter. What will his status be when he stands under the gaze of Allah s.w.t. then? Will he be among those who succeed to be graced with Allahs mercy and His paradise? Or otherwise? There are also those who are committed to work towards his hereafter in performing religious duties, without understanding the purpose behind those duties. As a result, the beauty of the religion of Allah is diminished, and the intended impact on the lives of humankind cannot be achieved despite it being a perfect religion.

Come join me, fellow Muslims, as we analyse some examples.

We all know that Islam prohibits gambling. Allah s.w.t. says in Surah al-Maidah verse 90:

Which means: O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination - of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that you may prosper.In general, our Muslim community is not involved in gambling activities. Alhamdulillah. However, let us ask ourselves, what is the main purpose and objective of the prohibition against gambling?

Blessed Jamaah,

Among the objectives of prohibiting the act of gambling is becuase it is incongruent with the virtue of working hard and committing oneself to attain sustenance. Islam has never taught and does not want its adherers to be those who only takes the short route to being rich. The followers of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. cannot become a community that only wants to sit back and relax and wait for fortune to come their way without putting in any effort.Let me share with you a story. There was once a companion of the Prophet who was poor, who came to the Prophet asking for assistance. Rasulullah s.a.w. instead taught him to be independent and work to obtain his own source of income. By giving him a little bit of money that he had, the Prophet asked the companion to buy an axe, and for him to use it to chop down some firewood for him to sell in the Medinan markets.

After 15 days have passed, the companion brought news to the Prophet that he had succeeded in selling 10 dirham worth of firewood. Part of it he used to buy clothing and some for food. Rasulullah s.a.w. thus said: This is better for you, than for you to stand in the hereafter with a mark on your face which shows that you were during your lifetime a beggar. [Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud]My brothers,

Let us be a people who are not only observant of religious duties, but also those who also understand the teaching and purpose behind them. By avoiding gambling, we not only free ourselves from incurring sins and Allahs wrath, but also liven up to the objective behind its prohibition by rising as a community who is committed and works hard towards accomplishing what we aim to achieve.In the earlier Quranic verse, Allah s.w.t. also prohibited the consumption of intoxicants. One of the objectives of its prohibition is to avoid the harms that a person may incur when he loses his senses while in the state of drunkenness. The loss of his sense of rational thinking and judgment that are Allahs gifts to him, without which he cannot think rationally nor control his words and actions. His dignity is crushed when he embarasses himself through his acts that are out of his control. Not only that, the people surrounding him may also be affected negatively, including endangering other peoples lives. When it is all over, what he has left is only remorse and regret.Beloved jemaah, that is why Islam emphasises on the protection and preservation of ones reason. A Muslim who believes with understanding, sees that on top of avoiding intoxicants, there is also a need to protect and expand the potential of the intellect that has been granted to us. Therefore, if there is anyone amongst us who does not see the importance of education for our children and future generation, for example, then he has yet to fully realise the full meaning behind the prohibition of intoxicants.

My Brothers, From the examples that i have shared with you, we can draw some conclusions:Firstly: Let us not limit our understanding of Islamic rulings merely to the apparent aspects without also appreciating the wisdom behind the rulings. Islam is perfect. Therefore let us strive to also perfect our religious observances, inside and out, too.Secondly: Do not fulfill our religious duties only to attain rewards and avoid sins. Instead, let us also make the religious duty as something that shapes and adorns our character, and as the source of motivation to lead a life as how the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. has taught us. A Muslim community that does not indulge in gambling activities, is also a community that is hardworking and efficient. A Muslim community that is alcohol-free, is also a community that is committed to the continuous upgrading of the education of ourselves and our families.Let us together, shoulder to shoulder, commit ourselves to further deepen our religious understanding, and those of our families, and increase our amal. May Allah s.w.t. guide every step that we take on the path of leading a religious life that would bring us to His blessings and mercy. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.