e-waste WEEE

From our electronic waste the only open pit mine that can save the environment with its exploitation! CHE-467.205.394 www.ce.eco e-waste WEEE WEEE 09/12/2020 (dd/mm/year) technology introduction

Transcript of e-waste WEEE

Page 1: e-waste WEEE

From our electronic waste the only open pit mine that can save the environment with its exploitation!

CHE-467.205.394 www.ce.eco



09/12/2020 (dd/mm/year)

technology introduction

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Chemical Empowering

something about us

The green economy is our core business. Chemical Empowering was formed as a result of a long collaboration between its shareholders.Our goal is to make our planet more livable: this is why we study and develop industrial scale systems capable to transform the pollution’s causes into a source of wealth.Our patents range from the denaturing of asbestos to the elimination of industrial acids, from the purification of the water to the lowering of the gas’ dew point.Make our planet more livable without stopping development.

Our philosophy

What’s the point of destroying the environment to collect few resource’s crumb when we can use our technologies to live great, in a sustainable way, ob-taining everything needed? Our goal is to make our planet more livable without stopping development.For this reason, we have developed industrial sys-tems capable to transform the causes of pollution into a source of immediately usable opportunities: low-price raw materials ready to be transformed by further processes.

Mission:• Social progress• Clean environment• Wealth production• Sustainable Development






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The collection of electrical and electronic waste grows year by year all over the world, a clear sign that their management, from a marginal point of view, is taking on the contours of a serious problem due to the exponential increase in the materials to be disposed, often dangerous, components that can represent a real mine of precious metals.These must therefore be disposed with a specific procedure which avoids devastat-ing environmental damage and allows re-cycling instead.Electronic waste or WEEE (Waste from Elec-trical and Electronic Equipment), interna-tionally referred to as e-waste, are what remains of the electrical and electronic equipment that has been used and then discarded: smartphones, computers, print-

ers, fax machines, televisions, video cameras, electrical appliances and toys and many other everyday electric tools.Given the rapid progress of technology, everyday products are sometimes replaced even after a few months, although still functional, quickly generating large quantities of electronic waste.The risks for the environment and for health, due to incorrect disposal or abandonment of these wastes, are very high as an uncontrolled dispersion of substances such as mercury and chlorofluoro-carbons are generated, which are toxic and polluting.A correct recycling of WEEE, through the recovery of materials such as glass, copper, aluminum, steel, iron and other metals, allows to produce new appliances without having to find new resources and

with a minimal impact on the environ-ment as, after all the processing proce-dures envisaged, we obtain finished and semi-finished materials that can be used in the industrial market for processing and production purposes.

¾ Reduce greenhouse gases and pol-lution, because the contained sub-stances are safely eliminated.

¾ Recover raw materials, because alu-minum, glass, copper, plastic can be largely recycled for more than 90 percent of their weight.


introduction 2who we are... 3... and what we do 4our core team 5how we recovery WEEE 8Potential market 9Traditional recovery systems 10BIOZIMMI 11plasma torches 15our services 18standard timeline 19general sale conditions 21

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Chemical Empowering

who we are...

Dear sirs and Madame,

we were officially established in August 2018 and, thanks to the personal knowledge, the reputation and charisma of the founding members, we immediately became an aggregating hub for many profes-sionals, research institute and production companies. All this began in Italy and is now spreading to other European countries.

In addition to the real innovations, we are specialized in engineering and then applying improve-ments of technologies, mature in their field, to other areas often obtaining, this way, several real techno-logical leaps simply because we had the courage to do what was before under everyone’s eyes but no one dared to put it into practice.

Often our projects precede the times of several years. Just thinking to the plasma project commis-sioned by the Lombardy Region in 2008 aimed at transforming all plastic waste in the region into aviation fuel to refuel Malpensa airport in Milan.

We develop technology both independently and in collaboration with universities (Polytechnic of Mi-lan, Pisa, Sassari, Bari, etc.) or with other public institutions (for example the National Research Center - CNR).

In just a year and a half, we boast an extremely vast proprietary and unique product portfolio with several prototypes made and an industrialized line for a completely innovative product being marketed but already renamed “the miracle machine” by some user.

Some of our products have been defined extremely innovative and promising at international events by panels composed of scientists from all over the world. Last in chronological order, only a few days ago our Purity system obtained a special recognition at the European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Con-ference.

Our patents and innovations have made us immediately designate as members of technology suppli-ers within the Italian Biogas Consortium.

We have a framework agreement with RINA Consulting - Centro Sviluppo Materiali S.p.A. which allows us to request their supervision and therefore also to certify the production and engineering phase of our products wherever we choose to produce them. Therefore, choosing us also gives access to all the wealth of experience and technology gained in over 70 years by Centro Sviluppo Materiali which, I remember to everyone, was since its establishing the research and development department of IRI (Institute for Italian Industrial Reconstruction, among the top 10 companies in the world by turnover up to 1992).

Numerous specialized and excellent industrial plants located throughout practically the whole Italy have offered us all the production slots that we need today and that we may need even in the event of a market “explosion”.

We are already looking around to start our first full owned production plant, mono product, to be dedicated to the production of our process accelerator based on controlled cavitation.

The headquarters located in Switzerland is functional to ensure maximum stability for our work. We have many research and operating subsidiaries in Italy.

These results were obtained without even having started the website yet despite the fact that we even have an unobtainable 2-level second-level domain.

Dr.Bruno VaccariBruno Vaccari

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... and what we do

B I OB I O Z I M M I Z I M M I E m p o w e r i n gE m p o w e r i n g D e v i c eD e v i c e Dafne Plant && DafneDafne ChemicalChemical B I OB I O digesters && Biomethane Upgrade Universal Plasma torch gasifierS Hazardous waste inertization system WEEE recovery system Borax system LIQUIDS & SOLIDS TREATMENT SOIL WASHING OPTIMIZATION OF EXISTING PROCESSES

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Bruno VaccariBusinessman with experi-ence in information technol-ogy, publishing, food and real estate

Tullia ZuccaProcess engineer with expe-rience gained in the field in all fields of chemistry with particular emphasis on oil & gas

Jennifer MartinelEconomist and rising star of the Ticino political class, en-dowed with marked environ-mental sensitivity and skilled on economic sustainability

Antonio DemarcusChemical researcher with skills and certified licenses to conduct chemical plants




• Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”• Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta

•Politecnico di Milano

• SSEAScuola Superiore Economia Azien-dale Bellinzona

• Università degli Studi di Sassari

Chemical Empowering

our core team

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Gaetano PolizziMulti-year experience gained in the banking world. For over ten years he has been mainly involved in business consulting

Mirco FanizziMultifaceted marketing man, researcher and finance ex-pert. Huge experience gained in renewable energy

Gianni DeveronicoEngineer specialized in mechanical and electrical design

Barbara SpeltaLaboratory manager

Daniel RogenskiHe is taking all the steps for our products landing in the United States and the Carib-bean




• Università degli Studi di Catania

• Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo’

• Steffani Conserv-atory

• Politecnico di Milano• Bocconi di Milano


• Università degli Studi di Milano


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13-PUMPS &





















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To avoid the common problems of traditional treat-ment processes, we have opted for a vacuum sys-tem capable of finely shredding each component of the WEEE and, at the same time, capturing any gaseous emissions and recovering any liquid part.Some metals will be isolated after the shredding phases as well as the collected and insulated plas-tic components can be transferred to another plant that deals with treating this type of material or placed in an apparatus suitable for energy recov-ery.In addition, the glass will be removed beforehand by means of vibrating sieves and insulated to be re-cycled.The matrices remainder, on average a variable mass around 20/25% of what was initially entered, is inserted in a special plasma oven specifically designed for the recovery of precious metals and rare earths. The plasma arcs contain an extremely hot but rather small region positioned in front of the electrode tip, produced in Italy by one of our partners, and specifically designed for the processing and recovery of precious metals.The entire system is fully integrated in BIOBIOZIMMIZIMMI and each module is capable of pro-cessing about thirty tons of incoming WEEE per day, or about six tons per day of parts contain-ing precious metals and rare earths.

how we recovery WEEE

The inorganic fraction becomes completely in-ert and forms a vitrified material. Then, pour-ing from the reactor in molten form (lava), it cools down solidifying in a material that can be shaped and used for useful purposes without environmental risks such as:• road or rail surface;• floor tiles;• common objects (souvenirs, statues, etc.).The extremely fast thermal reaction and the treatment at extremely high temperatures al-low the total destruction of toxic organic com-pounds and the overall vitrification and en-capsulation of any compound. Atmospheric emissions do not occur due the application of our systems.

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Chemical Empowering

By way of example, in 2017 a total of 296,000 tons of WEEE were collected in Italy alone, which is equivalent to about 5 kg per inhabitant, with enormous benefits that the Planet derives from simple conscious behavior. In reality, however, the WEEE produced in this country are more than 4 times and touch the million tons.Worldwide, in 2014 an estimated 41,800,000 tons of WEEE were produced.In Switzerland, the Office of Wastes and Polluted Sites in collaboration with the Cantonal Office of Statistics publishes the results of the waste census annually and in 2017 it emerged that the Canton of Ticino alone disposed of 1,170 tons of WEEE against further 3,851 tons sent for dis-posal to inland Switzerland. This implies that in the year 2017 alone approximately 5,021 tons of WEEE were produced.The size of the plant module is equal to 1,971 tons per year, therefore the treatable matrices are more than abundant and easily available in any country in the world, leaving aside the huge potential markets of the highly technological and developed countries.In addition, the plasma torch present in the plant can also treat catalytic converters, given that it shows that the potential market to which it is addressed is practically infinite and devoid of significant competition.The transition from fossil fuels to electricity will also make this industrial installation even more competitive than disposal plants using traditional technologies, as this plant was created to manage the disposal of batteries, storage systems and recovery of metals from WEEE and will not have to therefore undergo adaptations of any kind.

potential market

96% of the materials that make up a mobile phone can be easily recycled.

The internal circuits of the mobile phone, for example, contain 10 grams of copper. Reused, it is used to produce electric ca-bles, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers and car parts.The liquid crystal screen hides 1 gram of rare earth, precious and little known metals: cerium, lanthanum, terbium and dys-prosium, etc ... They are very expensive, as well as rare, and once recovered they can be reused in the production circuits of equipment high tech or to make battery screens.In the internal circuits there is no lack of gold: 0.024 grams, which is used in jewelry or resold in the form of ingots. And 11 grams of iron can be recovered from the card, to be supplied to the steel industry and to companies that produce materialsfor flooring. Also on the card there are 0.30 grams of silver: it can be recycled for medical ointments, in jewelry and in the metallurgical industry. Finally, the battery contains 3.5 grams of cobalt and 0.6 of lithium, to be used to make new batteries. And 50 percent of a cell phone is plastic, equal to 65 grams, which, once recycled, has a second life in the building industry in the form of pipes and sheaths.

just a

n e



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To prevent WEEE from being dispersed in the environment or disposed of incorrectly, the European Union has issued a specific directive (for example in Italy it was implement-ed and converted into a decree-law in 2005, subsequently updated in 2014).The current legislation provides simple and effective tools for the correct disposal of electrical and electronic waste:• transfer to a municipal collection center, or ecological island;• you can take advantage of the “One on One” service, whereby when you buy a new electrical or electronic prod-uct, you are legally entitled to collect the old product;• or from July 22, 2016 you can use the “One against zero” service which allows all citizens to deliver their WEEE waste, even small ones, to collection centers at electron-ics stores with a sales area above 400 sq m.

Normally, decommissioned WEEE, after being collected and transferred to the treatment plat-forms, undergo a series of transformation operations in order to obtain components or mate-rials capable of reuse and correctly dispose of any dangerous components or substances.Among these:• safety or remediation, or removal of dangerous components• disassembly of sub-assemblies and preliminary separation of materials• mechanical processing for the recovery of materials.Thanks to the treatment, recycling and recovery phases, it is possible, in fact, to obtain sec-ondary raw materials that can be reused in the production cycle of other goods.Fangxing Yang, a researcher at the University of Zehjiang, has decided to try to understand if the air surrounding Taizhou, one of the largest disposal plants in China, is harmful to health, and above all, to what extent. During the disposal processes, in fact, organic compounds and heavy metals are released into the atmosphere; breathing contaminated air, these pollutants can accumulate in the body leading to many health problems, including public ones. Yang therefore collected air samples around the plant, to then purify the pollutants present and then put them in contact with human lung cells, then analyzing the effects of the substances on the production of interleukin-8 (an inflammation mediator), on the formation of oxidative damage to cells and on the levels of the p53 gene, involved in the development of tumors.The results were very clear: inflammation and oxidative stress increase as well as p53 levels due to all the pollutants examined. All of these factors can cause DNA damage, mutations, cancers and cardiovascular disease.Absolutely prohibited, Yang explains, the outdoor disposal of such waste, and inadequate protection of workers in the treatment and disposal plants.Therefore, traditional disposal and recovery systems could be dangerous for the health not only of operators but also of those who live or work near them.

traditional recovery systems

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Chemical Empowering

BIOBIOZIMMIZIMMIBIOBIOZIMMIZIMMI is a system designed and created for the treatment of sewage sludge, industrial sludge, MSW, hospital / sanitary waste, plastics, slaughter waste and any other kind of organic waste with their consequent energy re-covery through application of a pyro gasification process and inertization by plasma torch.The main focus pursued developing this system was the elimination of waste in AS IS format thus reducing the problems related to their disposal.The secondary target is the utilization of the syngas and heat to produce electrical energy, thermal energy and methanol.Furthermore, there will be small quantities of in-ert ash from the gasifiers and inert vitrified mate-rial that can be molded into any shape from the plasma torch. The water contained in the treated matrices will, for the most part, be recovered and can be either purified or used for agricultural purposes.The heat treatment allow the exploitation of the energy content in the input matrix (for example, the sludge shall have normally from 2,500 to 4,000 kilocalo-ries / kilograms).The hospital / sanitary waste will immediately be inertized by their treatment through the plasma torch.

By combining the versatility of the gasifiers with the power of the plasma torch, a large number of different matrices can be treated in our system si-multaneously without ever completely stopping the abduction lines. Furthermore, our process ac-celerator, the notorious EMPOWERING EMPOWERING DE-DE-VICEVICE , and the DAFNEDAFNE CHEMICALCHEMICAL combined with our unique engineering will completely block any emission into the atmosphere. With BIOBIOZIMMIZIMMI there are no dangers of furans or dioxins: each gas molecule will be used to produce energy - electrical and / or thermal - and / or methanol.With the BIOBIOZIMMIZIMMI the landfills will no longer be filled, they will be able to continue operating for a really very long time.

ZERO EMISSIONBenefits using our System:• cutting disposal costs• reduction of process times• total use flexibility• farewell to furans and dioxins

Plasma + Gasification + Biodigestion + Cavitation + Biomethane = BIOBIOZIMMIZIMMI

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The process we designed is completely modular. Based on the needs found at the customer site, we can choose to combine the gasification technology with the plasma one and also take advantage of the less performing biodigestion always treating the gases with technologies de-rived from the oil & gas field and taking advantage, wherever possible, of the controlled cavita-tion’s power; energy production can be obtained from time to time with endothermic engines, gas or steam turbines and, sometimes, with thermo-dynamic systems. The abduction systems are modulated by the extractive industry while the management of safety devices is also the result of experience gained in the oil & gas sector.By way of example, each gasifier will be able to treat around 4.5 tons of matrices (up to 3 differ-ent matrices per 1.5 tons per hour) while each torch will be able to treat up to 3 tons per hour. There is no limit in the number of systems that can be placed in parallel: the heart of the system (gasification, plasma and biodigestion) will be sized and any required ancillary systems will be provided both at the input and output.Obviously, as in any other industrial plant, the larger the installation, the more economies of scale can be developed. The larger the implant, the more the abduction systems, especially their starting energy consumption, can be spread and absorbed. The larger the energy efficiency, the

greater the kWh fed into the grid.Therefore, the maxi-mum dimensions are dictated by the capacity of the na-tional grid in the country where the client decides to po-sition the plant or, if it points to other productions other than electricity, the quantities of matri-ces that can be sup-plied.We think to an annu-al operating cycle of around 330 days. Ev-ery value we provide is to be considered conservative as are the values provided by our supplier part-ners.


energy rawmaterials




















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Chemical Empowering

BIOBIOZIMMIZIMMI combines the gasifiers’ cost-effectiveness with the disposal total efficiency of a plas-ma torch.Our gasifiers have been developed in collaboration with the RINA Consulting - Centro Svi-luppo Materiali spa, a subsidiary of RINA Group. Within the plasma torch we apply the Amer-ican-made hybrid electrodes that have been used for over 50 years to dispose of urban MSW everywhere in the world.Sustainable and successful treatment of MSW must be safe, effective, and environmentally friendly. BIOBIOZIMMIZIMMI was thought to solve the two main drawbacks of traditional landfills: sur-rounding areas of are often heavily polluted since it is difficult to keep dangerous chemicals from leaching out into the surrounding land and that any landfill can increase chances of global warming by releasing CH4, which is 20 times more dangerous as a greenhouse gas than CO2. Therefore, we find a more environmentally friendly alternative to treat MSW.The gasifiers take advantage of the molecular dissociation, called pyrolysis, used to directly convert the organic materials present in the waste into gas, by heating, in the presence of small quantities of oxygen.The processed materials are completely destroyed because their molecules are dissociated. The synthesis gas, even when of a low calorific value, once filtered and purified, can be used for the feeding of a cogenerator, thus enhancing the calorific value of the organic matrix used and can be contain costs simultaneously producing electrical and thermal energy, or it can be used for the production of reusable chemicals.Moreover, it is possible to get practically pure water, thermal energy and methanol.Our system is modular and consists, inside of each gassifier, of 3 reactors that can be operated individually or in unison. This is therefore an extremely flexible system, capable of treating different matrices simultaneously, modular and can be implemented, as needed, with further ancillary systems, able to maximize the efficiency of energy recovery.Our gasification sys-tem involves the use of drying systems for pre-treating the incoming material or matrix. The dryer is fed through the process’ heat and al-lows to bring the input humidity of the matrix by the value of the con-ferral (normally value between 70% and 30%) to, approximately, 10%.The matrix is dried in this way, is transported

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inside the reactor, where it is raised to temperatures ranging from 400 to 650 ° C, through the recovery of heat generated by the same syngas and by the same process of gasification that happens in the last part of the reactor. The waste is so subjected, quickly, to the total drying, pyrolysis and gasification.The produced gas (syngas) are sent, after being washed and purified, to a turbine and / or to an endothermic engines. From these, will be produced thermal kWT and electrical kW or metha-nol. Part of the electricity will be used for self support the process (about 15%), the other will be used to reduce the costs of other energy-intensive processes within the plant or entered into the national network, if possible. The heat can be used locally for the drying or by creating a district heating network to create cold thanks to the inverters.Once the gasification process has taken place, the only resulting waste product is ash, on aver-age about 5-10% of the matrix entering the gasifiers. The part of the ash treated in the plasma torch will turn into a material that can be used for useful purposes without environmental risks.The ash can be analyzed to assess its capacity for amending or usability as a building material.In RINA Consulting - Centro Sviluppo Materiali spa, there is a pilot that can be visited, fully equipped with a plasma torch.

Three-way Gasifier

Plasma Torch

Dafne Chemical Plant

Empowering Device

11,880 tons yearly for each reactor35,640 tons yearly for each gasifier142,560 tons yearly for the whole systemup to 12 different matrices treated at once

up to 23,760* tons yearly of any organic matricestreated together at once*with inorganic or ash the tons will be lower

gas cleaningimproves combustion yieldallows the synthesis of methanol

purifies waterstakes care of process watertakes care of gasification waters




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Chemical Empowering

plasma torchesOpposed to what happens in other systems used for waste disposal, since the dissociation of the products subjected to treatment takes place in the absence of oxygen, the application of plasma technology does not involve the emission of volatile substances such as combustion gases or harmful substances such as furans and dioxins.With this process it is possible to treat - mixed or singularly - all solid and liquid waste of toxic-harmful nature. There is no need for a preventive selection of the waste but a Feasibility Study must be carried out beforehand for the system to be adopted to convey the products to be treated hermetically to the torch.A system that uses this plasma technology is composed by a reactor including a plasma torch, the equipment required for its operation and the cleaning system for the fuel gas produced. This gas will be used for the combined production of electricity and thermal energy in cogene-ration plants, or to produce chemicals including methanol.The system is essentially constituted by a reactor to which the plasma torch is connected. In the upper part of the reactor occurs mainly the thermal transformation of the organic component of the waste generating a combustible gas: the syngas. In the lower part of the reactor there is both a thermal transformation and a kinetic transformation due to the plasma particles with energy higher than the thermal. The non-dissociated organic component, together with the inorganic component falls by gravity into the plasma area. Here the organic part is completely dissociated generating other syngas, while the inorganic part is mixed in a molten bath possi-bly enriched with a fluidifier to impro-ve its castability.The molten slag is extracted from the bottom of the re-actor while the ga-ses produced exit from the top of the reactor: the forma-tion of dioxins and furans and other toxic compounds resulting from the dissociation and molecular recom-bination is practi-cally canceled and, in any case, if were to be present, they falls broadly within

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For Plasma refers to a conductive gas, highly ionized. The torch or the non-transferred arc electrodes are capable of producing plasma at very high temperatures (the highest achieved in controlled industrial processes) and such as to cause thermochemical dissociation of what is being treated.Unlike other incineration systems, since the dissociation of waste occurs in the absence of oxygen, the application of plasma technology does not result in emissions of volatile substances such as combustion gases or harmful sub-stances such as furans and dioxins.

the limits of the law.The heavy metals in the reactor and those from the felling sections of the syngas are inerted forming a vitrified material. Even the non-com-busted fraction of the waste, after its removal from the reactor in molten form (slag), is co-oled by solidifying into a material that can be used for useful purposes without environmen-tal risks (road and / or railway ballast, objects, nourishment of sandy shores etc.).In general, the extremely fast thermal reaction and the treatment at extremely high tempe-ratures allow the total destruction of toxic or-ganic compounds and the vitrification and en-capsulation of inorganic compounds.

The main reactions that occur during the process within our plasma torch are:

1. disintegration of the components: it allows the dissociation of the organic components that are transformed into synthesis gas. All the hydro-carbons present in the treated waste are gasified and form a synthesis gas composed essentially of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. This mixture is highly energetic and is reacted to produce electricity or distilled to produce metha-nol and ethanol. Moreover, the high temperatures reached avoid the formation of toxic compounds such as dioxins and furans.

2. fusion: it involves the fusion of all inorganic compounds and the formation of an inert and non-leachable material (slag). All the toxic elements contained in the treated waste are subject to physical-chemical transformations that allow their total inertization.

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Chemical Empowering

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our services

We can analyse any exist-ing industrial process and

design new ones from scratch


…what to do

... exactly as we are able to build it, also helping you

with bureaucratic


…to do it

We analyze your matrices to better understand how to meet your expectations


…on what do it

We look for a long term rela-tion with our costumers and we require that our facilities

are always efficient!

After salesassistance

…maintain it

We carry out a careful study to let you know ex-actly what to expect with

our systems


…will you do it?

We can realise the project of any type of chemical or

industrial plant ...

…how to do it


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Chemical Empowering

standard timeline

1 2 3feasibility

study(if required)

basic design (Basic)(if needed)

start materials

and accessories




1 month



4 months

30% of total price


1 month

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4 5 6factory

assembly start

factory testing and


start-up, commissioning



balance of total price


7 days

20% of total price


15 days

20% of total price


4 months

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Chemical Empowering

Without prejudice to what is established in the final offer, which also reports the economic values of the same,

Art. 1) SALES DENOMINATION: Each proposal is accepted by Chemical Empowering in compliance with all subse-quent general conditions of sale, none excluded. Any condition entered by the buyer on the order, in contrast to the general conditions of sale of Chemical Empowering, is considered invalid. Any condition verbally agreed has no value unless Chemical Empowering writing confirmation.Art. 2) SUPPLY CONTRACT: the contract is concluded only when Chemical Empowering sends the order confirmation to the buyer. Acceptance of the offer must in any case result from a written document. Any verbal or written commit-ment by the supplier’s agents is not valid without express written confirmation of Chemical Empowering itself. Unless otherwise agreed, any costs for the transcription of the contract, if required, are borne by the buyer.Art. 3) DELIVERY: Delivery times are always approximate and are never binding. In the event of outages, difficulties in the procurement of raw materials, breakdowns in the workshops used by Chemical Empowering, adverse weather conditions, pandemics and in any other case of force majeure, these terms are extended in proportion to the continu-ation of these events. Delivery terms start from the day on which the contract is finalized in all aspects, also formal, including the sending of the advance payments. Any suspension or delay caused by the buyer, even if it is of very short duration, is a reason for forfeiture of delivery terms. In this case, delivery will take place within the terms that will be re-established by the parties compatibly with the requirements of the Chemical Empowering production. The delay in deliveries does not allow the buyer to cancel the order or claim compensation, for any reason.Art. 4) PRICE: Unless otherwise agreed, the price is intended for goods delivered ex-assembly workshop of Chemical Empowering, excluding costs of packaging, loading, transport, customs, unloading, installation. If in the period between the date of confirmation of the proposal by Chemical Empowering and the delivery of the goods, should occur changes in costs and currency, Chemical Empowering will have the right to revise the price according to the regulations in force.Art. 5) PAYMENT CONDITIONS: Unless otherwise agreed, payments must be made in cash, net of a discount, directly to the Chemical Empowering accounts, in the terms indicated in the order confirmation. In case of late payment, the buyer will have to pay interest on arrears equal to the current Euribor rate + 2%. The payment of the individual install-ments cannot be deferred for any reason or for any exception. In particular, any disputes regarding the supply do not authorize the client to delay payments beyond the agreed terms, which are considered peremptory and essential. In the event of payment by installments, the non-payment of two installments, even if not consecutive, the contract must be considered terminated by law for default.Art. 6) PURCHASER CREDITWORTHINESS: If there are changes in the corporate composition of the buyer or, in any case, news and facts which, according to the unquestionable judgment of Euribor, lead to a decrease in the solvency of the buyer, or other prejudicial factors such as protests, executions, etc., if the payment wasn’t did fully in advance, Chemical Empowering will have the right to suspend the execution of the contract or to suspend the phase of the con-tract (EG. Feasibility Study, Basic, etc.), demand any guarantees or withdraw from the contract for just cause without obligation of any compensation. Any advances paid will be retained by Chemical Empowering as reimbursement of expenses, loss of earnings and compensation for damages, without prejudice to the greater.Art. 7) MANUFACTURING WARRANTY: the device/plant built by Chemical Empowering is guaranteed by the same for 12 (twelve) months from the delivery date. Any defects must be reported within 8 (eight) days of discovery. The warran-ty refers to the correct use of the device/plant, in compliance with the instructions given by Chemical Empowering and the maintenance booklet. Chemical Empowering assumes no responsibility for damage resulting from inexperience and neglect of the buyer or his employees, from inadmissible overloads, inadequate means and materials of operation, from defects in the foundations and structures of the host property or from consequences due to chemical, electro-chemical and electrical actions, unrelated to the operation to which the device/plant is used. In order to make repairs and replacements necessary for Chemical Empowering that are necessary as a result of the aforementioned guaran-tee, the customer must grant Chemical Empowering a suitable term and provide him free of charge upon his request with the help staff and any other necessary means. The parts of the supply removed or replaced are considered “under warranty” and become the property of Chemical Empowering only if they present defects or defects of origin and the transport costs for the parts to be replaced, replaced or repaired are the responsibility of the customer. At the request of the client, the repair can also be performed outside the Chemical Empowering office and travel, board and lodging expenses will be borne by the client. The aforementioned guarantee conditions always apply that the client has fulfilled

general sale conditions

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all the obligations deriving from the contract and the law and in particular those relating to payment and scheduled maintenance, and always that the assembly has been carried out by the technicians of the supplier. In the event that the buyer operates on the device/plant without the consent of Chemical Empowering, any warranty will cease.Art. 8) PERFORMANCE WARRANTY: if required, Chemical Empowering can provide a specific warranty on the contrac-tually agreed production levels on the regards of the device/plant. It will be of the same duration as the manufacturing warranty. Unless otherwise contractually agreed, the cost of this guarantee is borne by the customer.Art. 9) PROPERTY OF THE DEVICE/PLANT: The ownership right on the device/plant provided remains with Chemi-cal Empowering until full payment of the agreed price. In the absence of full payment, Chemical Empowering may withdraw, or not deliver, the device/plant by retaining the installments paid as compensation for the damage, without prejudice to the greater. In case of delivery before the full payment, the buyer undertakes to insure the device/plant at its own expense against damage resulting from fire and in any other fortuitous case and not to transfer possession of the device/plant, until the full payment, without the consent of Chemical Empowering. It is expressly agreed that the device/plant not fully paid will not be considered part of the property in which it is placed, or intended for the use of the property itself, and that, therefore, the ownership of the device/plant itself can also be claimed against of those who had already had, or who had subsequently purchased, any real right on the property of the buyer. Chemical Empower-ing has the right to waive the above agreed right in relation to the device/plant subject of the supply.Art. 10) CRIMINAL CLAUSE: If the buyer withdraws from the proposal, indeed time, or from the contract, once the latter has been perfected, or refuses to receive the device/s or the plant/s covered by the contract itself, in addition to losing the advance amount as a deposit, it must pay to Chemical Empowering, as a penalty, an amount equal to 30% (thirty percent) of the agreed price for the purchase of the same device/s or the plant/s.Art. 11) WEIGHTS, DIMENSIONS, TECHNICAL DATA AND EXECUTED PROJECTS: Projects, drawings, illustrations, weight data, dimensions, yields, consumption data, etc. communicated with the offer are only approximate. The data indicated in the proposal and the actual data of the materials cannot be the cause of complaints by the buyer. If expe-riences and/or processing needs ecommend it, Chemical Empowering may make slight changes to the details of the supply and to the data that are not the subject of a particular agreed commitment, without disputes being raised by the customer. All above except as explicitly stated in the purchase contract.Art. 12) ASSEMBLY: Assembly or installation can be performed with the assistance of Chemical Empowering’s special-ized staff. The contract must state whether the assembly is included in the price of the machinery or whether it must be paid separately; failing that, assembly must be paid separately; in any case it remains established that it refers only to the performance of the labor of Chemical Empowering staff, therefore excluding travel, labor, porterage and transport and lifting equipment, scaffolding and masonry and foundation, joinery, carpentry etc. and in general all the ancillary works for the installation of the supplied machinery, Without explicit declaration of the supplier company, the fitter will not be able to carry out works other than those indicated on the assembly sheet. Chemical Empowering is only liable for the state-of-the-art assembly of the machinery supplied. The customer is required to sign the fitter’s worksheet and with this signature will confirm the facts set out therein.Art. 13) ACCEPTANCE TEST: In the absence of usage rules and regulations, referred to on the supply contract or on special agreements, the acceptance test will be carried out according to the rules established by Chemical Empower-ing. If the acceptance test is not possible or delayed for reasons not attributable to Chemical Empowering, the latter will communicate to the customer the chosen date for the execution (by certified mail or telegram or email certified by third parties), with 15 days’ notice (fifteen); once the indicated day has elapsed, the device/plant must be considered tested. When installation is not agreed, the acceptance test of the device/plant supplied is carried out in the Chemical Empowering workshop before delivery.Art. 14) DISPUTES: For all legal purposes, the client accepts, exclusively on any other, the application of Swiss law and the competence of the Swiss Judicial Authority, in particular of the Court of Zurich, even if the proposal or contract is stipulated elsewhere or through Brokers, Agents or Representatives and whatever the agreed means of payment. Except as otherwise contractually agreed during the purchase phase.Art. 15) TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT: If the buyer, after the refinement of the order should request, for any reason, the cancellation of the contract, this request must be considered legally equivalent to the termination of the contract due to the fact and fault of the client himself, with full safety of all Chemical Empowering rights also for a pos-sible reintegration and / or maintenance action.

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Chemical Empowering A.G.

Alpenstrasse 166300 Zug — [email protected]


Chemical Empowering AG ©2018-2020