e t f t m e l - libit.sulross.edulibit.sulross.edu/archives/marfanews/sent26-84/1940-01-19.pdfe t f...

es... e tftm e l in serve yoj an ,»**:. • *?!». ApHi^iaaa vnon itTaxes , of Modi Court Here Next Week [jtBoaxy Dssuirt C u r t [^DodA Uifc^Owef I qvi I First 1$*# T t m M arfa. F re sc o Cnacty. Tc.xa.>. F»>ia.y.. .W .a& ry1». 1*< Home On The Range 53 Years Ago Yoiauv 14 No. 44 Soldier t the Air ^ort D. A. R< y came here redo. Keens e state of n« in Darrinj C. Quick ii >T iimei tory Pads at Is of 100 Lh&d i,'*f*- I sibe Jf&auur?. rjaes I5i 25i wanas rs ,j •*:« Mjc-iay sac-rrLig a: 0^ i *i*i ^rta*a jii&s*«rs ew- fcir ir-^iUXTy TOrt MeJrbers *i is* j»<ry waa^ Ubees orifJ*d *» wja«ft itf iwsgs .: Kc&Say ttMmixf* *«■: - - — * — —-T . 51*^ ^ M -- « f G . Laei:® Bss&aa, F. W. jjiiaa, Char** Eswsaat. i- W. CSris> J yjyr, fi. T. F'k-Scjaer, J&fia S>tafeE?Awrf, * IjjL GrifC'A. W. B. M okwqu A. E. * jiee, B. X. LsTeSadty. X. V , M a m # ,■ {oest Tuiii2 S$. | preadio cccrty retaaHat « 1» bar*' ^arieitd to j«psrt far poaftte cyservke a diil and a w i w l act* itiesof the are: I f. King. Fred aWood, R- L. S te n a m , ia fe&s iisiu>|t ?. Eni^hdt, C. |ttnr&. D. A. P ^ i t , J. L Elni fwtM^aEg' with BtH P:r:er ? rom^sp H'Swrxri. i M. D. Bovnds. Bank Executive Since 1926. Buried Here W edne sclav m XV&«, r . A f;«r i#$*.r,£ £»&> Ll?* S^ftSt o ' M/.» V^V# »«■ <fc: * V£j y, ■:>.v .\f . j : -/.-/ .*.;,^i>; £-, .i. ?.yis;s:Mz ^ ■-<A,4 f . J, . * ' V ':'. . A > - *t/ •• /•■... M. i-7. W . r ?.; V'r-jjf. S i,::>:n,L .:-/ j -'3.? i.?; rt:'JPSLJ«&4 .oweun TTvl.i G. A. !ii yunsri. asflows (fsH 2 ®ccL‘» ,v- pcwjii jtf *if* ’x.r ^cc h«e -'Ay5 a Sjfty- ^ir< ttSlKe )neijrs otd *ad wna$ ■»»*.: ij^y ■»>: r :.» CiT«. W..? i A l -. JUrfill.'.* v”jr'fSi.ilriS.-i xt Si'. ?*jus*i- i^v -'ii: rr>' v - 4 .-: V H: i.c V '% , Dor-j*1^ ^ *■ pfcc<^pra8fct>?r. wfc'^se- exb &* :‘<&e^frrzac^*c :•: rvc -,,¾ •>:;: i>:r?.^. TrfcrJ S* dfc»s a«*. fcswry. *t *.■ tnae^ «e •= T b:^ ir. •„>.€ vir.c ; L. ?. H im f, 5sct««a bw« sr-r F 'r; Dtrtj, Hr. H<«x2%i rvttilif 'i.iwci ■•/ '-. E. 'Sintn— . Kfefer ^ r- Bcwr*id &sys tfc* 254R ir-^re ’ Left :c- U<' F r •* •* a •*- ■»*--- ^ :. A. O^ir- Wvfc3M:itr%, Sh:*?.. ‘ !T^iT '.'f ■•;; : ' : -'K18 ’'- ** ’ , -i M r? v* vr- • 1" v~j); ^ y 'X. i-i.y/j -iy 751 .-.:- 7. .f'^ss ::' i :;•» ;,>c. VX5 '.hi *: < 'r T 'Zi&J 7:>?v? . £,7. iT^ir.-r.-.v^iriRr.y ^ ..5 s.’C;: i.% i-rr'.T'r-^ ' \ j,* t Mrr- ii.? -¾ V 'S f *u»flfis£ X” 1.- .\xrpez. ?if' ; ?3im£ r^saufyaa.mt 'mv.^ gy vr . A'a.ii*. »aaw m fib; s&w 3B-*inra33^. ^ 'i’txki/f. 5^/33uv* .-¾ a*5irwf .*^ XFopif& t*, CTa^Sr ewcttj'.. dM - »-J» JCT 1 K*X Ifr* !sSs^ Jj; ’•'ifc* NtfmKS Jttfci » *5 &*3$ar ra^raiR .7 ^ , - >,;i^ -a* * «i J?5“ w t-r i f _ ^ i'twssir-^ex p n n k&s 'V'f'rfcf.T 7.tT'if 7»:*! i. *d v _ ; F 'ryrt'^sr, ife; . ' *-?■ !bnr$« bf.’T'foi ■vtfci?* . j .. .- JobCrossac. J. F. lo n o a . IL D . j ^ ^ 511 ^ *** >-• hitk, Bea Gesutaru u c 'Sawttiber «* -Aui^’v Frsa*. F'«n 3 +--^5-^¾¾ W: ST.vj ■« *_"7*1 ; t s » i t?-r F'. S.'C T;i ?/'*> r* TTi^ &T*axBP 2 is I5»?T. Oat Jjawaarv 1^. WXT5 ibjK tfcS} S iGi«aw»i, C. E. lIBkr, K*«iWELL KNOW> MARr AN f IiicbeO* S. J. XcS^aidaa, T. C Dim , F. J. Gottbalt, G ty Howard. 1, 0. Toaa wma, E. 5_ t Orr Kerr, L. W. R*yr J. W. ■ fclstjT?, J. H. C ass, V. T. F^Ber, * 1 F. Darr. I>3£ja.j» Harper, Cbj* Poo!, Jirces S a rrii Eigfcteec erf :he t*n«sty^tfereie de.55a-1 foest tax 5 -.:ts wi^da a^e 5 «c&?&.kd | artoodderawcc, by toe ewait are --r^ '; aes. fire or:gisjE.l*d is 1334 or 15* >5. , lost of tfce &C&3E& h & v c ms ptaiciiii - Tb Sta» of Texas** althoQ^ sovne ] ^lieea f.’ed in beiaalf «f tit H*rfA ; ijAnffiA^f Sdwo? ] The tax ssits lba£ were recorded] a the do:k-e; book o f the coon, a* o f ] Wedwsdiy aifctrsxxai are: j Separate actsaos ia vliidh the Pre-1 ttiio Ind'epesoeist Sdtooi Distnet is ■a^ats: P r c a d » Tonsite Co.: AGAIN SELECTED TO DO IMPOSTA.N7 CIVIC L a E su* * HISTORICAL SOCIETY R EM EW S W ORK IN Rail Vrc isht Herp a ^ * * ML -M vv MEMBERS—MORE MAiEKIAL Increa^-d Last Year; OF SECTION WANTED DURING NEW YEAR Fev er Stock Cars Used iL S. uupay; PrtfidioBr<5^#- —-j T? ?• A. Horob^ci:; W. C. Rifknfaop; Xn Minnie DrilfiL Separate artacw m wMck “The ‘ • W ir .<■ « • ^. • ', -•-. f. - 4 » r-^ , ... 4 ' «,._ C7^ -»*- - .... ?l . . . .. / ***_r:.%:* •r :.;■;;: :.:. i ''Wi^n : rfSr.rrfc :.: •.•<.:*:>: ^:7¾ S’iC.'iij; liZ-i'T*'.!:-" ' ' t X«3tt5 2 . _ , 5«s:jp—a 2^ 7^ 0 . 7-:--: '.Tsn-^&i- ■■ z&s is :ts dh::-f i^-.^zxe. :.:.■. 'V .*1. Greater .^r,v Oi.iftt’T Rurhbja'd Pv> 1:::: 2v-V*2r Ma.rk Kxc-rc>d^ ••■■-■ - . - - ■ v: -■- > ~7 •::?:? ; •* V j,"' j - • ; - r' -. . . asa - 2 »e v %5 by d&rvswsw a» S<f v -'fcsii ~ tv - ws,: ssaw'liEr>f.. A 5 «sf to*.** M- :3uf \iu T. C> Cw - «*•'-• ttu Trfiswwwc.^ ^.--r i s.>/^n *-^v i ^ r O A: f?^T-. :r{rzr 1 . 7 :-:. vr^.k.r: y - '.•• j ? .rs. 1* * »■-» k *. __ , ‘r - ,A.. * W,':x Wi: V~ .r it . jii.r'i H:s -tersd. 'C-y.. *-v , sai'i :as.: be ^a: «•; :3i sn-i.yt*: IlCalSs^ «sjn<rvsf is- A.I:-cr-:.. I Hearf T. Fkneber. A \ . rajagfejffijia. tc -^ i > - ■?£ r*.:- jlsa&d fei’ie.fSy vhiJi ib? «»:•«: s ' -i$s&e as?d r$ •::.. ,<5®. E-r T^Cd *if *be S:cv-.:7^ . !aissc :.c* 5^Tt s^rjriij 7>c^:c:-: * . , . . :c;T ii: - * * — ix: a :- I State of * |M«ttff aad tht w f l i ^Qo«i^ are defeainte: Aonoa ovj^j Haaaa Lb Wert; J- iM h n i; Hemy QeBiit; Jofai R. M Jr.; Ora 8 L Twu* ■; Mt— ir i# ?**n!cfet; J* BL B ibcstM ; B. Tmea; Cna XsstiMr; Sax Carte; ««ie 2. Csbmms J w Imaft; vfoiao M b] V. An— »»> Sttiky. <**• «• Oe t e U *• G. Wanes w . J^ JU. »£ S2T .; *• co«*ta«i m lw H um . ?**»“ to tty tm (em ei.il Aadirs Marfa people, as ^¢2 as tios* vfao travel br rail sjm! »bo sbip by rail, b e r 3L £. Petr36S, Sontfaen: Pacific ageot^ a* be man "arbo serves tbess * tu tfce Last vedc direttors of t k UBOOCt Of CuSiSc7C£ w»Ui la s viee-pre&deat to work with WBy Crew*, nn lid ft, in direct' inf tfee 1940 work of tie comma* i^T organrratioa- The mark w M not be ne* io Mr. Fetrosa as be a a s formes Ey pceaideut of the orpaisttioo. ::«€»rt5oa tvr it:-.? shkiwk 1 Uo see ,ds*Kffl it«o* w*'. ■ : '- ‘Z.C -T 'tZ^Z 7~Li tri}a- i J5.S3C.S. 3? .<•:■ : ?i t&e B:g Xauvxi. 3'.-. ;v :rT> 2 uioa, w£52 b»; I-:- : = >.<• jasd tfce S*?.:c*7 nay : :Jf^nr S'.'t-w-v.i ^ ^ *••• ’ ^.: j More :7-v.ira^.f :r-2 .: :..--. *•-'•?•: ' tm of tk Hi-i- . :* --¾ ^ west lie f»: :* *.*.-: FletdK-r 5,aii, &z*£ 3t*r cxprt hope that a sslk : 5«cared cztzt - j : 1$W». Director? :*f r^*ca.r:V. €ty caJ.;^ ^r«:r. : :: :>■* i.7trjr 3-~d va.5 p rv ^ ^ :^ rr:’ k :: Cii^airw 5«.rrir.^ :r. :V A .:• ;~:3r.:-<k-'<.7^i‘j Dijxvr:3-Jir.: .--.-: y'lf'ih •£!% .'> r ST:.jc&& e.r-\-•;r. i-rC : J. Hrrr.'rr-s^. A ‘:.7:c^->. ’.: «"&5 :r. «. tt-,« o.r.ly : j.% :'.:.7.> zs ":i.:r.:^.:r.tX'. a.r. ::■ :-c.7’i^-; ::: r.ul:;arr Aifi.r? u-.vr. h:> vv >•— V 4*-*• >4 4't T7 M^::. - ---6-.1 - T- 1 : ■ 1 — * l£srfi ■■— ■% - -V V- vs. iaaa Baaaerit, ttcipis*| ^ (oont^L, y x h g Kttk* W. C. PeveQ vx. Hts. J. 8. lettk* ------------- ti Mrs. J. 8., €rra**s, suit on aote awl fcredo- s ^ of deed of trust (edbt'd. by agree- \ Service Orpnizatjoo Wifi Pay “Per-Pole” Tax ca> W>8 CeBcct $1 Every Tear far Ekdrk Piles (Coetiaeed am . fa^e famr} | By tfie terns of m ordiaaaoe paa- 5 &td by the city cnmm?=»ioii at its meet- jt :: ElfrcvK, Sros'rb'A’:' i*. :^:-7^ c«e Tswiw-i. 3£^s L's.::-r F i" C TT ‘- WJ . A'la As i. v:c7^- r-’^r. Mr. iv- 7 .■ 'f lbt> Sa;*:.>; Churvh.. v-fAr -: he .-.vr.v hi.rv. be wjl5 a cea c?^ of : '!re Rip:xi: sz-i h*_? s^rTnoc cos^tinooasly j^>ce :iui: tiiae. For severaS vtNS.r-5 ho 'z&<d been chartii t?va>-j7\'r. /"{.>»?^l» > Fp’-V'rtr- Pswr:«V A: :,be fur^ra.1 : V>Vc’nt^Ndiy ^.::••>7t;<>ar. is.ihe Efej^Uit CsuT«t the Kev. H. 0. Xxktn*,, ps>;^r, declared thas Mr. Bcvods' iiit sm much rx*re *j«5a«w toas ar^tls??«|r 1 cool<f sav.*' His death U tlve f1r«t that Ha* raune VO m Sipu»t SB€»^'r durifi^ thv fo«rteea aad coe-haif moatha he ha» staled. v as >pok«R by Fort Stock- -.-.- ^ of Cc«<ar.i.;i sadi ors. T i--» ri »3» dL>«w » wS»i5 «T a »l ------ jtoe * b « for am * fi« st»rj « s J. R«rf*r. Vn. Ctarfc.. ^ Uhe ll^ f, m«-s p«tor he^ Th« Re^- *rT¥rii : \- «P-H W * » - * « - *** pdcsB tread Mr. teeribtd his frieod- rof is rvfrmed 1¾ *> --- * f urrn^sTos: aisa +.- • «. wh - h ,-r- W 1 % .i. XL ,«. ...v A : . - - : ?1 'Z k ' k :> 7 - 5 .- ■US & v^a^r **• - •* 7 't* 1 "I— ..? :i i^ijSrra -dai&» aa»a 3*a^y bavlr^ :^‘- j c-.tme by a V. J. Smith, Ar.ihT-*r.:*^ aaac*i ia£ aiw f » r « tiaae Vlsted that 5»5i? rf^rr r? rt-rl': -:~---i. 5r. at the bohhsob last yesar a~-i :: > T » pres laewd ahoot aetsafiy rheltbe 5^tr>«ary boHdni^. Tbey caroe frv>cs r-iri AJjiisew T»r. 11 a?! i t J 3?c ’. u. R *-s.c.: S *r “■ ' '- &$&: ^ S^r-ta F : pcthi^s AJp;r-*\ T:~»ja. Perdis. C-i~si F>:;ra, Frv.iiijo), 70S; <ji<nwgnf^yirtj visitor. M 7 . f «"<-re rs-eie< jf a Chis-7f> Jioo.Dt^ki5 r.iTi: was efertsed i=a Mrs. L C- B -» **” i<es ef ;•» * t™ boa»c» nas who a <£iri?dor. It ’*rstf vk<>4* li$ cars frcsca tfea« ci l$oS. tfitted perfectly icto the conservative taost told of a Chts->> xoafiiau^? r.-szr. bolletm, of tfce Sccietys b-aJte v,-h.vh . « :ha: rocre 51 * ]bosmess c^aied' throogh the Marfa ^ hrrtT >? 1 membt:rskzp fee, >£- -?-rcTr* , . . , , , office fkjwed a® rocw-aa? of 6.4 per j .Surviving Mr. BowthJ s are hia wife. Mr. Pesross sa*d that iHe - -type * f toau&u&iry in which he Baade ia in the hind? of the prosier ^ a boBetin wfckfe wifi :^) of vaid-Sui Roi>s €i:p<.'<istK»Ti' s^or*:. Be H£7- ywr. __ _ After !>•«• aseietir^r O. L. 00 (^ g* m ^ing this month the Central Power *ft4jjca*e» Gift Avxwxm* ~*r., c*se >f :he dirwtors r-s« h-:>:.-'si . . _ ; Light Co. will pay a tax of 41 per pofe j \* the Mr. ?rr.i:h ' s* 2 tea ?^r » r n ^ r s ^ vi^trrs. S>. - tw 40 *ivf*w aaiann^ *for ail electric trantmiy iw iiac 2 ii __.— -^¾ ¾ :ia v ; prefeT-1 was. assisted by Mrs. Henry T. FVetch- c*rt ever that oi !$3£$. f ’i 39( f Powder ..... 19c ■p .. - -- ----- --------------- - •for all electric tnuuia&siuu wanooy reganfiag the abitity of 1 distributHn 5 «oScs ased within the city «11Howefl of Shifter to make tb.. ’Jimrti. «0 bond set for him in itarf* on j A lir ,0 tht the ati- T Z :J ^ ** S ^ .^ llh ^ -S r'b e ^ircd «0 file lubeu * J “ . ' Cc:t' **f,.B€ai , “‘ * js report asrisg each Jsnaanr. stttin* ent >9 S” 0. 2 . 5c 25c 25c , Reserved imil Quanta nd to Revise i powi corpus proceeding before 0 ge W. C. Jackson in Fort Swkton Saturday aftemocs, ^Qdge Jackson of the I12th District rt, acting for Judge C. Sutton* vertd the bond axoount to 5510,000. ‘ °f yesterday morning, bond was ®ade by Harwell who ia in the county fcn presenting the stal«i at the hear- t ? Were Alan Fraaer, Alpine, dis- meyt and C. E. Mead. E. B. j'™ #, Marfa and W. K. Amdd, r » Hooston, represented How^L Irfans la Shaffer Tteofey ,.. A retifUNia eerwiw nn^iinrtr^ i * * ^ JL The ordmance carries with it a pen, **<*<1*? Bight h r « k T l J *100 «** ^ ^ i*>r kilful fannw to pay the tax. » ««hoditt mmwtw here, wl»|?r , *7' r 8 attested by tiM nale qcartet Hr. Norman say* that utility com- th* namber of poles operated and maintained, as of the first day of the calendar year. One-half of the total amount due the city must pe paid by April 1 and the remainder on or be- fore October I. The ordinance states that the charge per-po!e shall be ex- clusive of and additional to all ad rzJorem taxes bat *haB be in lien of any franchise tines. C. R. K « n i % *fiBtzwrt man and local nnmum •*¥ &** the 1 »^ rocnt for •*» Marfa poks «fii| b^jtfiwr $600- In Aipine the pjjaflst will b* eonsSder^ sum . were awnf ably in a -sparste b : * 3* . .•* ti. <r fc *’ «* ‘*- a cr d Mrs. OocMtld Dtsjukle. " » the M arfa chaudb. A aoj?, * 4 TTfc« waa «of? ywond Wheat. Qsartei mesaherK **>®ada th» trip w«f» E. L Bfcd- Oi^Bg, I t t f Craham, Kay- k* A mmmi n r fnicM 17 « • Bevermd Mr. I o n Tha aehdbl mm tfam * ^ »«»- IB ^M tOOML ' penks'are favorinf a «h a wetlwd of texatto as bda^ a » («* •eeoring inilbm tosatfw p th* variooa towns fci whkh they sprtra f J - :' The Alice d tf emmmskm recently r aT an ofMminwr a^ng^ag » ^ method <rf srftUB fta eflir Ranchmen Direding Two Omns of Men The arqnestiondl aggressiv- n^ys of G'sorye Jorses and C. K- Smith, Presidio »sr*ry ra^chnwr, will be pot to a t^t ir a ttk-o- month attcfidar.ee content wh:ch will be sponsored by tov.r cr.c~.-- en from mtrcbers of t::-- M in» B:b!e Class of the Mc.v :.ib: ChordL The two nxn vr!?l cav?i::; re?p£etive groop^? ai.d tive ^ost^r? will be h^ts to the Mrino^rs ir. » mb&* ho»^t£i>«e vtanner wh:cb will be qoite acceptable to ali* n. *-a« ’x-en s - jcoko Jk U% "v- .... of Rillj Crew* to wfc£V€ aa J* feree^to decide any rnsner*' controv-p»-.<y wh*ch may liev <?!■:» dariag the spirited contest that ii expected. J. E. mperviae the contest and Urtts- tive plans call *>r the *ppwr.:ment of H. 0. jioarland and J. ^ . Mac Fedries as •secretaries” to serve tfaa cavtaiaa. * Aaaoaaewet w tha contest waa made Snnday nxmiing and tbh t SMbaa, dta» p®arf®dt* The WINTRY WIND SEXDS .MERCURY DOWN THIS WEEK I f ywi weren’t increasinglj* colder ios wh-' ~bi Marfa lecjperafar^ M.'uday, Man’s. : UiAi U * :ind ih€3* \v:j! 7T just a 0*5 cos-^er Tfeur^isy. 5oei::thin^ at v r..> wrorg. V'?i! ^hOTl*! have V;vn. h-^‘ s . Josi-rh V. i>: thv Air Corps tion ji Office at Fott D. A. RuaadB sai<i ai four o’clock y».<icrJ^y after-. The - that the foftoTvu-s wck she'me-.-tir, :i’ :’:imuiit u-mpe’-aiures i ^ M H [V'.'S. t Diy ctf ^ vvk liv^day T ie^:xy W 1 d:\safJj*y Lend insr Association Meet? Here Next Week Hot^on Official Speaker At >h irchoiders* 1S40 Session THSC74 maxisntun ai 'his week: Muimura 4>.3 565 ft. VI ____ - *.-■>- aiiu* ,. Msis^wora 2lj9 U».8 IVI *x, | JPr^cv -.ijor'-.y fv»M , v : lo-.vfjst tecnpeiature y.iKrday R^ ve*. at n oVkvk injth* awrai:'*? AiiQS»;iii,: P.: :u vras 2w ileyreea. It was seven de- psxfS, aoJier tbiMi than it ),: s earlier. At who waa Miss Lois Johnson before titeir marriage June 15* ISIS, two children and a grandchild— Marlin D. Bownds, Jr., of Marfa, Mr*. Stewart Kershner of Hooston and the latter* ch id, Stcrrsri Drtk K e r t h x ^ » years old. A brother. Tain, Jives ia Utopia and two sisters. Mrs. Jack ci worrier! of eitcbt count*; Rainey and Mrs, Joe Patton, live in ?-?.:e, as shareholders, tht- j Ki Paso and Ui«p:«, re5]>:ct:vcly. ■'■Lt. Credit Association.i Active pallbearers at the funeral M srii Friday, January j were: V\»vk to r^vitw the y<ea«*' Frank Barton, Albert I^ojran, \S. E. .:.a.ke plans for the owra- . Love, % . B. Johnsor, B. H. Da"Vi^> Orr ._snd:r:<r or^aniiation thii : Kerr. } Those comprising: the group erf :iccittc;u of annua! honorary pallbearers were: ce th.'c- -A-eek by Davivi S. S. L. Calhoun, Presidio; L. V. Me- : ■> :ar''-treasurer, siauxi | Donild, L C. Brite, Doran Wood, ^ . '.-Kvcal «=?»eaker would be|H. Cleveland, F. C. Mellard, R. E, L. treasurer of the Pro- j Tyler, S» T. Wood, C. T. Mitchell, Dr. iVjxMvtion of Hoas-jJ. C, Damcott, Col. R. H. I^wis* C. :vanhc8iioR of the dis-^N. Bassett* El Paso; C. R. Ndrman, :ic'.\ '"ich serves peopled. 0. Thompson, J. H. Fortner; R. L. Hodsoeth, SI Paso*(Stevenson, Shafter, Divis. Brewster. !Marfa f«*drer Skk TUs Week ctvai<!tts. , Miss Ernie* Bird, teaeher in the ’arch«M. will be s e r v e d , ^ ^ ^ ^tc ill wa? 1 | Peggy Colquitt I » * kvw I The conditkfe of Peggy Colquitt, daughter of W. H. Colquitt, who bad * a bofie in her knee two weeks II® while taking exercises, is reported t» #oarjme:n'*er-i- »- i'^so Hotel. i Ciffu r** nnd direstors of the as- T - jyociatio^ - Presi-’ . Joe C. MiteheH, Marfa; vicc*prfj ■'*ci.it, J^ W. Rawls, ^tarfa* sccreta^T'’'™ *® **^ David 8 . Gotobs, Marfa; ^tant secretary-treaswrer, N. B. Charfin, Marfa; directors— since last iK00t ia better at this time. ante Joe C Mfegke#; f* k *^ 58- The Mailh Froductiea Credit As- sociation waa « f a a i * d ia 1138 Mid eiid of 1 9 » had a memberAip, Wf + *** ,0.- M* Bun*}881¾¾M> wk, ZrZ^S HeVteee wastobepot WyrmHamilton.fiW »a .O . ta f S T ll ,to». M«.-.u;.W«ie Reid. Fort Davit;|«itk W Ml

Transcript of e t f t m e l - libit.sulross.edulibit.sulross.edu/archives/marfanews/sent26-84/1940-01-19.pdfe t f...

es... e t f t m e lin serve yojan ,»**:. • *?!». ApHi^iaaa


it Taxes , of Modi Court H e re N e x t W e e k

[jtBoaxy Dssuirt C u r t [^ D o d A U i f c ^ O w e f IqviI First 1$*# T tm

M a r f a . F r e s c o C n a c t y . Tc.xa.>. F »>ia.y .. . W . a & r y 1 ». 1*<

H o m e O n T h e R an ge 5 3 Y ea rs A g o

Y o i a u v 14 N o . 44

Soldiert the Air ^ort D. A. R< y came here redo. Keens e state of n« in Darrinj C. Quick ii

>T iimei tory Pads at Is of 100

Lh&d i,' *f *-I sibe Jf&auur?.




wanas rs ,j •*:« Mjc-iay sac-rrLig a:

0 i *i*i rta*a jii&s*«rs ew- fcir ir -^ iU X T y TOrt

MeJrbers *i is* j»<ry waa^Ubees orifJ*d *» wja«ft itf iwsgs .:

Kc&Say ttMmixf* *«■:- - — * — — -T. 51* ^ M--«

f G. Laei:® Bss&aa, F. W. jjiiaa, Char** Eswsaat. i- W. CSris> J yjyr, fi. T. F'k-Scjaer, J&fia S>tafeE?Awrf, *IjjL GrifC'A. W. B. M okwqu A. E. * jiee, B. X. LsTeSadty. X. V, M am #,■{oest Tuiii2S$. |preadio cccrty retaaHat « 1» b a r* '

^arieitd to j«psrt fa r poaftte cyservke a diil and a w iw l act* ities of the are:I f. King. Fred a Wood, R- L. S te n a m , ia fe&s iisiu>|t ?. Eni hdt, C.|ttnr&. D. A. P ^ it , J. L E l n i fwtM^aEg' with BtH P:r:er ? rom ^sp H'Swrxri. i

M. D. Bovnds. Bank E x e c u t iv e S in c e 1926.

B u r ie d H e r e W e d n e sc lavmXV&«,r. A f;«r i#$*.r,££»&> Ll?* S ftSt o ' M/.» V^V#

»«■ <fc: *V£j y,

■:>.v .\f . j : -/.-/ .*.;, i> ;


.i. ?.yis;s:Mz

■-<A,4f . J , . *■' V':'. . A > - *t/ •• /•■...


i-7.W. r ?.; V'r-jjf.

S i, ::>:n,L .:-/ j

-'3.? i.?;

rt:'JPSLJ«&4 .oweun TTvl.iG. A. !ii yunsri.asflows (fsH2®ccL‘» ,v - pcwjii jtf *if* ’x.r cc

h«e -'Ay5 a Sjfty- ^ir<ttSlKe )neijrs otd *ad wna$ ■»»*.: ij^y ■»>: r

:.» CiT«. W..? i Al-. JUrfill.'.* v”jr'fSi.ilriS.-ixt Si'. ?*jus*i- i^v

- ' i i : rr>' v -4 .-: V H:i.cV'%

, Dor-j*1 ^ *■ pfcc< pra8fct>?r. wfc' se- exb&* :‘<&e frrzac *c :•: rvc -,,¾ •>:;: i>:r?. . TrfcrJ S* dfc»s a«*. fcswry. *t *.■ tnae «e •= Tb:^ ir. •„>.€ vir.c ;

L. ?. H im f , 5sct««a bw « sr-r F 'r; Dtrtj, Hr. H<«x2%i rvttilif 'i.iwci ■•/'-.E. 'Sintn— . Kfefer ^ r- Bcwr*id &sys tfc* 254R ir- re ’ Left :c-


F r • * •*a • *- ■»*--- ^

:. A. O^ir- Wvfc3M:itr%, Sh:*?..

‘ !Ti T'.'f ■ •;; :

' : -'K18’'-** ’ , -i M r?

v*vr- •

1"v ~j); y

'X. i-i.y/j -iy 751.-.:-7.■ .f' ss ::' i :;•» ;,>c.

VX5 '.hi*: <'r T'Zi&J 7:>?v? .

£,7. iT ir.-r.-.v iriRr.y ..5 s.’C;: i.% i-rr'.T'r- ' \ j,* t Mrr-i i . ? -¾ V 'S f *u»flfis£ X” 1.- .\ x rp e z . ? i f ' ;

?3im£ r saufyaa.mt 'mv. gyvr .

A'a.ii*. »aaw m fib; s&w3B-*inra33. 'i’txki/f. 5 /33uv*.-¾ a*5irwf .* XFopif&t*, CTa Sr ewcttj'..

dM- »-J» JCT1 K*X Ifr* !sSs Jj; ’•'ifc* NtfmKS Jttfci

» *5 &*3$ar ra^raiR.7 ^, - >,;i^ -a * * « i J ? 5 “

w t-r i f _ ^

i'twssir- ex pnn k&s

'V'f'rfcf.T 7.tT'if7»:*! i. *d v _ ; F'ryrt' sr, ife;

. ' *-?■ !bnr$« bf.’T'foi ■vtfci?*

. j . . .-

JobCrossac. J. F. lon oa . IL D . j ^ ^ 511 ^ * * * >-•hitk, Bea Gesutaru u c

'Sawttiber «* -Aui^’v Frsa*. F'«n 3 +--^5- ¾¾W:

ST.vj ■« *_" 7*1; ts »i

t?-r F'.S.'C T;i ?/'*> r*

TTi &T*axBP2 is I5»?T. Oat Jjawaarv 1 .WXT5 ibjK tfcS} S

iG i«aw »i, C. E. lIBkr, K * « iW E L L K N O W > M A R r A N fIiicbeO* S. J. XcS^aidaa, T. C Dim, F. J. Gottbalt, G ty Howard.1, 0. Toaa wma, E. 5_ t

Orr Kerr, L. W . R*yr J. W. ■ fclstjT?, J. H. Cass, V. T. F^Ber, * 1 F. Darr. I>3£ja.j» Harper, Cbj* Poo!, Jirces SarriiEigfcteec erf :he t*n«sty^tfereie de.55a-1

foest tax 5-.:ts wi^da a^e 5«c&?&.kd | artoodderawcc, by toe ewait are --r^ '; aes. fire or:gisjE.l*d is 1334 or 15* >5. , lost of tfce &C&3E& h& vc ms ptaiciiii - Tb Sta» of Texas** althoQ^ sovne ] ^lieea f.’ed in beiaalf « f t i t H *rfA ; ijAnffiA^f Sdwo? ]The tax ssits lba£ were recorded]

a the do:k-e; book o f the coon, a* o f ] Wedwsdiy aifctrsxxai are: jSeparate actsaos ia vliidh the Pre-1

ttiio Ind'epesoeist Sdtooi Distnet is

■a ats: Prcad» T onsite Co.:

A G A IN S E L E C T E D TO D O IM P O S T A .N 7 C IV IC L a Esu*

* H I S T O R I C A L S O C I E T Y R E M E W S W O R K I N R a i l V r c i s h t H e r p

a * * ML-M v v M E M B E R S — M O R E M A i E K I A L I n c r e a ^ -d L a s t Y e a r ;

O F S E C T I O N W A N T E D D U R I N G N E W Y E A R F e v e r S to c k C a r s U s e d

iL S. uupay;Prtfidio Br<5 #- —-j T??• A. Horob^ci:; W . C. Rifknfaop; Xn Minnie DrilfiLSeparate artacw m wMck “The

‘ • Wir ■.<■« • . • ', -•-. f. - 4» r-, • —... 4'«,._ C7- »*- - .... ?l. . . .. /***_r:.% :* •r:.;■;;: :.:.i

''Wi n : rfSr.rrfc :.: •.•<.:*:>::7¾ S’iC.'iij; liZ-i'T*'.!:-" ' '

t X«3tt52 . _ ,5«s:jp—a 2^ 7 0.7-:--: '.Tsn-^&i- ■■ z&s is :ts dh::-f i -. zxe. :.:.■.

'V .*1. Greater . r,v Oi.iftt’T Rurhbja'd

Pv> 1:::: 2v-V*2r Ma.rk Kxc-rc>d^

••■■-■ - . ■ - - ■ v : -■- > ~7 •::?:? ; •* V j , " ' j

- • ; - ■ r ' -. . .

asa - 2»e v%5 by d&rvswsw a»S<f v-'fcsii ~ tv-

ws,: ssaw'liEr>f..A 5 «sf to*.** M-

:3uf \iu T. C> Cw - «*•'-• ttu Trfiswwwc. .--r i s.>/ n*-^v i ^ r O A: f?^T-.

:r{rzr 1.7:-:. vr^.k.r: y■- '.••j?. rs.

1 * * »■-» k *.__ ,‘r

- ,A.. *

W ,':x W i: V~ .r it.jii.r'i H:s -tersd. 'C-y.. *-v , sai'i :as.: be ^a:

«•; :3i sn-i.yt*:IlCalSs^ «sjn<rvsf is- A.I:-cr-:..I Hearf T. Fkneber.A\. rajagfejffijia. tc-^ i> - ■?£ r*.:- jlsa&d fei’ie.fSy vhiJi ib? «»:•«: s ' -i$s&e as?d r$ •::..,<5®. E-r T Cd *if *be S:cv-.:7^ . !aissc :.c* 5^Tt s^rjriij 7>c :c:-:* . , . .:c;T ii:


* * —ix:

a :-

IState of * | M «tt ff aad tht

w f l i ^Qo«i^ are defeainte:Aonoa ovj^j Haaaa Lb Wert; J-

i M h n i ; Hemy Q e B iit ; Jofai R. M Jr.; Ora 8 L Twu* ■; Mt— ir i# ?**n!cfet; J* BL BibcstM; B. Tmea; Cna X sstiM r; S a x C a rte ;««ie 2. Csbm m s J w Im aft;vfoiao M b ]V. An— »»> •Sttiky.

<**• « • Oe t e U *• G. Wanes w . J^ JU.

» £ S 2 T.; *• co «*ta «i m l w H u m .?**»“ to tty t m (e m e i . i l Aadirs

Marfa people, as ^¢2 as tios* vfao travel br rail sjm! »bo sbip by rail, b e r 3L £. Petr36S, Sontfaen: Pacific ageot^ a* b e man "arbo serves tbess *tu tfce

Last vedc direttors of t k UBOOCt Of CuSiSc7C£ w » U i l a s viee-pre&deat to work with WBy Crew*, nn l id f t , in direct' in f tfee 1940 work of t ie comma* i^T organrratioa- The mark w M not be n e* io Mr. Fetrosa as be a a s formes Ey pceaideut of the orpaisttioo.

::«€»rt5oa tvr it:-.? shkiwk 1Uo see ,ds*Kffl it«o* w*'. ■: ' -‘Z.C-T'tZZ 7~Li tri}a- i J5.S3C.S. 3 ?.<•:■

: ?i t&e B:g Xauvxi. 3'.-. ;v :rT>2uioa, w£52 b»; I-:- : = >.<•jasd tfce S*?.:c*7 nay :: Jf^nr S'.'t-w-v.i ^ *• •• ’ .: j More :7-v.ira^.f :r-2.: :..--. *•-'•?•: ' tm of t k Hi-i- . :* --¾ ^west l ie f»: :* *.*.-:FletdK-r 5,aii, &z*£ 3t*r cxprt hope that a s s l k :5«cared cztzt-j : 1$W».

Director? :*f r *ca.r:V.€ty caJ.;^ ^r«:r. :

:: :>■* i.7trjr 3-~d va.5 prv^^:^ rr:’ k :: Cii^airw 5«.rrir.^ :r. :V A .:• ;~:3r.:-<k-'<.7^i‘j Dijxvr:3-Jir.: .--.-: y'lf'ih •£!%.'> r ST:.jc&&e.r-\-•; r.i-rC : J. Hrrr.'rr-s^. A‘:.7:c ->. ’.:«"&5 :r. « .tt-,« o.r.ly: j.%:'. :.7.> zs ":i.:r.: .:r.tX'. a.r. ::■:-c.7’i -; ::: r.ul:;arr Aifi.r? u-.vr. h:> vv

>•— V 4 *-* • >4 4't

T7 M^::.

- ---6-.1 - T-

1: ■ 1 — * l£srfi

■■— ■%-



vs. iaaa Baaaerit, ttcipis*| ^ (oont^L, y x h g Kttk*

W. C. PeveQ vx. Hts. J. 8.lettk*

------------- t i Mrs. J. 8 .,€rra**s, suit on aote awl fcredo- s

^ of deed of trust (edbt'd. by agree- \

Service Orpnizatjoo Wifi Pay “Per-Pole” Tax

ca> W>8 CeBcct $1 Every Tear far E k d rk Piles

(Coetiaeed am. fa^e famr}| By tfie terns of m ordiaaaoe paa-5 &td by the city cnmm?=»ioii at its meet-


:: ElfrcvK, Sros'rb'A’:'

i*. : :-7 c«e Tswiw-i.3£^s L's.::-r F

i" C TT‘ -

WJ . A'la

As i. v:c7^- r-’ r. Mr. iv-7 .■'f lbt> Sa;*:.>; Churvh..

v-fAr -: he .-.vr.v hi.rv. be w jl5 a cea c?^ of : '!re Rip:xi:

sz-i h*_? s rTnoc cos^tinooasly j^>ce :iui: tiiae. For severaS vtNS.r-5 ho 'z&<d been chartii t?va>-j7\'r./"{.>»? l» > Fp’-V'rtr- Pswr:«V

A: :,be fur ra.1 : V>Vc’nt^Ndiy .::••>7t;<>ar. is.ihe Efej^Uit CsuT«t the

Kev. H. 0. Xxktn*,, ps>;^r, declared thas Mr. Bcvods' iiit sm much rx*re * j«5 a «w toas ar tls??«|r 1 cool<f sav.*' His death U tlve f1r«t that Ha* raune VO m Sipu»t SB€»^'r durifi^ thv fo«rteea aad coe-haif moatha he ha»

staled.v as >pok«R by

Fort Stock-- . - . - ^ of Cc«<ar.i.;i sadi ors. T i - - » r i »3» d L > «w » wS»i5 «T a » l ------ — jtoe * b « for am * f i « st»r j « s

J. R « r f * r . V n . Ctarfc.. ^ Uhe l l ^ f , m «-s p «to r h e^ Th« Re^-*rT¥rii : \ - « P - H W * » - * « - *** pdcsB tread Mr. teeribtd his frieod-rof is rvfrmed 1¾ *> -- - * f urrn^sTos: aisa +.- •

«. wh-h ,-r- W

1%. i. XL , «. ...vA : . - - :

?1'Zk 'k :> 7-5.-

■ U S & v ^ a ^ r **• - •*

7't * 1" I—..? :i i^ijSrra -dai&» aa»a 3*a^y bavlr^ : ‘- j c-.tme by a

V. J. Smith, Ar.ihT-*r.:*^ aaac*i ia£ aiw f » r « tiaaeVlsted that 5»5i? rf^rr r? rt-rl': -: ~---i. 5r. at the bohhsob last yesar a~-i :: > T » pres laewd ahoot aetsafiy rheltbe 5^tr>«aryboHdni^. Tbey caroe frv>cs r-iri AJjiisew T»r.

11 a?! i t ’J 3?c ’. u. R *-s.c.: S * r “■ ■' '- &$&: ^ S^r-ta F: pcthi s

AJp;r-*\ T:~»ja. Perdis. C-i~si F>:;ra, Frv.iiijo), 70S;

<ji<nwgnf yirtj visitor. M7. f «"<-re rs-eie<jf a Chis-7f> Jioo.Dt ki5 r.iTi: was efertsed

i=a Mrs. L C- B - » * * ” i<es ef ;• » * t ™ b o a »c » nas whoa <£iri?dor. It ’*rstf vk<>4* li$ cars frcsca tfea« ci l$oS. tfitted perfectly icto the conservativetaost

told of a Chts->> xoafiiau^? r.-szr.bolletm, of tfce Sccietys b -aJ te v,-h.vh . « :ha: rocre 51 * ] bosmess c^aied' throogh the M arfa ^ hrrtT

>? 1 membt:rskzp fee, >£- -?-rcTr* , . . , , ,■ office fkjwed a® rocw-aa? of 6.4 per j .Surviving Mr. BowthJs are hia wife.

Mr. Pesross sa*d that iHe - -type * f toau&u&iry in which he Baade

ia in the hind? of the prosier a boBetin wfckfe wifi :^ ) of vaid-Sui Roi>s €i:p<.'<istK»Ti' s^or*:.

B e H £ 7 - ywr.__ _ After !>•«• aseietir r O. L.

00(^ g* m ^ing this month the Central Power *ft4jjca*e» Gift Avxw xm * ~*r., c*se >f :he dirwtors r-s« h-:>:.-'si. . _ ; Light Co. will pay a tax of 41 per pofe j \ * the Mr. ?rr.i:h ' s* 2 tea ?^r » r n ^ r s ^ vi^trrs. S>. -

tw 40 * iv f * w a a ia n n ^ * for ail electric trantmiy iw iiac 2i i __— .— — -^¾ ¾ : ia v ; prefeT-1 was. assisted by Mrs. Henry T. FVetch-

c*rt ever that oi !$3£$.

f ’ i

39(f Powder

..... 19c

■p .. - ------- --------------- - • for all electric tnuuia&siuuwanooy reganfiag the abitity of 1 distributHn 5 «oScs ased within the city

«11Howefl of Shifter to make tb.. ’Jimrti.« 0 bond set for him in itarf* on j A lir ,0 tht the ati-

T Z : J ^ * * S ^ . ^ l l h ^ - S r ' b e ^ i r c d «0 file lubeu *J “ . ' Cc:t' * * f , .B€ai , “ ‘ * js report asrisg each Jsnaanr. stttin*



S ”0. 2

. 5c



, Reserved

imil Quanta

nd to Revise

i powi

corpus proceeding before 0 ge W. C. Jackson in Fort Swkton

Saturday aftemocs,Qdge Jackson of the I12th District rt, acting for Judge C. Sutton*

vertd the bond axoount to 5510,000.‘ °f yesterday morning, bond was

®ade by Harwell who ia in the county fcn

presenting the stal«i at the hear- t ? Were Alan Fraaer, Alpine, dis-

meyt and C. E. Mead. E. B. j '™ # , Marfa and W . K . Am dd, r » Hooston, represented How^L

Ir fa n s la S h a ffe r T te o fe y , . .A retifUNia eerwiw nn^iinrtr^ i * * ^ —

JL The ordmance carries with it a pen,**<*<1*? Bight hr « k T l J *100 « * * ^

^ i*>r kilful fannw to pay the tax.» ««hod itt mmwtw here, w l»| ? r , *7 'r 8 attested by tiM nale qcartet Hr. Norman say* that utility com-

th* namber of poles operated and maintained, as of the first day of the calendar year. One-half of the total amount due the city must pe paid by April 1 and the remainder on or be­fore October I. The ordinance states that the charge per-po!e shall be ex­clusive of and additional to all ad rzJorem taxes bat *haB be in lien of any franchise tines.

C. R. K « n i % *fiBtzwrt man and local nnm um • * ¥ &** the 1» ^ rocnt for •*»Marfa poks « f i i | b ^ jt f iw r $600- In Aipine the p jja fls t will b* eonsSder^

sum . were awnf ably in a -sparste b :* 3*. .•* ti. <r

fc *’ «* ‘*- a cr d Mrs. OocMtld Dtsjukle.

" » the Marfa chaudb. A aoj?, *4TTfc«waa «o f?

ywond Wheat. Qsartei mesaherK **>®ada th» trip w«f» E. L Bfcd-

Oi^Bg, Ittf Craham, Kay- k* A m m m i n r f n i c M17 « • Bevermd Mr. I o n Tha aehdbl

m m t f a m * ^ » « » -IB ^M tOOML '

penks'are favorinf a «h a wetlwd of texatto as bda^ a » ( « * •eeoring inilbm tosatfw p th* variooa townsfci whkh they sprtraf J -:' The Alice d tf emmmskm recentlyr aT an ofMminwr a^ng^ag » ^

method <rf

srftUB fta eflir

Ranchmen D ire d in g TwoO m n s of Men

The arqnestiondl aggressiv- n^ys of G'sorye Jorses and C. K- Smith, Presidio »sr*ry ra^chnwr, will be pot to a t^ t ir a ttk-o- month attcfidar.ee content wh:ch will be sponsored by tov .r cr.c~.-- en from mtrcbers of t::-- M in » B:b!e Class of the Mc.v :.ib: ChordL

The two nxn vr!?l cav?i::; re?p£etive groop^? ai.d tive ost r? will be h^ts to the Mrino rs ir. » mb&* ho»^t£i>«e vtanner wh:cb will be qoite acceptable to ali*

n . *-a« ’x-en s-jcokoJk U% "v- • ....of Rillj Crew* to wfc£V€ aa J* feree^to decide any rnsner*' controv-p»-.<y wh*ch may liev <?!■:» dariag the spirited contest that ii expected. J. E. mperviae the contest and Urtts- tive plans call *>r the *ppwr.:ment of H. 0. jioarland and J. ^ . Mac Fedries as •secretaries” to serve tfaa cavtaiaa. *

A aaoaaew et w tha contest waa made Snnday nxmiing and tbh t SMbaa, d ta»p®arf®dt*



I f ywi weren’t increasinglj* colder ios wh-' ~bi Marfa lecjperafar^ M.'uday, Man’s. :

UiAi U * :ind ih€3* \v:j! 7Tjust a 0*5 cos- er Tfeur^isy. 5oei::thin^ at v r..> wrorg. V'?i! hOTl*! have V;vn. h-^‘ s .

Josi-rh V. i>: thv A ir Corps tion ji

Office at Fott D. A. RuaadB sai<i ai four o’clock y».<icrJ^y after-. The -

that the foftoTvu-s wck she'me-.-tir, :i’ :’:imuiit u-mpe’-aiures

i M H[V'.'S. tDiy ctf ^ vvk

liv^day T ie^:xy

W1 d:\saf Jj*y

Lend in sr Association Meet? Here Next Week

Hot^on Official Speaker At >h irchoiders* 1S40 Session

THSC74maxisntun ai 'his week: Muimura

4>.3 565ft . V I____- *.-■>-a iiu* ,.

Msis^wora 2lj9 U».8 IVI*x, |

JPr^cv -.ijor'-.yfv»M, v :

lo-.vfjst tecnpeiature y.iKrday R^ ve*. at n oVkvk injth* awrai:'*? AiiQS»;iii,: P.:

:u vras 2w ileyreea. It was seven de- psxfS, aoJier tbiMi than it ),: s earlier.


who waa Miss Lois Johnson before titeir marriage June 15* ISIS, two children and a grandchild— Marlin D. Bownds, Jr., o f Marfa, Mr*. Stewart Kershner of Hooston and the latter* ch id, Stcrrsri Drtk K e r t h x ^ » years old. A brother. Tain, Jives ia Utopia and two sisters. Mrs. Jack

ci worrier! of eitcbt count*; Rainey and Mrs, Joe Patton, live in ?-?.:e, as shareholders, tht- j Ki Paso and Ui«p:«, re5]>:ct:vcly. ■'■Lt. Credit Association.i Active pallbearers at the funeral M srii Friday, January j were:

V\»vk to r^vitw the y<ea«*' Frank Barton, Albert I ojran, \S. E. .:.a.ke plans for the owra- . Love, % . B. Johnsor, B. H. Da"Vi > Orr

._snd:r:<r or^ an iia tion th i i : Kerr.} Those comprising: the group erf

:iccittc;u of annua! honorary pallbearers were:ce th.'c- -A-eek by Davivi S. S. L. Calhoun, Presidio; L. V. Me- : ■>:ar''-treasurer, siauxi | Donild, L C. Brite, Doran Wood, ^ . '.-Kvcal «=?»eaker would be|H. Cleveland, F. C. Mellard, R. E, L.

treasurer o f the Pro- j Tyler, S» T. Wood, C. T. Mitchell, Dr. iVjxMvtion of Hoas-jJ. C, Damcott, Col. R. H. I^wis* C.

:vanhc8iioR of the dis-^N. Bassett* El Paso; C. R. Ndrman, :ic'.\ '"ich serves peopled. 0. Thompson, J. H. Fortner; R. L.

Hodsoeth, SI Paso*(Stevenson, Shafter,

Divis. Brewster. ! M arfa f « * d r e r S k k T U s W eekctvai<!tts. , Miss Ernie* Bird, teaeher in the’arch«M. will be s e r v e d , ^ ^ ^ ^ t c ill



| Peggy Colquitt I » * k vw IThe conditkfe of Peggy Colquitt,

daughter of W. H. Colquitt, who bad * a bofie in her knee two weeks II® while taking exercises, is reported t »

#oarjme:n'*er-i- »- i'^so Hotel.i Ciffu r** nnd direstors of the as-T -

jyociatio^ -Presi-’ . Joe C. MiteheH, Marfa;

vicc*prfj ■'*ci.it, J W. Rawls, ^tarfa* sccreta^T'’'™ *® **^ David 8. Gotobs, Marfa; ^tant secretary-treaswrer, N. B. Charfin, Marfa; directors—

since last iK00t ia better at this time.ante

Joe C Mfegke#; f* k*^58- The Mailh Froductiea Credit As­

sociation waa « f a a i * d ia 1138 Mid eiid of 1 9 » had a memberAip,

Wf + ***,0.- M* Bun*}881¾¾ M> wk,Z r Z ^ S HeVteee wastobepot Wyrm Hamilton. f iW »a .O .

ta f S T l l ,to». M «.-.u ;.W «ie Reid. Fort Davit;|«itk W M l

....1¾J V \7*M1 ' 1 :

- 1 > u fi . ■ : > > ~ ‘ ! i ; - » ' ■

V- . % > V ' > ' \ 1* j -

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(Friday), has often boon culled ; v i- ul'. )it s,vphiii' irrm th ir g^a;-


jV lR K C T O li A ID S U1S A R T —Alfred HKchcck, director of thi?

Paramount picturc, “Jamaica Iv.w," which co'.nos to thi' Palaco Theater todaythe ‘Edgar Allan Poo of the movio^.’ j “ fnn.Hitchcock’s innovatics in camera j ^ 10 r>f Siu)D-vi.?o!*.■=? ortechnique and story-tcliinpr have done j ’ rial b ounty, Calilorn:a, officially much to lift the tyn? of mystery taK; j chained n-tnic of iami'd Buttei- often referred to as a “ whodunit” ir.-J '-'P v **ijt \ to Bi. au Gest^ \ alley to the first-ranl: entortainmer.t li^L. | v '*n h^camc part of the localc toi Three previous pictures by the sam? | Paramount/s rou-sing now production director have caused much comment. ! 01 They were “ The 30 Steps” , “ Sccrct!Agent'*, and “The Lady Vanishes.”

Deer Hunters’ Kill Greater in ’39 Than in ’38; Many Bucks Remain

Dove Season Pleasing Om*; “ D rou th -H it” Turkey Supply V\’as Against Hunter^

- D< 111!'

'Beau Geste.”

IT'S “ DAYS OF OLD WESTAdventures of a handsome law of­

ficer during colorful days of the old west—and the astanishing' schemas by which he keeps bandits and outlaws in a state of perpetual bewilderment, are found in “Desperate Trail?,” Uni­versal action drama at the Palace Saturday.

Johnny Mack Brown has the star­ring role in the story which is said to blend comedy, romance and unex­pected thrills. Featured in the support­ing cast are Bob Baker, singing star; Fuzzy Knight, cowboy comedian; Frances Robinson and young Bill Codv, Jr. Character roles are carriedV,- o

|HORSE I Klmcrj ho'r.-e who jumps steeplechase hurdles ' wiith all the courage and sureness of la well-trained and sure-sighted hunt­er, is the- chief actor in “ Pride Of The Bluegras;-,” the Warner Bros, racing picture coming to the Palace Tuesday.

There is also a fine cast of human performers, headed by Edith Fellows, James McCallion, Granville Bates, DeWolf Hopper and Frankie Burke.

The picture, from an original screen play by Vincent iSherman and direct-

Au-tin, Jan. 1T.— I><■ ■ 31 Uc th seasonab ly hot \vw.lh; v v. pru- _

vailed during mud ,:.: Lh 1 hunting ’ sea sou, kiovi- deer were killed in as during the 1SKW hunting period j a than in li^S, early reports to th executive 1Game, Fish and 0> indicate. However, the kill will not reach the estimate of 45,000 made by the Game Department prior to the opening of the season, but probably will be approximately 40,000.

Hunting was slow during the early

School People’s Meeting FridayAlpine, Jan. 1 7 .— Students, teach­

ers, and trustees; o f Marfa, Valen­tine, Fort Davis, Fort Si \ ^ >11, .Tei*l-

jnrna, Marathon, Prc^d'.c and Shaft-< h'"-'; schools are e-;i o.:’ iiy invited 1 • .-uStnd an edwiii^oii;.! 1 . gram at :!ul Ko',s Slate College .Monday night,

which State Supcript«-n<N. nt* L. A.

Marfans on Vacation Trip Mr. and Mr». Arthur Kerr and Mrs.

Kerr’s sister, Miss Phyllis Headlee,

left Sunday for a ,Covpua Christ! and 0thw r ,

i t : 2?


Woods and Senator Ohm R. Van Kandt of 'l’in! i nre to' be principal speakers. Th.1 meeting is to be one in a >ories throughout the state for the purpose ^ explaining the Rural Aid

y i\ |>\m ko iv# %**■ i | |v .»f the Terns bill and Equalization Law to school iyster Comnussion districts. Senator Van Zandt is chair­

man of the legislative committee on the Equalization Law.

\ND HUMANS DO WELLGantry, the famous blind jweeks of the season, the deer staying

deep in the brush during the hot days. However, the cold wave which marked the closing week of the season brought 011 the best hunting Texas has known in many seasons and highways lead­ing from the counties with heavy pop­ulations of deer were filled with motor cars bearing one or two bucks.

Every early report to the executive secretary from game wardens and game managers siiow their checks on the deer kill indicate as many bucks

ed by \\ illiam MoGann, is not based t down this year as last andupon the life of Gantry but it of the reports show an increase

Mother of Marfan 111 in AlpineAn operation was undergone Mon­

day night in Alpine by Mrs. E, V. Casner. Her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Walker of Marfa, said yesterday morning that her mother was “hold­ing her own” at that time and that her true condition would not be known for four or five days.

Best RCA V ictor Tab le M odel Buy Since

Radio Began!

'.-v *• s ill

Model T-80 . . . Improved Push w

dudmg Magic Eye, Built-in Arden- M , new 3-Band, dear-vision

P * ^ g'm ^nnection forTel^ision Attachment or Rer. ord Player. Bril- Uant American,Foreign, Police,Aviation and Am­ateur Reception!



about a fictional horse *1 great deallike the noted blind jumper.

In real life, Gantry exhibits histalents mainlv at fairs nnd hnrse

iiiipaOii, Liaitnce II. In the he j, , acesoti, Ed Cassidy, Charles Stevens and' . - , . Q,w* „r J hoise, first a fiat racer and then ahalph Dunn. j stce.plcchaser, who is stricken blind

ntl yet learns to respond so' bravelyPRODUCER KNEW HIS PICTURE

William A. Wellman, who productd and directed Paramount’s rousing new picturizatioi? of “ Beau Geste.” which will ho nrpsented at the Palacc Sun­day ajid Monday, is actually a veter­an' of/the French Foreign Lrgion. He served as a flying legionnaire through­out the W'orld War. his daring -earn­ing .him the name of “ Wild Bill.”

Gary Cooper, Ray Milland and Rob­ert Preston are starred in “ Beau Gestc,’’ appearing as the gallant Geste brother:?, “ Beau'’, “ John” and “ Digby,” respectively. The support­ing cast is hi':ifU-.;l v v Donievy, Susan ITrr.*ward, J. Carrol Naish.

and confidently to the voiced com- mr.nds of his rider that he wiivi the world's gjeatest steeplechase, the Grand National at Aintree, England.

Interwoven with the story of the hoTse, there is also a moving tale about the humans whose lives touch hi?, particularly the story of the kid jockey and trainer played bv young McCallion. Riding Gantry in the Ken­tucky Derby as the horse goes blind, Jimmy is banned from racing. But he trains him so that between them they can win a double vindication at the Aintree Grand National Steeplechase in England. Jimmy is the rider while Edith is hi

Pathologist Gives TipOn Killing Fever Tick

PHILADELPHIA.—A method to prevent infection with the dreaded Kooky Mountain spotted fever by wccdticks has been advanccu by Dr.

: Damaso de Rivas, pathologist of the state department of health labora­

to ry at the University of Pennsyl­vania.

Dr. De Rivas said that when a itick is observed burrowing into the skin, the simplest and safest thing to do is to touch it with the lighted end of a cigar or cigarette.

When singed, Dr. De Rivas said, the tick will drop off of its own ac- cord. I f it is pulled off, he pointed out, it will take a fraction of an ounce of flesh with it.

Be?’* Banditry Ended as Hand Is Caught in Door

. W INNIPEG, MAN.—A i4-year-oid St. James boy wanted some money and he wanted to get it in the eas­iest way possible—or so he thought.

Armed, he knocked on the door ol Mrs. Andrew Wood and demanded:

“ Give me some money.”But Mrs. Wood was too quick for

C’ K a p Im i* tkiA />•%■»*•!««lu i i i * Ui»Vv jv v tu v i u u u v o u ^ iu. the would-be baby robber’s hand be­tween the door and the iamb. The boy struggled and managed to es­cape only when he dropped the gun.

It was then that Mrs. Wood found he had attempted the hold-up with

va toy revolver,______________________



I IO W E L L A . S M IT H — M a r f a »

anl School Athletes Win Garner From Out-of-Town Team

Basketball and volleyball prowess of ward school boys and girls is un­disputed in .\lpinc and Fort Stock­ton. according to Jesrse Blackwell, principrl, who is telling thi.s week of the contjuc.'ts of his pupils last week- . ml.

I riday a boys’ team and a girls’ giouu won volleyball co’ntests with Alpine. The games were played here. The next day Fort Stockton basket­ball players went down to def?at by a score of 48 to 14 in the gymnasium at Fort D. A. Russell. That afternoo’n Marfa girls won two volleyball game-s from Fort Stockton girls.

Today at three o'clock the ward school basketball players meet Clint players in a game in Van Horn. I f they win they’ll return to the Culber­son county town for more tournament play the next day. I f they lose, they will be eliminated from the tourna­ment.

Mrs. Ramsey to OklahomaLeaving tomorrow for Hugo, Okla.,

where she will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. M. Williams, and fam­ily, ;s Mrs. P. K. Ramsey. Mrs. Wil­liams underwent an operation Satur­day in a Hugo hospital, and Mrs. Ramsey will be with her several weeks. While she is gone she will visi latives in Farmerville, La.

itrsn fZrq<Iiio4a !n-------n ----- v . .M U M , i t v I I I i l l a i i a

A graduate of The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor where he was prominent in student activities, Albert Benbrook was a business visitor in Marfa Friday and Saturday. Mr. B?n- brook is an employee of the American Seating Co.

Fullers on Vacation TripMr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller left thia

week for a trip of three or more months. From here they went to Temple, and from there they will visit other points in Texas,

in the kill.Be t ot all, however, are indications

that the deer crop is in excellent shape and that there arc an unusually large number of big bucks still ranging the hills.

Every sign pointed to T^xns hav­ing one of its greatest hunting sea­sons, but t’->c warm weather did hurt the deer hunting and the lack of mois­ture over most ot' the -state prevented erood quail hunting. Sportsmen in mc?t sections of the state did not get good bobwhite shooting e ven in the closing days of the season, but in areas where the drouth was not too severe there is an excellent crop of birds remain­ing for a seed crop for 1940.

Goose hunting improved during the closing days of the season, but lack of watfciing ami feeding places sent ducks on south earlier than usual and the i!lick season was mediocre. Texas enjoyed its best dove season in a de­cade, but turkeys, hard hit by the drouth, were scarce.



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Marfa Girl in New WorkMiss Mary Mahone, daughter of

Mrs. J. R. Mahone, has accepted a temporary position in the city office.

*• •• . /s

■X is?



'oH.NT ••

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X-Ray Laboratory DiaffVJ>sis

Basal MetabolismGeneral Hospital Service

Phone No. 7

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MARFA, TEXASMarfa's Finest Entertainment

FRIDAY - 19th

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S m m m m

^ BOS BAKER Y ^ W t S S l -

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again..IV* Iku* C«lt««fact a Ik iuaii 4«M«m «1 tk«UkM !•: utk «dMS...«aA Wtti

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Ja n u a r y• o t r m » .

1 9 .TEX BK- jgTKy ■flEKTTNEL. V.t.K*f. TET. A?

a va'atio„ J ,n<1 other Golf 1 ^ R«ne two

proved Push-but.

" RCtH-Tubesil’''* uilt-m Anien- ear-vision Illmv.:. in connection fachment or Rec.



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D R . J . C . X E L S O N

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a x.:T'£.-rs».77. l.uc Lf*?- sts-t;ir±'tesif ~'*Lre *jr.;»rj7«3 Tr;tb 1*1.'.-: J- ••••:; ‘ 2.. H

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• i? ih* :»r»e aibemt. I3se monnf : ert >■*•■: r,f same “ rorrT lt»: . ’ —

**-?7 i f-T 2~::r.k&, #»r>xc,pd. “Brirxr c»i Si


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•— C-r.ffiti G roeer?-. S.lz . V « ir 7Tf.t:-fiu: :-.rwm.! :..' :rid cit.r ; a : -"i-icg, * Metrs’iiiiSrt Lj*c *►??. Arj»rV. I ' l. A: :.nt- $*> - >

•t*.d ibere’s l?if T*r»e thmn thf 5t-lr«tr — ix-£‘T- troclf.— 1.: h r T h

Pjpftrir flnllarL IC L i i I L U U I I U I

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■s' Si‘:trf £rxr:c to o. rvjfiissd.

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zai too rmTow cJtad or

To* par

ta»«i90« lor TAXES lor

P0** and pfayywadfc Mr—fc. bighweya. bridges S°» oat <d yam SoOar—12 pm oeat at yo«r 1*35—

to pay lor w ci—ory pabtic

WIm»••• tmfctf •# j W e S d * s * s -

»«■» Mr Ae

t r :ifgw t¥ ''jncKT'L L l l t tC itvr ieni b«v lor eek;2 fo r __________________________________CELERYEnjpv tkss feeftltkfiKi ngttMtStAti, _____________________________________


9cIT I h n

G«»d -T*-\a> Seedfcss-: sft sn»: « f « | (IIIWtNESAP APPLESTbev'r** i«r yw; hmi--------------


ftfe-SS HRXS h iMJV6S0IHES v.


Strike ^■ k M e o<f yovr c-;p~ I’V^esf fc«sro^s of5#w>* ' pbe t'ffflK J '■' ' 1&9&f K O>%'^TT

fOi.: c'-tKtrkoiSe.-vis«i

Buy se eri.1 now: Aox**}NEW POTATOES\m 'R bk« tka: 3 ---------SPIDSVo. 1 rras(. B5V Boa ; if, paunds,BUNCH VEGETABLES



a :WUine- 26c ,>PINTO BEANS,

FANCY BULK RICE,------------------------------------------------------------ ----- -- - ----------------------------------------


10c10c13c17n« I V

OQat—Poimc . ___ / ill>Baby Beef Chuck Roast 1 Cn1: * misrhiy i V s » d ______________ | J gArmour's Star Sliced Bacon 0 InPwaid ......... ........ .......... . / ¾BOLOGNA 1 AnE v ift Ftidi) . &turda> or Mftwdiv. JLb. 11| ySALT PORK 11*Sa. I c t » ^ , C m c t&Hv for t k k hrand | | y

TOMATOESSlock Hp now and sat e*N f t . 1 c a n : 4 c a r s ( w _____________________________

Sweetened Field CornNtv. <2 c£.sii *> f o r ------------- --

-PRIMROSE/ CORNY c ^ : i in • cask i cans for




-U J-t-e C* *■ »> ■■■»•*« i

Texas Girl.1 QoLh.------------------------ 1 ObEveryday,


6 s


VOWm rnal lxM Csa Mr.li om * *• iLj-iiTiMgniiiiir ftt pgirtsoair •*r":i » * unKT *MfmMb A i <z InHiMtt iinll iiTirwn end as a dSrto o! !W

Mfrict coispaatr coat oi goiwaawL

SCI9MS m 4 H I I f i l l

.s T>ounds $\M'Ii ijounas ..................... ^(TVHh the Nwfc Rack fi«arantf*l

DUCHESS FLOUR:n d s ..........................

iimds .... ........... ........w(KSSHT WESEaVED TO LSM1T QI ANTITIES)

'OOill24 7x

- N>. 1 fins :\>r --------------SALT

this Si^pk1 AriicW.R « : . ,V <is.>e— Z f * * r ........

MATCHESAi7i>. rur simple > should buy now*2 boxes for . .... .............. ......CORN FLAKESA \ ou like- - boxes for_____K. C. BAKING POWDERT h t re^iiiar 25c s it* fm r_____________

“'NATIONAL” OATMEALTE .t. »_-•%«. f .Mk t **.» » £-«M4itl i-4»jk fn.9--Mfcr im i < v , .--wtati Jw^t «»n -.-.

HERSHEY BARSRo\ a Supply XOW; ,t t*«r--------TOM ATO JUICE"Swifts PiYBimn": ftmfjr: S ftns for,

9*ir»4 U U


u ...

" ,-,V

■-..■..•W.r i.5 ■’//». ..-Vw :.•


L js fS l -:-::-¾. I


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It .




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'■ , .£a "1 : N 'fl.’jii ' f t M&• J\Kf ,• - • i . n. Sfi, .tyj : ■ , a ! > «

■' 1>V ift . 'S/-¾¾. <;•!{>■>*

■PSH ’

v \ c k r o m

I l j r Sin ftirtid #ruiliti'!• HAtiihhfihrd l * t t )

THE NEW ERA/ ,/,, ,/ )

-Cun- .1 lated April 0, 1028—

T lff i inrj BKNT)^SICNTINFUM AUF^^^

D e lin q u en t T a x e s( [1? ll.llvM 1 i'Ull) page OllO)

FRIDAY, Ja NTTa p v i'.* 19.1

M r Davis Hostess to I rcn Chastain,1

Me.nbers o f the* Maryr.ret Maurer j son.

E. W,M arga rtl .Maurer Group Monda ;« Lai ton, E. T. MacDonald, ty.' ^ r*

,0 .■ JAN'l


t jb bh hp t1 vtkbsbbb ■ e e e m t gT alighed .w Fnd.iy at Marfa, ,«*11 » i ,

P ^ i * . . County, lYxa*. |1 n V ™

Kdit.ir Pub:.-h.*r . . KonrKT W. .fU'Ott*! *,*1 . (A a .. ' • f , ,.$ttl>sc Httti’a 1111 * I. * y i.t ' i ' ’ ( 1 •

..i il ' •! ■ 1 1:.11 1

in .., per y e a r .............l6 month# . . . $1.25)

fn :->ther state-*, p^r year

$2.00 , v : • - i".."'' -; m l ;»■ St:r*l> . «1 (

$* m> ■ u, ii-. :- ■ . -..I I’ M <!•'. toroij I'hivnJ the! * " ^-.-5

Pest OHTir in Mrtrfii, Texas, under ^ -■ V s.noy. <-.-!o ii the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870 . mg, Teaching by : 1,« :,

Any erroneous reflection upon tha T ' <--t< riint: mm \ character, standing, or reputation of any person, firm, or corporation which may occur in the columns of The Sentinel will be gladly cor­rected upon being brought to the attention of the management.

Sunday, January - ’■» Fa

;»| I ’IUST CliMSTi.VN ('J’ rKCl*j Vi. A. 1>: ' II i.t'U, Min

*%t!iirir. j “ ,\! a <. :.'-ov\ that :i*1 iAna a 1.- .! V '• ' 11 “ . J< i v;t-t In ' li : gl'l'lj ' !lt 1)1 1 ■'■ 1;|' '

| ( Ad. 11» (/i JI i who il • ti:> f ;i f: 1' • • lit i?*i'T* r, (.-{w.linvr ‘ o 1 *.:••■■ pu'.’ ).I ni. -

Where the Money Went

PRESBYTERIAN O 'i K-’HR ichard G. Irv^nt,, t> r

I: ' .-a \. !»•'!- 1 t •

’ ' la i -ti •

t ,S. f- ■ . ii ’ i

i. >.-, M■ o . ii\- , ■

,. -. K. < . ; i ir '

! ir(»uiM.) : :.,- 1 • ’ '■ a , * V

'! amic-i ’ «•■■■■ :.-a;, l

-. ’’ rax Her t •a .■.) : 1. \v ■

'.i.eadentiV • *' d a ■ e \ecalr)

E-tate o f 3i r.-. L. M. 1 'l Hi i , \

r/, s»uit i a : pa ;' Itioi :.aai M• 1 ■, i •. ix)j» Ok i *\i i .- i.' .. ii.. i , >i. ♦ , i.,* • i

df Mariana a Smith, a mi tn.i-

Divorces : I iipe Stale*o va ,

v 1<>; Maria ( ’riiena l Tla te V: .

nfd.). .ulenen-..v-count

! Circle of the Ksi t baptist (. lnnr*’ j Crawford Mitchell vi„ ir- !1-i, Mon- j « cn k Pl.uctti 0 ; “' ^ ; k - Mitckclj

:/l; ......... "h o . >>'- K«>»!> - 1 Dor* Wilson, Lttcius ’ Watti ii 111 *'i ' O Mis. W. T. I>avi: II;

‘XlW1( "

vot'ioii:*A rofn^hmejit )ilate was served to: M-’^daiiU’s Fred O. Senter, Jr., War-


I1,il.l«. ,r!rvl. D:ir> a. r... ’Y l< :'e is a | I ’ late; Toiaas Sal.'.rado c-i;.., of idkm^hip and a co:>- ( Salgailo; Ralph W iliis Hurt v.; Do. . -.-•eciat< <i te-.,her invitinv: >-.. 1> i [,urf: Quirr*v,na K: m>0

o f’ the Franco; Ernest R.^ j) 11 r\ ,t 'ad \ J u a n ita Iv, Hammond,

rrmin-'C. C. Ciubbs vs. Esp;ranza Grubbs; |(;itio:» Carau ii Alvarez Culpepjior vs. Louis

R. Culpepper; Daniel G. Aidom vs. . , Uot. , Lucille H. Ardoin; Fidel Ontiveras vs.

Pilar CVmipas Ontiveras; Francisco D. Alvaro: v.-. Celia SaifcTado Alvarez.

Slate \s. Koberto' Rios, Manual Rioy, and Marcos Rios, altiving brand.

Swearingen, Bledsoe and Senter



M A R F A , T E X A S

Sunday School vv.ve- = morning at 10 o'clock.

Worship services each -

-Juntl:»y y,. lYu !-on, (Une1::] Sapt.

i . h, ;'ii'.d, ‘ -ti; Su.M'ayv at 2 !

Aopioath of another President’.- ' ____I. r:hday Celebration, which presum- fJ IE M E T H O D IS T i l l * KCH .,h;\ will bi* utilized for renewed sup-i r.AY w. ross, Mi" ’i or: to the tirive against infantile jv.'-a'ly.-i:-, adds tirnelinesf: o the report * ;: the u<e of funds raised at such i-ocasiona in the last two years. The National Foundation for Infantile

i'.e Church School ‘W bej;iri.s prorr.ptly ■

, vv,lh a Woivhi,) r-'- *:f-d . ...ji'oup Department.

" P:-o. oViOCK I

AFovi'iir';.’’ Vii-"whip, 10:45 oc-im-k. riK*:) ."ub.ierT. “ The Clouds I ha1 Cast no Shade vs .” This is a vii-d svi.j'-et i'or all . n ; >i’vi<’>K,es (il liie. (here ' fine way ual!:ing uinier ti.e .- );m!-

ch'ads. Flan to lx in this mo1 n- ing wr>:-:hi(\ please.

Evening ‘-twice. 7:iM» ociock. (! e;i

’ ‘a alysis received all of the net in- von-.e from the 1938 celebrations and V.ait of the net in 1939, the remainder *:"ir,g to the local communities for iM’act relief.

In its first twenty-one months, this f.'ii’idatio-n has approved expenditures cf .S4»’ .‘i,872, some of which remain to i'i» disbursed. Of this money, $130,-

has y-one into virus research.KS4.SS0 into rcsoarch for th- prevcn- j Evwin?. v,arsh:p Kr>,!:on of infantiIe P»~Iys*s and the 7.j)0 r ...,oc,. s ia! mas!... , ,Trt/utnient of aftereffects, $40,843 in-1,, . .... .to education and $8,389 into public; h* alth work and splints for use in *;pv!epi!'>\ foundation has a cash balance of $1,270,917 remainingsto be

ed to bring th\jh e:;:!<!;. "on time.” Al? ra ih'k-.-s of 11ie Church n-v .-.oH-''. <iui.‘jjir tJjis P:'*.--Ehs;m* Program, Give children real chance, parent.- ; -an

Morning worship eat''. 5 0:45 o’clock. Specif-. 1 ory rend it''ons, includii.-g an ;

Seaman by the minute.

musie, >pvcial and rnngregat ionai singinir. .'ine I’l-llowshii) and Bib' ■ p.-t-aehing. A warm, heanly wjlcoau;

' j* tnen.. . .' lo o ;-.t.-. 1 Vi-.-;:!; --I.Vae I.om

! i iIV.,>jGji i>i Chjastuts'idi.’M:

val. A. challenging roo^-nro "by t lv minister on the thc;ne, “ --[y P. rsnnai Responsibility."

Cordial wvlcume, -goou • andhelpful messages i'or o? : . ::<? ali at thi.’f. friendly church.

C A L E N D A R FO R Tt, :.: 'V a K K Lainbuth Circle vt-i)l m ot- at thv

spent. •-Research made,possible by grants

from * this foundation is seeking to t ap^-the virus responsible for in­fantile paralysis, tc find some agency tha*..wi!l kill the-virus, to find means j ” ; ' ; r>'of nninunizing persons from contract- J( ni* ‘ • ^ 11,1;ng the disease or being harmed by i t i 12'^4,’ai ro iueak the virus into its diff-.-r- er.; types as has been done for pneu-

* ' 1 - - _____ _•__ _ . _ I f 1lilniUJl. Wtntfl* ex ut-'i JiiiwliL’s uavc J! asal spray? and drues used in pro ' >;C1- vi nt:on or Treaimeiit of the di rasr.

Belle Rennett Circ-1? meets ? lor day a:icrnoont 3:00 o'clock, at the hoiae f M.*s. J. D. Bunton. Lc.v.!::'. M ■.

.n u‘/a -

. e urg-VOUtij *

.Viend- j tn all. ( . ard let’s worship the a ! * I-a | i ( l '.

, " J ------ -

a : vn iS T HAIM’K r CHl K d lJj. v). iViALONK, Pastor

Sl'XDA Y -i *: 1 ii i ■-)’>! e A'bei; I.ogan,

Supt.S'-ni*,..p by the Par-h -.

uMiu \ie:.ii !ui>sie.n Pii-ie School, •Juan Aguiiar, Sup'..

£:30 Training Union, Doyl.- Single­ton. Divector,

7:30 S« rtvK.'i by tin Pa-Mor.• m % V T v An*M U i \ 1 7 A 1 —

3:00 W. M i S. in Cirrle. meetings.■- TUESDAY- -

7:00 Officers and Teachers nnvting. W EDNESDAY—

7:00 ( ini rch - N igl\t.7:45 .Choir i raet-iee, M'>. II.- O.

M a lane, director.THURSDAY—

0 Roval Ambassador- led l.v the


o , r>




JANUARY 31, 1940. _ . . _ • « * > *n ■ « ** - -

Taxes that are paid this month are paia on time, m ey are delinquent february

1st. Penalties and interest charges take effect then.

AH persons becoming 21 years of age since January 1, 1939, must have exemption

receipts to vote.


O. A. Knight, Tax Collector PRESIDIOCOUNTY

v:pa > tor.

•1:00 Sunb-nms led by Mrs. Earl Snafb in h e r borne.

Wo vvVom e -Tack Lanph-v ’ nfo on*- Crv:'fh -N ift’bt dinner, rro-.-am and rri1(>,v, ir;p> v;t, p . ^,-nten himself at

Vt-nr.< may elapse before important- ;°-‘gai isaitonal activit:*..; W^crtescray {.vn );r;;r :..f.-..v ie-- Sunday. We aro<K-covej-ivs are made as a result of thi • i r a ' £'- >'3 p;o:.-,:,-ly. P.er.:,y o, fny xhe increasing att- !•- j |--. -•(.;>rch work, but success in similar j ' ‘'.a--, l- khi fun aim ^ejlowship, inio.ii.- {>f. ni] onr f:orviCe«. \\*e invin*v^ea'-ch in connection with m/'i v ! ‘n‘-- ‘- v'*y Methodist r nn-y cx'>cc:- voi) fo v.n ;ri Sundav.

give*? hone for ulfirnate • : '^viiies -,Vn are i':i nds c-f our 0ij1, ,v;J.iVf.ct ,vr>iromc is yours.Hairn dom> bv the infantib ;Chu.eh : . - <-o-d:aliy v.-ek--'>;n-. F;a^-

* I . . , . — - —- ■■■ 1 m

V'-.-m a * to f>. a c-;u- ivr. v-’i i i . St. Paul's Episcopal Church'■ ■ l a 0 :- <-. Ac-; t ' :• T<’ to ; The)-<* wiil be a chi*, rch service Sun-r ■; •>.. ’..ill i 1

>T to Q. ’ i'j--v: Lr- :a’ ’es.; V'c^e iVora i> tc Z i.oelt’ - service will begin at eleven ociock,. !i <> \v . *1 ly.’Srj** \\\ fha sdav . according to an announcement Wed-

i< Chi:rch-N:gl.>t in all Marta ni.-:<lay.

dis(-a -<s

s .:<•( . -

t-a,-t; y - i s se<>i;.-g; ’ s so g r f a* ' '-a:

I! ... 1 : <l‘ S ■ L ~ ti. I .. i": iT* tf: IS f 1' •- v‘ e'*'t-. '-.e iiiamt''iu(.d. This can • o dara■; !' i a |y by raeans of ball? arid <»t:v iairt:- like ho«e h .-.d in rccvnt yea.--Th- Dallas New?.

M.r.-t; i.b’ t.- : day morrang at SL Paul’s with S. li. v ii; b: iiav Redingcr, lay leader, in charge. The

Presidio NewsBy Ralph England ing in Mai fa. Mrs. Ui:d came from ; Mrs. Shipley in Fort Stockton

With a day filled with bright an..: j Alpine !.c--e b. t ha l e/.a u ^d-.ing in I Mrs. Tobe Shipley is in Fort Stock- v. a- rr. sunshine in their i'avo;- fou f : a;al school n<;ar We-aaaten. Her 1 ton this week with her daughter, Mrs. iii* mbers or cite Presidio County Pistol j <>;ti;L'.titer, 'viirs Eunice foi/'i, is tt-acii* Willie V. Briam, and Mr. Briam, whoClub rshot themselves into the e.xoeir i> iJt M bracket Sunday at the regular month­ly shoot of the club held in Presidio.

a. ! moved to the Pecos county town Sun-—p.X— jday. Mr. Shipley v.-ent to Fort Stock-

,Trick Banned va-nt ta El P-so* this ! toll Sunday, but returned home.The .four itiakin^ a score of ov r v,< . k i’or a bi u-f x\.u\. j ...... .. ” *

270 for the first time since enlistment | --r-N -- : Inventory Time! wetv Oscar Elmendcrf of Maria and j Mrs. Fred Segg-n-i-^ui spent the! ^uv handy Inventory Pads at the la-dro Valenzuela, Bruce Parson and | wee-k-ond. in Sar> Cario^, Chib., M< ::ico ! Sentinel oifjee. Pads; of 100 blank'. D. B. Irwin o; Presidio. has4 week. j —00 cents. — adv.

Brua- Pa; mii won the m:-dal mat » j __y.y.. - ! - . - ...........................with a score -79 out of a pc^sibu | Uilaric; Nu?yz <;f Kuiik.ia ,i.ais a . an abseme of several months.;;uo. (.eortf*- 1'errin, Marfa, maiatai.: - ! .sidio Tuesday I — P-N—ed hi- ty.o -landing by s i i - ^ o . i h i s weesa ! Approximately 350 head o f Mexico- i - - j ’-v - j (-.:(rle were cros e<l into this country

l-;»*npeo Lopez of Shafter ca::a .-h M .-■*. D. C. f'opv.v-. ■ ^n.l 1,: - s: 1 - •*, j ar. this nort of entry Tuesday of this of: u ---1 pi-.::. m the* hand.'cap m m-.i . : .\j.-.-. G--org-a v '■ _>»; (o | wrek by the Fowlkes Brother, local

Following :!ie matches which -ve;.-; piv..;(,:(i V ) p;.-o Ta; - af:< • - a i t l e m e n .held or t’ne aviation ianciing iiebi |

-alio, a business meeting i .................... .r; c.. i *h al I was called a ihe dining room of a do-vi.town eafe where an election of • f.: f .. - ff., tar UM0 season was held. ! 'J i.e -ari.e * -eutive staff as eh cted ! f<a- wa- re-elected by unanirnoin ! v<;:.- \v:‘ h tlie addition of John Fo'it- • j:' .- a.- r. : aiiye officer and Bruce j Fa. -on :•:<< sf->'-ekeeper. The scorekeep- ; .-.- was given the power to name an ! a-.-i ^ant if at any time he found tha.‘. ! one was necessary. t

Tlic next meraing of the club will be J held again in Presidio February 11 because of more favorable shooting conditions lure.

— P-N—A deal of some consideration in

Presidid Valley has been made since the beginning of the New Year in the transfer of the farm lands for­merly leased by John W. Howell, locat­ed immediately south of town, to J. C. Thompson and Ben Gearhart of Marfa.

Mr. Gearhart will be farm manag­er. It was reported that Mr. Hofwel! will confine his farming activities this \v»ar to the management of the La Junta plantation which w located five miles northwest of Presidio.

— P-N—

by the 4»jfi H, ,’th«racanw *>ft itaflffttefepfMrs. ^






Now OnSelling Entire Stock ofMarfa Furniture Co.,


large shipments of new furniture bought before advance in prices.


MARFAFurniture Co

Marfa, Texas

?!(■> i> i

Hi BK< *

! ■ A’ • t

K ‘'Baca-’ .”

h-v t- . • •'

i i. . Y -■' ,. 1]’ "-e:*. (..

(.<■ ..

|- H«-ao t. \ ,

• <•‘<1 i,'.

( !■. i :-,1.-,

? T l" a;)|l!lt 1V‘ >U1U\

%'< - • 2 0 (

pji( Cfrtifiecl, £

aoiv' lV' state of

s-000 a, ff-rt;*:. >--ijfU l(s»id. Parisnd y'icp

l2 T4,C70 "* paid.

- tionie r,f .

r and ran



’ " V o l i n , F r a ,

, d > W . M . S i m

M | , - K i e M i t c h e l l

rr» L- J. Wat“ '"i XHi

T H E B i n B F . N D S E N T I N E L . M A R F A , T E X A . ?

p a g e f e v i : :

II;*re . * • There . . . Everywhere

m c k t u r n e r k n o w s

CAT 'IU ; AMs v aTTLF-MEN ‘ k\ l>\\ h i !- N , ) \ \ -

^outh Meeting in Alpine

IK 4-a f. ?- w<*'

ASHHit IV-r^le iint! 1 uvt- in T h e 7 V \ a s L i v e s t o c k a n d i ; i r n n n v ; l n w \ ; > t r y







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.-...-: : 7. ; i j ; t i<,r thi- Mis.c:>u-:■ Pac-fic K:v ''vay and in I'.il!'.' rerjrne'! .i t t . _:.,:. I.- r n n r « « TnrtTiacrer. 1;(» i : •*■ *-*■ \] ^ii>ce in:;:; he has bwr, nsanairer of J 1 Fslat-,^ Silver C m * Farm atFo?'t W ortli. He sec*, f ’tarji orf »-hf Texas Hereford Association from

’ i9;;4 U ’ - —

totaled 548 cars. ;-:K-:-- < . i/'.ickmv ais*> siu:ni>ed, |

1 to 7 ami i£p* shipnK-nU- |fr'lr'. efirt; tn rir.1 y Ifj. 1

-- ♦ —- | ‘ .ota! o* ] :.2^2 head o f cattle f

iri -, rj-.jir, 7(>0 pounds w ere ! ■L,,r i.ms c(.untry through !

! '“r- r,' ‘ '■:-.: \>o rt s f rorr January!h }?. F\ Hornby, U. S.

V‘l': '•'* ' J'(r,d.

iffv:,., ’...‘-\ ‘ ,w • :• ^ 1 “ .K ]H-r cert o f ^ a--.,. }] c m l ^ a i d , or 00 ,000

( - - total of 8,280 head. c'- -j-Miorrations to date is

V>a° c ; ’ H^ota, which may: vithjirawaLc" ! •”*; •• Mi‘-d pastun-s.

:i! k TIMi-:?)

K :h<r a>-v} i-T’ t'otis wa.at jiriec- ad-

i- J.-:!iua: y , I'rvui! ur;: 1 r.fr,;;rrva-

: coininitiee has an-

New Star Groccrys e l l s

Robin Hood flourThe Guaranteed All-Purpose Flour

Bring Your Robin Hood Checks to Us.. •

.t ‘ ’ t h v c^mmilfec j as ih(- deadline!

■ -J/J'icultural i-onser- jp a y n i t M i t s . |

- ' ' ,0r: the deadlines will v, ’ ,|f -('lriniittoe declared, and, : / . 1, , l T applications m u s t be f i l - 1

l , u n t y o f f ! p f . s v . y 4 v » ^ . d a t e ? . ;

P'rr . ,^ an 200,000 ap)>lications fo r

ha\e already , ^ ancc* assistant ;

a'im^;istrator. imported, i nejv handling approx - :

, al> ’cations daily. The i

said P l° dat€ ip > ^ 3»f,I3»2()7*'■ an ] ai :ty Payments in wheat, j1127 - - r>C art completed |

^ ai'cV ‘ been c e r t i f i- ;

. — • —Vita importance to

»(,?nan Ranchers will be answer- tj, stat,«tics gathered in the six- ^ ^ riia ] census tcf be taken

ot<t,ip (I dyf-

(C rr.p and L iv e s t o c k L e a n s a t P e r

— Members of

Marfa Production Credit Association

- -May we remind you through your newspaper of o u r -

A n n u a l

S h a r e h o l d e r s ’ M e e t i n g

EI Paisano Hotel • • . MARFA



B u s in e s satssUwfc-i.1% M

Luncheon At Noon

- a < i . j ' ' ' o i e : a n t (T1


.- ' ■ -A-t' •, ^ v r s _-. .'tV: * .- .

■StSvA- v \ ^ p / f c i : p .°

M. i.fc* * 1-.

M a k e i t o f

i' a i w ;

^T e t e r i n a r i a n


— Telephone


" r t m m M t e p

FlourI t w i l l b e b e t t e r

Buy Robin Hood From Your Grocer— ASK HIM FOR TT

D i s t r i b u t e d h v

C . C . G R U B B S\ f ^ . - 4 „ . ' i t . : , l a.

( # W 2j r /

// M i

^ 'ijjvrf.-

Guaranteed Better or Your Money Back

pius 70%i c z I V l

R o b i n H o o dFLOUR

Bakimj success depends upon the fiour you use. Il is the mosf important

inqredient that goes into your biscuits, bread, rolls, cakes and pastry.

It doesn't pay to te le chances— use Robin H ood for all your baking.

It has proven its dependability in thousands of American homes lor

almost half a ccntury.

Robin H ood ii especially milled from the finest scientifically

se'ccted wheat for ' ‘ A ll-Purpose" baking. Every kerne! is thoroughly

sc o u re d and washed before milling, removing aii dirt and bacteria.

You- boked foods w:ii be whiter, have a richer flavor, finer texture

anc better volume. Start with Robin H o o d today.


U t e n s i l s

Save the ccvurons hom baps of Room Hood Fiou; (1 2 of ov?r). They arc t c 6 c c m e t t c iatb c a i ! ? i f u:. h c : w - w c i c h t t‘, !urr. ,n u m utcr.s'ir. without one penny c i c&sfe te~ quired.


MARFA —M. Acosta Grocery L. Gomez Lucas HerreraR. B. Jaimes Grocery & Mkt. New Star Grocery N s - W a y G ro c e ry Service Grocery Mrs. E. R. Uranga J, Viscaino

SHAFTER —J. F. Aguilar Pablo Hernandez B. Jimenez Shafter Grocery R jP . t e

PRESrDIO —M. B. Herrera

Narcio Jimenez

Eduardo Mendias

Miguel Nieto l*Yed Segperman

F. Spencer & Bros.


L. Fairchild Groc. & Mkt. R. W. Fisher H- Newton & Son J A M fc J W w M K U M W P

— M r f C T i w C ' M i l i t - I l i W W


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