DUXBURY HIGH SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWS February 27, 2017 71 … · 2017. 2. 27. · missed due to...

DUXBURY HIGH SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWS February 27, 2017 71 Alden St., Duxbury, MA 02332 781-934-7650 Web site: www.duxbury.k12.ma.us Follow us in twitter: @DuxburyHS, @DuxburyHighAP, and @DuxAthleticsL MARK THESE DATES March 1st School Council mtg 5:00 pm School Committee mtg 7pm March 2nd Course Selection Night 6:30 pm March 7th All Band Night Concerts 6:30 & 8:00 March 8th All Choral Night Concert 7:00 pm Dear Parents/Guardians: I hope you all were able to enjoy the break with your families. SEMESTER PLANNER: Due to the snow days, the semester planner has been revised. It is located directly under “Hot Topics” on the DHS Website. Please note: Final exams are slated at this point to end on Tuesday, June 20, 2017. FINAL EXAMS: Due to the snow days, our Final exams will be administered from June 15-20, 2017 (as of 2/14/17). I want to remind parents of an important attendance aspect of exams that is in our Student Handbook (pg. 16): MIDYEAR AND FINAL EXAMS Only students with an excused absence are allowed to make up exams. Students and par- ents are strongly urged to understand what constitutes an excused absence and what does not. Please see page 22 of the Student Handbook for a complete explanation of excused absences. The handbook can be found under “Hot Topics” on the DHS Website: http://www.duxbury. k12.ma.us/Domain/8 NOTE: Absences for things like vacations and sports camps are not excused absences. Any exams missed due to unexcused absences cannot be made up after the requisite exam periods. I strongly urge parents to keep this in mind at Final Exam (June 16-20) time. I also want to note that parents should not plan vacations or other unexcused absences for several days after midterms and finals, as more snow days may have to be utilized. COURSE SELECTION AND COURSE SELECTION NIGHT: All Course Selection Information (2017-2018 Program of Studies, AP application process) is available here 2017-2018 Course Selection Information (click on ‘Course Selection Information tab) and on the DHS Website under Student Services => Guidance=>Left Menu “Course Selection” As announced, we will be holding our Course Selection Information Night for parents on Thursday, March 2, 2017 starting at 6:30pm in the Presentation Hall. We will be holding informational sessions according to the following schedule: 6:30-7:15pm: Information for families of current 8th grade students 7:15-8:00pm: Information for families of current 9-11th grade students 8:00-8:30pm: Information on AP courses and procedures. After each session we will pause and those families who wish to leave may do so. We will have Guidance counselors and subject supervisors in various classrooms (see below) to answer any specific or individual questions for families. We will also have a display of elective offerings on Main Street throughout the evening. Subject Supervisor & Guidance rooms: A158 Science A152 Social Studies A159 Math A151 World Language A160 English Presentation Hall: Admin/General Questions Electives will be on Main St.

Transcript of DUXBURY HIGH SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWS February 27, 2017 71 … · 2017. 2. 27. · missed due to...

Page 1: DUXBURY HIGH SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWS February 27, 2017 71 … · 2017. 2. 27. · missed due to unexcused absences cannot be made up after the requisite exam periods. I strongly urge parents

DUXBURY HIGH SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWS February 27, 2017 71 Alden St., Duxbury, MA 02332 781-934-7650 Web site: www.duxbury.k12.ma.us

Follow us in twitter: @DuxburyHS, @DuxburyHighAP, and @DuxAthleticsL


March 1stSchool Council

mtg 5:00 pm

School Committee

mtg 7pm

March 2ndCourse Selection

Night6:30 pm

March 7thAll Band Night

Concerts6:30 & 8:00

March 8thAll Choral Night

Concert7:00 pm

Dear Parents/Guardians: I hope you all were able to enjoy the break with your families.

SEMESTER PLANNER: Due to the snow days, the semester planner has been revised. It is located directly under “Hot Topics” on the DHS Website. Please note: Final exams are slated at this point to end on Tuesday, June 20, 2017.

FINAL EXAMS: Due to the snow days, our Final exams will be administered from June 15-20, 2017 (as of 2/14/17). I want to remind parents of an important attendance aspect of exams that is in our Student Handbook (pg. 16):

MIDYEAR AND FINAL EXAMS • Only students with an excused absence are allowed to make up exams. Students and par-ents are strongly urged to understand what constitutes an excused absence and what does not. Please see page 22 of the Student Handbook for a complete explanation of excused absences.• The handbook can be found under “Hot Topics” on the DHS Website: http://www.duxbury.k12.ma.us/Domain/8NOTE: Absences for things like vacations and sports camps are not excused absences. Any exams missed due to unexcused absences cannot be made up after the requisite exam periods. I strongly urge parents to keep this in mind at Final Exam (June 16-20) time. I also want to note that parents should not plan vacations or other unexcused absences for several days after midterms and finals, as more snow days may have to be utilized.

COURSE SELECTION AND COURSE SELECTION NIGHT:All Course Selection Information (2017-2018 Program of Studies, AP application process) is available here 2017-2018 Course Selection Information (click on ‘Course Selection Information tab) and on the DHS Website under Student Services => Guidance=>Left Menu “Course Selection”As announced, we will be holding our Course Selection Information Night for parents on Thursday, March 2, 2017 starting at 6:30pm in the Presentation Hall. We will be holding informational sessions according to the following schedule:

• 6:30-7:15pm: Information for families of current 8th grade students• 7:15-8:00pm: Information for families of current 9-11th grade students• 8:00-8:30pm: Information on AP courses and procedures.After each session we will pause and those families who wish to leave may do so. We will have Guidance counselors and subject supervisors in various classrooms (see below) to answer any specific or individual questions for families. We will also have a display of elective offerings on Main Street throughout the evening.

Subject Supervisor & Guidance rooms:A158 Science A152 Social StudiesA159 Math A151 World LanguageA160 EnglishPresentation Hall: Admin/General Questions Electives will be on Main St.

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WHAT TO EXPECT…. & TURNING THE TIDE:As we did last year, we have a clickable version of What to Expect: Time Commitments of Academics, Co-Curric-ulars and Athletics here: What to Expect: Time Commitments (also under ‘Quick Links.”) This is the culmination of a project undertaken by the School Council last year to provide parents and students with time commitments for a number of important academic and extracurricular activities in our students’ lives. The purpose is to give pertinent information so that parents and students can make informed decisions with regard to balancing the number and types of activities students undertake.

Important Note: Added under ACADEMICS this year were the summer work requirements for each subject for the 2016-2017 school year. Additionally, we have re-posted a thought-provoking report here: Turning the Tide (also under ‘Hot Links’) called Turning the Tide that comes from a consortium of some of the top colleges in the country that aims to reshape the college admissions process by:• “Promoting more meaningful contributions to other, community service and engagement with the public good.• Assessingstudents’ethicalengagementandcontributionstoothersinwaysthatreflectvaryingtypesoffamilyand community contributions across race, culture and class.• Redefiningachievementinwaysthatbothleveltheplayingfieldforeconomicallydiversestudentsandreduceexcessive achievement pressure” (p. 2)I urge you all to take a close look at both of these readings as you think about this year, next year, and beyond. Both documents provide much to think about as you navigate the next few years with your son/daughter.

STATE PLAY COMPETITION: This Saturday, Duxbury High School’s Thespian Troupe will be performing in the preliminary round of the state play competition. Break a leg!!

CONGRATULATIONS: Our Winter sports teams and athletes have had a great season! Below is playoff/tournament information for our sports teams:

Congratulations to Senior Ryan Regan who scored his 1000th point for the Boys Basketball team.

Girls’Swimming&Diving-OurgirlswontheMIAAdivision2statechampionshipforthefirsttimeinschoolhisto-ry.AtotalteameffortwasledbyGraceAli(2individualstatetitles100flyand100back),MaryBuckley(individualstate title a state record in the 100 breast), and 2 relay state titles (Grace Ali, Mary Buckley, Anna Jamieson, & Julia Ali) with one of the relays breaking a state record. Mary Tonaszuck, Maya Zukowski, Lissie Coghlan, Meredith Van Dingstee, Bela Rangulong, Grace Zimmer, and Katerina Heitkamp all scored points for the Dragons.

Boys’Swimming-NatDavenportledtheDragonstoa10thplacefinishplacing2ndintwoeventsandscoringpointsin 2 relays.

Wrestling-CarterLewisplaced3rdandtheMIAAdivision2finalswithMikeGillplacing4th.BothqualifiedfortheMIAA all state meet.

IndoorTrack-ZacChin(55mdash)&WillBittrich(1000m)qualifiedfortheallstatemeetbehind5thplacefinishesat the MIAA division 4 championships.

Girls’ Basketball - The girls ended the regular season on a 4 game winning streak that included winning the Norwell Invitational tournament over break and clinching a share of their league title. The girls received the #5 seed in the MIAA tournament and will host #12 seed TechBoston on Thursday at 6:30pm. MIAA ticket prices: $7/adults and $5/students.

Girls’ Ice Hockey - The girls ended the season winning their last 7 regular season games. The girls received the #9 seed and will travel to #8 seed St. Mary’s of Lynn on Saturday.

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Boys’IceHockey-Theboyswillreceiveeither#11or#12seedandwillplayFranklinorFalmouthinthefirstroundoneitherThursday or Friday likely at the Gallo Rink in Bourne.



DRAGON FLYER & HUMANS OF DUXBURY: Directly under “Quick Links” at on the DHS Website and at DHS Dragon Flyer is the online school newspaper. A new section is entitled “Humans of Duxbury” (emulating “Humans of New York City”) which wasbroughtasanideatotheJournalismclassbystudentXinTingLin,whowantedtofindawaytobringtheindividualstories/perspectivesofstudents,teachersandstaffatDHStolight.ThisprojectwasembracedbytheJournalismclassandthefirstaddi-tions are up. ALL CHORAL NIGHT CONCERTS: All Choral Night was moved to Wednesday, March 8 at 7:00pm in the P.A.C.

MCAS ELA RETESTS: ELA MCAS retests will be held during the school day on March 1, 2, and 3.

DHS SCHOOL COUNCIL TOPIC: The Duxbury High School Council will be discussing the 2017-2018 School Improvement Plan and considering the question of publishing the DHS Honor Rolls in the newspaper. The next School Council meeting on Wednesday, March 1 at 5:00pm in the DHS Library. Parents/Guardians and community members interested in expressing an opinion on this topic are invited to attend the meeting and participate during Public Comment, and/or to email the School Council at [email protected]

Thanks and have a great week!Andrew Stephens

FromtheGuidanceOffice: Follow us on twitter @DuxGuidance for up to date announcements and information of interest.

Be sure to check out the Guidance website as well with lots of information and resources. We will be working this fall to update it even more. Information for Seniors:• Remember to let your counselor know about decisions as they come in form early applications. Be sure to submit a transcript

request form at least 3 weeks prior to an admission deadline so that we can ensure your materials are sent out on time. • Midyear reports (term 1 and term 2 grades, NOT midyear exam grades) will be sent to colleges beginning on Monday, Janu-

ary 30th. Be sure to see your Guidance Counselor if you do not want them sent.• It is a student’s responsibility to check their application status online and alert their counselor of anything listed as missing. • Scholarship information is available on the Guidance website. The application for the DHS Senior Awards Night scholar-

ships is available on Naviance. It can be found on the “about me” tab in Naviance and must be completed by March 1, 2017.• Other scholarships that are not part of the DHS awards night are also listed on Naviance – be sure to pay attention to dead-

lines. Every little bit helps so we encourage you to apply.Course Selection 2017-2018: The Program of Studies for 2017-2018 will be available on the website by February 17, 2017.AP applications will be available by this time as well and due by March 8th. Families of students in grades 8-11 are invited to attend an informational meeting about course selection on March 2, 2017 beginning at 6:30pm. The program agenda will be as follows:6:30pm-7:15pm Information for 8th grade families7:15pm-8pm Information for families of students grades 9-118pm-8:45pm Information about Advanced Placement courses and applicationsAdditionally elective areas will be available to showcase the various offerings for students on Main St. SubjectSupervisorsandGuidanceCounselorswillalsobeavailableforspecificquestionsregardingcourseofferings and the program of studies. Upcoming Dates: SAT’s – March 11, May 6, June 3 ACT’s – February 11, April 8, June 10

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What is Co-Teaching? How Does It Benefit My Child?

Attention: All Duxbury Public School Parents!


Parent workshop for parents of children with and without disabilities. Rebecca A. Hines, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Department of Child, Family, and Community Sciences

University of Central Florida, Orlando, FLA

Dr. Hines will share her unique insights into how the inclusive,

co-teaching classroom benefits all students. Dr. Hines presents to teachers and families across the

country. She brings her experience from teaching as a language arts teacher, a teacher of students with severe emotional disturb-

ance in a self contained setting, and as a middle school co-teacher. She has also done extensive research in inclusion classrooms, universal design for learning and technology in the classroom.

Monday March 27, 2017

6:30 to 8:00 PM

Presentation Hall

Duxbury Middle/High School

71 Alden Street

Duxbury, MA

Free Admission

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Page 6: DUXBURY HIGH SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWS February 27, 2017 71 … · 2017. 2. 27. · missed due to unexcused absences cannot be made up after the requisite exam periods. I strongly urge parents

Promoters is a parent and community volunteer organization dedicated to supporting the music departments, teachers, and students of Alden,

DMS, and DHS through efforts including fundraising, publicity, and concert event support.

UPCOMING DUXBURY MUSIC EVENTS and NEWS Upcoming Music Promoter's Meetings - Meetings will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Orchestra Room on

Tuesday 4/4, and 5/9. Come and see how you can help support Duxbury Music in 2017.

Congratulations to:Maya Lee, horn

Sam Worley, tromboneWill Figler, String Bass

Accepted to MMEA All State Band and Orchestra!!!


Please join us!!!DMP has only 62 members from approximately

1,300 studentsthat participate in performance groups.Please join TODAY!

Click on our website's DONATE button @ www.duxburymusic.org

Upcoming Events

SEMMEA Jr District Music Festival - 3/3 & 3/4/17

All Band Night rescheduled 3/7/17 @ 6:30 & 8:00pm @ PAC

All Choral Night rescheduled 3/8/17 @ 7pm @ PAC

Like Us On Facebook & Twitter And Receive Updates

Missed a Concert? View Past Concerts

Listen to previous band performances on Jill

Noerenberg's Soundcloud

Become A Duxbury Music Supporter Today!

Subscribe to DMP News and Receive Monthly Newsletters

Submit your 2017 Annual Membership

All donations are tax deductible (non-profit

organization). Eighth Note $25

Quarter Note $50 Half Note $100

Whole Note $200 and above receive 4 reserved seats for

every requested student concert.

Symphony Level $500 Benefactor Level $1000 Follow us on Twitter!!

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Monday, March 6, 2017 at 7:30pm Duxbury High School ~ Presentation Hall Suggested Donation ~ $10.00 The Parent Connection



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State Theatre Competition Starts March 4 at Venues Including Duxbury PACDuxbury Theatre Troupe #355 Presents “The Tempest” as Entry in METG Preliminaries

DUXBURY, MA (February 13, 2017) – The storm of vengeance wreaked by former Duchess of Milan and sorcerer Prospera to lure those who conspired against her in order to return her daughter to her rightful place, paired with the unfolding romance of that daughter and the son of one of the traitors, are showcased in Duxbury High School’s version of “The Tempest,” by William Shakespeare. As Duxbury High School’s entry in the Massachusetts High School Festival, the play will be one of 112 performed during the prelim-inary rounds that day at 14 schools across the state. Eight plays will be hosted by Duxbury at the town’s Performing Arts Center.The Festival is the premier event of the Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild. Winners of the prelim-inariescontinuetosemi-finalsMarch18.FinalswillbeinBostonMarch30throughApril1.Thetoptwoschools there will represent the state at the New England Drama Festival April 20-22 in Norwood, MA. Schools attending the preliminary round in Duxbury are listed below. Tickets are $10 at the door and entitle the bearer to see any and all plays that day. Once each play begins, anyone arriving must wait until the next play to enter the auditorium.What: Preliminary Round of the METG Massachusetts High School Festival of PlaysIncluding Theatre Troupe #355’s production of “The Tempest”

When: 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. Saturday, March 4, 2107, with awards ceremony at 8:30 p.m:

9:00 East Boston High School10:00 South Shore Vocational Technical11:15 Middleborough High School12:15 Norwell High School 2:00 Hull High School3:00MarshfieldHighSchool4:30 Braintree High School5:30 Duxbury High SchoolWhere: Duxbury Performing Arts Center 71 Alden Street, Duxbury Directions: http://www.duxbury.k12.ma.us/Page/424Tickets: Tickets are $10.00 available at the door.

The student director of “The Tempest” is senior Grace Goodell, working under the guidance of faculty di-rector Darin Macfarlane. The full cast list is available upon request.

Duxbury High School’s Troupe #355 is one of the few continually operational high school thespian troupes chartered by the national Educational Theatre Association. Under the leadership of Darin Macfarlane and otherDuxburyPublicSchoolsfacultyandstaff,theaward-winningtroupeperformsfiveshowsperyear,with a one-act competition in fall, the high school musical in winter, one drama and another selection of one-act plays in spring, as well as its submission to the state Festival competition.# # #Contact: Jean Waltz, President, Adults Caring for Theatre (Duxbury Theatre Families) [email protected]

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Meeting for Gradnite 2017!!Wednesday March 1

7 p.m. at the BreadboardHoping to see parents from grades 9 through 12.

We can be reached at duxburygradnite@gmail.com.ThefirstpostermakingnightwillbeMarch8that7:30atthehomeofBethHalligan.PleaseRSVPtoBethathalligan5@verizon.

net.Check the website at www.duxburygradnite.org for announcements about poster making nights, ways to donate and volunteer, and

ticket sales.

PTO News

Welcome back from vacation! Our busiest time of the year is quickly approaching! Did you know that the PTO does a lot of the “behind the scenes” work for Graduation, Senior Awards Night, NHS and Spanish NHS Awards Night, Prom and Teacher Appre-ciation Week? All of these events take place in May and June. If you’re looking for an opportunity to get involved, come to our next meeting on Monday March 13th at 7pm. Hope to see you there!