Dustin Hahn International Inc. Privacy Policy and … Ultimate Tax...key to finding Tax Deed...


Transcript of Dustin Hahn International Inc. Privacy Policy and … Ultimate Tax...key to finding Tax Deed...

Dustin Hahn International Inc.

Privacy Policy and Earnings Disclaimer


This book is sold with the understanding that neither the publisher nor the Authors are engaged

in rendering legal investment or accounting information, nor are they offering professional services. This publication is intended to provide accurate and authoritative information with

regard to the subject matter covered. If legal advice or expert assistance is required the services of a competent professional should be sought out when necessary. The information ideas and

suggestions contained herein have been developed from sources including publications and research that are considered and believed to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed insofar as

they apply to any particular investor moreover because the laws and procedures pertaining to property tax law are never static but ever changing and vary dramatically from state to state.

You should always familiarize yourself with the specific laws and procedures pertaining to property tax law.

The author specifically disclaim any liability or risk personal or otherwise incurred as consequence directly or indirectly of the use and application of any of the techniques or

contents of this book..Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your input, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions.

Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances and knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

Every effort has been made to accurately give you the best training possible. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or

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Table Of Contents

Introduction… 6

Intro to 80/20 and How You Can Use It… 8

The Hybrid States… 9

The Tax Deed States… 13

The Tax Lien States… 21

Who Is Dustin Hahn? 26


First off, I want to thank you so VERY much choosing to read this Ultimate Tax Lien & Deed State Guide. It is incredible that you’ve taken this step from being curious about Real Estate, to stepping into the actual world of it. Real Estate is a huge market, with so many avenues, so let me let you in on a Secret.

As i’m sure you are aware, Real Estate is a HUGE market these days, and there are people left and right telling you how you need to go and buy houses for sale that are beat up, and put tons of money into them and flip them. Are they wrong? No. I don’t believe so. I think it’s a fantastic way to make money, if it is something you are willing to invest in.

But there is another way to get those homes, besides paying full market value. And I want to share that with you today.

Have you ever heard of Tax Lien Sales? Or what about Tax Deed Sales? Did you know that you can attend a Tax Deed sale, and bid on a property and get the deed for the back taxes owed? (Can you picture getting a 100k house for 10-20k?) Also free and clear of the mortgage?

Imagine the possibility in that.

If getting the property is your primary interest, getting a property for the back taxes (potentially more if it is bid up, but that is why finding counties that aren’t as heavily attended are the crucial key to finding Tax Deed properties) creates HUGE profit margins of anywhere from $5000—50,000, if you know how to find properties and flip well. And you get the property with NO MORTGAGE.

AND if you are in the business of flipping houses, you can easily scoop up the more run down houses from the tax sale, get them for FAR cheaper than you could have on the market, and invest in them, flip em, and start over again.

So what if there was a way for you to grab homes for really cheap, THEN flip them, and minimize your sale time, because you can sell it for less than Market Value, because you’re profit margin will be so high… What would that do for your flipping profits? And business? And freedom? Could you flip 2 houses a year? Could you flip 4 Houses? 10 houses a year?

I believe you could. But lets start at 1. I think thats the best place to start.

Now, if getting an interest rate is your game, then you easily find Tax Lien sales online, or at the county auctions, where you can bid on Properties, to get back your investment, plus the interest rate set by the state.

It is possible to earn up to 36% secured returns on your Investment with Tax Liens, build your investing portfolio, and keep turning that return over into more deeds and liens, and build up your profits to huge proportions.

Tax Liens are more secure than the stock market and bonds, because they are instituted by the U.S Government, and are a way for counties to collect money to pay for roads, schools, firefighters etc. (And the government isn’t going to let those things slide any time soon.)

BUT - The craziest things about Tax Liens, are when people don’t redeem their liens, and you end up walking away with a property for incredibly cheap (Just the lien price). You can then foreclose on that property, and flip it, sell it, whatever you want to do with it, but your profit margins are even higher than before… This is the bonus of Tax Liens. Getting a 100k property for 3-6k. It happens, and if you stick with Tax Liens long enough, it will happen to you. (Imagine the things you could invest in with that money, and the motivation that would bring you!)

In the book I hope you already have “How To Buy Real Estate For Pennies On The Dollar,” I talk about the specifics of Tax Sales, Tax Liens and Deeds, and how you can get started in those… So be sure to read that right till the end.

But, I’d like to ask you to give me a second of your mental power so I can share some thoughts with you… (That cool?)

Can you picture waking up in the morning, in that sun-filled room, next to someone who is dying for your affection, with the knowledge that today is the day that those years and years of debt to banks, credit card companies and governments will finally be put to rest because you took control of your life, and created freedom?

I can.

Because I’ve done it. This isn’t the place to share my story, but I was once broke, lonely, fully of grease, and freezing cold on the rigs in Alberta, Canada, making money only to flush it down through financing things I thought would make me happy.

I almost died, (very true story) and I knew i had to turn things around.

I spent the next 5 years learning about Tax Liens and Deeds, and then I began sharing my story and teaching others how to do the same, and grab ahold of their life like I had.

Enough of me. What are Tax Liens?

Tax Liens are basically a secured investment (more predictable than the stock market) that pays you between 18-36% on your investment.

With Tax Liens and Deeds, you can buy Homes for Pennies on the Dollar, getting a 100k house for 10k, and wake up feeling like your in control.

I’ve worked hard for many years figuring out the tricks and secrets to investing in Tax Liens and Deeds so you wouldn’t have to. By doing this, I’ve learned the insides and outs of each state, how certain counties run things, and the things you need to be aware of. I’ve also removed all the technical mumbo jumbo and offered you the simplest, but most valuable information on the state regulations.

In this special guide, I want to walk you through each state, introduce what their investment rates are, how they work (Tax Lien, Deed, Hybrid), and how that can completely change you and your financial career.

I want to preface with this - I’m not superman and I don’t have the ability to fly places fast, so there are counties and states I haven’t spent as much time in as others, and things change, so don’t hold it against me if I slip up.

This is why technology can help us master Liens and Deeds. You can pick up the phone, and literally use wires throughout the sky to speak to someone who can tell you exactly how the counties work, and how they run their Tax Auctions. (And receive updates on aspects of Tax Sales that are shifting.)

Remember, it is ALWAYS a good idea to double check your counties procedure when it comes to Tax Auctions, there is nothing worse than getting to auction and finding out you needed to register before 8 Am, or the day before. I’ve done it before, and I don’t want you making the same COSTLY mistake as me.

I will also say - This IS NOT a Ultimate guide that will be the only thing you ever need to invest in Tax Liens, but it is an INCREDIBLE start. I’m going to give you the information that most people HATE getting themselves, and it will save you hours of researching government websites trying to find information.

If you use this tool correctly, you will find yourself saving a lot of time trying to figure out which counties will be best for your investment strategy. And if you couple this with my The ABCs Of Tax Lien & Deed Investing Program (Which i’ll offer you a great discount at the end), you’ll soar through your learning phase and have the skills and tools to dive right into actually making money in Real Estate Investing.

I hope this guide helps you in the ways it has helped me, Dustin Hahnwww.taxliencertificateschool.com

Intro To 80/20 and How It Will Save You Hours In Your Life

Have you every discovered that there are certain things in your life that just seems to work? Like there was some mysterious force just moving you forward and it felt like it was clearing all the thorns and brush away for you to move forward extremely easy, compared to every other area?

The year was 1906, and economist Vilfredo Pareto had a shocking discovery about the way the world worked. His realization was that 80% of the wealth in the world, came from 20% of the richest people.

The 80/20 principle states that if you were to have a garden, 80% of the flowers that great up to be healthy and vibrant, would grow from only 20% of the seeds you planted. (Based on where you planted them, how much sun they got, how much you watered them etc.)

So how does this relate to you?

This means that there is a special 20% of what your doing with your time and money, that will bring you back 80% of your income.

What would happen if you were to focus on the 20% of what was needed to make you maximum profit, and leave the rest by the wayside?

What if you could remove the 80% of the things in your life that you don’t need to be doing in order to focus that 20%, and keep the rest of your time for doing the things you love and that motivated you to keep pushing forward?

I could waste your time by throwing all kinds of information about county rules, by laws and sub-laws and so much more, but that would not be beneficial to you in this moment. It might even HINDER you from taking the action steps you need to take forward, to reach that sunny beach in Costa Rica or that weekend adventure in Switzerland.

This is why, under each state name, i’ve added this - 80/20 Key Info for (State).

I’ve added this to give you exactly what you need to know about the state to begin. Is it a Tax Lien, or a Tax deed State? What Is the interested Rate? What Is the Redemption Period?

All you need to do is find out which state you want to invest in, and jump to it and read the 80/20 Key Info section. That is really all the info you will need to start.

There may be more there for you to read, and if you want to read it, you should. But that is secondary.

I want you to see how 80/20 works for this book, how it works for Real Estate Investing, and eventually, how it can work to save you thousands of hours doing less of what people think you should be doing, and more of that time doing the things you love, that bring you the joy you deserve. (So let’s jump right in!)

Hybrid StatesI tried to make this as easy as possible to pick up whenever needed, so you’ll notice I’ve broken it down into Hybrid, Lien and Deed States. Fairly Simple.

First off, I want to get started with the Hybrid States. These states are a little more tricky to understand than the plain Lien and Deed states, but the rewards you can pull from investing in them is worth the time investment in learning about them.

Here is a list of the Hybrid States (Also referred to as Redeemable Deed States). If you find one that interests you (or that you are close to), click on it, and you’ll be taken to the information about it.

The main key to remember about Hybrid States, is that when you purchase the property at a sale, you are entitled to the actual Deed, but there is a redemption period attached to that where the homeowner can their property and pay you the bid amount plus interest.

Hybrid State ListConnecticut





South Carolina



Connecticut80/20 Key Info For Connecticut: 1 year Redemption Period with an 18% per annum penalty to redeem. After the 1 year is up, the deed is yours.

Just to throw a curveball your way (As i love to do :)), Connecticut is a trickster. It used to be a deed state, but over the changing economy it has switched to a redeemable deed state in certain areas.

You’ll find that in Connecticut, the larger cities have Lien sales, but the smaller counties are still using the redeemable deed system. Factor this into your investing strategies. It is good to know that generally the bigger cities tend to be filled with investors who have deeper pockets. SO, if your new to this, taking advantage of the outlying counties can be of great importance to getting successful Tax Lien Auctions.

Delaware 80/20 Key Info For Delaware: Depending on what county you are in, Delaware has redeemable deeds with either has a 20% penalty with a 1-year redemption period, or a 60 day redemption period with a 15% penalty.

The Tax Sales in Delaware are held every 3 months, and as far as I am aware, cash, certified or cashiers checks are accepted for payment. And the full payment is all due at the time you pay for your deed. (You will see that some states allow you to pay a down payment on the sum of the taxes, but that is more rare than common.)

Florida80/20 Key Info for Florida: Both a Tax Lien and Deed State. Maximum Interest Rate is 18% with a redemption period of 2 years. The interest is bid down in 1/4% steps. Very Competitive Lien state. The Interest can be bid down to .25%, but when the lien redeems, you are guaranteed a minimum return of 5%. That is a state set minimum return.

You will need to register beforehand for a Florida Tax Lien Sale. You will also need to put down a refundable deposit.

Also, in Florida, they have a stronger Online Auction presence, which make the competitive aspect of it even greater, but also the ease of buying tax liens becomes much easier.

If you want to check out Florida’s online sales, www.realauction.com is where most of Florida’s counties can be found there.

Georgia 80/20 Key Info For Georgia: Redeemable deed with a 1 year redemption period holding a 20% penalty for the first year. The penalty bumps up 10% every year after the first that the owner doesn’t redeem.

Most counties in Georgia hold their Tax Sale on the first tuesday of the month. (This does change, so check your county, but as a general rule, it holds true.)

Something very important to remember about these hybrid states, is that when the year (or redemption period) is up, you WILL need to foreclose on the property. This will add an extra 2-5k (roughly) on your closing costs so remember to factor that in to your bid. We want to maximize our profit, so remember this.

Hawaii80/20 Key Info For Hawaii: Redeemable deed with a 1 year redemption period holding a 12% per year interest rate.

Note: Each County in Hawaii has different rules, processes, and even a couple of redemption periods, so PLEASE do your research, call the counties and determine the best place for you to invest. (And don’t let the warm sway your knowledge and judgement ;))

Indiana80/20 Key Info for Indiana: Lien and Deed State. Liens - 1 year redemption period. Tax lien sales are held in August, September, and in October. Deeds - Uncommon, but around. Contact local counties for more info.

Indiana is one of the preferred states to invest in real estate. Aside from the fact that the interest rate is favorable and flat free, the redemption period is short unlike others.

The interest rate can be as high as 25% and 10% flat for the first 6 months. The second 6 months can then be 15% and an overbid interest of 10% every year. There is no right of redemption after sales. (Perfect for shorter Lien Turnarounds!)

You can find the lien sales, as well as some deed sales online at the SRI Auction website located here www.sri-auctionsonline.com.

Pennsylvania80/20 Key Info For Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania is actually a deed state, but the cities of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia have tax lien sales, but they are a bit different than the rest. Pittsburgh sells redeemable deeds with a 90 day redemption period and 15% penalty.

Most sales occur in September while the Judicial Sales occur in spring. You will find that Pennsylvania does competitive bidding. (Meaning that the interest rate of what your bidding on

is actually bid down. So if you started at 15%, you could get someone who would bid it down to 3 or 2%, leaving very marginal room for profit - Be careful of these auctions!)

South Carolina 80/20 Key Info for South Carolina: Redeemable Deeds at 12% per year, with a 1 year redemption period. Payment in cash or a certified funding source must be made by end of day (5:00 pm) or a fine of $300 could be charged. Tax Sales are held in October/November.

Tennessee 80/20 Key Info for Tennessee: Redeemable Deed with a 1 year redemption period and 10% penalty rate. Full payment is required within 24 hours of purchasing the deed.

In Tennessee, The Master of the Chancery Court and Clerk conduct these tax deed sales. The opening bid will be the taxes owed plus the penalty and the court costs. In some instances, you can be given reimbursement for maintaining the property during that 1 year redemption period.

Texas 80/20 Key Info for Texas: Redeemable Deed state with a 25% per half year interest rate. A 6 month redemption period unless it has been stamped homestead, in which case it has a 2 year redemption period.

You will need to register for some counties auctions beforehand, so be sure to check with the county you are looking into, to be certain. Houston, for instance, you need to register the day of, before the sale starts. I have created a great Texas Tax Sale Domination video series to help you master the huge state of Texas, earn great returns, and really get an edge over the competition. **To find out more about Texas Tax Sale Domination, click here.**

West Virginia80/20 Key Info for West Virginia: Both Tax Lien and Deed Sales. Liens- 12% a year interest rate, with a 17 month redemption period. Tax Lien sales are in October - November.

It is hard to get info for West Virginia online, but if you live close, or have interest, call up the closest county, and find out exactly how they do they sales, and the deed process.

(I’ve compiled a list of counties and their address’ and phone numbers, check out The ABCs Of Tax Lien & Deed Investing, which includes 2 incredible bonus - The Tax Lien Directory and the Tax Deed Directory. These are worth the cost of book alone.)

Tax Deeds Tax Deed’s are a great way to get properties if you have an above average investing budget. Thats not to say that you can find KILLER deals that will blow you away for cheap (Over the Counter Deeds), but as a general rule, in the bigger counties, investors will bid up the Tax Deed to almost full value.

It is our job, as intelligent investors, to find the counties that aren’t nearly as busy, and focus on those, to get quick properties, sell them quick, and continue the process, gaining cash flow, then being able to step up into the bigger counties and compete amongst the big leagues. (If that’s something that interests you!)

REMEMBER: When you are purchasing a Tax Deed, it is important to understand that you are actually purchasing the property. You become the sole owner of that property, therefore, you are responsible to pay for the Taxes on the property. You are also responsible for back liens, (unless the state rules clear out all liens, which is common, but you MUST check first.)Keep this in mind when bidding. It can reward you with great returns, but you must do your due diligence and understand the process and how each county that you want to be investing in works.

Tax Deed State List

Alaska Michigan North Dakota

Arkansas Minnesota Ohio

California Montana Oklahoma

Idaho Nevada Oregon

Kansas New Mexico Utah Maine New York Virginia

Massachusetts North Carolina Washington


Alaska80/20 Key Info for Alaska: Tax Deed State. Sold at appraised value by municipality. Land sales happen by what is called a seal bid process. Properties that don’t sell are then transferred to Over the Counter sales. (Meaning you can walk into where they are sold, and buy them flat out “over the counter”

When you do purchase through the mail, you receive the property as a warranty deed, meaning that it has a clear title. Alaska is cool because you can buy properties through the mail, but the catch is you have to pay the appraised value of the property, which if you're looking to flip it quick, it may be a little more tough.

REMEMBER: Whether you buy a property online, through the mail, across the world, it is imperative that you have someone look at the property somehow. I go into more advance strategies on this in The ABCs of Tax Lien & Deed Investing, but for now, just know that you should NEVER buy a property without seeing it somehow.

Arkansas80/20 Key Info for Arkansas: True Deed State. No Interest. No Penalty. You get the property. BUT - There is a 30 day redemption period. The owner can pay the taxes with interest and penalty, but none of that goes to the person who has bought the deed.

California80/20 Key Info for California: True Deed State. No Interest. No Penalties. You must register for the sales, potentially even a few days before depending on the counties. (CALL!)

California is a very competitive state, especially in the bigger cities, so try to find counties on the outlying parts of the bigger cities and see what their auctions are like. California does have an online auction as well. You can find it at www.bid4assets.com. Online auctions are a whole new ball game, and out of the scope of this guide. All I will say is be very careful. Bid only if your certain of the property. There can be punishments if you bid and don’t pay. (Being banned from future auctions.)

Idaho80/20 Key Info for Idaho: True Deed State. Payments made in full on the day of sale. They county accepts cash or cashier’s check.

Counties don’t generally have sales, they just sell to buyer’s who are interested in the properties. Idaho isn’t a powerhouse for properties, but you never know what you are going to find at a Tax Sale, so if you are close to Idaho, and looking to gain some experience, it may be worth checking out.

Kansas80/20 Key Info for Kansas: True Deed State. Bidding starts fairly low. (Rough Estimate would be the lien amount). Payment must be made, day of, in cash, cashier’s check, or money owner. It may take a few days to finalize the sale after your winning bid. A good point to mention, is that in most tax deed states, there is a 1 year period where the previous owner can come up against the sale. If something is found off, or an error is found, the property will revert back to its original owner. You will get your money back, as the investor, but none of the penalties or interest.

Maine80/20 Key Info for Maine: True Deed State. There has back and forth whether Maine is a good state to invest in or not. My recommendation - If you live in or close to Maine, take some time and research the biggest counties, and call up the office that handles the Tax Sales, and fire some questions at them, and see how it feels for you.

Massachusetts80/20 Key Info for Massachusetts: Has Both tax lien and tax deed certificate sale but most municipalities have tax deed certificate sales. 16% interest rate but there is no right of redemption after a tax deed sale.

Again, Massachusetts has some controversy over whether or not it is a good state to be investing in. (See Maine above) There is always gold to be found, if you are looking for it. Don’t throw it out just because there is controversy. Do your own research, and THEN determine if it can be a useful place for you to invest in.

Michigan80/20 Key Info for Michigan: True Deed State. No redemption period. Register Before the sale. (In most counties you will receive a “Bid Card”.) Cash, certified funds or money order is accepted as payment, on the day of.

You can find the state website at www.tax-sale.info. Nothing too fancy, but you’ll be able to see which counties have parcels available.

Sales in Michigan go from July to November.

Minnesota80/20 Key Info for Minnesota: True Deed State. Minimum bid is appraised value of the property. Cashier’s Check or certified funds accepted. Some counties will finance properties, but you will not have access to the deed until it is paid in full.You also need to pay a 3% fee on top of the purchase amount to go to the state. Also the title you get may not be clear, so you will need to take appropriate steps to get it clear.


80/20 Key Info for Montana: Both a Lien and Deed State. 10% a year interest rate with a 2% penalty. Redemption period of 3 years. County info for Montana (And all States) can be found in my National Tax Lien and Deed Directories that are a special bonus available when your purchase The ABCs Of Tax Lien & Deed Investing.


80/20 Key Info for Nevada: Tax Deed State. Mortgages and other liens are cleared at the Tax Sale. Federal Liens remain.

You must register for the Tax Sale. Depending on the county, a refundable deposit is necessary for bidding.

New Mexico80/20 Key Info for New Mexico: Tax Deed State. (They have Tax Lien Sales, but the other liens are not wiped out, so purchase at your own discretion knowing that!) Check, Company Check, Cashier’s Check or money order are accepted as payments.

Some counties in New Mexico conduct sales up to 4 times in a year. Most counties also use competitive bidding with a starting price that is similar to the taxes owed.

Owners of the property can challenge the sale for up to 2 years after purchase date.

New York80/20 Key Info for New York: Both Tax Lien and Deed Sales. Mostly Deed. The Tax Lien sales in New York City are very rarely sold to the public. They are mostly for companies that fund the city. (Which can then later on have a sale themselves.) Call specific counties for their Tax Lien rules.

Registering before sale is a must, sometimes with a refundable deposit.

Certain counties will accept written bids, along with a 10% deposit of your bid price, in certified funds.

There are a few counties in New York that now have their sales online. You can find them at www.nysauctions.com.

In regards to Tax Liens, in Nassau County, there is a 20% a year penalty, with a 2 year redemption period.

You must pay a registration fee, but you are only responsible to pay 10% of the successful bid amount day of, then the full amount within 60 days. (This is great for making a mistake, not that we want to, but if you do you can just walk away from the 10% with a great lesson, instead of 100% of the cost of the property. But before you intentionally walk away, be sure to check with the county to see if there is punishment for not paying. IE: getting banned from future auctions. That is not the route you want to be taking.)

So be sure to check with the county you are looking to invest in for specifics. There is a lot of change from county to county, and you don’t want to assume everything. (And once you know once, you’ll know for a long time. So it is good to take that first step out and get the information you need.)

North Carolina80/20 Key Info for North Carolina: Tax Deed State. There is an “upset bid” option where someone can up your bid by 10%, up to 10 days after the sale. You can buy directly from the county “Surplus Properties,” by submitting a written offer to the county.

County auctions in North Carolina need a 5% deposit, day of, with the full payment done 10 days after the bid approval.

Again, this is great for bidding, and taking time to think over what you need to be doing with that property.

North Dakota80/20 Key Info for North Dakota: Tax Deed State. Auction is held on the third Tuesday in November. I believe you can purchase Over the Counter as well, but be sure to check with the county in North Dakota you are curious about to solidify that information.


80/20 Key Info for Ohio: Both Tax Lien and Tax Deed State. Liens - 18% penalty, which is bid down in 1/4 percent increments. 1 year redemption period. Tax Lien sales not really open to individual investors. Deeds - Opening bid is amount due for liens, penalties, interest, foreclosure costs and sale cost.

Check with the county you are looking to invest in to learn more about their sales process’ and whether or not they have Over the Counter Deeds.

Oklahoma80/20 Key Info for Oklahoma: Tax Deed State. Resale Auction is held on the Second Monday in June. Minimum bid starts at 2/3 of the county assessed value of the property.

Remember: There can be gold nuggets anywhere. If you live in or close to Oklahoma, be sure to check it out and see if it can be of benefit to you.

Here is the Oklahoma County treasurer’s website to have a look at http://www.oklahomacounty.org/treasurer/default2.htm

Oregon80/20 Key Info for Oregon: Tax Deed State. Auctions held once a year and are open to the public. Cash or cashier’s check are accepted as payment. These sales are usually done by competitive bidding and its minimum bid is set at 80% of its assessed value.

Utah80/20 Key Info for Utah: Tax Deed State. Tax Sales are held in May. Utah is another one of those controversial states to invest in. The sale in Utah are for properties that are 5 years delinquent, which can mean they are run down, vacated, etc. This is where good research will help you, and bad research can bring you down.

There is a sketchy system where you bid on the percentage of the property itself. (Which to me makes NO sense, but regardless…)Be careful to know which county does what, and don’t get trapped by 5% of a property for all the back taxes owed. That would be bad. Don’t get too scared to not take action, but be cautious. There is gold, you just need to know where to look.


80/20 Key Info for Virginia: Tax Deed State. Properties bought are free of all liens. You will receive a warranty deed, which won’t need to be cleared.

Check out the county website, or call them for specifics on auction times, but they have annual auctions, as well as certain bigger counties that have them year round.


80/20 Key Info for Washington: Tax Deed State. Payment due immediately by cash, cashier’s check, certified check, or money order. No Redemption, apart from minors, or legally incompetent persons.

You can check out www.bid4assets.com for a couple of counties now in the online auction system.

Wisconsin80/20 Key Info for Wisconsin: Tax Deed State. Properties are sold at Market value, so there is no room for profit, or rather, not enough room to warrant you putting time and energy into researching and hoping for big profits. The chance of hitting a home run in Wisconsin is low.

Tax Liens Tax Liens are a great investment if you are looking to get high returns on your investments, and aren’t in a massive hurry to fuel the bank back up in a few months.

With Liens, there is always a wait period. You must wait till the owner of the property pays the liens, or the determined (by state) redemption period. Then you can take action on that Lien.

Where the big cash chunks come in, are when you purchase a lien on a house for 5-10k, and the owner doesn’t redeem, and you can foreclosure on that 100k house, and turn around and sell it way below market value and make incredible sums of profit on such a tiny investment.

While this doesn’t happen all the time, it can. And if you are persistent in purchasing Tax Liens, it will happen to you.

Side-note: Always check with the county with what actions are necessary to take in order to foreclose should you need to. It will vary by state, but it is good to know how the state you are investing in works.

Also, in regards to paying for Liens and Deeds at an auction, be sure to call ahead and talk to the tax collector (or whoever is in charge of that) about how you need to pay. I’ve included what I’ve learned below, but it is always good to double check.

And I’ll remind you, don’t worry :)

Tax Lien States

Alabama Louisiana Rhode Island

Arizona Maryland South Dakota

Colorado Mississippi Vermont

Illinois Missouri Wyoming

Iowa Nebraska

Kentucky New Jersey

Alabama80/20 Key Info for Alabama: Tax Lien State. 12% Interest rate with a 3 year redemption period. The cool thing about Alabama, is that you bring the un-redeemed lien into the county tax office, and simply “exchange” it for a deed to the property.

You are able to buy leftover liens “Over the Counter,” by using the Alabama State online form located here -> http://www.revenue.alabama.gov/advalorem/transcript/transcript.htmRemember: When purchasing anything online, you need to do you research and find out exactly what is going on with the property you are interested in: Location, Condition, Occupants, Assessed Value, Value of homes/property around it, etc. Do your due diligence, and you will reap the rewards.

Arizona80/20 Key Info for Arizona: Tax Lien State. 16% Interest Rate and the redemption period is 3 years. Payment must by the end of the day following the sale. Tax Lien sales are usually held in May or June but still may depend on the specific county. Auctions in this state are by competitive bidding.

Just as a reminder note, remember to check with each county on the actions necessary to foreclose on a Lien. It will be a similar process across the board, but with different labels.

Aside from having a 16% interest rate, most counties in Arizona have full parcels of land that are on sale for the whole year. You can get listings of these available parcels after the tax lien auctions in printouts or discs for $50 at the Client Services Department at the Treasurer’s Office.

Colorado80/20 Key Info for Colorado: Tax Lien State. 9% over prime. Redemption Period is 3 years. Be careful when bidding in Colorado, as there is some tricky premium bid stuff going on. I don’t want to get too deep into it here, but if you are interested in bidding in Colorado, contact the county, and inquire about how the premium bidding works. Also, air on the side of caution with your bids and determining your profit margin in Colorado. With the premium bidding, there will be less return due to fees and interest kept by the counties. This doesn’t mean it isn’t possible, it just means you should have better numbers crunched before you bid. There is always Gold!

If you are interested in bidding in Colorado’s online auctions, the counties are split. Some are listed over at www.realauction.com. There are others at www.sri-auctionsonline.com. Check it out.

Illinois80/20 Key Info for Illinois: Tax Lien State. You’ll need to register for the sale 10 days before the actual sale date. Interest rate is 24% on farm land and 36% for a full year on other types.

County tax sales in Illinois are held in November and the redemption period is 2 years. The online system used by Illinois is www.realauction.com. Be sure to check out which states and counties offer online Tax Auctions, and if it interests you, use it.

Iowa80/20 Key Info for Iowa: Tax Lien State. Maximum Interest Rate of 24% per year, with a 2 year redemption period. It has another funky system of bidding, where you bid down what percentage of the property you own. If the property redeems, this is fantastic, but if it doesn’t, there is a situation where you own part of the property and the homeowner does as well. Not all counties are like this, so be sure to check and find ones that aren’t and really cash in on those great interest rates. (And shorter redemption period.)

Kentucky80/20 Key Info for Kentucky: Tax Lien State. 12% per year with a redemption period of 1 year. Some of the counties in Kentucky have very unique bidding process’, so be sure to check in with the county you are looking to invest in, to create a strategy that will ensure your success in that area.

It is good to note that in a lot of Lien states, you must foreclose on a property, if it hasn’t been redeemed, within 10 years of the redemption period. Most investors will monitor that closely, and it would never get close to that time. And in Kentucky, when you try to foreclose, the judge could that the property go to a foreclosure

sale, which would mean you would receive the money you invested on the Lien. You just wouldn’t get to foreclose on the property. Weird, I know, but the way it is set up in Kentucky.

Louisiana80/20 Key Info for Louisiana: Tax Lien State. Interest Rates start off at 100%, then get bid down to a lowest of 1%. 3 year redemption period. Cash or check is accepted after the sale.

The owner must pay a 12% per year plus a 5% penalty on the lien.

Louisiana can be a great state to invest in, so be sure to check them out. They also have introduced online tax sales, and you can view it here: http://www.civicsource.com.

Maryland80/20 Key Info for Maryland: Interest rate of 6% to 24% and varies on each county. The redemption period could be 6 months up to 2 years as each of the counties have varied rules. The Tax Sales in Maryland mostly happen between May-June. Double check counties for dates.

There are a few major counties in Maryland that you should look into investing in: Baltimore City, Frederick County, Harford County, Howard County and Montgomery County are a few to start in.

Mississippi80/20 Key Info for Mississippi: Tax Lien State with a 18% per year interest rate. Redemption period is 2 years. Tax Sales happen on the last mondays of August. Cash, check, money order and cashier’s check can be used to pay.

Missouri80/20 Key Info for Missouri: Tax lien State. 10% Interest Rate. Redemption period is 1 year.

This ones a little more tricky. I pulled this from our website:

“In Missouri, the interest rate would be 10% on the penalties and taxes owed where a bidder can bid more based on how much you would pay for the actual property. However, the winner will not receive any interest on the overbid. Note that taxes paid will get someone to earn around 6% rather than 10%.The redemption period would be 1 year on the 1st and 2nd offerings while 90 days on the 3rd offerings. The tax lien certificate sales are always held in August, usually on the 4th Monday.Missouri also mixes tax lien and tax deed certificate sales in 1 sale every year. St. Louis has its own tax deed sales while Jackson County has 2 tax deed sales – 1 for the Eastern part and another for the Western.

All Tax Sales are through competitive bidding but one can only earn an interest on the taxes owed amount. If somehow the property owner does not redeem, one can then claim the property with his bid amount.”

I realize its a little confusing. But if you have more questions, give you local county a call, and they will help you clear it up. (Be sure to check out our best-selling training guide “The ABCs Of Tax Lien & Deed Investing” with the Bonus Tax Lien and Deed directories for numbers to 3300+ counties in the United States.)

Nebraska80/20 Key Info for Nebraska: Tax Lien State. 14% per year with a 3 year redemption period. All counties have their tax lien certificate sales in March.

Check with the local counties on how the bidding process’ work.

New Jersey

80/20 Key Info for New Jersey: Tax Lien State. 18% per year with a 2 year redemption period. There are also penalties involved, so your return could be higher.

Payments must be made after the sale with cash, certified funds, or money orders. New Jersey has a 10-day grace period where the property owner can redeem within 10 days. They also have over the counter liens. With OTC’s, you find a lot of properties that are less valuable, but it never hurts to see what is there.

Rhode Island80/20 Key Info for Rhode Island: Tax Lien/Deed State. This is another 100% interest rate bid down to 1% state.

The auctions are done by competitive bidding and buyers may bid partial ownership. This makes it a more tricky state to invest in, so be careful and don’t invest unless you are sure of what you are doing.

South Dakota80/20 Key Info for South Dakota: Tax Lien State. 12% a year interest rate with a 3 year redemption period.

Vermont80/20 Key Info for Vermont: Tax Lien State. 12% per year with a redemption period of 1 year. This isn’t a prime state to invest in, due to minimal delinquencies, as well as minimal properties going to a tax sale.

Again, if you live close, or are curious, call them up and see what they have to offer.

Wyoming80/20 Key Info for Wyoming: Tax Line State. 15% a year plus a 3% penalty. (Total of 18%) 4 year redemption period.

Wyoming uses a “draw from a hat” type bidding system, where essentially they draw a bidder number from a hat, and if you want that property it’s yours. If not, it is passed and another number is drawn till somebody wants it.

Day of sale payment is need in cash or certified funds. Check with the county you are interested in, as some of them are catching up and accepting credit cards and personal checks.

*$27 is For Digital Download. **Physical Version Pictured Below

Who Is Dustin Hahn?

Dustin Hahn is a highly requested Real Estate speaker and an authority on tax lien and tax deed investing. At the age of 19, Hahn began studying hidden tax sale techniques. Only two years later, he founded the “Ultimate Secrets of Real Estate” intensive training program as a way of sharing his creative and lucrative strategies with other real estate professionals who were interested in learning about tax lien investing. 

Today he teaches tax sale strategies to individuals from all educational and

professional backgrounds. People from all over the world have attended Dustin’s work shops and trainings seminars. Dustin Hahn International is one of very few companies who offer live in field tax sale trainings.

Dustin has taken many small groups of motivated clients to Live Tax Sales around the country and taught them how to buy property safely, and securely. Often attendees end up buying property at great deals during the training, others attend the program to get hands on experience under their belt.

Today, Dustin has a series of personally trained coaches that have auction trips running several times a year to Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania (to name a few), where the students get hands on training furthering their Real Estate Investing knowledge and solidifying their skills (and conquering their fears). This allows they to take what they’ve learned and become top investors, maximize their profits, and grab ahold of their time, lives and freedom once and for all.

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide! If there’s anything we can help with, please let us know.